
A new visual novel released on Mangagamer recently called Munity. It's about a slut going treasure hunting with a group of monster girls. Including a chubby moth maid, dog girl, drider, fairy, muscular bear woman, sphinx, and possibly more as the game goes on. The music is pretty pleasant too. Would post this on /monster/ but I'm not sure how they handle yuri content.!8KJXlYpS!W95gdwlBpbBSGNxgc56KY1RDfojEpHt4iukVVxBh7NU

You can buy it here if you want.

And here's an interview.

I'm only about 30 minutes in and enjoying myself. However they could definitely give an indicator that you have AUTO mode on. It's nice you can rewind scenes instead of just a log, but a log would be good too. It'll probably have an update down the line like they usually do on Mangagamer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Would also post this in the Visual Novel thread but that's nearly dead. I'll just wait for a new one to be made.


Eventually all these localization companies are going to realize it's a lot cheaper to do exclusively oelvn because they don't have to actually translate anything and more profitable because most of their audience is so desperate for content they'll take anything.

I wouldn't mind if the art, or writing was good but a lot of oelvns are are shit due to people being lazy shits or trying to push and agenda.

Also OP isnt this game full to the brim with Futa content as well? I mean I'm okay with it but it triggers a lot of peoe here.


Death sentence.

I can understand the distaste of futa, but what do you have against pure girls having pure love?

What point is there in the girls being monster girls if they are not out there raping boys?

Is this western?

yuri is cuckoldry. Why would you prefer not banging the waifu of your choice? Why would you rather watch them fall in love with the opposite gender and know they would never choose your dick? Stop being a gay, user.

user, I agree with you but if you keep this up you'll summon the yurifags.

Let them. Yuri's place is for my own amusement before I MFF them. Anything else should be an executable offense.

You make a fine point, dubsman.

this guy put it better than I could.

They're not real so you're not going to be banging any of them.



whats the fucking point


futa is LITERALLY the absolute peak of fetishes, it combines the best of both of the primary drives that all other fetishes are built upon. having a single girl (male) with ALL sex organs is literally perfect, ANYTHING can be expanded from that, including things that aren't otherwise possible!

it truly is… the ultimate lifeform

Using this logic doesn't any form of media that features a love story or sex without you as the protag cuckoldry?

But to the ultimate form sex is USELESS

Are we soon reaching the event that VNs will include DLC cancer?

might as well say that everything ois cuckoldry then since it's 2D and you get to watch your "waifu" being banged by someone else



But user Mark himself said it was vidya :^)

This is what happens when something turns into a buzzword and people just use it as the go to insult even if it doesn't even fit.

So then it's a puzzle game? Say that in the OP you fucking nigger. You're the one shilling a furry game here.


Anime and comic books ruined what a woman should look like in my brain. I am dating a girl with DD breasts and in my head thanks to porn games those are categorized as small to me. How do I undo this?

I think I'll pass OP

its a man!

Stop jacking off to anime girls with mega-mammaries.

Disregard 3DPD

Almost half a year ago you mean.

Focus on ass instead you pleb.

Closeted homosexuality is the ULTIMATE FETISH LITERALLY YOU GUYS.

Sure thing fagalag


Your next words will be "user! Did you plan to wrap all the way around back to vanilla from the very beginning!?"

Tags say yuri and futa so I it definitely does. But I doubt everyone here dislikes futa. Just like when people here used to play otome games and enjoyed them despite being male because it was fun to make a female character develop and the guys were actually good characters.

You didn't even bother reading any of the links I provided and you're calling me a nigger because you jumped the gun to shitpost? Just stop.

You found this out after dating and not before? Just stop fapping so much.

You should love boobies of all sizes; you're not truly a tits man if you don't. Then accept that most people writing on or drawing big anime tiddies don't actually know squat about real breasts.
Also count your lucky blessings; despite the shitposting you'll get, there's loads of people who would kill for a chance to date, especially a girl as well stacked as that.

Dump your girlfriend, faggot.



You know Monster girls existed way before KC. Not everything revolves around his universe.


This game sucks.

Does the protag have a dick?

This, they all have their own charm to them.

Gou-dere was a fun manga. But it wasn't nearly as funny later on as it was near the beginning. Every scene with the dojo instructor was great.

Nope. Grace is dicked by futa monster girls.


This board sucks

It does

this was out on nutaku for a while now before steam and mangagamer versions. There were torrents then.

Massage them everyday until they grow to the right size



Wasted trips

Using monstergirls exclusively for yuri is what's awful. And it leaves the door open for futa which is infinitely worse

I bet it doesn't even have multiple choice

You're tempting me, but OELVN means it's probably trash.

