New World of Warcraft subraces datamined
New World of Warcraft subraces datamined
But they're already filled with light anyway. So they're… doublelight?
Who cares?
Literally have bright ass disco lights flooding out from them. Just like the uncorrupted version of dreadlords.
Its the last desperate gimmick they have left. The Legion and Demonhunters didn't bring people back. This is the last thing before legacy servers -which they cannot do because the current staff are using tools they didnt write let alone work on vanilla- that people have begged for for years.
They are blowing their final load.
What a putrid artstyle. Are the modelers instructed to make the game look as far from the promotional art as possible?
The last desperate gimick is that the draenei are protoss and the cthulu bugs are zerg. 99% guaranteed that is where they are going next expansion.
Pretty sure Starcraft is even more dead than WoW at this point, so I don't see that drawing anyone in.
Illidan and demon hunters were literally "in case of low subs break glass". When they announced that garbage back in 2015 WoW subscription was sinking to record levels thanks to how Gaylords of Draenor was shit.
Starcraft Broodwar is alive and well
I haven't even been very aware of this game since WotLK ended.
This is embarrassing.
Fucking nu-Blizz.
Does anyone even give a shit? Just play a private server if you want WoW, what even is the point of playing retail any longer
Yea…sub-races I…never wanted to use at all. What stupid choices. They could have at least added other orc skins, Vrykul, and WoLK Dwarfs from the expansion, but nope. Fuck giving actual fans what they want. Gotta cater to people who don't play WoW.
SC2 is dead after the shitty story-telling and shittier PvP (Protoss and Zerg, or fuck off).
You mean two headed ogres
It's Blizzard, they're going to do it in the worst and most unsatisfying way possible. Even if it was done perfectly it would not be worth coming back to the steaming pile of shit that is neo-WoW
People have been asking to be able to play as sub-races like Mag'har orcs since BC and Taunka since Wrath, and this is the best Blizzard could do?
Article suggests that the void elves -might- be high elves, considering how Alleria apparently uses void magic now? I think. I haven't been keeping up with it. Wanted high elves for ages, but I can't be bothered to come back to WoW at this rate.
That's how Blizzard has always been.
Gotta cater to that group that doesn't touch your game. It sure as fuck worked for Social Justice Watch.
Call them when they make Vrykul playable. especially so I can play a barefoot 10ft Amazon viking woman at the Lion's Pride Inn.
Sounds cool. Do you know any other games where I can do this? I'm starving.
Fake unless they're adding more race/class combos. Also some of the space around the text on the right looks strange. I'll wait for BlizzCon.
Demon hunters should have been in TBC
why are people still playing this game
Give me Burning Crusade gameplay with current year graphics.
Sunk cost fallacy, I guess.
I have a lot of good memories in WoW, but it doesn't mean I'll play a shit game.
I have friends that still play WoW and League of Legends. I think its that phenomenon that after you play a game for a long time, you're conditioned to just play it even if you're not playing with a feeling of excitement or discovery. That's sort of how I also see the Warframe thread.
I had an easier time quitting smoking.
Come on, user.
Of all the other races, Naga would make a perfect neutral race as opposed to the gay-ass pandas who have to choose a side
If you learn every little weird mechanic and strategy in a multiplayer game moving to something else is hard because it feels shallow in comparison. Even if ASSFAGGOTS and WoW have no/less depth than any other multiplayer game. Also I say multiplayer because it's hard to find a singleplayer game that takes all your focus and isn't just a grind like an RTS giving the AI infinite resources and sends waves of enemies at you, because they couldn't program real AI, and winning is simply a case of lasting until your army gets bigger.
Wake me up when it's 2006 again and I still give a shit about Warcraft and still have friends who play vidya
Go play a real game instead of a shitty timesink you filthy fucking addict.
That's called knowing more about a game than the other, and basing opinion off of relatively limited knowledge. But yes, I think that also happens.
Blizzard really is.the.worst, but even if they did lefacy servers, they would fuck it up in some way, they would keep some of the normalfag friendly shit from post cata, ir would keep the wow.coins.where you a level 60, or gold with real money.
They cant do.anything right, just play on a private server
This probably. The only thing that maybe worth keeping is updated graphics, but even then some grognards would complain about their classic "authentic 2004 experience".
I tried out a private server for the hell of it. It seems nice at first, but there is something very wrong with it i.e the server staff make deals with Chinese gold farmers. Once this was discovered a giant load of drama erupted because other private server communities wanted to attract other players. I can at least expect Blizzard to be more professional than that.
yeah, blizzard doesn't take bribes from the chink gold farmers, they completely cut out the middle man and will just sell gold to the players directly.
