
I'm looking for a RPG from this year to play, is this good? Or should I go with Original Sin instead? Has there been other good RPG releases this year at all?

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they are both pretty bad. about equally bad.

Get Original Sin 2.
It's by far this years GOTY.

dont listen to this fag. elex is actually pretty good.

don't listen to this shill, it's dogshit

dont listen to this hater, it's just a bit rough around the edges

Don't listen to these hotheads both are mildly mediocre but worth trying.

Get persona 5, nier automata, or nioh

Western games nowadays are pretty shit tbh


Fags like you need to commit sudoku, you are the reason the term "weeaboo" exists

I meant modern western games are turning to shit with shitty/greedy business practices. Everybody knows that user, its better not to give any of those cunts your money at all and enjoy actually good games made with actual fun and good game mechanics in mind such as nipponese games.
Certain indie games are good too but this thread isnt about them.

South Park: The Fractued But Whole, created by Matt Parker and Trey Stone

elex is good but janky, and somewhat buggy - it's an enjoybale experience so far imo, anybody who has an extreme opinion is probaby a retard so keep that in mind

It's shit. Uninstalled the pirated (GOG) version in 4 hours. The controls and combat are cancer.


You have a single fact to back that up?

It was always a mediocre game company that only makes Gothic-like games. Their initial success was pure luck. So far Elex seems like a step in right direction, maybe by the time they make not-Gothic 20 they'll finally refine their formula and create the ultimate masterpiece.

ELEX is actually almost on par with Risen 1 on top of not turning into a linear dungeon crawl halfway through, aside from some retardation leftover from Risen 2/3 including the gayass lockpicking minigame, shit UI, visible enemy weapons not being lootable on bodies, and not being able to loot KO'd NPCs. The C&C and the 'PB curve' is still very much real here, so you start off like a little bitch and end up a godlike faceroller. On Ultra you'll spend most of your initial levels running away from mobs. The jetpack is not a gimmick and actually useful for both exploration and combat. Enemies have ranged attacks so you can't cheese fights with the jetpack. The publisher excuse might have been true given that there's no retardation like QTEs and invisible walls blocking off sections of the map. It's a gud 7/10 kind of game.


I can even give you Elex since that game is made with a tiny budget, lots of reused assets/animations and is clunky and outdated as shit, but so are a shitton of modern Japanese games and Elex doesn't have shitty business practises, both games are even DRM free and the first even has mod support from the get go and level making tools
If you mean big budgeted AAA games, sure
But give me something akin to Total War or Rimworld made by the Nips, you simply cannot while many of the funds are being funneled towards shallow JRPGs or Beat em Ups
Just like something akin to Firepro Wrestling would be nearly impossible to be made by a western dev
Both markets have their pros and cons and if you can't find and enjoy games from both regions you should kill yourself

"Muh western games" is just as bad as "Muh Weeaboos"

But not jap games, just take a look at noodle fantasy.

Rimworld? Total war? I'm so sorry that you like to consume shit, user.


I also highly enjoy EDF and Falcom RPGs
Tell me about your shitty fucking taste chucklefuck

buymygame/10 review fellow opinion influencer

user why are you so baity


And I thought it couldn't get worse

How so?
Maybe I wasn't clear, I really do enjoy those games.
Finishing up Xanadu Next, already on Strangerock Castle, trying to level up to get the Vorpal blade with the help of the Bonus point Guardian.

Wheres the argument?
Wheres the vidya you like?
I see nothing there in your shitpost

You're doing it again.

I blame the shift of developers for the game turning into shit. The new guy had so much to work with yet he still ran the game into the fucking ground. Incompetent developers/studios need to all be fucking gassed.


Dude I want to help you


You can, by leaving

Elex can be fun if you are going to handle poor controls, put up with shit interface and endure clunky combat. Because they actually filled the game's world with something worthwhile to look at and explore. Some people here play mediocre repetitive weebshit here like Falcom's games or Neptunia. Well, Elex is exactly that mediocre shit, but western.

Wheres your shit taste?
You still haven't posted them even though all 3 of your posts are nothing but shit ones.

Vince is Vault Dweller, right?

The Age of Decadence creator

Sage is not a down vote, dear redditor. Here, have a .webm of your friend also from reddit I assume.

Shh, don't tell anyone the secret that people with shit taste are actually gaslighting an entire board to respect their extremely mediocre weebshit which is one game from another being same shit over and over again. Snes, PS1 and some PS2 jrpgs were alright. But everything turned down a drain since PS3/Vita era with repetition and completely bland looking designs everywhere.
Also almost non of them grew out of ps2 graphically and more than half of things people enjoy in their autistic circlejerking "general" threads are vita ports or sequels of vita ports.

Your bait is garbage
Post your shit taste or stop posting

Bait? What bait? This is you sperging out for 5 posts about having a shit taste and being called out on it. You're still using sage wrong, by the way.


This is a very interesting combination of posts.

Hows Grim Dawns Ashes of Malmouth by the way?

No, you're still using it wrong. Keep at it, I'm sure you'll get it right eventually.

Pirate it you faggot. There's a GOG release.
Also, it's shit.

No it isn't. It's horrendous. Two Worlds is vastly superior in almost every way. That bad.


You fucked up

The RPGCodex likes ELEX


checked but i still have to ask

Get Fallout 4 instead user!



depends on what you like. if you liked the gothic series this should be right up your alley. exploring the world is great fun, they actualy put some work into some of the quests this time around and progressing from hobo to demigod is as fun as it ever was.
its a nice return to form from the godawfull mess that risen 2&3 were.

more on your level actualy, but yes if you cant afford weapons and healing youre not going to survive. whats the game supposed to do, just give handouts to the people to retarded to play? bunch of inbred bearnie sanders supporters.



