Neogaf is Burning Down

Head of Gaf accused of sexual misconduct (again).
Snowflakes (including mods) are jumping ship.

Press F to piss on grave.

still making this thread despite existing thread because it was garbage with no sources

Other urls found in this thread:é_of_tyler_evilore_malkas/doohvir/

I don't know quite why, but I really hate forum posters. Maybe it's because I think they're all just begging for attention and will do whatever they can to be the most visible faggot on any given thread.
Or maybe I just hate forum posters because I've been anonymous almost all my life.


fuck off neofag

Apparently they are migrating to the VICE forums of all places


I'm surprised that GAF hasn't burned down before now. How do they have any community left?

I saw, it's hilarious.

I never got to finding out, but is Mamabliss a he or a she?

Is it time to raid them lads?

Sorry for doubleposting, but I just noticed that the girl's post on facebook contained the following:

Are we really going to believe what this cunt says? She is the type that thinks catcalls is 'harassment'

Honestly people who post on fourms should all be hung on the day of the rope.


Probably a he.

You know what I find most fascinating?
All of this has started with Winstein. Now maybe it's just me, but I wasn't remotely surprised. Didn't everyone know Hollywood, the music industry, the idols in Japan, the tv stuff in Korea, all of them. Every big industry had this shit where it was a large brothel for the rich and powerful producers?
Like, how to all of this get so much attention when it was (to me) common knowledge, that everything was corrupt.

If this keeps happening I can't wait until people find out what HW REALLY gets up too. Winestein is small time, but if this is the reaction from just him, I want to see Schneider exposed.

I just don't get how people duidn't know that HW was fucked. But it's an amazing train wreck, I am just disappointed it's not a total cascade of directors, producers, celebrities and so on being outed.

Maybe she got unlucky, but yeah that sounds like bullshit.

So what's going on and why now? I thought Evilore's degeneracy was known for a while now.


From one shithole to another

From what I recall you had to register on the site with a private or or school email. Scary to think how the the mods could have used any personal info associated with such emails.

Honestly we're the only community completely immune to this shit.

There's literally no way to destroy us, we're more durable that literally any modern institution.

Does not matter. They sowed the wind, let them reap the whirlwind.


No. We're going to laugh at Neogaf's hysteria.

I don't believe every cunt who is throwing around accusations in Hollywood right now, but I like watching it burn. Same story here.

Its easier than you think, they just have to namedrop us on cuckchan and leddit when they get censored and we get tons of rapefugees dragging down quality until most of the oldfags leave
its what happened to 8/pol/

this is the first i've heard of it.
Pray tell, what goes on in Japan? I thought they smarter than that?
Please tell me the idolmaster and Love Live girls are safe from this

Yes, the fire rises.

They're clearly arguing behind the scenes are eating eat other. This mod just got banned.

Normally no, but this is the goblin in question.

Japan is probably the WORST for this shit, user. Nip otakus are obsessed with "purity", so even admitting you were taken advantage of is career suicide. Doesn't matter the cause, just having no hymen is enough to lose any job you had or will ever have.

It's not humanly possible, unless she counts people making brief eye contact as they pass her as harassment.
I bet she's a fat ugly tattoo'd and pierced whale with danger hair, too.

If a girl is a famous actress or singer, chances are she got there by allowing herself to be used by producers, talent agents, or executives. This is especially true in Hollywood but also applies to media in other countries like South Korea and Japan.

"Listen and believe" and "catcalling is rape" is the standard neofag uses so I don't see a reason not to hold them to it.

Also Evilore has a history of sexual harassment.

Yeah I'm not really buying her story, she's the type that sees rape wherever she looks. Still, I find it pretty funny (and telling) that the site starts melting down and mods leave in droves over one random Facebook post.

Let's roll.

"He who sleep with baby wake covered in pee"

All Japanese Gravure and AV, as well as almost all video TV and video game companies are owned and operated entirely by Yakuza.

Thread theme

the fire rises

It's called poetic justice, and it's always pleasant to look at.

Yeah, you've got a point. God, I knew this was crazy in Hollywood, but to hear it's worse in Japan and Korea really gets to me.
Why the fuck is this so common?! The females in Hollywood I don't care too much for since they're mostly liberals anyway, but those japs gotta stop eating so much soy and man up like their black & white movie protagonists.

Ex idols who went straight into porn after leaving said it happens. There was a suicide of a star in some Korean show.

Honestly you don't think it happens in Japan? It's the idol INDUSTRY, the girls are products and marketed as such, their success depends on their producers.

It's not about immunity, it's that
It's a matter of, how the fuck didn't people know about this? Yet here and 4chan have been calling it for YEARS.

I remember when I modded a few forums. I was just a name on a screen.

Even as a child, I knew better than to tie my online presence with real life. Why are people so retarded now?

They're believing, alright.

Oh, cool. Now we're going to have a bunch of NeoFAGs shitting up other places.

The containment has failed. Prepare for impact.


No, forums are generally pretty damn swarmed by attention whores. The reason for it is two-fold, the first is the association with an identity which I don't really need to explain and the second is to do with how forums are structured in general. In theory forums are fairly well-designed with something for everyone, in practice you have so strongly segmented everything that the whole thing is just begging for circlejerk behaviour. I know that ease of entry is often more detrimental to the community than it helps but in this case you filter out so many people potentially interested in getting invovled by having layers upon layers upon layers of subdivisions that very few people would ever want to go through the bullshit over longer periods of time. Imageboards are lightyears ahead of almost every single forum for this very reason despite being a more recent invention, you can quickly get to what you are looking for and posting is far simpler. To make a thread over here all you have to do is type words in the box at the top of the page and press New Thread, it results in massive amounts of garbage but at least it permits for a large enough population to prevent the type of circlejerk that plagues forums. Although Reddit is cancer as a result of upvoting and identities in general, it still manages to occasionally overcome it for this very reason.

Because they never talk about this in their circles user, and if they do is to mock it as "yet another right wing wacko conspiracy".


They only care about things when they are trending subjects and the info comes from the "right" places, like a facebook post from a woman or reddit posts with many upboats.
Its still funny to me how even now Neogaf still believes itself to be important or influental to the industry when everyone knows them as sony fanboys and mocks them for the fact that there were ads of companies looking to hire people to shill for sony, on their own website. And they somehow didnt take the hint.

