Konami Kills a Franchise: Episode 2
Bomberman is now waifus
What is this and who is this made for
How does this kill the franchise?
Every Konami franchise has been dead since forever. Trouble with Bomberman is, you can't kill what's been dead.
By not being bomberman
It's more like "Weebism kills a Franchise: Episode Far Too Many Already."
The Japanese were making things with cute girls in them before barely anyone in the West knew what anime and manga were.
I don't know, in fact its such a great idea that it might save Konami.
I bet it's not even going to have bombs in it.
Can't be worse than Act Zero.
last bomberman i enjoyed was bomberman 64. its weird and unlike other bombermans, and has some impossible puzzles, but for some reason i like it. everything after that (of what i've played) has been trash.
whats the gameplay like?
old news
It doesn't
Yeah, but not literally everything, and you know that. I like anime too, but weebs are always cancer.
They don't put them in literally everything, and what are weebs supposed to have to do with what Japan does? Nothing. This weeb conspiracy theory meme has got to stop. They aren't space jews on steroids who run the world from the shadows, they're totally irrelevant.
Aw yes, Bomberman 64 was the shit, the only downside to it was the goddamn N64 controller making circling motions obscenely painful after a while.
I'd bomb her, man if you know what i mean.
To be fair, it is a spin off, not a proper entry in the franchise, but one that sounds like it'll be shit. Other than the porn of course.
Go ahead and explain what makes me a weeb. This should be funny.
Weebs aren't infesting anything because they are totally irrelevant to anything Japan does and it's unlikely anyone over there even knows what they are. Cute anime girls are native to Japan, not something le evil weebs came up with.
What's funny is you being a lonely fatty who will never hear the words "I love you."
Your projection is even funnier, or maybe it's your pitiful attempt at changing the topic.
It's entirely possible for them to be bombermen.
get bullied you SJW faggot
You seem like a desperate faggot that doesn't know where he's posting or the history of the board he's posting on.
Stop trolling him or you'll get banned, weebs have special treatment from the mods round these parts.
Can you explain what makes me a weeb?
It's obvious from the way that you post.
Nigga if anything this will save bomberman.
So yeah, you can't. It's always the same story with you people.
It's sexy and it's not pachinko; this might turn out for the best.
i'm sorry user, i was joking.
Actually, I'm a different guy and just joking, but since you're taking this so seriously now I'm sure you have at least the complete series of Lucky Star in your closet.
Even if I did have the complete series of Lucky Star, how would that mean I'm a weeb?
I thought they'd stick to the cartoony artstyle they made for Bomberman R. Why would they put effort into that and then drop it?
That's not me, can't you into IDs bub?
Too many people selectively forgetting that Bomberman Act Zero ever happened.
Are you ethnically Japanese? No? Then I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.
I'm excited this is really cool. Can't wait to dig in. Fucking ready.
I don't always check them. Still waiting for you to explain.
So anyone who is not ethnically Japanese and watches anime is a weeb? That's not what weeb means.
Oh shoot :( didn't mean to post that.
i've been playing it with an emulator with a ps4 controller i got for $25. fun game. is that the only bomberman thats similar to a 3D platformer instead of a level based arena game?
and im convinced some of those puzzles arent puzzles at all and are just impossible bullshit that looks like a solvable puzzle. am i supposed to go back later with special abilities or some shit? i literally spent an hour trying to figure out one of these puzzles by bouncing like 50 bombs and seeing if i could get to this platform
According to you, sure. "Ass" also didn't mean a human's rear end until society decided that it should mean that.
I didn't say according to me. It means what it means and you either know what it means or you don't.
There another two adventure based Bomberman titles for the N64 and a fully fan translated tactical RPG for the PS1.
Man, definitions really are worthless to you goons.
Do you know what it means? Seems like you're just covering for your own ignorance. Or perhaps your detailed knowledge of the word belies your true weebitude.
whatre they called?
are they good?
You're the one who started accusing me, so you have to correctly explain what it means and then prove that I am one.
Knowing what a word means does not make someone that word.
