This is gonna be FFXVI isn't it?

This is gonna be FFXVI isn't it?
There's no way Squeeenix, who was desperate enough to turn Versus into a main game changing pretty much everything about it (meaning they had literally nothing for XV at the moment), would just come out dick swinging with an entire new concept for XVI.

Not that I mind though.

Its funny how it no longer looks impressive. And easily forgettable.

Male, female, trap, or pronoun-fucker?

It's funny how shit your taste is.


Muh Nier Autoomato

She's somewhat androgynous on purpose though japs do it for a completely different reason than gaijins.

What is this shit? From some tech demo?


Still holding out hope that the theory proves true that they've given FFXVI to the Ivalice Alliance, since all the usual suspects are busy churning out mobile crap/working on the FF7 rehash.

That or they outsource it to Mistwalker.

Which was a good game.

Get out cuckchan

Yeah I fucking wish, no way that's happening. And do you really want a Ivalice game from current desperate SE without Matsuno?

btw, didn't Ivalice team work on that recent mobile FF with Amano-ish protag? Looked like their modeling style.

Tech demo for SE Luminous engine that FFXV used. While the lighting and graphic are amazing, it have a very limited capabilities compared to other engine out there. You will notice this if you played FFXV, the engine isn't design for open world.

No, it will get thrown in a closet and only brought out again a decade later, just like the tech demo for the FF7 remake.
Wait, we're halfway through a decade. I guess it could be FFXVI, then. By the time they're done fucking up FFVII it will be time for another mainline title.

So true :^(

Except it's clearly a woman, he was just asking because nu-Square has a habit of making faggy characters.

there's nothing clear about it


A reminder they invested half of Japan's national income in that thing just to abandon it in the end, they didn't use it for KH or anything else.

It’s a woman. Get help immediately.

5 year old tech demo.

Quantic Dream's tech demo of 'Kara' if you can recall, turned into Detroit become human. Can't see why SE won't do the same, the concept in the demo intrigued people.

You have autism, seek help

user is right about SE making faggy characters.
Just look at any FF male protagonist.

go back to reddit

Please stop using terms you don't know the meaning of.

I don't know if that's going to be FFXVI, FFXV DLC, FFXIV DLC, or a new game entirely.

I can't tell if this is male, female, or pronoun-fucker. If male, I'll tap that.

Just worry about the PC version having Denuvo, Warner Bros. tier microtransactions/ loot boxes, and Ubisoft tier cut content (I'm beginning to think that SE is trying to make FFXV into their own Assassin's Creed, because you need books, movies, manga, comic books, and other supplicant material to understand the full story. And I already heard that FFXV, the game itself, is a kinda vacant). The last two worries will hit consoles as well, sadly.

It might become XVI and also remember this tech demo was to show the new tech at the time is form crystal dynamic.

So how accurate these graphics are is kinda hard to say, since they've opted out to use Unreal Engine with Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts, so it really makes the almonds grinding in my opinion.

I don't really care about gerfix but I did enjoy the actual art direction of the demo. But seeing how they changed everything regarding Versus, I suppose even if they do go with this, it might be a completely different looking and feeling product in the end with some chick barely resembling Agni to tie it loosely.

This goes without saying, gaming is dead and we're all here to just warm our hands on the warm coals.

Warming our hands is good.

My suspicion was based on what I heard and that disappointing fact that I missed out on a FFXV movie (I can believe there's two) and I'm too lazy to finish the OVA that's on Crunchyroll.

Why did you reply to me twice with two different responses? And how does that, in any way, look like a guy's face? Take your fuckin meds.

SE was overcompensating because they had nothing, they barely stitched together a game from remnants of a completely different one, which wasn't even in beta yet.

On second thought, I don't think it will be FFXVI. It prominently featured allahu ackbars with AK-47s trying to kill a white woman. You're not allowed to depict sand people like that anymore, it's racist.

But user, they will be changed into white men for the western release.

Is this a new Parasite Eve?

If only

If not, think about the wonderful salt from the "professional game journalists."

Just torrent that shit like a decent human being.

cue articles about new Zelda not being progressive enough despite allowing you to pick the fucking sex of your character. Should have also included gender neutral toilets and black Gorons.

I'm speculating that the tech or engine is not going to be used, they are probably going to use unreal engine. Don't ask me why they are using that engine when they've got an in-house engine that is for current gen.
But it might be for the same reason that SIE Bend Studio is using unreal engine for Days Gone.

Whatever the vision might be is hard to tell since it all depends on which director at square enix is making it, and which producers are involved.
But in a wild fantasy I wish it was the producer to Taro Yoko since he seems like a cool guy.


They got Matsuno back for FFXIV, so if all goes well and SE doesn't fuck with his shit again we may see another mainline game set in Ivalice.

SE had a lot of cool guys. And they all left.

Wait what?

You gotta be literally gay to still want to play a Final Faggot

He's writing the story for the new 24 man raid Return to Ivalice.

you gotta have a bigger bait to not bait like a complete faggot

I only know of that one producer with Taro Yoko and I'm kinda surprised onto how Taro Yoko did not get fired since he does everything to not let the game sell it seems like.
Also how he is fucking around with the Advertisements and so on, is just amazing and funny to watch.

