Holla Forums Unofficial Gamenight Weekend: Deer Hunter 2005


Deer Hunter 2005 is a hunting simulator produced by Atari in 2004 for the 2005 hunting season. It supports 16 player freeroam across varying sized environments shooting multiple types of deer.



Download the game, extract it to wherever it can write to with privileges, apply the resolution fix for widescreen monitors if needed. Boot up the game, create a new hunter and customize your loadout. You can download mods for it, but it fucks stuff up on MP.







The game has singleplayer and multiplayer, which track your trophies across both modes and assign you ranks based on your score. There is a choice of 6 maps available by default but you can add more by mods which are all several kilometers across. It's radical as fuck.


Server information:
Name: Infinity Gamenight
IP: xperience.ddns.net
pass: infv [if needed]

Other urls found in this thread:


A deer hunting game? What is this, some kind of tournament or competition? Will prizes be involved? Is it a lapdance and blowjob from Mark dressed as a women?

Shit, I remember this game being sold next to that parody game where you play as a deer shooting hunters. Maybe this is finally my time to give it a try.

For some reason I'm expecting there not to be any deer but lots of kebab.

That's for Holla Forumsmod deer hunter edition.

Holy fuck is this seriously a passable game? How's the gameplay, is it solid and competitive?

or co-operative, that's okay too

Yes. The server will be set up starting tomorrow for Biggest Buck mode. The person with the largest buck bagged within an hour round is the winner. It's actually really fun even though it might be considered slow paced [just walking around the woods trying to hunt durr] to some anons.

That logo/loading screen/color palette never to be seen again.

Seriously OP, how do I get the "good stuff" mods? The game is boring as all hell, and not even the simulation game excuse can patch that. So gimme SDK or mods. It's just not fun. At all


It will track maximum size of deer killed per user, prizes could be awarded based on that I suppose.

Nice, don't even remember when that was played here last, still have it installed and ready to go though.

I think it was last done in 2015 or so.


You can use the connect.bat to directly join when booting up Deer Hunter 2005 without going to the multiplayer>join menu. Type in xperience.ddns.net as the IP for the server.

Nice, I'll be on in a few hours.

I think you can start calling these threads the official gamenights.

Stickying is done by mods user, regardless of who is actually running something on a given weekend.

That's what I mean, the vols always sticky these threads and Mark promotes them, they're not exactly unofficial anymore.

Oh wait, now I get what you mean.
Sorry, I just woke up so I'm a bit slow right now.

I'll set up a secondary server later if we need it.

He just meant that it wasn't scheduled ahead of time. There's a whole board for anons to do that (>>>/radcorp/) but it's still not affiliated with (((mark))) or anything. Normally there's a scheduled one every other week and people just run whatever they want in between them.

No problem user. Mods help a lot with stickying but /radcorp/ is intentionally arms-length to avoid drama.


Can we have a Halloween-themed gamenight instead?

user, the woods are teeming with armed, insane men looking to kill anything that moves. we are removing deer, and any time you turn around you might find that someone is hunting you.

Does this game have russian roulette?

Oh good. I was concerned there wasn't going to be a gamenight. Are we going to be playing MW:LL soon?

So we /film/ now? What's your favorite war movie Holla Forums?

deer genocide 2020 best day of my life

Changing video modes isn't working properly, anyone having the same issue?

Me and bubba mitch killed some shit

We also killed 2 durr, but they were bagged before I could grab a screenshot

Does this have 28ga side by side?

Playing a deer hunting game with the mouse just doesn't feel the same as playing it in the arcade with a lightgun shotgun.

Deer fucking god what is wrong with the music audio and why is it so pixelated

here i come cervid scum

Try alt+tabbing if needed.

You may need to use the file for your resolution if you use a special snowflake ratio.

It might, you can customize weapons to give them different ammunition, attachments and skins. The most retarded weapon I made was a semi auto rifle with thermals shooting .303 I dubbed OP.

can you friendly fire? i don't like hunitng animals

so there's penalties to your score if you collect too many trophies, shoot over the water, or trigger the fucking Animal's Rights Activists

Is it working? I tried to connect to the address but it didn't work.

