Fucking Bamco
Sword Art Online Holow Realization PC
I hate SAO so fucking much, anyone who enjoys that shit has the brain capacity of a pidgeon
Almost like Nips don't like money?
It's a shounenshit for 13 y.o, when you were 13 you would have loved it.
I couldn't believe how much of a shit S2 was, seriously, every single episode was a piece of shit, there were no good episodes at all(maybe meh ones like the first few because it was still explaining the new game and stuff), it somehow got even worse after everything was ok and it was basically nonsense "lol AI thinks!!! no one saw it coming in this game!!!" like it was a 4(4 right?) episode long last episode where everyone is happy and they go to the beach together except it's fucking shit and you can't enjoy it at all
Sure reads like something for 13yos
That from a Hentai Doujin?
It's from the light novel that SAO is based off
God I hate you normalfags
What the fuck
Has Kirito fucked his sister yet?
How do I know this is true?
Would it kill you to google the quote and verify it yourself?
Yes, it would, I have a severe case of terminal faggotitis.
All results are people just mentioning it like you and links to other fanfic pages like that.
AW vs SAO was kinda fun
It's been almost 17 years since I've last seen a gundam. Are any of the new ones any good or should I go and find whichever one I had watched before?
I recall the main character was called Hero or Hiro or something.
Reminder Gundam online is free to play You just need to have a Nip IP
Also also, what gundam vidya is worth playing? The only one I played was Gundam vs Zeta gundam and it was pretty great.
She's not even his sister. This shit pissed me off more than anything in that show.
You can't. It's from the web version which was shoaed when it was released as a book series, so you won't find it in any official capacity.
Is the "Hollow Realization" that SAO is utter dogshit?
does the manga have any adult content or is it just the same as the anime?
SAO is so dogshit that even the shit PSO2 anime was better, but that's not an accomplishment.
C'mon now, I know SAO is pretty bad but that PSO2 anime was so bad that not even the fans of any kind liked it.
Number of fans doesn't mean shit, as garbage like SAO should clearly prove.
I've never read it but I'm sure it's the same as the anime. At least there's not going to be anything explicit.
My point had nothing to do with numbers of anything.
My point was that even people that already liked PSO2 disliked the anime.
I myself like the story of the game a lot until Shironia, then stuff went dowhill. But the anime ignored the game's story as a whole and focused on niggas playing the game and eventually the game became real. Fuck that shit, nobody wanted that.
It's almost like
That doesn't mean they don't exist, user.
The anime is canon and takes place between Episodes 3 and 4 when the game protagonist was on stasis. Fans were disappointed because it was about kids playing the mmo which sets up a premise that continues in Episode 4. As an anime itself, it's not really bad, it's just not something the fans asked for. SAO is total shit through and through.
What the fuck is SAO even about nowadays? I only tolerated the 1st season and halfway through it was not abot SAO anymore.
The PSO2 anime as an anime isn't really bad, it's just not outstanding either. If the anime wasn't called PSO2, then it wouldn't get so much hat from the gamers that play it. I personally like it and I've seen people that don't play the game wanting a season 2. The thing is that the anime is simply to set up Episode 4. If you want a proper PSO2 story, you can go check out the Episode 0 manga which is a prequel to the game. All in all, SAO is the worst.
But will it have Denuvo?
Bamco has 2 more braincells than Squeenix.
I would've never guessed.
I couldn't watch it past the first episode.
>even though the stupid fucks that made the games severely neglected route where Zeon is victorious in the OYW
It hurts to live.
You are.
I haven't seen SAO but I have no doubt it's not as bad as people say and this whole thing is just Pavlovian conditioning on a mass scale. People sperg out every time it's mentioned and making an anti-SAO YT video is a guaranteed way to get hundreds of thousands of views.
Whether or not something matters is not determined by how much you like it.
It is as shit as everyone makes it out to be, but Geoff the Mother’s Basement fag is a Jew who makes his entire channel built around trying to trigger people for those views, I won’t deny that.
