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did they plan this
I guess that was supposed to be funny.
ha ha
was bubsy always this goofy?
did they took bubsy 3D as canon and went from there?
is it mandatory if you license a character or a franchise to keep the character intact even if they suck?
nice try neofag
Bubsy spouted fucking one-liners and dumb puns in his original games, of course he was always this goofy
part of the charm, much like gex across his games even the 3do/ps1 one.
seems like your thread is at a loss newfag
The best part about the new bubsy game is the tranny getting BTFO'd
It's Spanky Bobcat now, right?
What's the joke? Is it supposed to be a dig at Sonic? Are they really attempting that almost right after Sonic Mania? They could have at least waited until Forces came out.
The damn cat, and the games in general, spouted puns and references all the damn time. The first game is subtitled Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind. The new one actually seems to be toned down in that department.
You mean part of how annoying they were. I seriously have no idea how anyone can legitimately like Gex. He's just references. That's it. He spouts one almost every minute, too.
I think it was because Forces comes out a week later, but it's a helluva coincidence that they posted it after the demo was shown to only playable for one minute long per level. On that note, I don't think there was any demo shown for this game at press events, or any new footage from this trailer at all, was there?
Good ol' tranny bobcat
Speaking of, is the tranny creator of the character triggered by the latest game?
wait wut?
But thats hot
nah, he did change the name just to cover his ass though
Oh shit
I never will find out if this has been updated in the past few years.
May as well make the thread about something that isn't the same old shit every time
nevermind, we good nigga
nevermind i hate this
good taste
That's a feel I thought I had forgotten, wew.
I recall this one too.
What the sam hell did you do?
Remove this shit
i want to impregnate her and make her birth my racemix babies.
What race are you bro?
Aaron Webber just posted sans meme on the bubsy twitter. he desperate
Not happening.
Europeans dig into latinos
I was always curious about the origins of this gif and its relatives.
I didn't ask to feel this.
That guy must be a fag
isn't the maker of that comic some beta hapa?
aren't YOU some beta happa?
i just want to hold futa bubsy and tell her everything will be alright while i suck her massive dong
To cuckchan you go
Jesus i can already feel the projection of this """""""'comic"""""""" so hard, and this applies to all of his comics. Screw him and his dimwitted anatomy
I don't know, i never bothered to check the faggot's tumblr. I think itcalled """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""redpill""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" comics or some dumbshit
Stop it elliot
he's dead.
That's what they want you to think.
Somebody post more rule 63 Bubsy pls
There are so many layers I tried to open it in photoshop and it fucking crashed the first time
I got something better man
Disappointed, no hitler joined the game in there
hope you like 'em big.
Aw yeh
Is it weird I find the tranny version of Bubsy more respectable as a character than the real one?
i really want to pirate this game, if PS4 piracy comes any time soon.
to be honest, i have never played other bubsy game before, they all sucked back then, im just hoping this one won't suck now. they've had 20 years of examples on how to make a good platformer, if they fuck up they should literally KTS.
I wanna go balls deep in fembubsy while she makes dumb puns
It's also coming out on GOG, just wait for that.
I don't think so. The original Bubsy was just a generic Sonic clone to cash in on the 90's mascot platforms fad. Tranny Bubsy has some depth to their character as someone who has completely hit rock bottom.
I imagine the word "pussy" will get thrown around a lot
well that simplifies things
What's the sauce on the last pic?
Virtually every single man who pushes cuckold shit is a happa for some reason. I'm not really sure what it is about them that causes them to be so fucking weird. I mean, I know it's the race mixing, but other mixes don't seem nearly as fucking autistic and self-hating.
It really does remind me of some of those child stars that hit rock bottom, that in retrospec were probably passed around hollywood like a fad diet. Hitting the bottom, and more or less living there and finding the happiness she can. Almost like the Bundys in Married with Children. Her victories are making it to a free hotdog day giveaway or getting to spend her christmas bonus on booze.
It also feels like a niche that should be addressed, all those failed mascot games trying to make it big off sonic.
This makes me feel strange, at least it isnt the trap.
More like Boobsy
Bubsy would be proud
That looks painful
painfully lewd
life is pain
oh you mean the Alt-right?
(you) have to go back
That chart on homosexuality is so useless EA is offering Micro-transactions to skip it.
Is it wrong for me to think the tranny's face is hotter?
There's just something about the wet mascara that looks both lewd and visually pleasing. I wish degenerates would draw her with that face and no dick.
Painfully bog worthy
I'd take either or so long as there was a pussy behind those balls.
Take these dubs
That's not how that works.
Well shit now I gotta check who got >>12666666
when it comes to 2d everything works… except non-vanilla things. Those never work.