Yeah that's the thing I'm worried about mainly.. though I doubt they'd come straight to Holla Forums. We're probably their biggest boogeyman after all.


Let's hope SA is next.

Is he talking about the same child molester that's raising his kids?

Yakuza are pretty decent people when compared to any other mafia organisations around the world.

Bully them into submission.

The most that normalfags are normally aware of is some random celebrity abusing drugs or having some sex scandal. But these are strange days, and the mindless masses are more mindful than ever before. I still haven't forgotten when SOPA/PIPA went down, and they noticed ACTA entirely on their own initiative.
It's good news in my book. The more aware the masses are, the more they notice how bad things are getting, the less power the (((state))) has over them.


That's a pretty neat idea, we could try to get both groups of spergs fight it out amongst each other for no reason.


Are you really this much of a weeb?


I'll also press F again to shit on their grave


Are you really this much of an ignorant normalfag?

The Yakuza games are not representative of actual Yakuza dipshit

Please tell me in what capacity they are better?

This is your mind on anime kids


Fucking lord, they're a parody of themselves at this point

No, not really. During the Soviet Union in some cases military bases formed their own sort of local mafia, whereby they would enforce their own rules and help people out in exchange for favours, which they did under the nose of their superiors and law enforcement. Unlike the Yakuza they didn't really make it a goal to murder people they didn't like, nor did they torture or kidnap people.

Russia/GG stronk

like clockwork

Did we kill them, or is it just on my end?


It keeps happening!
temporary hiccup, not there yet


user, all mafia organizations, whether they be Russian, Italian, or Japanese are full of fucking scumbags. Why do you think they are called a 'mafia'? Wish a nuke would solve Japan's problem but it would most likely just make it worse.

We didn't start the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning.

You disgust me user


With the admin/loyal mods banning and deleting threads as fast as they can, most of the userbase will splinter, unable to organize long enough to designate their destination. Tards will scatter off to other already-pozzed niches like vidya "journalist" forums and SA. The mere mention of 'chan' is poison to them. They even consider fucking reddit to be (((problematic))).
A large, organized group that was actively doing their best to shit up vidya and bully the few good devs left has been hopelessly dissolved today, lads. It's a good day for video games.

I get a feeling that they will create totally not GAF and flock there.


Do we have to double down on shitposting so they don't even think about coming here?

Dance party?

what the fug


Nigger they are fucking FRIGHTENED to even type Holla Forums on their browser.

As long as we type vaguely right-winged stuff, we should be fine

Isn't that what we always do?

Are these mods secretly shills trying to undermine the site deliberately or are they just that retarded?

Did Christmas come early again?

Let them come. It's entirely fine. It's even important we house neofags here… specifically because they'll have only two solutions : leave, or adapt
Either they can't bear to read "nigger" and "retard" every two sentences, and then they'll have to leave the place in tears, which, in short, means who cares; or they'll find themselves liking it, and enjoying the mentality and philosophy of our imageboards.
Let us mold them into people we may find less abhorrent than they used to be

Dance time?

Is this seriously the first time you've seen that?

That tends to especially be the case for any mafia that has control internationally or for large areas within their own country. Being charitable gives you next to no power or influence whatsoever so it ends up being nigh impossible to both expand and be good.

Even reddit is too much for some of them, we dont have to do anything and we already mostly do that shit anyway

I honestly wonder where the Neofaggots will end up. That place is widely regarded as one of the most censorious hugboxes on the net and the only reason why someone would endure that shithole is for "exclusive access to devs" aka getting to talk to PR shills.

All of this come through the death of the mainstream media, before the rich and powerful controlled all media, now we have the internet, truth spreads way too fast to be censored

I'm sure cancer is better than HIV. Doesn't make it good.

Do they really own that much?
Why isn't the government doing anything? Does the emperor like the idea of losing his throne?



As mentioned above, probably SA or some other random 'jounalist'-friendly forum. Even Reddit is too extreme for a good number of them.

Can't decide if I should direct them to leftypol or not, that board full of trannies would probably like gaffers

Google, FB, Twitter and YouTube control everything. Hardly free information.

Gab, Minds, Bitchute
You are still living in 2010

>trying to make (one of) the most cancerous board on the site even worse
no thanks

Watching all of these Liberal Arts majors eat each other alive is the stuff of dreams.

Search Gabai in the jewish dictionary

I didn't know Christmas came before halloween this year

Found this on twitter, no real source but would be hilarious and big if true

go to bed Holla Forums


This timeline is the best timeline ever. Thank god I am alive to see this moment. This is for every dev you scared away from videogames, this is for every time you defended the business practices of the shitheads that paid your bills, this is for every single iota of cancer you've infected my hobby with.

Fuck you Neogaf


Holla Forums is Holla Forums for games you damn CIA nigger

Bet the new mods will be 10 times worse in sucking Sony off.

Hmmm, I wonder who is behind this post?





Gab was getting ass fucked by Google last I checked.

It's hard to believe that this day has come, any more salt?

user, you should know that it always gets worse but in this case it gets better and better

It is pretty relevant though, since they not too long ago censored people for having the wrong opinions in order to get those shekels from sponsors and advertisers. It resulted in a shitstorm on the site that caused the owner of the site to go back on it but don't think that it will be any different. By going to a different site you really are going back to 2010 but the thing is that you are only delaying the inevitable that brought you to leave in the first place.

lowtax might a sudden increase in new tenbux accounts after all?

Go gome youtube cancer.


I wouldn't say that, but rather that Holla Forums is Holla Forumschan instead.

Good riddance

I don't know the context but it's true. I actually faced some street-level yakuza guys and they're polite if you don't mess with them. They even explain stuff if you're a foreigner, shit like that. They are much nastier to each other, though.

Gangsters where I live will beat the shit out of you first, ask question later.


Yeah, I'm definitely not worried about Holla Forums. I just don't want their filth spreading across the internet, unimpeded.

Operation bully the nerds begins today.

Hey man, I partied with those sorts once. Compared to the shit you see in America/Europe they're tame.

Now "GAFers" are pretending like they've always hated the site and can't wait for it to burn to the ground LOL

The last time I checked, they were planning on heading to Waypoint's forums.

