Ex-BioWare dev: "I've seen people literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards"


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Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess.

I'm not really surprised considering how much money some "people" sunk into Shekel Citizen.

A nice followup to the singleplayer games are dead article from a week ago.

heh. future sunset dev inbound

As soon as I saw a simulated loot box in the E3 "demonstration" of Anthem I knew it was going to be shit. What a shame too, I could have enjoyed a game about jetpacking around an open world.

Can't wait for the inevitable explosion on social media when he realizes no one gives a shit about his game.

What the fuck is wrong with whales? Their brains are clearly not normal.


It's a trend that only people with two jobs will be able to play games.

No, voting with your wallet works. You are just mad because you lost. Literally the "FRUG DOLAN DUMP" of the video game market.

This. What people don't really understand here is that representation isn't even when you vote with your wallet. Everybody doesn't get one vote. You didn't buy a $60 game? You just voted 60 times. The other guy spent $15,000 in microtransactions? He just voted 15,000 times. It takes 250 of you to beat out that one guy in the election.

I'm content to let the market correct itself. Just pirate everything.

I knew Anthem was shit as soon as I heard rumours of a new Bioware IP

Putting even more lootcrate/box bullshit in games is only going to make the AAA industry slowly die. The bubble on this shit will burst when most normalfags realize that they are literally getting nothing out of the fucking boxes, and they are better off straight up gambling.

What the hell is with street shitters trying to jump on the oppression train lately?

Whales probably actually have autism, OCD or something missing from their life - friends, family, purpose. The kikes taking advantage of these people, bleeding them dry, are monsters.

American police aren't beating them regularly so they start to get uppity and think they're more important than they actually are.

Very interesting how the journos are starting to ramp up their deflection game in time for a major release that incorporates lootboxes. That's forgetting about shadow of war, which was a singleplayer game with this lootbox/gacha shit. a similar system has also been confirmed to exist in xenoblade chronicles 2 with how the game doles out blades to the player. But it's somehow different this time, and completely defensible, because anthem is multiplayer. Lootboxes are the future.

"Don't not buy the game because it does something you don't like. Buy it" will the argument they make, and they'll reference this article or something similar saying how wrong it is. They need that cash flow.

I don't believe it. I don't have friends, family, or purpose in my empty shitty life either and you don't see me blowing cash on microtransactions and dying my hair blue because some twitch streamer did it.

You fill that whole with shitposting on a vietnamese sweatshop plauge though

They're kinda like drug addicts and they'll lose everything in the end.

This is your brain on Vaisya morality.

There's no one specific set of conditions that turns someone into a whale, it's equal parts nature and nurture. I've seen autistic NEET shut-ins blow their monthly tugboat on CSGO and I've seen successful 30-somethings with too much money and not enough sense to consider the future blowing entire paychecks on Shark Cards and jpegs of ships.

Someone should make a game that features black supremacy, i.e. African warlord simulator. Featuring child soldiers, rape to cure AIDS, necklacing, genocide, eating albinos to get magic powers, etc. Bonus points for showing Ghandhi quotes on niggers. Extra bonus points for outselling Manveeg Heel

Don't forget burning witches, using funny names to scare death, wearing female clothing to confuse bullets, wearing bright orange lifevests to ward off danger on the battlefield, cracking skulls of bald men open because you believe there is gold inside, etc.

Extra extra bonus points if you include a level set in India where Heir has to swim through the shit infested waters of their holy river, dodging dead bodies, excrement, children, trash, etc.

>> store.steampowered.com/app/427470/Democracy_3_Africa/

the comments on that one are amazing kek

mfw it was possible to cheat easy in mass effect 2 to get money for loot cards

they're addicts plain and simple, if it wasn't vidya it'd be something else like gambling or drinking or playing with tabletop wargames

Shekel Yiddzen

I've personally seen people spend tens of thousands per week on mobile games, so this doesn't even register as a surprise to me. As OP mentioned it's why I don't believe in the whole 'vote with your wallet' thing anymore, not when all it takes is a few stupid people with very large wallets.

Whats wrong with them? Whats wrong with them?
Uh… everything?

We need to stop calling games like this "games." They are just points of sale for EA. They aren't even built for a real gamer experience.

fucking rich people

Huh. Where have I very recently seen this?

how many of them are rich or have rich parents?

I'd at least have some sympathy if they tried to go all boxer rebellion about it and clean up their streets, but nope, they glorify in it.

Accept that people will only play a single player game for X amount of hours before either :

Fuck's sake, Animal Crossing on the GCN kept me coming back day after day, just by having new things happen in my town each day (Eg: new items in Nook's store, fruit growing on trees, traveling character visit, daily fossil finding, special event day, new season with new bugs/fish to catch, etc). I may have only played for roughly under an hour each day but that was over a year. That version of AC didn't even have online unlike it's sequels and I think it's keep the player coming back works better than some trashy F2P whale hunting social/mobile games we see.

