If I was him, I would have just hatefucked my girlfriend. That is, if I had one.
If I was him, I would have just hatefucked my girlfriend. That is, if I had one.
Other urls found in this thread:
Chink's priorities everyone
Kek. Back when I used to bother with assfaggots shut up we all have our dark moments, I remember this fag and his group of chinks fresh off the boat from China. I fucking knew they'd be terrible cancer looking to make a cheap buck off of "easy to beat 'Muricans'" and that none of them were scrupulous people; what a surprise I was right. The only shame is that this won't bring down the whole assfaggots scene or make people realize they're owned by the chinks while playing and watching this shitty game.
looking at the video they linked it seems abit fake really
Did she deserve it though?
Western Civilization was built on an understanding between sexes that men won't beat women as long as they don't warrant it, unfortunately feminism and lack of war made weak men who are now incapable of even defending themselves.
Women are allowed to be stupid whore with nobody aside from islamic replacers to put them in place.
Does not compute
Headline should be "Chink cannot beat assfaggots, beats girlfriend instead."
For what purpose?
I skipped the point of cultural differences, for example in Islam you actually have to beat your wife as a form of discipline, maybe chinks have it too.
That's why now beating women in the west is seen as something terrible due to feminism when it was just a chore that sometimes had to be done.
You guys say this shit as if it's a surprise to anyone who know anything about China.
I laughed
She should be thankful that she wasn't left in a trashcan.
getting those views on twitter.
He got terminated from the program my boy.
I think you meant Twitch? That aside the assfaggot audience, and especially the LoLbabby audience aren't going to like what he did, while the cancerous twitch audience might, there's the tiny detail that being an asshole can get you barred from entering competitions. Which is really bad for a streamer whose selling point is being a pro.
He's more than just a sore loser
Found the chigger
Yeah niggers already banned
In other news, water is wet and jews did 9/11.
Forgot source link
Did I offend you?
That fuzzy audio is just perfect. My diaphragm is sore from laughing.
You got a small dick and no girl wants your ass, deal with it
Webm where? I aint watching that shit.
You're not the brightest knife in the toolshed, are you? You should consider stopping before you go full retard.
it seems like he was on the down fall anyways from the tit bits I saw looking up the video
twitch would make more sense. I dunno if she was getting beat, why would she say fucking anything after a loss like that since the kinda people who beat their other halves tend to go through a circle which gets faster and faster the longer it goes on. if it was a one off thing, this guy was part of the pro scene and is probably very used to loosing so it doesn't seem very likely over a random match which doesn't mean anything and that's why I think there's more to it tbh
I think it's a mirror tbh
Sure, whatever you say, DJ Kimchi
He's already been arrested by the police and suspended from competitive if the girlfriend is in on it they are both incredibly committed.
How long to are you going to keep "pretending"?
that pokeslut is a fag tbh also that too could be staged tbh
the world we live in is a giant joke so why not eh
I'd doubt it if it wasn't China.
Not surprising
Ningens are basically niggers compared to Aryan Saiyajins. :^)
So, did she stop feeding Teemo after her beating?
I love Southern women.
You meant European, right? Anyways, here's the 'source'. It's cuckchan
Oh boy
The picklerick video is fake nigger you're probably only a fraction as intelligent as the other user
Oh yeah, these fucking things
It could be for alchemical purposes given that the chink reportedly discovered tofu when some madman was trying to somehow make immortality pills out of soy beans.
In the west your female girlfriend would claim you raped and beat her over the most asinine bullshit while a chinese gf will cover for you even after beating her and treating to kill her because she know she was in the wrong by fucking over while he was working
You guys ever tried Mobas, cs:go, siege or any of the other cancer team games? I am a very peaceful person, but thanks to those games I wish death upon others.
He is a paid streamer, you live in a idiot world where you get paid by idiots to do stupid meaningless jobs, are you rally triggered over such a technicallity.
