Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/

Burgers and Fries

October Event Schedule
9/30-10/9 - Violet Violence
10/10-10/24 - Cardcaptor Sakura Collab
10/25-10/30 - Rise of the Beasts
10/31-11/8 - New Scenario Event

1.Infinity - 692908
2.Kihou - 740471
3.Sky Lords - 733000
4.Raven Nest - 1024216

Pastebin with guides and info:

You can play it from your browser by going to

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

Other urls found in this thread:

Draw pool changes today at 7 P.M. JST if you want to use your last free draw on that.


You didn't spend money on this, right?

Nope. Saving on crystals for legfest.

go away potato merchant

It's a vague kinda unease and melancholy.

I'm saving it hoping Halloween Bea will be in it.


Potatoes are living onaholes that exist purely for sexual.

She is grown woman and head of an entire chivalric order. I am sorry grown women don't attract you. Perhaps children are more your thing.


I don't want Sakura to go away

Did you accomplish your magnafest goals user?

shit, lore-breaking art

almost as broken as that spine, Jesus

Well, the free rolls were largely a bust, just one R character and a couple moons. On the plus side, I was able to uncap some Ygg swords and Tia guns. Weirdest thing is that I've gotten more Levi daggers over the course of this magnafest than I have over the entire previous time playing this game. I'm quite happy about that.

No I was worn out after GW, homoswords, eviloli. I was hyped for Sakura but ended up disappointed. To be honest I am burnt out and need a break but I don't know if I can muster enough of a fuck to come back. RoB is soon and GW is coming up again.

Sexualizing the alchemist and potatoes is the only thing keeping me grinding.

More or less, I got my water grid into some semblance of shape and even if I did not get anything new from the free draws I got a lot of moons for converting into CP for row 4 classes.



With the wide variety of magic and leftover shit from the Astrals; what do you see happening to Sakura if she couldn't find a way back and was stuck with your crew where your perversions inadvertently infected their minds from some random thing you found and brought on board?

You'd make a horrible captain, don't ever talk in crew chat or board its airship ever again

Meant as in your perversions are there not connected to your crew but the object is pushing them into it.

so your forcing your perversion on the crew and Sakura

then where is it?

so the object that you're pursuing along with your crew is making you/them more perverted towards each other?

Isn't that just you forcing your perversion on the crew and yourself because you're putting that into the question itself?

That stupid dimension halo gave me 1 bow relic this entire magnafest. My goals remain largely unfinished.

No, the object is just a thing you picked up like all those things in those scifi movies where they find something in space and bring it on board to examine before it kills them all. You brought something pretty onto your ship and while you weren't looking it started warping all your minds from the imprint you left on it.

Forgot one thing in my last post
>Not lewding your crew

Mimlemel doesn't look happy. Dauna has never looked happy, but eating candy seems to have briefly distracted her from her misery.

because fire was definitely the element to give another fear character to, fucking hell.

she lost her horn bro, now all she has is that dumb trumpet

the draph are going to make fire not gay again

Don't know which is more painful.


Erune lovers need to perish, Human/Draph/Potato alliance FOREVER

This is what happens when you use charcoal to make your hamburgers. They just turn into more of this unclean, polluting, smelly fossil fuel that long outlived it's welcome. Why don't you switch over to propane? Taste the meat, not the heat.


Not anime


Wait, for real? Shit, hope they add the christmas characters on december's legfest.

They didn't do that for last year's Christmas, so expect them to do the same this year.

Damn, I was hoping to get some from this upcoming legfest.


I expected christmas to be different since it's on the 25th, but halloween aligns perfectly with legfest. This is just an early halloween so people have to roll outside legfest for them. It'd be the same as releasing the zodiac before new years so they aren't in legfest.

Good thing I saved my free draw. Fucking want Danua though but I have to save for the spark.

At least that means they won't take away slots from actual good characters. Aside from beato and maybe Eustace they are all kinda shit.

enjoy your R weapon, user

There's always the chance that we have a 2 part legfest like during summer where the first half is halloween characters, and the second half is the trial character

you're being too generous, it's going to be an R summon

That's something we can both agree on, friendo.