You may think, oh that only applies to AC right? Well, key team members went on to make Splatoon, a multiplayer online shooter that has similar design elements of "keep the player coming back" in that as well (in game stores change hat/shirts/shoes every day, ordering gear off other players can only be picked up the next day). With those you come back each day, buy/pick up gear and maybe play a few rounds of Turf War following it. Even Splatfests events roughly every 3 weeks and Splatoon 2's Salmon Run PvE mode which can only be played at certain times could also be seen as a way for players to keep coming back while also ensuring that there is enough of them online at one moment instead of being spread out.

In this far too accommodating world we live in, shitty people are able to procreate easily, and they always create more shitty people.

but if theres replayability with no microtransactions or lootboxes, they wont get money from you after you buy the game unless theres a subscription
the goal is money, user
and subversion, but that can be a different thread

Year after year, this is what looks like.
When a company is too big, it doesnt matter you or others dont buy it while x100 buy. Especillay in EA case were it has enough money to kill off every company that doesnt profit well, getting another one as replacement or investing more into one that managed to hit a jack pot.
The "vote with your wallet" is only effective on small to medium studios, that doesnt have enough blood bags to stay alive in case of a boycott or when it bleeds out money.

Wasnt there a legal move to apply this to vidya, for lootbox at the moment ?

Accept that people will only play a single player game for X amount of hours before either :

Fuck's sake, Animal Crossing on the GCN kept me coming back day after day, just by having new things happen in my town each day (Eg: new items in Nook's store, fruit growing on trees, traveling character visit, daily fossil finding, special event day, new season with new bugs/fish to catch, etc). I may have only played for roughly under an hour each day but that was over a year. That version of AC didn't even have online unlike it's sequels and I think it's keep the player coming back each day for something new works better than some trashy F2P/P2W whale hunting social/mobile games we see that just involve slowing players progress down until they cough up money to make it go faster.

You may think, oh that only applies to AC right? Well, key team members went on to make Splatoon, a multiplayer online shooter that has similar design elements of keep the player coming back each day for something new in that as well (in game stores change hat/shirts/shoes every day, ordering gear off other players can only be picked up the next day). With those you come back each day, buy/pick up gear and maybe play a few rounds of Turf War following it. Even Splatfests events roughly every 3 weeks and Splatoon 2's Salmon Run PvE mode which can only be played at certain times could also be seen as a way for players to keep coming back while also ensuring that there is enough of them online at one moment instead of being spread out.

The whales need to be killed, but we can't do anything about it because the only ones who know who these whales are would be payment service providers and the ones who feed their addiction. The only way this can get mitigated is by tweaking gambling laws, they should be enforced and applied to video games.

Don't you think it would be a more immersive, and fulfilling experience if you had to spend more money every time you played, though? Come, user, you don't seriously feel complete without our new, just released, exclusive, members only primetime limited edition platinum ultra dragon born supplies not lasting squirrel skin hat download, do you? Only $20,000!!!

Every time I see someone using those phrase to defend this shit I just wish Israel isis could actually get a good target for the bombs

I doubt any of those sentences are representative of whales user. It's an entirely different mindset for entirely different purchases.

Heir's right about that though.
Fucking assholes keep paying for multiplayer.

Whales exist and will continue to do so. Only way I see of fixing things is to make the perfect game for whales and make sure they're all fixated on that single game, once one game gets the lion's share of the whale market share other whale games will no longer be profitable to create.

I met one once. His millionaire relative died and he inherited it all with the house. He moved his girlfriend in and the two of them spent a shitload of money attempting to be the first for whatever they could in the game. It seemed he was seeking some sort of achievement in his life, along with general inexperience with large sums of money.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Companies that run various Facebook games and other whale milking shit will tweak their entire game just to accommodate a single whale so that they will spend more money. Entire sets of cosmetics are sometimes crafted for one specific person to buy with an exorbitant price tag, because the metrics knows this one person can and will afford it.

Ironically, our only hope is governments stepping in to recognize that this is gambling and cracking down on the games industry. Voting with your wallet only works to a certain extent and the whales have really big wallets.

Just remove neetbux and the magic of free market will fix it (by driving them to suicide). People should be allowed to use their own money in self-destructive ways.

Sadly it is. I have a couple of shitty mobile games for when I'm on the loo at work and you see those kind of things being said seriously from people that have VIP levels. It's this our future where money doesn't have value for those idiots and think we all have a singular bubble that doesn't affect someone in some way

These are not neets. We're talking Arabian oil billionaries spending thousands to get their favourite football teams jerseys in Clash of Clans or some other stupid shit.

More likely the games industry will step in and interfere in the government.

Why should government step in to regulate how rich people waste their money either?

because that spending affects people who aren't rich and aren't profiting off of them

In the context of this discussions, you need to explain why any effect of someone's wasteful spending in video games matters at all.