Not as good as 64
Aha, but you get to be the sole gatekeeper of what that word means? For all I know, you don't know what the word means, and any answer I give would be dismissed as invalid regardless. So you'll have to prove to me you know what weeb means.
I'm not the sole gatekeeper. I didn't invent the word and its definition has nothing to do with me.
Now, please explain correctly what the word means and then prove I'm a weeb. Go.
I already offered my definition, you dummy. You said "No, that's wrong." My counter is "How do you know?" Anything else I offer will spin into that same conversational thread. Seems like you're unwilling to provide the source of that knowledge because you'd out yourself as a weeb.
Weeb is an obnoxious faggot who has negative understanding of Japan, its history and culture and only watched mass marketed anime which made him go
While blindly worshiping Japan at one of the worse points in history.
Your definition is wrong, and since your definition is wrong it means your accusation is wrong too.
By the same token anyone who knows the legal definition of rape must be a rapist.
That's roughly it, but I've never heard of them having any particular interest in imperial Japan (which is what I assume you mean by worst point in history).
TY, i'll give these a try.
Current year Japan is the worst
Imperial Japan dindu nuffin, and would be lesser evil as the Asian hegemon compared to China
Korea was better off under occupation than having 2/3rd's of the territory turned into a concentration camp instead
i don't think i need to dump "fuck china" saga in case of the bugmen
if you think allowing communism to exist instead of the Third Reich, or not destroying both in reverse order was good you need to visit >>>/suicide/ stat.
it's also in Asian history to hate each other and deny ever doing anything wrong.
Alright. I guess that makes you the only guy who knows the secret definition of weeb, which also conveniently means you are never one. Interesting.
Except the definition of rape is not in contention with anyone. If the populace at large had no idea what rape was but knew it was still a serious crime, they might be wary of someone who claims to know exactly what rape is. Much in the same way a group of villagers in the middle ages might assume that anyone who can define "magic" is a witch.
Hey, that's still closer to Bomberman's original stylistic than that gritty reboot. And didn't Bomberman actually have some cute girls as side characters?
I don't mind putting cute girls in things, but they should have really put this as a spin-off Maybe it is a spin-off and we're just overreacting? but even then, the franchise is so fucking dead that if cute girls save it and the game is also fun then I'm a-okay with this.
This retardation seriously has to stop. It's just more pathetic unintelligent hipster shit with no argument or credibility at all.
What if it bombs?
If you think current year Japan is the worst because they make some anime you don't like (I'll just assume this is your reason since it's statistically the most likely), I strongly recommend checking into a psychiatric hospital.
I'm not the only one and there is nothing secret or esoteric about the word's meaning. You just don't know what it is and can't be bothered to find out.
Your logic is that if I know what weeb means, it means I am one myself. By that logic anyone who knows what rape is is a rapist himself. Idiotic.
What is retarded or hipster about any of those?
Dude calm down and stop replying to bait jesus.
Stop white knighting.
Okay, Holla Forums I'll ask you a question.
Which one of those girls would you fugg the most?
So you like replying to bait and looking like a moron while everyone laughs at you? Have fun.
So you like white knighting others? Have fun.
A hard choice between green and brown.
The green one.
What does that even mean?
You're a fucking moron.
Stop replying to bait
Trying to control the damage on their behalf by claiming they were baiting and I'm the one who needs to calm down.
Yet you can't explain why. Guess that makes you the moron, huh?
There was no bait.
Blue. Titties make a substantial percentage of her body mass, and she looks like she has the energy to take me full power.
Literally all I played of this franchise are the SNES games from 1 to 5, how has the lore developed since then?
From what I remember from when I was a kid it was basically old alien guy trying to take over the world with different approaches all the time except the 4th game where they went to a different universe by accident and 5th where the villains escaped.
Stop arguing over stupid shit, weeb is not an actual word because it's not in the dictionary. Anime is the same as cartoons and Dragon Maid sucks. That much I know it's true.
Fuck you it was fun
Is this stream of consciousness posting?
No, user, I'm backing you up.
It's an arcade exclusive spin off anyways so not like anyone here will ever play it.
This is how the world literally fucking works now and it makes me want to kill every day.