And /cuteboys/ is Holla Forums but with faggots, oh wait, that's still Holla Forums.

YIDF go home

That's not really saying anything. I've made friends with one or two spics who were Latin Kings and they were nice to me, but I don't go around saying the LK were nice people.

Really, dude? This guy wants to talk shit?



You aren't fooling anyone Kazuma Kiryu.


I've had Mexican thugs dealing coke not shanking me because I wasn't a Burger, whats your fucking point?


Most of the mods are gone and they're now free to truly speak out. It's like how a kid really acts when their parents leave for work.

Yeah it has some crumbs of garden variety 3dpd shit in it. At least it's destroying something that deserves this time.

This fucking drama is impossible to follow, do I just camp reddit or twitter for the next habbening?

We waiting on the rapist himself to make a statement now?

I remember, before Halfchan existed, SA was the place where trolls would meet to organize raids. They even had Helldump, a forum dedicated to doxing and ruining people's lives. And now Richard Kyanka is pretending to be a warrior of justice, lol. What a fag.

The Cathedral of женоненавистничество strikes again

It's possible that a lot of them really did but never spoke out because they would get banned for it. When running a site with Nork-tier censorship it would be a good idea not to let that grip on the narrative slip otherwise you are fucked.


What did you say to upset him?

People should contact the rest of the active mods and ask them to resign over evillore's irredeemable sexual misconduct because if they don't resign then that means they condone it






The LOL threads will be going on for months at this rate



Oh this just keeps on giving.

Alright people, let' see whos next on the chopping block,name a website and if your post ends on dubs it will die. I nominate tumblr

This shit is great

archive please

I would love to see news articles "Neofags kill themselves after cult website shuts down:



Wow, it's like two presents in one week!

start compiling GAF bunkers

are you a goon





What's his name again, Holla Forums? Nick will burn when he goes down

Holla Forums for meme reasons
Fuck I hope I don't get trips


Nothing of value, as they say.



Archives niggers, this shit needs

please use

We'll kill them without it

How thin-skinned can these people be? I unironically can't - even -

KiA has been following and archiving but the site keeps going downé_of_tyler_evilore_malkas/doohvir/

gib dubs!




You're going to love this, trust me. What you're seeing now is my normal state. This is a campus rape panic. And this, this is what is known as a campus rape panic that has ascended past a campus rape panic. Or you could just call this a hollywood rape panic 2.
Hmn hmhmn, just wait..
And this..
Is to go.. even further BEYOND!


A typical case of sucking one's own dick.

Famous Nip women are often used by the Yakuza and other groups. In general, they're used goods.

your momma

Dan "Little Shiksa Rider" Schneider

giv dubs!

It would still be goddamn hilarious.

That's how a woman should be trated

Can't wait to see what Santa has gotten us for Christmas

Whats wrong with archive?
You got a problem with keeping track of shit?

gib dubs

Anyone knows any devs that used to post there? Guilt by association is helluva drug :^)

I tweeted "#MeToo" at him and blocked within minutes


Whatever site that the neofags go

Why I wouldn't be happy about a shit site dying?

supposedly this is the start and then the guy was named

Something Awful

Am I retarded for not knowing why I should be happy? I don't even know why they're shit, who they are, and why they deserve to fall. I am completely fucking clueless.

Lurk more

Why are they seriously all sex offenders?

very true

ebaum's world

Holy shit, it's like a religious order deciding to purify its own heads based on their very own doctrines. The sheer power of J'accuse is astounding and I expect many other feminist allies at the top will get destroyed by similar allegations.

they'd go to Holla Forums genius.

It's because they are. I've lurked a few forums when Holla Forums has been too slow, since I still refuse to return to 4chan.
It feels like fuckign facebook on a lot of these forums. Like RPGCodex. They even got profile blogposts they can have shown up on the front page on how they're feeling. And several types of emotes on how they feel. The internet needs more imageboards.

No, I'm guessing he's mentioning Aatrek, not shmorky.

gg was a mistake


I was new once too


What did she mean by this?

Holla Forums hates Hillary and idpol, so not even there would they find solace here on 8ch. They're going to Waypoint.


Why are you posting, then? You obviously haven't lurked nearly enough.

Hey I hail from the codex matey


Its a dead board that doesn't even discuss curremt events.

leddit of course

Wasted dubs

rgb is good for something.

Just for laughs
Holla Forums owned by mark

sorry user, I don't give a fuck as long as the lulz roll on this one. Neo going down is an excuse to party and break open the champagne.

gib gf and dubs!
Also destroy

Good point. This could be the start of the fire that finally cleanses the industry.

That's how civilization works. Woman offers exclusive access to her vagina in exchange for social security provided by husband, unfortunately now women are more worthless than ever before thanks to social media
Also women are fucking retarded and basically they should be treated like children throughout the entire life.
Nobody forces them to do anything, especially go to a sleazy casting and get fucked in exchange for an easy career, you reap what you sow.
Good on Weinstein he got more pussy than he could've ever wanted, and it's not like anything will undo that.

Emperor is a figurehead, just like before Meiji.

fun fact, entertainment industry is not a monastery.

They're not directly connected with the government and judicial system like the Polish
They're not helping smuggle niggers into Italy,
They're not the Koshernostra
They're not the CIANiggers
They're not Russians

Reddit, and every user getting bubonic plague.

This happens far too often.

Please Facepunch


You don't do that blogposting facebook shit too do you?

I don't believe you.


PCGamer Magazine

In general, asians are drones.

SA needs to burn next

The Cartels used to do the same thing before the Cartel war some years back. They're nice when you aren't a potential threat or mark. If Japan ever felt like entirely removing all mafia elements, then things would get as violent as any latin country.

Never said I agreed with what they do, just that they're tame in comparison what I had said previously. Hell they wanted me teach them operating stuff but I declined.

Dubs have spoken

Oh you know, they're just proving what we all knew from the start. None of them are chivalrous white knights. They project that they are to cover the fact they are fucking degenerate scum.


Cake boy?
Or does that mean something else?

i'll take it


Not anymore, stopped posting back in 2014.

The noun mark means someone who's been taken advantage of.


