Losing control?
What is your favorite video game where the main character is a loli?
Losing control?
What is your favorite video game where the main character is a loli?
First for ban all avatarfags.
Etrian odyseey on the count that most of the character portraits are lolis.
I don't play that shit.
can't go wrong with double dubs.
Anything except Hat in Time
I don't think I've played many games with a loli as the MC. I guess a hat in time? Or maybe disgaea?
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Getting burned out on my yugioh game. Trying to get new shit to play with without spending money takes forever so getting bored.
Double shift today. Finally installed The Fractured But Whole. Fun so far.
I don't play that shit bruv.
Just pirate vidya you broke, poor sperg.
I hope you pirated that.
Morning. Legs gotten even worse. Been sitting around all night. Going to be visiting the hospital tomorrow.
Pokemon I guess?
Just get a real Yugioh vidya game.
Why even?
How goes fam
But you practically avatarfag you know
Whats good in the hood monicas
How do I make the best of having two days off work in a row?
that's the trick. Don't post 3 images or more of one character, and technically, I'm not avatarfagging.
Spent all day playing EO5. Got to the 3rd strata. That 2nd boss was not as hard as the 1st though. I hope the 3rd strata is harder.
Play videogames, work out, go have dinner at a nice place like a sushi parlour or some shit.
Work today, dunno if I'm gonna be scrubbing floors again, but if I am I don't mind. It was a good break day.
Depends on how pissy the mods are that night really
But what game
Hope your leg isn't too bad. How'd it get worse?
We've been through this, no online
Elex, shadow of war, a hat in time, dungeons 3, Grim dawn. Guess which of those are actually good.
Was kinda worried pre-launch because (((UbiSanFran))), but the writing is pretty solid. Combat's decent too. Wish the environments were more destructible like TSOT, but that's the only problem I have so far.
Can't recall playing anything like that, unless you count games with kid protagonists where you have free choice of playing as a boy or a girl, like Pokemon or Avalon Code.
Binge on an animu or something?
Undertale since I can't think of another game with a youngling. How's everyone tonight?
Puyo Puyo Sun.
At least I was able to get my smash bros disc or I would have lost my shit. These fucking consoles are built to break early.
That doesn't matter.
It's shitty not picking a side crap tho.
How much more of the game is there after that?
I want a comfy janitor job I think. As long as its at night and not too disgusting it'd be fine.
A hat in time?
I dunno man, all my consoles still work.
Dungeons 3, hat, elex maybe if you enjoy piranhabytes' stuff.
Im on floor 12. There is 6 strata of 5 floors each with some secret floors. Usually the last 2 strata are bullshit hard. i can always replay the game with a different team.
How goes user
Just woke up from a nap, been napping before and after the thread each day. Kinda sucks.
How goes user
Are you going to miss your sister?
You don't matter
What's the best places for cheap and ok quality sushi?
Shadow of war?
How else are (((they))) going to get their shekels? Buy older stuff or make it yourself if you want quality. Just like in the days following the collapse of the soviet union where everything was shit quality.
It began as a big painful lump on the back of my knee, yesterday the pain and red spots travelled up the back of my thigh, and it's spread down to my calf today.
The yugioh games are largely shit, only one that was enjoyable for me was the one set during the war of the roses, and that's because my gramps is a York and cheered me on fighting the Lancasters
I found an ad for some guy selling some PS2 games. He said he might be able to meet up thursday or friday. It's the same one I posted last week. Are any of these any good? Yes I asked about these prices before, I just want your guys' opinions.
