4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite glitch in a game?

Other urls found in this thread:


The physics in skate 3. How did that game get released?

when a nigga press up gainst dat rok in sonic 1 n made da whole crib b shakin monica


I feel like you asked this before. The only glitches I like are the ones I exploit for gameplay purposes.

Money purposes.

No work today. Have to pay 149 bucks to get my phone fixed. No clue why I got insurance for it.

The entirety of Sonic '06.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Last year for xmas I asked for a couple big boxes of nipponese candy. This year I'm going to ask for some of those monthly crates of nip snacks instead so I get neat stuff for a few months. Anyone try any of those with nip candy?

Are neofag threads dead and what happen to the raid?
Also how is Brian holding up, last I checked the furfag was not killing himself.

Most of the glitches in Gen 1 pokemon.

No idea.

How goes user

Whats good in the hood monica

How'd they manage to jew you out with insurance?

Missingno was the coolest shit
How goes user

The missingo number glitch from pokemon red. How's everyone tonight?

It's still alive with the faggots too pussy to leave.

I still dont know what i want for christmas. Im getting the special edition of bubsy, but thats just because i dont have the money now. I might just ask for some stuff from the mil surplus.

Ate dinner at my aunts. Just been kinda bored lately.

Morning folks
Spent the weekend watching my Slavs win an assfaggots tournament, was pretty good. Need shift to finish so I can go play video games

One of the five million Pokemon glitches

I still don't understand the logistics of it. It's a lot cheaper than getting it repaired somewhere else. The ones I looked at wanted like 400 bucks.

Beat me to it! I change to the pokemon duplication glitch from pokemon emerald then.

How goes anons

I'm great. Another comfy day of nofam. Need to take more advantage of it though.
How goes user

Oh, i did order a magnesium fire starter to stick in my "oh fuck the world is ending" bag. Never hurts to have fire.

lol dis nigga getn cuckt by de jooooos

how da fuq a nigga sposed to kno how 2 pay taxes monica its da skools fault

world finna b aight mayne

It's still October why are we talking Christmas now?

Where do you work?

Might as well buy a new phone at that point.
What all you do today user?

How goes user

What kind milsurp stuff would you want?
I'm thinking about getting a ps4, some amazon giftcards, and this nipponese loot crate so far. I get spoiled every xmas, its great.

I just make my dad do my taxes tbh

work was more interesting than the last two days. Ended up striking a conversation with some coworkers, and we ended up discussing what the biggest vidya flop of 2017 was. We agreed it was ME:A by the end, with MvC:I as a close second.
Also I have tomorrow off. I'll probably buy some old vidya, some snacks, and I need to get a halloween costume for work tuesday.

I do nights at a gas station

Keeping busy i guess.

Because my mum asked for gift ideas. They start buying shit early because I get a lot of gifts every year.

ME:A feels like it came out forever ago. Figured it'd be last year.
What you going to costume as?

Doing what?

Everyone talks christmas around the end of october. walmarts are putting up christmas stuff around september now

If the world doesnt end on the 4th i would want a vest or maybe a really good knife. I could just look around since that tiny store is fucking packed and its the first place im going during the happening.

That's basically what Verizon's doing for 149. They send me a new phone, I go to the Verizon store and transfer all my shit over, and then I send the broken phone back within 15 days or I owe them 300 bucks.

Mowed lawns for money thank FUCK Broketober is almost over, played Odyssey.

Best glitch.

I don't know. I guess I'll find some cheap costume that would work at a call centre.

Just go as demi fiend since its just paint.

Oh I remember ya, hope you aren't shot.

Your mum needs to work on her timing.

idc what everyone thinks, they should at least wait till after Thanksgiving.

A bulletproof vest or like a fashion one?

Any suggestions of ps4 games to buy?

How goes user

Getting something big and cumbersome thats hard to sit in your cubicle with.

he do minez tho?

dafuq dis

Utility wise, either the particular instance of the cloning gltich in GSC that let you acquire all three starter Pokemon on the same trainer ID, or the ability to get to the Blackwater hoverboard course without actually getting into a race, and be able to spam the taunter at constantly respawning boxes to more easily afford a RYNO.

You gotta discuss christmas before thanksgiving because of black friday

Vest with alot of pockets.

