When did the PS3 become the best console of its time?
Did the PS3 turn into the proper successor to the PS2 and it was so gradual nobody noticed?
When did the PS3 become the best console of its time?
Did the PS3 turn into the proper successor to the PS2 and it was so gradual nobody noticed?
pretty much by 2009/2010 the ps3 got its shit together and it was good
Feels good, man.
It's still a joke compared to the PS2, while the PS1 and PS2 had big libraries with a huge amount of variety. The PS3 and PS4 have… Dudebro shooters, movies and a few 6/10 anime games i guess?
It only stands out for not being as filled with shovelware as the 360 or the Wii.
still no geams
it's nothing compared to the PS2
this how bad the memesation 4 is, soniggers are getting nostagia for the fucking ps3 which was completely forgetabble console with nothing of worth
just buy a smartphone casuals
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
I'm sure there's more, those are just the ones I own. All 8/10 or higher.
tfw Chad was right all along
Fucking called it.
Fucking neofags, don't you have hambeasts to grope?
Chad Daddy is always right.
It goes up about a million points since you can use generic controller.
Get the fuck out of my board Sonygaf
I mean just the fact that you can get a OLD Ps3 and any direct input controller with enough inputs and you can play pretty much every game from ps1 to ps3 is nice.
Except monkey hero.
But literally nothing but a real ps1 plays monkey hero right, even the PSone can't play monkey hero
When it shipped with a working, no-nonsense DLNA client.
Literally this. I call everyone to attention so they might observe these repeating digits
You high, lad?
Try again Gaffot
It always was.
Leave your stupid comments in your pocket you ignorant nigger.
Robocop is becomming a nigger too? Man, i think by now even normalfags are becoming sick of that enforced diversity, dont they? I wasnt in a cinema for years so i dotn know how those films even make money or if normalfags still demand to get deepthroated.
The irony, i bet the antoganist is a white racist. White lifes matter when?
I could be wrong, but isn't the bottom one the man who hits showers?
That's just cyborg, a comic book superhero you'd probably only know from the teen titans. He's not an original hero, but i think he replaced martian manhunter on the justice league.
*He's not Replacing an original hero, per se
I don't know how they fucked up this badly. Even Robocop reboot was better.
Is Chad still alive?
Sony-ogaffers get out
as stated by
That's not Robocop That Cyber nigger from Teen Titans/DC comics
Great, NiggerGAF refugees coming in. Dubs
they're too busy molesting children.
Thats just an image comparing a film from 1987 with primitive technology with a 2017 movie with state of the art technology and CGI.
One is Robocop and the other is Cyborg from DC Capeshit.
Both were financed by Warner Bros
Hollyjew is nothing but lazy kikes and SJWs from California.
Well at least. I remember watching robocop as little kid, shit was cash back then. Can also remember the TT Guy, but theres no resemblence.
The 7th gen was mostly shit. PS3 is only king of a pile of shit. Even then, the Wii might have a bigger library of interesting (though often flawed) games.
One of the comics writers, Geoff Johns, has a closeted homossexual passion for the Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and the executives wanted Nigger Lantern John Stewart in New-52 Justice League, so he offered to trade Martian Manhunter for Cyborg so the executives had their precious affirmative action quota character and he could still use Jordan.
Yeah TT had different designs than the actual comics, just look at starfire.
Back then it was all practical effects and even some stop-motion and animatronics. Now everything is bland, tasteless CG.
By about 2010-2011. That's when I sold my 360 and got a PS3. I ended up with about 60 games by 2016
Pretty much, problem is that its not even good CG at that and these movies budgets are still so overblown that theres literally no excuse to not have practical effects mixed in like Mad Max or Starship Troopers.
Cyborg is pretty well-known, I'm playing as him in Injustice 2 right now I don't actually like him and he looks dumb
Actually this talk about a Black robocop reminded me of something I memory holed.
There was a Robocop TV show in 2001 that had 2 Robocop's Alex Murphy, and the 2nd Black Robocop was named John T. Cable. and apparently from what I seen when looking it up again, the show wasn't very good.
Webm Related.
There were a bunch of Robocop TV shows that are totally forgotten these days. I almost want to check them out again now.
Oh for fuck's sake, I was always wondering why Cyborg was in the New 52 League and J'onn wasn't, but of course it's because of Geoff fucking Johns.
The PS3 was an experiment that would've completely killed any other console maker if they had even attempted it. It ALMOST killed SCE. It was one of those things that only happen when the fucking planets align and a bunch of absolute fucking madmen end up in the same board room meeting together and they all say; "Lets give the people the most insane piece of hardware of our time" and the PS3 was the result.
When you could start modding it.
You could say that about any console.