No, this time the site specifically mentions that the Halloween characters won't be available during legfest.

Draph tits

I hope everyone saved their single draw.

Ardora is still the best part of drawing Agielba.

You'll never find a happier cow

Is she the Danua after her SR 5* fate or before?

not sure. I haven't drawn her. I only did the preview fate episode, which takes place before the halloween quest.

I've seen a webm of Lyria's other easter egg pose, but never one of her second one. I caught her doing it so I thought I'd make a webm

Given that she loses all her dolls at the end of her 5* fate it seems pretty obvious to me that it's before, not after.



happy birthday user

This is fine. Clearly I didn't need a single fucking bone considering I'll be dry on moons outside pendants and GW.

All these free draws and not even an SR.

at least you'll get 10 free sr tickets during rotb

Name of the artist? I've seen a few of these posted here.

Thank you. It took me nearly two hours but i think i read through all the birthday conversations i can, nearly 300.

It took a bit of searching but it's "R_botamochi". They have a twitter and tumblr but nothing else i can find. You might also find results for "exwelder".

Should I start saving for a spark? I already depleted a spark worth of rolls since spring up until last month. I still have a lot of main quests and free quests to complete. I have at least 2 SSR characters for each element but 0 for dark. I'm assuming next legfest there will be a new dark SSR character on rate up due to the trial character.

However I'm not sure if I should roll next legfest or not because in summer I did a total of 400 rolls together with a friend and we didn't get summer Izmir (the only character on rate up during that legfest). That's why I'm considering to spark for whatever characters I need in the future.

you save for a spark if you really need one character both for waifu reasons and esports otherwise you can spend em

as someone who is about to spark, I can tell you that it's most likely worth it, but mind you I have solid SSR's for each element and for 90% of the content I'm still using my dark team. It honestly boils down to if you can fight the feeling of rolling for say…6 months, to be honest if you start now you'll have a pretty easy time with christmas+granbluefest and then anniversary in march

If you wanted to spark for a dark character you would want to spark for S zoey. Can you wait for what might be 6-9 months with no rolls? Because that is how long it might take for her to show up again.

Sparking takes a lot of dedication, if you don't mind not drawing for 7 months then go for it, my suggestion would be only spark if you're dead set on getting a specific character, if you have decent SR/SSR character grids then hold out for the spark, if you need more SSR's on your team then don't spark

Never have I wanted to lewd a potato as much as I do her.

I usually go with a waifu choosing me instead of me choosing a waifu from the gacha.
Fire is the only element I could attempt to go "esports" because of yuel, percival and shiva, and that's saying something. So no.

That's what I was thinking. Worse case I could spark during the golden week when there's bound to have free rolls, zodiac character of the current year and maybe other limited characters. However I don't even know what to spark.

Even if I sparked zooey, I wouldn't have dark SSRs to really benefit unless I get lucky during the sparking process.

Here are my SSR characters and dark team. I don't consider my dark team horrible, it's been pretty good by now, but compared to other elements it's sitting pretty low.
I should probably replace Will with normal Korwa but I'm dependent on those heals. Plus I only got 1 Claw and the rest are axes & event weapons, so I don't benefit from enmity too much at the moment.

definitely spark

blew my 10 part ticket I got from suptix even though was saving for spark
I'm okay with this


I just noticed the baha weapon skill bonus registers the MC as "???" instead of human. Is this L O R E ?

Either Gran's dad is an Astral, which is probable at this point since he could actually Kill a Primal off for good, or it's just kept as ??? so you can get bonusses from all the weapons.


Cagliostro is registered as human despite not being one, Lyria is registered as human despite not being one.

MC should just benefit from all baha bonuses.

Got one SR out of those free draws, but it wasn't the element I wanted. There's always next time.

20 mil event with free 10rolls when?

Christmas, if Lord Almighty KMR wills it.

He might want to jumble christmas+granbluefest+20M as one event so he has excuse to not give more freebies

ECFD9538 baka hl bring phalanxes

can I join and be useless?

hitler is that you?


Look below you

Baka HL bring Sage pls
Nirvana or go home
jk just bring heals


90 DMM points

is she good?

