Looking up PS2 games to emulate

Look at all that passive aggression. IGN still salty about getting exposed all that time ago.

I bet that 70% of the shit they put above it is not nearly as good as GodHand.

But God Hand was always a below-average game. Holla Forums just latched onto it at the time because it was an ironic way to virtue signal your nerd cred among fellow social outcasts. Think Battletoads.

A decade later and newfags with no historical context are still falling for the God Hand is good meme. How long until we see the same thing happen to EYE?

I will never understand why cuckold like you exist.

I want you off my planet

It's like watching their top games of all time and seeing shit like Witcher 3 and Undertale above Deus Ex and Thief.

Point and laugh at this loser, everyone.

With that spacing and what you said, this is either pure bait or you came from reddit / neogaf

Don't forget bethesda games other than morrowind always being up there.

Ah yes, Morrowind. The bethshit game that's no better than any other bethshit game, but is given a pass because it was baby's first 3d open world rpg that you played on your xbox. Gothic was always the better game.

I played it after skyrim and it's good. Mainly because of the lack of markers and having to actually immerse yourself in the game to achieve progress.

I'm not the biggest fan of Morrowind but it's a lot better than either Oblivion or Skyrim just by dint of not holding your hand so hard. Agreed on Gothic though.

I suppose it's not Daggerfall up there though. Which is a better RPG-game than Morrowind.

Newfag trying so hard to be in on the "chan culture".

Drink battery acid

God Hand was never good. It had a few comical moments but it's just an ugly 3d iteration of the worst genre.

kill yourselves

These lists always suck ass. You can pretty much guess what games are going to be in the top ten since the person making the list is always such a casual.

These faggots can't into fun.

Sounds like metal gear rising. The tongue in cheek shit was great.

Godhand, DMC, Yakuza, etc. mark the beautiful point where some niggers that grew up with beat em ups decided to make what they played as kids, but with actual depth to the gameplay instead. Some call it the action game genre, some call it CUHRAYZEEEEEEEE, but one thing is for sure, these games aren't beat em ups.

worthless semantics really

go back to reddit


The only valid complaint they have is the environments: the themes of the stages are good but the levels are usually really basic in layout. Luckily, the gameplay is fun at almost all times, so it doesn't matter.

Spectacle Fighter.

DMC has more in common with God of War than Godhand or Yakuza.

Total Ass-cancer detected I actually do think spectacle fighter is the best official branding for the genre though.


Gothic may be a better game but it's not universally better, people like Morrowind more than Gothic because of the art direction and writing, I don't think anyone would argue that it has better gameplay.

I draw the line at whether it has something that resembles a style meter, otherwise its just an action game. A cuhrayzee game/spectacle fighter is all about strongly discouraging you from playing safe and repetitive so you do the most stylish shit possible, whereas a regular action game is just about winning fights by whatever means you prefer. The only two elements it needs is something to encourage you to go quickly like a meter that constantly drains or a penalty based on how long you take, and a penalty for repeating the same attack over and over.


Not this makes IGN a decent place, but it was nice to see at least one of their staff not wanting that faggot to get away with implicating the entire office.



As the old adage goes, you can't spell IGNORANCE without IGN

I've been trying to set up PCSX2 and I can't get DMC or God Hand to run at above 70-80%, I've got a i7 7700 and a GTX 1080 so clearly I've done something wrong while setting it up. I tried presets 1-6 on each of them and messing around with individual settings.

What build of PCSX2 and what API for the graphics?

Every game is a roleplaying game because you play the role of your character

They number the lists just to piss people off, and get us talking. It works every time.

you have to configure it to use your hardware, the default setting uses the software to render games that`s why you get shit fps

Don't you have school to go to you fucking millennial teenager?

I tried Godhand for the first time earlier this year and it's a mixed bag. The characters and humor seemed genuinely funny, even the dub, but something about the gameplay is put-offish. Maybe it's the camera or the very miniscule dodge movement that don't work with me. I got to the boss with two tranny-looking nigs and stood no chance, haven't tried since.

Deus Ex and Thief were just the equivalent meme games of the late 90s.

I played God Hand for the first time last year, and played it to the end. It's legitimately a difficult game, but the combat is just so damn fun and the characters and scenarios are so goofy and weird that it struck a chord with me pretty easily. I remember starting it with a friend, who also picked up a copy, and we were laughing the entire time. Fun game, it always deserved better than what the faggots at IGN gave it.

What was your strategy for dealing with the demon enemies that randomly appeared?