Yeah, but the PS3 has video games. It also has in-house emulation of the PS2 and 1 library, which is guaranteed to run better.
It wasn't an in-house emulator, it was literally just the PS2s hardware on the same PCB sitting alongside the Cell BE
Even in the later ones like the Slim?
The PS3 Slim can't play PS2 games at all specifically because Sony removed the extra hardware to save cash
Number one of trash is still trash. Somehow handhelds ended up being the best part of that generation. Haven't touched a PS3 in years now yet still dick around with my PSP.
Ease of modding should have been specified probably. The 360 for one tries to take a blood debt just tearing into the cunt.
Depends on the model and if you mean actual backwards compatibility or PSN rereleases. Speaking of the PS2 compatibility in particular (all PS3 models being PS1 capable to my knowledge), the NTSC 20 and 60 GB are the only ones with proper PS2 backwards compatibility due to having an actual PS2 chip in them, while the NTSC 80gb only has partial as it uses software based emulation and even what it can handle playing seems to be finicky (looking at bug listings on wikipedia about it). With the PSN PS2 games on the PS3, I'd assume (keyword; I don't have reason to buy them as I still have a properly working PS2) that the specific emulator used to run them would have to work on any model of PS2, or they couldn't sell them/would have to specify does/does not work on X model(s). And from the looks of those, what's offered is rather lacking compared to the amount of PS1 games on the PSN (though even the PS1 section is missing a fir bit of worthwhile games for whatever reasons).
Every Playstation console is mocked at first, and almost always for the same reasons (inferior hardware, weak lineup of games initially, blatantly copying Nintendo, etc.) and then always ends up being the most memorable and well-loved console of its generation with a library that positively eclipses the competition.
WiiU is better than the PS4 and the Wii would have been better as well if not for wagglan shit
Regardless every gen after 6th Gen is irredemeable trash and became irredemeable trash after 2007
Yeah, but the library point is getting pretty weak these days. Topped out with the Playstation and dwindled from there, really.
Every PS3 model released after 2008 lacks PS2 backwards compatibility you dumb niggee.
Fucks sake, neogaf is here.
2008 was metal gear solid 4
2009 was demon souls, inFAMOUS, killzone 2, and uncharted 2
many good games after this in the years to follow, but this is what pretty much the turning point for the ps3.
meanwhile on xbox, it became apparent microsoft was doing nothing besides halo, gears, and forza each year. why, that's STILL all they seem to be able to do for the most part.
You don't have to tell everyone you're here, it's pretty obvious from your posts.
found the niggerGAF
It was so fucking insane for the time research labs all over the world just bought PS3s in bulk to crunch numbers. It just wasn't that good for developing games.
Nice projection, neoFAG. kys
Fuck off with your ebin cinematic bullshit right now
I'm sorry what? source?
Bloodborne was pretty weak, Yakuza 0 is okay, Kiwami is literally just an undub job, and everything else is on PC now. Eat shit, neofag.
Around 2010-11, when the Wii's popularity fizzled out and the 360 suddenly walked down a path of shame with the Kinect. For the last 5 or 6 years, PS3 really has been the only 7th gen console worth a damn because the others supernova'd and for the first 3 years of the PS4's lifespan PS3 ended up with the lion's share of its games as cross-gen plats, making it an ideal, viable budget option for an embarrassingly long stretch of the current gen. I'm hard pressed to think of a console that has had more graceful twilight years than the PS3 but let us never forget how long that shit took to take off at all.
the ps3 had its ass kicked, which forced it to eat humble pie and focus on the games.
That's exactly what I mean. The hardware was so batshit crazy devs could barely even work with it. It was the antithesis of what game console hardware should be, expensive, and not centered around game development. But they pushed it out anyways. Was it stupidity? Was it a gamble? Or were they just absolute madmen? I think all 3 when you consider the PS3 also originally officially supported installing Linux to it if online to get past European import tarrifs. Absolute fucking madmen is all you can do to describe Sony in this era.
what are they, fucking retarded? pretty sure they would've payed much less if they bought 10 year old hardware without it being bundled in a plastic box
Check 'em sonygaf!
eat shit shilling faggot
those dubs are nice, but check deez dubs
1997's best CPU was the Pentium II Xeon, which was seven hundred and eighty times slower than a PS3's processor. Why didn't this guy just source one hundred and fifty thousand decade-old CPUs, plus one hundred and fifty thousand decade-old motherboards, plus six hundred thousand decade-old modules of 128MB SDRAM because that was the biggest available at the time, plus one hundred and fifty thousand power supplies, then spend probably years trying to network all this shit across obsolete ports and protocols and troubleshooting faulty parts and then buying a fucking private dam to power it all, in order to do the same thing but slower because of shitty old I/O interfaces and with a massively higher power draw and more downtime, a retard wonders.
