Why do people like this game? I'm 5 mins in and so far its about a girl taking photos of arthropods for money,
Why do people like this game? I'm 5 mins in and so far its about a girl taking photos of arthropods for money
On a scale of 1 to 10, how smart do you think that statement is?
You clearly don't belong here. I would say go to reddit but I don't think you belong there either.
Just tell me what you like about this shit game so I can decide to keep playing or not
I would say 4chan. There were a lot of these kinds of threads historically on 4/v/, and posters following others' opinions or completely unwilling to form their own.
Why do people like this game? I'm at the title screen and it looks like some gay ass shit.
You fucked up m8
Should have made a thread saying how great it is and then everyone would have told you all about it while saying how shit it is
Why do people like this game? I haven't decided what game it is i'm going to try yet but so far it seems pretty shit.
Got it in one, friend.
Stay away from Bayo. Play the JoJo fighting games, all the flair of Bayo with the homosexual undertones.
Why do people like this game? I'm looking at the cover in and so far its about a couple of posing lesbians,
It's a shit game anyway, mediocre everything.
I can do whatever the fuck I like, nigga
Holy shit I just checked ids you really are underage just stop playing and get out
Why is it so hard for Holla Forums to give a mature answer?
Try not asking like a laughable retard
Try killing yourself
Its a game with photography, combat, racing, stealth, upgrades, open world and a decent world. It does a lot of things well.
I got the flickering problem on the GOG version, turning off some of the graphic effects just slow the game down for some reason but remove the flickering.
Back to cuckchan faggot
Artsy cartoon game with female protag from a decade ago. it was uncommon, but playable. fags ate it up and the rest of us just ignored it. seriously, tho, it is pretty abysmal stealth gameplay and they just ripped off the PoP combat. poorly, I might add
Anyone got any porn to dump? I could use a fap.
How about you fuck off and play it instead of being such a chatty fagoff?
I played that game years ago on the GameCube. It got good reviews and people liked it, but I found it pretty boring. It's like playing an Aonuma Zelda game, minus the brand recognition. Every aspect of the game was pretty meh and I just got bored with it and gave up eventually. It didn't sell particularly well either, which is not surprising to me. Somewhat unrelated, but I felt similarly when it came to Okami as well.
ow the edge
How about you go and kill yourself instead, reddit menace?