Are you stupid? She deserves it because she is a woman and all woman deserve beatings from time to time.
If you don't beat your woman, she will get sick and leaves you.
Next, you'll tell me that [pic related] isn't real person burning.
For fuck's sake, I didn't even have to convert the video to get it up here. Don't embed if you don't have to.
We need stop having threads about China. I'm tired of learning shit about China. The shit that they do is just beyond logic. Boiling eggs in boy piss? The only way I can imagine someone ever considering that is the same way that one brony boiled a pony in semen, but at least he didn't eat it (I will assume).
He makes more than $1.00 an hour and so her parents would beat her harder his she causes him to lose that.
And that's a good excuse to beat his GF?
But that isn't, that's a drawing.
Time to post these again.
what the fuck
who cares women literally beg to be beaten abused and raped. Nothing, and I mean nothing gets there pussies wetter than a man doing that to them.
I didn't know he boiled the pony
If your girlfriend is doing stupid shit while you are working you tell her to fuck off, If she keeps doing the same shit you do beat her, Violence is actually a pretty good solution to most problems and second is clear that she understand it, The idea that you cant beat a woman because she is a woman is stupid
Nice double post, faggot.
No, the idea of beating a woman because you lost a game of ASSFAGGOTS is stupid.
>tfw China is a superpower only because (((whites))) got outjewed by Chinese copyright laws, stating that everything brought to, or better yet assembled by china is Chinese intellectual property.
Don't click this image. I can't find the full halfchan image.
I think you missed the part where the chink beat her because he was mad he lost at ASSFAGGOTS. I hate agreeing with whining bitches, but she was completely right when she told him to stop having such a shitfit over videogames.
the chinese are subhuman and every single one of them should be wiped off the face of the earth. absolutely nothing of value would be lost if.
He is being paid for streaming it though, she is happily spending the money he earns streaming so why woudnt he be mad when she is bothering him while he is performing badly at his only source of income? She is the one being stupid, she should be supportive and is why he ends up beating her. Both of them understand it and will continue to be together while you keep sperging about whatever it was a good excuse for beating her.
Good dubs, but those are niggers you described, and unlike Whites, Chinks are now colonizing Africa
Because he is being paid for it and its his only source of income you dumb retard, He takes it seriously as anyobdy with more than 2 digits IQ would.
Jesus Christ
That's fucking hilarious for some reason
Someone webm that table-flip.
chinka not wong
The faggot was acting like a retard in public and she advising him to protect his honor. He does the complete opposite and makes shit worse for himself. I can't believe that you're defending a moron who ruins his career making easy money in a shit hole backwards ass land where people will sue you for saving their lives in few seconds because he couldn't handle a woman tell him to stop sperging in public.
And this is why you have so many videos of "people" throwing tard fits or smashing controllers after videogame matches. Actual sports give you a physical release for pent-up energy, while videogames don't.
Citation needed
How did you come across this, user?
So the solution is only allowing people with martial arts experience who know they need to regulate that energy to play assfaggots?
Pretty much, if you don't know how to regulate and bleed-off excess energy you shouldn't be playing "competitively".
They should just make their entire army play ASSFAGGOTS before going to war. Maybe then they'll actually kill someone who's armed.
She shoudnt do that when he is working, it made him look worse, being criticized by your gf in such manner its way worse than behaving the way he was. One show he cares about the game, the other undermines his public image, she should remain silent and talked with him in private
You are being deliberately obtuse you dumb low functional autist, my point was that any person that is performing badly at his only source of incoming with more than 2 single digits IQ would be annoyed, She bothering him is clearly stupid in that case the rest of your point is clearly irrelevant
That may be true, but that doesn't justify or excuse autistic flipping and/or beatings. He ends up ruining his own career because he's an immature little spaz who got a lucky break. A responsible adult would have acted more responsibly by at least turning off the webcam before beating his girlfriend's ass. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it. Sperg shouldn't sperg.