What a fucking chump, doing the job he was hired to do instead of inventing a hobby and wasting everyone's time. Suck my balls.
Anyone got that image of the billions of dollars they invested on the Cell while having none for games and the years it took them to recoup.
The first Uncharted game was more fun, still a shallow copy of the old Tomb Raider-games.
Geoff John ruined *MY* JLA. Best JLA was the one by Grant Morrison & Howard Porter. Where JLA was truly the Magnificient 7 of superheroes.
PAL PS3 60gb launch edition also had the PS2/1 Chip.
That said fuck the launch PS3 - I went through three of them with YLOD under refurb warranty and it became harder and harder to get them pre-no linux update, so gave up and spent that refund on an 7970 and remembered why I always loved PC.
That said, PS2 works to this day after cleaning the lens. I'm FF8ing it up RN. Greatest console of all time as it does PS1 and PS2 without a hitch. What greater selection of console games have ever been released than that? None. /thread
Only blew one PS3, it was a 60gb launch model. Lost the second one I got bought it for 125 off friend around 08' and my PS2 due to circumstances.
Grabbed a 60gb PS3 off'a ebay just a couple months ago. Though after building my second gaming PC that maybe i should blow the $$ on a PS and whent for the PS3 because I could play 3 generations of games and just grab wholesale bundles off'a ebay as well.
Not a bad way to blow 400$ including shipping and handling. Though I got some bunk games in the mix.
Later models used emulation
The PS3 suffered from 3 crippling factors that prevented it, as well as the PSP, from truly taking off
The PS3 should have been nothing more than an enhanced PS2 with the hardware of a high-spec PC. Instead they tried to turn it into a total multimedia machine to compete with MS which worked to an extent but deviated from its predecessors modus operandi too much. If you ever want to observe a colossal waste of money in action look up the Japan-only PSX, which was essentially a test run for the PS3.
It was far too expensive at launch, was fucking huge, couldn't play many PS1 or PS2 games in a feature that was eventually removed, and relied on far too many moving parts instead of the mechanical disc release of the PS2 Slim, meaning if you got a YLOD, which you would, your disc would be going back to Japan along with the console, and more often than not on a one-way trip.
Many forget this but the PS2 almost Dreamcasted itself early on when nobody bought it. The world could have potentially gone without a PS2 until late 2001/early 2002 but they felt Sega was forcing their hand. This time around they released too late after planning too late. The 360 had the early bird advantage and built upon the networking capabilities of its predecessor, and the PS3 ended up dropping around the same time as the Wii thus stifling any major sales numbers for a good 3 years when the motion meme eventually wore off.
Most cite September 1993 or 1996 as the point where internet usage skyrocketed, but that was still largely for businesses and forums/usergroups. It is of my opinion that the period from Summer '06 to Summer '07 was potentially the most significant increase of any time period, period. Before, any early shortcomings would be swept under the rug, but due to sites like Youtube and Myspace taking off, failures were well-documented and inescapable. Assfaggots began chiming the quite frankly ridiculous launch price as well as the lack of titles early on and almost killed it. Then they mocked the dildo-shaped Move along with Kinect a couple years later for being "plagiaristic" but by that point it didn't work as effectively as the Wii's competition could essentially do everything it could but with superior specs and without the ubiquitious IPs. Still, the damage had been done.
I wouldn't say the PS3 won by any chance. They just survived to live another day. Arguably the relationship it had with the Blu-Ray multimedia disc saved both the console and that format. Either one would surely have failed on their own.
The slim somehow does with CFW and Multiman, but not perfect.
Still can't play Onimusha 1 and 4 on it though. I still mainly use my PS3 for EXVS FB and PSP games.
still can't be bothered with Gundam Versus though, I like fuwa step more than boost dive, and it feels like going backwards to Gundam vs Gundam Next instead of going forward like Extreme VS
Fuck the neofags did come here
They go for 400 USD now!? Jeysus… or as you said did it have heaps of games?
Many were bundled with TVs as they were the only BR. Many older people got these as combos and they were literally used for BR playback.
i know you people go "reeee" about PS, but what's the alternative? dudebro console that breaks down everytime you look at it or Dobson tier faggotry?
And contrary to what you think, Blu Ray didn't come into play until into 2009. Sony worked for their relaunch of PS3. Hired a good PR firm, reworked the console, lower its price, release great exclusives and cut down its employees, all to support it.
Which I would commend them for doing that, instead of Nintendo, just dumping their WiiU and trying to ignore its existence. Oh wow, Iwata cut his salary, how commendable, its just PR, WiiU is still dumpster fire shit
Buy a book on grammar and punctuation, Ivan.
