What are some Tolkien inspired games that capture the feel from the books as apposed to the movies?
Tolkien/High Fantasy
I want to fuck that spider.
That Medieval 2 Total War mod is really good.
Sorcery. I could be wrong though, I've only read the Hobbit.
You can in Shadow of War. Except well, she becomes human.
I heard dwarf fortress is pretty good
where's the fun in that?
You have to go back, nigger.
deep inside, aren't we all freaks?
Some freaks deserve the oven more than others.
Battle for Middle Earth 2.
Uses movie likenesses but has maps and stories only found in the books with the evil campaign being entirely fictional but good
Are you still fucking a spider if it turns human?
I bet she smells like absolute shit.
There was a Tolkien board.
Your fucking a steaming shit on Tolkien’s grave is what you’re fucking. Even more disrespectful than the LEGO games based off of the movies.
There isn't much sadly. Best I can think of is Oblivion but you'll have to mod it to hell.
My nigga
She looks like she could shit her pants without even noticing.