I hope you goys are still playing Halo 5: Gaurdians' multiplayer, and paying for the microtransaction lootboxes.
Singleplayer games are DEAD user!
Or, how about Evolve? Surely, you're playing that "Gamer's game" still. If not, you should be.
Why does this thread got deleted?
Is there already a thread abot this?
Deleted the previous thread because there was a typo.
Ah that explains it
Hopefully this weakens the stagnated unprofitable AAA industry even more.
Overcuck got beaten by a couple of autistic kikes making an Arma mod and games like Cuphead and Divinity OS 2 are making a huge profit while AAA games can barely make it even.
Hopefully they'll just fuckoff to mobile for good, how many fucking flops have we had these couple of years?
AAA is probably trying to kill off singler player games to combat piracy, since you can't pirate a game that requires you to connect to a central sever. A shame really, although chances are the games are shit anyways.
some old whore has an opinion on vidya? pass
fug D:
They're trying to kill off single-player games because it's years of expense for a single spike of profit.
With multiplayer you can use microtransactions to string players along forever like heroine addicts or gambling addicts. What's more, you can make multiplayer games look and play much MUCH shittier and multiplayer-cucks will still play them because people who play multiplayer games only have half the normal human brainpower.
The only saviors of single player games are open world games kek
That's honestly a good question. How many, Holla Forums?
Fuck "the realities of doing business".
And people here wonder why I don't buy any games.
I lost count on ten.
It's from 2015 to 2017.
Well I wasn't buying EA's games before, and I sure as hell ain't gonna buy any more at this point.
They just keep making their shit worse and worse every year, it's amazing.
No, I fucking don't. I want a good game not some pretty pixels and cgi cutscenes.
It's hard to gauge since AAA standards are absurd. Square Enix wrote off Rise of the Tomb Raider as a flop even though it sold eleventy million copies across two consoles and PC.
New games in general are dead. There will be no classics released this year, the next, or the next.
Oh boy, how the fuck did she get there. I mean, she is failing at common sense.
You have your answer.
no such people exist anymore
Glad this hasn't been forgotten, surprised it doesn't get brought up more.
I mean they're not fucking wrong you retards, they're simply stating what makes the most money from the cancerous, easily exploited normalfag masses and those are multiplayer f2p/microtransactions/lootbox/subscription shit, if normalfags didn't fucking buy them they wouldn't saturate the mobile market like it does, and it's absolute fucking cancer. I don't get these "NUH UH LOOK AT CUPHEAD SINGLEPLAYER GAMES AREN'T DEAD" niggers, we all know they are better and less garbage - but they aren't more SUCCESSFUL because successful means money for publishers, and how could anyone be so fucking dense as to not realize that these people are, obviously, talking about money? You've heard about whales and the insane amounts of spending from normalfags so that is all the proof you need to realize yes that shit is more profitable. No amount of cult hit following, positive reputation, "critical acclaim" by journofaggots for a singleplayer game will be as profitable as the cashgrab multiplayer formulae that are everywhere these days. You have to realize that when people mean successful they mean money to budget ratio and not how good the actual game is because nobody fucking cares how good a game is anymore
This is what it is like to be a game developer in 2017.
I noticed they like to call their games "AAA" titles. An AAA title in my opinion is based on success that is a result of fun.
Perhaps they just suck. Corruption has kicked out the remaining talented people. Today it's like this: Graduate school -> find next job you can get even if you don't like it at all -> you suck but you need the money -> result: product is trash.and soulless -> people buy shit anyway because it's a franchise based on old titles made by different people -> companies like EA don't care because they are not about making video games but rather about money buy producing video games
Single players don't generate enough profits for swedecuck studios like EA. Risk-reward ratio is not good. Finding the right people is nearly impossible because many want to be a designer/programmer at EA.
Just a smart question: If you can design a good game and you know how to do things, why would you apply to a shitty swedecuck company like EA and low wage payment if you actually can make a game on your own and earn tons of money?