Divinity OS is fun, though the writing is very hit and miss. At times it veers into 'lolsorandom' reddit tier writing, but more often that not it's serviceable prose that is succinct and not

Too many RPGs from that last few years go that wall of text route and with the exception of The Age of Decadence aren't engaging. I've tried getting myself through Obsidian's 'Tranny' and 'Pillars of Eternity' both they're written in a way that is exhausting. Kind of like a high school kid that is trying too hard to look sophisticated by throwing their dictionary at an assignment.

Fuck lizards
Play Underrail and Age of Decadence instead

This game is actually pretty good if you can ignore or avoid the flaws. You get shit on until you get stronger. The Gothic 1 and 2 way. It really is a return to form for PB.
A few minor bugs like some T-posing and minor crashing but nothing completely game breaking.

ELEX is unironically amazing.

RPGCodex also likes PoE and thinks Dragon's Dogma has good combat. Why does anyone care what they think again?

Holla Forums thinks that too, mind you.

RPGCodex doesn't like PoE, try again.

RPGCodex had shit taste to love Grimoire, let that sink for a moment.

Even in space the Aussie must shitpost

Here's a question, aside from the obvious barabait, is Bastard Bonds any good?

I've never played Gothic, but so far I think the game is pretty decent. I've seen so much about it being absolute garbage, so maybe that helped set my expectations.

o boy, you made me laugh, take a break from video games and grab a book or something.
Its the dumbest sentence i've read in a long while

Both have cons, but I found OS2 way worse and 1000% more boring. It's even worse than OS1.
I know everyone circlejerks abouts it, both oldfag-wannabes and lugenpresse, but it's a fucking nothing really.

Get elex. It has a very rough start though.
So I'd advice to use all first stat points and money on armor (Alric sells it who also trains crafting). Otherwise it's going to be very frustrating.

The combat is fucking clunky, there's no direction in the story, when I was fucking looting the converter I got forced into a cutscene where I walked up behind albs in close fucking range and immediately got shot at and obviously died because I was forced to not only get within aggro but also be put out in the fucking open with no cover when they have FUCKING PLASMA RIFLES
the story is forgettable, the melee is arbitrary, ranged aiming is off fucking center, movement is so fucking garbage I wanted to stable my fucking nuts together, and dialogue options which you are immediately introduced to are locked behind skillups that you HAVE TO FUCKING PAY FOR IN FUCKING ELEXIT WHILE ALSO HAVING THE ATTRIBUTE UPS PREREQUISITES.
There's no possible way to tell when one of these fucking conversation skill checks will occur, and when they do happen,
it's fucking SHIT

Git gud you scrub, and i am telling you completely seriously, you obviously played things like skyrim too much, where everything controls through first person, and doesn't have pauses/animation fluidity of real third person movement mechanics which you need to get used to.
Now you also complaining about attribute prerequisites, they are there because its a fucking roleplaying game.
Just because you die so much from every monster because you don't get enough xp from quests doesn't mean the game is bad designed. I bet you're shit at Dark Souls too. You would be even shit at gothic 2 as well.
Only scrubs and niggers who can't into handling and playing for days are the ones hating elex for small things like this. The game dev's philosophy is to focus on setting, story and game's world, while delivering classic rpg experience within simples third person combat mechanics.

That said, we got a crowd that only plays dragon age, witcher and skyrim for their action rpg nonsense, they cannot get into gothic since gothic has no hand holding and its cruel to stupid player at its core.

Kill yourself you trash-game orbiting faggot. If you could address my fucking points properly maybe anyone would take you seriously. It's not a case of "git gud" it's a case of "avoid all mobs until you've achieved enough reach-around to overpower them through sheer XP and item advantage through avoiding, perhaps rightly, their dogshit fucking story in favour of sniping rotboars and critters while gaining items". It's a case of "We've taken so many fucking design directions with our poor attempt at designing a fucking world that we don't know where the fuck to go with anything also LOLstamina"

agreed, but if you use cheat engine or artmoney to cheat a little it gets less bad later on.

What the fuck is the sauce on that spoopy gif?

in your dreams you horny bastard.

combat is too difficult and you don't get a lot of freedom outside of which faction you join. Also the writing isn't that great.
But I agree, it's bretty gud.

is this a copy pasta

am I supposed to kill enemies that don't have a skull icon?
Because they still kick my ass

Yeah well, it is no secret that some people on Holla Forums have shit taste in video games. Otherwise we wouldn't have so many mobile gachashit threads every day.

There's nothing wrong in what he said. Every game has flaws and the only way to enjoy them is by ignoring or accepting those flaws and focusing on what the game actually did right. If the good outweighs the bad, then the game is good, otherwise it's bad.
I haven't played ELEX enough to judge whether it's good or bad yet, but just having "flaws" doesn't automatically make it a bad game.

Well. You can wait till someone will call you post a bait. Any minute now.

Yes, that's how other PB games like Gothic work. You start off as a little bitch and try to make your way up in any way possible. You're free to go wherever, but strong monsters are meant to naturally discourage you from going gung ho all over the place. The game uses flat DR instead of level scaling or percentage-based reduction, meaning using a weapon with 40 DMG against an enemy with 30 DR and 100 HP will deal 10 DMG per strike and take 10 hits to kill, whereas a weapon with 45 DMG will deal 15 DMG per strike and take it 7 hits to kill. This is intentional so even the slightest upgrade to your gear will feel like a massive step forward. There is no loot hamster wheel to speak of here. Remember that moment whenever you get new armor in the Gothic games and how many more possibilities are opened to you? That is the kind of feeling ELEX is striving for.