I think she is, but it's very similar case to Azazel, where she's near useless off element

not really

Isn't that most of the characters? Isn't it pretty much just Korwa and Zooey that are good off element?

I'm fairly certain he meant in a fight against an off-element enemy not in an off-element team.

He is not that bad, just not 9,5 good. I think you would still run azazel on short off element fights if you are using double hades (3-5 turns)

She is not awful, fear by itself is enough for her to be usable. Unfortunately her fear is the new party only turn based debuffs rather than the raid wide ones. The good news is that her sleep is party limited too, which means the raid won't break it. Debuff resistance down is a pretty rare status that can be useful too.

also fire draph is a pretty cute element, so she's in good company.

One of these things are not like the other, one of these thing is not a draph.

still gets baha sword bonuses. Has big tits and horns. I don't see the problem


you forgot the biggest Draph user

no horns, no baha sword. But I appreciate the effort she puts into getting into the club

wait, baha sword effects humans too. i was focused on the draph part. Just no horns then

I somehow got a 4th sealing staff. Should I damascus this crap or give up, because I have no hope of getting the materials in time.

worth noting im only rank 70

Do not waste a Choco bar on material upgrades. They should only be used on grand series weapons and maybe some odd gacha weapon like Lyst Sin. If you can farm Ex+ do that since it'll take an average of 21 battles to get the materials.

what the other user said. Don't use a choco bar, grind out the materials if you want to upgrade it. If you don't it's not too much of a loss. The staff doesn't offer much attack and will definitely be replaced by xeno diablo's weapon when it comes in. But it is a nice dark staff that you can use for mainhand classes, so it's still good to have

That's with the exception of the keys, which only drop from nightmares. It takes 30 of those, with between 1-2 per level 60 Watery (assuming that's the only one he can do). NMs only proc every 2-3 Ex+, so that's a lot more than 21 runs. The other option is to spend 30 AP a piece to re-clear the challenge that drops them.

Keys drop from the event challenge. You can get one about every two minutes if you have the 1/2 elixirs to pound it out quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Shit I should finish reading posts.

Forgot about the key. Not like it matters since Xeno Diablo will either be the 5th Xeno this year or it'll happen next year making the staff obsolete.

So here's a question, when I buy my Chev swords should I keep them separate and hope for them to drop or uncap them right away?

uncap them right away. They are useless before flb

Right. Too bad I'll probably need to do use an ingot on the 2nd one since I have no idea when they'll add challenges for more swords.

Do NOT use chev swords to uncap chev swords! The drop rate is abysmal…most HL lightfags uncap chev swords with dammy bars ONLY. That is how scarce they are.


Have fun farming a chev sword grid…see you in 5 years or so

You'll still have to farm chev, user. There are only 8 dama bars in the shop. You can only flb 2 chev swords before you're out of dama bars for good.

for real? well I guess I stand corrected. fuuuuck that.


Coach the poor bastard into getting better.

I'm afraid its terminal, you need to kill your friend before it spreads.



My friend knows better but doesn't wanna work on his grid. I bet after he finishes sparking; he's gonna shit all over my luck.


despite what memes actually tells you snek is actually fairly generous the only magna who are stingy as hell with their drops are boat and chev

Oh snek has been very generous with SSR fodder but it doesn't like to hand me daggers

Does the trick stick skill where you get free candy needs to be your main weapon to work, or can I just leave it in my grid?

Main weapon, anytime there's a star symbol where the skill should be
The star means MC only, so it must be equipped in the main weapon slot to use that ability

it's like they don't want people using it, it does well for a dark grid filler weapon

It just needs to be in your grid. Source: I put it in my grid because I wanted to see what the candy did.

The star means MC only, so it must be equipped in the main weapon slot to use that ability

No. It will specify if it needs to be mainhand. A star skill is just a special skill that gives a unique effect.


took my incomplete varuna build for a test drive, it's okay, deals as much damage against fire as my magna grid already, except it can DA without elysian

love feeling like I'm unkillable though. Base HP is about 8.8k, so there's about 20k hp added on

not me, holy fuck I need more time to get my crap magna shit together

Bully the fucking shit out of him.