There is no version of WoW that is good. I've been addicted to this shit game for a decade.
The game is fundamentally flawed. Vanilla WoW is unironically one of the worst states the game was ever in as well. I used to shill for that shit pretty hard but once you actually truly experience vanilla end-game you quickly realise what a fucking joke it is.
WoW is objectively a terrible game in every way shape and form. Anyone that defends any aspect of it during any expansion is a complete retard.
no they shouldnt now fuck off to tumblr and jack off to IllidanxMalfurion gay comics
What the fuck is a void elf?
Granted it's been years since I played WoW but aren't they already allied with the light?
And that's because it was conceived by a pack of Whateverquest autists.
Enjoy your shit "online" friends.
Vanilla had many issues but TBC is where the game shined
you stink of Guild Wars shill
If you can do that then I can blame everyone under 30 for the kikes and commie garbage now, deal?
explain to me, why do they do everything opposite of what the fans want
Because their fans eat every lump of kosher shit Blizzkike drops on their plates.
You can ask that question for any game that is coming out in the west. The simple answer is that shit's too hard and thin skin makes for weak storytelling.
According to wowpedia she can only use those powers because she absorbed void essence from a CORRUPTED Naru which gives her a "void form" she can activate at will.
I last played this game during Cata, what the fuck are subraces?
From what I understand of the excuses they gave for not having vanilla servers is that they did not save the old databases, so they would have to rebalance vanilla from scratch.
I've already wasted too much time on them, but are there any private servers worth playing?
Not at the moment, but the best are vanilla elysium.
Ares is fresh and the scripting is good
Ni hao
There are guides and methods and means of creating your own private server. I believe with the means there, you can bump up max level, among other shit. Hell for a private server it would be vastly much more exciting to have enemies spawn near towns and what not.
dying man covered in cum
I never said it wasn't and that doesn't stop a game from being fun with friends or without. Me & a buddy of mine abused high level 80/85 twinks in cata/mop to kill off max levels for months because it was more fun than the end game since stats were so disgustingly broken going far beyond 100% caps often. A game being flawed has little impact on how much fun it could be but yes if you're an addict paying blizzard year after year I could see the problem there.
This might just be for NPCs, keep in mind. No one knows what they're doing with them yet. If it is for subraces and those four are it, you'll have a very unhappy fanbase.
What? but I can't fuck that
It's more fun trying to second guess what Blizzard will do the keep the corpse shambling along. They've already given out legendaries and lore important weapons out like candy.
All the public repositories are shit and any decent private servers are doing their own implementations, which they refuse to share. Which is why you have this constant cycle of promising servers redoing work to become usable, get popular, shut down, repeat. It's a shame faggots can't get their act together.
Whatever, I don't care so long as Draenei porn keeps being made.
They play it for the same reasons, LoLniggers are playing because they bought 30 dollar meme skins.
Decided to swallow my pride and tried to login to Elysium, server kept instant disconnecting so I checked their website
TL;DR: They didn't just allow Chinese to sell gold in exchange for not DDoSing the server down, they sold gold and characters directly to people. I'd post Smug Anime face if I hadn't wasted so much time on their server.
That is one qt draenei, but it doesn't change the fact that adding them to wow was a mistake.
Maybe it's time to realise the game has run it's course? How old is the game now? 11-12 years old right?
By this point they might as well just peddle porn and join the porn industry because that's all their shit is good for anymore.
They are clearly not doing shit.
Nightborne are just Nightelves with a different skin tone and slightly larger scale, same animations.
Highmountain Tauren are practically just Tauren with different heads and they've done that twice before.
Void Elf is just one woman who is a high elf, absorbed a dead void Naru.
Lightforged Draenei are just Draenei with yellow eyes and more horn variety which I believe are just lifted from demon hunters.
The only reason anyone cares about this is because they bothered to create backgrounds for them.
Also on that list are several things they never got made into playable races.
I firmly believe if they were going to crap out new races they'd take the intuitive and go with something that has unique animations like Naga and Vrykul.
Just be like
Tall sexy snow amazon and 4 armed ocean snek.
Blizzard, doing less than acceptable work about 2 years after it would have been impactful in the slightest.
At this point I just find it fascinating at just how much effort Blizzard is putting in to ruining their product. It has been readily apparent to anyone for years that the game has been dying because none of the development budget is going into making more world content for players to do. Crafting is still a joke, there's nothing to do outside of combat, the in game economy is shit, and social interactions like emotes are still done by slash commands after the UI has recieved about ten redesigns for raids to be less shit.
