#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spooky Gildalloween edition



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>>>Holla Forums777548


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>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
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>A strange week indeed: archive.fo/Dzr3b#selection-3633.0-3633.12
>Escapist staff fired: archive.is/6BNDm
>NeoGAF dead with allegations against owner: archive.fo/sDCgX archive.fo/qWncR archive.fo/P6Jg8 archive.is/Ls6Th
>GDC: archive.is/bAF5a


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
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Loose clothing needs to be a tag on the panda.


Then why didn't you sage?


Delet meant for



Does this guy pretend to be Gilda or something? Does he avatarfag at least 80% of the times?

If I post your waifu now that you can't, am I cucking you?

Wow, sure sounds like a pain in the ass!

Archive of before bread (That I made while on my phone):

Other than the few joke edits, that looks like a narrow distribution of retards who want to feel special by creating ridiculous names to their sexuality. Despite many of them being called different things, there is a pattern of similarity emerging.

You think you're special or something? We went over this last thread.


Get your head out your ass, you faggot.
He baked the bread properly and as long as he contributes he's in the clear.

No was doing it to make a point to those lazy faggots who cannot post an archive, much less a link, to whatever the Hell they're talking about.

That black guy on the second to last row on the right looks like he wants to die.

Ah, my bad.


very good






Where were you when single player AAA games dieded?

playing jap games


who cares?

Marche, stop shitting the thread so much, you are, right now, way worse than what you claim to hate. We get it, really, but this thread is way more important than your autistic hate, just stop already.

The dude isn't RPing, he only posted like 1-2 gilda pictures in the last thread. Can you please calm down about it, you've made like 10 reports and it's pretty annoying now.

galko tbh

gildafags pretending to be me again
report eaec2c for being a huge faggot



What's the big deal? I've gotten banned over a dozen times for merely pretending to be retarded and for stealing Mark's dubs. Is there even anybody here who hasn't been banned at some point?



I got banned once because I posted too many YT links of songs at one time.

This thread started with some grade A cancer. Can we get back on track already?

Oh, that fag that thinks mature women with cow tits are lolis.

Let me just get in this gloating over Marche first.


Pic related. It wasn't just a fucking elf. Nice lying by omission.

Laughing at the Marche aside can we remotely trust NoE not to cuck Xenoblade to death?

Is this loli?

Its like they have zero self awareness.

Is there a way to know if OP Timber reached people at least? Not much we can do in this part of the world.

I played old games.

Oh yeah, one of our drawfags made this


Where have you been? NeoFAG having influence is one of the reasons they were such a blight on vidya.

Either a low loli oppai loli, or maybe a shortstack. Don't think there's enough hometown to be a shortstack though.

Being fair, their influence was waning on recent years and mostly boiling down to "we can organise to go shout a shitton from here", compared to earlier years where they had actual industry people there and where the forum got its "we're the industry darling" reputation.

Neofag is such cancer even the most far left devs shat on it look at Cucky B.

Oh, sure, but not at the start. Think of it as phases. There WAS a point where NeoGAF deserved it's fame to a point (to a point, mind- they always positioned themselves as more influential than they were), then as it got to their head they started being more and more hated by the industry, then when the mods started drifting it far into idpol hell, well. We saw how that ended up.

Point being while they've lost a lot of influence even before the collapse, there WAS a point where yeah, they had some decent to good amount of pull on the Western side of things. Then they shat it all themselves, no-one even needed to do anything

The cucky b screencap was a fake.

Better not be shit

Schrier is only where he is because of neofag, and chances are they got shit on him.

They also had too much sjweeb translators such as ol Connor trying to shill on games and neofag bullying devs.

Pretty sure it's a tweet he did if I'm not mistaken.

No one could provide an archive of it, and even then, the date on it was 2014, meaning its old.

It's Hillary Clinton's birthday today.

Fuck AAA, fuck everything about it

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

The faster Nibiru comes, the better

Who's this artist? Reminds me of ro but I don't think I got it right

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

Add Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the watch list just to be safe.

Cucktaco stealing our shit? More likely than you think


a ton of industry people browse this board, they just remain Anonymous.


Is the new South Park game possed with SJW stuff from UBISOFT?


Don't know, but I heard it's shit mechanically since SanFranCISgo is making it instead of Obsidian.

Well I played SOT because I like South Park mechanically it was not great also but I loved the game, I got the impression FBW got delayed so it could be SJW'd after what happened at that E3


Then get ready for it to shit the bed ten times harder.

Some junkie faggot

stop crying evading bans is easy

Reminder that Dan Kim works for Ubisoft
As a """gameplay designer"""

anyone have the pic of kirtaner doing the goatse

pls no.

Where else but jewbisoft would a kimchi kike work

Remember, it's ok to have a girl fetish.

And also, if you're gonna be degenerate, don't go proclaiming to the world how you're against the very thing you're practicing.

this is the animu crowd they've created
taken from from twatter

You deserve to get bullied.

I don't watch MOE so if not that being a meme on 4chan back in the day I would not know what that show was called just that it's another shitty MOE show.

What about girl ( ♂ ) fetishists?

please no bully

Don't do that

That's was like one of the most popular entry level shows ever.

Don't forget

Are we supposed to be mad that mister fagflag doesn't recognize some obscure ass Filipino fresco?

You're a faggot.

Not really I was watching Anime years before that I couldn't name most of the Popular 00's MOE shit unless it became a meme back in the day.

You are lying


Not loving me

Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Entry tier.
Comedy, science fantasy
This one had otakus burning all things related with it, when main heroine japanese VA had awful case of 3DPD.
Cucked her boyfriend, if I remember it right.

Hello my friendly gamergays!

Anime was always about the bishojo lamps attracting the otaku moths all the way back to the 70s m8. Saying you don't watch "MOE" sounds like those idiotic gamejournos that hate/are ashamed of the medium. It is embarassing, really.

And as much as Haruhi was big back in the day, it isn't a show that remained at the forefront of conversations about anime after the dust settled. So it isn't that surprising to see newfags not reconizing it.

They are cockroaches

Holy shit tmobile, stop assigning me banned ips



Someone did not get a kickback, huh.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

I give it a 7/10 too. Watched the stream.

He really has a hate boner for Nintendo, after he gave Zelda a poor score and Horizion a high one you could tell. Sure Zelda was sub par due to being an open world game but so was Horizion and Zelda was the better of the two.

Fricking retard.

I think the problem is he didn't get one big enough.

Next you are going to tell me that gameplay is a meaningless word or something?


gameplay is a buzzword created by drumpf supporters to justify their sexist and racist comments sweetie

Actually, no. I'd say it's it's own thing.

Not wanting to defend Mario or Nintendo
But who are the people who really care about Jim Sterling's reviews?

I'm a casual when it comes to anime, but even I can tell you don't know what you're talking about

Even more retarded

The guy came out a week ago saying that he's done doing review.

I'm bullying the >muh moeshit fag for conflating moe with a genre/type of show. Saying you don't watch moe is like saying you don't play "conflict simulators" while explicitly talking about only First Person Shooters, while ignoring that you play and enjoy countless videogames that presents a violent conflict of some sort.

CGDCT is usually where they turn up the moe on overdrive for the detriment of everything else. But CGDCT isn't defined by moe as much as a FPS isn't defined by violence. Most games have violence and most anime have moe, even your favorite hotblooded GAR show. I'm being very pedantic and confusing here but whatever, thread is slow anyway

Maybe the people giving him THIRTEEN THOUSAND shekels per month on hipster welfare.

Ayo hol up,

Thought that fat fuck would stop reviewing games.

This is the user that posted the Iwara news. The restriction only applies to "Western" (i.e. realistic) lolicon. Anime styled lolis are still permitted. Please correct this information in the next bread.

Is it still that high?

I mean they say realistic, I think it could apply to both Western and eastern detailed 3d lolicon

Jimbob Fat can't die fast enough

never fear, Memeteor is here, maybe we can get a spooky memeteor this Halloween

This is being posted around Kermit's neighborhood.

Oh… the people against doxing and bullying.

But of coure, as always, it is ok if they do it.

Aren't they the same thing to them?

Sitting at 13,044 right now.

The updated rules on the site specifically describe it as "western" but yeah. Just change "3d loli" to "realistic 3d loli" so that there's no confusion. Small details like that are important. Should probably adjust the Mujaki no Rakuen to say "potential restrictions" as well.

How the fuck? I've listened to him once or twice, I didn't hear anything "nazi" about what he says.


He's a FUCKING WHITE MALE and anti-postmodernism. Thus he's a Nazi, it's that simple.

Come on, you know exactly what he's talking about

Those slice of life girl shows
It is not a requirement in anime you have this in the show
You're just going into semantics because you don't like his taste

>all because he pointed out that they refuse to improve themselves, but demand that the world improves to their standards


He disagrees with the consensus, ergo a nazi.

