Post your battlestation !!
Feel free to rate my rig system.

Have you ever licked the Salt-lamp?



thats a pretty cool user, check out my house and my cars.


eye cancer/burito

Cool house and cool cars. Looks like you have a lot of money user


Please please kill yourself

You are just jealous because you are bum.

If really are the A guy you claim to be, post your battlestation and tell us why yours is better even if it's not that fancy as mine. So far you have only proven to be a coward who tries to justify his fail.

*If you really are

Life has purpose for another 10 minutes.

My station is marginally tidier, I clean it up once I have nowhere to put my mug. I make up for it though for literal piles of trash on the floor. I only clean that when I can't walk across the room in the night without tripping over it. Or when fruit flies start swarming on the monitor, whichever comes first.


Because he watches Netflix and likes sports?

You know what site you're on right?

Seriously, what a faggot.


Why do people use netflix? Just pirate or stream stop supporting these SJW kikes

they have a woman's mindset
oh my friend keeps talking about this and this
oh its on netflix
better be part of the group and get it too

mentally they are women

No user. Women are mentally children. And these faggots are also mentally children - but not women. Most women are vile and vengeful, not many men are like that. Don't buy into the "weaker sex" meme, it only exists because a woman can't win in a fight against a man - but she will do her worst regardless. The "women are more peaceful" meme is an extention of "weaker sex" meme and also a psychological projection.

Just reposting
Got a new chair long ago by the way

You sound like you never fucked a pussy

It's OK user, when you grow older your sementoxicosis will wear off and you'll start seeing people for what they are.

HAHAHAHA " sementoxicosis" lmao
hi mr. castrate genderfluid SJW cuck

Idiots? It's OK user I already see them that way.

Comfy aside from the Amerifat chair.

It was a pain the ass to sit on so I wonder why I didn't swap it out sooner, got the standard ubiquitous leather chair now


i have that exact brown crab toy. gg

disappointing lack of CRT in this thread. All your monitors look like vaseline covered messes


How that species on the right is called? Homocomputerus?

Fear not!

Yes. It's evil spirit that comes in lots forms.


Dear Lord

that fucking dog at the end got me

well where is you battle station?

You can go be a normalfag all you want over there and we won't even care. You clearly don't belong here.

I dunno, seems like he reamed your boipucci breddy gud xx–DDDDD

now now gentlemen we all know he hasn't fucked a pussy can we get back to posting our battlestations?

kill niggers

Nice house and cars user. Are you adopting?


I probably shouldn't complain. I had a Chuck Norris poster for years.

If you aren't using windows xp (or older) or another OS not using Win10 doesn't make you a genious.

Honestly my biggest issue is
I'm not sure if it's autism, but you should never be naked with only socks on, UNLESS you are female and the socks are thigh high.

My mom has one of those salt lamps and out of autistic curiosity I licked it, it was not a pleasant experience

Any windows is shit.


Are you crazy? The floor is cold, man.

Objectively fucking correct.

First time taking a battlestation picture.


You fucking moron. I don't use Windows at all, correct.


Hello humble used dragon dildo salesman.

My problem with bare asses in chairs is that inevitably you will fart, and inevitably, miniscule shit particulates will be farted out with the gas. If you are not wearing boxers, over time, it will accumulate in the chair, unless you actually take the time to scrub your fucking chair, which I'm sure nobody does.

Socks, sure, but boxers are a must for anything that can't be changed/washed - being butt naked sitting on a towel or bedsheet would be fine with me.

That looks comfy as hell.

user if you have a USB hub you should be routing your M+KB cables straight back under your monitor, then back around the monitor stand to the left to plug into it. What are those in the far bottom left corner? Are those more USB hubs?

Glad to see you're still around, user. Your station is efficient as ever. Is it me, or does the portrait monitor to the right have a tilt to it?



Whats with the layout and do you honestly have that hard of a time remembering where wasd is that you need to have big red keys?