The only 'new' thing they've ever put in for players to do is Garrisons. A feature scientifically designed to REMOVE as much content from the game as possible. Not even giving players fun things like customization. And of course because raid design is the only thing they know, everything in it was mandatory.
Why are her hands so big, and her head so small?
Draenei should have remained alien
They should have been space rhodesians fighting the orcs, have their homebase be in the Outland
And the Belfs should have been less gay and more like they were in TFT, and have their homebase also be in Outland
Blue goat people are fine, they have good aesthetics and shit. They should have been a Light cult of Eredar, weaker than their normal chaos nigga brethren and persecuted by them like early christians in roman empire
Nagas should have been playable a decade ago.
Worgen should have remained aliums too
Gnomes are cancer and should have just been a dwarf culture who live above ground, and no gay shit
Fixed that for you.
Hell yes.
And unplayable.
This is only because the people who play as gnomes do so to piss people off in pvp.
TFT belfs were cool
They were like Warhammer Fantasy High Elves, who went through WW1 as germany, if that makes sense.
I don't like gnomes
Their technicolor cartoonish clockwork faggotry mocks me. Their lore and culture is fucking gay. Their lines and voices are gay.
They look retarded, more retarded than most other shit in WoW artstyle, because it calls for exaggerated proportions and gorilla-big limbs, but gnomes are tiny and squashed like these inbred bulldogs from that thread back then.
I look at gnomes and all I can think of is Shmorky.
Really the worst part about Draenei are the hooves. Even with everything else they don't look completely retarded but having them prance around like the little satyr from the Hercules movie just makes them impossible to take seriously, which is a real problem considering how important they are to the game's backstory.
Blizzcon in 2 weeks, dont shit your pants. this is literally the first datamined (with the exception of 2 buildings) shit of the next expansion which is still at least a 3/4 year away.
Its still possible for every race to get a subrace and/or a new race getting announced
It's supposed to make them more alien, same with horns and tail. Plus it's the Eredar look.
I think the reason they look goofy isn't the hooves themselves, just the fucked up proportions. They could probably be fixed if they were made more bottom-heavy with bigger legs and hooves. Less satyr, more Diablo.
Doubt it.
legion has been out for a bit more than a year now and blizzard already said they want to reduce the time between an expansion and the last raid tier a bit. next raid tier is in approx 3-4 weeks. so a 3/4 year is very reasonable
I'm guessing they travel to a place with 6-8 new zones to defeat several corrupted bosses.
Cool concept that I wanted back in vanilla before I stopped playing because they went the opposite direction of what I would have liked to play. Let me know when they bring back skill trees and start adding racial/factional classes.
yeah, Kronos was at least upfront with how their store mechanics worked. the chinks running elysium tried to pretend they could run a site without a store.
When I see elves all I can see is fire wood.
What the fuck is a void elf even? why haven't they added ogres?
Models r hard. It's easier to change existing assets.
because that requires actually making new models and animations. easier to just pallete swap.
Pick one.
Because nobody writes good elves anymore
They're always fags.
How are they continuously this retarded?
But still who cares about WoW anymore?
It's like after Final Fantasy 11 everyone just gave up in unison and decided to never even try writing cool elves ever again because they know they wouldn't measure up.
Why even bother?
Why be obvious when you can continue to act clever by adding obscure bullshit no one asked for and making up new lore instead of resolving old shit as you constantly bleed subscribers?
I think Dwarves make up something like not even 5 percent of the playerbase. This decision was aimed squarely at the ERPers and porn artists.
Yeah, the first half of Cata was kinda fun when everyone was failing hard in the heroics, as if they were hard, but that didn't last. I poked my head into pandatown, but didn't renew after a month it was so bad.
What if the subraces are microtransaction skins?
Metzen should have stuck to making maps, he isn't a competent writer.
WC3 was a perfect storm, since the story itself is cliche as hell
There are no amount of subraces that could make me give a shit. They could have 10 sub races per race and I'd still think they were just being retarded.
Sub-Races are literally the lowest amount of effort they can give. The retexture is something that might be appropriate if it were put out in a patch. The idea that they'll announce this at blizzcon is probably a bet between people in the company of just how insulting they can be to their sub 1 million addicts and not be called out for it.
I can't wait for them to say a lot of work went into doing this to try and justify it being a feature. Oh, so difficult to make a seam in the model fit blizzard, I'm sure you had to even re-do the mesh once or twice. This surely took whole minutes, maybe even a half hour to do.