She isn’t wrong, at least with respect to big budget AAA titles. What she ignores is that smaller budget (not indie) single player games still can do great in 2017, as games like Nier, Persona, and Zelda have shown.
Single player games that need a huge budget are an endangered species though because of the investment demands. Between marketing and development, a big-budget AAA game developed in the West with consistently high production values costs $50-$100 million, with most of that being asset creation and marketing. If you’re a publisher or investor, it is much less risky to spend a bit more to make a coop or multiplayer game, and coop/MP games are more likely to sell the big numbers necessary to make back the investment due to people trying to sell the game to their friends as well as those games being much easier to insert DLC/virtual currency into.
So for publishers like EA and Microsoft that can’t develop efficiently and want the huge returns on big investments, they really can’t look at single player only games.
the problem is the (((western))) industry.
they are wrong, and persona 5 and botw aren't smaller budget games.
For job experience and rather small amount of money but 100% sure money for short period.
Maturbation is degenerate. It objectifies women. And makes men less masculine. Also object of masturbation becomes new standard for female sexuality, even if its not real, and men start losing interest in real life women, who don't look like anime girls.
At least he's passionate about what he does. Can't really say that of Western devs.
Then how come all the recent multiplayer-games has flopped hard?
That's an incredibly roundabout way of saying "We can make more dosh making shitty multiplayer-only, microtransaction-riddled, p2w jewfests, so that's what we're going to do now.". trying to make it seem like singleplayer games are somehow 'outdated' and that the majority of people actually want shit like that, when it's just whales and normalfags who have too much money to blow on useless shit and not enough time to play a proper game.
On one hand this just divides the shit publishers from the decent ones more. On the other this is going to mean more garbage made by AAA pubs polluting the market, especially if they're turning out to be as financially successful as they claim.
Whales are fucking cancer. Fuckers ought to be harpooned.
This is mostly a meme. You forget there is more to women than just appearances, and I don't mean personality.
I thought multiplayer games (CSGO, Warframe, etc) were making massive amounts of money off of microtransactions. It's just that Lawbreakers, Battleborn, Quake Champions, UT4ever in beta, and Call of Duty in space failed for more fundamental reasons.
Overabundance of them in recent period.
Surely you jest, do you know how much money Nintendo and Sega dropped on those mediocre pieces of shit?
Marketing these was a fucking fortune
Fuckoff Varg
You know nothing. Zelda and Persona only cost a fraction of what the average AAA game costs. Persona only had a team of under 100 people for most of its development, its far cheaper to employ people in Japan compared to the US/EU, and neither game had the kind of expensive ultra-fidelity assets that modern AAA games require.
Cuphead and Hat in Time gave me new hope for this year. Unfortunately New Colossus took that all away.
point out where I said they were AAA budgeted games. I'll happily know nothing if it's an illiterate retard accusing me of it.
That's another thing. With there already being an overabundance of these multiplayer skinnerboxes I hope to god every single one of their attempts bombs like lawbreakers.
It is a payout for those who have skills in a particular area but do not have the ability to manage a project, do all the work on their own, or market the final product. Games have a low customer lifetime value. Buying ads for them is a waste of time unless you have lots of money to throw around. If a developer cannot find people to popularize their game, then the only alternative is to become a whore.
In the end people who want to play video games will continue to sift through the shit to support the good games that are out there.
Crowdfunding and going indie was supposed to help this, but it's become incredibly hard to recognize an honest project from a scam. There's blatant scams out there, but really, how many successful kickstarters have there been since the damn thing was set up? That number pales in comparison to the amount of scams and failed projects it hosts.
Yeah, compared to the $100 million+ budgets that many Western AAA games have, Zelda, Nier and Persona ARE small in comparison. The big reason is that they didn’t require the ultra-high fidelity assets that most AAA games require these days, which is what EA and Microsoft are talking about.
Persona and Nier both became profitable after selling a million copies, despite Persona being in development for nearly a decade. Western AAA games with high fidelity assets need several times that to turn a profit.