Isn't the European Union considering making this shit illegal?
It's so weird to talk about Europe like it's a single county


You won't need to do it for long.

I propose a better solution to the Whale Question: instead of killing them, because that's unlikely to happen and criminal, why don't we make a containment game that exclusively targets whales? They no longer give money to these shit studios, Holla Forumsirgins get rich, and studios are actually freed up to make good games again.

We just have to make the whale game to end all whale games…

Whales have a problem similar to a gambling addict, the difference is they don't have to leave the house and go to a casino/Vegas to discover if they have it.

We have no idea what those addicts seek in a game besides cosmetics and premium items. They clearly don't want to play a good game, just a popular game, so making the best whale game might be unattainable. This needs government intervention, it's better if game communities put their efforts in getting this shit noticed and get gambling laws to apply on the games industry,

Remember he called out Microsoft on Twitter for the Xbones always online jewery.

They should regulate scam practices not how people spend their money. That's like saying it's alright to scam people because they know about it.

Because it's ruining vidya for the rest of us. These mentally ill freaks of nature that can't control themselves ruin everything they touch, not just games. Their inability to control themselves makes the rest of society suffer because we get all collectively punished because of them.

A basic game shitty mmo game with a neural network shitting out the next tier of raids once one is ended.
The same shit for mobile click shit and others.
Just endless computer generated crap.
Recolours, cheap additions to existing designs, premium items, stats increases … all of that a computer can shit out.
Every time they think they are at the top of the bully chain, the next week there is a hundred other items to buy.
Nearly no game-play but just congratulations menus when you now beat your previous record in farting.
Even better, make them aware of it, and make the AI react to purchases in a certain direction so that they will even spend more in order to influence it, and never reach their dream of perfection.
Think about no-mans sky but with micro-transactions. 18 quintillion items to purchase.
Oh and before you think that's impossible, there is already somewhere on the internet an AI shitting creepy flash-games out at an alarming rate.
It's just the next step on whaling.

Outjew the Jew.


I think this problem will eventually solve itself. Take a good look at the trend these studios are following. They specialize their game more and more for microtransactions and repeatable purchases. Eventually all of their games will either be MMOs or have MMO subscription models even if they aren't MMOs.
Then they've made a proper successor to EverQuest, good for them. That will be very difficult with so many competitors and without the advantage of novelty that EQ had.

The real bottom line here is that this level of specialization segregates the market. People who play Candy Crush Saga are not the same people who complete Fallout 1 several times to get all the endings, we know this. That's a good thing; if we can't crash the whole market, segregation is nearly as good. We are not being replaced, we're just being turned into a minority (yes, I know this looks funny if you browse Holla Forums, but I'm talking about something different here; even nonwhites have good taste in vidya occasionally). We are going to receive our own niche market which hopefully becomes even more segregated.

Within the United States, this a cut-off at about $70,000 - more or less, depending on if you live in an urban coastal shithole or a rural paradise - but at which point an extra income you have is pretty much redundant to your ability to maintain a place to live, food to eat, ways to transport yourself, clothing, and general entertainment, all at the absolute maximum capacity.

People with incomes over this mark have a few choices. The first one is to invest the money, so they can eventually retire early, or ensure that the costs for their children are all taken care of. The second is to put it to charity, or otherwise do something to become a contributing member to society. The third is to waste that shit on pretty much anything that comes up on a whim.

The vast majority of whales are college graduates with degrees in shit like computer science and petroleum engineering. They're smart enough to do all of the course work and get a job, and now they have a bunch of money. Except since their university tracks never showed them how to use that money responsibility, they're literally in the same tier as professional sports players and lottery winners - they've got a pool of money they have no idea how to do anything with. If they had as much practical sense as they do tech skills, they might actually put that surplus income to use. But will they? Nope.

This is one of the possible future that I wouldn't mind, but it's going to take a long while until we get there. Right now there's very few games for our market, indie games are most of the time uncreative crap and shit like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is too pretentious for my liking.

should be good

Time to see if he has a pajeetreon.

Sadly I expect it to make tons on kickstarter, either not come out, or come out and be shit, sell nothing, and get hyped by jounos anyway.

Of all things, what is there even in Mass Effect to spend so much money on? I'd assume that it couldn't possibly have enough locked content that you wouldn't unlock the lot after at most a thousand bucks. Even stuff like CS and TF2 that have extreme rarities, you'd have enough to trade for anything you could want after a certain amount, surely. I haven't played anything since the first game, what does the multiplayer even have in it that even the most impulsive person in the world couldn't achieve at fifteen thousand bucks? What game could ever have something worth that much?

I can only take solace knowing that he'll be poor again soon enough. Fucking idiots man.

I never thought whales would ever say something like "vote with your wallet"…

Star Citizen


Vote with your wallet only works if you take away nor mies' wallets.

They thought it would be a good idea to abolish currency about a year ago. Now they have no economy anymore.