These games are still action RPGs, so you can still get by through skill alone and some decent gear. You don't need to have ridiculously OP gear to make any progress. That's only if you really suck at the combat, so for good measure I've linked a video explaining some of the combat system in ELEX given that the game itself does a rather poor job at it.

oh snap.

sape detected

Get Original Sin 2 I'd say. I've heard much better things about D:OS 2.

I think you have your head up your ass there. ELEX is shit.

Wrong. PoE is shit also.

Wizardry fans orgasmed over another Wizardry game. Surprise surprise.

ELEX is good.

Wrong. PoE is good also.

So which one of us is going to start putting in some serious effort into their posts?

im 22 hours in,discovered that certain decisions affect the gameworld Abessa conflict for example and i finally got the combat system figured out. You attack again at the end of the combat animation to fill your "special attack meter thingy" faster so you can use the powerful special attacks. Now that i know about these things and joined the Clerics Xenos,mutants,snowniggers and literal niggers can fuck right off, heil calaan the game is even more fun.

If you liked Gothic and Risen this game is for you.
t.liker of both

Probably you, since you're the one making recommendations. Feel free to enlighten us on what's so good about those games.

I just discovered the fucking Plasma Rifle and its aoe shot. Previously I was on the fence between Clerics and Berserkers but the power of plasma rifles has convinced me. These fuckers stunlock ogres and knocks anything lesser to the ground. The rof is decent and since it's aoe CC it makes taking care of multiple mobs a fucking piece of cake.
Previously I was struggling against a single ripper. Now I just won a fight against 3 and I got hit once out of clumsiness.

And all this with a shitty 40 damage rifle. Ammo is kind of expensive though, holy fuck. How do I make elex? Haggler is only 5%, I tested it and quickly reloaded, that perk is trash. I heard pickpocketing is decent but haven't invested points yet.

Did you ever "complete" the Abessa Conflict quest that pops up in your log? I've talked with every NPC and ran around the place.

Did you ever "complete" the Abessa Conflict quest that pops up in your log?
No, i did the same you did but it stays in my log. Maybe you can finish it in the next chapter? (Im still in Chapter 1)
Exploran and Questan to be short and yes pickpocketing is breddy gud since everyone has at least 50 elex in his pocket.

maybe Haggler is better with more levels in it. just like in risen3 when 3rd level of it was 15 percent

How does it work exactly? I gave it 1 lvl for a test and tried to steal shit but was caught even though (I think) nobody saw me. Is this random and I have to load multiple times until I get a sucess or what?

Cleric city is so far the only place where I saw them, you got it mixed up. Report to the nearest suggestor for reeducation.

wow, the english VAs are horrible

play it in german

The problem is my shitty audio recording not the dub. German versions seems to me to be equal to the English version with some exceptions where English dub is better. Duras, for example has completely mismatched voice and face in German.

but i don't want to hear 'allahu akbar' every two minutes

is german better? why?

Did you guys play through the initiations of all factions before joining one? I'm currently 2/3 with Outlaws missing, should I bother with them or just save it for a different playthrough? I'm kind of settled on Clerics and honestly Outlaws would be my third choice in a faction.
Though I would miss out on exp and story context since the Outlaws will probably play a part even if I don't join them.

What a waste of time.

Also, where exactly do I have to go to join the clerics? The dude at the hort gate told me to go find someone, but I went off and did other things and he doesn't repeat the line or list it in the quest log.

Berserkers and Abessa have a bunch of easier quests if you need exp but if you want to head straight for The Hort you want to talk to Reinhold in the Cathedral.

You have trouble with entering or finding quests for joining?
If the former then you have to find Rainer somewhere in Edan. He's a traveling recruiter and he'll allow you to enter Hort but he's bugged a little. Ask him about his god. He'll ask you a few questions. If you don't lie he'll offer you to take you Hort. DON'T do that, it's bugged. He'll take you there but guard won't let you enter. What you have to do is lie to Rainer a least once and he'll knock you out and kidnap you.You'll wake up inside Hort with permission to walk in and out freely.

Other possible option but I didn't try it is to go walk up to a dude in front of a Hort, he promises he'll give you entry permit if you help him retrive his goods but I'm not sure if it works because I didn't try it.


You can also try to bribe him, he'll decline but instead says he wants a favor in return later on and lets you in. You can just deny the favor later on.

Also a bit further from the gate there's a trader, if you get 3 supply crates (guarded by 3-4 rippers) you can get a traders permit that lets you in as well. You can also choose some elix or a laser rifle as rewards instead.

It's the recruiter I was looking for, I've been all over the map but haven't found any clerics except at the hort or domed city. Plenty of dead ones though.
I did get the trader pass the first time I was there, but decided not to use it since it seemed like entering the "correct" way would make joining easier later.

you have to be unseen and have a high enough skill
also i never saw a single nigger in this game, breddy gud for germany 2017


I was looking for proof of melanoid people in Hort but got something better this is not a bug, by the way

And nier automata didn't have greedy business practices up the fucking ass?

you didnt do that one quest quick enough did you?i had sames and did it right after the robo chimpout
You wont find any nigres. Calaan only let's the Purest serve in his Ranks.

it had the same budget as the Witcher 2

Budget and talent are two different things

FYI there's a lot of collectables in Elex. There's the photograph collection of pictures which is pictures of the PB development team. Pic related I found in Tavar.
Also this game is beautiful at times. The freedom of movement is so liberating from all the other games with invisible walls everywhere.

and it's much better than tw2 and tw3



Usually the invisible walls are the limit to the world. Why try to go out into nothing, unless your modding the game to have a bigger environment.