Admittedly Zelda is an odd example here that confused people somewhat because it was Nintendo’s biggest game, with over 300 people on it, plus it had a AAA ad campaign largely because they were launching the Switch as well. Even with all that, Zelda certainly cost less than your average Assassins Creed game.
Well you didn’t say much of anything. It was clear from the OP and from my post (which I seriously doubt you read) that the topic was on AAA games with high-fidelity graphics.
where did I say they were AAA? Answer the question idiot.
You are doing a terrible fucking job blending in, you fucking shill faggot.
Single player games will always be profitable, but part of what makes something profitable is how much of a budget went into development. A combination of too many employees and insanely high marketing budgets are making game development too expensive to recover the costs. Compare that to something like Cuphead where a couple of guys makes a game on a shoestring budget and they sell a million copies. That game was profitable. Or how about A Hat In Time where they had $300k from Kickstarter and now they have sold 60k copies at $30 a piece. After Steam takes their 30% cut the devs are still walking away with $1.26m.
That stupid fucks think they require, which they don't. Even then, most of that retarded huge budget goes into marketing and the void of mismanaging fuckhuge developer teams who create different parts of the game in different studios divided among different countries.
They aren't dead, just poorly made by AAA devs.
how well was new collossus shit received?
zelda, you need to buy a console on top, so don't be including zelda you dense retards
Now to be fair, that game has more appealing visuals than any of their bland shit.
Crowdfunding would be more successful if it was something that occurred later in development. Money is mainly needed to produce custom content. I can make an entire game with limited content and swap things out at the end. I'd be highly skeptical of any game that does not have a playable demo already or one pushed by an idea guy who utilizes programmers, artists, and musicians to create his vision. Even if that person is widely known, expect to get garbage in return.
I'm going to fucking hit you
next you'll tell me Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted aren't as shilled as multiplat AAAs.
Really goes to show that AAA games have lost their spark.
AAA has become sterile and safe, there's nothing visually attractive about it anymore.
Truly AAA companies are pushing bounderies
oh you rooskies crack me up
Literally the only bad thing about porn is that it gave me a giant dick fetish, and made me think mine was small.
Meanwhile i cannot use normal condoms cause they are too tight, and i hurt my gf if we have too much sex.
Seriously, if you have so little testosterone that fapping makes a difference for you, start jogging and working out, get a better diet, lose weight and engage females more, because your problem is definitely not porn.
I agree with him now
Stop fapping you fucking degenerate
How big is your dick? I'm afraid my 5 inch is too small for women so I get anxious when the thought of bed time comes to my mind.
>>>Holla Forums
It's a common problem for men. Leave me alone
Fuckoff back to Holla Forums and stop derailing faggot
get out
For video games? I can think of exactly two.
fuck off normalfag
Hollow knight and bear simulator are the only kickstarter games I can think of right now, and only one of them can be deemed a "success"
Most of the people who go to EA are probably xbone-fanboy levels of retarded. Anyone who's smart would never go into game design unless they're crazy.
If you make a game on your own you wont earn tons of money at all unless you hit meme-status, because all the people who are suppose to spread the name of independents are fucking SJW journalists who don't play fucking games or streamers who all play shit like PUBG and e-sports garbage. And thanks to shit like unity, pretty much any hack can shit out a half-baked project or 2 minute trailer (yandredev for example) to get patreon bucks, while anyone seriously making a game probably wont have anything to show until after the end of the cycle, meaning they get their funding when they need it the least gimping the budget of whatever game they're trying to make. This makes it increasingly hard to stand out if you're serious about it, where as if you just make flashy trailers for a cucked and degenerate reddit fanbase you don't even have to make a fucking game.
Even if you make enough to pay for food/rent (not even assets for your game), but don't have a huge hit, you'll still be making like a 1/5th of what you would getting a real job as a programmer also with no benefits and probably no plans for retirement. If you're smart enough to be thinking about this type of thing, then you're smart enough to realize how fucked the industry is. This is why most people do it part-time on the side, like /agdg/, however what most people fail to realize is that you have work time and you have free time. Anything you have in your freetime gets interrupted by lifes shit, so if you try to make a game on the side it will constantly be interrupted by all sorts of shit life throws at you, where as your job (which you spend 10x the time in) can never be interrupted. None of this is even considering that the vast majority of people who want to make games are fucking retards with no skills that wont follow through with anything.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much better games would be if the mass media wasn't controlled by communists and streamers.