Ape Escape 2 - $20
Ape Escape 3 - $15
Arc The Lad - $5
Beyond Good & Evil - $5
Bully - $5
Chaos Legion - $10
Clock Tower 3 - $25
Dead To Rights - $5
Deus Ex - $5
Devil May Cry - $5
Disaster Report - $30
Dragon Quest VIII - $15
Drakhan - $5
Dynasty Warriors 4 - $5
Dynasty Warriors 5 - $5
Escape From Monkey Island - $10
Extermination - $5
Fatal Frame 2 - $35
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $10
Freedom Fighters - $5
God Hand - $50
God Of War - $5
God Of War II - $5
The Godfather - $5
Gran Turismo 3 - $5
GTA III - $5
GTA: Vice City - $5
GTA: San Andreas - $5
GTA: Vice City Stories - $5
Hot Shots Golf 3 - $5
Ico - $15
Jak & Daxter (no manual) - $5
Jak II - $5
Katamari Damacy - $15
Killer 7 - $10
Kingdom Hearts - $10
Madagascar (no manual) - $5
Manhunt - $10
Manhunt 2 - $10
The Mark Of Kri - $5
Max Payne 2 - $5
Maximo - $5
Megaman Anniversary Collection - $10
Mercenaries - $5
Metal Gear Solid 2 - $5
Metal Gear Solid 3 - $5
Midnight Club II - $5
Midnight Club III - $5
Okami - $25
Onimusha - $5
Onimusha 2 - $5
Onimusha 3 - $10
Primal - $5
Psychonauts - $10
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando - $5
Raw Danger - $25
Red Dead Revolver - $10
Resident Evil: Code Veronica - $5
Resident Evil 4 - $5
Run Like Hell - $5
Scarface - $5
Shadow Of The Colossus - $10
Socom - $5
Socom 2 - $5
Soul Calibur 2 - $5
Splinter Cell (no manual) - $5
SSX3 - $5
State Of Emergency - $5
Stuntman (no manual) - $5
Summoner - $5
Tenchu: Wrath Of Heaven - $10
The Thing - $5
Timesplitters 2 - $5
Twisted Metal Black - $5
Valkyrie Profile 2 - $20
Viewtiful Joe - $15
War Of The Monsters (no manual) - $20
WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain - $5
Yakuza (no manual) - $35
Yakuza 2 - $60
What is your budget?
I really wish my favorite strategy game wasn't such a prick when I try running it on my current OS. Like I gotta install all this extra shit to prop the game up and I'm just too lazy for that shit, man.
Around 4K right now. I don't have to worry about having now money anytime soon.
I'm alright. Had a usb drive fail on me (((randomly))) .
Janitors nowadays don't do shit besides basic cleaning. That's what the plumber is for now.
What's that?
More recent systems do seem designed more poorly, or at least to artificially stop working sooner than older, sturdier systems. Though, I should say that my Wii and even fat PS2 still work just fine. You going to replace the Wii?
Alright, aside from not really having much food in the house tonight. I'd make some sandwiches but we're about out of bread and buns.
Reminds me that some SCEA exec said something a while back about how he couldn't see why anyone would want to play games from older systems than current gen because in his opinion, what he'd seen them selling on the PSN looked like shit.
Can you not change the team at any time or something?
Could be just a rash
Get chaos legion, the gta's, the mgs's, soul calibur 2, and maybe okami
If the building looks really nice, it usually has shit food that's too expensive. If it looks alright and it has a buffet, it's usually pretty alright and you can get a lot of good stuff. If it's really small and also doubles as a chinese food restaurant, it's going to be fucking garbage.
Shadow of war is okay for the first bit, but it's really fucking tedious, requires a controller and the controls are really wonky most of the time because it's one of those
games with stealth, combo group combat and weird shit to do. They make up for this by giving you a fuckload of really nuts abilities that are fun to use, like using your wraith sprint to dash right up to a guy during stealth and shank the fucker without anyone being able to stop you since you're too fast.
don't you "meh" me nigger I'll fuckin videogames you.
You willing to get the whole lot or just some?
Gothic and Risen, namely.
You can but its a pain to grind up a fresh team.
I'm not interested in the whole lot, I just wanna see what's good. I don't wanna blow the whole load of money in one place.
What's your interest in genres to begin with?
A fair amount of that is too expensive if you ask me. God Hand, Yakuza 1 and 2 (I can still find the first for like $15-20 where I live). Ratchet and Clank's always good, but you ought to track down/play the first game before getting into 2.
How goes user
Now I just gotta find a place hiring I guess.
Nothing worse than being out of bread. My house was out for a week then when they got it they also bought a bunch of nice shit I asked for like mini pizzas and waffles so now I don't even need it. And it'll be out by the time I need it again AAAA
Ahhhhhhh well at least thats some replay value
I dont play games where the MC is a loli, but my favorite game character is Naked Snake/Big Boss
Tharja best
Naked Snake is shit.