People of colour are niggers.

Then they are surprised why nobody wants to talk to the left.

Apparently, according to their logic, Joe Rogan is a Nazi, so therefore, Peterson is a Nazi by association for going onto Joe's podcast.

lel reddit trying to be funny

That's not reddit, that's some garbage newspaper trying to be witty without the wit and self-awareness.


I love how half of those "exceptions" are shit that the MSM claimed he did when he didn't actually do it.

Yeah, and slice of life shows can have an episode where they go into a haunted house and spooky shit happens. Does that suddenly make it a horror? What matters is the main focus of the show. Are you honestly tell me I watch and enjoy moe for watching Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Psycho Pass, Black Lagoon, Monster, etc. I'm not even saying I don't like moe every now and then, but to say they are inherent in all anime is retarded.

Woops, they made a typo, let me fix that

Fug meant for

Is Trumps wife a nazi because she is having a german accent?

Since when are people ridiculing those? Is this another of those situations where a single hated utter cunt is part of said group, and by shit talking that person people "bully" the entire group?

Being negative towards Communism makes you a Nazi

Some of them use it refer to specifically to nignogs and some use it as an umbrella term for non-whites. They can't be consistent with their newspeak.


If they were consistent with it, it wouldn't be newspeak.

So majority of East Europe is full of nazis?


It's a long story, Rodeo Clown Girl "overhears" a private phonecall with Trump and Ngger Widow, Nigger Widow wants the gibs and political grandstanding, proceeds to make the conversation in either getting more outrage against Trump or getting the Military to turn against him, former is working on the libtards, the latter isn't happening, a lot of the Libtards like Joy Reid are calling Niger as "Trump's Benghazi" while ignoring that Obama started the US military advisory mission in the region 2013 and Michelle Obama did #BringOurGirlsBack against Boko Haram, all in all, just a bunch of hypocritical Libtard niggers trying to score points and pretending to give a fucking damn about the Soldiers.


wew lad, they keep setting themselves up to get slammed by him. I hope he keeps doing what he does. Can't believe he made me sit through an entire lecture series on the bible.

communism worked in Yugoslavia.

I'm bullying him for being an idiot and expressing his opinions like a retard in order for him to… improve, I guess.

It isn't that hard, just say "I don't watch High School SOLs because they are blah blah blah". It is actually easier than carelessly spewing buzzwords around.

I will respect his tastes when he can articulate himself properly. Otherwise, bully these plebs until they refine their points or they run away.


>>>Holla Forums


I saw these around town and nearly lost my shit

I can imagine a normalfag reading this and thinking "what the fuck are these people talking about?" "Whats an Alt right?" "That nice man down the road that keeps telling me to clean my room is a Nazi Philosopher,What?"

I'e been listening to a lot of his stuff lately while driving and I have yet to hear anything that could be even vaguely construed as such.

So, just bullshit as usual then.

They know she is a jew right?

well sure, stick your head in the sand, don't let anyone challenge the brainwashing you received.

What is it now? You found Mombot's Playboy pictures?

The whole world is full of nazis for today's milksop commies.

I can't wait until the police of england pays for all the stupid stuff the have done.

All of them are guilty.

They don't give details for a reason. When you read a article always look at their explanations, if they don't give any (like in that picture) it's bullshit for sure. MSM does this all the time, they call someone a racist in a article but then don't explain why that person is a racist. If you read something like that you already know that this person is not really a racist, but racist by their definition.

Wait, so wanting to go out with a friend is crossing the line? Why's the message of importance?
I'm confused.

Yup, MSM and the Libs trying to pin all the blame on Trump as usual.



Working out directly leads to Nazism.

I'm not clicking that until you tell me what is, bucko.

Social media was a mistake


No freethinking and obey your government.
And normalfags screwing you over for all cases of wrong-think. As usual.

I am not clicking that shit nigga.

look who sent the message.

Youth Action is supposedly some "radical" right-wing group or some shit.

Put a magnet out and tell people that it's the Wolfensteinberg 2 torrent.

Should have known. God forbid young people get together to talk about shit or even keep a look out on the streets at night. Police sure won't do it.

I always wonder what 'regular' people think of nonsense like this. There's muslims ramming trucks into people and stabbings all over the place, but getting together is #crossingtheline?
Even normalfags should think that's bloody ridiculous.

I'm even less clicking that shit now.

i read the original as such

I think they would just use green, red and white, that color scheme is bad even for islam

Britain gets more pathetic every time I hear about them I swear to god. When the fuck did they fall this far?

Thanks for the explanation, but why didn't you provide an archive, user?

post ww1 somewheres between the battle for american independence and americas civil war, when they let non anglo kikes hold high office and fostered a "upper class worship" mentality.

Exactly. Also normalfags don't like communists. They might not want them thrown out of helicopters like Holla Forums wants, but that still doesn't mean they like them.

Step it up.

Small site, not-SJW libtard cucks that smeared us, and archive.is has been shitting the bed lately, so not a priority archive.

I can't make heads or tails of this one

i want to protect gilda smile


Seems about right.
Then the people living there think they've got any right to lecture Americans on anything.

For fuck's sake, I thought "Bin that knife save a life" was a meme.

God dammit Arturia come back from Avalon already, your country's gone straight to hell


For all Brit faggots here. How safe Bedfordshire is?

And if it is, how many muslims are in there?

I think they're implying that carrying a knife is going to get you harassed or shot by a cop.



If only! I don't think the T people should have any rights. More like, they should be rounded up in mental asylums.

Damn it, what's the name of that artist?

Not really.
Besides that, they will kill themselves soon enough.

Do the English blacks have nigger moments as well?

Which country?

Seems to want to say that correlation equals causation. It's like saying that people who own guns are more likely to be shot with a gun than people who are not gun owners while leaving out the fact that data they are pulling from is from gang violence where gangs shoot each other. Probably similar thing here where victims of stabbings are often related to criminal behaviors because criminals compete with each other and own weapons for their criminal activities, and thus civilians should disarm themselves……

I can't remember exactly, but I think I have seen it before…


They should make it legal to openly carry medieval weapons and armor in public. That would quickly curb knife enthusiasm among criminals.

Guess the mudslime should bin those lorries.

Radiohead, because you deserve it.

Pretty pozzed with how near london it is I would think


One of the dumbest arguments against weapons for self defense is "But the criminal WILL turn it against you and kill you" like a weapon magically becomes inefficient when you use it.

Then how long until another scandal comes?


Not long I would think

That would look badass. Too bad I already used my stickman video here:

Pics of it, please.


pls no bully


Unfortunately I only have an old wooden sword right now. I do have a giant half-scissor though, and it IS pretty sharp.

Good lord, Britain. Get your shit together.

Fuck you. They don't let me do my master's postdegree about Roleplaying games and Lovecraft using my own experiences, and I have much more knowledge than any sociologist faggot.

But, of course, I'm a white man.

Stay off the puns and away from the border, and we'll get along fine, Carlos.

Damn it.
Well aren't you just too kind.


>cross it legally to buy cheap milk and vidya

England deserves to be conquered.

I hope europe collapses and Spain begins to conquer the rest of Europe and make another empire while slaying moro mierdas.

shit taste

And how exactly are a bunch of lazy sand niggers going to conquer Europe? Fucking Spaniards are to lazy to do shit.

I can't decide what worse, that part or when one of them called .22LR cartridges "point two two".
I have never heard that in my life.

Anonimo, yo…
in fucking spain.


In ww3, I could see a few 3rd world countries coming out on top.

as long as you dont act like a illegal spic, you are fine and I hope you can fix your corrupt political system and gangs someday

What are you quoting?

I think hungary would be the one doing the conquering.

Because Spain, ironically, is one of the countries with less muslim population. Also, our army and many forces of our nation worships Franco.

Please, let me have my dreams so I can die in peace when the fucking country collapses in leftist shit.

Eastern European trash? You name lazy people and then poor people? What they gonna do? Run into a meat grinder? These fucks are to stupid to design proper cars, how the fuck are they going to win a war?

i think its because you dont have that many benefits for rapefugees, so they just want to go to germany or uk and uses spain to pass thru, i know that feel, user.
and since you are from spain, what the fuck is the whole deal with the independentistas in cataluña?


Radiohead makes okay music, but literally shit art.
Yes, I know they're not the same.

As a truck bait, I want Charles to bring down the Hammer once again.

By triggering commies to death. but in all seriousness, Russia and china are the 2 coumtries that would be vying for control of europe.

Hey, we did get liru, trump got in, and the tpp, the trade deal too big to fail did fail, so all bets are off.


And the brits will try to ruin it even further.
Same old, same old.

Some shit forum no one cares about, but I lurk there frequently and I wanted to share my suffering with the rest of you

indeed, (((anglos))) are ass
t. a quarter scot quarter anglo half german? who hates half his heritage.