This has to be bad copypasta.

I wouldn't be so sure when you look at all their posts…

and if you like any, send the devs some care packages or something

It's a janky Euro RPG. If you liked previous PB games you won't not enjoy Elex. Just don't expect to be blown away.

hi goon!


Why the fuck do weebs think like this? Do they think all of SA hate anime? I don't like weebshit because it's weebshit. Le ebin dating simulator visual novels (not games) don't interest me.


I can't decide if I want to bother doing the whole Outlaw intro quest lines when I don't intend to join them. How did you guys go about it, do all the factions quests before joining one or joined one straight away? I feel like choices in the Outlaw camp might have an impact even if I don't join them.

After 10 hours of playing i gotta admit its pretty good
Hard, but good

When it's done

I did every quest i could do before joining the clerics. XP and Elex for days.

No wonder that Gothic 1 and 2 were hits only in Germany and Poland, other peoples just lack the soul to understand superior German RPG mechanics

lol idiot


Yeah it's probably worth it for that alone. I wonder if helping out with that bomb is going to bite me in the ass later, or maybe it leads to something different.

They all have some little quirk that makes them sort of shitty, I like that. Feels like G1.

Jesus fuck, when do I get to genocide all these stupid fucking pieces of shit.

Just do all their quests and ditch them as soon as you can

how is performance? the risen 2 and 3 ran like shit

Its ok, not great but ok

Better than R2 and R3 anyway, haven't noticed any major dips below 60 on nearly highest settings on a GTX 970.

Does reading things even give you exp? There's a perk for it to add more exp, but I can't tell without numbers on the exp meter.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.


hi goon!

Because only goons and normalfags are retarded enough to call games made by and for Japanese people "weebshit".

Oh okay, let me call it otakushit instead then. It doesn't matter, these games are shit and only weebs and gooks like them.

Didn't know you could increase your stamina permanently with potions, going to make melee a lot more bearable.


Judging from the music selected for this games trailers its total ass. Going to trust the negative reviews on this one.

Original Sin 2 looks like it would be the perfect rpg if it weren't for the lame turn based combat. Why did they do that? I can handle isometric view but turn based is just stupid after they've already made real-time combat divinitys.

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

If you build for combat, it isn't too bad. The only time I had trouble in my last run with 2-h hammers was the elevator at the end with the murderbot rape squad and the arena champ who would throw knives that would crit through armor for 15-20 and never get dodged, despite my 10 dodge/no dodge penalty

Okay but lets be real.

why isn't anyone dumping pictures of NPCs faces, especially woman faces from this game?

that is truly the worst fucking part of it all.

What do you mean? They are normal

Post the version that has a benis



Faces in the game look fine. They aren't meant to be unrealistic waifufaggotry jack off material, just average, relatively normal females.

Can you fug grills in this game?

There is a prostitute/brothel in the game but i didnt do the quest yet for her so i dont know

They have sound webms over there now, albeit limited to their own board.

You'd be a retard to trust the reviews, they all whined about the game having enemies more powerful than you and that they got their ass handed to them. The only reason it got shit reviews is because they don't have opinion influencers tossing bricks of money at armies of shills and mainstream media reviewers to give it a high score, so it gets a low score. User opinions from people that actually play RPGs are great.


Sure is shilly in here.

Tbh Albs are autists but i like them regardless

Yes i bet that a small German company that has been struggling with budget for years and barely made this game still has a leftover budget to hire professional team of shills

no man, they actually all have huge eyebrows.

I don't think people trim their eyebrows too often in the post apocalypse.

does it take place in the future? is it the past? is it a souls clone? what the heeeeellll

Watch the goddamn intro again it explains all your questions
Now you fucking triggered me you god damn retard
Does the name "Gothic" tell you anything?

He's probably a newfag shitposter that came here with HWNDU or the election and now shits up everything else. Gothic is too old for his consolebabby retard mind not knowing anything before the Xbox 360 and PS3.


It doesn't say gothic.
It just says Elex and looks like shit.

Well, I was still lurking in /vr/ up till a few months ago, and I saw it used a couple times. They would link to the specific webm on the other board.

Leave this website and go back to halfchan you fucking faggot. Leave immediately and never come back.


Okay, game still looks like shit though.

When you cancerous casuals will reach enlightment and see that pure action games are the only ture artform of vydia?

You are no different than walking simulator fags.

Nice spacing



the autist mean by


I disagree my fellow anonymous, Action RPGs are the future especially the finest ARPGs on the market right now made by Bethesda™ Softworks and published by Zenimax®




Come on man, thats not an excuse for bad character design.

there's something very off about these characters, is it the eyebrow? is it the male hormones or masculine jaws? is it the fetal alcohol syndrome? who knows really.

he game is fun though but the characters look bad.

Is that the go to meme for casual faggots?
Pfff cant even put any effort into mememing, what a bunch of weak beta bitches

Females look fine, especially if you consider that the devs are germans so they dont have the best reference when it comes to women
On the other hand male characters look a little bit too unrealistic to me especially considering the setting, i mean the weird hairstyles mostly



name a reason for turn based combat to still exist. its shit user

Unirocnically i partially agree on this one
Most of the TBT games should have used real time with pause like 7.62 Hard Life or Silent Storm
I mean the technology allows it, its much more fluid and realistic this way, and allows much more tactical possibilities. I really dont get why more devs doesn't use real time with pause

If the game has rather in-depth combat which is ruined by it being in real time. That is to say, the majority of JRPGs do turn based combat poorly.