Quick question: are you kung fu user?
Im on a phone so calculating a good haggle is hard, i'll figure it out tomorrow.
Well, EO5 has like 10 classes. I can usually replay games like this a few times.
Analyser might be fucked for good. Big bottle of tequila in the break room with lemon and salt possibly for that reason. It was fuck-this-shit o'clock at 3pm and I left early at quarter to five with a shot on my way out.
Good way to start a 4 day weekend.
Does Dragon's Dogma count?
How goes user
What else you do besides EO5 today?
Nope. People just called me lewd user because I posted porn.
I don't know how I feel. I just spent 2 hours catfishing some guy, but my shits and giggles actually turned into a decent conversation. I feel really bad about it, cause I kinda didn't tell him I was a dude, so he thought he was talking with a qt girl all night.
That's just like, your opinion man
Pretty k, I'm just relaxing right now, dont wanna play anything
From that list, id buy;
War of the roses was a war of succession to the English throne won by the Lancasters after warwick's betrayal. Or so I was told
Do tastes cause pain and massive bumps to form? Talking the size of a golf ball
The fuck kind of place you work where they let you drink?
You doing it for pay?
What you watching/listening to then?
Do you have a Wii, and does it still work? My first Wii didn't even last me half the console's lifespan. For reference, I still have a working PS2 that I've had for at least a decade.
No, she's still here. She just doesn't have the time now for Rune Factory binges I guess,
I don't feel like having another Nintendo home console at the moment but my sister is probably going to get a Wii U when she has the opportunity.
I'll do the math tomorrow. Im gonna get you all the good games at a reasonable price. Ive practiced my bartering.
So wait there was a British war based around a children's card game?
Yeah, mine still works and everything. I have not had a console die on me yet.
I could drive over to a 24 hour grocery store, but they only take cash.
If you don't live in the US, I can't say if those are that good a deal as it's not quite the same as comparing with local US prices. Do you not have any decent game stores out there, to the point you're stuck looking at craigslist or whatever?
Not him, but I'm still using the same Wii I've had for a long time. Probably since sometime in high school, so maybe 7-8 years at this point.
Have you tried stabbing them?
What about you user? Are you in college or something? Are you NEET while your sis goes off to college?
Didn't watch anything? Eat anything?
A hospital. The boss left early and the little boss said "I can't see anything" We went over the official rules and strictly speaking there's no alcohol allowed on the work premises so if I hung out the window I could drink as much as I liked.
Not at all. I was just bored and thought about fucking with some faggots trying to get their dick hard. It was pretty fucking funny at first, but then an actually cool guy comes and then I feel bad that because he felt like he actually connected with a chick. It's pretty fucking dumb, though. I don't even have to put on an act, I just say what I normally say and use a girl profile pic.
Lofi because its nice, you?
Ive been trying to get CM3D2 to work for days and i've given up
I don't live in the U.S and I'm a fucking leaf.
I had some philly cheese steak sandwhiches.
Im a simple man. I see EO, i play EO.
Your playstation can play us disks, right?
Yes, they fought over the crown with yugioh cards
Rashes not tastes. Autocorrect
Thats fucking hilarious. Lawsuit waiting to happen though
You'd be surprised the money you can make doing that.
Getting comfy to old 80s stuff I liked as a lad again
I have to always have 2 things going at once. Unless its a game thats really really fast or something then I'm watching something at the same time
I assume so. Canada and the U.S have the same region when it comes to games IIRC.
(((You))), fuck off.
You can get better deals bypassing the local kike and just trading with people directly.
That's weird it just works because you had a different picture.
Decided to come back here today. I really need to find something comfy to do during the evening. What vidya have you faggots been playing?
When the game gets slow i put on some bad fanfic readings to listen to, but the ost is so good i just cant.
This is the graveyard strata music. Its amazing.
I dont like 80s stuff too much
D-daddy insult me more
Hmm. I'd heard some anons in the past say how hard it could be to find decent games up in America's Hat, even as recent as with the DS. Still, it sounds like that guy's probably wanting to sell his stuff at whatever market value is there, especially for some of the harder to find games.
What about multimedia shops?
All NA systems and games should use NTSC-U/C.