That and his opinions are entirely based around the people around him while putting on the facade like he matters at all. The entire “anime community” is garbage. Except Demo. He’s pretty cool sage for off topic.
Exactly, weeabos need to learn that Japan isn't as great as they think.
Why would Sony feel the need to word it this way?
It probably just means Versus will eventually replace Maxi Boost in the arcades
How ironic
If you hate japanese shit so much why are you on an image board? Reddit is more your speed.
Japan matters. That's just objectively the way things are.
Are you people even capable of getting through the day without invoking the weeb bogeyman at least once?
I personally haven't played the game and I think it's alright. In comparison to SAO, PSO2 was the far better MMO anime. However, both PSO2 and SAO don't hold a candle to .hack// which is a series inspired by the original Phantasy Star Online and Ultima Online.
Have you read it? The guy that made the series has no fucking idea how videogames work. The number of players that were playing SAO according to the series were too few and made it sound like a commercial failure. When the MC finally escaped SAO, he decided to play another VRMMO rather than getting traumatized like a normal person and avoiding VR Altogether. There's shit loads of bad writing and ass pulls. I don't what kind of editor approved of this shit.
Pretty much.
I enjoy some japanese things, doesn't make me idolize the country the stuff comes from, tough.
Dunno, I also hate faggots a lot and here I am, replying to you.
Oh, ok then. If it's you saying so then it must be true.
pic related
Who said anything about idolization?
It is true. Do you think that because you don't like something, it therefore doesn't matter?
I also didn't say anything about hating on japan and japanese stuff.
Do you think that because you don't like something, it therefore it doesn't matter?
Again it's just a plain old simple fact that Japan matters. You are only arguing otherwise because you don't like Japan, which is idiotic.
It's also just a plain old simple fact that you're gay.
Everyone just knows it, there's no need to prove it or cite reasons for that claim, it just is. You'd only argue over that if you were homophobic, which would be idiotic.
I watch SAO and I have fun watching it because it's a glorious trainwreck and it has some cute girls, but I'll also be the first to tell you it's a bad show with retarded writing. The hate is justified, and to make things worse it's mind-bogglingly popular, even japs buy the shit out of the BDs and merch.
A lot of "popular" anime gets shit on for the wrong reasons, but give it a watch and you'll see there is a reason for the hate. Most of it has been condensed into movies, so that would be a quick way to see for yourself.
Japan is the world's third largest economy. They are prolific in things like consumer electronics, video games, motor vehicles, and pop culture. But according to you none of this is actually true and in fact Japan doesn't matter. Because you don't like them.
Goon, please, just fuck off to your cesspit of a forum. Or better yet, do the gene pool a favor and kill yourself.
I don't know why they even bother.
Gundam Breaker 3 has an aisan version that has english as an option. And Super Robot Wars V is in english. Then there's Gundam Versus which just came out. Or you could play Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost which doesn't require you to know moon to play. Nearly all menus are in english.
This. I like the combat of SAO:HR but it could go to something much better.
This isn't one of those cases where everyone says something is shit and it's just average. SAO is a horrible mess with terrible characters who barely grow for the most part, a setting that breaks its own rules at the drop of a hat, and a plot that could only happen if everyone was mentally handicapped. And this is just the first half of season one which is considered the best part. Everything afterwards is so bad it's insane.
Now that's actual argumentation, good job. On the technology field, japan's actually pretty relevant. All the other shit is trivial and objective though. Pop culture, who gives a shit?
I doubt any forum would be able to handle this level of shitposting.
A lot of people. The fact that those people don't include you is absolutely meaningless. Who do you think you are?
Spotted the retard.
If you don't care why are you on a chan? I understand you're not exactly smart, but why are you here?
Go back
Go back to >>>/reddit/
I'm here for vidya and shitposting.
What do I need to care about to be accepted on your "chan", senpai?