Eh, I don't know if that counts as "having him back". Just throwing some pages for an MMO story SE's way is not the same as coming to work for them again.

Whats the appeal? Fucking cinematics?
Admit it, you just a casual as fuck game with sjw story and and pretty gaybois thats is still accept by nerds

He's still working with them though, so there may be some hope.

i would be inclined to agree with you if not for the fact you literally fly to ivalice via airship

I just hope it wont be the same shit that XV was, I also hope that the people who used to work on FFXIV:ARR go back there, we miss them, stormblood has been disappointing as fuck.

I'm pretty sure we're done with Fabula Nova Crystalis thing. Man, what a fucking disaster that was holy shit.

The Taro Defense Force has arrived

The contrarian hipsters are also here.

its what happens when you're too confident, They thought FF XIII was gonna be this massive fucking thing that everyone and their mom loved and wanted more of.
That + FFXIV 1.0 makes me wonder what kinda arrogant nips were running square during the 7th gen.

The same kind that were running it during the 6th gen when they nearly sank the company with a bleeding edge CG studio in Hawaii. Their goal was to create and license digital avatars for movies, TV, and promotions. They really thought that was the Next Big Thing.

can't they just leave the FF team to do the artwork and music while the dragon quest team makes the gamplay?
they don't even need to write a story for it
just rehash the chosen hero/magic cristal/evil overlord/kidnaped princess formula. it never fails

The what? You mean like waifus, Reiko style?

You're going to have to elaborate on that, right now i'm getting the vibe that they were planning to sell off character models to other companies so they wouldn't have to make a cgi model from scratch.

seems like a good investment tbqhwy

Yes, they wanted to replace actors in every facet of video media with CG models. They just about had the tech to do it, too, with a CG studio ten years ahead of its time. Unfortunately The Spirits Within, intended to be a proof of concept, bombed and the studio was liquidated before any of the licensing plans went anywhere.
I'm surprised you aren't aware of this, this event is what led directly to the merger with Enix.

The Spirits Within situation is well known, Sakaguchi leaving, merging etc., I've never heard about the avatar thing.

In early 2000, Square create a motion picture studio called Square Picture, that make the infamous movie called Final Fantasy: The spirit within. The first photo realistic CGI animation movie, it was directed by the father of FF itself, Hironobu Sakaguchi. Main Character of the movie, was suppose to be super realistic, they want to treat it as if it was a real person, doing advert, appear in magazines and cameo in other movies. To noone surprise, the movie bombed hard, almost bankrupted Square and the main reason for the merge of Square and Enix.

I knew about why they had to do the merger, the movie bombed, but didn't know why they went balls deep into the film business in the first place. Seemed kinda weird business move. If you ask me investing in R&D for a life-like voice synthesizer, would help eminently in entertainment production costs if you ask me. Don't have to tailor your production schedule to a voice actor starters.

We all know that, the whole
is what is interesting

She's a Nomura Seal of Quality

What did he meme by this

Well you sure seem to be an expert on gays


Err, why? If it wasn't just a generic Hollywood blockbuster pandering to dumb burger cliches but instead an actual film, it could have easily been financially successful. Its futuristic art design has been influential in movies and vidya to this day. Certainly nobody expected it to bomb before the release.

That's why its bombed hard, while the visual are stunning, the story makes no goddamn sense to the average crowd and critically panned by reviewer.

Funny you mention this, Legendary stole the the concept of FF:Spirit Within and make a full lenght live action movie with it, and guess what, it suck too.

Which has nothing to do with movie's presentation or anything at all before the fact, which is what "to no one's surprise" means.

See the above

Before the movie was release, all they promote was how the visual is great and Aki Ross will replace real actors, nobody talk about the real actors starring in the movies, no interviews, nobody explain what the movie is about, just retards keep spouting "photo realistic CGI". Not to mention nobody ever heard of Square or the director before except for peoples that play video games, when the early review came, it turn off many peoples from watching it.

Are you a millennial that was born after 9/11? why are you even asking about this?

Why does everything have to have some epic story? What happened to a simple story with a class system and GRAPHIX?

It's called Dragon Quest, user

I just wanted the fucking backdrop of XV with the classic FF1 story of "bad guy is fucking shit up. Are you cool enough group of heroes to kill the elemental fiends fucking up towns and beat the bad guy?"

pick one.

If you are going to dismiss any idea that quickly then no wonder you don't think it would work.

I dont think open world is good for a jrpg, you lose that sense of adventure because you just wandering around at the same place. It should be zone based where you go from village to village, cities to cities, continent to continent. in FFXV, you have like what? 2 towns? and a bunch of nothing.

I'm not talking about an open world game, i'm talking about a fantasy story set in the backdrop of our current time. Just take the setting of XV and just retell the damn FF1 story. Sort of like the ending of Castlevaina: Lords of Shadow. Keep the gameplay and story FF themed but make the world feel like the world of XV, a mix of Parasite Eve and Final Fantasy.