I can one up your cancer

Always a classic

That's a lot of cancer but that case looks like something straight out of Alien. Neat.


that windows 7 widget is really the icing on the cake

my gay ass station.

kill a nigger with one of those swords and your station will become officially cool

too fucking bright, enjoy eye cancer, led fag

A bit out of date but it doesn't change often

because it completely slaughtered all other rental services and normalfags can't into pirating. Man though remember when netflix shipped DVDs instead of just streaming?

Carry on, fellow anonymous. We .. I mean I will be watching this keenly from my comfy office in the Agenc .. I mean apartment. Yes, apartment.

Awesomeface is so old that at this point I'm just glad someone remembers it.

Is that left image actually yours? I'd be willing to purchase the small CRT on top, including shipping charges. Itd be a perfect little TV for my desk.

What are you, a walking advertisement?

What are you drawing there bud!


just practice references, i'm still not very good


Lol fuck off, 'toddlers. Owning a PS4 doesn't make you a normalfag.


I tried my best fixing everything.

okay but only cuz you got trips, don't expect much

post nudes, mine suck

better than mine, keep it up

Keep studying user, you've got this

I recommend watching Proko videos.

faucet filter means i have to go to the kitchen every time i need to get a drink
this way i can fill it up and get a few cups before having to refill
it's absolutely jewish though, i have to go through 5 supermarkets before i can find the right filters

But you can just buy a faucet filter, a normal pitcher, then if you care about keeping the water cold like I do then just drop some ice cubes into the pitcher.

I'll check it out next time i'm havin' a session. today will be video games only though

Awesomeface is 10 years old at least, user.

It's called CHADerectus


Good classic style.
Thank God you are not just drawing anime or cartoon proportions. I know some art students that do that and their excuse is always, "It's MY style"

You got this keep going friend.

time to bully

Pretty gud user

fixed your desk for ya


normalfag as fuck/10


Sure thing normalfaggot.

Jesus Christ

It does the job I need it to. It's comfy.

meant for

Yes it was in a battlestations thread back in 2015. It was designed to anger user.

I think i remember you, didn't you have lots of speakers lined up there?


i actually painted that myself back in 2007.

no this is just a temporary dorm right now. I'm going to korea in a month

meant for


Holy shit man that's rich

How you watch movies with that salt lamp in the background?

I think that's the best part.

I've seen this countless times, was this just something that was set up or did someone actually live like that?

poorfag here

Hello newfriend.

Fuck off, I'm just expecting an answer for a question on something that I had in my head for a long time.

Sure is sinful in here

I regret the events that lead to this.

No, it's mine. Interesting to see it was saved

shove it up your ass

Not only I can determine your country by your electrical outlet (standard NBR 14136) and body spray, but I can also say with accuracy your state by that big water bottle on the floor, the plastic bag in the trash bin and your sport club stamped pillow.

I feel the confederate's pain. It's also a really good looking flag.

Are you a genius janitor that solves crime in his time off?

The pillow case gives it all away pretty fast.



Kinda. There's plenty of people that likes soccer teams from other countries, but yeah, it was the main lead that made me look around for more clues.

Do you live in the US? I'm serious about purchasing one of your CRTS. I just want something 9-15 inches that accepts component and Svideo without too much headache.

Make a burner email and we can arrange something

I've lost count of the number of CRTs I've salvaged from transfer sites. It was fun shooting them to pieces.

Not all crts matter

OP is a fag


That is a whole new level of homosexuality.

Jesus Christ, a picture of a shithole battlestation is one thing, a video is entirely different.


I'd imagined as much, it looks handpainted. Good on you, user. I hope you posted a pic of it back then and someone has it saved.

Rare was actually good at that time, though..

I swear its to clean spilled milk and tea.

Actually, I'm pretty poor. I have a good pay coming up next week but this is a rare case and if I can't afford one of your CRT's then, then I never can. So lets save ourselves some time; how much would you be willing to charge for one of those small Panasonics next to your Saturn box in

g-d is watching you

g-od luck user, shipping would be really expensive, so he wouldn't be making a lot on the deal

Me and user can work out the bullshit of shipping costs later. I'd rather not do that if I don't have to, so before we even get started I'm gonna ask him what he wants. I don't want either of us to get ripped off here.

