Webm Thread

Post your shit

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Man I hate this shitty fucking game so much
This and Crysis 2 are games I want to unplay so bad.

previous webm thread archive.is/awrcQ

took you guys long enough to make a new one.

crysis is a gay game, I don't like it at all.


That's what happens when the faggot devs cater to consoles

Nothing wrong with the first game

not a big fan of story driven shooters, not my genre. Also not a big fan of graphic whoring, I prefer old school graphics like the first Half Life or early UT games.

Pretty much
Funnily enough Crysis 2 and 3 sold the same amount of as the first one while being 3 times more expensive and being on 3 different platforms.รง
And now Crytek is pretty much dead, they're doing a fucking King of the Hill game now.



A fate they deserve

Half Life is more story driven than fucking Crysis
Theres literally nothing wrong with that if the gameplay is good.

Yeah but Half Life is my exception to this rule, that's the only single player shooter I tolerate and actually enjoyed playing. Everything else, even UT singleplayer which is a game I otherwise like, bores me to death.

I can't remember, did these fucking things always infinitely spawn in vanilla? Or is that a side effect of wesp's?

Ever played Crysis in your life?







what game is this?


The Elder Scrolls Morrowind

Fuck off

Vampire the masquerade Bloodlines.

Just sneak past 'em.


They aren't an issue. They stop spawning when you get close enough. I just don't remember that happening in vanilla. Granted it has been like 11-12 years since I played vanilla.


I pirated the second one, played a little bit of it (like 7 minutes) got tired of it and uninstalled it. It's really not my kind of game.

The game is called Ultima Underworld newfag

Fucking cuckchan scum



Play the first one
Better yet, play the original FarCry
You're comparing oranges to lemons






Man Dierker was such a good villain. That last confrontation with him is gr8. [spoiler]rip in peace,
pandemic ;_:7[/spoiler]




I don't care what your stance on spoonfeeding is, /a/. Nobody deserves to live without having played bloodlines.


Nigger just give him a clue then, tell him to insert the filename into a search engine so he can at least learn something.
/a/ is a shit shithole, fuck your boggeyman









Why where the doors so big?

Source on the song?

Which 2hu game is this?

this ain't >>>/cuckchan/ you faggot,your new is showing




Gensou Shoujo Taisen Youyoumu
Its pretty much Super Robot Wars

In which one, the first one? It said it at the end of the video.

Vida movies count as Vida right?



Based Tommy

reminds me of this.

would you give kirby an air ride?


Search SRW

he was a big guy


First webms song in the credits is from FC Blood Dragon

That was my introduction to Elder Scrolls.
He wasn't wrong about the combat

Go I fucking love that music


Nice UI mod








Fantasy Maiden Wars, or however the translate the name.




Congratulations, you managed to make something that was incredibly annoying to begin with even more annoying.

How long should it take for a five minute webm to upload? It's been 5+ minutes. It's just stuck there at 100%.



yeah it shouldn't take anywhere near that long. When a post get's stuck at 100% that means something when wrong some how, I guess you can only try again.

What's with the influx of newfags?



Neofag dying and cuckchan not being able to discuss it and coming here to do so.



I had assumed that it would get better once it died down, not worse, since I am seeing them at a much more alarming rate today.










Fucking Ankama frogs


Better version




Finally,s omeone posts the whoel thing















Still the best star wars game.





I have no words

Raul Julia was an A+++ actor








wait till you see Bonecraft

I made this one awhile ago and post it once and a while but I don't actually know if anyone saves it.
I still really like it though.

See you at the party.

I have it saved, actually

that shit was total cancer






can you fuck off and get the fuck out of this thread? infact get the fuck out of this entire website and go back to cuckchan.




here's your (you),don't spend it all in one place


there's 7 of (you) and only 3 of me, Fuck off.



The premise is pretty witty, but I can't divorce it from the "meat is murder" leftist faggotry.

you sound possibly pertrubed





Uploading some favorites of mine. I don't have a lot saved.


So is Agent 47 getting into YouTube now?

this is amazing



Fuken Checked!

Anyone got the webm of Flandre singing some nip song about Hallowe'en?

Fuck off back to cuckchan or what ever other hole you climbed out of.


What was his name again?




Lying whores.
/f/ never gets old




For that you need Mr. Satan.




I'm at loss at what his is supposed to be


Did I strike a nerve, faggot?

you have 2 posts and 0 webms iTT so you're definitely missing something

I think you got those in the wrong order, or is codemonkey downloading too much furry porn again?



was there a for why reason the jew did that whole charade?

The what fuck?

It's from a horror movie that tries to imitate Nightmare of Elmstreet. You forget what it's called. The difference from Freedy, is that this guy goes overboard with the comedy.


My spelling is awesome, by the way.

The jew

thank you stranger and gentleman




r8 pls no bully

Breddy good
wheres the nuke though?

Not bad r8 mine

KOTH Online?

Wheres the video?

put the 8ch logo in it somewhere

If only

It's at the end lad

It doesn't move dont bulli me pls

did you watch it until the end?

But it has to move


of course not

well shit

I know

We all make mistakes user. Like how I forgot to include the song sauce in the file's metadata

Then why isn't moving user?
Why isn't it moving?



Stop bullying innocent user. It is on a list of forbidden actions such as hand holding and headpatting. Think before you post


It's a british horror movie called Funny Man.

Im zo surry, no bulli pls


there's always one faggot that ruins the fun



Half life was the graphic whore of its time you underaged hipster.


I don't even sort my webms or mp3s. I just repost what I save and it's not much.


I used to be like you, then I had to many so I had to sort my shit. Worth it honestly.

Fucking normalfags.


Filthy degenerate.


Completely random coming through.


When did thi game came out again? Why does this looks a thousand times more polished and complex than skyrim?

The only worthwhile sort is by size. Prove me wrong.



I sort by alphabetical normally but would change to size if I want to fit as many webms in a post.

I wonder how many other sitcom victims Schneider porked.
she was a cute girl tbqh

Okay lets see what comes up.


Heres some more because I'm not satisfied.




That's it anons, embrace the chaos.

Too many. Probably the star of Icarly too.

The tiny girl looks like a Neptunia characterโ€ฆ

(That's where that character came from you dungus)



I mapped up a 360 controller to make it easier to sort through 1000+ images in one sitting and delete the ones that I didn't want.


you sick bastard,does your depravity know no end?


Thats nothing. Sometimes I enjoy them too




that one got deleted fast, anyone saw what it was?




unspoilered 3DPD anal with hashtags on her back

porn webm










Your loss, shit's fucking hilarious.

Whats the game in that first webm. Looks pretty spooky.

that doesn't seem to be the song used in the webm though, was the original webm put with a new song or something?

i think its a secret boss from "enviromental station alpha" or something like that

Thanks m8





Now do some Half Man Half Biscuit if you're so great.





You are frail and weak and you will not survive the winter





Is that Alex Jones ?


I see everyone is in angry full on shitposting mode

Guess I should contribute something


why do you have it saved
pls reconsider life













Fuck I forgot how fun this shit is

I listened to this for hours and hours on end and got lots of game dev done as a result. Thanks, user.


lmao that boing

Somebody needs to edit in an allah ackbar.

This was good the first time

this audio is from a completely different video





Now that I've listened, I even know the video you're talking about




Is this the designated thread ending webm now? Why isn't there a new thread already?

There. I made the new thread you lazy niggers