No it was 215$ once the S&H was added. I could have just waited on a bid and saved about 40-80$ but I said "Fuck it" and the rest was two games I needed to have and bought new, at reduced price ofc, plus three wholesale buys from ebay.
See, the problem with your argument is that having worse competitors doesn't make something good, especially not when you're using clear hyperbole when describing the competitors. It's jew logic.
He did that shit in like 2014 you illiterate nigger, I implied getting 2007 hardware would be cheaper than bulk buying a bunch of PS3s
Also GTFO niggerGAF
So what, the fact that one pile of shit is less shit than the other two piles of shit doesn't make it anything more than a pile of shit fam
And if we're gonna go full jew logic, Sony ate a dick by having the shittiest sale figures out of the three
What? 150 PS3s conjoined together would basically give you 500TFLOPs, which is basically cheaper compared to hundreds of Jewtel Xeon servers
Basically, PS3 is the threadripper of its time and a dual cell server is the epyc
PS3 was only good for gundam and mecha games.
Everything else was shite
forgetting the golden age of Atelier games, none of that Atelier Sophie, Firis bullshit
here's something up your alley then, you flaming faggot
Oh I have, already put in 200+ hours on SO:4.
I'd be more eager to build another PC if there were any games that would take advantage of the thing. The only thing it seems to have are multiplats which are either slightly better and aren't very good in the first place on PC like nudoom or nuwolf.
Can't say these games interest me much more than a passive pirate and try 6 months after I torrent it. Consoles are getting new releases that actually appeal to me. It's been a lot of fun not playing old PC games for a generation for once. Catching up on PS3 was neat, and now I'm actively experiencing PS4 games.
There's no point in building a PC for now, probably up until 3 or 5 more years.
DDR4 rams are being jewed to hell and back, Intel and AMD are still having their pissing contest that they still haven't shown all their cards yet. And GPUs are basically pick your own poison, cheap GPU with jewed G-sync monitor or expensive GPU because crypto with cheap Free-sync monitor.
don't even care about variable v-sync pacing, just gonna get a 10-bit monitor for my next one, retire my two 16:10 monitors and use a CRT and a 10-bit flat panel. I'm going with next generation ryzen, probably a ryzen 5, 16gb of ram, all that shit. Finding it hard to care very much about this stuff but I've been needing an upgrade for some time, and nothing has given me the push because nothing comes out on this shitty platform that I didn't play years ago or actually want to play now.
Every poor kid in Brazil and Russia playing pirated games on PC begs to differ friend
I loved these.
The PS3 allowed a lot of cancer into the industry. The Xbox brand can't move units in Japan and the Wii didn't drag the generation for 7 years of cancer. Hell, there wasn't even confirmation of an 8th gen from Sony and MS until the Wii U was released. Not to mention how Sony amp up the shilling in the 7th gen. Neofags, get fucked.
Ace Combat 6.
My calculator can run the shit that is playable for now on RPCS3 much better than ANYTHING on that shitshow that is PCSX2.
Also the best version of Ninja Gaiden 2
I think installing emulator on PC and setting its options would be cheaper and faster than buying old consoles and games.
For most consoles this is the case, the only console I know where it's cheaper to just get the damn thing is buying a chipped used PS2 and then just download ROMs and burn any game you want for it
Nice, will have to check that out
There are plenty of games that take advantage, especially if you want to mod, if you are not playing mid-late 00s 1080p res.
PCs can barely do 4k60 at the moment, let alone decent VR beyond the flyscreen 1st gen stuff. 4k90 VR is a generation of GPUs away at minimum.
Agreed on consoles getting some good stuff. That said if you look beyond the usual AAA bullshit there are plenty of awesome PC exclusives, indies and more to come.
The other reason I like PC is pure graphics grunt. Sure some ports are gimped but others are not, or are not ports and this is where the PC version shines IMO. That said PS4 and co got their shit looking much better.
God damn bamboo nigger price fixing for the 50millionth time as per usual.
Now is a shit time to build a PC.
That said, the AMD/Intel competition sure has helped move beyond fucking quad cores.
That said I'm also not really complaining - it means the days of upgrading every year or two to be able to play stuff at decent settings is over, which was one of the only arguments for consoles for a while, as a platform they were optimised for much better.
Yeah anyone can pirate on a cheap box, fair call. I tend to buy stuff I like and sometimes will pirate it first to try.
That said as a school kid, yeah I'd pirate most of the time on my rig lol. Scraped together sheckels to buy used hardware and had a blast though, console games were/are expensive as hell back then. PC games were pricier too until steam came along. long live WON
AC in past was honestly one of the main titles that had my attention going back to PS3/PS4 but it's coming to PC properly in AC7. I can't wait.