Of course it's fair to ask. I'm just saying good luck.

UCSD? Or is that some other shitty dorm room desk?

Different ID, but here's the new member of my family as proof it's me (this one will result in me repairing 3 other identical monitors and returning them to the wild.)

I don't like ripping people off, and wouldn't do that to you. Since you're interested in a smaller panasonic, I would only expect you to cover the cost of shipping, plus maybe a little extra for time. Unless you live in Hawaii, I doubt you'll be spending more than 50 bucks (monitor+shipping). It's a tiny, light monitor and I've packaged and shipped sets before.

It has S-video, component, RGBS, and composite if you really want that. Also a tinny mono speaker. I've arranged things with another user in the past, shipping much larger monitors and he pops up with an ikegami once in a while.

this is a kawaii set with a carrying handle on the top too. It's neighbor was a small ikegami.

To be clear because I feel the post is a little rambly: The monitor itself will be $20, you will also cover the cost of shipping. So $20+shipping.

And then I see Iwata's face…


Very nice. That price sounds right up my alley as well. You're a cool guy user. How big is the screensize? Its a bit hard to tell but I assume in the 10-12inch range? I apologize for taking so long to reply, Ive been a bit busy tonight.

I hope you're still in this thread. [email protected]

The only thing different is the fucking arcade stick

better than mine
sage for double post

sent you an e-mail, check if you got it.

keep ur normalfag threads of this board

Step it up user. You stick is almost as shit as your choice in monitor.


I still use Netflix, only because my mother lets me use her account.
I mostly pirate though.

that's a nice collection of CRTs

meant to reply to and
dont know how I managed to fuck that up

gmail is saying your inbox is full btw. I'm going to try sending from a account.

I'll never understand. People just give those away. It isn't even a good CRT.

it's a really nice little monitor. It'll fight any of your monitors and win.

nice flag bruh

You know what I'm a retard, that service is read-only so we couldn't communicate even if it did go through. Try [email protected] instead, that should work. Worst comes to worst I'll just make a burner yahoo or something.

I've checked every goodwill and secondhand store in my area, its completely dry. All the normalfags on craigslist either have things that dont work or are 6 million pound 30 inch monsters made with cheap parts in the late 90's-early 00's. Of course I'd much rather get a CRT from an user with a passion for them over that trash.

I have better monitors in my grave yard user. You can find a better CRT at the local dump, or in your neighbors basement, and multiple other places that don't require you to pay more in shipping than for the monitor itself. I understand wanting a CRT, what I don't understand is paying to have it shipped in unless you're buying a high end PVM.

It looks like you live in someones kitchen or laundry room.
Reminds of when I lost my job and stayed out in my buddies place for a few months in the country.

because it's really not very expensive, its got a nice size, great picture quality and the best input options available, and the form factor is very appealing.

trying again

I was looking for the bible, saw it on that tiny pedistool.
How does anyone read tiny text bibles? They hurt my eyes, I can understand why people get huge ass bibles.

Very jealous of your collection.

I love your setup it is very comfy.

Do you live in the attic?

user, those monitors have been sitting in mountains of trash out in the rain/elements for probably years now. Do you really think they still work?

It's your money and I guess this is another situation where I forget I'm just an oldfag. As my friend says "they like your stuff because they don't see it every day". BTW, those 6-million pound early 2000s monsters have some gems among them. You shouldn't be passing those up.

You get them before it rains, just like the ones people put on the street. Even if they don't work they contain parts to fix the other ones you already own.

Are you an engineer or software dev user?

I am learning how to RGB mod consumer CRTs, there is a drastic difference in quality between consumer CRTs and professional ones. It's got nothing to do with age.

Yes there is a difference, but a 30+ inch CRT from the early 2000s is just fine for most applications. Why not have both? Or 20, or 30?