I think it would be okay at this point to switch 4chan and reddit on the third image, since they are both populated by the same people. I give this place another few months before its 100% unbearable.
Struggle, fall, rise up and struggle again
So am I the only one who is seeing the irony in this?
I don't see it
Ok, I guess it is just me.
Are there any good light novels? They seem to all be low investment wank fantasies you buy to read while riding the light rail.
Jews and sub-iq normalfaggots?
Yes what about them?
I'm glad we live in a world where SAO Abridged exists to give us the canon experience.
SAOA is just as bad, user.
Welcome to business memory-holing fucknut, if you care archive shit.
Shut the fuck up you obnoxious retard.
I don't read LNs but there's been many good anime based on them.
Please explain why it is obnoxious or retarded to state a fact.
The writing is way better but that's not saying much. Most of the voice work is obnoxious and it takes a long time to get used to.
I guess they figured people had heard about how the vanilla game ended without a resolution so they could get people to buy the other half of the main plot in 3 overpriced DLC packs that also added 2x the amount of gear, tons of new, overpowerd sword skills, a level cap increase from 70 to 999, and literally all endgame content.
You know, I hadn't actually read this part yet. I knew it existed but never willed myself to read it.
My fucking sides. It's like a dA journal fanfic.
you know why, user
SAO is just a fanfic of .hack that got popular. It having cute girls is its only pro. But most anime has that.
Netojuu no Susume is the MMO anime everyone should be watching now.
An average ejaculation is around 3.4 mL. If we assume a (reasonably) healthy guy can produce this at least once a day, two years worth of semen would be 365*2*3.4 mL, or about half a gallon. You'd best believe there'd be glopping.
I just can't believe that someone wrote that, looked at it and thought to himself "Yeah, this is something worth sharing with others".
How is the game? SAO is shit but is the game any good?
Heard its decent
The gameplay is solid. It relies heavily on buffing properly, managing cooldowns, and using successive hits of special attacks to raise a damage meter. Each of the weapons has its specific niche, like two handed sword skills having super armor in their skills to let you go full Guts with them, dagger skills giving a fuckhuge critical hit buff, or rapier's skills applying attack and minor buffs to the party.. As another user said earlier, HR's gameplay in a non SAO setting could make for a game that's legit good. The art direction gives the game some pretty locations, the music has a few good tracks, and the game maintained a rock solid, 60 fps on the PS4, so it should do at least that well on PC. Everything else about the game except Strea is trash, though, but the translation turns her from a sweetheart who has an amazing body, knows it, and flaunts it to your standard, stupid, airhead.
Yeah, let me guess: you think Cowboy Bebop, Akira and GitS are the only good anime ever made.
Cowboy Bebop is overrated shit with a gay ending
Much like your sex life amirite
Nobody cares what you think.
That’s not wrong, user. They are SOME of the best anime ever made. Take your dick out of your ass and get your shot taste out of here.
When did I ever say they're bad?
You cared enough to reply :)
I specifically said I don't care about his opinion. It's a five word sentence, are you even trying?
You mean mine? We have IDs here bub.
Honestly the mmo part feels like background noise to the larger NEET grill meets guy love plot.
And I don't check every ID every single time I respond to something. The point is nobody cares what you think.
You care so little that you have made no less than 3 posts to tell me how little you care.
You have the reading comprehension of a brick.
Awww it's okay user~kun, I won't make fun of your favorite anime again :^)
I already said your reading comprehension is shit, you don't have to reaffirm it.
>he takes nip (((pop culture))) very seriously
Like ancient chinese pottery; it rhymes, and teaches a lesson in humility
I agree
Now you’re in bait territory.
Are there mods or patches where you can remove the fact that you're kirito
This is actually an ingame option. You can edit Kiritos avatar before starting the game, and in Options select whether his name appears in text, possibly even remove his name from audio (tho dont quote me on the audio part).
