About two weeks ago, I posted a video of Pannekcoek getting Stomp on the Thwomp in 6x A Presses
Now he's done it in 5x
About two weeks ago, I posted a video of Pannekcoek getting Stomp on the Thwomp in 6x A Presses
Now he's done it in 5x
Other urls found in this thread:
Did he manage to skip an A press by edge lording?
How many half presses is that?
It's 5 full A presses, he doesn't need to buffer anything to enter a level, since he isn't doing anything that requires a transition
the madman!
the DS version was better tbh
A true quantum wizard.
I bet you like the DS versions of the Ocarina and Majora.
Wake me up when there is a no button press run
Until several glitches can be replicated it isn't possible.
honestly, I've only ever played the 2d zelda + spirit tracks/PH
I pirated them but they are still firmly in the backlog for now
Weird that you played Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass without playing Wind Waker. Anyway, do yourself a favor and don't play the 3DS versions of Ocarina and Majora, they are dumbed down to DSP-levels and the new graphics are fucking terrible. Find a way to play the originals, and I'm not just saying that as an original purist I'm saying that as in I've seen both versions extensively and the 3DS pseudo-remakes are just terrible.
It's not better if it looks like shit farmed out to pajeets. Also:
I can't believe that here of all places someone is actually defending this casualized trash.
Oh, and forgot:
Optional tutorial that I didn't even notice my first time through the dungeons. It doesn't even matter if you use them or not. Why are you so upset that someone has an easier time?
This is the excuse of a cuck.
And it comes full circle.
I'm not upset at all, I'm simply explaining why the game is inferior to the original version. Dumbing down bosses and making them easier than they already were (it's not like these games were fucking Dark Souls) makes them objectively worse.
Have you gone full on retard or are you just baiting me to bump your meme thread?
Impressive. Last jump was a surprise. Very creative way to the top, and to top it off, was fast.
Mentioning dark souls gave me an idea. Platforming and wall jumping of SM64 + Dark Souls weapon moves would be fun game mechanic-wise. Instead of shielding and spam sword flinging, you could backflip, jump high, or jump over and past an enemy. I wonder why no games put in such strong acrobatics and add in dark souls movesets.
The explainer for those uninitiated in the ways of pannenkoek. The saved A press here seems to come from a slightly different setup for the same trick, saving him the need to A jump on the Thwomp.
I never play it but the original game was so easy that I doubt I would notice a difference if they made them easier. Nintendo after SNES is essentially casual gaming. unless you are a master of the 0.5x A Press
Pannenkoek. you piece of shit. The official spelling changed in 2005
t. Dutchfag
Holy shit the autist has a wikipedia page
someone should add a controversy section regarding peoples skepticism of the validity of a half a press.
I just watched my first video of this guy yesterday getting max coins in every level. He truly has some high level autism
And even greater heights of virginity has been achieved.
Someone sounds QPU misaligned.
Reminder that entering TTC requires an A press and only 3 out of 6 of these A presses can be eliminated by spawn displacement so any TTC star has an effective 3/6th of an A press added to it's current count.
1/2 an A-press, to be more precise.
I caught an episode of Two and a half men and it is one of the worst comedies I've ever seen.
It's like a normal comedy but it has "raunchy" humor so it thinks it's funnier. And it has not one, but two shit actors with punchable faces.(Kutcher and the other one)
Reminder that the "A press" thing is a meme that started on halfchan after the exodus, and is therefore one of the best indicators of cancer.
And by the looks of this thread, we're overrun. All your refugee niggers need to go back.
Call me when he makes the jamboree a reality.
It's hard to watch something like this and not think there is some greater purpose for all of it. The way this guy acts and talks about the mechanics of this game makes you think that some grand discovery is waiting somewhere in the code, that will only unveil itself once you have achieved a 120-star 0 a-press run. There's not though. It's just some guy who loves the game and found a bunch of glitches and trying to see how far he can push the limits.
Higher-quality 16MB version when
Fuck off with this shit. This is just stupid buzzwords and clickbait madeup bullshit. I mean it's fucking impossible to press half of an a button. Jesus christ when will this meme end
He does it again! When will he stop!