Chubby monstergirls give power to my soul.


I have been rused for the last fucking time.

Sure kid, sure.


Just be sharp.

Fraking hell, I meant to spoiler. But yes, still don't like the artstyle.

i respect your right to have a shit opinion.

dont tell me, thats a centaur?, also the art doesnt look THAT bad, i have seen way worst from other nips

very distinctly western imitation, once you get in close it really looks bad.

It looks fine to me.

And I forgot to mention:
This is like a perfect storm of shit.

The first post reads like some shitty forum role play sex to me. Is the entire game like this?

Post more Chubby Moth Maid.

Probably. I'm not gonna check that myself though.


They're pozzed as fuck. They have a Dragonmaid thread, for christ's sake.

Thank you. Holla Forums needs more pro-male posters like you.

Female bisexuality is a meme, user.

Nice strawman.

I'm pretty certain that this is from a group in the UK.

Dunno, these guys aren't doing so well despite their great style. It's kinda a shame.

I shouldn't have to you dumb nigger. All you advertised was a VN furry game. I'm not going to click on links if that's all it looks like on the front page.


So not a game?
Go suck all of the dicks OP

is kemono monster or furry?

Everything with non-human characteristics falls under the spectrum of furry.

niggers are furry?

tiles are furry?

Nigger that's called a carpet

Let me tell you about Lupiesoft. Basically they are pretty retarded and really fucking jewy. They've made 3 games:

-The Menagerie, This was their game with the most potential. It's a piece of shit VN that very much feels like somebody's first game. One of the 3 routes is completely fucked from an internal constistency point of view and there's some continuity errors in the others as well. Not to mention the way it's completely filled with speeling errors, I thought this game was made by russians at first.
Despite all that it still had a really weird charm though, Or maybe it's just that the buff dark elf was pretty hot. They could have fixed their goddamn writing and spelling errors and actually released a really good VN, instead they never patched shit and just announced some DLC that'll fix everything (to this day I have no idea when that is supposed to come out).

-Stargazers: Money/Time completely wasted. It has a lot less errors than Menagerie, but it's fucking snoozefest that just sort of "ends" after a couple hours. Like, it doesn't reach a climax or anyhting, it just kind of stops and rolls the credits. How did they fix this? Made a kickstarter that completely fell on it's nose, and now this game probably is abandoned like The Menagerie.

-Mutiny: It's decent in quality compared to their other games, but there' still a lot of shit in it. The minigames and puzzles are something i would expect a child to code. Also half the game is locked behind DLC out of 7 characters 4 aren't even done, and they want you to pay for when they will. Spelling errors and other writing mistakes again never got fixed.

The fuckign worst thing is that I had the misfortune to read what the main dev, Tao, thinks of his work and jesus fuck is he a dipshit. He threw this fuckign rant on twitter moaning and bithcing about how VNs are only given the time of day when they're from Japan and hwo he has it so hard as somebody who makes western VNs.
I think he doesn't get that if he doesn't even care about his own games, no one else will either.
Pirate Lupiesoft games until they get their shit together. Or just play something else even if you're a monsterfag.

No. While disgusting furries are usually depicted as having human intelligence.

Isn't this made by the guy who makes Fizzy Lifting Boobs out of Touhous?

Not as long as there's no snouts amaright? :^)

It never ceases to amaze me how faggots find this shit attractive, its hilarious

Mimics pretty cute tho

I don't know how anyone could be desperate for content. The number of Japanese VNs alone on Steam is huge, and the bigger ones you can spend tens of hours on.

I just next any OELVNs unless they look like they're really well-made. Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll by Soviet Games seems promising.

Look at that "quality" art.

Of fucking course she does. Can't just let a girl be muscular. Degenerate faggots.

This is really not helping.

too many animal dicks

I like the girls in Menagerie and Stargazers, but I don't feel like playing them because the dev left them unfinished. They really have to learn to work on one project at a time.

There's a dickless musclegirl in The Menagerie. The only things they ever almsot got right.


Ahah oh fucking shit.

Nice thumbnail faggot

Everything has a dick in the game, I don't know what you're so surprised for.

I really don't get this line of thinking.

This is amazing. It's like you people don't watch anime subbed.

You say that like it was made in the US or has anything to do with US politics.
Speaking of dragons there is a VN called Dragon Date set to release sometime soon.

They be crazy son.
Fags that WANT to look at men and manly bodies instead of womanly curves.

Futa on female is 100% heterosexual if the focus isn't on the dick.