It's like with Casinos, except they made sure that everything is warmly colored so that you're not spending real currency but fake monopoly money you still buy with real currency and still get something out of the experience in the end, regardless of whether you win or lose at the game. Also it's literally slot machines and premium content at everyone's doorstep instead of having to move to a different location.

The only thing that makes slots fun is the crowd and atmosphere of the casino floor. I can't understand that kind of compulsive personality that would do it from home.

Yeah, "white supremacy" makes those communities go to shit.

It's even worse because at casinos you at least have a chance to win something of value, in games everything you win inside them is literally worthless.

This. Shitposting made me the man I am today.

Also consolefags who have no concept of Cheat Engine or torrenting.

you know what they say. if you can't beat em, join em

AAA games are the Transformers and Star Wars of games anyway.
Nothing of value is lost and fools will continue to be parted from their money.

The meat of star wars is not the movies, but the games. I'll always think this no matter how hard people try to jerk off the original trilogy.

Open-world in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing, it doesn't have to be targeted at fucking your wallet. Look at Morrowind, it's one of the best TES games ever made, it's open world but a very focused open world. To get around said world they give you three modes of transportation, or you can choose to walk it. If you choose to walk it, they've given you 9 ways to enhance the speed at which you move, including a pair of boots that make you run like Sanic (it even synchs up with the meme that if you move faster than light you have to live in darkness, since the boots of blinding speed make the world look dark).

Consider a 2 square mile play area that's a dense modern urban setting. Multiple layers, stairs, buildings that go up sheer. It doesn't have to be a shite game, because you CAN map out a play area that's dense and focused. Assassin's Creed 1 did open world fairly well, urban places in the game were dense, and it was like a real place (I suppose based on historical data you could see it as a real place). Now imagine an entire game world in a modern Metropolis with that kind of density everywhere at say 5-10 square miles. It'd be easy enough to focus the player's attentions on the appropriate areas for missions, but give them full range to explore however much of the city they like.


The only appropriate answer to this: MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING.

Dubs speak the truth, user, and that's just the beginning. There's a company called "Scientific Revenue" out there which has developed a plugin to put into mobile games which basically tracks what the player is doing in-game (like duration of play, intensity of engagement, level and location in game, wallet spend, etc) and then adjusts the pricing of the game's in-app purchases to fit that player's profile. The result: people with different profiles get to see different prices for the same in-app purchase.

Right now, this technology is being introduced to mobile games, but after all them loot crates in them AAAs, it's only a matter of time before our single player games are "online only" for a "reason". When that happens (maybe next year, I'm certainly watching out for it now), I would like to see big warning stickers on the game's case saying, "Biohazard: online only because Dynamic Pricing(R). We data mine you while you play to gouge you even better". But that's just wishful thinking.

Of all people, Jim Sterling (of who I am not really a fan) put out a recent video on it (after being pointed to it by an user dev). You can also go to the Scientific Revenue website and watch their vile "How it works" IAP movie there. It contains gems such as, and I shit you not, "turning players into payers" and "So why offer the same prices to everyone all the time?" Indeed, why offer the same prices to everyone all the time? What, you have a conscience? Morals? Winners don't use those :^). Welcome to the future, welcome to Dynamic Pricing(R).

also, here's a key detail
>this means the amount he was able to spend was pennies than if he was an independent adult with a job
Not to mention he "borrowed" 100 dollars from me to buy two fake IDs and then get caught like a few weeks later with one of them and then get caught three fucking times trying to buy/abuse alcohol, WHILE DRIVING

And of course there's that one patent that Activision just got that allows them use an algorithm to pressure players into buying items to compete.

WHATS next EA shaking hands with orange hitler?


It's actually worse than gambling, because you're literally getting nothing in return. This is part of why the idea of copyright and intellectual property needs to die: the meme that rearranged patterns of bits on your hard drive is someone else's "property" unless cash was exchanged.
The psychology behind gambling and microtranscations is largely the same, but at least in gambling, there's a (deliberately minimized) chance that you can come out ahead. In microtransactions, you are, without exaggeration, throwing your money away.

It leads to shitty games and a worse industry, where half the games I think might be cool end up ruined by loot boxes. That's reason enough for me. Worshipping at the altar of self-interest goes both ways, you fucking lolbert.

its real.. ffs

Whoops, forgot dubs picture. Sorry OP!

Yeah, and why not combine Dynamic Pricing with the Acti patent? You are deliberately pitted against better players to get rekt, which motivates you to an in-app purchase… at just the right fucking price for you thanks to all that data mining in the background.

I am not getting on that ride.

Reminds me of GTA V

I doubt anyone on this board is, considering it's Activision and they don't put out anything that interests anyone here.

Opinion discarded.

its a business, not a charity, goy.


Are you lads ready for this years ScamCon, the annual event where they celebrate the time they haven't released a game?

Dunno. What if a company/dev anons do like buys the right to use the patent and pays Acti some royalties? Also, if Acti doesn't want to play ball, Scientific Revenue will; it's their bread and butter. Either one or both looks like cancer to me.