Stay on them, dodge diligently


no, they're still modern masterpieces you dumb faggot with gameplay and level design still unrivaled to this day

down in the bonehoard, thieves guild, the haunted cathedral, the lost city, recycling missions in the last quarter of the game is fucking shit. unless you're going to start defending halo now.

also paris, area 51, vandenburg, statue of liberty, half of hong kong fucking suck too. unrivaled? what a joke.

Are you implying E.Y.E is a below average game you fucking cripple?

I'd say its outright bad with enemies popping in out of nowhere and a shitskin french fanbase that can't take criticism.

The atmosphere is good and the plot is interesting…as far as interesting goes for a 6 hours game.
Gameplay is ok but it seems barebones at times.

Let me see if I’m good enough for IGN
10. Any Katamari game
9.Devil May Cry
8. God of War 2
7. Persona 3
6. Metal Gear Solid 2
5. Any Sly Cooper/Jak/Rachet game
4. Any Ape Escape
3. God of Wawa
2. Purse-owner 4
1.Medal Of Solid 3: Snack Eater.
Am I close?

Sorry that taste isn't anywhere near shitty enough for IGN.

That has been mostly fixed for fucking years. It's like you faggots are googling "Why X is bad" and parroting some old posts from god knows where so you can pretend to know about and shit on something that you have never played.

Post a screenshot of the game running with the FPS counter
I am calling bullshit unless you got a shitty underclocked 7700

Backflip for days m8.

Thats not even a real boss.

God Hand is one of those games where when you start you basically need to look up an online tutorial on how to not play like shit.

Online tutorial for what? The mechanics are simple, just dodge and get some good hits in.

Well I learned tips and tricks that made the game more enjoyable for me, like how you can use the special move button to lock onto enemies, but then cancel out of the menu so you don't waste it.

How do you emulate ps2 without that high frequency screen shaking? Something to do with it's fucking retarded blurry interlacing.

You needed an online tutorial for this?

Change the interlacing options in Video settings until you get desired results.
Auto has worked for me every time so far.

Well I watched it before I played that much, just so I knew what kind of mechanic I was working with. Watching an advanced Tutioral helped me with the harder difficulties of DMC 3 and Ninja Gaiden 2 in the past, so I did the same for God Hand.

Discovering cool shit on your own is half the fun of video games.

Well after seeing things like Webm related God Hand seemed to me like one of those game where I would personal benefit from a tutorial. I wanted to know how to do cool shit sooner rather then later.


What I did was spar with the Mokujin dummy and the bouncer in the casino. It was hard as balls trying to flawlessly kill him, and with a limited moveset and health close to the beginning of the game, but it was one of the most satisfying things to see yourself improve and dodge and counter his attacks effortlessly. Almost felt like I was being a real martial artist, in a way.

The audio was always in english, even in japan.
You are meant to spam it and use the other 2 varieties. If it helps, I would often shift my left thumb to the right stick so I could quickly choose between a dodge or attack, since movement was less important than dodging
Mini-boss, first real challenge. The thing about kami no ken is that for your first playthrough, spamming reel and unleash is your best bet for these kinds of fights. The thing I used for this one was dragon kick, but I lined them up so it hit both of them at once and removed 75% of BOTH of their health pools.
I really need to finish my normal kms run sometime, but I think it's going to have to wait a while until my schedule calms down. I got up to 7-2, and the boss I had the most trouble with so far was the first fight with Sharron. Not having either trump powers really makes her a pain to fight, she can tank so much.

The actual list is much worse
1. Shadow of the Colossus
2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater(not even Subsistence)
3. GTA Vice City
4. God of War 2
5. Ico
6. Okami
7. Kingdom Hearts
9. Gran Turismo 4
10. Metal Gear Solid 2.

There's not even a single Ace Combat game on the entire list.

No it's a bad game user, I played it when it was released and I played multiple other games. Then I emulated it recently and it's still bad. Either take off the goggles or go blow your grandfather again.


I thought they were called character action games and I thought this was common knowledge.

Anyone and everyone just kind of calls them what ever the hell they want.

I just stick with plain old Action game, those other names seem like overly complicated ways of saying that a game has good amount of depth to it's combo system.

I wouldn't say that Yakuza is cuhrayzee because it doesn't discourage you from just cheesing the game unlike games like DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Godhand, Bayonetta etc.


i felt the bosses are the easy part early throughout the game, it's multiple enemies that really tick me off.

Do yourself a favor op, ignore those lists and go play Ace Combat 4, 5 and 0

You forgot Fighting Action Gratuitous Grand Overly Technical Spectacle

Like 3 or 4 years ago?