Shiggy diggy niggy.

As much as I think that brutally going full USA in Europe would be counter-productive, we definitely need a law similar to the second amendment, or at least something that protects law abiding gun owners.


good luck, (((they))) dont want to risk any uprisings against (((themselves))).

You're a cheeki bastard.

It's so bad in the UK I honestly can't imagine why any honest man would want to be a police officer. Literal fucking nanny force. Glad I don't live there.

Most of the terrorists of peace come from there(Luton). That ginger convert comes from Luton. Tommy Robinson constantly gets harassed by the police for being a big meany.Rape Gangs,Sharia Patrols,No Go Zones, Honor killings.Muslim crime gangs running drugs, prostitutes etc. Probably the most pozzed part of the country tbh.

So they can get away with raping teenage girls

Well, is so complex and so bullshit it is hard to explain.

You see, Spain wasn't spain since the Reconquista, it was a bunch of kindoms with their own coin, culture and, sometimes, even language, then the muslims came and made even MORE kingdoms, calling it Taifa Kingdoms. When Spain was conquered back and recovered the whole land it was unified, like Japan or China, into one kingdom, and also we conquered a lot of north Africa before Morocco even was concieved to exist.

Because of that there are a lot of butthurt snowflakes trying to force the old little languages on their autonomies, and thanks to soviets more independent movements appeared in Spain before the Civil War. Some of those movements created ETA and another terrorist group I don't remember but was mostly the Maoist kind of comunism.

After the death of Franco, it seemed like the communist movements were needed to make a democracy or some shit. The history behind the foundation of the democracy is so complex and full of bullshit politics I'm not even sure which is the official truth.

And because Catalonia had all the industry, was so close to France and had a coast, the shitty region became incredibly rich. An equivalent to New York or Los Angeles. And you know what happens when cities like that appear.

TL:DR version: Catalonians are cultural jews.

Wouldn't call a rapist an honest man, but okay.

they will leave it until it it harms (((them))).

Fuck, I mean that Spain wasn't Spain UNTIL the Reconquista.

Sorry, when I get distracted I mess up my english and even my spanish.

I think I'm dislexic, but never had a test nor I need it now.

speaking of bongs

Tell me about it, Europe, instead of teaching its people about firearms and tell people these are "simply" weapons, go full VERBOTEN on them. We need a complete overhaul on gun laws, harsher penalties on illegal gun trafficking, but ease the paperwork and restrictions for law abiding citizens to own a gun. Weaken the criminal, help the citizen. But some countries in Europe (UK for instance) have so little "gun culture", nobody thinks about how giving and promoting proper firearm education to people who need it could potentially help the average citizen, and just dismiss the gun as an "instrument of doom".
tl;dr: Europe needs to stop looking at the wrong end of the gun.


Makes me happy (albeit little) that the north of Sweden has a pretty big number of hunters, so guns comes pretty natural.

Its true that pugs are an abomination but what need to be done to be more humane is just late them naturally select. They should stop trying to force pure breed because 1) pugs are a shit breed 2) retards breeders inbreed their pure breeds which in the long run makes shit worse.

Shame the government wants to put an end to it with even more retarded restrictions.

It's pretty nice to live in the countryside where you can hear the funs blazing in the distance while you have a relaxing walk, I agree.

How many daily gay parades do you have?

but user, (((they))) are the criminals. you may as well try and get blood from a rock, it will never happen, unless islam threatens (((them))) in such a way wear they need to arm the pesants, but they wont because fuck nato.

Russia would be better than China or U.S. at this rate.

How history of one country can be this fucked up?

You should be ok at the airport The men with backpacks and beards will be in departures.

Up until the kikes do everything they can to control it, yes.

Being in the frontier. And thank me we don't include being conquered by the Persians, then the Greeks, then the Romans, then the Visigoths, etc.

Believe it or not, but some parties in the government put up a proposal to make purchasing funs easier, also to remove the license requirement for suppressors.
To be honest, I believe it when I see it.

That wasn't a proposal iirc, that was S and co saying "we told the guy in charge of doing the EU mandated reforms to do as little as possible and who knows, since it involves looking over our already established laws you might win out in the end :)"
Meanwhile we have the following shit being lobbied:
>all licenses to be temporary and having to be renewed like sporter licenses
>mandatory psychological tests for hunters to make sure they're not hunting for the wrong reasons
>gps trackers in all guns
>yearly ammo purchase caps
This is in a nation where you can count the amount of legal gun owners shooting someone else for the last 20 years on one hand.

Sounds like it's something else that should be hunted down

ayy lmao

What's next, nanomachines?

Here is a man who needs gamergate like a racist needs SJW's calling everyone a racist.

He'll need gamergate as good cover to blame when he's inevitably accused of being a sexual predator and potential rapist.


Remember, Nathan, you kicked the whole shebang off by sticking your dick in crazy and refusing to own up to it.

wtf, I h8 yoko now
[YouTube video ID is DveX0m2yewE; can't WEBM it right now]


I did find a file of her when she was younger

Who wants to bet they put words in his mouth?

It's only of their resident trannies, I wouldn't be surprised.

Oh god, I'm already imagining governments forcing people to put nanomachines into people to track them down, whether they want a gun or not.
Who needs cameras when you know you're monitored 24/7 from the inside?

I should read myself sometimes, I meant mandatory nanomachines from the government.

The russian loli in that anime makes me rockhard

People will have to put nanomachines into people. You can get a machine to do it, but it's still programmed by and built by a person.

Your mandatory vaccine shots required to attend your mandatory government schooling are probably already tracking kids.

Kraken, Scylla, or Charybdis?

Reading that quote hurts my brain, did they use Nip to english google translate.

Pls stop, I'm already paranoid enough.

Just a devil onee-chan. Pic related.

Oh, that one that the author says is eldritch even though it really isn't.

My bullshit detector is overloaded

It's perfectly fine, it's just that it's weird broken up bewteen lines like it is in that image. I'm more worried about whether he actually even mentioned Trump.


Good taste.

Remember nips have no fucking idea what is actually going on and get some twisted views of the west through the (((media)))


I don't bet, but a million imaginary dollars.

A reminder to grayson that zoe could easily throw all 5 guys under the bus as raping her, and we would just laugh our asses off as you get blacklisted.

Smells fishy, probably led speech and a "localization" of what he said.

I bet my boipussy it's made up. I always win when I bet my virgin boipussy.

Especially since Chelsea even outright admitted as much.

I kinda hope she does.

They are even more isolated than yoour average american huh?

oh wow I wonder how worried he is about that. She could literally crush the man with a single tweet and everyone of her followers who listens and believes would immediately turn on him and the rest of the games press.

I just found out that if you google search "Zoe Quinn boyfriend" in google it spits out the name Eron Gjoni. It's hilarious, I wonder how pissed she is about that.

Hes wont be worried until it happens, and when it does, both he and quinn will demand gg help them and be good goyim, while we, at least here will laugh our asses off.

Even on that front Eastern Europe is way ahead of Bongistan, the Czech Republic implemented the right to bear arms in their constitution less than half a year ago.

Don't worry, user. Over here you have to register your ammunition along with reporting the exact amount you use each time you to to shoot for a bit and are subject to constant surprise inspections by the police, who will count the number of bullets you have remaining.

Man, Eastern Europe feels more and more like a great place to spend some vacation days.


annnnnnnd they changed it



Elves are for raping.

If only someone had posted an archive instead of just a pic of a tweet with a pic

*Male elves are for fun times provided by orcesses with throbbing love

SAG-AFTRA Members Poised to Ratify New Video Game Contract



Erik Kain - "'Destiny 2' PC Players Claim Widespread Bans Bogus, But Bungie Disagrees [Updated]"


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Calls Out Donald Trump And White Nationalists In New Trailer


Jason Faulkner - "Wolfenstein 2 Ads Misrepresented the Game and Fed on US Political Turmoil"


Holly Green / Paste - "Wolfenstein II Asks Us to Love and Hate Violence at the Same Time"



the usual suspects are butthurt over Techraptor having a better Steam curator than Kotaku


Male elves are also for rape


You could show your displeasure by:
A. Making a fuss on Twitter.
Steam don't like drama. So make the bigger drama and they'll do something. That something could be to reverse it, or it could be to fuck up further.
B. Support Techraptor. Shill their articles, give them clicks, etc.
C. Mild Disnod of Steam. Email them and say how much you like TechRaptor. That's all. Just to remind them how much of their consumer base likes TechRaptor compared to one Journo. After all, if we don't force-feed them feedback until their fucking stomach bursts how can they possibly know how to keep us buying?

KIA already has a thread from an hour ago about Grayson complaining but not one about the screenshot being changed. Do people think a new thread to draw maximum attention would be good? Would this be a good title?:

Only great for vacations, have surviving when trying to stay for any longer than a brief vacation.