Can we change the map? The current one feels like it's already cleaned out.

Yes, you should be able to vote for a changemap.

Got the game, joining asap when I figure out how

Also the music is in 30fps or something like that but half the notes are missing, what the fuck

I get "disconnected by server" when i'm trying to join, anybody with the same problem?

same here, says the match finished

Yeah, I got that same issue too. Is it because I is illegal now?

hey guys can we choose a fun game next time

Same here. I think if you are illegal in the current map you can't rejoin.
Can you change the map lads? We got 3 people not able to play.

I, wtf it's because I'm a mexican illegal isn't it, fucking shooting over water and just because i wanted to change my loadouts.

the fuck you talking about?

Can't find the server, even with the IP

illegal in current map? the hell does that mean

I restarted the server, apparently the match ends after 50 minutes but didn't start up a new game. I've set the timelimit to 45 minutes as a result.

Ok so according to the rules I posted
You are no longer eligible for winning but you may still hunt around.

thanks hostfag

Question, so there really isn't friendly fire? Not only for bored PvP, but because it would add realism to the match.

Thanks y'all

there is no friendly fire in the game, maybe it can be modded into the game who knows

I think the tf2v devs are going to run one on the 31st.

I forgot to put an "e" in the adress. It actuay works and I'm dumb

I have the same problem.

Make sure you can actually ping xperience.ddns.net outside of the game.

I tried to connect via the .bat file too, it didn't work.

Can you ping xperience.ddns.net outside of the game?

No. I'll play another game instead. Have fun

Try instead though really if you can't ping it it's a networking problem, not an issue with the game.


I think pre-rut has the most durr.

The music is messy and coughing up, any fix?

Go to settings>Audio and put on a new audio quality. It'll fix the music automatically.

nvm just reset it

fug I can't join anyway, says match finished

yeah, my client crashed and I can't rejoin


can i hunt the most dangerous game?

fixed it, it's FSAA that shits on the performance

same problem here, can only reduce resolution so now I'm stuck at 640x480.

fixed by running in D3DWindower first to change resolution.

Looks like a shitty fudd game.

This game is fantastic. Just like de Niro, I, too, am starting to question my life.

I can't connect to it, is the server down?

Oh fug I forgot today was friday. This looks bizarre but fun. How'd it go? Better than the shitshow that was Wolfenstein? That game sucked.

Damn, OP. I played the shit put of this game back in the day. The blackpowder musket was my favorite weapon.

still up

Who chose this game?

Because fuck you



Game still sucks lmao

shit game, new game when

this is worse

Play The Hunter Call Of The Wild.


Ayo, lets play zombie master reborn

Can't we play some fucking Joint Ops or something? This game is making me insane.

nah it's pretty boring

Lets play Red Orchestra, post the Holla Forums mumble info

Is this the HUE made or just the sequels?

Got the torrent?

No I own the game


I havent used mumble in a while, what is the Holla Forums mumble info?

Replace the deer with little black children and it's gold

Here's Red Orchestra if you aren't a buyfag.

We just playing the base game?

I don't know, nigger. I haven't played it before.

Whos hosting?

I'm throwing the server together. One sec


Nice, post when it's up.
Include liberal use of red text

Make sure it works with pirated copies. Do the base version for now.

yes, server is called Holla Forums vs communism

well glad that's over

I may also be retarded a fucked it up.


Use the dedicated server in the mega.

Ah I missed that, ok

I think it is up now.

I don't see it.

We sure this isnt jacked because its pirated?

Same, not seeing any 8ch related shit in the browser.
Legit owner btw

Do we need all the mods and if so where do we extract them to?

I wasnt using the mods.


someone else want to try hosting

we can always play zombie master


What a shitshow of a gamenight

Not even FAS was this bad

We could also just hijack an empty server.

sasuga Holla Forums

Someone else host, trying to get this potato ass pirated version to host a server is pissing me off.

I cannot even find the exe for the game from the mega.

How about we play Joint Ops?

someone host

There a mega for this or do I need to buy it?

Well found something more boring then maybe killing dear.