Which it by default will be, because it's specifically about adding dicks to places where they shouldn't be.

I was contemplating murder before, now it's set in fucking stone. Disgusting black nails.

Yeah, focus isn't always on it for every work, but the majority of futa on female has its eyes on the dick more than normal MF stuff does.

Obviously MF could potentially be aimed for heterosexual males, unlike futa that solely exists for penis obsessed homos.

I started replaying monster girl quest thanks to this disappointing shit and it's just so much better. In every single way. It's been a few years since it was robbed of GOTY by some reddit shit, but I think if you haven't played it recently you should give it another shot.

If you want more monster girl games, there's also the first Tokyo Tenma, although it has not been translated. The sequel got a massive content update but I don't think anyone shared it yet.

I watched the first episode and thought it was 100% dreck

it's pretty inoffensive and perfectly enjoyable. so, you never watched SoL before?

Nobody was asking your opinion on the show's quality.

They gave me a free copy for one of their VNs. The game looked absolutely fantastic but had a mediocre story.

I don't think they understand that the writing is more important than the art. I wasn't a fan of the fact that it had no choices either but they overcorrected and made their next game a damn puzzle game.

If you honestly believe that futa on female is superior to male on female, then you just hate men and fell for Japanese-Jewish tricks. No, seriously, the first futa artists were jewish hapas. And before any of you closet man-haters make a strawman:
PoV > Solo >>> Male on Female >>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yaoi = Futa on Female = Yuri

t. SJW

I cannot understand how yaoi is less gay than futa on female and yuri.

No, they are 200% monstergirls.

SJWs hate men, retard.

Oh look at that, yaoi is EQUAL in degeneracy to both of those! You're a fucking liar.

I'm not a liar, I'm just fucking retarded

Props for owning up to it. We can only learn from our mistakes, after all.


Masturbate to loli instead. Then you can be disappointed in that her breasts are too big.


Monster futas go on >>>/chaos/ , user.

This poor thread.

it begins

Which is also a monstergirl/boy/futa board. Not a furry board.

This pic is what all strawman arguments aspire to be. Beautiful.

Do moths have ovipositors? That's an easy way to make a yuri monstergirl bearable.

Anyone needing a guide to differentiate MG from furfaggotry is either retarded or doing it on purpose, this guides are a meme.

Are you autistic?


You forgot to say no homo bro.

Goodbye thread

remember if its not 100% human its furry this includes niggers


it may be b8 but its the truth

Can't you faggots at least sage when you bait and shitpost?

We have IDs here furfag

This is such shit graph, I remember when the only thing that separated monshit from furshit was if it had a snout or not, jesus how casual has /monster/ become.

calling out furfags make you a furfag okay buddy back to reddit

This image is mostly right, but centaurs are furry, or at the very least half bestiality (unless the vagina's on the front, but that's just weird). You can't deny this.

Stop derailing the fucking thread and filter this faggot

Do you honestly believe it had a chance? It's getting to the point where any mention of monstergirls here leads to a furfags vs. /monster/ autismfest

Are you trying to say arachnes aren't MG?

That's because they have horse pussy and not human pussy

Arachnes are fine if the vagina's on the front. Although that one's kind of spooky with the spider eyes and everything.

i wish furry and monster would go back to there containment boards

Here, have a pic of her before she evolved into a monstergirl.

Wouldn't that be something

its funny i call them out on there degenerate fetish they explode call me a furfag for calling them out and then they hugbox with charts /monster/ is the gift that keeps on giving

Nice try on misdirecting, furfag.

as you can see they cant handle somebody calling them out so they call you a furfag even thought you said its all trash

would you

Do you want them to get out or bait them to death?

Two awful tastes that taste awful together

nigger wearing a fursuit

i fucking called it

That's even worse than being a furry.

purge this filth

because i would

Jesus christ, kid. >>>/tumblr/

nice strawman, heres a reply

This thread derailment has gone too far

Monster girls are ___ furry.

Just let it go.

This, now delete this thread.

For being autistic she's pretty expressive.
Which makes me doubt she's autistic.

Chris-chan is expressive.

yes, sauce

Does this monster girl look furry to you?




Every thread

nice one


prove that we're the same person
oh wait you can't haha you fucking idiot

I want neofag to leave

yes user, using terms like "haha" truly is the death of the board, not cancerous political (or shitposting in this case) derailment of every thread


This is completely true and all you faggots know it

She looks …familiar

Isn't that just double nigger?

I actually like the artstyle and I don't mind futa on female, though it's a shame there are only two a half sex scenes counting the horse guy sucking himself off.

fify, you double nigger faggot.

