those idiots will do anything for twitch badge…
Those idiots will do anything for twitch badge…
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When can we take the bad-luck-get-fucked pledge?
Anyone who does this shit gets absolutely no mercy from me. I’ll even turn on a fucking trainer just to prove a point.
Sportsmanship is an outdated and oppressive ideology that oppresses womyn and non gender binary people you oppressive capitalist pig
but that's not inclusive :^)
That's not very inclusive, user.
but that would be
and that would trigger womXn
But it’s critical to recognize that these tournaments should be for all women, cis and trans.
Fostering an understanding that that the “T” can’t be left out of either gender or LGBTQ issues is important. Policies and processes, as well as forms of communication, need to be oriented to the dignity and self determination of all women.
Great way to brand yourself as a cuck.
Though the very few niggers with those badges i saw were shittalking hard in the chat.
Being a nu-age creature even ironically is cancerous. Just look at Holla Forums.
There's a badge where you take all 10 inches of aids-ridden nigger dick.
I'm fucking done.
The world is being overrun with slavering hordes of omnigay otherkin devouring anyone who capitulates, and those idiots just opened the door to let them in.
Consent to what?
What a faggoty name for a bad of faggotry.
You'll probably go to jail for virtual rape in California in the future.
It reads like a parody of lefty propaganda.
You can actually be fined for "mispronouning" now. Not sure if that applies to online conversations though.
OH NO, YOU DIDN'T?!?! [heavy breathing intensifies]
Genocide when?
Usually I like my multiplayer to be good spirited fun, but people like this deserve to be bullied endlessly.
I love telling these retards that the "man" is short for "human" and then look at them like they're trying to admit they're not even human.
You can see his faith in humanity evaporate. This is how a new Hitler gets made.
Fortunately they're not supported by anyone big, not even Riot goys.
I'm hoping he'll come from Arts Academy in Gdansk, where the stutents have a forced subscribtion to a leftist rag included in their studies' cost.
Penguin boy is friends with some guy who identifies as a gorilla and wears an ape costume everywhere he goes.
Schools are free in poland though.
Or is that one a private school
That law only applies to people in the medical field, for now.
There is literally nothing wrong with book burnings. I am fucking tired with leftists endlessly screeching about being "nice" to each other when they're the one that will physically hurt you and ruin your life for merely disagreeing with their insane agenda.
He should have just tasered him and sprayed pepper spray in his eyes. If he wants to be an animal he should be treated like one.
And people said slippery slope didn't fucking exist
Getting VR raped is no laughing matter , every year there are over nine thousand cases of individuals getting raped while on VR ,more than half of them in front of a live audience and yet to this day there hasn't been a single conviction to this day due to the lack of evidence and witnesses and any legislation backing any of it.The rape may be virtual but the victims are real and so are the effects that last a lifetime
Next time you see someone get VR raped don't just stay silent,don't be complicit;you may save a life
Every citizen is paying for degenerate leftists to perpetuate themselves, without even being aware of it most of the time due to ebin public and """private"""" Talmud vision funded with money robbed from INTERNATIONAL DEBT MANAGEMENT FUND when A BILLION DOLLARS in '89 just disappeared
average monthly wage was like 20 dollars.
In leftist viewpoint everyone will be nice to each other once you remove every law, tradition and culture while also murdering every wrong-thinker.
People are inherently good, but dem societies families and cultures be keepin good boiz down mang
user, those aren't books, it's a wastepaper.
There's a script called "dada engine" which creates postmodernist texts with fully functional grammar but no meaning whatsoever. You could mass-print billions of articles per day.
Looks like it's dead. I need this to spam on the internet.
Are you a CIA Nigger?
Holy fuck I didn't even notice that.
I pledge to never replace "man" in an existing word with a "gender neutral" variant.
"Man" in that context is already gender neutral you fucking tardos. Are you going to start calling yourselves "hupersons" next? Are we all collectively "personkind"? Fuck off.