Silent Storm and 7.62 Hard Life both have in depth combat and they makes use of real time with pause in great way, i think the biggest thing that holds devs from using it is fear that it wont sell or just in general strong attachment to classic vidya mechanics

Bitch ass cunt bitch recycling old memes from cuckchan

LmAo you bitch ass cunt bitch casuals got nothing

Because it can be differently layered in a way no action game can and give out game mechanics that would be impossible otherwise or take a huge amount of money that only AAA shits have.

Duras is jewish. He looks exactly like a fat jew i knew.


ok. I cant really argue since I never touch tbc but I will give dos2 a try since it looks so damn good. Should I start with the first or skip to the 2nd?.


The real problem i have with albs is that their ideology would eventually completely deplete the elex resource and since there will be no way to reproduce it until the next meteorite, it will lead to them destroying each other and eventually disappearing as a group. I guess it was a social message about Oil or something.

ok i just completed the game and well…
Boss fight is ass and ending is just what you expect from a PB game. Breddy gud experience overall.

The Benis is stronger than the faith
t.wise man

What's your opinion on each faction?

I agree, but the depletion of elex as a whole is interesting concepts, Albs are self destructive, as soon as elex runs out they will canibalize and collapse that is pretty much obvious
Berserkers without elex would be reset to medieval level of tech without the magic, whole they might survive they would still set humanity back by at least 1000 years
Outlaws are just bunch of scavengers and lolbergs in my opinion, they are unable to build a stable and civilized society, with or without elex, not to mention that they cant even grow crops in their desert, they have to scavenge for resources the whole time while others fractions are sustainable

The best choice for humanity in my opinion are the Clerics, even when the elex runs out they still have advanced tech non-dependent on elex, they are self sustainable and able to manufacture everything they need to sustain a advanced society
their suggestors also use mind control/brainwashing with is my fetish

I hate to admit it, but i think developers themselves favor clerics. They are faction that looks too good in this setting. Even player who doesn't get into learning about each faction, would probably want to join clerics just because they have top gear. They are very imbalanced compared to others.

I joined the clerics because they have to coolest armor and somehow remind me of the Brotherhood of Nod. When you join you get to use Suggestion and Psy powers. Suggestion is useless shit.SHIT! But the Psy powers are strong and i mostly used those against harder enemies liked the boss
They being hardcore religious is annoying at times and Suggesting people because they don't share your opinion is commie tier.

The Outlaws just fuck around in a dessert and reminded me of raiders from Fallout dont forget to buy fallout 4 for evrry platform atleast twice
Will probably join them if i do a second playthrough. Oh and Stims are useless shit.

Berserkers are varg the faction which i wouldnt have a problem with but their armors look like ass and their rules are ass. NO TECHNOLOGY OR TALKING SHIT ABOUT THIS AND THAT OR WE WILL BAN YOU TO FUCK YOUR SHIT LAND.
Fuck that. Magic is cool and like the psy powers very powerful.

Honestly i hate to admit it but the strength of clerics comes from… weak combat system, its much easier to cheese things with ranged weapons that clerics provide than with melee from berserker for example.
Overall i find the clunky combat to be the weakest, again i hate to admit it but having more "skyrim like" melee combat would help this game a lot, i absolutely loathe the autolock on targets or the unfair duels where its very hard to dodge first hit

Thats a shame because in the beginning in the first settlement and outlaws settlement there is shit tons options to use suggestion but i think its virtually impossible to use it there considering that you have to be a part of clerics to learn it and when you are a part of fractions all quests from other fractions lock out (i dont know i still didnt joined any fraction but im lvl 10 and i intend to join clerics soon)

Also Clerics give me NOD vibes too, it must be the color scheme and armors


I like elex, it's not the best game but it's definitely an improvement over the risen games. I missed playing games that kicked your ass, i'm too used to playing watered down pussy RPGs so i'm getting tossed around pretty bad. For the people saying the graphics look bad, if you go to video settings you can change the render size, setting it to 150 percent makes a huge difference.

It feels nice seeing a developer I figured was dead make a new game. Now all we need is for them to make Gothic 4.

just wait for the anime mods, it will make everything better

Risen 2 and 3. Risen 1 is infinitely better than its sequels even if it isn't the best game that exists.

Risen 1 is true Gothic 3.

can I get that armor?

I hate to admit it, but you seem to really hate to admit it. :^)

Suggestion is only used on non cleric scum.
If you join the clerics the leader tells you to suggest him and is just like "LOL NICE TRY FGT"

Later you can straight up tell them their god isn't real and instead of going full mind wipe on you, they just say "We know m8, but it's useful to keep the plebs in check"


How are Clerics the best choice? They rely on Elex, as do everyone aside from Outlaws and living in metal huts is no future, you need nature again so I am extremely tempted to join Berserkers myself.

Retard. No better than commies, Clerics are absolute fags.

Go ahead and give the degenerate druggie scum and the boneheaded primitives equal rights. See how it works out.
Oh, right we already did that in Abessa and it turned into a bloodbath. Nice thinking there

You're the one that's going to get suggested for not praising Calaan (PBUH) enough a day and turned into a miner cuckboy, at least Outlaws are honest about their intentions and Berserkers are tough but fair with the Laws.