Fuck, I hope that a version for other platforms will come out in the future. I would happily play it if possible.
Because retards won't stop unironically trying to force this shit no differently than retarded cucks and hags that could only improve the world getting gunned down or blown up impotently and pathetically screeching "muh soggy knees".
This won't stop while we do nothing to kill it.
The funny thing about Bomberman is that some of his best games have been Zelda-style topdown adventures. Bomberman Quest, Bomberman Adventure, Bomberman Tournament, Bomberman 64.. And most of them weren't even brought stateside.
Nigger but it's not the case, this isn't even part of the main series. It's a spin-off, so why do you care? I don't care whether someone puts a cute girl into a franchise that didn't really have them when the game isn't even a part of the main series.
What is it that you are angry about?
Why do they always make this so hard. Bomberman's a niche game that's always going to have a niche audience. It wasn't built to be a multimillion selling blockbuster. Just give us the same game, increase the number of levels, come up with some cool new ideas for power ups, max 8 players per game, improve the AI. Something like this could be made on the cheap, sell it for $20 ala Cuphead, rinse repeat.
They should, they could make it the cuphead of bomberman games.
would that be anything like the dark souls of bomberman games?
I fail to see the problem. Do I get to blow their clothes off?
So, will women defend this because it's girls as the MC or will they throw a tantrum because it's waifubait?
They will call bigotry for Islamophobia.
It was all downhill after Bomberman Hero anyway.
Except it's called Bombergirl, not Bomberman. It's a spin off. I see good Bomberman sales on Switch convinced Konami to make a game, that's nice.
We need a purge.
Are you okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?
< denies being a weeb
That’s like shooting a cop over shop lifting a bag of skittles and then claiming you aren’t a nigger.
I like Lucky Star too, but quit being in denial you NEET otaku degenerate.
Liking Lucky Star does not make someone a weeb. That's not what weeb means. Liking Lucky Star also does not make someone unemployed or even an otaku.
If it's not everything, it's damn near close.
Why do you people have to have all these nonsense terms like waifu and moeblob? Bishoujo would be accurate but I guess that's exactly why nobody will use it.
There's plenty of stuff that don't revolve around bishoujo but people are so addicted to outrage culture that they purposefully ignore them.
This one is my favorite picture of Harada.
why is this a bad thing? As long as we get the solid gameplay and bomberman world tier music i'm happy.
it couldn't possibly worse than bomberman zero.
Because this is Konami we're talking about. They've pulled that shit off before and it wasn't anything particularly good.
i'm still hopeful, bomberman r was really damn good.
I'm talking about retards that visibly don't know how to use weeaboo, force it regardless just to look edgy or "fit in" when they don't and double down when called out on it.
And what am I mad about? Retarded white cucks and hags this asshurt about sexiness the world is now getting fucked up and just now starting to really push back and recover that need to be bathed in napalm everyone on the internet and out of it and retards on Holla Forums.
I'm okay with this.
Was it? I saw it that it did pretty good according to konami, but i'm still waiting to see if the switch gets more games that aren't indie trash or painful fuckups like FE warriors.
Meh, probably both and it wouldn't be a surprise at this point if serial complainers will complain about things they don't play or buy.
I'm fine with it too.
If you like the pre bomberman hero shit then you'll like it. It's a cute little game pretty much built with the switches portability in mind. I have a long commute so it's nice to have something to kill time.
I would wait for more games to come out though, I still only have 3 games for the console. I'm hoping for some good RPGs to come out. All I have is bomberman, has been heroes, and zelda. On the other hand it seems like devs are actually giving the console some consideration, it's not like the wii u since it actually has horsepower. And it's got a normalfag hook that brings people in.
its 2017 and that statement is still true.
The infuriating part is Konami made sure of that when they cancelled the 3ds game, which looked like a sequel to the Bomberman 64 games
atelier games in a nutshell
We got Bomberman Tournament two years after Hero, though.
I'm not even mad, just disappointed.
If you put them in the middle of the most bland high school anime possible, they would stand out like a sore thumb.
Explosives shouldn't have smiley faces.