I am genuinly curious because I was using some drugs/painkillers on Friday to Sunday. It's Monday in europoor land now. So what happen? Was their some lulz to be made or what?

I played a video game today but I forgot what it was. My competitive vidya venue is having a party today with L4D2, Mario Party and other games they don't usually have, so I'm pretty excited.

Cleaning shit, only got one or two things left to do before I'm donr everything. Gotta wipe down a fridge and sweep the parking lot and I can do fuck All until I'm shifted off

I'm Canadian, no funs allowed.
I've been robbed before though

I'm ok. Boring day of study as usual.

Insurance is a extortion scam by (((them))). It's almost always cheaper to repair yourself or to just directly pay someone for it to be repaired.

Yeah sure monica send over your bank info and shit

How goes user

Oh nice, can keep snacks and stuff in there

I am gonna have to gain just a little more weight since the belt i bought is still too big. The 4th is kinda terrifying.

I used to dress up but then I realized, I always look like a jerk no matter what.

Fuck Black Friday, do what Bill Burr says, and admit you can't afford it.

Why do you say that besides the gov fucking you over?

see my above response

I was at black friday last year. Not doing that shit again. If there is a personal hell its a continual black friday.

Why are you on painkillers?

Ohhhh nice. You mates with anyone there?

I'm going to try to reorganize my room and unpack my nippon stuff while my parents are away. Its going to suck. Hate cleaning

What did you learn user

Nothing will happen. Probably

Thats just silly. Might as well let them save a little money on some gifts so they can buy me even more

Yakuza 0, Kiwami, and 6, Gal*Gun: Double Peace, The Silver Case Remastered, can't think of other shit.

Nigger they wanted 400 bucks to repair it. This was a lot fucking cheaper.

will he take a oaf to follow a fiduciary standard monica?

The world won't end on the fourth silly.

What is it?

Fucking leafs get out REEEEE.

Why le epic emporer trump?

The government is doing a blackout training thing the same day so im getting prepared whether its a hoax or not.

From my understanding it's incredibly hard to get a permit in canuckistan. I know a couple of guys who have been trying to get them for upwards of 3 years

I should get around to organizing my room as well, but that's time I could otherwise spend doing things that don't suck

Not bad. Marathoned Diebuster with a friend last night. Cool show, if suffering some pacing issues (to be fair, it only had six episodes like its predecessor was).

Is Trump gonna get impeached?

Probably not.

Just there to get trampled and be too late.

It's bullshit consumerism that ruined the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now people don't give a shit about the best holiday of Thanksgiving.

I should get Kiwami for my birthday.

Permit for guns?

Are any of those comfy adventure games?

Nah we drain dat shiet


O wew thats spoopy. I'll be sure to get extra comf that day

My room is so fucking cluttered with all the random shit I own that its impossible to really fix it. I need like 4 shelves

There is no way he can be impeached legally. A coup on the other hand is possible

No. Its going to be some low level people indicted maybe manafort. Maybe even some dems
How goes user

I just like xmas because I get a lot of shit. I'm NEET with no money so its the only time of the year I can get nice things


This faggot gets it. Nothing is comfier than thanks giving.

I also need to get a clockwork watch incase of emp.

Here's your (you)'s for the night.
Ritsu are you the real ritsu? I have never seen him, EVER, post a trump meme.

favorite glitch is probably the glitch in timesplitters future perfect that let you stack tiles on top of each other in the mapmaker, let me make some strange maps I couldn't have made otherwise

It's to take the pain away but I'm using them to get high, so I'm fucked because in about 2 hours or so I'm going to train my muscles and I'm going to be so tender. I'm looking for a hock up so I can get more painkillers.

So what happen to the neofag threads? Was the raid on resetera any good?

Not really. They're still good tho.

Nigger I ain't Ritsu.

Question: recently two of the keys on my keyboard fell out, and when I was asking around about it, it turned out my laptop keyboard is one of the rarer kinds and costs $80 to replace. The keys won't fit back on no matter how hard I try, so would it be worth it to pay the money to replace it?

Ay yo, what games you play lately?