The only way this can go is up.
where's this artist? i can't find him in e6 or IB
i dont want this feel, take it away
all i remember is that the old bubsy games had fucking fall damage. FALL. FUCKING. DAMAGE. if you didn't do the flying thing properly you'd die from falling just a couple pixels too high.
_he's too pretty and broken, like me for me to care, totally would.
I don't get it, but whatever.
Bubsy needs to step up his memes.
oh great, this is one of "those" guys. who just delete everything because of some mental breakdown or other, isn't he?
Nothing wrong with deleting your shit once normalfags catch wind of lt
Trannies aren't traps.
you mean this?
are you genuenly retarded?
Male privilege, user.
It’s difficult to tell from the words he used. He may be defending faggotry, but he may also just be saying how retarded the Kinsey scale is.
I’d rather not.
you realize mocking the Kinsey scale and the fags in the (((alt right))) was the implication.
You magnificent son of a bitch.
You're a big guy.
Did anyone else think this was Hotline Miami from the thumbnail on the catalog?
I'm not blind or retarded, so no.
For a small instant in the catalog with small image size, yes
I heard you can increase your actual fov by doing eye exercises with pic related. Works with your cornea, its temporary, but actually pretty nice.
Anyone who wants to put them together is welcome to.
I swear at some point I've seen them together, thanks
You're not imagining things, I remember it to.
Wanna play KoF? What's your tag on fightcade?
It suddenly becomes fuckable when there's no dick.
i prefer it with the dick tho
is this like shocksites, known for playing music while showing some shocking shit?
It's going to be a clone of that giana sisters game released a few years back. At worst it's going to be an average game nothing special.
oh, that bland and uninteresting game? i guess it could be worse. it could be bubsy 3D
Bunbsy should be unlikable.
Being fuckible just makes things hard, even its hate fucking.
the opposite of this post is current
Plz be my gf, Sarah
After all this time I still dont know if these are edits or the original artists work.
It's always amuses me greatly on how much alex was used by that fat ogre and now she pretends he doesn't exist.
I thought busby was supposed to be a tranny now? Did the devs forget that it's the current year?
plz be my gf sarah
It's funny because it's not true because Alto is also a good character that just never reached her potential and was forced into a role that should never have been in which was fixed by Uncommon Time: Duet.
Nah, the original author couldn't do shit compared to Duet user. She was close to actually making something worthwhile but she still failed in the end and the only character worth it's salt she personally wrote 100% is Teagan.
I didn't say that she was well written if that was the case, then we wouldn't have had a problem with her. What I said was that Alto is not bad in concept, she just needed a better writer in concept. It was an example of an alright idea with a shit execution and completely losing the sight of what your character was supposed to do for the sake of proving a point. FP didn't let Alto and Teagan do what they wanted by which I mean, she didn't write in a way that would fit their characters and instead used them to prove an illogical point, sacrificing the character's freedom and personality in the process.
Don't compare the supreme gentleman to some tranny that thinks he's still 14.
Figures that dobson, who would rather continue drawing at the same skill level for years and refuse to improve because that means he would have to work hard at it, would also be of the opinion that video games should all be easy and nobody should have to improve at playing them, because of the doublethink that video games are kids toys so they can't be difficult but are also ART so they need to be DEEP and philosophical because video games are also for ADULTS but you can't make them controversial because their fragile egos might get triggered because they're all children.
Better not tell the tranny that, he gets triggered when people sexualize the prostutite he draws porn of.
Excuse me? Was his mouth sucked and his chest pulled until his heart stopped beating?
t. "that" guy
Why are the Cuphead devs so hateful like Nintendo?
I'll never be able to watch more than 2 seconds of that shit, mainly because of his voice
same here.
There's only one unfair death I can think of in Cuphead and that would be Brineybeards last stage as you really have no clue a screen filling laser will be coming your way until you see it the first time. As for the rest it's Dobson just trying to attention whore as usual.
A lot of people say this and I don't understand why. A lot of classic arcade games rely on pattern memorization and improving your skill.
A lot of people who say this are not good at videogames and blame it on the game.
Not to mention that with Cuphead pattern memorization isn't enough. You have to strategize a good safe spot when a random attack pattern piles on top of the other attack pattern you are currently dodging.
That's because Alto is a tumblr jew's self-insert and the game's entire plot is about her not-so-secret desire to genocide the goyim. The fucking game even implies that her genocidal urges are hereditary, and on tumblr she calls out the goyim by name to order them around.
Its amazing what just a little effort into better writing can do.
Tl;dr The core ideology of becoming an SJW is that you hate being called a casual for sucking at games, so you call everyone else a racist.
People, don't ever get cucked like this man.
Even if the universe of the story is cliche and banal, that ground work can be taken in a different direction and make something interesting.
Implementation is almost better than what the story is- but in her case the other character's story was more interesting to hear.