On a completely unrelated note, you wouldn't happen to be an ASSFAGGOT player or MGTOW, would you?
Why do you want to defend this chink so badly? And why is your English so bad? You wouldn't happen to be a chink too?
Why do you want to know? so you can start sperging and throwin irrelevant ad hominems like a monkey?
"This afternoon, Vasilli's girlfriend penned a lengthy post on Weibo, claiming that while Vasilli had thrown a big "tantrum," he had not actually hurt her. She adds that when the police arrived to arrest her boyfriend, she tried to make them leave."
He will be fine, they will stream together and you know what they say, Any PR is good PR thats specially good for sub humans like chinks that dont have the retarded feminism and post modernism fucking their functional brains
MGTOW confirmed.
Yes, someone who would say something like
Is cleatly MGTOW
And now he threw it all in the fucking trash because he couldn't keep it together on stream. Truly, he did nothing wrong.
Not saying he did nothing wrong, just saying that beatin her was justified and both of them acted ina pretty stupid manner anyways. He is a streamer in mainland China not in weimar America and his girlfriend is already saving his career
Not that I don't have every reason to doubt what the gf is saying, but chink grammar is weird
Basically, the chink's gf goes
during the autistic rampage, but in modern chink the same grammar and wording can be used to imply intent or (already taken) actions. It's fucking retarded.
Yeah. MGTOW will take any excuse to shit on women. You're basically covering for an abusive retard. The alternative would be to admit that a woman, for once, wasn't wrong. Also, you seem pretty concerned about this faggots' well being.
Oh, thank got that his girlfriend defended his shitty career. I was worried.
I'm sure ab6f58 was right when he called you out for being a chink. I'm sure in the land of "no penis-no future; we totally won't regret this later" you have no problem beating one of the few women you have in the country because couldn't hold on to your speghetti because "muh hard work streaming". Meanwhile, people are doing manual labor and fighting wars and somehow can avoid beating their bitch wives in public.
China wins again.
He was working having your girlfriend doing that while you work is damaging to his public image
Not really, you are just a low functional autist that decided to sperg out because he cant make a coherent argument, I just came here laughing about how even a shithole where they eat dogs and cats that was ravaged by more than 80 years of communism has less shit women compared to their western counterparts, Showing how Critical theory, Post modernism and feminism and cultural marxism are truly the bane of civilization and the communism of the 21 century
Shitskins sure love beating women but women love the shit out of them for it. Maybe that's why even a gook vidya loser can get a girlfriend. Beat women, that's the secret sauce. Just ask Muslims and blacks.
It's worse than I thought.
Now for the rest of that bullshit you posted.
You're sure telling me Wang Chung. I hope that, in your hubris, you don't end up breathing in too much of the air and dropping dead on your keyboard.
Low functional autist, i clearly aggred that the only wrong thing he did was not turning the cam off and beating the shit of her off stream and my first post was clearly about his gf defending him
Prove me wrong
Nigger sort yourself.
Christ, Mark. Either b& the chink or anchor this shit thread.
Holla Forums is such a self parody that it doesn't matter that SJWs have no sense of humour
Sure is gaf in here.
>he doesn't know that urine specifically, the ammonia one could extract from urine was used for tanning leather back in the day and that you needed a lot of it
Someone say 200 gallons of piss stored and made into "art" by a tranny against trump?
This shit was supposed to exist only in the world of Adam Sandler-tier comedies.
I knew trannies were insane but holy fuck
I think he's chugging alcohol to make more piss.
China is superior and we are better than you in every way
Did you post an actual Chinese cartoon? That's a serious question. It would make for a more fun post.
That game gets worse every single day.
He's making a joke. That Laura Southern's sister.
You monkeyfuck scumfuck retard, you cockguzzling donkey-dick faggot, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about you bipolar prolapse eating ball fondler.
Stop posting Japanese creations, you chink monkey. Genghis Khan was right about chinks, they are nothing more than monkeys and slaves. Japan will destroy chink subhumans.