Hadn't heard this before. Thanks for heads up. I tried bit of ePSXe on a temp i3 rig and it was 'okay', but keen to try PS3/PS2 when I find another decent clocking 2600k, if it can do it.
Waiting for Zen2. Want sweet 7nm 12core die(s) w/pcie4 for a long term future platform.
Yeah especially with some games harder to find.
With a quick internet connection and decentish PC you'd probably be right on the money there.
Agreed. PS2 is prevalent and cheap as fuck, even the PS1 roms are everywhere.
it was an "alright console of its generation" at best and it only got there on its deathbed
Gaming as a whole went to shit from the 7th gen onward. Xbox is more known for dudebro shooters, PS3 had some good variation in its exclusives like Uncharted, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Demon's Souls etc.
Xbox one probably did a big retrospective shit on its older brother + Xbox 360 was only good at playing multiplatform games on your couch, most of those games are readily available on PC for oldfags anyway
You can't complain ;)
Still have an original HL2 Gordon freeman retail box laying around in mint condition. Orange box or some shit, but yeah you could add your original Hl1 titles to it and it added them on steam.
Was against steam initially because of the online component but it does work fine offline/shitty internet places where I seem to end up living.
Funny how it all panned out eh..
When it was jailbroken
I know this, and the games don't appeal to me. The awesome PC exclusives you talk about tend to be games that are in genres I don't bother with.
don't care about gwaficks either. Nobody has bothered making a crysis 2 (in spirit) and the only games pushing advanced visuals are on PS4.
it's true even if you don't like it
mine are funnier too
sure, show me a game with real time world reflections in characters eyes
Consolefags everyone
sure, show me a game with subsurface scattering in characters ears
I'm not complaining that I should have gotten the game with that key, but it was still sad at the time. Also, lamenting that I probably would have gotten it if I switched sooner. Making your DRM platform buggy as hell so that pirates don't think it will ever catch on is a good strategy I guess.
I have one of the retail Gordon boxes as well. I used to be more naive and take a very logical approach to buying games, so I bought Half Life 2 at launch, figuring that even if I spent a fraction of the hours I spent on HL1 it would be worth it. I guess it was technically worth it by those standards, but I am somewhat bitter over the fact that I would never go back and play HL2 now. Kind of like what happenes to me with Skyrim. The campaign levels simply don't stand up and the modding scene wasn't (and isn't) quite as magical as HL1s.
yes, i googled the image to get it. so now that you're done not arguing, kindly fuck off drone
Okay, I'll spell it out for you:
that's nice
The problem with you consolefags is you aren't actually interested in the technology, so you don't know shit enough to talk shit, yeah? You just want the "best graphics" as something to hold over everyone else so you don't feel insecure about the locked down over-priced DRM box you bought, you don't actually want it because you give a fuck about the technical and it shows because you don't give a fuck how the game actually runs just that it's pretty. Also the Uncharted series plays like ass so who gives a fuck how it looks?
ok, still waiting for you to post some proof. How's your $700 mid range gpus treating you?
Wow. You sure know your facts.
Go look up some pictures of Battlefront 1 for yourself faggot. And come back to me when they have Subsurface scattering and real-time reflections running at 60fps or higher.
we're on an image board and you can't even post proof.
damn, for such a fanboy you don't even seem to know what's going on in your favorite market.
is there a playable version of nier available on PC?
Again, you know your facts. It's clear I'm talking with an Enlightened™ individual. Are you a Rick and Morty fan?
I was a PC gamer silly. Here, a friend of mine did a video to get you up to speed. hooktube.com
you sound very new to all of this, so you might want to learn a bit about the history of these products. Otherwise you just come off like a reddit fanboy trying to fit in with zany reaction images. It looks like you forgot it this time. Here's a video of your heroes at Valve being booed by people as faithful as you to the fat jew.
As much as I hate Jewvidya they have actually released much, much bigger incremental increases than e.g. Intel has… and pretty consistently too.
You can play most modern games GPU limited fine without a massively huge difference, using a 6 year old top end CPU. Try that with a 6970 or similar top tier GPU from then and let me know how you go. It's not happening unless you want to run peasant resolutions and probably turn it down a bit, if the feature set is supported..
Are you pic related?
No one wants to listen to you, you goofy sounding cunt.
how illiterate are you? Also I'm American, not Scottish.
The problem with Nvidia is they are consistently growing, but being in such a leading market position they are getting away with charging 20% performance increases over previous gen $500 GPUs and are charging $700 for the successor. Titan isn't an enthusiast card, it's a high end card. AMD needs to catch up. They see an opportunity to take advantage of consumers and they'll take it and stretch it into their leading market strategy.