I could also go with [Ethics] since even though Steam isn't game journalism it's game journalists trying to get them to suppress the competition.



We're fortunate there was an archive.org copy, when I looked there wasn't anything on archive.is besides the new one. Checking now finds the Google cache is the new one too, so if I hadn't found it on archive.org there would probably have been nothing but screencaps.

I am surprised anyone takes this image serious.
It is fake.

He doesn't mention that he was involved with the creation of the site.
We can't email the FCC about that, because it's fucking hard to prove, but he was in the discord before it went up

Apparently HWNDU sent a fiery drone to the flag? (Despite last I checked they said "no drones, no fire") Did they succeed?

Also apparently there was efforts by that other thread to hijack ResetEra?

I missed last few threads did anyone mentioned that they are censoring the new Digimon and if there is anyone we can contact.

The plan is to shitpost on it to make the site seem like an insane SJW paradise to scare off people. Or maybe it's to subtle be right wing to drive people into going crazy and getting themselves banned.
No one wanted to do a DDOS attack, despite that being the easiest way to fuck with them I'm pretty disappointed in them.

The anime or the game?

Try it. Try to see if someone made an archive or has a cache of the webpage prior to the change.
Any other avenues?
Fuck- Gabe replies to emails still right? Act dumb and ask if Steam shit-canned TechRaptor and you're worried.

The game Hackers memory

Cucky B doesn't know when to quit

And neither do they:

Something definitely needs to be done about The Forum if devs are going to want a place to converge to.

And a bit off topic, but did Marche sperg out again? He missed out on the latest Attention Hungry Games.

This isn't 2008 anymore Mr FBI
LOIC users are too easy to identify and cloudfront has made the thing almost obsolete anyway

The best bet would to attack with both tactics.

Got more info, like side by sides, and the best bet would to email bamco and our spreaders like billy and censored gaming.

Sagafta and the writers guilds are blights, non essential utilities should never have been allowed to unionize.

It's now changed from IGN to RPS

Has Valve cycled through screenshots in curator updates before? Are they doing it now to get rid of the Techraptor screenshot without seeming to single them out?

Doesn't pretending to be retards risk filling the place with actual retards?
The issue with NeoGAF wasn't their tactics (they had none) it was sheer numbers. Do we really want to make a nest for SJW to be able to declare 1000+ DisNods with a post?
Now shitposting seems more like it. Hell I saw some people making right-pandering stuff with ResetEra's logo on it.

What kind of censoring is going on?

They removed sistermon noir and replaced her with sistermon ciel to not offend Christians, yet in the dub of season 4 of digimon they keep Lucemon who is just Lucifer. Not to mention they have normal angels and devils in the game and have they have a very ertoic lesbian looking fusion in the last game.

People are also shitposting on twitter with images like Confederate soldiers waving their flag with the "Reset Era" emblem watermarked. It's pretty funny.

If it's a static image- why make a bunch of static images? Why not make a gif? Why keep all the other curators lower down the same and just change the top one?
And do they really think RPS is less controversial than IGN? Hell, IGN is just incompetent now as oppose to nepotistic. RPS still curries favors IIRC.

That would imply it wasn't already filled with actual retards.

There's plenty of normalfag type people on the site. If it gets filled with braindead retards instead, that means the site is worse overall, and will be respected less.

Here is the difference

Ah. Think maybe importing it will have it uncensored?

I don't understand. Is it the cover that's getting censored not to show the gun, because it looks like she just got cut off in a big cross section image.

This is fucking retarded. Some people are trying to defend it, but most people are calling it out it seems like. This is another game I won't buy now.


Another one.

I like Bandai Namco's games and I love Digimon I preordered cyber sleuth becuase I wanted more Digimon games in the west and now they insult me and other fans by worring about controvery for a niche game that will only be bought by a niche crowd of fans. Bandai Namco would be one of my favorites if they stopped censoring games and giving preorder bonuses you can't buy later.




Ok, that's not cool.

He looked like the only guy who wasn't infected on 'tv science'. I just hope he was just falsely accussed.

I am still pissed about how the JoJo game was censored and how GUndam had pre-order DLC.


There have been more rape accusations in the past few weeks than there are stars in the universe Also provide a link you fucking faggot

I don't worship Black Science Man like some do, but this screams false charge to me. Remember, we may have laughed at Evilore being impaled by his own sword, but there are still a lot of false charges and listening and believing should be discouraged.

Bandai Namco needs to understand that they make two types of games niche games which is the majority of the games they make and two popular franchises which are Dark Souls and Ace combat. All the niche games are only bought by fans and no one else so they can only make their fanbase angry when censoring things. The preorder DLC is annoying and is a carryover from Japan and I could even sickeningly forgive it if they always gave a censored free game.

Oh he was- just not nearly as open about it as Bill Nye the Woodsprite Guy.
Climate Change and Race shit was still his bag- when asked.
His usual schtick is space, and breaking people's make believe with how science actually works (debunking movie science stuff or song lyrics).

No idea. BeNantoka maybe?

I just hope this wakes up people.

Or he is damned because he is not a faggot like all other TV 'scientists'?

I can get behind that, to a degree.
If they want us to "listen and believe" this shit maybe they should make it look like it's a fucking activation of sleeper cell agents.

The man thinks the concept of borders is silly, he is 100% a faggot.

It's a "self made" Black man being accused of rape.
SJW will tear each other apart over it until MSM tell them what way to think.
My guess is since Neil hasn't been a good enough goy like Bill, he'll get in jail (guilty or not), while the story is quickly ignored to distract from the black on white rape rate.


Website looks like a shady share blue content farm. Probably false.

It's just a accusation, and woman constantly lie. Not a Tyson fan or anything, but I doubt he raped a woman.


Let them feed the hysteria, let the fire rise. The more the guillotine falls on their prominent allies, the more likely SJWs will be purged overnight in a sudden reaction.

You know, it was fun for a while, but this shit is getting old. How long until the next batch of "#MeToo"s start because some other celebrity does something stupid?

Also, while people are focussed on this, what is it being used as a smokescreen for?

Leddit will be fire if this is true/sticks

Well, the JFK assassination information was due out sometime around now.

Intel and ESL begin a "GLHF Pledge," includes asking other players for consent when playing VR games



Anything Earth-shattering yet?

Are we able to rape people now in VR?


Shit dude, you can even rape people in real life now.

I wonder if they'll try to censor it.

Well it's kind of difficult to not act like a sleeper when that is exactly what you are

Wait until they start targeting all gamergate supporters just to fight back.

All I wanted to do was make fun vidya…

Cucky B and bitchford will cuck for this.


That wont work out well for them.
Fuck my shitty thumb,

Is there any reason why you simply quoted my post without saying anything? I'm not sure what the point was. Maybe you made a mistake posting that?

Lawbreakers is enough to make Cliffy stay away from shooters from now on.

But I thought we were just 300 basement-dwelling virgins who lived in their mom's basement and never got laid!
On that note, I'm glad Blob started squirming after people started making fun of him for being a 36 year old basement dweller.

Read the following one my thumb miss hit new reply, using a phone

Oh shit, really? Is it in the thread here? i just got home from work, i didn't see this.

Ah, i see.

Nah, it was retweeted onto Panda's feed.

Don't forget that feminism is an umbrella term that includes many different ideologies so it's impossible to criticism the nebulous term feminism. Anyone who calls themselves a feminist is a feminist, period. In-fact everyone who believes in equality between men and women is a feminist, even if you stupid hicks don't agree with the labels I've placed on you. But Christina Hoff Summers is not a feminist she's the black sheep of the universities, mother to 1000 alt-right youngsters. This is the only thing every different feminist ideology agrees with and you'll be excommunicated for daring to spread any of her works.

I was expecting more, but this is what I say

What does he think he is, Red Letter Media? He's one guy, one webseries is enough.


VR Multiplayer was always gonna be a flail-fest, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be attempted. I'm sure you'll get someone somewhere in the world making it (if fucking Rapelay can exist and the early edgy Newgrounds games, all bets are off).

They're not even banning rape. At no point do ANY of the VR games mechanics let you assault someone like that. You can stand in their character model and make lewd gestures- but that's it. Which can be solved by giving people a box around them to simulate personal space.

Pic very much related. By getting rid of a future problem with a vague goal instead of a hard & fast rule, they can shift goal-posts to stifle creation. What's wrong with saying "We will not greenlight/support/fund/etc any game that allows you to intentionally simulate sex or sexual acts with a non-consenting person."? The only loop-hole is that others might not follow that rule.

What gets me is that he's trying to humble-brag it as "this is how successful I am," but of course, my question is that if he has all this shit going for him, then why does he live IN THE BASEMENT?