Why would you even need to know the time at that point

I posted a fair bit of Trump during the election days

How goes user

Stop all the drugs user

Thanksgiving's a bit of a pain for me, given it's usually rather close to my birthday, so in the past there's been people that are busy or out of town that I'd otherwise celebrate with. Usually have to wait until the weekend after.

smfh ctfu dis nigga new af thoooo gtfo monica ayyyyy

Fuck you!

I get that, but Thanksgiving gives you the best food.


Same for me with Halloween.

What kinds of games are they then?

Just buy a new laptop. Unless its a really nice one or something

Time to get a mechanical keyboard

So when its over i can tell time

Nope, I'm not the type of guy who makes friends easily (although I've mostly lost my spaghetti over the years).

I was able to do some wild out-of-boundary things on Metal Gear Solid 2 with the GameShark before the game would crash.

Who else is enjoying Odyssey?

My family makes the same food on both really so it doesn't matter

The only time I need to know is 4am and with an emp that won't matter so

You should try to user, might be good for you

i only b playn dis new game called group therapy n iz gay af monica but also pic related fam

I do plan on surviving the happening. Maybe i'll save a qt along the way and marry her after its all over

Ham for Christmas and Turkey for Thanksgiving, that's the only difference.

The Yakuza games are Yakuza games, G*G is a rail shooter with a pheremone gun and qt3.14 anime schoolgirls, Silver Case is a VN that Suda51 made.

Is galgun worth the money?

Ayyy ROB. Did your thread get banned?

That some kirby knock off or something? Looks fun though

I'll survive most likely. I got enough crazy in me to stumble my way to freedom

We make both ham and turkey on both xmas and thanksgiving

I don't like any of those genres user

Well fuck you then.



I'll start up 4am on the internet used by the rebels user, don't worry

There's a few PS2 games that I saw that I'm interested in. What are some reasonable prices for the original DMC, SoTC, and Sonic Mega Collection Plus?

You best install GNUnet and TOR then.

I wish I had that.

I just realized im gonna be at church during the 4th. I hope i can get home safely to get my bag then bail. The church is within walking distance anyway.

It'll be super comfy

I've got TOR. Isn't it basically a big honeypot botnet though?

Its nice. Though I'm not a big fan of ham. Some dark meat turkey though is the best.

Churches will be the first places wiped out. RIP

Reminds me of one time I suggest to my parents that we should visit our relatives in america so we could have two thanksgivings in one year.

Goddamn canuck don't spoil yourself.

I'm the opposite it seems.

Yes, but once the internet goes down it is the future of webbrowsing along with GNUnet for dns-less servers you can use a webbrowser on.


Ham just doesn't go good with the stuffing/gravy combo the way that turkey does

Thats true I guess.

If you live in a comfy rural town you'll be fine anyway

You mean a thread that I did earlier? or R.O.B. threads in general?

If you mean the latter, they're not banned, but I was asked several months ago to stop making them because they were drawing a bunch of heat. This was around the time moderation was cracking down on Rabbit Rabbit threads and a bunch of other things and people were accusing mods of being preferential towards ROB threads. Shortly thereafter, I've just sort of lost all creative drive for them.

Five years is a long time to do recurring threads on an image board. It might be time to retire them for good.

Why would they go for the church buildings first? Why wouldn't they go for the super markets and such?

Skill breaking ones

I live in a small city filled to the brim with churches. There is like 20 of them.

To wipe out the conservative whites

I like turkey too much.

I disagree, but it's not something to fight over. You don't have shit taste on food.

I like it too, just ham better.

Good fucking taste. there better be a nude version of that

There's everything but a nude version. Sorry.

Is this ritsu chan a retard that simply takes over every single 4am thread because he is a massive faggot and likes to think he is e famous or some shit?

I probably will. I don't really know why but people seem to really like me IRL.

I'm a burger and it took me less than 60 days to get it.

do you habe any nude parasoul?

I'm only on year 2 of 4am threads, can't see myself stopping anytime soon.

And some user came in here bitching about how your threads were gone and ours was allowed so just wondered.

Maybe yours will be hit last then

How goes user

Cranberry sauce from a can or homemade?


From a can, we're a lazy family.

He is a eceleb (you) fag.

Its in the center so i dont know if they will start on the outside or on the inside.


Closest thing I got is this.

I like to steal my sisters socks and cum in them.. and I'm all out of socks.