Mark your calendars, because Christmas came early


You're all having a laugh now, but you fail to realize that neogaf was the contingency plan. What do you think will happen to the cancer at that site now that they're dispersing?




Well yeah Mark's been taken advantage of, by software, by furries, by shitposters you still haven't explained what you mean.





No, you are not retarded, just a blatantly newfag

You weren't kidding.

They will go to other places, and get forced to adapt to those other "toxic" parts of the internet
which will cleanse the filth away

Well they certainly won't come here.



top top top top top top top top top top top kek



Either that of their faggotry will kill those places too


they'll have to move to another haven for NeoGAF refugees, or reside in other forums frequented by people less insane who will laugh at their retardation until they either adapt or kill themselves

Posting in a legendary thread. Include me in the screencaps please.


The gift that keeps on giving



But they ban half their userbase per day, so how does that work?

i roll for for polygon


How about the entire internet? Just kill it all.

I bet ten bucks that one of them is going to create GAF 2.0 and use their media connections to shill it.

me rite now

Damn straight it was for the good of all Americans!

During gamergate? Why?


Hopefully they don't come back as a skeleton for Halloween.




Is there nothing those Russians can't hack?

As has been mentioned already, they consider even Reddit to be problematic.

An excellent demise.

The ride never ends.

Is there any way to take advantage of this? You know, give them a push in the right direction.

It has always been our birthright and duty, user.


All this thread needs now is a neofag trying to defend his dead site.

Economy wouldn't move otherwise

Somebody put their balls on my forehead when I was blackout drunk. Is this enough to ride the Harvey train? I want someone to pay attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The whitehouse

What do you think

He has been very vocal about how much he despises shmorky lately though.

Google crashes and its flames burn for years.



Yes but why allow yourself to be that, when by birthright it's your country and your ancestors fought to take it from bandits and warlords who didn't know their place.
Why are modern monarchs so shit? Especially when under 100 years ago you had people dying and killing themselves fighting your enemies while screaming glory to you.
I'm not even Japanese or a weeb, but that's fucking admirable and it's sad Japan has lost its soul.

DeviantArt along with its users

fucking checked my dude

Because I discovered this place and saw the chance to experience and grow alongside an imageboard like that hacker 4chan I had heard so much about

Makes sense.





Its because SJWs are inherently bad people. They just parrot dogma for their own self serving interests.

Something Awful,
all of these at once.


Oh, you're one of the newfags from the other sites. Still better than the reddit expats at the time at least


Or maybe I didn't give a shit about websites until now and I don't trust shit in Google. I actually trust you faggots on things because you tend to be right.


>skeletons coming out of peoples' closets
Can't wait to see who gets buried next in the Great October Rape Panic Spookfest.


i wonder what is harrasmnet for this faggots.
Also, can you at least get the version of the second pic, with out the censorship?

someone should make a neogaf board in here to take all those rapefugees.

that shit doesnt happen to the asians, they are better than us.

2D cant be corrupted, user.


Because KiA and theDonald FUCKING EXIST. 2 fucking subreddits among that vast sea is enough to call the whole damn thing problematic for them.

In the next thread you post in, nobody will know you're such a newfag. Just let it go.

Music sauce?

You're a newfag if you've browsed 8/v/ for any length of time longer than 2 weeks and don't know about Neofag
Fuck off, even KiA knows who they are

This is the best timeline.

Then you would have seen the countless threads and posts talking about this garbge website or at the very least ask
Now I know you're a newfag

It happens you filthy weeb.

It also had gore and nigger/fat people stories or something but I believe those got scrubbed a year or two ago.

The filename you nigger.


please be stephen colbert, please be stephen colbert….

let it all burn


Devious, underhanded, but underrated posts to keep in mind. The only issue with this course of action would be that the media will spin it as a issue for "Misogyny" for all the industry devs involved and ignore the male feminist/neofag angle.

This is why I will never let SJWs piss me off. Karma is a very real thing and I'm confident they will all get their just rewards in the end

Are you fucking kidding me?
The very existence of NTR begs to differ.


Umm, Kotaku already died last year, remember?

October confirmed spookfest for libtards

They lost the war thanks to a brilliant thinker known as FDR who knew that communism was never tried before and should be given a chance unlike that pesky fascism because it's racist and backwards to assume some nations are better than others or that preservation of your own people should take priority over anything else
(((Someone))) has a really inspiring quote on destroying monarchy, and that doesn't mean just implementing (((democracy))) but
Unfortunatly, those with the least amount of honor win wars.
Blame the burgers.
At least they didn't murder the Emperor.
They also broke their tradition of Shinto being Key backbone to the government and the way it operated.
At least they didn't have Stalinist purges eradicating every noble, and elite bloodline.
Like in Poland, where judges are otherdimensional beings who don't really exist in the same way mortals do, and they're also operatives of COMPLETELY UNKNOWN agencies, maybe now they're CIANiggers as Poland is under USA's protectorate

when why are they still making articles

To be fair, poles are fucking idiots.

Gawker did. Kotaku got sold off, still exists with the same staff under a new parent company.


The best and brightest of them were removed by the NKVD.



Do you think that all those idol rape/prostitution doujins are based out of pure fantasy?

Were you born a cuck?

I haven't felt this smug since the election.

That better be Luigis arm.

Any good books on monarchies?
Now I know why Mishima killed himself. Success didn't matter, he just wanted to separate himself from Post War Japan, to show people he was pre war in spirit.
How depressing. Everyone in WW2 has become a husk. A zombie nation living off old glories, unworthy of its history.
I thought Japan was safe, militarily neutered but safe.

You're cancer user

Holla Forums

Newfags don't know about the time a subreddit called fat people hate took refuge here for a couple days. Then left for Voat.

I got a Luigis arm for you.

Reminds me of when a Holla Forumsack made a thread on Holla Forums asking for evidence of media manipulation, which he made because he wanted to see what useful information the leftists may have. And since it is a typical type of thread you would see on Holla Forums, I too expected it to bring at least something. In the end, by the time it died, the whole thread was filled with nothing but shit like "heh, a supreme enlightened individual like myself doesn't need evidence to know the media tells lies". The only thing that EVEN REMOTELY would constitute as evidence was an inforgraphic about consolidation within the media (which doesn't really count, since that signifies a conflict of interest, it on its own doesn't show manipulation), they didn't have any actual evidence of it happening. No archives, no articles, no videos, no quotes or even references to historical events: just a circlejerk over how enlightened they believe themselves to be.