They always project. He probably has low self worth and feels all this gives his life meaning. I guess I used to feel like that, but I never took it out on others, just tried to improve myself, you know? I pity him.


Someone thinks women are vain retards, how sexist.

Are women fucking retarded?

Huh, never would have guessed he would be accused.

Anyway, how many more male feminists do you anons think will be accused before the hysteria ends?

Not really according to the research.
More likely to be average while men are more likely to be dumb as a rock or highly intelligent.

Aparently ellen thinks so.

I've seen some that act naive or like dumb asses. Tomboys are quite smart, however.

I don't know, never had a vagina, maybe sticking glitter in there is really tempting.

If anything, it's many times worse since
> Dominic Tarason (Kotaku, RPS) complain

You sure it's not just Ellen who's and idiot?

Thats the joke.

I once read a greentext story about some user's sister who used her vagina like a piggy bank when she was little

I kinda want to know more.

Are these the same thing and do you have webm(s)?

I love how they have a progressive blindspot for immigrants when it comes to melania.

I imagine he said going from reason to emotion, and kotaku added in the examples to 'localise' it for their audience.

Nigger, black science man is an atheism+ faggot with an ego the size of the sun. He once, likely intentionally, misquoted a former president can't remember which one saying "Our [America's] god is the god who named the stars". The president said nothing like that. Then he went on to "totally BTFO" this statement by pointing out the muzzies named most of the stars. This happened in the mid-to-late 2000s I believe. When people called his shit out, he posted on facebook things along the lines of "It's normal for the average person to misremember things and recall events that did not happen, but my memory is better than the average person's. He [the president] did say that." When asked why no one anywhere could find the statement in any speeches and at best found a vaguely similar statement, Neil responed "Well then you aren't looking hard enough. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." He used an arguement for the existence of god defend his politic pushing lies while being an atheist. I don't think atheism+ shit was a thing at the time yet.

Bullshit. Was he hypocritical about that too? Because I recall him being for making a country island without "religion or politics" impossible where only science ruled.

You already forgot their "+power" rule? If you are a "powerful" person the rules don't apply to you. That's why foreigners can't be racist according to sjw, because foreigners are usually useless trash, and if they manage to not suck at life it's okay to bully them.

But it's irrelevant whether or not they have power. If the person in question has power, but supports the SJW agenda, they'll constantly shift the goalposts until the person in question doesn't "have power" by their definition. Like with everything else, it's a method of control for them.

This. Neil may be a good goy. But he's probably not a good enough goy to escape such consequences of the left's witch hunts.

Climate change, yes. Race, I haven't yet seen. There was a Breitbart Article by Milo where Milo accused him of blaming his lack of success at a Texas university on racial discrimination. This was far from the truth, a reason I don't trust or like Milo on anything but his comedy, and the proof against this claim was in the article itself. The article Milo cited to back up this claim contained an interview with Neil where he explicitly stated that race was not a factor in his failure at the university, or at the very most, it was something on the very periphery of the experience.


Wew fucking lad.

Having a vagina sounds like fun. You can store pennies in there and go to the bank without needing a backpack or plastic bag to carry them.

Yeah, such a fucking shame that the Feds didn't break down someone's door and arrest a kid playing Halo for talking shit on the internet, and instead opted to calmly talk to that kid and inform him why sending harassing phone calls wasn't okay.
If Scooby ever got elected and passed those speech-policing laws, literally the first people arrested would be Scooby, Frank, and their circle of friends, as most of the FBI report revolved around the fact that most of their bullshit was false-flagging.

Christian Tomoko a cute.


But at that point, they have so much power they don't need to worry about that happening to them.

I remember a lot of stories of retards sticking their dicks where they shouldn't so I can't say this is limited to one sex.

Not gonna lie, I've missed seeing McIntosh's mindblowing retarded opinions. I haven't seen him posted in awhile

Got a chuckle out of me.

And from both sexes there are stories of retards sticking things up their asses they shouldn't.

Doubtful, Johnny Boy ended up burning literally every single bridge >she could while campaigning because apparently being known as the "Amy's Baking Company of gaming" isn't enough.

So, I have somethingh we should do some digging on. There's an not-insignificant amount of articles about Reset Era coming out. It's known that Jason Schreier was in the discord before the website ever came online, so how many of these do you think are him telling his friends to shill the site?

I'm not saying >she wil win anything, i'm saying in that scenario, if >she did win, she wouldn't be held up to the same standards as commonfolk.

It's almost like casual gamers aren't a reliable source of income for devs. Who woulda thunk?

It's amazing, the Kinect has so much cool, potentially society-changing shit that could be done with it, so I'm kind of sad to see it go because of those applications, but that fucking moron is upset because he can't play WAGGLAN GAMES on the next Xbox with it.

Well, >she can't really acknowledge the report because the report itself noted that >she hounded them non-stop and wanted them to arrest unrelated people based on the evidence that it was friends of the Wus that made the harassing phone calls to begin with.

Is there any way to verify if Kucktaco put words in Taro's mouth?
If they explicitly lied about what Taro said, and to push politics, it could raise a big stink. If they explicitly lied about what he said, and it reaches Taro, Taro may spead the word about the bullshit among the vidya dev Nips.

Can I get a link to that so I can bookmark it?


Well, the PDF is linked in this KiA thread.
Looking through the comments, I guess that kid I mentioned also happened to be someone Wu actively fucked with to begin with.

How the fuck are you supposed to make sense of redacted files? Couldn't they at least say [location] or something?

I found this on normalfag site Imgur. There might actually be hope for mankind


RIP Marche's cat i am so sorry to hear that

The point is that every one of those posts is telling Ubisoft to fuck off

There's always hope for mankind, user. It's just we're wired to focus on the negatives.

No, they're not.

It's hard to make anything of it without sufficiently solid relationships. Does anyone have record of exactly what Schreier's role was (or any other journos) to see if they disclose it while covering the site?

I didn't know marche had a cat, only his beagle.


What the fuck? Seriously stop this or fuck off. This thread in particular is incredibly shit with this today.

You fuck off


for what porpoise?

Then maybe you should've posted with the link the first time faggot.

Well, shit. That explains why he was acting like an unusually massive cunt earlier in this thread.

Cunt or not, dead kitty makes me sad.


Does Jason Schreier live in Vancouver? I may have just found his Resetera account

his room is disgustingly messy

That explains his depressing rant on twitter about the short lifespan of pets.

can someone 'not know anything' about philosophy? It's a subjective field to begin with. As long as you can connect a real world example to a thought provoking way of viewing the world, you know something about philosophy, which Peterson does.

Fucking Nathan Grayson.


So, what happened to JFK?

I'm pretty sure he got shot


Your roommate kinda missed the point about Peterson using philosophy to improve life, and not wanking about in an ivory tower.

He certainly loves his pets. Good man.

Peterson has said that same thing, that we Imitate nature, because order is something that nature procures to do. And not seeking to have order is something that is not in our own nature and at the same time a chaotic mind is a neurotic mind, having this feeling that you are hollow is a sing of neurosis and you should seek to have some kind of stability, and the easiest way to do it is to sort yourself out.

Doesn't give you the right to be a total cunt still, cat dying yea is sad but the way he went about it is the issue.

I'm bretty sure Jordan Peterson has made that point before in one of his lectures

I may have a chance to fix this shit, but sadly, not right now. I don't want to say or imply anything because if I manage to fix it, everything will be fine and people won't have to attack them. I'm sure they are fairly reasonable, I hope so…

Which one?

Fuck off gilda

It sounds like he works at the company and the game is unreleased, and so he's saying he doesn't want to say which company until the game actually gets released with the SJW line intact.

Sorry, I don't want to give any details. I think this was added by an employee that was later fired and I doubt this is something they'd do nowadays.

The game has been out for years on PC, so it's not like it's set on stone.

I could be working with them in two or three months, and that would be my opportunity. If I work with them, the game will be updated no matter what, and that would be a good chance to sneak some improvements on the translation. But it's something they'd have to agree.

Hi marche

convince them the same way feminists get stuff changes; with emotional reasoning and public appearance (because being faithful to the original doesn't seem to get through to these dense motherfuckers). Say that the original was more positive and the translation is abrasive and may put off players from the character or the game or some shit.

Bitch you probably already carry a GPS-enabled tracking beacon everywhere you go 24/7.

Good luck with it, user.

Besides the suggestion by , I recommend framing your argument on what makes sense in relation to the setting and story. A lot of regressive changes stick out so much because they don't mix with the overall work. (Like that shitty Maidragon dub).

Why they'd ever make a Dragon spout Gender Studies when at the same time inadvertently giving her shota maximum boners in beyond me.




I hope they make lots of shekels from increased traffic because that's pretty based.

Looks like Tumblr went nuts and started attacking a Japanese artist because of a doujin s/he wrote about an anime that tumblr loved, Yuri on ice, which atcually features a gay couple as the main characters IIRC.