The only game company I like is FromSoftware, and their President/CEO hates that kind of business practice. The worst "offense" they do is they make DLC, but I love their company so I'm cool with them so long as they don't try to microtransaction everything.



They would add that fucking faggot thing as a form of reverse psychology, right? They psyche you out to make sure you know that the text box is "one of you?"

Also reminder that Grindframe already does this sort of shit, giving you sale on in-game currency where the percentage off depends on how long ago you bought the last time and such. Literally trying to addict you by giving you massive discount at first, then slowly lowering that discount bit by bit, knowing that you'll hit a high in their shitty game built on grinding since suddenly, you'll buy shit that'll quadruple your DPS

I think I now know why India hates using toilets so much.

Are you pretending to be stupid or is it a talent that comes to you naturally?
Stupid people will consume stupidity. Did you just found out that theh kardashians exist? "Voting with your wallet" means not only are you not forced to fund something you don't want, but you also send a message to goods/services providers that you like their products.
Concerning yourself with EA trash and acting like it affects you in any way is like a child throwing a tantrum.
At the expense of retards. Do you care if the SJW circle are having good fun with videogames now?
No it doesn't, if it did, niche games would stop being produced altogether. Nier: Automata and Persona 5 are a fewexamples of extremely niche products that defy the current status quo but still succeed, precisely because people are voting with their wallets
Of all the people who have walked on this earth, this is the guy whose oppinion you are concerned about? He made shitty games for a shitty company, got fired because not even their whales would consue his shit, and now he is butthurt about losing his job. It's a den of snakes eating each other, but Oh "I literally can't stop sucking cocks" Pee is worried about one of the snakes getting the long end of the stick.

Well, they kinda stopped being produced in plenty of genres due to their base developers catering to retards


You may add CD Projekt Red to that shortlist. However, company management isn't static and you know, the funny thing about cancer… once it takes root, it spreads.

Well blow me, it's already here. Thanks for the heads up, user.

I don't want non-lootbox games to be niche. Read the thread.

You raise a point, but wouldn't it be a safe bet to assume anyone who wants to use such a patent is most likely a shit publisher or developer? Most likely they're the ones who could afford such a deal anyways.

niche games are still around. they're just catering to people with money and gambling addictions instead of people with piracy addictions and upturned noses at anything above the price of free

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. People literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards. I watched people dumping their life savings into unfinished scam project. All those moments will be lost in time, like shekels in oven. Time to kike.

I don't see any of those around the Stealth genre other than Styx 2, and before that there was a 4 year period
Almost a console generation
Your example doesn't work with the "extremely niche products", but with mere weeaboo products that always are in-demand

the jews are getting out of fucking control man. Imagine PC/console video games being turned into what is now the mobile pay-to-win repulsive terrible cashgrab games cancer industry

I'd dispute this claim. We have as many niche games as we have always had. If not more. The one point I'll concede is that localisation has had a turn for the worst. But it's not like consumers of weeb games are new to censorship or controversies, so even back then things were not a sea of roses.
Even so voting with your wallets still work. We saw Persona 5 pave the way for other devs to make the connection: shitty localisation=less sales.

I used niche games as an example. No one is forcing you to eat shit, so why do you care if someone is paying 15,000 to eat premium shit? Also, why do you care if games you like are popular or not? You are looking for a controversy to rage on and a boogeyman to blame. I heard two news recently
And both bring a smile to my face. Instead of calling for some undescriptive "action" to be taken, you should laugh and play and pay for games you like.
The sky is falling, normalfags play bad games and *GASP* pay for them
I don't care a single bit if EA releases one, ten or a thousand more bad games. And neither should you.

Forgot to add:
The one thing you and everybody else here should do to EA is
point and laugh

Obviously considering the time/emulation means, but in terms of influx i seriously doubt your sanity or knowledge about genres if you claim that
Then again i'm using far away examples, so i guess you are not wrong, not entirely at least

Because it encourages developers to create their game based around the freemium model, which leads to garbage games that would've been just fine if the model wasn't encouraged and they were developed as normal full price games. AirMech, Mech Warrior Online, Hawken, Firefall, ABP: Reloaded, and Blacklight: Retribution are some examples I've personally experienced, and I'm sure there are many more examples.

You goys simply don't see the economical benefits of scamming money out of dumb rich people. Dumb people can't properly contribute to the economy, so it's our moral obligation to redistribute their money into more deserving hands, one that actually contributes to our economy.

Oh man if warframe was built from the ground up a singleplayer game.

Oh look, a commie.

How can I be a commie if I am encouraging capitalism? I am simply saying that draining the money from people who don't deserve it into the hands of people who actually produce capital is a natural process.


I would not be surprised at all if they started doing shit like that.