A bit of both

Then do just do it user. Could end up making a best friend whos just like you, never know.

Canned is the only right answer anyway


Good enough.

Fucking confused, have you ever had someone ask what a cunt looks like because I did.

I would do my hardest to protect the people there though. Im not heartless enough to just abandon them.

Ecelebs make money.

Anyone who does anything for free on this site are hardly anything, let alone ecelebs.

This girl is so fucking ugly
Stop posting her

Ritsu get's paid in (you)'s.

Oh man, I wish I had a pic just so I can spam you it.

Say that to my face and see what happens

Um what did you ask exactly and why

You are so dead user. I'd do the exact opposite and thats why I'd survive

ooolalalalal monica

sumn lik dat but he also a hero

This is what gets you into heaven.

I got asked that question. The only thing I could really say was grab a mirror to the response was there is too much hair.

Even if I were religious, I wouldn't be getting into heaven anyhow user

I wish (you) would stop spamming (you)'s in all the wrong places too. But that won't happen will it?

Tbh im probably not either but im gonna try

I wanna get back into fighting games again but I've lost the drive to play them unless it's tekken on some cheap $5 fightpad I got a long time ago. I'm starting to think I should just buy a fightstick like I wanted to a long time ago.

Are you drunk?

What are your sins user?

Do it. Get a custom one with qt animus on it

OK, I'll try.

wut b stoppin u tho family?

Way too much masturbating. I think thats about it.

No, I am just confused over that. I swear the neighbor is a little too naive on some subjects.

One of the keys on my keyboard I use for movement popped off, and I can't find a decent way to adjust my control setup.



Ganbatte user

Thats it? You've lived a boring life fam

Is it a kid or something?

Oh shit you aren't a robot. My bad.

Kinda is fam

I stay inside all day playing vidya. The craziest shit ive done is talk a bunch of shit to russians and peruvians in dota 2.

hey cunts


Some chick who was left out innawoods ages ago. Probably early 20's at best, probably knows more about prospecting that anyone could ever want to know and according to her the bottom of my pond might be covered in good paydirt.

>what is 1 corinthians 6:16, what is it not being in the list of sex sins of leviticus 18

what if I already use ASD for punches and ZXC for kicks?

get a stik nigga u broke or sumn even dmx got a stik i ain't broke but i got a lotta money tied up in uh…escrow n shit monica

Go bang a hooker or married woman

How goes user

What could be in your pond worth money?

So my excessive masturbaiting isnt a sin techincally?

If i were to abandon god i would totally find some hot milfs and fuck them. I was Looking at myself in the mirror and im actually fairly attractive so it wouldnt be hard at all.


going well, I managed to successfully bake a soufflé and also probably found another place to live

Do it now before its too late fam

Isn't gold only in rivers and shit?

No it isn't. Don't abandon Him though. Don't forget about 1 corinthians 14:26 either.

Where you living now?
What really is a soffle? I know the word but no clue what it is? A big bubble?

Not if it got into the pound from rainwater. Luck fucker.

How do you think gold gets to the river? Comes from creeks off of the mountains. My pond is an artificial one with a dam.

Im only 19 and i look 15 so im fine for a good 7 or 8 years.

Maybe i'll stop using porn then. is that a sin?

Gold ain't in rain either

Is there anyway to sift it from the dirt at that point though?

Not if the war start next sunday

what war?

Civil war on the 4th

me on da ryt

I need to fix one of the turbines so draining it is a very real possibility give how winter is pretty much here in the inflow isn't gonna be insane.

user I can just filter you at that point, you sad faggot

Read James 1:14, romans 7:7, exodus 20:17, james 1:15, ephesians 2:3, acts 20:33-34, 2 timothy 2:4, and galatians 5:17.

I'm still living in the same shitty share house as this annoying gook, looks like I might be able to move into accommodation affiliated with the school I'm going to, starting next year after my 3 weeks holiday from work

Whatever shit they've been rambling about all week

Turbines? Do you have a hydro electic generator or some shit?

Saturday. But whatever, if i find a pure or somewhat pure qt while surviving i'll fool around since an american civil war is the end of the western world anyway.

Your cooking school has housing? Fancy.
How much you paying for this shit

She'll just slow you down. This is why you'll die and I'll survive

Yeah, and a bunch of batteries. Only lines I have are buried internet/phone lines.