How's the lung cancer and dog stew?
But he posted a chink. Does this chink-made image make you feel better?
It makes me feel better knowing that there are chinese people with souls.
doing better than Holla Forums then
wtf I love China now
Honestly he did nothing wrong except losing his calm.
Beating the bitch who kept talking after a defeat was 100% right.
I'm not used to this situation.
well from what I could tell, he was getting taunted very severely, playing badly, while streaming and then his gf tells him he looked bad - in front of the entire audience.
not surprised he got so pissed tbh.
what happened?
She got beaten for roasting his Jackie chan looking ass and spitting out the flames of truth lmao
Weren't chinks considered at least equal to us mentally, militarily, and spiritually back in 200 AD? How have they degraded so much?
If you throw a tantrum because you're shit at a video game you deserve to be taunted
Probably that Mao fella, although the chinks still worship him so they deserve everything they get.
He's at best half-Chink. The other half is clearly some sort of alien. He should be lauded as clear proof of not only extraterrestrial life, but of sexual compatibility with said life.
This is why it's very important to get over any reactive anger issues you might have before you ever decide to record yourself live. The humiliation of embarrassing yourself in front of an audience heightens any regular reaction and creates a powder keg.
Ever worry about plastic in the water supply?
It's a known mutagen and most of the contaminants are in chinese waters. Couple that with their fetish for polluting their arable land with heavy metals and the communist living conditions and you go, incredibly quickly, from world power to dyshuman bugmen.
Nice vintage meme user, I think I have Uncle Cumbottle stored somewhere
And exactly that type of thinking led to modern day feminism.
Ahhh it makes me long for the good old days where you could smack them around to keep them in line. The whole world has gone to shit.
Oh shit, he's going to the Internet Gaming Addiction Camp!
It was supposed to be a protest against tranny bathroom laws in the US
I'm pretty sure it's just exhibitionism on display
When will this stupid fucking fad end?
when (((they))) stop profiting off it.
so, never.
ummm sure , its not like more people died las year than in ww2 were not at war goy
gas yourself kike
Islam is western civilization now? The actual western civilization is built on accomplishment and cultural growth, not beating your woman.
White trash want to bring all whites down to their level.
This bit only applies if the person is fucktarded.
One of the comments: "I didn't know he had mad pvp skills"
That room must fucking stink, it doesn't matter how well sealed that shit is, the smell always dominates. That 'artist' has numerous reasons to be on the end of a rope.
Sounds like the dumb whore got what she deserved. If more womyn were beaten regularly when they mouth off like that, the world would be a better place fampai.
theres your problem
Reverse weeabooism: not even once.
he beat his mom not his gf OP ya retard , you can tell the lady giving him lip had a super old sounding voice ,, oh and the fact he said 'fuck you mom i'll kill you' .. he obviously beat his mom and the gf was in the room probably trying to stop him from keeping the beating going
His mom actually sounded kind of calm and rational and he fucking went nuclear on her because he's a child who can't take banter from his own fucking chat.
Best goylem, would recommend to my rabbi!
If those are wars, where are the spoils, the loot and the PoW's for victory?
Or maybe we're losing, so in that case we should name and trial the people responsible for defeat then have them shot against the wall.
Don't forget gay rights, democracy and tolerance (^:
It's hilarious to see this trend of Holla Forums betas thinking if they orbit white women and say WE RESPECT YOU WE GOOD FEMINISTS they will finally get laid
proof you were raised by single mothers and have no understanding of female psychology, women do not want to be respected, you are a beta, end of story.
Are you saying we should just beat them half to death then?
No, you should let them know that if they don't get their shit together they'll get a swift 1-2 to the solar plexus.
Best way to remind a woman of your strength and proper behavior is to show her a motion of punching the palm of your hand.
Women like a savage, just like elliot rodger AFTER shooting turned out to be pretty attractive and before he was a mocked beta loser virgin.