The same happened with RWBY. So many details are left out, what the fans make and theorize is better.
I wouldn't say my FOV is wider- I get the colored lines. Maybe it because you stare so long at a point, it feels wider when you go back to looking around normally?
How does this person manage to be wrong all the time? Even a broken clock is right twice a day but Dobson seems to be stuck on permanent faggotry no matter what
It's because his voice causes instant revulsion. You can just feel the insecurities radiating from it.
It sounds like he's been wearing a chastity cage since he was 13.
>Like furshit
Life can be cruel sometimes.
He was in the form of his personality
People draw non tranny porn of it sometimes, read the thread.
You can always buy some commissions of r63 Bubsy.
I know, I know. But in my head I have already associated it with such no now dickless stuff just comes off as Post-op
I can only imagine what my youtube recs are gonna be after clicking that.
Every time this fat pig gets even a little bit uncomfortable or feels slightly insulted he has to go and make himself a victim and go on some faggy crusade. Dobson needs to hurry up and claim to be a tranny, because this butter ball has the brain of a woman.
Toby Fox is a jew doofus, Bonetrousle was a Klezmer song.
But you see, that's why Asriel is fucked over so much, he's the only goyim in the entire game. That's why his name rearanges to Israel Murderer. He is Toby's resentment to the goyim given physical form.
Jews are a fucking danger, fuckers are insane and resentful as fuck they make Holla Forums seen as bunch of pacifists hippies.
I know thats nothing new, but fuckers always manage to hamfist this shit somehow and fuck you over with "muh anti-semite" by pointing it out.
Please tell me this faggot that probably knows nothing about vidya is pronouncing this wrong, because I've been calling them Guh-rudo this entire time.
To this point of view, happas sometimes manage to be even worse than kikes somehow
What's the origin of the toblerone meme? Is it the edit of that Lightning snuff doujin?
Why imagine?
the pronunciation is the only thing he got right
I will never fucking say Jerudo. It doesn't sound right to me.
how the hell did you even come up with guh-rudo
You are so american it hurts.
What do you mean? I haven't seen their twitter.
The one where they break her spine, yes. But nowadays is just a Neo Tokio meme.
At least my country is actively working to unpozz itself. What shithole do you come from friendo?
People still play that? It had a baller OST gotta admit.
Israel ;^)
Jews sunk the Titanic in a political assassination to remove people against the federal reservse and its fiaf
I am nigger, please bully me.
even cuckchan got over the sjw gaymurgate shit already, am i in some fever dream or is your foresight so fucking bad you've been practically asleep for the past 4 years
i love chans but i hate these fucking disgusting echo chamber hugboxes that result in what is effectively clinical retardation like this
but why did they bring Bubsy back? I thought no one gave a shit. Did he really have a following?
i won't call it a following, but everyone has heard of Bubsy at least once
"They" don't enter into it. A furfag tranny bought the rights to Bubsy at a fire-sale price and the result is what you've seen in this thread.
Nobody does.
Do their mods still ban GG? If so, they're not over it. Someone recently posted a cuckchan strawpoll here about 4/pol/
Considering the third and fourth options, they're not over it.
So basically any name presents is enough now.
and crazy people.
Good to know.
Hurr hurr! He shut the door on sanic. Only in this timeline would Bubsy's corpse be revived. Along with a bunch a yiffing faggots, jerking off to furry porn of this shit character. Fuck this universe.
Explain the whole situation to me please.
Why's Bubsy just showing off his crotch to the world like that
I love the films of Leonid Gaidai! I didn't realise they were on Youtube owo
Toblerone has been a meme for a really long time.
Why is Sonic such a slut?
some homo dicklover claims he bought the rights to bubsy and rebooted him as a transexual with tits and dick. No one cares about bubsy and other people had done stuff without getting sued, so the ruse is plausible for a time. Now the real bubsy's back with a mediocre platformer, so the gay furry has to now fuck off or shut up.
too many shit games will do that to you
so it was all just a ruse right? wasnt she also working on a new bubsy game in rpg maker ?
sorry xir
Does anyone else realize this is basically Sonichu?
Just call him a he, they will never be something else.
uhhhh muh dicc
Here's an hour long interview with the creator of Bubsy. Apparently he almost died not too long ago.
A little off-topic, but the same studio that made bubsy 3d also made slave zero, and published the star control series.
Can someone explain me this meme and why there are thousands of videos like this one?
And people say that there's no russian on Holla Forums, jfc
Post more
That shit really does belong in a LOL thread
1. I’ve never seen confirmation that Astor, Guggenheim, and Strauss were actually against the Fed.
2. It’s impossible to direct a fucking iceberg. That didn’t happen.
This is your mind on politics.
I suck at most online videogames or hard difficulty games, but I don't want to be considered a casual.