Oh, so you are DSP? That makes it all make sense. It's okay, not everyone is cut out to be a PC gamer, I mean it's not fucking rocket science, but you do have to bare minimum not be retarded, and clearly that is a line too far for you to cross. Some people were just born for console and you seem to be one of them.
im still a PC gamer, but now most of what i play is emulated console/arcade games. i own a ps4 for the 7-8 games but i refuse to install steam on my PC and i hate these "pc master race" people that are just valve/steam fanboys. as shitty as the console situations are with the online software and all that shit, atleast i dont have to install it on my PC, it stays on my ps4 hardware where its isolated.
manufacturer = producer = maker
c'mon nigger, language isn't that difficult of a concept.
you're aware of the problems in the vidya card industry, right? any pc gamer should be well aware of them. the only people that aren't are them are the "pc mustard" posers that jumped on the pc bandwagon at the same time the vidya "community" was flooded with normalfags.
They are increasing prices on what are mid range cards with small-mid sized GPUs. I made this chart to keep an eye on it. Little bit of a trend when AMD stopped forcing them to give consumers full size dies… I also started seriously investing in PC Gaming around the start of this chart with an X800XT
8800U - 484mm² 90nm
9800 - 324mm² 65nm
280 - 576mm² 65nm
480 - 529mm² 40nm $499
580 - 520mm² 40nm $499
680 - 294mm² 28nm $500
780 - 561mm² 28nm $649
780Ti - 561mm² 28nm $699
980 - 398mm² 28nm $549 < AMD high end competition falters after here
980Ti - 601 mm² 28nm $649
1080 - 314mm² 16nm $699
1080Ti(Pitan) - 471mm² 16nm $699
2080Ti/TitanV - 600km² 12nm SIX GORILLION DOLLARS
Funny part is the V100 or whatever latest one is 800mm² kek
If they do make a Vitan/consumer high end GPU next (likely), it'll be quite big too around 560-620mm² and not be so cheap. Expecting to be about 30% bigger than the Pitan after V100.
I am by virtue of occasionally playing doujin games. I think most people who play PC games these days don't dare touch PC games. The few there are that are any good are too few to keep anyone busy for any meaningful time. My PS4 library has gotten pretty large with about 30 or so games. As for the other guy, I think he's too busy desperately signaling how not asshurt he is to acknowledge the issues of the market in good faith.
I started seriously with the x1K generation from ATi, had a Ti4200 for a few years before that. Are you familiar with AdoredTV? He's essentially documented the exact things you are. A key giveaway is in the GPU codenames with "XX4" usually being the mid-range codename. 1080 is GP104 - a midrange graphics card. Funniest shit to me was the founders edition, an underclocked scam that idiotic redditors still flocked to.
Fuck off faggot.
What do you even mean by this?
Of course I'm aware of problems in the video card industry, that's why I haven't bothered to upgrade in a long while, but I have to do a massive:
Guess what, even with the problems in the video card industry PC still ends up stronger and cheaper if you're not some retarded ass consumer who buys into the hype and must have the top of the line shit every year the day it's released. I own a fuck of a lot of consoles, but that nigger said "the only games pushing advanced visuals are on PS4", and that shit is retarded, double so because framerate is part of visuals. Consolefags are legitimately retarded for assuming they have the advantage in any way.
you are actually too stupid to keep up. lurk more
you didn't say anything interesting, try that if (you) want attention
Stutterposting is never OK.
Man I had such a hard on for those cards when I was rocking a TNT2 lol.
Seen a little bit but he's also an AMD fanboy a little too much. But sometimes gets shit right and it pisses off the rest of the fanboys, which makes for some hilarious salt mining.
I am an AMD fanboy but an honest one. Quite jelly of my buddy, he just got an 3 day old ex-demo 1800x/v64 rig the other day, full loop and 2/3rd of retail price. Hiding my credit card because they have more on offer :x steal of the century but would rather wait it out for Zen2.
Yeah well said they do make it obvious if you know what to look for.
GV104, flag that.
In some ways, the Titan is actually the value leader long term - you get a good 2 years out of of them at top of the pile, not bad.
Probably longer this time around as node shrinks are harder.
i didnt tell you to use better language, i said to understand it better.
cock? seriously, what?
i wasnt involved in that argument, but if he said the only games pushing advanced visuals are on ps4, then hes talking about the games, the framerate is a limitation of the console.
as someone who emulates ALOT i can tell you that the games themselves usually far surpass the visuals on the console its released for.
uncharted 4 shit sjw game i never played, nor will i ever is actually the most impressive looking game out right now. unless you can name some otherwise?
i also havnt upgraded my pc in a long ass time either, even my emulation of ps2 games is limited.