All my grids got a nice big jump in power and I need to get out of rotb with 17 gold nuggets and a second beast seal.
I need to get into a couple huang/quiln trais as well.
It's gonna be a hell of a week.

I'm ready. I need to farm 3 gold bricks for tweyen, siete and 5* sarasa. Tweyen's ready to go and siete is only being held back by crystals cause I want to fucking draw at legfest. I want SR tickets so I can draw danua and pretend it's halloween.
This will also be the first rotb that I have a varuna grid, so I can farm agni twice as hard if the smug sluts will let me


HOW LONG IS IT GONNA TAKE TO SEE 1 SSR CHARACTER, JUST 1? Nothing from free draws and nothing last time either.


It'd take a lot less time if you stopped being retarded and saved your rolls for legfest.

Yuel and societte event, plus Will and Rita 5* apparently

forgot image

Huh so, the next event isn't themed around fallen angels, Azazel and the trial character…this is concerning, like…really fucking concerning

She looks so fucking miserable, fuck you Yuito Kimura, just fuck you. I wish I could make her happy. Thats all I want now.

user stop pulling

In fact everybody should stop pulling until new years legfest

Her attitude has progressed through her versions

There are always ways.

This is some advanced cruelty from Cygames's part.



What's the picture from? Can't find any info on the main page, gamewith nor gaijins.

On the other hand:

This hasn't actually been added, has it?

There will never be new game modes.

Did he stop playing for a year and eleven months?
Please tell me so. Even if it is a lie.

I agree, snek is frend.

You fell for the Halloween meme, huh?
Can't blame you, I too wish I could dip into my spark fund to try and get Mimlemel for more Hornby, Stumpeye and Pun-kin, but I have a gut feeling that will just leave me wallowing in misery.

Can't read shit cap'n.

From her fate preview you can see she is actually rather stoked about Halloween and free candy rather than the crippling depression she had in Mimlemel & Stumpeye

Mimlemel and Danua being is fairly good moods is nice. And Danua's attachment to Beato was especially cute.

What the fuck?

didn't you know?

6hr downtime due to maintenance

I knew they shut it down before GWs, I don't remember reading anywhere about a scheduled maintenance before ROTB.

Since you have nothing better to do.

Who designed this shit? She's not suppose to wear pants.

It better not be some censorship bullshit

She's a female; she's likely going out clubbing or whatever with Societte in this event.

now while I'm not against the idea just changing the color of the underwear myself, i think it's hard to get a real alternative look from just palette swapping.

Gotta have some incentive for people to whale her SSR.

I still don't understand this image

Are you new?

to put it simply, it's a recreation of what happened during original Arcarum, with red/green/blue being armies people split into, the 2nd to last panel is most likely people all saying "this is fucking gargbage" and last one is the apology magnafest

we're back

sure hope you folks did something PRODUCTIVE while the game was down

I know it's an Arcarum thing, but I wasn't around for that so I'm not sure what exactly is going on or why it was so bad.



Death (dark):
Justice (Water):
Hangman (Earth):
Temperance (Wind):
Devil (Fire):
Tower (Earth):
The Star (Light):
The Moon (Water):
The Sun (Fire):
Judgement (Wind):

Been happening to me, too. All Anat, all rank 92. Strange days.

I guess I was right all along

Fuck you KMR

the menu itself is from gacha/special pick ticket

look at the back button at the bottom, we have no real idea what's going on.

…That's not a japanese na-WHAT THE FUCK?

I just noticed this too. What the fuck is going one?

I lucked out and got all 152




Primal grids for everyone?

We gettin' english voices now?

Apparently he worked on Shenmue and a few bloody roars.

You goys didn't pay money for this, right?

Well, my fire team is going to be wrecking shit very soon.

DAO confirmed

How come she's unknown if she is a primal?

Don't they do that with all the trial characters?

Also, the abilities have no name. They are just called Ability 1, 2 and 3


I think the summon list has been fixed. I think.

Maybe not, I've done a few fights and have gotten 0 friends in the summons list.


Any idea on a release date? I'm ready to spark and if she drops on legfest that'd be breddy gud.