Great game night you fucking idiots.

Don't download Holla Forumsmod, though. It's an old version. I'm sure someone will post the most recent one. Anyways, I'm off to bed.

Probably better than my idea. I wanted to do FSX.

this game's awful
I wish I didn't waste 30min of my life that I'll never get back

Well still playing Deer Hunter if anyone wants to join. FYI tracking is a good skill to max.

How do you increase skills?

make a new character and set the skills to what you want.

is there a server up right now? wasnt able to join any of the last IP's posted

that is the server for Deer Hunter 2005

so why didn't we play this one instead?

We should do a custom map where you must guard the mexican border


of all the games to pick why did you pick this one

Glad I dodged this bullet.

Is there a mod to replace the deers with Turks?

And make the hunters serbs? I want to do some RP

Well time to install and play
Does this game have flamethrowers?

what kind of sick fetish game is this?

Reposting >>>/radcorp/1839 , I can hopefully host some time tomorrow.
If you already downloaded and have v2.0.1 installed dont download this. This is just a version with a different and easier installation method that also cuts down the filesize.

Hit ler would not approve of this game.

for what reason

Boolits can ricochet or damage the water supply, and it is hard to identify animals.

Does a 3000lb car count?

OH GOD, played cabelas big game hunter on the x bone. do you want to know what level 1 was? FUCKING GOD DAM WOLVERINES. the fuckers would charge you out of the brush 5 feet from your balls. tear your legs a new asshole and then laugh as your movement speed was reduced to next to nothing/ or managed to kill you for a quick game over.

It's sad what has happened to the series. I had fond memory's, and now it's arcadey mobile trash.

Anyone playing? I wanna kill durr.

I'll join in a bit, but if it doesn't get much traction or really boring, I'll throw up a Joint Ops server or go to the gym.

and when I fired the game minimised itself, threw off my aim and forced me to miss
Would post more screenshots but Holla Forums is being retarded at moment.

What is wrong with your shit? Also, there's a firing range map to practice with whatever you're using.

You gotta put it in your mouth to make the dear come.

i was having the same problem i would click off screen when turning right and my cursor was on my second window. ended up having to play with no secondary monitor for this thread.

Oh, that sort of thing. Yeah, hated that when I had dual monitors.

same here turned my second monitor off.

For anyone who thinks this game is way too slow, come play Joint Operations instead. You need Gameranger. Downloads are in the thread.

ROOM: /radcorp/ Saturday Alt
PASS: infv

We're using Holla Forumsmod 2.0.1.

I would try it out but give me a download you niggers. I'm not gonna find every obscure mod and tweak needed for this shit myself.

See and

I'm going to make myself some food while I wait for the room to fill.



PMed you the fix. :)

Lead in water fucks over certain birds.

Get Dual Monitor Tools and lock your cursor to one screen.

Trying to join but how the fuck does Gayranger work?

The room wasnt up, i'll open it for meme's sake but idk how many people is online

ROOM: Radcorp and fun
PASS: infv

Please clap

Deer Hunter 2005 is still going though, we'll be playing until Sunday.

Someone else git in here. I bagged me a durr.


you bagged a fawn you retard

can hostfag stop being retarded for 1 second

Anyone on? I want to play but not alone.

Yeah, there's been a handful on most the time today.

There are some fags on (or so hostfag tells me).

2nding this, why the fuck are we playing an inferior version over a superior version

Got a download link and fixed version?

What's superior about it?

the fact that it's not DH2005 probably

what's broken about it?

well i dont fucking know but it has predators, looks better, and might have more fun or exotic stuff

So are we playing this or still 2005?

I'm not A or THE hostfag so unless someone announces they are hosting DHT you're stuck playing on 05

It's still 2005 but Tournament seems like the better game.

Have you ever even played it?


Did you already download it? Does multiplayer work?

The multiplayer is fucky and it's cross platform.