The more you elaborate about this the more certain I am that this is a bad idea.

You mean modern as in "modern in-game technology"? You should specify that.
I don't know why you thought anyone gonna do a FF1 retelling. To begin with, even FF1 was "story heavy" for its time, it's the entire premise of the series.
If you want modern day RPG you should looks elsewhere and most likely not in the last two gens.

Open world is a shit genre in general and ruined more games in the last gen than numales on twitter. In has its place in a small niche like GTA and whatnot, but overall open world is just pure laziness - here, we modeled an island with mountains and trees, just go somewhere, fuck off. Nothing beats good level design, levels can be big and interconnected but they have to be actually designed with care.

I guess at this point we agree to disagree.

That sounds neat, but that's not popped in my head from reading your posts. I was thinking corny dialogue, batshit plots, and flimsy justification using swords, bird horses in the modern age.

You are just not flexing your imagination.
You are right that you need someone that knows their shit or we will get another fucking stinker like D-Wars. I am just upset that no one has been able to write/create a story that uses those elements without going full corny. A straight edged story would work for the normalfags, they were able to make them enjoy high fantasy like Game of Thrones, why not this?

No. Its just a tech demo.
In another new, according to one of the last FFXIV Q&A videos, Ivalice Alliance (the dev team responsible for anything Ivalice) is supposedly restored at Square and working on a new game. It could be a new Tactics, a new Vagrant Story, some new IP, or even FFXVI.
I for once would welcome back the whole Knights and Rogues feel of Tactics and Vagrant Story instead of more fujoshi shit.

And versus is just a different game.

Source or gtfo

Why should I since I know it in my gut that the writers would just make mediocre anime plot with chocobos wedged in it. Even at it's best final fantasy was rather out there. You just can't make seem grounded in reality.


Explain FEAR and Lost Planet.

it already exist, its called Persona


On the plus side, this sounds like an awesome /tg/ campaign.

Then again, that Dopefish spirit science thing would make a good FF storyline with how bat-shit it is.

I think you're confusing your Final Fantasies with your Shin Megami Tenseis

I know what they did with SMTIV and it's abortion of a sequel. The good writers have clearly left and I have no hope for the Strange Journey remake.

It's still better than anything else on the market

So people here on Holla Forums think FF13 and FF15 are good games?

One those games aren't by square enix.
Two they're not, or at least I didn't get that impression from them.
Three just because it's not grounded in reality doesn't make it bad.

I'm just saying 'Final Fanasty but for realz' sounds like a bad idea.

It's still a bad product that I refuse to give money to. I fail to see your point, I don't see the point of lying down and accepting it. The collective writing quality in this world has gone down and I'm fucking mad about it!

Also, SE or not, that makes no difference outside of the fact that the writing will be subpar if they use their existing writers. And when did I say that if it's not grounded in reality then it's bad? I'm beginning to think you just have a weak imagination.

Dancing All Night was fine as a rythym game. The only real blight of it was Ashly Burch as Rise. Besides, P5 is the best out of the “nuPersona” series after the mediocrity of 3 and 4.

The point is that gaming is long dead and you either take the best you can get or stick with the backlog.

I didn't understand why the fuck you brought them up in the first place. It seemed to me you mentioned them as counter point that it can be done, but which like you said yourself isn't grounded in reality.

Defeatist as fuck m80. There is nothing wrong with working on that backlog while chastising the new generation beating the dead horse of the previous generation's works. Either respect the IP enough to keep it relatively the same or make something new.

The new voice actors and writing was fucking atrocious. The lore and reason they can't fight is interesting but the whole thing falls apart when the dialogue begins. It was the same reason why Divinity: Original Sin was so terrible in my opinion. The gameplay itself was actually fun but the dialogue made it where I couldn't enjoy it for more than an hour without getting pissed at how everyone talked.

That's reality.

Might as well fall for all the jew trappings like credit debt and crashing my eating habits by sticking to fast food and premade meals. That's reality after all.

No, that's in your hands and your personal fault. Gaming isn't.

Wtf I hate fluoride toothpaste now.

That's a funny way to say give up.

There's nothing to "give up" with things that were never in your control. You can be a summer child about it all you want, nothing gonna change though.
Reddit pics aren't helping.

it's not in my control but who the fuck would support garbage? Are we no longer allowed to criticize video games now?

Of course you can, but just know that your opinion doesn’t matter to the suits.

Squeenix drones are fucking sad.

Unless he's directing it's pointless.

Imagine they put Toriyama to direct his script, it's like he didn't write anything at all.

You're the reason video games are getting worse. Go to Holla Forums if you want to spout that subservient bullshit.

Ayy lmao, go back to reddit with that cringe faggot

Typical cuck.



everything is right here

No, this is a funny way to say give up.

True. I heard that sub is better. I should thank the gods that Funimation doesn't have a video game dubbing division. Imagine crazy translations, like the "GG creepshow", "it's funny if we degrade women by having teens reading this," and other stuff in games.