I'm an AMD fan too, but I think Adored is on point in pretty much all of his coverage. Curious what examples you'd have for him being more a delusional fanboy at times? At a price that cheap I think it would absolutely be worth it. Glad AMD CPUs are finally competitive. Intel's been stagnant for a long time, and it seems like they aren't turning things around if the internal info is true.
I can see what you mean, but I don't really play a lot of multiplats, too few that seem to be worth it. The ones that are worth it tend to have port plague on PC which just turns me off entirely. Feels like this has been the pattern for a long time now, and I'm ending up disinterested.
the reference/founder shit is just ridiculous. AMD is just following along on the same scumbag shit Nvidia started and it's not a good look for either of them. Can't even argue that AMD is somehow the good boi when they're doing stupid shit like this. Honestly the thing I'm most optimistic about is seeing how next generation Ryzen performs and how it'll end up implemented in consoles.
try older versions of PCSX2 if you're getting performance issues, especially if they are where you haven't been getting them before. Newer versions raise system requirements.
Went through the thread to find any mention of what these "all-time classics" are supposed to be. Anyone?
Demon's Souls. Not sure what else.
Ok lad sure thing
List me those 30 multiplats plus Bloodborne
Maybe if you have aids of the eyes and enjoy shit brown filters
dont care about these games, wrpgs aren't for me after playing the supposed best ones ever, anything lesser would just make the genre look worse to me. Not interested in strategy games, only one I've enjoyed was Majesty the fantasy kingdom sim which is explicitly not a strategy game.
might play on ps4 if it get a physical release
don't care to list 'em, but I'm sure you'll be getting a few ports from the set eventually
Also (1) and done OP praising Sony right after neofag dies, I wonder
You're missing out. What did you play?
the witcher 1, 2, planescape torment, fallout 1, 2, new vegas, nwn 1 & 2, mass effect 1, kotor 2 with the restoration mod, morrowind. Forgetting a few others, but overall it's not a genre for me regardless of who works on it. It's sort of like sea food. Sure I'm missing out on something, and I don't like that feeling, but there's just parts about it as a whole that I do not inherently enjoy.
Do you ever perform introspection? You're supposed to realize you are a retard for having these kinds of asinine thoughts. If you like tactical RPGs at all, you will enjoy DOS2. The only regard in which it is "lesser" is perhaps the quality of the writing. BG, while a classic, is painfully dated in its interface and bits of its mechanical design, mainly RTwP.
Astounding argument lad, difference between me and you is that I care, so you'll put up with my shit like a voting absentee.
I get the the best of both worlds plus backwards compat, you get diddly shit and have to buy remasters.
the one with the big titty mage and the dwarf… dragons dogma, and… ?
cmon atleast try to know what youre talking about.
how do you use yours? besides stuffing cock into it
i dont think theyre meant to be used as a period that ends a sentence, mid sentence without ever continuing the point. but maybe im wrong.
Alright, I think RPGs aren't for you.
Dragon's Crown was for Vita as well.
I have era appropriate machines for windows, so I'm not dealing with mediocre hacks and broken elements of games. that's a meme that's gotta die.
introspection is how I got where I am to this day. Why do you think I care so much about ownership and revolt against modern PC gaming? Not interested in DOS/2 at all. Have yet to see a compelling argument why I should be.
they are, just not western ones.
Quick English lesson then: It's used when you're using the previous statement to establish the next. See there. I even used it while teaching you. Now with that in mind, let's rexamine the statement in whole:
"but I have to do a massive:
Do you understand now, or do we need to get on a shorter bus?
Dragon's Dogma isn't an exclusive. Neither is Dragon's Crown.
You didn't like any of those? Wow. I guess you're right, RPGs just aren't for you. Well, at least you really tried to get into them.
just not western ones. My favorite Japanese ones usually approach story topics that interest me and have battles structured in such a way that they are a much more deliberate exploration of mechanics that I find engages me on a more natural level than western ones. Hard to describe at the moment (playing trouble witches origin with the cotton dlc rn)
this is the problem with the cancer race
Not to be that guy, but most JRPGs aren't actually RPGs.
If you mean "turn-based," there are plenty of turn-based WRPGs.
But that's fine, some people just can't get into certain types of games. I'm the same way with strategy games; it's hard for me to care, probably because I'm not really playing a character.
vita doesnt really count… kinda like saying you own street fighter on gameboy.
yea, because ending a sentence about why you havnt upgraded with "but i do have a massive:" followed by greentext about consoles doesnt really make any sense. perhaps you should explain in greater detail. or use an actual example instead of your earlier fuckup
if you've seen stuff that good before, please post an image or video of what youre talking about so we can compare.