I was talking agout influx. But for the sake of argument maybe i'm wrong. Mostly because I was considering indies bot self- and crowd-funded. Still niche games are there if you look for them, with a good improvement in quality and not only in quantity. How likelly would a senran kagura game be in the 90's, and to become a multiplat series at that.
Maybe I'm too much of an optimist. But since I stopped caring about what ubishit and the like released year after year, and just played what I enjoyed instead, internet banter has become a lot more foolish. I can still enjoy hate threads though. Serves as a reminder for people who may be still doubtfull of the true face of triple A gaming.
Actually, in retrospect, maybe this is exactly what this thread should serve as. In which case, carry on autists of the world!

I'm in the same wagon as you, but if anything because i quitted for a couple of years and just concentrated in playing old gold
If there WAS an advantage to this arid game era is that collecting came as viable way to keep playing, until retroscumbags started scalping men and children alike, and individuals like trustful collectors and even Superbus disappeared
While in the genres i like i only see literal chink shovelware and just non-existent productions.

But in recent years i have seen plenty of cool stuff come out which i didn't suspect around 2013 or so, your theory is right in not so niche or highly weeaboo games, and hell even stealth if we go by mobile and shovelware.

I remember all the hullabaloo they were making for Firefall.
Then I played it.
Worst part is that underneath all that bullshit Warframe could be so unbelievably good.

I'd like to say yes, but compare current game releases with the past. Pre-orders, Season Passes, DLC… they are pretty much "tame" and "standard" for the entire industry currently; that wasn't the case in the past. It's the whole "boiling the frogs by slowly raising the temperature" thing. They're raising the temperature a notch again with loot crates, and - in the future, possibly - Dynamic Purchasing(R). In, what, 5 years maybe, this stuff will become standard and new nightmares will be introduced - making us think the previous ones are tame.

I don't know what to do other than not to buy any of these games (and certainly not do the DSP thing and buy Shadow of War, but boycot the loot boxes - what a complete idiot :^), and stay with the classics. Maybe look out for products from small, startup, still honest devs (Acid Wizards with Darkwood, for example).

Also, some regulation might be nice to force devs to at least disclose all these practices, if they use them, "on the box" and detail precisely how they work. Got loot boxes? Then dish out exact percentages for each kind of thing you can get. If only for them to say "Look, we told you so right there, don't cry now that you spent $60 + $140 on our glorious product".

As for Dynamic Purchases(R), I can't wait for a photo showing poor little Timmy who has to pay $20 for a rifle upgrade on his iPad and next to him rich little Ronny who only has to pay $5 for the same upgrade because Timmy played the game much more intensely than Ronny and thus the algorithm knows Timmy's thirst for the upgrade is much bigger. Ought to be fun.

If i understand your statements well, than the mafia driven casino owners litereally care more about someones mental health and try to stop them to hit the bottom, than the greedy pay-to-win gamedevs. Holy shit, this is the craziest timeline!


One is regulated by law, the other one probably never will be.


You mix capitalism with nepotism. Capitalism didn't care about your class. If you too dumb for the money, it will drain from you…

There's capitalism and there's mercantilism you fucking yid.

Thankfully nobody on Holla Forums will ever be in any position to dictate policy.

Actually, Warframe was initially supposed to be a sequel to a mediocre TPS called Dark Sector, but the deal eventually fell through and the developers had to reinvent the game and recycle the assets, and that's how you get modern Warframe.

t. Moshe Shekel

okay, and I want normalfags to die

Oy vey!

I think they're talking about crack cocaine, not Dudeweed. The CIA supposedly introduced it in the cities, and they like to think it was targeting them specifically.

What's wrong with forcing natural selection on retards? Do you want to help those people propagate their shitty mental attitude into the future?

It's not really natural selection though, it just enables greedy kikes to get more rich and more brazen in their kikery.

All that will come from this is that publishers will smell the shekel and try to fuck us all in the ass without lube.

They've already been doing that for a decade though

EA's games would be preying on the mentally retarded even without this kind of stuff, since they're the only people who would buy EA games.

And, in your opinion, have things become better or worse?

Sometimes using something malicious can help your population in the long term. Cancer mostly manifests in already genetic failures of sorts, AIDS is endemic to fags and junkies and so forth. Maybe it can be you reeling in the profits as opposing to kikes if you play your cards right and then you can be the one deciding what to do with the money you got from worthless faggots. Start slow, work your way up kind of deal. Besides, publishers already do exactly that.

I'm all for retards suffering the consequences of their own actions. I am not, however, all that enamored with such outcomes when they hurt me too. This is the DLC shitshow all over again. Publishers see they can make a lot of money by tearing their games into tiny little pieces and we come to the current year +2 in all it's Jewish glory.


the solution is easy. release free cheats for games that price gouge. this will make the game unplayable and nobody will buy lootcrates or w/e

It's a mental illness, like hearing voices or addiction to slot machines.

Most modern games have no cheats. You need third party programs to edit data.


My god, the japs were right all along, we must kill the whales.