The game is shit, and they're sprinting away from good game design like they're a horny camp councilor fleeing Jason Voorhees.
The only time WoW is hard is when you play with morons, or Blizzard makes a fight around RNG for artificial difficulty.
Otherwise the game has been challenging at best all the way through.
I quit after beating LK on heroic, then they added in the easy mode for scrubs and washed away any need to continue playing the game.
Never looked back once aside from playing on Nost.
Is anyone other than a token maintenance team even still working on the game?
shitposting aside
what exactly is the point of the subraces?
are they merely aesthetic, or do they have racials of their own?
Horde doesn't really have much
I assume it would be for roleplaying or maybe just giving the races more starting zones. truth be told I am surprised they still have racials in the game considering how much shit they have removed over the years.
The real question is if anyone more than the maintenance team is still playing the game.
red orcs, skeleton/more decrepit looking undead, strung out mana addicted blood elves maybe?
how does this prove there are subraces?
Leper Gnomes are horde, the forsaken took them in.
Horde also has:
theres also some other tribes with unique skins but they arent really feasible to be released
How to fix WoW:
Add some kind of hard mode servers. In hard mode crafting, leveling up, and generally doing anything is much more expensive and complicated and requires teamwork. It may take you months or more to reach max level, and you'll constantly feel like you're broke on money and can't afford anything, if someone is walking around in gold armor there probably won't be many like him in a 100 mile radius. Mounts are very hard to obtain or afford and won't give a huge speed bonus, flying mounts are the toppest of tip top endgame shit that only few can obtain. Dungeons and enemy spawns and the map and things will be modified to feel different and new, and you can do it mostly by just shifting things around and doing small tweaks so it won't be an insurmountable task for the developers.
Shift the focus into other things than raids and bossfights. Remove most of the quests, and then add quests that put you on long journeys through the lands that may take you days to complete with friends. Make it so you won't have quest markers, and instead must use clues and hints to find your way to the objectives and ask NPCs for help on your way.
If there's some enemy settlement, add tiers to it, so if you bring a huge army to raid it, the settlement will have a huge army opposing you. But if you only bring a few friends, there will be much less things to deal with. That way you can't bruteforce through the content instantly, plus every settlement will have several different experiences you can get out of.
t. someone who has never played WoW
they are stored in the same folder as playable races
Oh and make it so items like healing potions are expensive and hard to obtain. Maybe player crafting only.
Come da fuck on blizza.
great, more grinding for the same reward
Ya better be stayin on yer pansy butthole island if ya don't want another war of the beard, faggot.
My bad, I meant give players everything without any grinding or gameplay required. In fact just enable developer console with item spawning and teleportation to any point in the map.
Wow already has enough pointless grinding, a "hard" mode where you need to grind more isn't fun at all.
You need to be 18+ to post
No wait no you don't, is that why you're here instead of 4chan?
Have you ever played an mmo besides post cata wow?
>>>/reddit/ is over there
Just play a private server with 50x exp and 150x loot if you want instant gratification and don't want to struggle with anything.
Saying that modern wow has any serious grinding is fucking retarded, its become so streamlined they might aswell rename it to Dungeons of Warcraft all you have to do is sit in your capital for a few days at best, go meet some npc's to get some piss easy quests to get legendary lore artifacts and you're fucking ready for endgame, they even give you a way to catch up on endgame crafting without having to backtrack and craft dozens of useless items. The entire game is basically an instant reward button.
And that's why everyone has every class max levelled and decently geared, there is no more investing in your character, no exploration besides flying cause you are bored, no open warfare. Just go queue up and get your reward, I miss when playing the fucking game was the reward.
heres how you fix it:
given the state of 1.12.x's economy, a lot of gold enters the economy and not nearly enough it leaves it after the first few waves of 60s get their epic mounts; inflation may become a problem by maybe the 6th month of the server's lifespan or earlier
not sure how to implement that one
I can kite Komkrush as a hunter and let the party pass by him without the suit. I'll then use a invis pot or my cloaking device to get by him.
They can't for two reasons. They seem to have gotten rid of the previous builds, and even if they had them it would be suicide at this point to use them.
well, yeah, because tigole and furor were the Luclin-era version of e-celebs in EQ and the EQ devs were dumb enough to fucking listen to them
yeah i have no doubt that the blizzard staff they currently have could no more implement a vanilla server than they could walk on air.
this from their perspective probably gave them a really good incentive to bury private servers, it doesn't look good to their corporate overlord to be outdone at their own game by hobbyist programmers
Problem with flying mounts is that they allow you to basically ignore everything that's below you. With some sort of stamina meter that limits how long the mount can stay airborne and gliding from high places they could be neat.