Started Baten Kaitos a while back, but took an extended break because a friend had last week off. Trying to get back to getting around to it now; part of why I don't like taking a break for more than a day or two when I'm busy with something.
Order a copy of god hand off ebay. Its like 5-15. I have no idea why he is pricing it at fucking 50. Thats a ripoff.
And my buddy said I was dumb for thinking that women being able to connect with men in the future or as waifubots was a good idea, and lo and behold that's all that other faggot wanted. Men enjoy the company of other men most of the time anyway, but if women weren't completely fucking trash none of this would be a problem, and you wouldn't try so hard when you found what you thought was a decent one.
What's your favorite vidya game with a loli main character user?
If you live in Ontario I know a decent place in Kitchener that focuses on older generation games
In one of the extra games you learn spaghetti is her favorite food if I recall
been playing fate/extella
Been playing my yugioh mobile shit.
Got links to bad fanfics?
I love cheesy music a lot so 80s stuff is where its at.
I'm tempted to pull my last 50$ out of mine and close the account so I'll have baccy money
Ok ignore this. The price skyrocketed at some point. It used to be around 10 but now its 50. No idea why.
$50 is indeed too much, but it is NOT $5-15 anymore, even here in the US.
Hey! I live there!
Link? I'm curious
Scalpers. It's getting near christmas season so the fuckers are going at it.
I've literally chanted to kill all jews and that black people should all be murdered systematically in the site's public chat, and people still address and refer to me as a cute girl. I've never cammed once, and it still works, I had about 200 pms from different guys this time. I've even had one guy want to send me money over paypal, because it was his fetish to lose money to women apparently. I just laughed that off. It's remarkable how stupid those people are, but I've never exploited them for money.
The shit people write. I have no idea if its supposed to be ironic or not.
Maybe because people started to hear more good on it than IGN's 3/10 It's shit review over the years?
It's not in relation to Christmas, it's been climbing the last year or two.
I should have gotten a copy a few years ago.
What is it in euros?
Recettear of course. I am a jew you know. :^)
I had completely forgotten about that. Although I only really sperged out about it due to a joke between me and a friend regarding waifus and eating spaghetti. I miss that guy.
Oh, I guess I'm just unlucky then, Still feel uneasy about getting another one of these,
I'm going to be on autismbux soon. I think I was expecting my money card to come in around this time (fug banks) but there was something about life insurance that my mom had me do recently so I have no idea when it's coming in. I did a job interview recently but I was apparently too dumb for simple questions and failed.
I don't live in Ontario. I don't really want to say which part of Canada I live because I don't want people on imageboards knowing where I live.
Alright, now I don't know why the men you find are such betas. Is this the norm these days or something? I'm apparently really out of the loop.
Deus Ex. How are you old friend?
My morals say to not scam them but the offer is too good to pass up. I would have been so torn
Just get a cheap one. Its like 60 on ebay.
Was such a huge DM fan when I was like 14
Where were you doing this exactly?
It isn't. Thanks I'll watch after the thread
Fucking jelly as shit. What you buying with your first paycheck?
Here's one that's either so bad it's good, or intentionally ragging on the typical shitty fanfic writing style.
No idea, that site's for North American markets and I'm not a yuropoor.
Nice, I've got actual medical issues but keep getting denied NEETbux.
Naruto guy is also a favorite of mine. Its just interesting to see just how autistic people can be.
But why not? Then you can get drunk with a complete nobody if you know someone is in your city? Don't actually do it. It's a terrible idea.
Tired, frustrated and dying just a little bit on the inside. I'm more or less trying to drop vidya in favor of other hobbies but I've recently picked up Hat Furtress 2 again just to check out the newest update. Spoilers: It's going to be shit.
Fair enough. Though I've said where I live a few times in these threadswithout repercussion, I bet nobody here even remembers
It's a sad state of affairs when people are just begging to get their shit cucked up.
Only chan goers give a shit about that now. Otherwise it's youtube ecelebs and tv advertisers for the eternal normalfag.
(You) fuck off already.
pls be ok, and I hope you have fun with something soon. Nice Megumin.
Whenever im feeling depressed i listen to the entirety of sonic high school. Chapter 5 is the funnies fucking shit.
What do you think I am? A nerd or something??