Good job

One less cancerous place and the internet is better off.


Holy fucking shit, I want Nip cocksuckers to leave
You can like a couuntry without being an ignorant brainwashed retard you know?

sauce? GIS and tineye give no results for either of these

Yet their zombie corpse still shambles about.

so this… this is the power of 8ch…

Thanks user, I expected it to be a joke file name.



Actually, have to make a correction, there were quotes but they weren't anything pointing to it being the case, only leftist intellectuals saying that the media is bad.

Checked cuck/v/ for the big Neogaf thread and found out that they got cucked again.


Yes, it was fun reading through their bickering and absolute rage towards fatties (whom are not people)

I'm surprised they weren't denying manipulation simply because Holla Forums shows evidence of it.



Every day I get more glad we left


So what will be the best outcomes for the industry once NeoFAG dies?


Are they retarded? Who am I kidding, of course they are.



Reminder that you escaped.

Its not gay if hes a girl


why is this thread still up, i knew mark was super gay and now drinking "neogaf" tears as his nintendo nanomachine lodged in brain now getting the messages it needed to rectify that his purchase for the nintendo switch was totally not a waste , what a fucking gay

Have you seen the stuff they do with wood? Ranma are just beautiful.

I see they all went to cuckchan, probably as a last ditch effort to kill their enemy before they die out.


I'm more mad fags from GAF tried to turn my childhood forum into a baby NeoFAG and killed it in the process than I am about anything else. What goes around comes around, I guess. Other than that, I don't care, all the cretins are going to find some other equally-awful shithole to congregate in.


Don't bully Yotsuba, she is still our daughteru. Just the shit parent got custody.

You mean a female (male)

I mean, I get that they are retarded but you shouldn't let that type of smug attitude cloud your vision, otherwise you will end up in the same way the autists "contributing" to the thread did.


How long until it gets deleted?

NeoFAG basically has no real power, they're not SA or an official publication. I don't expect much to change, but I anticipate that further battles in the eternal culture war will resolve in our favor.

One can only hope, user. At least they killed Troper Tales.

Also, check em.

oh and check this

Either the vidya industry collapses, or it becomes good again would be the absolute best outcome
Neofag is the largest single SJW community in vidya so who knows? They're probably the largest force that convinces retards that SJWs buy games, so we'll see what happens after they die




Does it really matter?
We get to see that shithole succumb to the same cancerous pc culture its users defended and spread for years. The fact that it's very likely to be fabricated drama used by some patreon whore to stay relevant makes it even more satisfying.


It does not matter what we believe, nor whether she is telling the truth or not.
Neogaf is dying its long-overdue death, from the very thought process that made it such a terrible place to begin with, or at least one of them.
Feast on the irony.

Every cesspit full of normalfags.
Anons shall reclaim the internet.


This wouldn't have happened if
very honorable, fuck up an entire country then flee like a nigger father to Romania.
Didn't even kill himself.
We could've been in the situation Finland was.
Then you go to Hitler to fight off the Soviet scum, if/when he loses you deny involvement

Not that I know of in English, but here's a quote of one of the Japanese generals once the Greatest Ally stormed his house


Big if true.


I don't know what you are talking about

stop using terms you don't know the meaning of


Those things are beautiful when they're fitted to a window that gets some decent sun.

It called cuckchan for a reason



I think that we can all agree that SA burning to the ground is the ultimate prize.

The one on the right is a google cache from the 19th
come on sweet release


Like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Good thing Neofag is down. Just imagine this fuck trying to ban everyone all by himself.


Oh Shit, we have an expert on weebishness over here!

It's still gay if its with a "girl" and even in a skirt! And it doesn't matter if the penis is feminine!

Here's a list:

Nigger, Asians are some of the PDest of 3DPDs, the idol industry is basically a gateway into becoming a cheap prostitute for gangsters and their relatives. If you find out that an idol's a virgin, at least a dozen guys from each decade age group has lotioned her body with their dicks.

I never knew much about that, but TvTropes is one of the worst sites out there and the fact that there'll be people using that site as an instruction manual for writing anything makes me wish Ren made good on his word. It's like the Extra Credits of telling stories.

Stop doing that

I would like to try out those comfy tables they have.


It's about fucking time.

If I didn't know that as SJWs they were incapable of it I might think some self-awareness was peaking through.





I know all about that user. Piłsudski told Hitler to hurry up because he was getting old, only if he lived longer we could have seen a grand crusade to remove bolshevism. It fucking hurts.

Just embrace it.

Hardcore Gaming 101

To be honest with you, I've been browsing chans in some form or another since pre-Habbo 4chan and I honestly don't know anything about neogaf other than it's an SJW echo chamber with North Korea-tier moderation. I've never seen anything relevant or newsworthy come out of that site that caught my eye in any post.

here's a pedowood pastebin from uncle Holla Forums

But user, muh katanas folded 1000 times because the iron was shit, muh noble samurai who murdered peasants to fake head count, muh pure women not even Japanese men like.

Yes Japan has some amazing stuff, but it never gets attention. Just samurai, sushi and other shit. It's depressing.

Honestly I don't know much about ranma but I used a Japanese saw in joinery and was amazed how fine the blade was. I'm new to it, but they have amazing tools, and given the amount of wood in traditional buildings, it's just amazing looking at all the architecture. With the west, we had great stonework, but Asian carpentry is looking far more impressive than western stuff.


I'll spoonfeed only because source is difficult to find

You can't get pussy for what you do if you don't tie yourself to it.

2017 is the year of the rope for sjw rapist.


Why is there some gren goo on the dick?


thats pretty shit tbh

the only correc respons

Don't snapping turtles leave in the water?

Sharia demands it


The crop was better. Daisy is still best princess though.

It's probably to do with how they use the local materials.In Western European countries, they can mine lots of stone in open-cut quarries, hence all their castles made of stone but in Northen Europe they can't mine in the cold, so they turned to wood for the long houses and various other buildings.

Japan has enough stone to build the raised platforms that many of their castles sit on but when decorating the inside, they used local wood and applied craftsmanship to it instead of everything being stone.