I don’t see how the Dynamic bullshit could really spread to the “mainstream” of PC/consoles. Unlike mobile games I think that a lot more discussion goes around about game content, meaning it would get really obvious to people if they’re changing prices.

That actually sounds like it could be fun. Like you play "the white man", and your job is to assess the different minority communities and find their weaknesses - then introduce factors like alcohol, crack, BET, and welfare in order to sabotage and oppress them - turning peaceful, productive, and upwardly mobile citizens into criminal ghetto trash.

Everything is wrong with this RPG.

A friend of mine has a family member (I think an aunt?) who has like 3 actually retarded kids. She gets money from the government for them. She also was constantly on the verge of losing her house and had totalled her car a few times, so my friend's family kept helping her pay for her house and helping her get a cheap car off craigslist. Then a few months ago, they found out this woman was getting nearly $100k a year from the government. That's a LOT of money where I live. If you make that much money you would be very well off, live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, have a nice car, etc. Turns out she was spending ALL of that money on mobile game microtransactions. Literally 80k+ a year on mobile games, and then begged family members to pay her bills.

It doesn't just effect rich people, though. There's a lot of broke motherfuckers who like to live like they're rich - overextending themselves on credit and letting basic necessities slide in order to load up on luxuries.

I have a friend who, granted - he wasn't making bad money - but was by no means rich, ended up spending over $5,000 on ringtones for his phone. $8000 on fucking Zune music. And was constantly buying microtransaction packs on Mass Effect 3.

He says he doesn't buy microtransactions anymore, but I don't believe him. He's exactly the kind of person these fucking things are tuned to exploit. He has no self-control, especially when put into a situation where he's able to buy his way into prestige or success. For example, the guy used to have like 10 different concurrent Xbox Live subscriptions just so that he could "shit on noobs" and then switch out accounts when he ranked up too much - all because he couldn't accept the fact that he was only a lower-mid-range player on an already simple game. He was a junky for that endorphin rush of winning, and when it own skill couldn't get the job done, he'd pay for it with cash.


50 years from now the power balance will change a lot, this useless generation will get rekt hard. I just hope sandniggers dont take over the whole thing and we end up in another teocentric medievel age


Top lel

You might be a tad autistic, user.

You're thinking of Friday, mong. DBAM is a two hour parody taking a huge shit all over nigger ghetto culture, and the movies at the time that actually were trying to "glorify" it.

fuck off niggers


>Don’t make fun of hoodrat niggers white male! Don’t you know that’s racist other niggers who aren’t deadbeat thugs also make fun of ghetto trash? That makes you just like them!

I wonder why they are all retarded.

Online commerce has seemingly shattered any sense of moral decency we might have collectively formed in the wake of unfettered kikery in the US throughout the 19th century that became only somewhat fettered in the 20th century.

The morality of the United states was shattered long before the internet. The nation was fully demoralized by the late 80's. Escapism is just a byproduct of a society suffering form the disease of spiritual nihilism. When you have no transcendental purpose then all their is left is hedonism.

Time to apply a bit of horseshoe theory


Truly children are our future

I knew a Steam whale as a friend who had 1k+ games and would never play them. Every week or so I'd see on the timeline that he bought 20 or so new games. Whenever I brought it up, him not playing the games he was buying, "so why buy it?" sentiment, he'd get extremely defensive and act as if he was wealthy.

Fast forward a few months, he goes on a rant about his job. It turns out he works at a cafe and didn't like how his female co-workers were getting better tips. I think for the entire time he was just status signaling.

I'm the first one who thinks these microtransactions are stupid as hell but when I hear about the kind of people spending money of them I seriously feel 0 pity towards them.

They are fucking stupid and some other people is just using that opportunity to make money out of them, if you were making a game or had a company you would do exactly the same.

With this said, this is a bubble, it will explode. Thanks to all this whale money we'll get shit ton of games all following the same design and it will come to a point even whales will start to regret spending so much money on shit that has no value whatsoever. Once it happens it will make SHIT TON of damage to big companies since they are spending shit ton of money into big open world games, servers and teams exclusively to create shit content every day.

Once it happens singlepayers will once again become the most secure way of making money. Quality can't never be beaten at the end.

you could cheat it and give yourself packs through editing in CHE. but even just opening packs was boring AF because drop rates were awful


EA's foreskin is gone forever.

but now its only a misdemeanor to knowingly infect someone with hiv in commiefornia
also, children get infected with HIV by blood donations and halloween candy that has white stuff on it, or was just put in some orifice of the bug chaser who gives them out to the kids

They're completely oblivious to what goes on in black countries.


My god user I think you're onto something.