A doujin that was ilegally uploaded, of course. I don't know which doujin is, but it's one with a bang-gang, or that's what I read.

Do you think we'll get even more porn out of this one?

When will tumblr just fucking die already?

I kinda wish they just take it down.

Whitelist on uBlockOrigin for nichegamer confirmed.



Look at how asshurt journos are about Techraptor, special mention Quinn (archive.fo/iTdng). More archives here

Already saw. My post is directly against people who waste one post with absolutely no sources whatsoever. The fact it took you two posts just for it get properly sourced doesn't help your case or go against my reasoning from still including your post in my post.

Good going hypocrite. Gilda is shit, and so are those who usually post her. Not everyone that hates gilda is marche, and not everyone who posts gilda is Gildafag. This is not hard.

from the way user worded it, I don't think this is a translation.

Sjws don't use adblock. They're probably raking in a fortune from all that scrolling down.

Because naturally, Chelsea van Valkenberg hates the fact that no one talks about Zoe (fuck your umlaut) Quinn, AKA, Chelsea van Valkenberg.

Is that the loli club on Steam?

At AusPAX now motherfuckers free wifi! Played the Dragonball The fighters over 10 times which is the tits. Also when taking a break I sat outside a theatre that hosted a panel that a bunch of SJW's called "Women were always apart of gaming" in a empty theatre, diversity lounge is also empty too.

The diversity lounge is probably the most retarded thing Khoo could have ever thought of in his entire career.

Forgot about the gaming cons like that, can you take pictures?

Post some pics faggot. Need to see what the fuck a diversity lounge is.

Share some lol if you can find some.

Fun story, I have friend that's a hardcore gamer, and happens to be a girl. She DESPISES women in videogames, far more than even a strawman argument from an SJW would hate women. For years she spent her time in WoW avoiding other women, because everytime she joined a guild with other women in it, those women would PM her and tell her she was hogging all the attention from the boys and try and get her to "moderate" her playing time.

Neat. I'm going there on Sunday.


The most fucked up part is that isn't even remotely an exaggeration. In fact, that's actually kind of mild compared to the shit I heard.

I'm curious to see whether the similar Blizzcon panels have any attendance. Guess we'll find out.

Guess I'll have to start checking the site out again.

So, the biggest reason women cannot get into "hardcore gaming" is because of OTHER WOMEN!?! Please, post greentext stories.



I would, except that's the only story I have. She was the one girl I'd ever met that if someone said she "Wasn't a real gamer" I would have probably kicked them in the dick. She was a Holla Forums-tier waifu, and was basically Vivian James incarnate.

For my time in WoW the women I played with were all pretty chill. I guess it's the particularly immature ones the have the 'queen bee' syndrome. My guess is they are experiencing social power for once in their lives and it goes to their heads.


Art imitates life, Net-Juu Susume, episode 3

>Please, post greentext stories.
I mean, the one that I can personally verify for myself goes something like:
There was another incident where I got kicked from a dungeon party because someone from a guild recognized me as the friend of a friend of a guildmate of someone that some really controlling guild leader (who insists that she was a real woman, and whose in-game character could easily be summed up as "psycho bitch" like she would stab a character fifty times over a perceived slight and you couldn't do anything about it) really hated and wanted blacklisted.

Wew. Better reward them with your shekels, you never know when (((they))) will try to target them again after Neogaf's burning and Techraptor's Steam coverage.

There was a second shooter.

And guess who funded it.



Where is it in the official file? Like, what page? I want to know for sure before I go and post this on facebook

Literally the last paragraph.

I want a link to the source. Is this what Trump revealed, because naming the Jew like this would be huge.

No surprises here, dat typo in line 3 tho.




but you were the one telling the devs to blacklist the site Dominic.

From the looks of things, if you change the docid to match what people are sourcing in >>>Holla Forums10805954 then there are sources for the documents. I think the Jew one is archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32241845.pdf



CIA invented the echo quotes meme 50 years ago

Yeah, I'm still going through to find that particular page.

FOUND IT! Page 64.

Page number?

Holla Forums was right again.

Not sure which page. It's from the Holla Forums thread
>>>Holla Forums10807473

Who is "POTITO"? Regardless, this just seems like them recording someone saying something, not a conclusion. The GG FBI file has tons of the same sort of language recording what people claimed about harassment and so on.

Actually now that I look at it looks like Potito might be Oren Potito from page 50, he's some KKK/American Nazi Party guy who they considered a potential threat to the president. The personal opinion of some suspect they interviewed doesn't exactly mean anything.

This is a claim from someone who seems to have come forward after the assassination. Even if it had been before the assassination there are probably claims like this every month, but afterward is considerably worse. After heavily publicized crimes there are often people who come forward claiming to have info or have been involved who are full of shit. Tip lines get literally hundreds of false leads.

Still hilarious that people are actually trying to claim these papers don't exist, though.

If you know about how the assasination was setup, you should know it's impossible that Oswald made a shot that went through the windshield.

New Kingdom Come Deliverance update, combat is looking more polished, and Vavra still has that damn good beard.

Gimme a minute you double niggers. Had to drag my cripple ass around to get photos.

You just took over two hours.

Oh wait, you're cripple? Shit.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: it really feels like the end goal of SJWs is to bring back something similar to the Jim Crow Laws. SJWs have to be the most deeply racist people I've ever heard of.

Yeah, it's fucking weird, but we're apparently the bad guys for going "wait, this sounds familiar…"

Read nigger.

Wifi keeps randomly dying. Tonight I'll go to another place I know that has free wifi uniterrupted (self dry cleaning store.) to upload the rest.

Get anything juicy?

Full support for globalization even when a decade ago they were against it, then Iphone happened and they wanted every product to be fucking cheap, so let's move all factories to fucking China and support for more wealth gaps by removing all jobs there and getting more illegals to take jobs away from the evil white conservatives

That's when "subject allegedly told informant". The only thing backing that date seems to be the informant's word. "Date called to Secret Service attention" is 4 days after the assassination.

"Informant" could be someone who was trying to get "subject" in trouble, or get credit for information (if an established informant, it's not clear), or any of the million other reasons there are always liars feeding the police false leads regarding high-profile cases and people.

So, the only 100% confirmed info thus far is that there was a second shooter.

Then I'm wondering who this informant was.

Hot chicks cosplaying


well the left hand is in focus

I think people were more interested in stuff like empty SJW conferences, for spreading purposes

Confirmed how? I haven't been watching Holla Forums, has there been any new information regarding that? Remember someone claiming something doesn't make it true just because they're quoted in a government document, they're going to record whatever the people they talk to said.

No way, that's just uncanny. I guess this really must be the year of Justice, after all.


where i come from "potito" is a slang for little butt.
such is life….mysterious


so current memester are CIA guys in their 70s or 80s?


Imagine being that girl, so excited to get home and see what people thought of your amazing cosplay only to end up with this.

Were you jacking off while taking the pic, you cunt?

Is that a Max Claufield cosplay sitting behind Cidney?

He's literally a cripple user.


That is a record of what Oren Potito said at a dinner with fellow NSRP party members. Potito didn't work for the government or have any non-public information, he was just some National States Rights Party/American Nazi Party/KKK guy that the FBI/Secret Service was monitoring because they considered him a potential threat.



Thought the same thing. Don't want to jump to conclusions.



mate, slow the fuck down

I'm not sure he can user

oh, well carry on

I don't have the autism to follow the habbening or dodge the shills that are flowing in. I'm just gonna play some vidya and see what they come up with down the line.

Though to be fair, this shit is insane*


I wish they'd say the fucking page numbers their caps came from. I can't find ((())) anywhere, and it would be really interesting if (((coincidence))) brackets are a CIA psyop.


That hyphenation is killing me.

Hi, did you know that Hitler may not have committed suicide: >>>Holla Forums10807919

It's really unnecessary since there's still space for more lines. Worst case scenario, I'd rather have one word per line than hyphens fucking everywhere.

Seems really iffy. I'm gonna put in the "out there" theories box.

I've read different files on the FBI website that basically say, "we have a source in southern america that says Hitler is alive. I'm not saying he's definitely right, but he's given us enough good information that we should investigate it" and the response was, "The president doesn't give enough of a shit to look into it."

I'm not even a guy that thinks hitler escaped germany, but that was kinda suspicious.

Well the president at the time probably thought it was unlikely as well, and so decided resources should be spent elsewhere.
If it turned out to be true, what would they accomplish by telling the world anyways? If they ever found proof, it would not be revealed in our lifetimes.

Not faulting them for not looking, really. In the end, what does it really matter? The war was over, Hitler's a piece of shit, and he could never get back the power he had before. The point really is, "How much should you trust the government?" It's a documented fact at this point that the skull the Russians claimed was Hitler actually belong to a woman, so how much should we be trusting what governments say?
Even then, I don't think any of this is out of malice, just stupidity. I'm not calling for a revolution at all, just general skepticism.