Vanilla Multiplayer requires you to be connected to the "Master Server" which Atari requires you to sign up for, I do not think this server exists anymore. The good thing is that there is an option for local play so it may be possible for Hamachi, maybe on Gameranger I don't see Deer Hunter Tournament on it.
As for features, there's no skill system, there are indeed predators and they will kill you, there are less weapons, NO HANDGUNS OR MUSKETS, and less tools, blinds are scattered around the map, you have ALL the baits, navigation is simplified and unobtrusive aka you dont need to hold a gps or a map when you can just press M at no expense, no weapon, ammo, or item descriptions, you can still customize the weapon but not its appearance, it's prettier in game but it's still mundane, you can't even shoot fawns anymore because it's illegal now. Perhaps I was wrong about Tournament, DH05 is better than it in comparison to customization and utilities, however it still bores the shit out of us


Yeah, I downloaded it and played for a bit. It's consolized as fuck. Better grafix, bears, and mountain lions aren't worth it.

You're a faggot that can't even read an OP thoroughly. I'm pretty okay with you sitting it out.

Quick, look for some online fishing games for us to play next week.

This is why this shouldn't have been stickied. The subhumans and cityfags literally can't even.

Can we try The Hunter: Call of the Wild?

I heard there was LAN. Do you still need an account for that?

It's lan so I wouldn't think so but I couldn't really check it out.

The Hunter: COTW has insane requirements which counts out all the lowspecfags, is pay to play, ubishit, no way to pirate and is 29,99$.

I still haven't installed it. Is it still the same as that P2W (((free)))) version of theHunter like that?


I don't think it has microtransactions but I don't think it's that great, either.

I'll have to get around to installing it to see how it is. I figured it being a standalone game they'd cut most of the crap that the original theHunter had. It at least had some interesting tracking features, that's about all I recall. I don't remember much else. Did it even have upwind/downwind or anything? Most of these seem like they have really small land masses. Even that Cabela's Big Game Hunter was pretty bad, basically like a game themepark.

are you guys playing?

For anyone who wants to dick around with something more approachable than this, you could try Big Game Hunter, there are moose and bear and some Sniper Elite style ballistic cameras. The map design really eats shit though, set up like a shooting barrel for the most part.

3/16 on right now.

"Playing" is a very generous term when it comes to this game.

But that's wrong, it's simply not for you.

I'm not convinced that even half of the mechanics in this game work. I enjoy simulators, but I wouldn't even call this a simulator. It's the barebones of one.

It's a real shame that this series is now mobileshit too.

Now I have a serious itching for a good hunting simulator.

Well, lad. You could have offered up something more official than an unofficial hunting weekend. I'm sure you had many thing together.


Looking at the optic on its own isn't how it works.

Naw, you mentioned the thermals in game.

The lures, call, and bait all seem to work, it's just that they aren't effective enough that using them is a better strategy than just running through the forest and hoping you come across a deer and you can get a shot off before it runs away. If you turn the cheat that makes them ignore you and spam the antlers you can get a line of them to follow you. This was after setting bait and the automatic call. The speed cheat makes deer fast too so if I wasn't using it I would have had to wait a lot longer for them all to gather there.

You can be a faggot that breaks games all day, and look what that makes you. Still looks like it's just not for you. Not going to change anything about it. A soylent sucking animal that hates yourself and video games in general.


You must come to terms, most of Holla Forums are not made for video games that are cultural.

What did he mean by this?

What are you talking about? I think the game is fun, it's just the items are all borderline useless. The guy I was responding to thought maybe they weren't even programmed to do anything. I thought the same thing until I checked.


Not everything is for you.

I already stated it. Your spaghetti did fuck all.

have my shitty oc

what's the matter, did atari shut down your BR game studio?

Hey this is really fun, can't wait to play tomorrow!!

This appears to be down for the moment as the room doesn't show up.

Bothering with Holla Forums is making less sense every week.

Seems hunting games are out of Holla Forumss comfort zone, they'd rather be play VNs and flavor of the month MOBAs and arena shooters.


Bumping, today is the last day to be able to score a record buck! Get in and go for the the best!

I'll be compiling the biggest bucks caught over the weekend when today is over with.

Don't. No one knows about the tournament.

Tournament? There was a tournament? Where?

See >>>/radcorp/3121

meant to reply to

What should the next game be?

Just Cause 2?