Unfortunately, that's not the case. There's a couple of places in the game, mostly the cutscenes, where the player is referred to as Kirito. The good news is that it rarely happens, and the Japanese dialogue tries its best not to refer to Kirito by name. The bad news is that the translated version seems to do its best to refer to the player by name….literally.
What the fuck is this shit?
oh yeah this is that game where they hired a team of literal monkeys to translate and it came out looking worse than a typical Chinese English release, right?
Why are there so many Brazilians on this imageboard? Fuck off
It's called, "you have terminal autism!"
Now take this last (You) and go to Fraser, or whatever mental ward they have in your area.
It would be the easiest way to revive the Lunatic Dawn series.
Keep calm and gib moni plox
No one liked Sword art online for the main characters or the writing, anyone with half a brain could realize that.
The main reason people liked Sword Art Online is because of the interesting premise and setting.
Same reason I loved Log Horizon, but the characters were more likeable.
But it's premise and setting aren't even original or handled well.
it's just another isekai
Uhhh no?
I mean jesus, have you even looked at their debt level?
Not to mention their aging population since people there are too busy overworking themselves to death to make babies, and even then their children could commit suicide at their peak years,
look at this faggot
there's a goddamn board dedicated to them
Hell, our /int/ or whats left of it anyway, is filled with BRs and the poor man's spaniards.
They can eat beans till they die for all i care
Brazil is a shit country full of monkeys who will never be spaniards or portuguese. The country either needs to be nuked, or it's people reveaged by diease, so the forest can retake the land.
God damn it feels good
That was the first one, Hollow Fragment. Instead of translating from jap to eng, they pretty much google translated the chinese script from the Asia release.
Oh please make it so, I have been there and experienced the lack of humanity, absolute sociopathy and third world opportunism that populates its streets. A worthless nation and the future of Europe if people don't stand up for themselves.
t. guy from the little neighbouring country
But user I'm not even in the west, I just never really got into anime again until recently.
And I really want to know about the vidya, what gundam could I play on PC?
Emulation's out of the question because toaster
Apparently their chan got fucked somehow at one point so they made a bunker here.
I forget who said it but one of my favorite quotes is Sao Paulo looks like New York threw up on Los Angeles
Who wants to bet it has Denuvo?
If it does, get ready to buy the console version of it or pirate/torrent it.
Someone from this group link: steamcommunity.com
Was warning me that Namco Bandai looks up to Square Enix, like how a kid looks up to their older sibling.
Bamco doesn't add them to old ports, only newer games
Fatal Bullet will certainly have it
Nice cherrypicking my post without context.
nice one gringo
I never even used that "chan".
You know, I should write my own shitty MMO-themed story, with brain hacking, and autism. But I've never played an MMO before in my life and rarely play games online at all. Maybe I should just read Snow Crash instead.
who cares about your opinion nigger
Everyone should care about my opinion because I'm objectively the best thing to exist on the face of this planet, possibly the best thing to exist in the universe.
Neat. Been wanting to play one of these cunts for a while, but I lost my Vita, and even when I had my Vita, I was a dumb nigger who bought the Jap version instead of the Asian version I could read. The little I played of it to try it out seemed legit enough.
Neither did the guy that made SAO.
it's already unbearable. after today i'm leaving for good. i don't know why i came back in the first place.
cowboy bebop and gits were the shit
akira was just shit
Neither do I
you'd be surprised how easily they fuck up a formula.
just read real novels, user.
At least it's funny and thus enjoyable, which can't be said about SAO
So you're admitting it's a solecism then
It has more to do with games than the Gamers anime the previous season which devolved into misunderstood romance tripe. I guess it was more to promote the Gamers store so it halfway succeeds in what it was doing.
If there is a worse contender for worse video game related anime that came out this year, it has to be Akiba's Trip. So much QUALITY and overall weak episodes strung together into an uninteresting plot. I hope the games are better than the anime that was paid to promote Street Fighter V.
mmos are for robotic autists. i want a real gundam video game for PC
Windom XP