I love illeity in a cocksucking (no-homo) way… but FUCK'S SAKE, use a different Twitter avatar.

Draw something. Screenshot something. Anything. Just… pick something else. It is NOT FLATTERING.

IMC, too. His keeps getting worse.

A general parody article of the whole fucking resetera situation.

Uh… Okay.
I'll pick an angle that's more flattering then.

Feels just as fuzzy as seeing NeoFAG going up in flames.

also missed this whole fucking retarded fiasko
also, reason to keep my hate to EA intact too

And of course I fuck up

I really need more coffee now


He active on twitter, ask him.

I don't believe his English is very good and I know zero Nip.

Ask mombot.

It's Rock Paper Shotgun. It showed Kotaku for others. Nothing is going on, Steam is just cycling images.

I also do not have a twatter.

That depends. How long was the techraptor one up before the change? Is the cycle speed consistent?

Kotaku never fails to deliver. Just when you're about to get disappointed that their recent article is relatively normal and tame, they steer a hard U-turn to correct the course back to what you really come for, even if it's only for a little bit.

He can't keep getting away with it!

The Mombot has been made aware.

I don't know why I replied to you, tho
{spoiler]have the secret plan for gookanon[/spoiler]

Just select the text and press CTRL+S you newfag

or just uses asterisks in 1/5th the keys pressed

Thing is, you can use both the asterisks and the spoiler tags, which allows to do stuff like that for example

"save page as .html" is supposed help me how "oldfag"?
If you're going make an attempt to bully me over typos at least be right…

Stop archiving everything! You will kill archive.is.

OK you're beyond any help now. Holy shit.
Just go to your Holla Forums options. It's at the top-right of the page. Then enable keybinding. Now refresh the page and do it again you triple-faggot. You can visit >>>/test/ to try it out if you need.
I swear to god I'm not going to bully you because you're humiliating yourself too much already.

Poor Sterling, it's really tough being a woman online these days

The issue is archiving random crap, you disingenuous african american.

I don't get the issue with his tweet. It's indeed completely retarded to send death threats to anyone, especially while hoping it'll help "defeat" a games reviewer.

got a older thread attached here, do you guys happen to know how to steam community reacted to this?


I don't think he "believes" it, more like he calls it retarded. Which it is.
And sharing retarded stuff on twitter is the only good reason to use twitter, user.


What the fuck Gabe?

Read the fucking thread. The picture at the top is cyclical. It's possible techraptor's "cycle" simply changed. There isn't enough info to jump the gun yet.
Doesn't mean nothing should be done. Contact Valve somehow and express your worry. Explain how much you hate RPS and Kotaku and IGN. Show support. This shit works better than crying on twitter about it.

I'm torturing myself by reading the last America Chavez issue on youtube.

Oh, I thought they made a declaration or some shit.

Sorry then.

Oh wait, that one's news to me; maybe they did and I hadn't heard about that. My apologies if that's so.

That shit sells less than 10000 units shipped to stores, but Marvel adamantly won't cancel it. This is what ideology does to a capitalist company.

The worst thing is that, even if the autor is a spic faggot I'm sure s/he doesn't speak spanish, just using random spanish words taken from google translator.


What happened with the techraptor Steam curation thing? Did Valve ban techraptor? I don't understand what they removed exactly.

They switched the image to rotate while also not giving in too much with the screeching journos who shit talk their competition and try to impotently bring them ruin.

The first image apparently used to feature techraptor instead of IGN. Has anyone got an archive it at that time?

As far as I know that was just the speculation of TechRaptor, Valve has not said why it was changed.

So, I've heard from some videos that Prager University is sueing google for censoring them.

Do they have a case? Would it create a precedent?

fucking definitely. I wish there was some way to prove it. Just to spite her

Just for curiosity

The Catalan Parlament is voting for its independence with less of the half of the chamber empty because the opposition left in protest of how retarded it is.

Please, give me dubs or other meme magic harvest to fuck Catalonia hard for their stupidity.

I wish for it to be fucked six ways to Sunday.

Steam community?

Votation done.

Catalonia is now unofficially independent.

I can't wait for the tanks.

Apparently Assange has seen some bits and pieces of plans by the Spanish government the moment Catalonia declares independence and it doesn't look good for them.


Its like they deliberately go out of their way to be insufferable cunts as much as they possibly can.

I like Assange, but even if he is smart he doesn't understand the whole Catalonia shit.

I don't see anything wrong in anything in the plan.

I don't really understand it either, haven't been paying attention for the most part.

Comunists faggots want to take a piece of land from the country even after the last 20 years they had been granted most priviledges.

This is what happens to comunists, give them some slack and they will eat you alive. Some of them are not comies, but greedy 'jews' who want to get all the profit coming from Catalonia without having to pay for any of the services nor have any duty.

TL:DR version once again: Catalans are cultural jews, and I'm not sure if they are ACTUAL jews, because they are as greedy as them.

Thats racist

Why the fuck did Assange become so pro-independentism out of nowhere? He can't shut up about poor little innocent Catalonia and the evil oppressor known as Spain.

That's a mistake most foreigners have. Believing Catalonia is the same as Brexit.

I'll give Assange credit, there doesn't seem to be bias to what he chooses to release.
There is also the fact that an EU member wants to crush human rights so there is that.

The EU seems to support Catalonia. Probably because Catalonia is Pro-EU and having a weaker Spain is better for those in charge.



MMORPG.com - "If you’re not a total piece of shit, you’re going to love Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus."


That's not a review, its a fucking advertisement. Hes tripping over himself to say nice things about it. They wanted to virtue signal about this game so hard that they reviewed a fucking Single Player FPS on their site about Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Games. Because its "an important game". How pathetic. I don't get it though, why all the guilt tripping? Do they think that will actually help sell the game? Are they afraid it wont move units? Do I smell a flop incoming? I can only hope.

I'm getting a feeling that the author used to work on joystiq.com, articles like that which is fucking random, killed that website that's supposed to talk about MMOs.

are there any pictures of her "taking it off"?


This year we got tons of single player games that sold well, but somehow Wolfenstein 2 is the last bastion of single player games?

Here's a pretty long interview from some spanish nationalist from the party Democracia Nacional, on a swedish radio show about the history of Spain and catalonia media.motgift.nu/extraextra/2017/oktober/extraextra5.mp3 (they speak english).

For someone that doesn't know shit (me) this felt pretty informative and cleared a lot of unknowns.

5 hour game with most of it cutscenes, no multiplayer, and a season pass of DLCs.

It's probably more like "the nazis will win if wolf 2 doesn't sell", or some retarded thought like that.

Wait… is this really the hill the kikes want to die on?
It's just a fucking video game!

Out of curiosity, how is the actual gameplay of the title. I haven't seen word one about that.

Games dont need to have gameplay anymore

Gameplay is no longer something considered good by journalists because they don't know how to play games.

They mentioned something similar in the MMORPG review.

I think its the narrative the usual suspects are going to run with. "Support this game or Single Player gaming is dead forever!". Considering how utterly, blatantly pozzed the game is, I think they've realized that its all a bit too much on the nose, and that even average joe gamer will taste the cool-aid in the water and know something is wrong.
Besides that, if the game does well. they can hold if up over their heads as a victory. "Look guys! The progressive, super hip game about Stronk Black Wymin and Pregnant soldiers fighting nazis and racism on the frontlines of war sold super well! That means gaming has grown up and is ready for more progressive values now!" I think it was either polygon or Kotaku tried the same shtick a while back after the success of Tumblrtale. This game has done well; therefore all of gaming is ready to accept my moral and political values. Its a lie they desperately want to sell to themselves.

You know, we've been getting a lot of mileage out of the first webm.

While it isn't too crazy, the European Union couldn't support the Catalonia independence because it would give support to all sort of crazy independece movements that would collapse the already maimed european economy.

But could Mozart still be alive?

NoE is the least cancerous of the possible localization option that the game was going to get along with the facts that it is a simultaneous release and monolith is pushing to get the game out as fast as possible. The sjweeb and goon campaign to attack Pyra has failed as she remains uncensored. So going by everything we know, I think that theres a good chance that the game didn't get censored. Even if the sjweebs and goons renewed an attack on xenoblade its too late the game is out of the localizers hands and is most likely in its final processes to be shipped.

It doesn't seem to be cycling, it was just changed twice.

It was changed from Techraptor to IGN around 2 hours after Grayson complained, then IGN to RPS around 1 hour and 15 minutes later. It's now been RPS without change for 19 hours.


Do you have a link to anyone saying they saw Kotaku? I've only heard reports of IGN and RPS, both of which were archived when they happened.

The EU supports anything that weakens the power of nation states. Because that makes the EU stronger.