Operation Flashpoint?

Age of Mythology?

Soldier of Fortune?

Midtown Madness?

Unreal Tournament?

The Forest?

The "play all the games" option in Banjo-Tooie.

good taste


WiC is up next but we're looking for a racing game, something other than a shooter for a change.

t. Muledeer Buck

Like pottery

A Trackmania game?

It is now :^)

Is anybody playing this meme?


What's WiC?

Ask in the RTS thread sometime :^)

World in Conflict? Never played it

It's worth a play, just for the characters alone.

I'm playing Steel Division: Normandy 44

Ok uninstalling again, what a fucking disappointment of a game

Unreal Tournament

Did I miss the simple planes game night or did that never happen?

which one? GOTY or 04?

Hey cumtails,
My name is MuleDeer, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are starving, non-typical, nuBucks who spend every second of their day watching for stupid ass blinds. You are everything bad in the forest. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any tail? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of deer because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to fawns in the bush.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your buck shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the deerball team, and have 50 point antlers. What sports do you play, other than “get killed by bow hunters”? I also chase scent trails, and have banging hot doefriends (one's now pregnant, Shit is SO grass). You are all faggots who should just lock antlers. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my doe

Hasn't happened yet, I don't think.

This one


But I remember last time only 4 people joined. The download size might be too much. The game must be able to run on Windows XP I guess.

UT99 or bust.


you know people prefer the "non typical" bucks? as in pick related


webm related


Good lord she's gonna grow up to be a catch.

I had a bit of trouble understanding her with her first adrenalin rush, but she shot the deer herself?
Does anyone know what caliber rifle she was using?
This is honestly the cutest thing ever.

Should this thread be unstickied soon?

Probably, unless anyone has more loli hunter webms.

To clarify: that's lolis hunting, not hunting for lolis.

shouldn't have been stickied in the first place tbh

So I propose we mod Deer Hunter so we have more firepower and we hunt either
And in the end, when we have no more things to hunt, all the humans turn on each other and start hunting themselves like a battle royale game.

If they were meant to be at the top of the food chain, then Deer would have invented guns. You fucking lowtest cuck.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people hunting animals. I just personally wouldn't do it for fun or any reason other than something or someone was being threatened (example: shooting rats because they keep threatening crops or something like that) or if I needed food to survive if im living out innawoods.

Having a video game/simulator about hunting instead of actually going out hunting seems lowtest to me.

Then a video game about anything else remotely possible is also lowtest compared to actually doing it, and what are you doing here?
You like racing games? Go drive fast. You like FPS? Join the army infantry. You like platforming? Go train for Ninja Warrior or take up parkour. Fuck's sake you absolute gay.

Something is always threatened.
The grass in the fields is threatened if nothing else.
Especially in places where the games natural predation is gone.

Video games and the fantasy/fake/unrealistic settings it provides are supposed to give you escapism from the blandness of the real world. Why play a game about real world things instead of going out and doing them? You're obviously interested because you'd play a vidya game about it, whats stopping you from actually doing it IRL?
I want to get /fit/. But real life is bland and hard. So I would rather play a video game about getting swole. This same concept applies to sport games.
Not an argument.

Yeah but I dont give a fuck about grass being eaten away by animals (if it were because of man-made or unnatural causes then yes, i'd care). Again, im ok with people hunting, I just wouldnt do it for fun or with no reason.

Deer are filthy salad eaters that threaten the trees. They deserve to be hunted. Remove Buck

There's no room in my chest freezer for a deer right now, it's a Sunday, my SKS is a tad inaccurate for hunting, and my town banned hunting with rifles anyway.

then make room
Not an excuse
then make it accurate

get in faggots

I've pulled down the server, thanks for playing!
I'll find some time tomorrow to go off and compile the top results from the hunts over the weekend. No rewards this weekend, but like this is mainly a test to see if something like Durr Hunturr is a feasible tourney title.

yeah let's pretend everyone is enthused because I'm sure everyone liked this shovelware title passed for a gamenight

Guess we'll just have to run Call of Duty non stop to appease faggots like you.


Airplanes in game??\