Glad I'm not THAT autistic tbh
Wheres my (You)
someone draw me more shitty spider drawings of me, my ego needs more inflating tbh
Unfortunately, yes. this is how the common male is expected to act nowadays.
The site is called Chatavenue. It's an archaic piece of shit site that gets loads of traffic because guys want some virtual pussy to talk to. Though I say the hell away from the adult chat, that's where you'd want to go if you want to scam some losers out of their money.
It was also written in i think 2005, so whoever wrote that is an adult now.
You don't have very many options depending on where you are. Some notable ones are sport lockpicking, shooting, book-reading, whatever you do while working out e.g. running or some shit, pottery, drawing, or wood-crafting. And even then none of them really deny you playing vidya.
So men just bend over like that now, huh? Great. At least this confirms in my mind that it's not just women that are shit.
I suppose, but it's still on record as having gotten that low a mark from a major outlet, even if they did fire the guy that did the review and eventually put the game on their top 100 PS2 games (at spot 100, admittedly). I mean, someone's liable to go "3/10? What the hell?", read it, and just go "welp" and keep on ignoring it. But yeah, word of mouth over the years can certainly increase awareness and demand, something I think some of those eceleb faggots take advantage of to make money with. Though, God Hand having a PSN version, I'd think that physical copies wouldn't have readily climbed so high. Or is the PSN version a bad port or something?
Yes I will definitely avoid that part, thanks for the tip
You're not a cianigger robot, retard. If you are going to claim you are, then prove you've been shilling for years.
Really (you)?
Song is ok, not something I'd listen to by myself
yes I demand it tbh
Man, 10 years ago was 2007. Too much has changed in those years.
Love you too user. Be sure to buy my game.
I'm thinking about just going full autistic on dev time since I'm getting back into the swing of things. I have a few programs that might actually be really useful I want to make.
It's more that I'm losing interest in vidya. Need to take a bit of a break from it and it's a great time since there's nothing I'm really interesting in playing right now.
Also anything by oingo boingo
Makes you wonder how they feel about it now, twelve years later. Though, some autists just keep on trucking.
Ive listened to them a few times, they're ok
I'm gonna sleep, relaxed to the point where im passing out
Cya next time user
I aint going back to that shit. I was in the hospital around that time i think. That was toture.
If you are ever scouted by a (((shilling company))) for your shitposting abilities, then you need to run like hell away from wherever and however (((they))) contacted you.
Make it in rust.
don't remind me. I missed out on so much shit as an autistic child. My one dream is to see what my life could have been if I wasn't autistic, and live out that reality instead.
Im not feeling too well so im going to bed. Night.
This is one of the reasons I don't like myself that much.
I mean yeah, but then I have to go through the nightmare of getting pirated games to work all over again, and for all I know the console could only last a year at best.
I wanna say onahole but I should be moving by spring and I'm not clever enough to hide it. Probably a good USB SNES controller to help me play Puyo VS better.
That sucks. Sorry that I'm getting it even though you probably deserve it more, I'm just unnaturally lucky with that sort of thing.
The grass isn't greener on the other side. All normalfags tend to be empty and you wouldn't have been happy as an empty faggot surrounded by retards. I say this as an incredibly social person despite my positions. Accept your place as part of some higher caste or something that's been shunned.
Weren't you like 9? How long did you spend in a hospital then
Lets see in 2007 I was in my last year of highschool. I had a ton of bullshit easy classes where I sat around playing games on the computers all day. Was so nice.
I picture them throwing me in a van with the president on the other line saying they need me to stop an international threat.
What kind of things do you think you missed out on?
Lemme know when you do decide to get an onahole, can give tips.
Maybe if Mozilla paid me and fund my retirement.
I miss those days, and the ones prior as well. Everything seemed a lot more carefree, not just in my own personal life, but online too. Certainly a change in imageboard communities and quality.
Tried three times thus far and been rejected every time. Maybe they just don't want to give it to a FUCKING WHITE MALE when Paco, Jaunita, and their twenty-six vermin anchor babies are deemed to need it more.
That's where I'd hedge my bets too tbh.
a bunch of cartoons
a bunch of non-nintendo vidya
having a gf
being happy wtih who I am
Is this supposed to be some sort of meta humor? considering you are the botnet after all.