Again, clerics don't suggest their own, it's a way to deal with degenerates and criminal scum that doesn't involve murdering them and throwing them in a ditch like your precious degenerates would do. Plus you also won't get murdered for looking like you have more than five shards on you or for not immediately throwing that toaster you found on the 'technology had pile

Only for the tech, but even when the elex runs out they will still have advance tech, just not as advanced as during the elex times

That's a great image. Witcher 3 is garbage with a fancy ribbon. Still, I played more of it than I did Gothic, because Gothic is the clunkiest shit ever.

it's not bad after you get used to it

They mainly use the Elex to power stuff and they already have batteries. So what they need is a reliable power source, which shouldn't be that hard considering they live in a fucking volcano

Yeah and getting used to Gothic takes like 20 minutes

There are a couple of Cleric guards who you hear got the brain fucking while you walk around Hort, Oswald pisses himself when you turn him in for dealing Chems.

Serves that degenerate right for dealing with elex

You can free roam after the main quest. Nice.

A new age of plebians.

What do you expect from people who are used to button mash to victory?

Obviously, since so many play PBs games, but with the amount stuff there is to do and enjoy in life - especially with the number increasing as more things are made, and I become older, thus more knowledgeable and able to enjoy a larger number of hobbies/experiences - it's only getting more difficult to appreciate something so increasingly comparably flawed.

What's it like having only ever played Gothic?

Wait what the fuck? Did you even listen to any of the dialogue? Bad goys followers of Calaan get reeducated, which no doubt includes suggestion.

And how is it supposed to be bad exactly?

The fact that they cry about their linear moeblobbish final fantasy clones made of sugar, samefaced, plate eyed dolls and colored hairs in motherfucking western rpg thread is astonishing. Reminder that anime is not an artform. Even flawed western games are superior to anything japanese, since japan has no taste, it makes same looking and same playing shit since this century began. No wonder they now all play shitty mobile games, because jrpg grindan is no different from a mobile clicker. Japs put no effort into their games, they just get the crowd of moe loving faggots addicted to shit gameplay and shit visuals. Of course good japanese games exist, but they come out once in the 5-7 years and this isn't shit weebs usually consume, they also don't contain anime and directors of those projects hire actual fucking artists (nioh, dragon's dogma, dark souls). Japanese gamedev could be better, but moeloving consumers with waifu panties on their heads will not let the garbage go away. And you stuck with SJW culture not only as a destructive element, but also as an apologism for weebshit lovers on Holla Forums.

I just said what i wanted to say. Judge what you want, but judge smart.

This, im glad somebody finally said it

Because brainwashing is what commies do. Proper men (Berserkes) have laws and punishments, not CIA nigger MK Ultra mind control.

That's a good post. Exactly my thoughts.

im not op, but it seems clear you understand clunky differently. I also dont find gothic clunky, then again, what i do find clunky. If anything that differs even a little bit from AAA titles you find clunky, then well, gothic is extremely clunky, dont even touch older titles from early 90s
For me there are games that are clunky initially, they just take longer time to get used to, like ultima underworld. Games forever clunky are very rare, old adventure games maybe, where you have to input own words, like old Larry games.


I dont get it, you wanted to show us that flares get extinguished after some time?

it's clearly about the radio music, nerd.

This game was really hard to like at start, mostly due to the entire console aspect. Target locking, for example, was present in Gothic too, but it didn't fuck with the camera nearly as much and didn't automatically lock you on enemy the moment you got within ten metres of him. This shit Elex pulls makes crowd control very fucking difficult and you're bound to get raped in the back when fighting multiple enemies. You can unlock, but then your swings are bound to go into retarded directions half the time, so you gotta unlock, reposition so that you have enemies in front, lock again and finally take a swing before doing the whole thing again when an enemy gets behind you. Movement in general seems shit tier.

On the other hand, the game kinda grows on you if you force yourself to play for a bit, and has lots of actually good shit there. It's like a worse version of Gothic 3, which is pretty weak, but still miles above the likes of Risen 2 and 3.

There are combat options to remove the lock on stuff, isn't there?




Difficulty in options. Strange place to put it, I would have put it in gameplay instead but whatever. Seriously turn off combat lock though. It just makes you take hits and move more slowly, and you can't turn directly left or right because it circles your movement around the center, the enemy.

Gothic fans are so thin skinned.

Does the clunkiness of Gothic serve any purpose to the game itself? Like tank controls in survival horror, or an actual tank game, exist to either heighten the atmosphere of fear (a lack of power is good for a horror game), or immerse the player (in controlling a tank). Personally, I don't see how this design philosophy can be used to explain Gothic's clunk. Gothic is just the result of competence and incompetence in different areas, thus it has a smaller (though dedicated, since they took the time to earn the game's high points, by enduring its lows) fanbase than it would have if it were more accessible.

that's fortunate then,because the west just seems unable to produce anything else but these types of games and remakes for the past 15 years or so now and doesn't seem to willing or capable to stop doing so even when it's own survival is at stake and it's a matter of life and it's death which may be pretty soon now,if i'm any judge of horseflesh

which mask looks better


2nd one
But why does he wear the mask?

ELEX is clunky ass package
get Div:OS2

how about just get temple OS and put away garbage for good

No thanks.


I actually bought Divos2 and pirated elex

I dropped divos2 10 hours in and playing elex now, It's a lot more fun

I dropped DivOS2 at 35 hours and thought it was a piece of shit with some of the worst writing I have ever seen in an RPG.
It had good music, though. Everything else was bad, from loading times, to writing, to round robin combat.