There is hope though. Stock content will improve in quality and tools will advance to the point that lone wolf developers can create large games on their own. We won't return to the way things were in older eras, but the landscape will change to the point that most will be able to find something they enjoy. Consider Neverwinter Nights. The user-created modules crushed the Bioware modules in terms of quality. We will see something similar occur when the difficulty of developing games is reduced further.
When men masturbate, free non-effective testosterone is converted to DHT- testosterone. DHC testosterone is responsible for sexdrive, muscle growth (and if you have bad genetics it affects your male pattern baldness).
In fact suppressing masturbation turns a man into a weak faggot. Free testosterone then accumulates and the non-effective free testosterone levels rise until the body is starting to convert the overproduced free testosterone into estrogen. Men then start losing their sex drive even more!
And reported!!
NWN is so fundamentally different than making an actual game. It already had a massive userbase (this can never be made trivial). All the assets where made by a single studio, so they all fit together perfectly. It was before cancer like Extra Credits and Universities polluted game design for sheckles, which means even more games are going to be creatively bankrupt now. All community assets where made by individuals for a common game, rather than individuals making their own game. If you look at any other artform that takes effort, like animation or even drawing. You can easily tell which artists rely heavily on their tools (the bad ones) and which ones have talent.
Xbox: single player games are hard to make
My first instinct is the "how would you know you dont fucking make any" response.
Then its followed by a "holy shit xbox cannot do fucking anything right".
I really wonder why some anons still own an xbone.
You are on a board dedicated to discussion of a new standard for male violence and productivity, even if it's not real, where men have lost interest in real activities that don't involve chopping aliens in half in space.
I'm not going to pretend that the user you are speaking to doesn't sound like some kind of nazi feminist hybrid, but virtual shit replacing real shit is a growing problem that is only going to get worse.
Don't pretend like it doesn't exist.
lol the asshurt
Shill trying to push the Holla Forums are feminists lie, shouldn't you be shitting up r9k?
Remember guys, when Holla Forums is above Holla Forums we're being raided.
I don't think any anons own an xbone. I don't think anyone owns an xbone. I mean for what reason would you buy a console that has no games?
I knew this was coming, thats why I spent my entire game budget this year to mod my Dreamcast, PS2, OG Xbox, Wii and buy a N64 flash cart. If the industry doesn't want me I'll gladly bow out.
I don't know about a single spike. Nintendo makes a solid amount off their decades old games on the eshop I'm sure. Blizzard still sells boxed Diablo 2 copies. I've bought RE4 three times. You can play the long game if you want, most publishers just treat games as disposable.
I tip my hat to you, fellow Rick And Morty fan
EA: we could make money making great single-player games like Super Mario Odyssey, but it's more profitable for us to exploit psychological weaknesses and turn multiplayer shooters into a casino.
I don't play multiplayer, so I guess gaming as a whole is dead.
Same. Except for hat in time i don't see myself buying games anytime soon.
*Facepalm you dumbfuck
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ you fucking faggot
Single Player is Dead Long Live Single Player!
seriously oneangrygamer™ , you clickbait articles & shilling is getting old. (you) really need to step up your game.
(vid related)
Halo 3 and Reach both look better than every single 343 game.
It's ridiculous.
I remember watching Red vs Blue and it's so jarring how much the visuals decline when they start using Halo 4 to make it
top notch edit
Was it? I thought people were consistently looking forward to Cuphead.
The single player games will never be dead
fake news
Faggot journos complained about it being Boss Rush only
So that's why they changed it. That's a shame, I've been waiting for a real boss rush game for ages now.
