The protagonist of GTA VI needs to be a 20 something FUCKING WHITE MAIL

The protagonist of GTA VI needs to be a 20 something FUCKING WHITE MAIL.


I don't really want to play another GTA game ever again. I only tried 4, put a few hours into it and realized the game wasn't doing anything interesting. I'll stick with the GTA 3 trilogy for good games.

GTA needs to be a single player game ONLY
While IV's Multiplayer was pure and good enough, it was a slippery slope
Online was a mistake

I wish they would return to having the cities be landlocked like in GTAIII, its much more believable than just this floating island in the middle of an endless ocean. Its understandable for the III-era games, but by GTA IV and V it became ridiculous because they're talking about all this interstate activity but its on this tiny island. I think Sleeping Dogs does this as well.

Isn't Sleeping Dogs set in Hong Kong, a port city?

It's an island


You can still see mainland from the distance. Plus the maps are too small for it to be believable as its own island. You should see more in the distance
But the point is that GTAV is the worst offender because its supposed to be the size of a state and interconnected with the mainland but again its in the middle of the ocean, at least with knock off Hong Kong and New York they're kind of islands already.
In the Spiderman 2 game and original Mafia New York was landlocked so they should have done it for IV, just have it so that if you try flying out there you get shot down with missiles.

It will be a female. Screencap this.

They should put endless dessert and after a certain invisible barrier a cutscene triggers were 2 guys dressed like the men in black put you in their car trunk and you appear back in your bed.

It will use farcuck5's formula and the online one and you will be able to create your own character for single player. Screencap this.

IT would be good only if they remake Vice City or continue the story 1 year later.

Desert, dear god im dense today…

And how will they make the cutscenes?

I want it to take place in Tokyo and be about a sexually frustrated hapa that falls in with the yakuza climbing to the top of the underworld because the homo genus society above wouldn't have anything to do with him.

He then gets dumped by the dumb broad he spent the whole game saving the ass of for Hideki Kamiya and goes on one final spree shooting. Awww ye baby, gangland gentleman style.

You know what I don't understand, why don't they make 2 - 3 GTA games at the same time? They would all sell.

They kinda did with Vice City Stories, GTA IV and Chinatown Wars

rockstar has several studios, I'm pretty sure each one handles their own projects.

They even did that in SR2. The first had Steelport in an ocean void, then it wasn't. Then back to ocean void for 3 and 4.

she's nailing that virgin walk

I want a female protagonist but I just know that they will make her ugly so I also don't.

What they do is milk the shit out of one game by releasing it on all platforms over time.

You like that don't you?

pic related: if next GTA has a female protagonist, I want her to be close to Michael's daughter. She must be around 18, you get to play during her last year of high school while she gets ready for college, and as the story progresses, her father is killed by local mobsters with connections to politicians and she must get revenge.


I don't think they will even give you time to talk kinda like Claude in III


Thing is, they're kind of getting out of eras/movies to mock/plagiarize. But Rockstar always had set characters, that's their writing thing.

Or that. It's hard to make an interesting GTA female character.

After all, you know how annoying it is to exit a good version of any of those things and open another good version, when you are driving around and get the urge to shoot some bitches.

What I'd wish to truly see again is a modern Manhunt where the whole point of the game is to rape, torture and kill and get points.

4u All you have to do is make her "quirky" (i.e. spouts memes every fucking time and probably quotes rick and memey) and give her a take no shit from anyone attitude (a bitch) and presto! IT'S FUCKING WATCH DOGS 2!"

It would actually be fun if manipulating people heartlessly was just a video game.

This would be interesting.

They did that with the first one (London Missions), idk why they don't keep doing it.
Hell, it could be an intra-company competition, every region makes their own!
I would probably buy SF's first just to kill a literal billion hipsters.

I think he means a co-launch, those were more like expansions. Think about it though, done the right way… and it would also get each region's personal touches like humour n shit too, the way they did with London (of course, they were scottish only at the time I think, so that was kinda cheating)

I actually used Omarosa as the base for my female 'boss'
it worked out way too well. Fit fucking perfect.
Based initial outfit on lastpic for projecting that "ho-that-been-pimp-slapped-one-too-many-times" style of asshattery.
>tfw you could see the real one do exactly that to Jessica Valenti without a shred of remorse too

let's pick up where the movie left off! A pseudo-sequel (like how Vice was basically Scarface's) to Leon: The Professional!


they have absolutely nothing to lose with americanizing Sleeping Dogs

It will be a woke tranny latinx sheboon who takes over antifa, blows up the Wall and forces Calexit
game will bomb and instead of learning writers and journos will cry racism and double down
denuvo and microshit transactions galore a given

You mean it's hard to not put women in an honest light for a (((game))) that glorifies street/organized crime? Because maybe a total of 20 women in this entire world have the potential for being a main character in a game that seeks an honest (albeit over-exaggerated) interpretation of modern American crime? The day gigolo numbers equate to or surpass hookers then they'll likely consider giving a shit about the tough, hardened, female criminal main character that rebels against modern views of girls and women which, in the game, and with consideration to women's rights activists gamergate blah blah blah, would mean going around killing men for the purpose of the storyline and gameplay - which you can already do in like every Rockstar game to date so it's essentially whatever being something honest like an astronaut or doctor and start having young girls pull out .22 rifles and .357 revolvers at school to prove a point against those boys who rejected the girl all those years or instead of being an honest worker, to be a criminal glorifying death, sex, thievery, drugs, and gang life, or being something worse - a housewife?

No, feminists aren't jumping on gaming because the highest selling games in history (and games in general) are hated by most right wing conservatives and feminists are predominately left wing and want nothing to do with the right. Because they're retarded.


as long as they bring back the samuri sword i'm in! ,. the funnest part was going around chopping old people and women's heads off in one clean swipe … i wish they would just remake vice city and upgrade the graphics it would easily sell 20 million+


Into the trash it goes.
JC games are superior in every way.

JC2 had a fun multiplayer mod but the story mode was a joke.

why dont they just put land outside of the map in one endless direction as if to indicate the city is actually on the coast? I've seen RPGs use the "endless land" trick. I don't see why rockstar couldn't.

I think it's time for a Spic gang banger protagonist.

I didn't realize I needed this game till I saw this post…

The "story" in JC2 and 3 is just an excuse to cause havoc and have fun, so no it was great.

Who cares? CJ was my favorite player character, even if he was schizophrenic.

You know it's not gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if next one was multi only, mmo style.

They don't have the balls to sterotype a place that isn't USA.

A female character could work but she would have to be a WOMAN, that is bringing some fucked up criminal femininity into the mix. If she looks like a woman but acts like any generic dude then it'd be a waste.

Women make vicious bullies, it could be gold.


A true gentleman game would be fucking awesome. Synthwave, narcissism and failure, the soundtrack of my life.

Lets shake it up a bit. Set it in Japan. Main protagonist is a Sukeban. Bullying, extortion, and violence all possibilities for you as you try and build a gang of delinquents

Let's shake it up even more. Set it in japan, main protagonist is a sukubus

Japanese high school sucubus simulator. Must collect X ammount of male student's seamen and turn Y amount of female students into cumsluts before the year is over.

Slice of life RPG with rape, prostitution, and mind-break game-play mechanics.

I'd play that game.