What the fuck is going on?
We haven't had these numbers since 2015
3600 ISPs
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit and cuckchan are leaking. If shit gets too bad, I'll prepare for a new exodus.
The one thing that will eternally baffle me is why this place doesn't resemble 4/v/ 3 years after the exodus, while Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and especially Holla Forums got all summered up.
Sage for not vidya.
Is it the Donte announcement? People coming to see the reaction?
But why?
Honestly since 2016 this board has been 4/v/ circa 2010.
Cuckchan just went too far down the shitter
The what now?
How is DMC related to this?
Trump was our hackers on steroids moment. We are in a sea of normalfags and idiots.
No, this started around a week ago. Obvious goons and cuckchanners shitting up threads has nothing to do with that shit
As for the normalfaggotry, I remember this happening again a few months ago. /r9k/ also got murdered. It used to be a slow and comfy board until the double-digit cuckchanners leaked in and starting spreading their autism and making new threads every day for no reason.
This explains all the anti-anime goonery as of late huh?
get out pleb
Is this the reason we have a couple more pages now?
it's just one autist sperging across multiple boards
moe is still trash though.
I like anime but I despise the popularity of mediocre shows, like Boku No Hero, and the praise of sexuality.
It might be, but anyone here who gets asshurt over smug girls, is a goon faggot and deserves to be gassed.
Get out, dweebagoon
True, but Eternal September wasn't that bad until mid 2015
Well if things get too cancerous you can just make another board. My problem with the current administration of the website is that the only way to get your board advertised is either on those small as hell tags or by winning a change non-game on the /sudo/ board.
But also anyone who thinks posting smug trash as a way to justify communication is retarded and needs medical attention.
Something fishy is going on.
We need to nuke /salt-left/ pronto, I bet that they are behind a huge part of the influx.
Look at their threads, they barely get 50 posts per thread unless its a shitpost fest with some other board. Its bots.
Yea but we are talking about retards that go >weebshit >cuckime out of the blue.
Holla Forums is using bots like usual. Unless this recent change has something to do with them which is completely plausible.
I do know that, and Jim has more or less confirmed it, but they weren't at 1400, last I remember.
The posting nature here still seems normal (enough), I haven't seen any bots around recently.
Unless they've just gotten smarter
For (you)
Bots have become a problem as of late. We'll never have as much fun as we did back during the first exodus. Thankfully the bunkers haven't become unbearable yet.
No there are no bots here, they are just using them to inflate their board numbers.
Somewhat yes
There's been an influx of low effort shit-tier threads
I hate reporting but I've been having to do it a lot lately
I notice a lot more of swarming from triggered anti-anime faggots on certain threads.
Smuging at someone whiles being wrong leaves you open for even greater bullying.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting user
Remember when we used to have double Holla Forums's PPH constantly while only having maybe 300 more UIDs than them?
It feels like this place is so much slower now. Its annoying as fuck.
Where did that "of" came from
There's a huge flood of shills hitting the usual targets right now. Might have something to do with it.
I've noticed a lot of "Uhhh like, Fallout 3/4 is better than New Vegas, because the maaaap is better" shilling. I guess there might be a new Bethesda game coming soon, so they're laying the groundwork.
The sheer amount of reddit spacing I have seen today, just posts and posts of walls of text with terrible layouts, leads me to believe that if there isn't an active raid there's at least a massive fucking influx of cunts who don't know any better and who need to lurk more.
Also the amount of filenames starting with 150
Someone might be directing cuckchanner here. I get the excuse that its for time sorting.
Is Boku No Hero even that popular? It's mostly just people that like frog girl. I can understand that.
The only image I have with 150 in it is from my archive of the entirety of Chaos Diamonds 3.
user, its seconds place, I think, on Shonen Jump.
I thought he meant popular on Holla Forums.
It's so fucking popular that even my normalfag friend who doesn't watch much anime heard about it.
It became the entry gate anime for the current generation. It's the new Naruto.
I have barely heard anything about it though. The general mainstream appeal of anime seems to be lesser than it once was.
Boku No Hero was not that popular where I live, but Attack on Titan was that popular here.
Reddit spacing is a d&c meme.
Doesnt make the retarded formatting of pressing enter twice after every line any better, they need to learn proper formatting.
Its pretty fucking popular in general. I like as well. Also in GG threads when ever its posted and chain of Hero Academia replies follow.
It's not Naruto until the edgy side character overtakes the entirety of the plot and inherent bullshit overtakes training. The last time I bothered looking at Boku No "I wanna fuck the frog girl" Hero one of the best guys was this dude who could turn intangible and that's it. Alternatively when some kid dies in a sandpit trying to convince his friends he has a superpower that allows him to control sand.
The BO of /r9k/ has added some new rules to deal with the shitposting because he realised it was going too far.
Considering that Holla Forums is also being inflated, they're probably shilling or spreading disinfo.
fuck my engrish
What do you mean it's just a meme? How is this shit a meme?
Hello, halfchan here.
It's gotten so bad that even we are leaving.