Sure could tell it was western. The writing was by far the weakest part, cap constantly talking about how she wants to fuck everyone, strictly only casual sex allowed.
They had some good concepts to work with, but the execution was just subpar in most cases. I like futa and it was still disgusting starting the whole VN with "wow nice bulge makes me super wet xddd", so many of the non-sex-scene art having bulges, it's just trying too hard.
The art was largely well done, but then they cheaped out on the sex scenes, which is moronic for an eroge. They were pretty damn short even, and as usual, not well written and vulgar just for the sake of it. It's like someone who has barely played nip VNs and has no idea what makes them good went to write a VN with blackjack and hookers.
The character designs were pretty nice, although a lot of them are almost carbon copies of existing characters, still better than trying to make their own and fucking it up.

The writer is a tranny as far as I know. That might explain it.

Are there any other vns simular to this?
Futa doesn't have to be a requirement

good taste

Sez the man who prefers to look at big, burly men and listen to their sexual grunting noises.

Fuck that, I want as much woman on screen.


Look at this retard and laugh with me.

Watching man fuck a women is somehow more "manly" than watching two women going at it.
Dear, lord 5cdd32, contain thy faggotry! This board can't contain sucking of such magnitude.


she was superior like that.

They are shit.

Insect and mammal do not mix.

Fuck off, furfags. Nobody likes you, stop invading Holla Forums.
Go shill your shit game on /fur/.


Yeah, your posts are so much more relevant because you've posted (11) times. Have a free (you) while I'm at it! Gee, this is such a great way to regard posts here, things in parentheses. If only you were also a namefag, perhaps a (((Morty Goldberg))) so that we could encapsulate those as well.

Also he's right; Yiff in hell, furfag.

Cant find source. Help?


It's like pottery, every single time.
A degenerate is a degenerate, you can't say it's only a half.

is it made by nips? if no disregard



I cannot fathom how you fucking retards never realize that by demonizing Jews to the point where you talk of them as some all-powerful boogieman who is behind every single fucking thing you deem bad you're actually making it harder for people to believe that they are actually a threat. You're diminishing the things they do by making them look like saturday morning cartoon villains instead of focusing on facts. You know why Nazis went from a scary threat to a joke to it being an edgy thing to call yourself? Because (((they))) pushed their narrative so much that it became too retarded to believe.
You're doing the exact same mistake as your enemies and you are too blinded to see that.

but only female POV

Nazis were only a 'scary threat' in the first place because of jews

Inserting as the woman is even more pathetic than inserting as a monster or fat old man


t. No One Likes A Wehraboo


Actually you are right, they were a scary threat because of jews and (((communists)))

Memes only work when they are correct, that one isnt.

Adapt or fuck off


Futa on female is more str8 than male on female you cannot deny this.


Yes I can, because you're saying that males are inherently gay and that makes you a sex traitor.

Why wouldn't I want to overcome my waifu's sexuality through the power of my dick? That's a much more meaningful relationship than your waifu already being straight. Plus, you know that they won't fuck any other man because they're still a lesbian that just so happens to be in love with a single dude.

Did you not notice?

For fuck's sake.

I like the way you think, user.

Kinda disappointing.


I wish my dick was as long as my torso.

imagine shoving that thing all the way into your waifu and pushing her womb into her chest

not something small dicked futafags can begin to imagine

Why stop at one of the girls when you can make them both your wives

It's not cuckoldry if they're both my waifus.

If nobody else says it, excellent taste user.

As someone who has almost never been able to jerk it to any porn with a dick or most anything that gives focus on a man at all, I find this generally agreeable
solo the best though

that's because futafags want their waifus' dicks up them.



lol homo


Intl detected

Amazing a newfaggot falls for bait from intl yet again.


Yuri is only fine for porn. Any story involving yuri is just trash.

That sort of thinking gets you sued for rape, and your life ruined.

Nice copout, I'm not taking you seriously anymore.

Nice strawman, just what I expect from traitors like you.

Are you actually autistic or just stupid?

Truly, you are the mind of the generation.

Going anywhere near women who don't """"""approve"""""""" of you counts as rape these days. Do you seriously think we were talking about real women?

Skimmed the thread, disappointed no one covered this.

Yuri is degenerate rugmunching trash which idealizes relationships even more toxic than bugchasing gay dudes. They have by far the highest domestic violence rates of any coupling and god knows what else if I was assed to look it up.
Go to 4chan's /u/ to get an idea of who consumes this shit and remember it's supposed to be a porn board.