Amazing day.

requesting the "/gamergate/ nothing is beyond our reach" pic

I don't see it

It's alright for tumblr, but it is tumblr. I just liked the face

And I have a feeling 2018 is only going to get better. It's like 2007, but in reverse.

>he doesnt self insert as the girl

I like that Nazi.
Do you think he ever did a rape?


Not just exposed as a rapist. Member Daddy05? Kid got successfully out of the home to his foster mother and the parents were charged with endangerment. 2017 has been a great year.



2016 was the beginning of the dawn. Why else would SJWs lament it so much?

The best disinfectant is sunlight.

is that even possible? with that money and shit

That pdf is why futa and traps fucking infuriate me.
Such good art wasted to give everyone a dick.

I keep forgetting how insufferable they are.

*Biological mother.

Dance time.


Nothing of value was lost.

Here's an association.



If anything, they're getting really fucking nervous. Woody Allen saying "I'm afraid this will start a witch hunt"

That is the only good NTR doujin, and it's only because he raped and mind-broke the trap. Who would want to self-insert as a heartless bitch who would cheat on their partner?

This is the first time I ever heard of this. Who is he?


What is going on with their servers? Is Evilore having an IRL fight with the server admins and they keep knocking stuff over?



it's a shame isn't it


He already posted the source

What's he talking about in his quote? He feels bad, yet justifies the war?

I'm British and the two things I regret most in regards to Asia are
Fun fact, one big distributor of opium was a (((chosen one))) his daughter married into the Rothschilds. I won't be guilted for what my country did, but fucking up China is one of the more painful things.

With greater file size limit I can finally post both versions of this song in a single reply.

What a time to be alive.

Reminder that Aatrek, one of their mods, was a literal pedophile and the moderator circlejerk covered for him until the heat became too great to contain.

I'm all for NeoGAF burning down, but is there a reason why people just assume all rape/harassment stories are true now?

Someone created a thread about neogaf on halfchan about 10 min ago and it reached 100 or so posts before getting deleted. I'm gonna go shitpost in some of the new threads being made; I haven't posted there in over 3 years. Tonight's shaping up to be a great night, lads.

Disregard that, I have been drinking.

Hasn't Malka been accused of sexual misconduct before. What could be so different this time that Neogaf itself is dying?

Japanese stonework is also something else. Instead using cut stones they arrange natural jagged or broken ones in a certain formation and the result lasts a longer than many western stone buildings. Since the stones aren't glued together it's more earthquake resistant as well. Western style stonework probably wouldn't fare as well in japan's environment.

Holla Forums

Rule 4.

wow that's almost spooky

The difference this time is tons of people are accusing others of shit. This is the enviroment these faggots have created with their listen and believe bullshit so let them burn.

Any fags managed to sneak some accounts past their registration progress? Looks like a good time for a raid if we organize some timing or scripts.

Arts students are now taught to believe every cunt who screeches rape because of the patriarchy oppressing them and women wouldn't possibly lie about something like this since it requires "bravery" to come out.

Only for the daisy pic. But not for the animu ones.

Things like this, wew, things like this make you feel like life's a gift.

But the fun thing here is that they're doing it to themselves.

You know this how?

why though

Lads, Hotwheels and Codemonkey both raped me.

How I stopped worrying about decent writing and learned to love the Smugshark

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Or, rather, make the enemy live up to his own book of rules.

They are a marxist, SJW hellhole, they deserve this.


This is really great. Ever since trump was elected all the male feminists, celebrities, and ultra sjw hives have been imploding.

I really do think there is a trump curse.

Hopefully culture can shift back into a more centrist position instead of being hyper political and offended at everything all the time

(((Weinstein))) scandal started a chain reaction.

that's gay

I actually hear that HIV has a better life expectancy than most types of cancer nowadays. Not that your metaphor wasn't clear.

Take a minute to think about the gorillions of dollars that were not spent on cancer, and instead spent on curing a disease that's almost completely avoidable just by not being a fucking retard, just because the demographics retarded enough to get it are at the center of hip social issues. How many more people will have needlessly and painfully died early through no fault of their own than if Hollywood hadn't decided to push HIV/AIDS as a higher priority than cancer? The answer is larger than zero.

re:creators is shit and you know it

At least you are not Neofag or Anthony Burch

What does Hotwheels' penis look like?

I nominate reddit, but with the caveat that everyone who posts on reddit dies with it.

I guess they didn't follow the rules hard enough

Mark raped me #MeToo #HimThough

It already was when I made the screenshot. Couldn't even show the live thread to my friends.

A dr strangelove inspired anime?

Oh fuggg

A parent who let youtube go to his head. He wanted to be internet famous but as you can see from the videos, he picks on Cody alot. Story was picked up, he doubled down on people lying, biological mother filed an emergency injunction for custody and was granted it for Cody and his sister back in august. They were then charged with a count of reckless endangerment of a child each.
Just goes to show people will do anything for youtube fame, even harming kids.


If dubs Reddit, if trips facebook.


Have I stated anything to the contrary?

Are you a cake?

Honestly user we're the only one's who can't be taken down. We're not tied to any site in particular and if 4cuck or here goes down we're just going to finally develop desentralized imageboard software. Hell Holla Forums already has prototypes ready, it's called Smugchan.

On the internet only user is truly immortal.

China had an interesting culture.
Now it's all gone because the inner trouble and external pressures allowed Communism to do its thing. It was a loss of a civilisation I respected. Not the best, but it had a lot of history. Imagine if Italy destroyed everything there from Rome to the last 100 years.
It's tragic.


Does anyone else find it unsettling that there's a bit of a rising "trend" in accusing people in power of sexual misconduct? While I won't undermine the chance that the chief of Neogaf may have fondled a lady, it still concerns me as to how popular this method of dethroning someone has become.

cuckchan is happy too. Neogaf infiltrated Holla Forums long ago but Holla Forums is enjoying a comfy night.

I'm a 12 layered cake.

any group that bases itself off ultra purity will eventually eat its own. This is the sjw nature. The circular firing squad. Once all the reasonable people are driven off the only ones left are the most extreme and neogaf was filled with massive lib cucks who did not tolerate dissent or critical thinking skills.