See pictures of girlfriends of convicted criminals like murderers or gangsters.
I'm sure there's a better and less abusive way of making them understand but I wouldn't know.
If being a gangster or a murderer gets me a girlfriend I'd rather refrain
Literally 0 abuse involved, just a reminder.
What is she going to do? Call the police because you made a gesture?
Make your mind up, what the fuck are you trying to say? Punch them or give them a gesture,
It sounds like his mom, he doesn't seem like someone cultured enough to like older women.
They're the right priorities tbh, talk smack get smacked
It sounds like an older woman. I dunno.
There's also the "fuck you mom", but it could be fuck your mom.
This was what was being said yes.
My bad then.
Get out, chink.
I hadn't thought of that…
>>>/suicide/ >>>/r9k/
It was posted around some time ago you newfag
are those bloodstains on the wall?
No one mentioned that he didn't actually hit her and just yelled at her while breaking his furniture?
She came out and said she respected him for just yelling at her instead of beating her and that he's come a long way since they first met.
Fucking chinks.
Physically dominating a woman isn't abuse, it's love. It's what women expect and need in order to achieve a sense of stability. They want to feel like helpless children, protected by you but also punished by you.
Basically, women want a stern father that they can also fuck.
Implying anything else was under discussion. You just responded to a case of domestic violence.
And how much of a fucking brainlet do you have to be to think that I must be Chinese just because I'm a not dumbfuck like you?
What the fuck is fucking happenning?
There's too much audio distortion that i can't really tell. Just 2 screaming chinks and no actual footage of the chink streamer being a subhuman.
what a fucking surprise, to be honest i thought that he'll do it for real.
Damnit man read the thread more closely, its already been said
Yeah that's totally redpilled am i right? :^)
Clearly I'm a retard cuck because this is fucking autistic
Please no. I already fucking despise the Chinese. The rage just keeps making me angrier and angrier.
Honestly the whore deserved it, should have kept her mouth shut
You are a retarded cuck if you think primary purpose of women is anything other than being a wife.
Go back to wherever you respect women online and expect pussy in return.
No, I'm saying beating your wife is unsurprisingly abuse. Just saying or gesturing is fine albeit a bit rude.
This place is retarded I love it.
It's not okay, however sometimes it can't be helped.
Women should realize that the men have superior strength compared to hers and act in a way that doesn't warrant a painful reminder of that biological fact.
Most of the time i would've agreed with this, but this is a fucking chink streamer who can't take a low-tier bantz. He deserved to get all that shit for being a spastic subhuman.
Here's your (You)
You guys are funny
Honestly thats pretty nice, i wouldnt mind if something like that was used in the west too
Sure showed me (^:
Where the fuck did all the episodes went? Why they are deleted?
Not even going to dissuade you from this line of thinking, go do this then go to prison so you can be rehabilitated
Females love getting beaten, why do you think household violence goes unreported so often?
Do you not think man has the intellectual capacity to control himself? They're fucking words, not actions. How much of a bitch do you have to be to get triggered over your gf calling you shit at LoL?
Flawless logic here.
Was she even calling him shit? All she was was giving him advice, he flipped out when he heard that someone else was streaming and he looked dumb because of it.
That's pretty rad
Reminds me of then time when parents would have sent their bratty, good-for-nothing children to Military school.
Proof that he's not a real chad irl
Also he's just baiting for (You)s, he's acting like a MGTOW maggot because he knows that it'll fish our attention to him
I don't know sorry
Really though, what happened?
Who doesn't love broken rips, black eyes and bleeding half to death each night? Fuck I love death! haha nihilism amirite xD
There's anons who post here who think women should pretty much be slaves and shouldn't get an education and shit. They're up there with the creationists and the like. Good for a laugh though.
It's funny but also kind of sad because you know some woman is going to end up dead or at least coming close because of them.