This legfest. Wonder if she'll be legfest exclusive like Lucio with a might II weapon.

That'd be icing on the cake.

Here's some voice samples from him:

Even with Warners endgame level Jewery; DC would be the far better choice of a crossover.

For the Japanese release or Western release?

thanks kmr


My SR tickets are off to a good start

5k RoTB pendants an hour

if you are willing to spend berries you can do wy more than that user

>Not 5k RotB pendants per minute

you'll be able to earn more tomorrow. It's nip prime time and the start of an event, so they are dying fast

My grids are shit and it usually takes me 5 turns to get 16k honors for x2 multiplier in Extreme raids
there's no hope for me this RoTB, go on without me

there's always strike time. Rotb is one of the best events for getting stronger with the good ssr weapons on sale, gold nuggets for GW characters and statues for Haung/Qilin and their weapons. Find something that works and grind what you can. Rain of arrows is a great honour generator. You'll get more points from ougiing, though, so limit your spells and try to attack quickly to get your charge bar up (find a character in your pool with some form of DATA). Break assassin is a good choice too since they die so fast you wont have to wait long to hit it in break. Join your crew's raids or ones posted here too since there will be less people in them so they'll die slower.

also, host basic beast raids until you can summon your own primal raids. Host chest will increase your pendant gain.

Shit got fairly easy, Titan ges down like butter.


Are Jadeite guaranteed to drop from Rising Beast trials? How many do you get on average?

yes. You get 2-3

1 Turn them

5/10 jewtenshus. Summer skin when?


Lucky bastard.
I see Cygames is pushing the /ara/+/ss/ conspiracy. Winter Comiket is going to be amazing.

I'm strangely ok with this. Too bad I don't have any version of Socie toget the memes on.

I wonder if that hip bone will be removed on the english version for localising reasons

I hope the shota Erune becomes playable, there's like 3 playable shotas right now I think? Could use some more

One of them is the hero wannabe, one of them is the FORESTO REINJARRRR and I have no idea who the last one is.

There's about nine of them. A few more if your definition of shota is more flexible. They are mostly in the R/SR rarity, only one SSR.

The three I were thinking of were Syr, Alec and Veight. But yeah there's probably more I don't know of.
I don't consider Ayer a shota if that's who you're referring to by flexible definition.

Oh, I thought you meant Erune shotas. Yeah I'm pretty sure there's just the two of them.

Lolicon month was fun while it lasted.

I meant any race really

Yeah, i think for most people Ayer is the cut-off point. It's dependant on the work for these sorts of cases.
Another border case is Flesselles. I think he's more passable since he acts more childish than Ayer and Jamil, who share his age.
You also missed Norcel, Morphe and Thelonim. There's also Noa but he's more of a trap than anything else.
There's also the problem with Harvins and categorizing them. I still have trouble not refereing to Mahira as a loli and the same goes for Alistair and shota.

I thought Thelonim was a girl…

Your not the first or last to make that mistakeI thought the same until i drew him.
His backstory is also fairly sad from what i remember.

You know who else ISNT a girl?

Every month is lolicon month, user

i want to propagate with lily

She'd probably be into it

How the hell is that a shota?

Was barely.

If you're gonna get confused about something; Harvin are the only reasonable characters outside of shit like Cordelia.

Does Ritas 5* make her worthwhile now?

The new erune? He's fairly young and has a tiny, slender build in erune terms at least.

Rita is better now but still not worth the price of a BD or a ticket. I'm not sure what the numbers on her Ougi are with everyone zombified so that might increase her worth. She's not a bad freebie if you were getting the BD regardless.

wew lad, is this granblue equivalent of the crossdressing while programming makes you a better or he is just a fag

If you look at his uncap art you can tell it's supposed to be shorts.


So, how many yggu bows do I need in my grid? Six?



How the hell do you guys always run out of money? Do none of you play or something?

Well at least I know I won't be useless when Wind GW comes around next year.

We have plenty of money, but the crew captain is a faggot who is never around, and probably Australian. The FO is a wagecuck, but at least tries his best when he isn't doing scholarly research on trap doujins.