But user, bosses are too "videogamey" and have no place in video games. Also "loss states" and "gameplay" are cancerous infections that need to go away.
t. gamejournoPRO
I hate this term, because it refers to a real thing, but it's a terrible way of referring to it. Just say "contrived" or "artificial." There's no need to denigrate the medium just because you have a small vocabulary.
The point is that they want to sound as mockingly childish as they can - because as leftists they never grew up and schoolyard bullying is the deepest darkness they've experienced.
Things got upside down, but for jewing sakes.
If this were actually the consumers' priority, consoles wouldn't exist. To me, top-of-the-line 3D graphics started achieving diminishing returns around 2005 to 2007. Everything after that is icing on the cake.
Right now, we have a cavalcade of games that look good, but are infested with bugs, play like shit, and shove microtransactions down your throat like F2P games. I would happily pay for ten games a year that look like they were made in 2006, but play extremely well and are bug-free.
And no, I'm not talking about pixelshit or indie games, I'm talking about big, publisher-backed games made by seasoned, full-time professionals.
You're making it deeper than it is. They just have small vocabularies and hate the medium, probably because they play games for work, not pleasure. I'm convinced that the last part is the main reason why journos are so consistently out-of-step with the broader consumer base.
I think it's because they never had interest in the medium to begin with. It's true that anybody who loves games who is then paid to play them as a job will eventually come to hate them - intrinsic motivation is always replaced by extrinsic motivation and this effect has been used in reprogramming and cult brainwashing for ages. In the case of the journos, they don't even have a lingering shell of fascination with video games. They're just "some loser nerd shit" that they're forced to pretend to play because they don't want to be on those food stamps that they're so in favor of.
I wish more games had co-op. Singleplayer games could still be made but just tack on a simple co-op mode like Dead Rising has and they'd technically be multiplayer. Everyone would be happy.
Too many games focus solely on pvp, co-op gets sidelined way too much.
I agree, but you have to think like jew: it's harder to sell microtransactions to carebears. You need to pit people against each other, fuck with balance so everybody always feels disadvantaged, and then offer things for REALLY CHEAP! ON SALE! that boost the players.
Then your game prints money, and printing money is the only thing that's required for a game to be "good".
But user, hardly any games except for shit tier mmos have microtransactions that actually affect gameplay. It's mostly just cosmetic shit, which you could sell just as easily in a game centered around co-op.
Wolfinstein 2 will reinvent the wheel.
In a game like Dead Rising?
Cosmetics sell because young children want to show off how flashy they are. Who's going to spend money to show off to a single person?
I'm just sayin you're autistic, man.
If AAA singleplayer is dying, why not just dial the budgets back and create more AA games with a cheaper retail price to lower the bar of entry for new customers - while using quality and creativity to fill the gap left in marketing after stripping out the multimillion dollar ad campaigns?
cause jews
I think that Faster Than Light deserves a mention too.
Mario Odessey is one of the biggest games of the year and is a single player game released today
Divinity OS 1 and 2, shovel Knight, Hat in time, Chivalry
Freedom Planet
There's a typo in this one too, you dumb fuck.
Basically they don't like having to work in games for a reward, because playing it is already work for them.
oh come on.
What idiots. They're assuming single player games are more expensive than multi-player one. To play in a multi-player you need to have an additional layer which is the internet, making it more expensive. They only want to push this shit for their DRMs/always online shit.
their eyes look dead.
There was a patent granted to Activision/Blizzard recently for matchmaking and gameplay mechanics that deliberately match you with people who have recently bought items you've looked at or better versions of the type of weapon/equipment you use. It would also put you into matches you're more likely to win after you buy weapons, including putting you against bots instead of actual people without telling you. It was filed by their R&D department and they say it's not actually in use in any of their games, but I doubt they're just going to sit on those mechanics. It might not be a thing yet, but you can bet your bottom dollar it will be in the near future.
but user that guy was a Games Journalist! Also lurk more
I'm pretty sure profitability is just a nice bonus at this point.
Hardly. Objects can actually be useful.
That's hardly a fair comparison, tf2 is f2p.
It's like pottery.