Delusion such as this is why weebs will hang on DOTR.

Perfect. Just beautiful.

Mark watched from the corner

Every society needs an outlet for anonymous shitposting. Before imageboards and internet culture all that shit was on public toilet walls. Nowadays those same walls are mostly clean, which is not a coincidence.

I got raped by a pig on Jim's pig farm. Thanks to the traumatic experience I can now only get off on Elf x Pig hentai.

4 out of 5 cakes have been sexually assaulted by Mark.

That's Dumbass-sama, to (You).

The reason that sjws eat their own is because of their need to virtue signal. They will throw each other under the bus immediately if it gets them browny points with whatever is trendy.

Fake news, Mark is too fat to


It's only working on people who are too stupid or paranoid to stand up against it anyways. If you actually took any of these lying cunts to court you'd get off free.


not hit the reply button by accident.

It has become retarded, with shit like mattress girl. But I must say the current trend to attack kikes and liberals is exsctly what they deserve.

Yes, vid related. See the first comment.


So far none of the targeted men have contested the accusations, implying they know they are guilty. At worst some of them are a woman overreacting about some said word or long stare, but hey the beta white knights have been preaching how you should always Listen and Believe women so they can't say anything back to them. And boy is it hilarious to watch when they get themselves knee deep in shit.

Metokur is Streaming about the fall of NeoFag.

to flip that around, you aren't that unsettled that so many in power are actually sexual degenerates?

Thank god we keep taking our daily dose.

It keeps us from ending up like NeoFag


My advice is to scroll and cover the dick.
Given they draw girls first, then add dicks it goes back to being a girl. If it's not there, it's not gay because it's just a drawing of a girl, censored.
I don't like wasting good art, and honestly I mainly focus on faces anyway.


Nah I remember one of the faggots coming out with an apology, basically he also thought he did a bad thing but if the shit he wrote in the apology was true the chick just withdrew consent months later. They are that fucked in the head

Another snapshot from halfchan. The Modkips seem to be very assblasted over that topic. Thank God I have made an archive before they got cucked again.

Well damn, I'm glad they're dead now.

I actually remember this now. Thanks for the info.


Anyone got the "sucking my girlfriend's penis" cap? You know the one.

Manly shoulders tho

I saw the picture where he was about to rape the trap so that he would be his "woman" and, by extension, his wife would still be his; I just decided to read the sauce after a long time. I found it with SauceNAO.

We're gonna have a second thread, right?

The fuck?

Why is that even a pdf file? Post moar

NIGGER the parents of the boy who imprisoned the girl in their house were afraid to do anything to aid the girl, despite her pleas, because their son was a member of the Yakuza who could put out a hit on anyone - including them


fuck off shower shitter

Come on, nigger.

Step it up, user, god fucking damn.

That was The Escapist, not NeoGAF.

Not that fella but that entire area at one point was kinda like Europe before it became that ant mess it is today.

NeoFAG users are conditioned to never, ever ignore the claims of harassment/assault by a woman. Doing so is tantamount to condoning rape. Thus they are now faced with a crisis. They either reject the allegations and the conditioning with it to maintain the status quo, or they turn on their very host, which thanks to the moderation policies, will automatically end their ability to continue as a user. The choice has already been made in reality, the status quo is shattered with most of the staff jumping ship. The hangers-on are likely angling to be the next guy doing it for free. No matter what happens, NeoFAG as it was is finished.


Nigger what?

you do realize avatarfagging with anime reaction images is basically the same thing?

only baneposting can save Holla Forums now

"but the wiki says nothing about that, an0n"

We're not hunting witches.


I know user and it makes my blood boil hearing about my social healthcare system refusing to pay for cancer drugs, but supporting fat people, alcoholics, junkies, etc. Even giving a woman breast implants.
This is the uk, this is social healthcare and it's a shit system because our culture doesn't support it, because we tolerate people who injured themselves.
I am aiming to be a doctor, but I'm unsure how I will reconcile this issue, it makes me angry especially if it's kids dying of cancer while degenerates get free treatment. Apparently we are studying womb implants for trannies, fuck terminally ill people though, amirite. I hate my life, but only because of this culture

You have a single fact to back that up?

Its in the word itself "virtue" signaling.
They do it to seem virtues. If you ever want to destroy a liberal you need to find them doing something hypocritical and unvirtues



Glad to be of help, friendo.


Fuck off goon.

Akarin is pure. Shut up.


Nigger, you're not watching MM's stream?

Guys, Jim was storing my UIP and keeping track of all my posts.

Yiff in hell faggot

Don't forget the Trump blessing as well. There's been an unusually high number of good games coming out this year as well.



Appeasement is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last.

So in this new world where talking to a woman is the equivalent of rape and therefore makes you unable to have a job or own a business. Does that mean the people who are only interested in 2D will rule the world?

what a fucking day

You figure it out.

Now you're just baiting.

Was it seriously just a facebook post?
How fucking fragile are these fuckers? Are they literally snowflakes?

Years ago leaks proved that cuckchan moderation was full of SJWs so I'm not surprised it's being buried over there.

Also, lol anything shitting on SJWs (even the ones infesting gaming) is considered "Holla Forums" and the cuckchanners say 8/pol/ is x1000 more problematic than 4/pol/.


Please tell me someone is shitposting the forums right now


Good choice, the faggot that detested the word 'gameplay' and wanted it banned wrote for that shithole.

Yeah google de-listing us was probably the best thing for this place.

We skelly posting now?


It easily could have just been 5 images though?

He's just using buzzwords cause anime pisses him off on account of being a goon. It's ironic he complains about smug anime grills in a smug thread.

Is this like our exodus from 4chan?

Head of Gaf accused of being a Holla Forumstard (again).
normalfags decide to invade Holla Forums.

It depends on the artist.

Skeleton Knight reporting


Seems appropriate

Just to make sure that Gaffers are kept at bay, start posting gore everywhere.

This is why Holla Forums is going to shit. I hope smugchan is ready soon.

Holy loving delusion.

A furry from Neofag is on the verge of suicide because he can't handle a world without his safespace.

If it's true that gaf is going to 4chan, and people still stay there despite post quality getting even worse (and it will get worse if that migration happens), then those people deserve less than what I thought they did before (which was already very little).
But forum whores will probably migrate to other forums, they crave the attention, the identity.