Any yuri here?
Yeah but put them on any modern shonen shit and they fit right in.
Nah, they'd just obviously be the main characters.
There are worse fates than being sent to loli hell.
No I think they'll still stand out in Welcome to the Ballroom.
And they would clearly stand out.
Wow, its absolutely fucking nothing.
Wasn't this shit announced for Jap Arcades a couple years ago?
So you could say that the franchise is gonna bomb ?
Making it arcade exclusive is a huge fuck up on Konami's end. They could get some good sales by releasing this shit on Vita/PS4.
Is it a slot machine?
explain how exactly do wasifus kill bomberman?
Because my nostalgia
welcome to neo/v/.
Bishoujo is normal and widespread in Japan and otaku themselves work in the game industry and elsewhere.
I mean I don't live in japan and Bomberman has been dead for eleven years so no I don't really give a shit about a game I will never be able to play in a franchise that has been dead for almost half of my life.
Indeed. neo/v/ where you can't have any anime thread without goons shitting it up.
Yeah, it's a real shame everyone doesn't have awful taste like you.
pretty hard to believe that people like nier here eh?
The fact that you don't like something does not somehow mean it's some kind of evil otaku conspiracy, and I'm not sure how Automata qualifies as "cheap."
Don't reply to goons
Couldn't be more goon if you tried.
the amount of times people refered to it as a "small budget indie game" when complaints about production quality, size of the game, ugliness of environments etc etc arose, you'd think it was.
but then there's the 60 dollarydoo price tag and denuvo :joy:
Where do you think you are right now?
Sure thing kamfy. Anime is redpilled. I'm sure Hitler would have loved sexualized cartoons. Weimar didn't happen.
No I hate garbage, but the two sadly intersect a lot.
Ya'll niggas posting in a goo thread,
It's gonna sell more now, and there's nothing you can do about it. Waifus print money.
I even used a comma instead of a period.
at least they try to look like bomberman
I thought the Bomberman R girls were pretty cute.
They are, and they didn't have to resort to making them full blown generic waifu bait.
Not a big fan of kuudere but green is the most fuckable imo.
well, it depends, is the game fun?
I wish they'd remember Max one of these days.
About the same time they remember that Bomberman Jetters was a thing.
Because it's weebshit you fucking internet tranny.
kill yourself. Some people remember the kind of games Japan used to put out, especially Konami. Some people are sick of the cute girl bullshit coming out of Japan now. It's actually fucking stupid.
He's a Kamen Rider, not a Coldsteel.
Wait, what did I miss? When was this announced? Do we have ingame pics yet? Do we have lewds? I need to know
Oh right, I also loved Bomberman: Dudebro Dorito edition
Some people don't want to be the little girl. This is a reality you have to accept.
i think its an arcade only game in riceland
anyone got a source on the book at the start?
Wait, that purple girl is not in OP's image. Disappoint, she's qt.
as a general rule, always the fiery eyepatch one
I'd legit mark out for the Dark Souls of Bomberman Games.
Or the Bomberman of Dark Souls games
captcha: omen ai
H…Have I… meme'd irresponsibly. I…Is it happening?
Holy fuck, hadn't even thought of this! Please, oh please let one of the characters have a burka as her alternate costume. Just throw in mic support and my jihad against infidels will be underway, in'shallah.
and just like that, i'm on a watch list
He's right.
It's an arcade spinoff, you obnoxious judgmental faggot.
No THAT's what I'm talking about.
theres bomberman generations for the gamecube
i never did get around to finishing it, and when i do try to play it i usually dont get past the first few lvls or first few worlds without getting bored and putting it down
More like got the revival we all wanted, well i don't know a bout the gameplay, but i hope its good as always
If this succeeds it'll just become another pachinko eventually.
Indeed we do.
Now get the fuck out.
They announced this over a year ago you dumbfuck.
They even have gameplay of it. It looks fine. I don't see the problem.
It's a Japanese series, so how could it possibly be weeb? And where did I even imply I'm a tranny? Did you forget to take your pills again?