"lol elves are gay dwarves are so cool xDDDDDDDD" this is the shittiest /tg/ meme ever. Humans/Elves > Goblins > Gnomes > actual shit > > > > > > > Hobbits/Halflings > > > > Mountain Jews
that change is more about preventing hunters from soloing DM N
also id forgotten about invis pots, so I'll add this change
ur a fag
just play Everquest on Project 1999, or Pantheon when it comes out. WoW is baby tier in comparison
Is this you?
i guarantee that this is the angle they're going for. i mean, didn't they already tie diablo to warcraft?
I appreciate the fact that they want to be comfy all the time, so do I, but they dont do anything, they very rarely contribute to their worlds. Most of the time, when they do something big, it usually feels forced. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule, the reason I like gnomes more than hobbits/halflings is because gnomes actually do shit, they invent, create, and have more of a personality, will always take a gnome over a halfling/hobbit
halflings tend to the world around them and form strong bonds with each other and the people visiting, making friends for life. they also trade quite a lot all over the world. i wouldnt say thats contributing nothing.
Do we have any information on how large the Lightforged's futadicks are?
about as big as a mature elekk's.
Regrettably, I've been unable to ascertain that information. Would it be possible for you to provide it in either standard metric or imperial units?
I find Atlantiss the best, a blizzlike cataserver.
>they meet you and if you're not a bastard they become your friend
She has cancer obviously.
But then the skeleton crew would need to make new models and animations.
Blizzard has been reusing assets since classic. Expecting them to do anything beyond reskins at this point is expecting too much.
tell me this is a fucking server
bit unimaginative
what about
gayboreds of gaybore
borebored of gaybore
warboreds of wargay
or instead of rewarding for grinding reward for skill you retard
Of course it's fucking not, retard.
Do you have any idea how retarded it would be for forest trolls to join the horde, even if that was real? Maybe it would've made sense in vanilla but not now.
Im-fucking-plying that would be any less stupid than the blood elves joining a faction that is composed of three races that hate their guts. The feeling is also mutual.
Why are libcucks so attracted to vidya that has different races, but can't realize racial differences in real life?
tauren and dreani are my 2 least fav races. unless they are making the broken as a playable sub race for dreani i couldnt care less what they get.
Here's to hoping felorcs and forest trolls can be playable.
There are already forest trolls in the horde, that was the entire horde quest story line of the Hinterlands.
Chinks gold farmers made me quit Dalaraan, but there are a lot of great servers without them, PrimalWoW is probably the best WotLK one.
You don't belong here elf lover.
So out of all the shit they could do about new race, they chose reskin of already playable race.
Well, 99% of expansions are shit.
No, they are shit. Giving blood elves to the Horde and then slapping on the goatfuckers to the Alliance as a horrible decision.
Shoo, shoo dirty jew!
they re-did all the character models and such when the previous expansion dropped in like 2014 or something. The direction they took the aesthetic wasn't exactly all that good. It was sorely needed, but the end result became hilariously cartoony.
Some people have spent half their lives playing their characters, they grow attached to them. They can't see those characters that many poured their entire childhoods or teenage years into just vanish.
Why do niggers think taking a photo of your screen makes it look like a legitimate leak? It's far more likely that someone would leak the raw asset when they're testing deployment or something. Do retards really think Blizzard invites people into their offices running unannounced expansion builds and then let them wander around with their smartphones out? What's the fucking logic here?
Haven't the past 3 expansions been Blizzard "blowing their final load"?
I'm waiting for them to go full retard and introduce loot boxes and/or use Diversity as a major selling point for the next expansion.
Gee, I dont know why. May be for the same reason we have weekly wow threads with same image and same text talking about "something new and exiting" or "tell me a cool wow story". Its a mystery with a capital J in it.
is it possible to have a worse taste in games?
crystal treatment
Because personal phones aren't tied into a corporate network in the same way a dev's workstation is, user. Any halfway competent corporate IT department has a security division whose sole job it is to crucify people that are stupid enough to leak data from their workstations.
But phones are an ever-present risk and can be easily used for this bullshit. Did anyone check the EXIF on that picture? Maybe the leaker was a retard and left it in.
the only good mmo was classic runescape, prove me wrong
Look at these goym. Paying monthly fees and buying biyearly expansions to play an inferior game.
I left WoW, the only problem is now, the only games left that I'm interested in are from before 2006.
Literally nothing that's been coming out has looked interesting to me.