Dirty Chinese Restaurant

Where can I get this? It looks super fun.

Don't waste my time next time, OP.

ughhh I thought it was going to have a PC release too

It does look fun, there are alternatives, you could always get a phone emulator and shit

Devs cucked out, apologized and took down the game/dropped plans to develop it

You fucking serious? Shit looked cash, like a tasteless tycoon game.

you mean it never came out?

They should *accidentally* leak it somewhere. I don't get people who spend all that time trying to build something then immediately give up when some liberalSJW goes wah wah boo boo. The whole premise of the game was gving PC culture the middle finger but is completely pointless if they're too afraid to release it.

To build on this: the game was clearly controversy bait (the dev's name is big-o-tree for fucks sake).

However, Canadian hate speech laws meant that there was a real chance they could cop some jail time for making a meme game, and they cucked hard and fast. Cancelled the game entirely and replaced their website with an apology that was clearly written by someone else. It's apparent that some people had their nuts in a vice.

Checking now, their website is completely offline.

They should've known that before hand. Is there any country where they could set up and release it in?

All they need to do is invest in a shitty office somewhere and release it.

Also, fuck canada.

To be fair, they got flacked from every direction, not just some angry blue haired whales. Local politician faggots looking to raise their rep, even the consulate of China is putting on pressure.

*Vise. Other than that, you are absolutely correct. I think they expected a mob of angry blue whales, not local cucked politicians with some semblance of power and the bloody Chinese consulate to throw in.


You can't start a fire without risking being burnt
They backed up like pussies

So it was self-depreciation?

Big O and Trees are programming concepts though

Canadians don't have the first amendment anons.

It's amazing how arrogant Canadians are considering how awful their country is.

Still can't believe the Canadian government took this down


This is true insanity..

If you're gonna go controversial in Canada you need deep pockets or you develop your game entirely in the shadows.

Even if they didn't announce anything until release they would still probably get arrested/fined by the local cucked government. Pretty sure the chinks could just sue them for offending them and get money out of it.


Canada has a lot of Chinese immigrating and forcing real estate to skyrocket. The government isn't doing any favors because Trudeau is outsourcing a lot of big developments to Chinese companies. There are laws now that tax something like 15% of all money brought in when immigrating, but that doesn't stop people. Canada is fucked and it's the Chinese doing the fucking.