Doing it wrong m8

Its interesting how you both dropped it, since i am also on a verge of dropping it, so i wanted to add my two cents, DivOS2 has some good parts and some bad parts.

Arx city part after nameless island is especially bad as both locations and encounters there. Too damn frustrating, and in some cases just unfair, not difficult, its much easier to cheese some locations than complete the combat genuine, and eventually you get used to cheese every fight. Some of locations designed extremely retarded during combat, and loading after every single death is chore of a wait. Waiting for enemies to finish their shit can be boring too, and there's no option to speed up animations at all. Sometimes AI can stuck thinking on each turn, making fights even longer, like it even needs that chess level of ai. This game sucked up too much time from me, but most of that time was spend on boring times of slow travel to closest waypoint, dealing with teleportation and jumping through pits with your companions and waiting for your turn in battle. Boss battles end in few turns because you would want them strategically end in few turns without getting your shit wrecked.

That and half of the companions being extremely obnoxious, especially women. Black female lesbian paladins (which by the way appear only at Arx, like desire to push for diversity began during development of that city) don't give it pros too. Your "non-linear" playthrough is not really that non-linear, but it gives you an illusion of uniqueness by locking up some content behind race-based, undead based and companion based checks. You are going to fight all same bosses anyway and who game doesn't allow you to kill or absorb at certain point of the story - you won't be able to kill or absorb. Pretty much most of freedom is an illusion, and even if you kill most things ruthlessly you can be deemed as a hero. Sometimes game doesn't even check who the fuck your character, i had some demon referring to me as Fane and Lohse, when i was original character and both of those guys were dead.

That's of course mostly negative criticism, but i don't think i need to list positive one for anybody who played. The game in its basic gameplay is pretty neat, its just realization is far from perfect to enjoy without getting frustrated at basic faults of level design or writing direction. Also some skills and classes can be total trash and disappoint at their ability selection, like hydrosophist and necromancy. They could get much better expansion at later levels. I feel this is not the end for the game though and there will be expansion/dlcs in the near future.

I dropped it because I was either too strong and the fights were boring, or too weak and the fights were frustrating
the controls and inventory were also a mess. Even more janky than elex

The best thing is when fps tanks because game designed around blowing up entire maps with necrofire. Game even crashed my windows into bsod once, no joke.

Yeah I agree with you on all points. I also dropped the game at Arx. Honestly it was unbearable. Not only was the city fucking dull and ugly, the quests were atrocious and incomprehensible sometimes (probably unfinished).
Yeah this too caught my attention, what the fuck was that all about? It was so blatantly shoehorned in. Oh and if you refuse to save the female lesbo that means you're evil.

Oyyy veeeeey goyim, you really should think about upgrading to this new armor, the production quality on these pieces is through the roof! Only 10k elix since you're out there doing Caalans work for us.

Is haggler a waste? I tested and saw that it's 5% so 10% at 2/2, but I'm already a bit starved on LP's. Already got points invested in animal trophy and pickpocketing to make money.

Retard. I've never gone below 5k at the 8 hour mark, and I have yet to join a faction which brings in the real money. That's what you get for joining the servants of (((Calaan))) I suppose.

I spent 6k on Pure Elix to craft attribute and LP potions, it felt like a decent investment especially at that point when I didn't know how much faction armor would cost.

My two cents on it.

Gothic 1/2 >> Risen > Gothic 3 >> Elex >>>>>>> Risen 2/3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arcania

I crafted 4 of these fuckers, and suddenly I can fill my melee combo meter to the brim and still have a bit more than 1/3 of my stamina left, allowing for a finisher and another 2 actions (dodge/attacks).
Melee combat is fixed. Better keep my eyes peeled on those fucking flowers.

it was always like that in gothics/risens
do you need to learn alchemy to mix them aswell?

I can give you Risen > Elex, but I don't really agree. Gothic 3 though? That's a fucking insult. I played it this year and sunk plenty of hours into it as well. Even with the CP and other various graphical and quest mods (many only available in German so you're out of luck if you don't know it) it's not that great of a game.

G2 > G1 > Risen > G3 CP > R3 > R2
Would be my previous ranking, think I'd put Elex in front of Risen but I haven't finished Elex yet and I'm early in the story.

Yeah you need alchemy. And I don't recall any of the Gothic (unmodded) games besides 3 having a stamina system. I know for sure G1 and G2 didn't and I think Risen let you spam away as well.

you rly hate arcania that much? imho arcania is better than risen 2 and 3



Currently installing the GOG-Torrent.
Wallpapers are fucking 11MB and still look worse than a decade ago and avatars are just cutouts of the heads in the wallpapers.
I don't expect anything good from it.
And don't listen to the fucking shills here.

Unlike Elex Gothic is good you faggot. From you skin I'm gonna make a cap!!!
They often do this with shitty indie games.
But we MADE GOOD GAMES. Not at the moment but we will do so again when the third Reich is restored and Merkel isn't able to hold speeches on the Games Com Germany.

It's 5k you stupid fuck. 17k pictures can go for 100+ megabytes.

But it looks like upscaled from 1080p with tons of artificial noise

OK, the second one is fine noise wise.

Yeah, why can't I play as a loli? And why can't I see her pantsu?

No, don't you get it? Lot's of people play it which means it's massively multi-played!

traveled to the top of a crane. Turns out there is NOTHING.