Very few members donate money or upgrade the ship, when the crew buff goes down only 2 members can reactivate it and that usually takes them HOURS after the buff deactivates
Crew 3 is shit and is mostly just people who enjoy the game and like to bully the captain, crew 3 is in no way serious nor should their opinions/complaints be taken into account


Gonna host a kirin train on november 2nd

Haven't picked a time, looking at 830 JST (November 1st, 1930 EST), but I've got a lot of flex that day, so I'll open it up to discussion, if not, then I'll go with 830 JST as planned.

Signup itself will just be done through a google form, you'll fill in your player id, your player name, and a screen shot of your golden statute, posted after i decide a time.

yes nigger giraffe, count me in


Sounds like a plan. Should farm up a couple of sets of seals myself.

They're selling granblue iphone cases at their december festival. Now people can show the world how much of a whale they are

Hang on a sec. Now that we know Yuel's event is coming up, this logo shows a lot of events from this year.
Lowain from Table for six
Cag from Alchemist Astray
Charlotta from Little Skyfarer
Walder from Ranger Sign Bravo
And now Yuel from Forgiveness and Grititude
Lancelot's event will probably rerun like it did last year, so all that's left is Zeta. New society event soon?

Also Lyria from What Makes the Sky Blue, but she'd be there anyway as the games mascot

Oh you are right, Fujoknights part 4 soon then, Society event is good as long as it has more Bea bullying

I just realised that Platinum sky was in January, so she probably represents that

Why does bullying Beato feels so criminally good? Also >Platinum Sky skins released never ever

the more you bully her the kinder you can be to her afterwards


Bitchin', I'll join.

I still cant fucking believe shes dead.
She had a nice body. F.

I miss Beato with her big dumb smile and her big dumb tits.

Oh yeah, was gonna ask, I got my first qinglong spear. Should I get the second to spam my lolnogrid. Or get the baihu fist, this was my first rotb so no idea

what's your objective?

Scout me someone. 13641558
I'm sick of pub life.

Wait she is actually gone?

no it's a joke since she crash in the event

and also zeta says "she'll avenge her" leading to the bear is dead

And after the crash they never go back to her.

I haven't kept track of GB as much as I liked lately.

don't worry let's just enjoy cute pics of beato halloween bea doujin will never be translated

Making a wind grid to syart the mainwheel, I guess. I have skasaha, feena and punished toot in wind. And only srs in dirt. So I gotta start somewhere.

Wish I could draw Beato

Is there a priority for which items to get from rotb? Are there certain weapons I should want to get first?
I'm still pretty much a new player, with pretty trash grids (mainly because magnas refuse to drop the worthwhile weapons) and just trying to figure out if there's something here I should want to focus on versus others. Though I do have the fire dagger from last time around.

the weapons are okay as stat stick in the earlier part of the game or as mh later they become better cause they acquire dmg cap up when your pools become better , in all honesty only gold bars should have a real priority now unless you are working toward a particular build (or you have primals)

You can always believe in the heart of the gacha and get those SR draw tickets for a shot at more waifus. worst case scenario you get some SR fodder for reducing later in the game
Buy one Spear/Axe/Katana/Fist depending on your main element, it can bolster a starting grid since it comes MLB'd and also serves as a mainhand to increase your class choices. I'd warn against buying two since on a magna grid you'll want a bahamut modifier instead and for a primal grid there are lots of better weapons. If you're maining dark or light (but why would you do that? :^)), or otherwise already have bought your weapon, invest in those half pots, pills, rupies and merits for uncapping characters. They're dirt cheap and useful.
All that goes in the backburner if you're making a GW character though, in which case you want those nuggers first and foremost. Then you can buy the rest. Be sure to check in the shop how many nuggets you need for your gold brick lest you overshot and waste pendants. For fucks sake don't use it to uncap SSR weapons, they are rare as fuck and you NEED them to make the few SSRs you don't have to draw.
If after all this shit you somehow still have pendants left, you might want to consider buying a seal matching the element for the weapon you've bought so you can FLB it. Or just buy a shit ton of archangel fodder, I dunno.