Like Popful Mail, Twinkle Star Sprites, Pop 'n Magic, Cotton, Umihara Kawase, Sailor Moon, Harmful Park, Etoile Princesse, Akazukin Chacha, Madou Monogatari, and about a million visual novels and dating sims. Really manly stuff.
what were you expecting
I wish I had that image comparing cherry-picked Japanese games then and now where all the "then" games are cute colorful games and the "now" games are things like dork souls.
This just looks like crossdressing
if god made dudes who want to fuck other dudes, does that mean god is gay?
I hope people like you are shot dead in the streets.
What does Fire Emblem have to do with Bomberman? The franchise is already dead to begin with so why are you getting upset?
I never played bomberman, but I know what will happen to whatever community it has left after this, especially if this game succeeds.
Have some respect for old franchises, you abomination.
I'm sure the Bomberman community will be totally decimated thanks to this arcade exclusive spinoff.
You mean how it was revived?
and the original games were shit anyway :^)
If Bomberman Zero didn't kill the franchise I don't think waifus are going to.
The new ones are shit too. Waifus can't fix a fundamentally boring gameplay system. Advance Wars was the only one to do that shit right.
I know you're shitposting and I'd still like to strangle you.
Fair enough.
Yeah but at least they have the advantage in waifus.
How pathetic do you have to be to think that otaku pandering somehow saves a game from its mediocrity?
This the Neptunia thread?
It's highly offensive to goons and cuckchanners.
Are you really this retarded?
I think you know the answer.
Bomberman Zero was actually good compared to I belong on 4chan, please feed me the brown pill
Suck a giant black dick, Mark. There's nothing wrong with disposable weeb_shit
I don't know. It seems to improve it. They could have done worse.
why does japan ruins everything?
You're just another pathetic hipster retard.
I legit don't believe it's entirely pathetic cucks.
Hipsters have shown countless times to be that pathetically retarded just to look different and somehow "better".
reminds me of that fish heroine in fox reina
i need to get this of my system ASAP before its too late
Is Rance a CO now?
that thread is two blocks down, right next to the granblue fantasy thread
pachinkos are doomed with the new law for gambling, user
that doesnt sound vanilla
They look pretty generic and uninspired. How does Konami even stay in business? Are they operating in the green because of those pachinko machines and gyms?
He rapes villains into his harem? Fucking nice.
Don't you get it, user? She's a bad guy, so it's alright to vanquish her evil with a dicking or pussy grinding no differently than striking her down otherwise like any other foul villain.
Villains don't get rights. Ever.
Modern japanese games find a way; see Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, a game so obsessed about Japan and Idols and shit that it ended up bombing HARD.
yes they do.
i bet you dont play otome dating sims, faggot
What is the problem with that? Better question: Why didn't we think of this sooner?! Better question: Where is the fucking preorder link?
slot machines and pachinko
you are everything that is wrong with Holla Forums.
It's already too late. Let the yiff flow through you.
Why? Even if you hate waifus, you should enjoy blowing up waifus.
Looks like they're trying to make money honestly. Maybe the game is fun to play.
You sound like a schizo.
Normalfags are more retarded tbh.
How do they find a way? It's impossible. Only non-Japanese things can be weeb.
What do those have to do with what I said?
this stupid fucking dog holy shit
No amount of nukes is enough for japs.
I don't care about sexualization, just don't fucking taint old franchises with CucK-ON shit.
Why don't you actually look at the image OP posted instead of jumping to random conclusions?
Money is money. It's not like konami is above this.
I'm not sure why you're bitching about this.
It's a coin-op game that will only be available in Japan.
also this isn't even the first time this has happened
Otomedius was released in 2007.
I don't fucking hate waifus. I hate pandering and throwing away the integrity of a franchise to either A: revive the franchise as a cash cow and drag its name through the mud or B: use it as a final cash grab before throwing the franchise away forever
Though it being a spin-off is not lost on me. I still don't like it though.
"Waifus" i.e. bishoujo characters (waifu makes no sense in this context) are a normal part of Japanese games and have been for a long time, they have nothing to do with "pandering" or "cash grabs."
sure ya don't
"Are you my master?"