Hey user, why haven't you backed Star Citizen yet?

Hey user, why haven't you backed Star Citizen yet?

No thanks, cultural marxists need to suffocate. Still seeing everyone else gobble this scams cock is hilarious.

Don't listen to this man, invest your money into another copy of Skyrim.

Any news from Scam Citizen?

I don't pay western vidya, who's this man?

i see the phrase "cultural marxist" has finally lost all meaning beyond being "someone I dislike"

I forgot this even existed. It's amazing how much crossover there is between buyers of videogames and sickos into financial domination.

They've passed $161million mark and Squadron 42 is delayed again.

Some guy that managed to extort fuckloads of shekels from furfags and Goons and made Derek Smart appear smart.

he is the upcoming savior of western mmos and games in general

explain. how is star citizen a furfag game?

It's leading the way, don't you know?

looks like a shop and even then like it's a slide for shock value taken out of context. post the talk its from or gtfo

tell me it's shopped


yfw it's real

Have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years?

I never wanted to see and hear these again, yet here I am

Chris Roberts isn't a marxist, he's a capitalist. He's selling an inferior or non-existent product based on a huge campaign of lies and misdirection - that's the best realistic scenario of the free market doing what it's designed to do.
The whole "speak with your wallet" and "bad businesses go out of business" memery are jewish tricks - the companies control the minds of the people through advertising, and thus the people have no willpower to decide not to buy.


this random tweet is the only source as far I remember


Hi Derek. Has your Chris cosplay fooled Sandy yet?


160 milions. That's 50% more than the founding given to a standard triple a game. You must be very incompetent and stupid to fuck up this badly. Or an epic scammer.

I did, you nigger.
I'm just glad I got my shekels back before it was too late.

He is pretending he is John Romero, taking a look at how Daikatana was developed, nodding and going "YES that's how you develop a game!"


"Cultural marxist" is a term which is similar to nazi in the context of Germany, that mysterious, alien race which WAS NOT GERMAN SHUTUP, evil nazis came to space, took over germany and killed 6 million jews.
It's promoted by faggots like Jordan Peterson who live in cognitive dissonance "m-m-muh judeochristian civilization" while also being angry about jews those pesky cultural marxists, where did the come from i ponder? dumping crosses in piss and semen and calling it "art"

Seems like leftypol woke up again.

Goal of free market is to amass capital allowing you to move to china and then pay 30 bugmen dollar per month
alternatively, other questions that lolberts don't have answer to
or an easier one

Stop calling them leftypol andstart calling them jews. You'll see they'll shut up.


one desperate interview makes it a furfag game? ok i guess.


Can you even Jew?

here's a question for you: how in the fuck is a guy fleecing people for a video game that will never be finished in any way "marxist"

That's the entire idea of marxism, fleecing retards, with ultimate marxist utopia being a literal concentration camp where everyone has UNIQUE number, but EQUAL clothing, food, accomodation, and job.

I love toddposting. It gets me every time.

That image has been around for a long fucking time, but apparently it didn't reach cuckchan. How does it feel to be this new to Holla Forums?

Go back.

they had some quality stuff at that talk


your power level is showing user
you cleearly haven't heard of this very old and extensively discussed set of images
just admit to yourself how green you are, shut up, and lurk more
make a positive experience out of this, instead of acting like a bitch

Pathetic fanboys need to be gassed.



How's weather in Tel-Aviv today, Moshe?

The slide in that fourth image looks like it was written by a retarded autistic child with no understanding of English.

You're retarded. Stop trying to justify your newfaggotry. If you don't know what an image or meme is, lurk more and you'll eventually learn. Sperging out like this is retarded.

This shit is so telling it's painful.

If you assume it was used correctly, it's pretty funny.

True, but I have my doubts that it's intentional given the rest of the drivel

All those empty seats makes me feel better

I came here to laugh at Star Citizen but now I'm left with nothing but disgust.

Do Americans not study history? How in the world is Marxism good for anyone or anything?

Question for you, how is he not?

The ones that study history on their own are the ones that are not foolish drones user. That counts for any country. Colleges in America are over ran by commies and kikes, what do you think what they "teach" their students?

There's really not been any news since the Con which is already hilarious enough.

Oh, they study it, but just like in any other Western country what they are taught is complete and utter bullshit meant to demoralize the white majority and prime the niggers and spics to hate them.

Go ask Holla Forums and watch as every reply is some variation of "true communism has never been tried before". It's just cult insanity. Anyone that has looked at the kind of life Marx led should be able to figure out that Jew was only an expert in how to fuck up.


Karl Mark t-shirts when?

As bad as Mark is he's nowhere near the fuckup Marx was. Just keep in mind this is who Holla Forums worships as their god and savior, whom they model their lives after.


The goal of anything is generally pure. The question is how does it work when humans, i.e. the definition of corruption and selfishness, try to implement it.