No loli works better on them.

8ch still at the top of the internet pyramid

Holla Forums is shit because it attracts shitskins who like to shitpost


Yes, it will be remembered as a day full of laughs and happiness
In all aspects, these people are just faggots



Neogaf’s GotY threads were good.

just got here. What's happening to NeoGaf? are they being shut down for good? Is this Gawker levels of BTFO?

You really don't need it, bruv. The edgier amongst NeoGAF will go to Reddit and Cuckchan. The others get triggered so easily that just the fact I just used the word "cuck" in this post means we're safe from them.



Postal Dude is disappoint, user.


Read the OP, pinhead.

The only news article that mentions the parents not being willing to answer the call. At least in English feel free to get me the original Japanese user says only.

I might or not have pretended to be triggered by loli to get (You)s before several times, I can assure you that unspoilered shock pics work better.


Only the highest calcium on the bones

Well, when the entire left half of society has been flagellating themselves over what a fat, horny jew did, it's a bad look to try and cover over it in your back yard.

Live by the sword, die a pussy little fucking feminist because you couldn't even pick up a sword because it resembles a penis.


According to the majority of Neofag, Plebbit is "too right wing" for them.

Plebbit. Too right wing. Top kek.

7 mods and 2 admins pulled out from the site, and every neofag is going apeshit. They're going to an exodus on 4cuck/tv/, reddit, and gamefaqs. Check out MM's stream.


you got that right.

I didn't mean to sage, user.

Who's the gold skeleton in the second pic?

I'ma need the sauce on that first one fam, saucenao gives nothing.

Tyler the Raper had his rapes get some attention after the #MeToo bullshit. Looks like 7+ mods jumped ship from neofag, and it's probably done.

Will Gaffers swallow this up? My money's on yes, they're hypocrites every single one of them after all.

But where will SJWs go to cry about their periods now?

I believe the count is up to 8 mods and at least 1 admin

You know what to do.

we need to archive all the thread that spams from this ki no


This calls for a Thread Theme!

Holy fuck, this is the best news I've heard in months. Would it be naiive of me to think this is a step towards unfucking the west?

Catcalls arent harassment but they sure are annoying though. It rarely feels like a compliment and its just unwanted attention.
Don't do that shit user.


your pic is really forcing the /tg/ in me


It didn't have to be like this


Three Kingdoms is the big one that comes to mind, not to mention at one point there used to be several major languages being spoken instead of Mandarin overpowering Canton and the other that are left in a pissant state. The manchu language was an interesting one before those who spoke it were genocided culturally.

It's a step, albeit a small one. Every step counts though.


Golden bat

It was bound to happen with the mods at Holla Forums actively sabotaging the board.

How can neofag ever recover.

China was the Rome of the east, technologically advanced, spreading philosophy, culture and civilization. I like Taoism minus the alchemy bullshit, they had nice architecture, were virtuous, had a bunch of things I just respected aesthetically and morally. While it took many forms, it's just sad to see an ancient civilisation destroy all of that, it's art, culture, music, morality all gone under Mao.
Now they can't even live and respect nature.

Good point. This one has to be remembered.

Go back to neogaf if you don't like it. Oh wait…


Of course it did. You don't like it? Fuck off to neogaf… oh wait.


will this do?

4/tv/ is actually pretty good.

Holla Forums has basically colonized it lately and the board is a fucking meme factory.

This is it. The time is now. Anons need to inflitrate gaf and take the positions of moderators and subtly turn Neofag into a rightwing site that becomes instrumental in bullying and destroying social justice developers. This is a golden opportunity to corrupt neofag and use it against its own side.

Buzzfeed next please.

Thanks user.

Need a .rar of Smug Anime Girls for the oncoming exodus. Anyone have a collection that isn't dolphin porn?



TLDR what happened?


Tits or stfu and gtfo



Neogaf ls dead because admin raped a chick

Can one faggot make the next thread and announce it here before we get a shitload of duplicates.

GAF hit the iceberg. Everyone is running for the lifeboats.


Hallelujah! All glory to Holla Forums!



Here's a starter pack.

Where the smug anime avatars at?


they will probably go to reddit because or some other forum. user posting doesnt work for these people because it denies them an identity

What if I don't? Are you going to be real upset with me?

She did "lead him on". What the fuck was she doing getting drunk in the dudes hotel room if she didn't suspect that hanky-panky was on the menu? Still the Neogaf mod deserves to burn for promoting the SJW ideology that lead to his rumination.

SJWs will be crying on cuckchan tonight for sure

Today is a good day.

Roasties BTFO


oh that sucks




I'll give you a damn fine headpat and I'll even hold you hand




wow, fuck you. Now I have to leave 8ch, smh you bigot creep tbh



fucking way she goes boys

I don't have many anime girls, but I post a few smugs I have anyways.

I'm gonna tell you to gtfo some more

i want to bully them into suicide tbh

Word is they are hitting vice forums.



You'd love it. Then we'll have consensual sex in the missionary position for the soul purpose of procreation

Why don't we actually bully him into doing? I want to see it
Is there any way to message him?


Did they?

scour the net for his neofag account name

Wasn't asking you but thats kind of you.


rock paper shotgun

(or john walker is kill)

pixiv "デイジー姫"



Looks like we've got another winrar.


You mean sole purpose.


i googled his name
he has a furaffinity, a twitter, a youtube account with brony amvs, and more

all under the name "brian577"

I need to sleep soon but I'm too fucking excited.

I'll do some more research into this stuff.

what a fucking creep, can't believe we allow predators like this on the site. Time to jump ship everyone



Slut. Bet this turns you on doesn't it.

If you push either way he might not do it. Why interrupt a train wreck in progress?

Lets hit his youtube

I have multiple

I found his steam but it looks like its not active


posting in a sticky

postan in a sticky


Oh fuck yes.



Why is ass grabbing seen as negative? Shit happens all the time, some girls get angry and slap others flirt.

This would be the ones on >>>/irc/ . honking my horn again, because everyone needs to read my work.

Show no mercy, do not hesitate, and your transformation to our side will be complete.


Get out of here with your homo porn, thats not a turn-on for anyone decent.