They financially supported and promoted the Scottish independence referendum as well.

But Spain is already Germany's bitch. The wouldn't win anything by weakening one of their biggest supporters.

Also the xenoblade thread here is a fucking warzone.


Their end goal is for Spain and Germany to not exist and just be part of a greater EU. A fractured Spain would be a step towards that.

You may be right that what they are doing is counterproductive to their own success. But that is the pattern of behavior they have established based on their ideology.

Nice Ill check it out.

If the EU supports the independence of Catalonia it would cause Spain getting out of the EU. It would go against the first article of our constitution and would make people even more Right Wing to get into power. But just for the fun of that, yeah, let the EU support the independence.

The main reason games go on sale faster is gamers are not happy paying 70-80$ average per title + 25+ for dlc that is more or less just content held back from the base game, Jesus we were paying 50-60 average per title last gen and maybe 15 for cosmetic or other small shit, that admittedly was also stripped content, but generally inconsequential content, Its a fucking 30-60% price increase for fucksakes. and bad opinion: Id be more content with addons and dlc and even kikero transactions if games only costed 30-40$ average, except when it comes to marvelous who has gone overboard with their dlc.

demoralization to help encourage spain to allow eu to have more control willingly is a weapon user.

they tried that shit with undertale, but a reminder that while the fanbase and journos for it were cancer, the creator has no dog in the sojus bullshit.

they want EU to be a super country under a dictatorship, a modern ussr the size of russia.

Reading it in french, it's somewhat fair to gamergate. It calls us conservatives and dedicated to getting rid of politics in gaming, which is honestly abusive and stupid, but it isn't in the slightest calling us misogynists, harassers or any such thing. Not that terrible for once.

thanks buddy

You underestimate how autistic Spain could get about it sovereign. It would prefer to bomb Catalonia and leave a crater where land was instead of letting it go independent.

"Antes roja que rota" they say.

And with "roja" doesn't mean going leftist.

and I forgot to mention a dictatorship akin to every commie group in history, say what anyone will about hitler, but he was elected democratically, and still did right by his own and did not make them suffer.

I only stated the EU's plans user, not what will happen in their attempts.

I cant see that happening.

How many economic crises has spain gone through now due to being in the EU?
See how their tourism industry has collapsed since adopting the Euro currency.
But they dont even consider leaving the EU.

That is the power of ideological programming.

Look at Greece, their hospitals have run out of drugs and all they had to do was leave the EU to fix it but they didnt have the balls to do it.


Because spanish politicians work for the money. The crisis and everything didn't cost a dime to the politicians and their friends, so they would just accept any stupid european rule if that gives them money, but try to fuck over the land and you'll get an incredible backlash.

Also, forgot to mention that we had over 60 years of terrorism because of the Vasque independent terrorists. If Catalonia tries to get independent then the Vasque can try the same and it would cause a domino effect. It would fuck over the ruling party because it would fuck over his electoral campaign which uses independent terrorists to gain support.

GG a shit
stop archiving useless stuff

Fuck you and don't use our faggufu in vain.

Define useless?

I wish your mom hadn't archived useless stuff like you in her cunt for 9 months.

Nice try Anita, but were on to your tricks.

A bunch of tweets from nobodies and the GG threads that have 0% news, digging or useful stuff

Two things:
>1. Donate to archive.is then so that the site can continue to remain up despite whatever gets archived.
>2. Fuck off!

You are worse than Stalin.

Take your (you)s and fuck off.

But it's very important to have various benis pics archived, otherwise people will just recognize the link and know it's benis without clicking.

The only difference between the european union and the soviet union is that one has europe in the name.

should we ask techraptor if they had been removed?

Last statement they gave is that it's potentially purely cyclical and to not sperg out yet, basically.
Again : contact steam and tell them RPS are huge pieces of shit and techraptor is definitely made to be trusted.

"surgeon general report" is in quotes because it's not a surgeon general report. This is just them keeping track of conspiracy theories. The dude who wrote that report was not part of the investigation and had no access to evidence. He was just a nutbar.

I've gone through the documents and there is nothing interesting. Anything interesting (almost everything to do with Oswald himself) has been withheld. My personal theory is that Oswald was a CIA asset who was insane. After he shot the president they panicked and started covering up any and all associations with him. In their panic they did some dumb ass shit like killing Dorothy Kilgallen.

You can see how much space it takes to archive something as the archive is loading, right? How much space does a GG thread take up?

I hope that's a joke

GG has some strange people.

Just draw an avatar for yourself.

The last few threads have taken up less than 5 MB of space. So, going by a really rough estimate, the archival of all of the GG threads (alone) over the past 3 years would amount to less than 8 GB of space.

shit anime tbh


Desperate? Just how bad is it going to be?

Well, from what I've seen, if you're expecting a good plot, it's not even B-movie quality.


He doesn't seem to have more information than the rest of us. And of course that was yesterday and the screenshot hasn't changed again.

To be honest, if they make everything online related even in single player, then I welcome our multiplayer shit overlords and let the industry crash.

Not looking good in Steam

glad to hear that. Waiting since modern warfare 2 for the gaming industry to collapse. Good to hear that AAA games don't sell well automatically anymore.

Dont count your eggs too soon, christmas and nigger friday may see a jump for the numbers, consumers are getting cheaper, not smarter.

I know some streamer got sick playing it and that it never happened before.
The PC version might be poorly optimized due to said streamer's PC being a gaming-only PC and it couldn't run it well.

Steamspy always needs a few days to get accurate numbers

That's pretty bad.

Just wait for a few weeks, still some shills, even the retards like the Young Turds are defending it, even though they hate video games.

Been checking people's comments on some videos of the bosses and the ending, even the whole cutscene compilation videos in youtube, everyone is disappointed.

Problem is, the game was on pre-load for a couple of days to week before the launch date.




Game Informer - Single-Player Isn’t Dying, It’s Evolving


they must take tons of weed and acid, if gamers were "hypermasculine", the likes of agg women would cream their pants the same way they do for hollyjew celeb men.


We need new bread soon.

Plot should be a garnish for a game, not a main thing. Granted, I can't imagine the gameplay being that good either.

Yeah, but you have to remember their goal is to make a profit and spread propaganda. What sometimes seems like a good number, and a profit, might actually still be a loss because of how many were sold discounted. That is part of the reason for the obsession with release week sales that the AAA companies have. The other being that their games are shit and the longer it is out, the more people are going to figure it out.

Besides, by the time Nigger Friday and Christmas roll by this and AC Origins will be forgotten because everyone will either try to get Mario Odyssey or buy a Switch for Mario.

This, if you want plot go watch a movie, or god forbid, a fucking book.

Guilty for the switch, unless there is no good deals

To be fair there are so many different kinds of video games out there that place varying amounts of importance on their plot. And there are really obvious examples but there's also stuff like Silent Hill and if you like the gameplay you like the old drawers and keys. The only difference between a great game like 2 and an abomination like Homecoming is the plot.



And if it doesn't do well it will just be a sign of how "Trump's America is full of Nazis that need to be punched and how gamers are toxic Nazis".

Well the creator obviously has a dog this time.

I agree, I just hate it when tobby? is dragged into this kind of shit when he has implied hard he wants no part of it and just wanted to make a game.

I remember that he just vanished from Internet after his shame for creating that cancer.

I think he had some part in it, but backed out when he gained popularity. The lesbian scene between two ugly monsters that you have to go through to the good ending was completely forced and not hinted at all until you start helping Alphys. It's completely ham-fisted in there. Though the writing everywhere else isn't particularly good either.

I did not say he was a good writer, just that he has shown that he wants nothing to do with the sojus cancer, remember the interview whenever they asked any sojus related question, he answered skip.

After he got popular.

And? That changes what exactly? You seem to be looking to hate tobby because his game is not Holla Forums enough for you, rather than just being a meh game. and you are pulling the sojus equivalent, "anything that is left of me is sjw" nonsense. He had nothing to do with sojus and made a meh game, but he made his meh game, not sojus' meh game, the leeches just clinged onto it. and him making gay shit, is minor compared to the fact hes a furfag, whos circles are also getting pissed at sojus ruining their community too

Wew lad. Way to jump the gun.

Sites we support get DDoSed and allies on social media often get banned/suspended with no warning, thus archive.

Providing factually incorrect information is considered "spoonfeeding" now?
Wow, there's so many amazingly "helpful" "oldfags" ITT…




Do we have a baker?

this is it
this is the end of gamergate

hold my hand

Sure, I'll bake. Anything specific that I have to add or change in the OP?

That's sexual harassment.

I can't see anything to add, but take my >(3) with a grain of salt since I haven't been paying attention.

New bread
New bread

testing in ded bred

Kinda sucks that nobody knows about the Techraptor thing.

Not even Techraptor is mentioning it.