>English, (((Russian))), and (((Chinese))) make up 75% of Steam's userbase
I thought the hardware survey was kind of interesting.
Obviously Russian and Chinese are grossly inflated, because of bots and key resellers, etc.
English, (((Russian))), and (((Chinese))) make up 75% of Steam's userbase
Other urls found in this thread:
What if i told you russians make up at least 25% of Holla Forums userbase?
Everyone knows that Holla Forums is one person
No, you don't get it. Its just more russians and chinks were stupid enough to complete hardware survey, thinking they will get something from it.
But a huge proportion of people (44%) have over 1TB of storage. I thought Russians and Chinese have shitty potato machines, where is the hardware coming from?
You're using echoes like a retard.
cyka blyat
Of course they have over 1TB of storage. 1TB is a joke nowadays.
post rare liberators
Why do idiots use the not all argument for steam surveys? You don't count, stop being upset you chose not to count. No one is making market decisions on factors they can't count.
Nyet, all foreign image boards and VPN services are banned from Mother Russia.
Chinese are basically asian Jews. There's no way around that.
Russia can be hit or miss depending on who's in charge.
Everyone in Russia uses foreign VPNs though.
(((hey))) (((guys))) (((I))) (((use))) (((echoes))) (((do))) (((I))) (((fit))) (((in))) (((yet?))) dubs btw
very nice
Пиздеж, ложь и провокации. Хотя ботам из Ольгино хорошо платят чтобы они поддерживали имидж россии в центрах концентрации оппозиции американского правительства вроде этого сайта.
Is this the new LOL thread?
That's a pretty shit assumption, user. I'm a poor amerifat and somehow have about 15 TB of stuff sitting around.
I hate China, it's a looming menace to the free world.
You'd be surprised OP. I hear there's a lot of Chinese and Russian dota and cs;go players
So basically poor people playing f2p garbage.
The PC plattform is so fucking shit, kek.
But user…
We're banned in Russia
Nobody's stopping you from becoming more cunning
if not for whites Africa would've been split between muds, jews and Asians
White genocide is sad, but having the way paved for final solution of nigger question is well worth losing out on their creations.
triggered jews fit in, just stay triggered and die of an early heart attack
sorry to break it to you op, bots don't submit to those surveys
I though russians are snow niggers not a snow jews?
Там с иностранного факультета Савушки пашут. Будут потом тебя учить как из солнечной калифорнии надо родину любить. Уже заебался с ними в Holla Forums бороться.
Surely a few % are but you can't underestimate number of users. Mobile world is big too, it dwarfs Steam. Biggest mobile brands have 500M+ daily active users in their games (yes, really) compared to Steam which has ~14M daily active users right now.
One major flaw with the hardware survey is that the % of anons who opt-out is heavily weighted towards certain categories. For example if you aren't dumb enough to move to Windows 10 the odds of you being too paranoid to say yes to the survey are quite high. It's interesting but don't read too much into it.
users*, not anons
There's 150 million Russians and over a billion of Chinks. Those numbers are hardly surprising. What's more surprising is the lack of Hueniggers. They either don't use Steam or just use it in English.
IDK how this survey shit works. What if you have your profile set to private? Does it still count me?
Neither Russian or Chinese incidentally.
Спасибо Галёнкину за эту инфу.
Не всё так радужно - им за это основные акки банят
oh fug
How does one buy games for cheaper using proxies? I've wanted to start buying shit in Chinese/Russian but never knew how.
Однако. Ловко всё у Гейба схвачено.
Там, кстати, патч с балансом подвезли для Стимовской версии Космических Рейнджеров 2.
Keep in mind that it's just the languages. So "English" may have a lot of people that don't have english as their first language, but use it because simply because it's english.
fucking ruskie trash.
We need to make a new Holla Forums that bans them on the spot.