Tumblr has a huge futa+female audience, by the way.

Nigga that place was compromised by SJWs years ago. Don't lump all yuri fans in with them.

Yuri is so delusional that you might as well kill yourself if you like it, because your grasp on reality is so tenuous a puff of wind might collapse your mind.

Point, though /u/ in particular went to hell LONG before all the gamergate shit.

Self-insertion is a basic cognitive function—since we are highly social animals and empathy is a base function for human survival in a group—which happens nigh-automatically and as a mechanic for telling a story it is highly effective, especially once you managed to reel in the reader or watcher.

Which means that if you're watching futa or yuri, you are either getting off to the idea of:



Well, can you name some good ones?

Koukaku no Pandora

Fenoxo pleaseleave.

Any vn/nukige with futa or newhalf worth my time?

Better off reading shitty fanfics.

Such as?

Wouldn't know. Not vidya. But there's no VN's like that with a worth while art style so you're better off with words.


So, which are you?

The type of person who doesn't forcibly self insert into all media Mr armchair psychologist.

Bible black has horse cocks?

No, it doesn't, that wasn't what was asked for.

Seishoujo's art is decent, conversely everything he draws for has a story/content problem.

I would also like to say that the Fate series has two canonical futas at least in one point in time however you will never have any scenes involving them as much as it being referenced.

Come on now, you can tell me. I won't make fun of you.

Futa's rarely drawn well. Either way unless I forget it's still a VN without gameplay elements. This question is better for /hgg/.


It's a gateway, retard.

The game has a pretty comfy story and some lovable charterers if you can get past the whole futa thing. Still has problems like the transitions being kind not very smooth and some content being locked in DLC but overall it an enjoyable experience.

So all the naughty talk is basically done since it won't ever talk about any body part of mine that I actually want to be talked about other than my mouth and hands?

I'm giving it a go. I've never played a VN before, so what can I expect? Are you supposed to play for the story or masturbate to it?

It's futa and yuri, so you get both

This is a genuinely bad choice for your first VN. You can go ahead anyway, but keep in mind that most VNs are substantially different from this one in content and tone. From this one in particular, you can expect some story and some masturbation and a bit of a mangled mess of both. It's not an outstanding example of either.


Go for Saya no Uta as a first VN instead.

post the lewd scenes

Fucking pathetic.

Nonnegotiable. Should have just waited for a new VN thread for this shit.

Including Ohio?

You will NEVER replace men, traitor. Lesbians will be exterminated like the pests they are, for men are the world's masters. Your sick idea of "love" will be your undoing. My one and only demand for you is to live, so I can have the pleasure of watching you hang with the dykes you worship.

This has all of my fetishes but reading VNs fucking bores me

Right out the gate you just demonstrate what a pathetic, presumptuous arrogant retard you factually are. You sound almost like that pathetic subhuman that screeches at any mention of that Angelica girl from Trails of Cold Steel.


Kill yourself with a chainsaw and stop stealing oxygen.

and floortiles, yes.

Lesbian apologists like you have no right to give orders.


That means it hasn't been done and I can do it without it being a no u. Do allow me to destroy you utterly, it's no different for being punished for a whiff in a fighting game:

She must have one hell of a butter face for her to hide it like that.

Are yo uautistic?

Absolute worst taste.

Yuri is fine and so is vanilla, but this contains futa which is more /chaos/ than /monster/
I'm sure if you didn't make a thread soley about this game but posted it in the vn/vidya thread there you wouldn't get banned
Then again the mods are autistically ass so who really knows

There are H scenes in this game? But considering how the protagonist is a girl, is probably shit.


Trap moths ?

They're all fucking men

It ain't gay if it's got XX chromosomes, mate.

what about XXY though?

looks like every other transgender fuck I've seen

Where are you faggots coming from?



Is fucking a ghost necrophilia? You can't apply real world logic to magical shit

Spurdo poster endorses tranny insanity, good to know.

Well, no.
Necrophilia is fucking a corpse.
So fucking zombies is, but ghosts are not



wow you're gay

Are all the recent normalfags from cuckchan? 5091bc can't be from anywhere else.


t. fag

It's not necrophilia if they're still moving

U loved this game

it was aight

You sound like some boomer faggot talking about how video games cause school shootings.

That artwork is shit. Perfect for the underaged retards here on Holla Forumseddit.


whats up with the influx of neofags and normalfags?

Kemono literally means "animal" in japanese.

It's not "japanese furry"

Fucking retards

Literally what the fuck is wrong with all the overwhelming retardation in this specific thread?

Soooooo…… any chance of a reup on that?