Tell that to China.

that'd make a lot of sense if not for the fact that literally every nigger-run country is a shithole they're just genetically inferior

They shouldnt. A lot of these companies are putting the noose around their necks. It might be good money for now, but that massive amount of money is from a small portion of the community and eventually they'll either burn out or run out of money and the companies will have destroyed all trust in the largest amount of communities. Even now normalfags aren't buying games like they used to, like the tomb raider crap, lawbreakers, stillborn, etc etc. Just imagine how much worse it will get when companies completely alienate the entirety of the gaming community permanently. They're skinning the bear, rather than shaving it. Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

Wishful thinking.

I think a lot of the smaller companies could easily go under, like gearbox, but blizzard activision and EA will probably still stick around unfortunately.

You anons aren't really getting it. Look at how Andromeda did, or how the new COD did. Even Battlefield 4, despite it's decent initial sales lost players fast. People are already getting tired of these massive corp games. Top that off with massive amounts of microtransactions, loot boxes, forced grinding and fucking online crate shit like Shadow of War online battles, and Activisions patent for trying to manipulate you to buy more microtransactions. Customers are already burning out and the corps are trying to make EVEN MORE money, to maximize their profits as well as the rising costs due to their development bloat and trying to continue to push graphical advancement. It's going to be an utter shit show.

Even this full price game filled to the brim with microtransactions sold.

Probably some obese nigger living in the projects who spends all his money working part-time at McDonald's for microtransactions so he can make friends on Twitch.

More frequently the obese son of a Chinese coal baron who needs to lord his dad's money over all the proles so they all know how great he is.

What the fuck is a whale?
Is that a new wprd filter the fucling kikes put here to confuse, divide and conquer us?

A whale is someone who spends a shitload of money on shitty games and microtransactions.

Its also borrowed from the casino industry for the Big spenders

Sup neofaggot.


but shekel citizen promises the bestest and biggestes game evar and the jpgs you can buy look realy cool. some people just want to believe.
what the fuck motivates people to spend money on fucking mass effect multiplayer?

Thanks,I was getting paranoid since it was bad enough with Holla Forums changing Islam to "Religion of Cuck".

lurk more, retard

That's it? The indie game Hollow Knight sold more.

Kek, the flops that were Just Cause 3 and Battleborn have moved more copies than that game.


I haven't spent that much money on vidya in 10 years…

I mean people can do what they want, obviously. But man that's insane.

Nuke the random asshole from Venezuela.

What was that studio again, that closed after doing a SJW game, and afterwards had this bitch going on twitter saying
or something like that.
Literally looking for it the way I posted yelded no results. Which only speaks volumes about the insignificanse of these morons and their narratives if they don't have a big studio to finance their trainwrecks.
Anyway, I'm looking forward for Manveer's next game. It will be a true delight to see it not be suported by their own public.

Whales are sad. They're fucked up people who the gaming industry is using state of the art behavioral research to turn into addicts.

You mean they got what they had coming? Sounds good to me.


Tale of Tales, only really known for that outburst and making a bunch of obscure artsy-fartsy indie games

And I never thought I'd see loot boxes (well, ogre boxes) in a AAA single player game, but here we are. Or EA's matchmaking "patent".

Scientific Revenue, the company heavily invested into this Dynamic Pricing(R), thinks offering different prices for the same shit is the next step in evolution. They even put their "philosophy" into their promo movie: "So why offer the same prices to everyone all the time"? It's just "optional" after all. You gotta "turn players into payers", user, and to that end, you gotta data mine the fuck out of everyone.

This is what they are prepared to believe in. And considering Jack Tretton is a member of the Board, you better be sure they take it very seriously. If they pull it off, if they at the very least can turn dolphins into whales, the big bucks will be coming.

I hope you're right and the poison stays in mobile gaming only. I hope that like another user said, that games with this shit fail and keep failing. But like I said before, when cancer takes root, it spreads to all kinds of places. Time and time again, the masses have shown they are prepared to assume the position and take in stronger and stronger toxins as long as the game is good. And then it becomes standardized and they don't even know why there was resistance in the first place.

Be aware that this stuff is floating around in the background and you may find yourself saving a lot of money. And not being fucking data mined to oblivion as you play a game to relax of all things.

I think you mean Activision.

can we please find these whales and gas them

Thanks, that's the one
I suppose even Manveer can keep his company afloat if he sticks to a butget that his consumers can sustain. That means a low low low low butget

I will never buy SARS citizen

Video games were a mistake.

You realize Japan is the epicenter of this cancer, with "gatcha" mechanics absolutely devastating all of their old niche franchises, and the particularly loathsome example of looser pachislot laws causing Konami to liquidate nearly their entire decades-old vidya division, right?

This isn't a bubble, it's our guaranteed future, unless we do the same thing prior generations did and ban it. Again, look at Asia, especially Korea, Japan, and China. The revenues of these mechanics have grown every year, penetrating more and more games, and Asian devs are at least a decade ahead of us in terms of the depths of sleaze they've plumbed, and all of it is heading here according to plan. The only way to stop them from destroying our hobby, is to eliminate their business model.

Most of it wouldn't even require new legislation, since the distinction from eGambling is paper thin sophistry.