Can I just be called unskilled? I just don't want casualized games even if I suck at hardcore games.
Pls be my gf sarah;_;
At this point, its all about who suck and take most dick in the ass.
Thankfully, this trans bubsy meme is going to die for good.
Maybe I'd have paid more attention in math class if we'd done stuff like that.
How're you getting along with only a high-school diploma?
Arin actually said that?
He didn't just say it, he made a full on animation for it.
Children are autistic and like a video creator that takes no effort and will bring other children to talk about their "creations".
Kill yourself before the civil war starts. You don’t have the constitution for what you’d have to survive otherwise.
This place isn’t your speed, chap.
Oh the irony. Keep going user.
Why is she so disgustingly fat?
borderline vomit inducing.
Is it because he imported her to USA?
Is it the atrazine in the water, BPA?
She does have FAS, but that's all I really know.
Literally nothing wrong with this statement and the fact that Blobson is complaining about working hard is a statement about his subpar art and boring life.
sauce on the full pic? not even yandex helps but it looks like kenkou cross
I'm still laughing that someone who got arrested for hauing a child like sex doll was called Andrew Dobson
Well you can't, it has to do with geometry of your eye and retina, and you can't change either through training.
thats actually funny though.
the original artist is an sjw
I'm a mechanic, hope they get their revolution so i can beat those fucks to a pulp for oppressing me.
If a miner drove a pickaxe through their stupid fucking trust fund heads it'd be splendid too.
they where edited by 8/pol/.
Just so we're clear, Clickhole is a satire channel. Look at the rest of their repertoire, they're hilarious
he didn't buy the rights, nor did he reboot him. dude made tranny bubsy and put him in space funeral 4. bubsy still belongs to accolade.
post more please
Yeah that's why I said "claims" faggot, he had claimed to have bought the rights
the sad part is despite being a copypasta leftist actually believe shit similar to this.
i have these ones
I'm really glad people so many people hate this person, and have so many varied takes upon that hatred.
This is MPC4Utube
He streamed for an hour today without setting up audio for his mic or the game (probably because the OBS developers didn't make a tutorial level)
Oh goddammit, I had hoped this guy gave up on the internet due to it being too hard and unfair to use.
This quality image doesn't belong in an LOL thread.
What am I supposed to fap to now?
Fucking what?
I always thought she actually drew those, what are actual comics like?
probably because she's one hell of a stupid fucking cunt.
I understand reversing her comics to make the Holla Forums, but where the fuck did all the dog fucking come from?
I too would like to know why this happened.
i would like to know myself. all i know is that i found them kind of amusing so i saved as many as i could
We need to get our best minds on to this mystery.
are these edits?
No fucking duh.
Sounds kinda gay, to be honest.
Is this from fucking NofNA? You patrician you
You fucks, it's the mcullough effect which causes you to see green and red for months anytime you see a vertical or horizontal pattern of black lines
I'd bank its more some dog fetishist and not some blow at the artist herself. Her material is absolute garbage though, shame she's cute IRL
I mean, it's a little of column A, a little bit of column B kind of situation, I would imagine. Some real wretched "fuck you you cunt" kind of scenario.
Probably this. They could both hate her and get off to her being degraded.
what the point in degrading porn if they use the same no-effort artstyle she uses
Cause 1. How would we recognize the character otherwise? She's basically poorly drawn tumblr tomoko 2. The same reason Holla Forums made those edits, to take what's hers and warp/destroy it.
I was confused for a moment there then realized you meant Watamote Tomoko. All these modern webcomics are the same shit though.
Wow, she got fat. Is she still ripping people off on Etsy?
can I get sauce for the song? it sounds like something gy!be did, but Arin talking is making it difficult to reverse audio search
most women do once they get the ring
High IQ and having at the same time the creative white brain and the hive mind asian mond so a hapa is in natural conflict with itself especially males where that conflict is exasperated since White Males are more Creative than White Females, and Asian Males are more Hive Minded than Asian Females
oh shit, no wonder it sounds familiar
thanks user
user, suzie isn't japanese, they just got married on a trip there.
the FAS plus fat pushing her eyes closed is confusing you
Isn't that a guy?
Has she ever reacted to this stuff? I imagine her reaction would be funny.
it's a tasty tomboy user
She has bitched about the Holla Forums edits but I don't remember where, don't know if she's seen the dogfucking ones
It was all probably commissioned by commonfilth because of his crusade to convince the world that white women fuck dogs, my guess is that because Holla Forums hates him and they took a shine to sarah's scribbles, trying to turn her into their ideal antisemite, commonfilth saw it as the perfect opportunity to destroy something they loved by turning her into a dog fucker.
A Gay theory
memes aside Bate's method works but it takes a while to get permanent results.