Bwahaha, what? No it's not. It doesn't even touch One Punch Man, Attack on Titan or JoJo as far as gate way shouneshit for normalfags go.
Holla Forums and /christian/ are being flooding with religious D&C right now, new threads popping up every time an old one is deleted. Plenty of TORniggers dumping copypasta shitposting about kikes on a stick, etc.
I noticed a couple days ago that /cucktianity/ started getting enough traffic to appear on the frontpage again, so I presume this is a planned raid.
Holla Forums has been overrun for a long time now, the election fucking killed it and hanged its corpse for all to see.
if this isn't bait - goback and stay bakc
You want to die? Do it now and leave.
We might have a lot of Felix posters but I'm sorry to say even we don't have enough faggotry to accommodate you people, why not try somewhere else, like a dumpster fire, or the Mariana Trench?
Yes but the number of zogbot shills rise and fall with happenings, but the overall quality has dropped
Yeah, that's pretty awful.
That's an actual case where you can argue the spacing is indeed reddit-tier, but more often than not its not the case and its people sperging out over spaces between paragraphs.
Also what's the deal with Mark and not showing anchors on threads, I mean, did an anchor steal his shekels in the past? It's certainly one of life's great mysteries.
Nobody complains about lines between paragraphs. It's lines between a single sentence, or one line "paragraphs" that's fucking annoying.
Seems like another cuckchan exodus is incoming. Grab a gun and happy hunting
You do realise that you can save images like that on here as well?
We really need a rule to ban cuckchanners. They are ruining this board.
Fuck off, you already had a chance to leave and you rejected it.
The length is different you retard.
You have to go back.
did some digging and I regret it
>and this shit archive.is
It was nice knowing you boys
Who the hell is Lauren Southern? Why can't these retarded normalfag celebrities leave this site out of their shit?
Apparently an alt-right celeb like Spencer and Sarcuck
So she is either a commie/CIA or a jew.
Dont the retards that call themselves alt right have their own sites. Fuck, of course they would one day be directed here
Reminder: Bullying is the best tool against faggots
Please use the report feature if someone is trying to derail threads, political or otherwise.
Strength in bully.
Also the UID thing is probably a bug
Just ban them you fag. Why do you want people to derail threads further by replying?
Then fuck off. You are a blight on this board. What a faggot. Go eat a cake or smttbh.
You better add some damn new wordfilters
They'll be banned.
Strength in bully user, Strength in bully.
that is all.
leftypol is always trying to raid 4pol, but it's a tranny drop in the ocean
both newfag
I though she only spilled the beans on being a jew.
Funny how they're the third largest board yet don't allow IDs. They're certainly not hiding anything, no sir.
They do, they just keep coming back, because they unironically thought that shilling on Holla Forums was a good idea, got BTFO, was found out that the owner of one of their largest sites has a jew wife, and now it's personal, or some shit.
That cianigger A.I must be working overtime to get Holla Forums up this high on ISP's connected.
A very effective one I might add, for months it made 8/pol/ completely useless and fold against itself.
Voat's getting ddosed, soros' $18 billion at work, expect 1000x bots
And they can only get 1000x more shill bots in? What pathetic faggots these people are.
I heard on Holla Forums that they were looking to hire crisis actors for Arkansas? Maybe pre-empt the event and tell your normalfag friends that something might happen in the next 4 months over there
That was actually my post, and I was on mobile.
I'd say more a mixture of 8ch being labelled the "most trolley" place on the net, along with the media repeatedly namedropping us has constituted our "Hackers on Steroids". Also faggots that can't into discretion, and instead of falseflagging as another site, lead people straight back here. Probably the best way to destroy on imageboard really: outright getting it removed from the net just spreads angry anons elsewhere to shitpost and redpill, but encouraging normalfags and other people ill fit for imageboards to head to them enmasse dilutes the userbase, changes the culture, and either the prior anons just have to suck it up and put up with it, or they slowly leave and get replaced.
That only works if everyone can agree that the current board that's filled the niche has turned to shit. And unfortunately Holla Forums has not only a legacy board name (and thus what people coming from other imageboards are going to immediately look for), but every other non-Holla Forums vidya board either doesn't get popular in the first place, or if it does become popular for a while, is actively made into a scapegoat for Holla Forums's problems and shilled against. Decay cycle is also a thing, where people on smaller boards leave for larger, more active ones, causing even more people to do the same. Of course, one could also argue that given the difference in population here compared with, say, cuckchan, there's just not much demand to be had for narrower/split-off boards. Ergo, even if something does get popular for a while, eventually everyone winds up back on Holla Forums.
I wouldn't call this a good thing. I have seen many shitty and retarded posts recently. Off the top of my head this shit. There was also another post that pulled the "you play as a role, so its a roleplaying game" line, but the thread is 404.
Well that explains how it's a meme
I think a successfully distinguishing characteristic that warrants the creation of a new board should be found (which maybe hasn't yet).
For example, there was /svidya/ which was supposed to be more serious discussions, or whatever.
And there's >>>/games/ which looks like a smaller and less active Holla Forums.
>>>/hgg/ makes sense because its nsfw content and a clear specialization towards a genre of games.