No system with noble goals remains noble once implemented. It's impossible for anything good to ever happen.


Prove me wrong.
List anything good that happened that was absolutely good for absolutely everyone in absolutely any situation.
Every event - starting with the big bang itself - only leads to misery.


Sometimes I miss being 17. But seriously, user, consider the fact that without the possibility for pain, failure and misery, life would be unbearable.

I…I already have


I don't want to come off as a faggot, but I'm going to exercise my skepticism and ask a question - how do we know this isn't fake? It certainly seems crazy enough to be 100% fake.

Where the fuck have you been for the last half a century?

Ignoring politics because I want to lead a life free of political cancer. But these pictures are concerning.

i see why everything feminists do is pants on head retarded

And then the fence shitter wonders why he gets the noose first.

Leftism is pretty much founded on denying reality as hard as they possibly can, and then starving to death when reality rears its ugly head.

And then you idiots wonder why nobody takes your opposition to the left seriously.

I sit on the fence because both sides lie and try to lure you to their camp. I prefer to be as independent as possible.

what the fuck ,is 3.0 not out yet?

Gargle on bleach and do everyone a favor.

kill yourself. This sort of behavior is why the left has taken over most popular websites while you Holla Forumsacks are stuck on anonymous imageboards.

what a shitty low-effort troll


Because he's using capitalism to scam them? Are you fucking retarded?
Marx gets people to elect others as rulers over them, giving them total control and power.
Scamming is scamming, fuck you guys are dumb.

How nu r u guys? Fucking Christ, these images have been passed around for 3+ years.
Also they're real.

It's fairly obvious that you're from somewhere like 4chan or Reddit, where these topics and events are forcibly kept out of public discussion.
You are now being presented with two choices. Ignoring them will make you automatically wrong, though sadly there is no way to enforce this upon you.

Option A: Return from whence you came, as you do not currently fit in here at all. It goes against common sense and politeness to barge into places that you don't belong and speak as though you're welcome.

Option B:
Lurk more. Shut the fuck up, don't post a single thing for at least the next year, and learn to fit in. No one here is obligated to assist you in figuring out how to fit in better with this group or learn the things that we already know through experience, that's up to you. In the end if you really don't fit in, well, there's always Option A.

Now choose one, faggot.

That is the worst use of bullet points but I can't find the words to explain why


Notice how the shills have completely disappeared from the board, leaving us only to argue about tangentially relevant things amongst ourselves. At this point even some of the true believers must be having doubts about their JPG collections.

I see you've chose neither. How unfortunate, another immigrant refusing to assimilate. Do what you want, but just remember that you'll never be welcome here.

Sunken cost fallacy will keep a lot of them defending the game, and likely pouring even more money, to the bitter end. Though, admittedly, the latest circus Roberts staged made a lot of people quite displeased. I still think the scam has two or three more years of life in it left.

It's like SJWs are complete failures at every aspect of life, or something.

A website is not a country, you fucking idiot


What lie? This shit came out during gamergate. We've know about this forever. This shit and the GJP are what spurred gamergate so far. Stop trying to blame political ideologies for your ignorance.

Are you implying that the entire internet was stuffed full of nazis until recently? Holla Forums's footprint has only grown in the last decade. You either have zero concept of history or are underage.

Is this the company that spent $60,000 on an espresso machine?


Nobody wants an idiot like you here, just like nobody wants you in real life. Stop being a retarded manchild and switch on your brain once in your sad, failed life.

You will never be welcome here you fucking nigger.

The new news in Shekel Yiddizen land this week is the Pioneer "game changer" JPEG which will cost $850, be released in a limited quantity, and be designed around gameplay that isn't implemented.
Also, the Nazis were right, we lost WW2 and progressive culture is the feel-good mental poison the Jews spread to ensure we fail to breed.

This, Hitler took 10 years (in a uphill battle, in a worse scenario) to get into power.

Reminder that anyone who posts "HURR STOP CARING ABOUT POLITICS I JUST WANT 2 PLAY MUH VIDYA UR ALL DUMD XD" is a cuckchan crossposter that mods for some reason do fuck all in keeping out.

Why the fuck is it taking so long?


What I don't understand is why they are so geared up to emptying peoples wallets, surely they reached more than enough money to make the game twice over when they got to $60mill let alone the $160mill they are on now.

I wouldn't mind so much if they actually had a good chunk of playable game there, but from what I see from youtube streamers all they do is dumb shit like trying to fit one ship into another (which usually kills the people and ships involved) or moving around a vending machine.

I watched the highlights of the gamescom show and what game they have is broken and buggy to the point I'd have been embarrassed to show it to the public if I was chris roberts. Is there any proof the rumors are true about Chris having somehow spent all of the money on redoing the same things over and over? $160mill is a huge amount for someone to burn though with so little to show.