Its really simple so I'm actually stumped how some people can not understand it
Daily reminder that all Henrys are NeoFAGgers.
If I recall correctly, he did it cause the people running the contest decided to ban one of his strats after telling him it was okay to do.
No you retard, a pannekoek is baked in ONE pan, not several pans, hence it's pannekoek, not pannenkoek
The remakes for those are actually good though, in that they don't have retarded controls.
Not all pannenkoeken are baked in the same pan, they are koeken gebakken in pannen. AKA pannenkoeken.
Godverdomme je meent het toch niet.
Jullie flikkers hebben gelijk!
Hebben die klootzakken van het groene boekje het weer eens veranderd.
Precies """Henry""", pleur maar een eind op met je pannekoeken.
Of ga naar een QPU van voor 2005, dan had je nog gelijk.
Stop talking about my AGDG project before I've even posted about it!
Get back to work so I can play it, and help you along the way.
Ik zat er misschien naast met mijn pannekoeken, maar ik ben godverdomme geen Henry. Dat neem je terug, lul!
The webm thread will likely get onto it.
Stop posting here until you get it finished, and if I don't see any QPUs I'm going to increase my speed to for 24hrs right into your asshole.
Oh hey Henry
There's something inherently satisfying about his videos .
Only thing it has is extra stages and the entire days worth of replayable mingames.
And multiple characters.
You're just asking to get shitposted as a hothead. dumbass.
I love listening to this.
When does the hot yuri sex happen?
IMO the most legitimate argument to make regarding the N64 titles vs the 3DS remakes is the art direction of each. On the Nintendo 64, Nintendo's art direction was, "Let's make a compelling and serious adventure game about destroying evil to save the land." With the 3DS remakes, it was, "Let's 'revamp' these stale old games for a younger audience - let's make them games everyone can enjoy and LOL at xD!" Everything is shiny, clean, and bright - even the parts that should not be.
You are not experiencing the games as they were written, composed, and modeled for if you are not playing the N64 versions. The 3DS versions are fine after you play the originals.
I could tell right away.
This is why I'll always prefer older graphics. They worked with their limitations for their creativity and Mario and the Power Stars still look perfect and better today.
Why should non-autists care about Pannencuck and his arbitrary bullshit?
Pic related, it's you.
It is truly pathetic what modern AAA has become.
Say what you want about Nintendo, but I will give them fucking credit that Zelda BotW is literally "open world" with no loading zones between areas even on Wii U compared to dogshit 500 trillion dollar budget Destiny which runs on much more capable hardware.
The fact that her ego believes it should be able to speak for anyone else's interests is the most obvious deflection away from focus on her lack of passion. "I won't say anything interesting, let me just tell you that other people would. I'm just 'expanding' my mind." What a dead fucking giveaway. The "Ideas people" of the ideas people, everyone.
Pannenkoek is very clearly either a computer science major or is so passionate about this game that he has (at the bare minimum) taught himself number theory and memory mapping as it directly applies to functional software. Not "Number theory" theoretical jewish-science bullshit. He is, at the very least, a man of passion with regard to as hard a science as they come (computer science), and he expresses that passion to others who find it interesting. He is a self-made person who shares unique perspectives about a piece of software of global significance.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not seeing it, if you consider yourself and educated individual. A baker who was not an insecure piece of shit would recognize the passion of a blacksmith without needing to understand any of the others' craft.
I wish that was me
This shit is getting obnoxious.
Wasn't it even better, like, I recall the community ousting him because literally every strategy he came up with was technically superior to theirs in every possible way so they banned him because he made them all look like a bunch of amateurs. Like, he would have won all the contests if he was allowed to participate, so he decided to spite on them and make strats for all entries by exploiting the rules of each.
Fucking pathetic crybabies.
Prima, prima. Het kan altijd erger, zoals niet uitgelijnde parallelle universa
But it's not the retarded management that's developing the games.
I'm just here for the memes. Still, very impressive even if there're no digits to check
How much can one little fucking ancient 64 cartridge take?
I just want more commentated videos
They are lucky pannen is a merciful god, he could have easily misaligned their QPU's for this.
Is Mario 64's source code floating around or something? How does he know so much about the game?