Gothic 2 > Gothic 1 > Risen 1 = Gothic 3 > Elex >>>>>>dog shit>>>>>Risen 2 >Risen 3

no I meant plant enhancing stats that can be much better in potion

The thing I'm really missing from Gothic was learning combat proficiencies actually changed the way the character held his weapons and gave him new animations

The reason why I hold Gothic 3 in higher regards is because I find Elex world and lore boring and all over the place, the characters are not as memorable as Gothic 1 and 2 (Gothic 3 did have a solid cast over from Gothic 1-2 though), nearly and gameplay-wise also. Factions are one short hair away from okay. Berserkers have their own problems and bland as fuck, Clerics are cable worshipping loons who somehow think settling in the volcano is a good idea and then bitch about crappy food, Outlaws would be really nice if they can lay off the chems.

The good thing that ELEX did for me is that it makes me want to reinstall Gothic 2/3 and Risen and play the ever living shit out of them again.

When was the last time you played G3? It has a solid cast of memorable characters only on paper, in reality there's minimal interaction with them. And in reality they're only memorable because of G1 and G2, nothing memorable really happens with them in G3.
The combat in G3 also has to be the worst of all the games, except for maybe Risen 2. The CP makes it a bit better but adds other issues.

I mean I urge you to replay them, but unless you've played G3 recently I think you're just remembering it a bit more fondly than it deserves.

so is gay aids cock up your ass :)

Face looks worse than I remember from the videos.
Also: muh STONG WOMEN. I just open my inventory and she grubles at me: always this technology stuff


NO Vsync in 2017!
I'm impressed…

*I found it


Get fucked ester egg/achievement hunters

is mining a worthwhile stat?

Not really, no

I bought it and so far I don't regret it
Already played around 20 hours on the pirated copy though



hey buddy, got a link to that torrent?


This is the original function of the elite male doing ridiculously useful shit.

Is that your alb armor? How do you get it back? I got all of Ray's contracts but he doesn't say shit about the armor.

Nah fam that's a companion named "Arx". He's in the worker/hunter gear.

any polak here to tell me how good/bad is polish dub in this?

between german and polish I would go with polish ever since I played Witcher 3 in polish it has special feel for me.

>a bunch of junkie faggots sitting on a nuke

Those are your choices if you dont go for the clerics. Also, their armours look the coolest.

Polish version isn't very good. The dub is clearly very low budget. You can constantly hear that actors were given no information about context of their dialogue lines, voices are very neutral even in emotional moments, there are sometimes tone shifts where one sentence the guy sounds angry and the next he sounds like a retard because his tone doesn't fit the context. Here's a 1 hour long video without commentary if you want to judge for yourself.

Such is life in Hort.

it's not a nuke

You get a better ration after doing a quest for her.

I guess Im stuck with english then.

I just noticed that theres no black people in megalan

bretty good


Funny how that works.

your funds for the next game in the series have been removed until you adress this problem

The game could even praise Hitler as long as content with it would be hidden after 30h playtime mark (because reviewers dont play games they review for more than 5 hours)

Lies! I finally found him!

Are you retarded, user?

you cant sell a shit with a single swastika there. some older wolfestein forgot to remove ONE and was pulled from market until it was fixed

user that's the result of a fucking shadow.

I just noticed their helmets have a tinted glass, my bad. But still…

This is the first game I've played in about 3 years that I thought was ok-ish, Dying Light being the last.

The character models are a bit wonky and stiff but exploring is breddy gud cos the environments are cool and varied, the monsters fuck you in the ass if you can't jetpack your way out and the rewards are understandably minimal unless you happen to fall down a hole and land on a shit-hot blade/lasergun.

I'm about 6 hours in and am still a noob scavenging shit from abandoned buildings, just met the Clerics in their Terminator-chic town, they're probably the ones to go for despite all the religionshit built into their ethos as the rest of the inhabitants of the world are retarded/edgelords or killjoys.

The EU already funded them to have black people in E2EX

Do I get her as a follower if I bring her on as a commander on the Cleric mission? I felt like it would be better to try to ally with the Berserkers as a Cleric, I don't know how important my choice of commander is. I've done her monster and troll killing shit.


Yes. Get her on as a commander on the Cleric mission, complete their mission and you get her as a fallower


what minecraft mod is this?

elex turns your skin white

I can't believe its selling as good as it is via word of mouth alone, goddamn.

Nigger get your ass back to >>>/cuckchan/


Germany, not EU. EU doesn't care, Germany does, but Germany is such a big market so often it goes EU wide just to save on costs to not have different copies for everyone but Germany.

did those fuckers accidentally wander in and kill an NPC, or is he meant to be dead?

Maybe he's just a NPC you were supposed to find for a quest you haven't accepted yet.

Its fucking nothing nigger

Anyone else noticed the women all have a twitchy right tit?

It's quite major for a no name German developer that made a budget game few care about. 100,000 is pretty major for that, you could probably add 20,000 extra because of console and GOG.

That's a bug.

I didn't imagine it was intentional.

Codexfags need to stay on their shitty forum. Take your westernshit with you.


Is the Abessa Dispute quest bugged for anyone? I completed it with the result of outlaws being purged along with the traitor albs, and after exploring the SHIT out of the city, I still can't complete it. The quest has been taunting me in the quest log for the past 12-14 game hours now.

Also, Clerics best faction.

I reported the same issue and another user seconded it, so it's probably a bug unless all three of us missed talking to some NPC or something.

same thing is happening to me

Elex 2 is in production, they already got some funding from EU.

With that cliffhanger of an ending, I am not surprised.

Let's hope they don't pull a Risen and release a pretty decent game with 2 shitty sequels.