Who the fuck loves pain? Broken bones/ribs/literally any part of your body fucking hurts
Women do, at least mentally
Cite the sources and facts, maybe I'll believe you. I'm not going to believe some user on a chink imageboard based on a five-letter sentence
Stop replying, he is clearly baiting at this point.
The Aut-Right and Holla Forums recruit from MGTOW and PUA communities hence the extreme butthurt attitudes to women
Fetish sites and tumblr blogs from thirty something sad sacks and mentally ill teenage girls are not representative of what women on the whole enjoy. A little slap and tickle in the bedroom ≠ domestic violence either.
wow, what a clear and sharp point you've made, you don't even know what you're arguing
If women dont like getting beaten then why so much domestic violence goes unreported?
They must clearly enjoy it
What nice way to show yourself that you're educated friend
Women are inferior to men in some aspects, but they're not fucking below us you fucking nigger
Here you go
h ttp://
Christian Grey never up and started beating the shit out of her though. It was a consensual sexual agreement. Plus he was a sexy handsome alpha billionaire, not an imageboard user.
And most importantly it was an erotic novel, it's intended to tittilate. Imagine a woman looking at porn and thinking that was an ideal model of what men wanted from a relationship.
Many women love their abusers, not their abuse. They foolishly believe they will change. Compound that with fear of reprisal and it's easy to see why women don't come forward.
MFW I have no sympathy for her
It's even worse if there's a kid in the middle of it all
K. now explain white women volunteering and finding "love" in (((refugee))) then ending up dead.
I bet Jeremy Meeks is attractive only thanks to his body, and the fact he's a convicted felon is irrelevant.
Correlation where?
My body may be broken but at least I am not you.
Who is gonna homeschool the children if the women have no education? Get your boogeyman straight, faggot.
Men like we used to. Learn your history beta.
I said sources and facts, not a Christian site, maybe I'm retarded and missed the actual facts but all I saw were bible quotes.
One of the bible quotes told me something too, your mum gay xD
They will never have a healthy relationship with a women and they will never know the superiority of 2D. An user a few threads ago tried to link a scientific article that only showed promise in flies and called it proof that sperm soaks up through the vaginal walls and completely changes a female DNA. Just laugh at them till mods ban them for offtopic retardation.
the dude's mixing alpha male culture with shit you see on fucking tv, it's god damn hilarious
hitting your wife only works in non-china if you're excessively attractive/wealthy or she's a retarded trailer banshee
It works if you become a beta apologist and promise to never do it again then continue doing it again until you finally drive her insane enough to drown her kids or shoot your dog. Wife beaters are constantly offended cucks who can't address their issues with a problem directly and resort to chad tier intellect to fix things.
Beating your wife is a perfectly healthy relationship though, just because she's screaming and crying doesn't mean they don't like it!
literally what?
Why would me not wanting women to be beaten get me laid anyway
Don't you know all sex starts and ends with your female partner having a black eye and a broken rib? Get on my level of intellect user! Women can't even breath without us reminding them how to do it. The Bible says so! Ok i'm done shitposting
Man, it sure is leddit in this thread.
Jeremy Meeks is attractive due to his good facial aesthetics (strong jawline and baby blue eyes). He is attractive despite criminality not because of it.
And women do not 'find love' with refugees or even sleep with them in my country, it's a complete media myth, most can't even speak the language. The only examples I have heard of are older women housing them and using them as toy boys. Don't be gaslit so easily.
It was used for a lot more than that. The Romans used urine to wash their clothes(the urine ammonia is what made their togas white) and even as mouthwash. It got to the point where so many people were storing their own urine that the Roman government created a urine tax. Another fun fact about Rome is that they had sewers, but they weren't built very well, so methane gas would build up and eventually people's toilets would arbitrarily explode.
Finally someone gets it
That better not be (((Laura Southern)))
That's kinda gay.
in a perfect world, it would be. does that mean China is /ourcountry/ ?
Esports are cancer
This makes me happy