This is why he has a collection and you're on an imageboard trying to buy a 10-inch monitor from him. You're supposed to dive in the dumpster, take everything, and sort it out later.

I got an old CRT that is yellowing, like the picture has a distinct yellow tint. Anyway to fix that? Looks cool for Persona 4 but nothing else.

you have us mixed up. I maintain CRT monitors and repair them, and the reason I don't have a 30"+ crt from the early-mid 00's is because I'm hunting for a presentation monitor next. Either a Mitsubishi Megaview or NEC XM monitor.

likely bad caps or tube in need of rejuvenation. Inspect caps/joints first, do a vibration test while its powered and running for at least half an hour (literally smack the chassis, see if it results in any change to the picture to do a quick joint test)

If the tube needs rejuvenation, you may be better off replacing it. Optionally, adjust the picture settings, this may require you to open up the chassis and adjust the pots with a Philips head screw driver.

I'll try that, thanks user.

I miss my hot tub at my old house. I should get a new one.

When did you start? Can you post earlier stuff? How do you practice and learn?
Not going to lie user, if I ever get to your level I intend to draw porn.

I've moved around a lot in the past 3 years so I haven't really had a battlestation, so have an old picture.

My mistake user, I just can't understand someone that can't find one CRT. They all use the same excuse that they can find nothing online when all they have to do is leave the house every once and awhile. Maybe it's my location but there has never been a shortage of people looking to unload CRTs. If you don't get them they just end up on the side of the road to get ruined either by the elements or a bored kid with a rock. We must do everything in our power to keep them out of the weather and the hands of smash community.

Where is your swastika flag man?

have you used professional equipment before? It really is a league beyond even the best consumer CRT TVs. I do not have difficulty finding them, but I have very specific interests and have friends I do CRT hunts with. It's how I got a never before used Ikegami TM15-80R.

Nice dubs. Only racists have those user, I'm not racist.

Hello Scotland.

Yea I own a few of them and have been using them since the 90s. I got my first one because I was doing fansubs for the anime club at my college before DivX 3.11 ;-) was a thing. Same reason I own an Amiga. But you have to dig through the crap to find those. People don't want to do that anymore, they just expect to get the best monitors by browsing craigslist. I'm just trying to help him because he could get one for free if he put in a little work/time. Plus, owning a PVM is no reason to turn your nose up at 30+ inch CRTs from the late 90s and early 2000s. Some of the consumer grade sets from that time were really good too.

I know they are in the UK but… c'mon, where is your national spirit man, we need a Scottish flag up there.

Come on user, they're a simple folk

I notice something new every time.

I live in a tiny space and don't have room for monster CRT's, let alone multiple ones to keep around for parts. The size isnt the only issue, most of them dont have all the inputs I want either. I live in the northeast US, people transitioned to LCD faggotry here right quick back in the 00's. The last CRT Ive seen in the wild was one on my neighbors porch during the winter about 8 years ago. Perhaps you're right and I'm being hasty here but I really just want to get this hunt over with so I can finally play my PS2, Saturn and Gamecube without them looking like shit.

did you get that e-mail, btw? I'll send another.

It's Scotland.

Just sent my reply out. I apologize for this game of cat and mouse.

I thought it read
There goes my theory that it was someone like movieblob's secret rape dungeon with that pic of Iwata being a helpless witness to the horrors within.


Is that a fucking fidget spinner?

Lookin' good, user! Though I'd try to get some of the cables in the 1st pic a little tidier…



CRT user is a cool guy.

You too

A-frame cabin.

Why do you have a SNES and SFC when you can just break the tabs inside a SNES for nip carts?

I have autism, user.

I upgraded.

*unzips dick

That mousepad is pathetic and that keyboard is disgusting.

mount monitor to the wall, plebs

casual scum


why is that desk a kilometer away from the wall? jesus fuck

you drew a meme by hand? what the fuck is your problem




100% definetly a buttfucking faggot

12 years old

manchild hipster

is that thing on the left corner your dildo?