A dedicated community that plays it emulated to sniff out how different memory addresses change, and building up a pool of knowledge that lets them push boundaries and expolate how the game works in unusual situations
Holy fuck. I wish I was autistic enough to get a wikipedia page of my own
I found MM 3DS had absolutely awful boss fights. They weren't easier, they were harder, and not in a good way. I went in hoping that Gyorg would be less finicky to defeat, and was sorely disappointed that he was just as finicky but in a different way. Then the Twinmold fight was so fucking tedious. The original Twinmold fight had you just stabbing bitches, and was dreadfully simple. The remade Twinmold fight was so fucking horrendously tedious and boring that I spent ten minutes just punching the fucker, having no meaningful feedback, and wondering if I was doing anything right. Once I figured out what to do it still wasn't much faster, and I felt really fucking dumb just mashing on a 3DS for thirty minutes until he finally died.
I'm really glad I didn't pay for the game, at least. The revamped Bombers Notebook was actually useful, but it still wasn't as useful as my handmade notes on schedules, especially during the time a few years ago when I wanted to optimize a 100% run into as few time cycles as possible without using ebin glitches.
This reads like parody
Obviously the state of the art and the layman's terms necessary for effective communication differ. If I told you that a chemist was preparing your meal, you wouldn't understand immediately that I was referring to a chemist who specializes in mixing food ingredients and regulating their heating and cooling to produce the desired aromatic and flavorful compounds, and I would be a pedantic fuckhead for structuring my sentence that way.
Out of context, that is an excellent gif.
Me too.
Thanks for this.
I wish. Then we would get decent hacks instead of whatever the fuck it is we're getting.
You deserve it. The longer it goes on, the more I like it actually.
It's 21 years old and the entire game is 8MB including audio/video. Not hard to reverse engineer everything.
You're right. All the people who only come in here to Henrypost or giggle over "dude half-A press lmao" are 4cuck pieces of shit who should leave. Only real Pannenkoek fans please.
Dude's a legend at not pressing A. He avoids pressing A better than anyone. I wish I could not press A as well as him.
I concur. One could also say that one pan equals two half-pannen, so plural form is never really wrong, that's like the Japanese see it.
In case you for some reason want to see him build up speed for 3 minutes.
The Ocarina of Time Master Quest Debug ROM that was leaked contains some source code listings and produces debugger output. Mario 64 uses the same engine. Although it's probably superficial similarity at best. Regardless, it doesn't take sources code to know Mario 64 was programmed in C. If the complete lack of garbage collection didn't give it away the fact the N64s standard dev kit is the Silicon Graphics IRIX C compiler probably should
Oh thank god
He reads off values using Action Replay and in-house emulator programs and just guesstimates what he needs to do.
Vast majority of computer science courses are taken by people who taught themselves and need a piece of paper to shut up the idiots about whether or not they're qualified. Everything you need to learn is publicly available and merely requires diligence and patience.
Why would I not want to see him build up speed for three minutes?
I mean, he did manipulate the rules of a physics simulator to invent a functional teleporter and warp drive.
You obviously haven't seen the video where he demonstrates his TTC simulator. Also, don't use words like "guesstimate," it makes you look like a fag because it's a needless portmanteau; "estimate" already includes the implication of imprecision.
is there a demo?
Reverse engineering isn't hard, it's just insanely tedious so nobody does it.
It's why the most complex N64 game to be truly reverse engineered is freaking Doom 64.
Oh, it always seemed to be that "estimate" implies the confidence of the person doing the calculations despite the results being possibly wrong. My mistake.
Also he's still inferring a lot, or otherwise he'd know the source code enough that he would know how to do much more tricks. The fact that he knows how the random function works though may imply he's got the main gist of the game's code.
Random number generators can be extremely simple. This is how a linear congruential generator can work:
- take a seed value
- Make x the last generated value, or the seed value if you didn't generate anything yet, and return 1103515245*x + 12345 (modulo 2^32, but that happens automatically if you use unsigned 32-bit integers)
Whatever Super Mario 64 uses is almost certainly simple enough to understand by looking at the machine instructions, and although a lot of other code relies on it it doesn't rely on any other code itself.
Things like collision checking are harder to figure out.
Pannenkoek did a video on RNG, it actually is quite a complex funtion