-get the 4 weapons, fire katana, water axe, earth fist, wind spear
-then get one of each seal to 4* uncap each weapon
-after that go for the gold nuggets or the SR tickets

There's a Zeta and Vaseraga log-in screen where they wear halloween outfits, we might see them in the next trick or treat event?

Only got one SSR and SR for halloween last year. Have to see if they change it.


Who are you getting? It might be worth it to wait a bit longer since DAO is coming soon™.

I will go to Japan and murder KMR live on stage during GBFest if Olivia isn't released in this legfest
I'm getting Olivia from 300 rolls and sparking Orchis

Didn't they say during summer stream we'd get at least 5 of them? Guess that means we'll get either Corow or Diablo by the end of the year.

I thought Dark and Light were getting put off til next year.

they said 5 out of six would be this year, guess what's the 6th one
it's dark

Wait; I was thinking of Xenos.

318A61 nip qilin train raid room, 7/30

Please tuskete Macula Marius HL



My non-existing parental/brotherly instinct tells me to protect Danua
My dick tells me to make her a mommy

Danua can't even take care of herself.

Halloween Danua is probably the only cowtit I'm sad not to have in my party

Didn't know they fixed yuel's ears in the BD. Hopefully this confirms animal ears only for erune

Is the next banner legfest banner or is it just gonna be a new character banner?

They've been doing Legfests at the start of every month for a bit now. I assume the next Draw promotion is going to be something unrelated for three days, then legfest, then Every-one-who-appears-in-the-new-event rate up.

I started this Titan half an hour ago but almost nobody joined and we're all dead… There's still 30% health left, please rescue me

Thanks for the help anons

Oh thank God(KMR)

i am giving up!

3-4 hosted grande that's not impossible to do user….

Don't give up user, you're not the only one

Also, Ubaha can drop centrums…you can farm ubaha if you really hate yourself

who said it's impossible

it's a pain in the ass, if i had 0 t2 anima i'd have to leech a minimum of 240 raids assuming 1 normal anima per raid to get to 4 hosted grandes, all of which are not guaranteed to drop even ONE silver centrum, and every one that doesn't drop one extends the grind by another 60 raids minimum

what fucking hell have i stumbled upon


if you kill her she wins

If you lose to her seduction you win.

0F738F2E golden dong

2nd 5* Eternal uncapped.

Anyone been translating these things to see what they say in Japanese?

Can you guess which one is the host and mvp?

host on the left mvp on the right

DBF362 11/30 nip kirin room

grats user. Just in time for gw

Crew 1 has a spot open if anyone can do shit during fire gw. Or just be active and show progression

I'd like to transfer from Crew 3 to Crew 1, if that's possible.

My strongest team is a Dark team, and progression is something I effect…whenever this stingy game lets me.

I primarily play to enjoy qtπs (especially BFDT), though. I do want to make my teams strong, but I'm not a tryhard nor am I attempting to make an e-sport of this. Judge accordingly.


I'm interested.

Come bully Zoi


SSR water Yuel and SR Karteira

Sheep and rooster are back too and Murgleis have rate up so the whales can prepare for fire GW

Well then my spark is going to wait a month

Fair enough.

2889119E, come get sum bahamut.

MLB art look at that smug face

zeniths are in



Yes, but good for you, to celebrate my spark getting delayed and the new Yuel, I'm gonna go fap to some Yuel and Sochie doujins

How dare she.

I'm going to spam the ever loving fuck out of that sticker

Nobody talking about how JK's character weapon is retardly strong now?

a wind murg, nothing really to talk about

63D161C4 balance breaking nigger come bully


It's a bit stronger than that with two attack skills. Sitting at 34.5% at sk15 before any modifier, murg only has 22% at sk15

Honestly if this were literally any other element, people might complain about how stupidly powerful it is, but because wind is already DROWNING in normal modifier, gonna have to wait for the motocal autists to see if it lands itself as part of a magna grid. I think this will do for zephyrus what murg did for Varuna and gambateinn "did" for light, but unlike moving from a shitty levi dagger grid with no data boosts, it will probably not be as desirable as a murg build.

you forgot wind does not need trium cause they have so many data buffers , just nio is enough in most cases

New thread

Nice but for how much?