Thats enough tism for today miladys


Are you 12?

Jesus christ these stickers are scheiße

user thank you for slightly improving your cable routing situation, but please spare us those case stickers in your next photograph. I'm actually curious why you would insist on having your tower on top of your desk rather than on the floor, as well. I notice that you have a bottom-mounted PSU, but even if you have long-hair carpet, a piece of cardboard will provide a smooth enough surface for it to suck air through vs the carpet.


The whole house has the same kind of floor.

Reminds me of my old set-up

That's is the worst kind of people to share space. You can see how the cables are all properly arranged, but the amount of stickers instead of proper aesthetics and all the dust on the keyboard and other equipment shows how much of a self-conscious slob he really is.

Nice drawer.

At 1st it was like the 1st pic, them some shit happened and i had to sit straight and shit and we go to the 2nd one and i made a fucking cool arcade controller on the table, them it was perfect, Them i got drunk one day i tore punched the table so hard it smashed the buttons and all, them some more shit happened and my once pretty gaming room that i was once so proud is a fucking mess and i never took a pic when it was the prettiest daddy thing…

fucking drug addicts

You want to talk about something user?

Thats like a 9/10
Goddamn that looks good asie from the Razer mouse


datamine my aesthetic.
haha that chair is like 5 years old now

My humble abode.

I have severe autism

Sweet painting


what painting?

The only one in display
Right above your monitor

Congratulations on your wife's son.

he's a good boy

What's up with that image?

Jesus christ, nigger what are you doing? Why do you have a fan in front of your tower speakers? why don't you have your speakers symmetrically placed?




didn't read lol



Never thought I'd have nostalgia for shitty memes.

Fair enough, I'm a frugal person so I don't mind.

Anything becomes nostalgic if you've lived long enough to see it fade away.

I hate it. When I'm employed I'll be getting out of it again ASAP. I ended up back here a year ago when I moved back to my home state and slipped back into NEET life
It's background noise and I enjoy laughing at how even back then they were inserting poz into everything.
I don't drink and blame my friend. The scotch is mine but it's from 2 years ago.
Guilty as charged, the Neo-Geo was a mistake.
It's the guest bed, I have a queen with a good pillow top that isn't in the picture. The couch is shit, the chair was my father's and is beyond /comfy/
I have reasons
I'm in it everyday so I gave up on this.
It usually stays off
No argument. It looks worst than usual but I lost my job and stopped caring about it two months ago.


Kek their rooms are totally JUSTed.


This is the kind of shit we just don't get anymore, when did the internet get so boring?

Suck a dick, homo.

The people that did shit like that turned into the people that defaecate in public as "art" and LARP as the opposite sex.

There's a ground radiator behind it so I wasn't able to get it any closer unfortunately

Painting yourself into a conspiratorial corner and projecting this hard. Your veneer of self confidence will only carry you so far, user. No soul is too lost to find its way.


Intellectual dead end, user.

Genetic dead end, user.


I think its just a reaction image

I'm sure all of those children you have agree with you. Hope they've been going to church every Sunday like mine! ;)

Careful, user, or you'll end up one of the drug dealing baby rapers like bundy ranch

You're not even trying. Filtered, jew.

Getting jumpy when someone calls you out on your own narrative, I thought that was something only Jews were supposed to do.


The last three had a "reaction image"
I've been banned for less

They do brother. Hopefully not to your "church."

These are ancient images from /g/.

I know, it's my childhood snes, it has a bad PPU or VRAM chip (glitchy graphics). It's just there for show. I never got around replacing it, because I can't find one at a good price.
I got the SFC for next to nothing, I tried to swap motherboard, but the SFC is a early unit with detachable sound module and the SNES is a later revision with sound chips on the mainboard. So the cases are not compatible.

it's actually pretty decent. despite it's age (1984), it got s-video and it look pretty sharp. if you're complaining because of the size, 14 inch is good enough for a desktop monitor.