I'm surprised I had friends and a highschool sweetheart and all that looking back on it now tbh
the GF either would've been a whore who tried to cuck you, or a shallow, vapid individual who you couldn't connect with.
Just like, learn to accept urslef l m a o
I'd argue that a girlfriend is liable to be more trouble than it's worth in the CURRENT YEAR climate, but then again, it's not like I've ever had one. At least what money I do get goes to my own interests, and not REMEMBER THE ALIMONEY, or child support.
That's the thing. I could've had a GF before it became a waste of time and money to have one. Now all I need is my hand, my dick, and some porn.
m7 it's been shit for like 30 years. Probably more.
Will do, thanks.
Hey, I just thought about this, do you avatarfag as a spider because you're gay, so you'll probably catch a bug?
I guess being a ginger is diverse enough in that case.
More like 60
No problem, its always fun to talk onaholes
That's some impressive editing. But the crate of tomatoes gives it away as fake and gay.
Never go into debt. Never pay the alimony.
You're probably better off.
Here's your (you)
Actually it's more like 400.
The 1600s would be such a shitty time to live though
I don't know what I was baiting with but thanks I guess.
what's the best time period to live in, anyway?
That's what (((they))) want you to think. Sure you didn't have technology, but that was the exiting of the dark ages while there was still kings and no (((democracies))). The sky was the limit if you could figure it out yourself and put your strength into working the land. Not to mention the better, but lacking variety, food quality and beer. Oh and then there's that part about less whores.
Someone recommend me any and all games you can think of that are just *good*
Any platform, almost any genre.
Preferably combat-focused. Stories are always nice as well. I'm trying to build my emulator and PC library. I'm in the mood for something with some RPG elements.
Is that real?
Thats probably why she wants to live then
If I had to pick an era? I'd live early 1700s japan as a samurai. They got paid to sit around, get drunk, and bang whores all day.
why live
t bh
You'd probably get killed in no time at all if you were a samurai, Ritsu. although being a NEET samurai who fucks bitches doesn't sound too bad.
nah because I wanted to get over my fear of spiders and it stuck tbh
Megaman Legends, Kings field series
You could at last pick the 1700s and get some freedom. 1600s is literally being born and dying in the same square mile with no option for anything else.
See thats why I pick that time period. There were no big wars and only a few peasant rebellions they had to put down.
Yes archive.fo
Only if you are a normalfag ritsu. If you can figure stuff out and build it yourself you could just walk off into the woods and forage/hunt for food while building shit yourself.
Yeah right. The king would have your head for poaching as soon as you pulled that shit. Plus Europe was becoming increasingly deforested by that point. Its why lumber from the new world was such a great thing.
Why would you even stay near a king? Just keep going deeper into the vast unpopulated areas if you were stuck in europe. If you are going to be under a king, then it depends on the king.
"Just good" as in "slightly above average" or "good" as in actually good?
If you wanted that lifestyle you could do that today and still have modern tech though. Just go fuck off to alaska or something
going to bed. see you tomorrow.
Hindsight is 20/20. You wouldn't have known when the next big shitstorm was going to brew.
Cya next time lewd user
Yeah well I'm the pilot of the magic time machine so
Actually good.
Thank ye user
Yea, about that. You ever hear about some of the (((rothschilds))) living in alaska? I wonder (((why))) that is? pedofarms. Alaska's more dangerously survieled then the states if you don't go towards the south western part of the land. Plus, there's no growing season. You literally would have to hunt and forage to survive. No building a civilization with ease without growing food.
Of fucking course that's the conclusion you came to. No, I mean like slave colonies where (((pedoshits))) farm lolis like cattle. Just a guess though considering the recent turn of events.
What are you capable of emulating up through?
Let's say anything up till gamecube/ps2.
Don't make me smack you.
If you can run ps2 games you can run anything with how shitty the emulators for the ps2 are.
How can one get in on this business
Ain't into that kind of thing user
Ask the cianigger A.I. It would know.
Well yeah, pretty much. I've got a nice computer for once in my life and I wanna take advantage of it.
tb h
Speak the devils name and he shall appear.
u wot mate
are you that one paranoid boy who really likes spiders?