Also, GLHF always just comes off as patronizing and insincere to me, but maybe I'm just a jaded asshole.
Reminder to use sex when referring to sex and not gender, as that's for insane leftists or linguists discussing European languages.
This seems super lame. I hope no one is actually doing this.
Ah yes, "video game player".
So they're trying to get rid of the word "gamer"?
a lot of goyems do. its just a badge for them.
Acronyms in general are insincere and patronizing everywhere outside of situations where time is essential.
What kind of a person is xe?
is this the next sassycat.jpg?
I bet Palmer Luckey is laughing his ass off watching Oculus going full identity politics.
Also is "GLHF" a real thing? I've never heard anybody say that.
RTS games
It's an ASSFAGGOTS thing
I didn't know that. Thanks
WOW, such diversity!
We have reached a timeline, where Cyanide and Happiness cartoons turn into reality. Astonishing.
What even is a twitch badge anyway? Like some kind of ID that grants me the privilege to stream myself playing a game?
I was angry at first because I thought a teacher was getting shit for not wanting anything to do with adding made-up pronouns to the curriculum. But it's just a fucking kid who thinks he's a penguin. My fucking sides.
a .jpg
Ooh I heard those can go for thousands of dollars
That's not a word.
They use this at the beginning of pretty much every competitive gookclick and gookclick 2 match.
Why can't these people ever be frank and say "It's not in the rulebook because we couldn't in a million years foresee this level of useless stupidity."
I hate the fact that you've got a point there.
Son? That word is highly triggering and enforces the gender binary. Use the word "offspring instead".
Is this the real Tara Strong? Because if her fellow leftists on Twitter ever found out she said something like this two years ago, they'd crucify her.
No, it's some makeup tutorial channel with like 20 videos. The cat makeup thumbnail unnerved the shit out of me.
He warned us and now we pay the price for it.
its meaningless shit next to your name in chat
Oh boy, I can't wait for the first VRape accusation
We already had those
Just wait until they make it illegal
As soon as we get public VR arcades, some chick wearing VR goggles is going to complain about getting a quick ass slap from a someone running by. Thus somehow leading into high camera security or "safe space" public VR arcades.
I blame low test.
holy fuck I didn't realize until you pointed it out, it's an abstract kind of cancer
That kids gotta be fucking with him.
It's not even a real word.
Holy shit I just noticed this.
Holy shit, I thought this was gonna piss me off fiercely, but I can't stop laughing. I can not be convinced that kid is genuine, he seems like he's just pushing the system as far as he can because the muzzies get away with it. I'm dying with laughter it's just too good.
One small step for person, one giant leap for personkind. :^)
GG means Git Gud faggot. GLHF - GitLaughedHebrewFaggot, its a phrase about laughing at jews.
I always knew jews were behind weebshit.
dont tell me what my identity is you fucking tech niggers
Remember that "get good" is problematic because it stigmatizes the person who did something wrong.
I thought it was bad because it implies that people without skill are somehow less good at a game than people who have skill and talent? What's next, rewarding the winners and using the bitter taste of defeat as motivation to improve for the losers? That's basically rape you filthy cisgender WHITE MALE.
No sadly, just an FBI Spic.
This is basically all that's it. Something that can be sold to create your own identity. Everything is for sale. Gender, religion, education..
can't say "man" in the current year user
Damn. Whatever happened to latin?
Dont give them ideas
How does someone that played Duckman end up so leftist?
If you are posting here, you already have.
This is good, because now I know to instantly write someone off as having a double digit IQ the moment they say things like "sportspersonship".
Reminds me of faggots complaining about trannies getting too much attention, either stop being mentally ill or go all out but don't complain about losing your 15 minutes of fame.
Twitch iz 4 niggerz
Sportsmanship is an outdated and oppressive ideology that oppresses womyn and non gender binary people you oppressive capitalist pig