This. Chinese business practices are fucking brutal and they will literally use every underhanded and illegal means necessary and then mock you to your face for not being able to legally do shit about it without completely going bankrupt in the process. They will do this openly with the intent of setting an example so others will bend to their will faster in the future. I don't disagree with the strong bullying the weak but holy shit do they turn it into a performance compared to jews who prefer to pull strings from the shadows.
еми да еба, кво да се прави
Я на StarSector с модами подсел - теперь по Рейнджерам уже не тянет
If you've ever worked with or lived in China or even lived in a Chinese area in the West you'd instinctively know they the Jews of Asia.
Да ты шо?
Half snow niggers, half snow jews and 100% percent beautiful snow queen waifus.
Same goes for russian language.
Hacking is also banned in vac secured games, but russians do that regardless.
Answer this, what would you pick, an english speaking an-com millennial or a ruskie that mimics an average Holla Forums user perfectly until rus shitposting thread comes? If you answer is neither, then tough luck, enjoy your shitposting.
Soon Steam will be majority Chinese at this rate.
These times, they are a changing
If by waifus you mean massive sluts then sure.
I miss this mene, dvatch tier user
thanks for the reminder
That would explain a lot of the dumb shit I see here.
How dare you say that about the most beautiful women on the planet? Fucking misogykneeist with МГС.
I think you'll find they'll still mostly stick to F2P games, but yeah the actual Steam community is quite quickly becoming overrun with chinks.
Say what you want about Russia but without them you wouldn't have all your pirated games.
Russians need to die
All men need to die.
The scarcity of time produced by a limited lifespan is responsible for a large chunk of the value people place on things they do.
nono only russians
quite rare
baltic europoorean or a "not yet one but wannabe" detected
You sound like you don't got the fight in you mate
What are you some kinda gay?
They aren't called liberators without a reason, m8.
They aren't called liberators without a reason, tov. user.
80 years of marxist cuckoldry doesn't just wash away in the rain, user.
ей, ОП, пiшов в сраку, хлопче
Does that mean Koreans or something?
simplified is mainland china
traditional is like taiwan and hong kong
Oh so Japanese-Chinese hybrids then. I get it now.
the PRC started simplifying in order to increase literacy in the 1950s. Apparently they still revise them every so often.
wew, cryllic is fun
Anyway I doubt that Russia will ever move past moderate neoconservitism, unless you guys elect Kadyrov, and in that case say hello to the Royal Eurasian Caliphate ::^^)))
>implying you are not a butthurt baltic europoorean or a "not yet one but wannabe"
hohol detected
Did I enter the slavic shitpost thread?
da blyad)))))))))
Maybe its the russian liberators front? :^)
Pretty much да.
ahhh blyaat))))))
There's only one who can stop Mongolic horde from rusland. Where's my finnish memes?
You want finnish memes? Too bad have slavic ones instead.
Cultural appropriation does wonders, comrade :^)
I agree.
иди нахуи
mogę dostać darmową wódkę
wow, slavic shitposting thread on Holla Forums!
Ложь, пиздёж и провокация! Да как ты смеешь!
There are more jews speaking english than jews speaking russian.
So that would be (((English))) to you kikeboy.
but russians are northern jews, so there's that
So why did actual jews escape from russia to israel and the USA then ?
the actual jews couldn't stand the competition
Face it. Jews realized that they could mooch off burgers and have easier lives in the USA and western Europe.
Their numbers in russia dwindled but increased in the USA and Europe.
Because Israel have a better Medical institutes.
More like 99% blyat, idi nahui
well liberated tovarishch remove ukrainian fashisty
We must use Finnish DNA as a base genome for creating genetically modified super soldiers to defeat the Russians in memetic warfare.
Is this the Stalker thread?
No is Metro 2033 thread comrade
It's as much a problem for other Chinese as it is for foreigners. It's the kind of behavior that destroys societies.
Would explain the obsession with Stalker and shitty coffee tastes, with no sugar or milk.
if you don't drink coffee black then you're drinking it wrong
dark roast master race
tea master race