Trust me, pure women don't exist anymore. That's why I stick with my porn.

Niiiice. Are you the goy over in NC with the big farm and the old tractor?

Also a Soufflé is a french desert known for being very particular and I nailed it
I still fucked up an Anglaise Which is a custard like sauce which is often used in Ice Cream twice and almost a 3rd time

I was kidding about the milf part

It will be like RE and i can tell her to hide in dumpsters where she belongs when i want to.

i heard u gotta b precise af 2 get dat shit 2 rise n not b all fugly n shit monica but it ain't hollow in side is it?

u jus gotta find a pure bitch of goryo descent monica

I'm the sorry asshole with 600 acres of fucking pristine woodland.

What make it so particular?

I'm going to have a Ritsu fig around my neck and thats all I'll need

I would rather have something i can hug when cuddling around the fire.

Well I'm just doing a course at a Trade School in a decently large network of them in my city
Also I'd be paying $180 a week which is $10 a week more but I figure I'll save a nice amount on petrol that it'll really cost the same if not less especially seeing as I won't have to pay for other peoples electricity bills

Lucky SOB. Consider me jelly

Can I come live on it?

Thats what the quick inflatable daki is for.

The fuck

It's airy, and collapses a bit as soon as you start digging at it, though mine didn't have flour

You have to get every step right or it won't raise and it's got the same issue with Anglaise that if you're not careful you'll scramble the eggs and some homos probably don't whisk the egg whites enough which is probably important in helping it rise

I want a wife that I can go on adventures together with, but that's impossible nowadays.

Dakis arent warm and they cant say "i love you" and mean it

Is paying by the week not common in America, Granted I pay by the fortnight with a weekly rate

Its like you want to be a widower.

I dunno, mine did
I actually don't own a daki

Injuns lurks them woods or at least did.

No, maybe if shtf and I set up something.

I know, I want a qt wife who'd help me run a good fish and chip shop in a small town

I'm starving and you aren't helping user

Its usually monthly here

You should start up a NEET rehabilitation farm

I couldn't find my moot on /aus/ shitposters for you. Tis too bad.

Naw, the Russians would work you to death.

They cant produce children no artificial wombs wont exist during the civil war

You are russian?
Did you hack the election?

This is why you'll die and I'll survive

I also made apple fritters

What is wrong with Australia Other than Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra which I don't consider to be part of Australia

9 months in i think i would have a nice stable base/home set up.

I have a theory that Russia hacked the election in favour of the Democrats

That could be possible. I want to believe that the russians did nothing.

No, No.

Did you make a good sauce for those? Need a good sauce

Still have to drag a pregnant woman around and try to get her to survive childbirth

But obama said that nobody could hack the election

Why do people keep on insisting Russians hacked the election anyway? It's been almost a year now, you'd think they'd just accept that Trump is president by now.


Im a relatively strong man so i should be able to protect her.

Found it.

Its all they have for attempting to impeach trump. Of course it all falling apart.

Liberal and the left are idiots on a level you can't comprehend.

And thus user died trying to save a bitch bleeding out.

Are you strong enough to deflect bullets?

They will never accept it. They riled up the crazies too much

If we run reallty faraway from the populated centers we wont get shot

Im going to atleast try

Rural folk might have other plans.

Maybe i could find some farm in the middle of nowhere to live on.

This tbh

You think we'll just let you carpetbaggers come to our land?

I dont look like a clown so i think i'll be fine

I had Cinnamon sugar on them, they were pretty good>>13697148
I honestly find the fact that it seems the DNC paid either Russia or 4chan for that Dossier extremly funny

what's your favorite fetish, 4 am?

Im heading to bed. Night.


see you tomorrow.

not bad.

Nurturing dom

Cya next time fam

Probably girls and food

I need to get dinner soon


The kind where I can't walk properly after fun in the futon.


Baby making with handholding you degenerate fuck.

isn't it 5am in america, shouldn't you be having breakfast


Not when I woke up at like 2pm yesterday
Meals aren't based on time of day, but what order you eat them.


I think I'm gonna go to bed. See you guys next thread.

Cya next time fam

Nah they're at the time you eat them, often the first meal of my day is Lunch