No, I'm just calling you a liar. Rare footage of 0b11b8 playing New Vegas.
What's wrong with seafood?
I disagree, but I don't think it's a discussion worth having. console rpg and computer rpg get the point across pretty clearly.
I don't, there's much more to it. More in turn with the basics of game design of having mechanics, design and a system which defines game play.
You don't have to argue about it though. Its on GOG, just pirate it and buy it later if you like it. Who knows, maybe you'll actually like it?
Here's my argument. You don't like Fallout 1. That tells me you aren't interested in games which are good at dynamic narratives and player agency, because that's what makes FO1 a masterpiece. Not so much the combat system and interface.
By your comments, it seems like you like JRPGs. Which typically focus on good turn based combat with amusing quirky character interactions, when done right.
DOS2 is really good at tactical combat and doesn't take itself too seriously, with amusing quirky characters. Huh. Sound familiar?
You have never played any of those games you lying piece of shit.
I bet you eat shit like Etrian Odyssey and Vita Dungeon Crawlers while having never played a M&M or Wizardry game.
might be good, but I have a lot of other things to play. I'm sure you could understand why hearing a western game with quirky character isn't a killer selling point to me. When I think of quirky I think of Cotton from Fantastic Night Dreams or Mint from Threads of Fate.
EO is solid
Oh my god, you are so fucking retarded, and stubborn to boot. Okay, let me bring in the whole statement:
"Of course I'm aware of problems in the video card industry, that's why I haven't bothered to upgrade in a long while, but I have to do a massive:
To slow it down even more for you because clearly English is your second language (at least I really fucking hope it is):
"Of course I'm aware of problems in the video card industry, that's why I haven't bothered to upgrade in a long while, but it is absurd that you're implying those problems don't affect the industry."
There? does that make sense to you? Boy, you sure are fitting in. Gotta ask, which site did you leave, NeoGaf or Reddit?
Nips made a bunch of their own Wizardry games, though.
From memory he got caught up in the vega hypetrain pretty bad and said a few silly things.
There are other examples but would need time to find them. Might have been some Async BS. But tbh that was pretty clouded, because ngreedia didn't get it sorted on maxwell, on paxwell it was only ho humm.
But when he gets it right, he's bang on point and that irritates people because they can't totally discredit him, regardless of how much salt they produce.
Yeah they did a little this time, but Vega was a real prick to be priced well, it cost them a lot of $ to make… razor thin margins and all and they didn't want to be bitched at for mining sucking the cards up. Ended up making it so power hungry the miners didn't care, Kek.
Plenty in stock locally now, they also dropped the $300 I expected after 2 months. I never buy launch cards any more because of that.
… So a video game? This a nothing statement.
he's been saying since January last year iirc that vega is looking like a bad card. I think you might want to review some of his stuff. I think Vega as a project at RTG might have been a mistake when you look at the time it took to get the results they did.
yeah, japs just do it better.
Self Awareness: 0
-t. neofag
thanks for the advice, but my PC is pretty low spec right now since my good video card died. (also, its 1st gen PCIe on one PC and AGP8x on the other)., i cant even run most PS1 games on full settings without severe problems.
im an oldfag. been here since summer. but i can tell by your posts that youre from reddit, even though you hated your old home its all you knew, but its still your home. dont try to pretend it isnt.
btw, your example still doesnt make any sense.
is not the same as saying:
youre retarded for 2 reasons, 1 i wasnt implying that at all so wtf were you even trying to say here. and 2, what was massive? my implication?
no… i think youre just a retard. maybe try using an actual example of someone using colons correctly, instead of your broken method youre desperately trying to defend.
sure thing neofag, no wonder you worship the west so much.
It shows.
Jeez, I'm running like 2012 hardware (fx6300, hd7850) and even I think you need to upgrade.
Well apparently you're an oldfag if you've been here since summer, so I guess you NeoFAGgers who never post images fit in as well as anybody.
learn to read id's, neofag.
I was replying to you, what makes you think I wasn't? Though I also think you're samefagging as you two faggots type in the same retarded way.
You didn't play them precisely becauese they are free.
You can't find emotional attachment or a reason to play a game unless you buy yoyr games like the cancerous goy you are.
So are the shits I take everyday
Indeed, and being completely different is why they're fucking awful.
Its nothing but branding since the Wizardry foreign rights were bought by another company.
Looks better and is less linear than Hipster Cucks Cinematic Experience 4
step it up, youre embarrassing yourself.
why? what new game is worth upgrading for?
That explains a lot.
same reason I'm upgrading, running windows and extracting archives and making webms.
at least someone cares about the IP enough to keep it alive. Wasn't Ubisoft handling it before that buyout?
I've been reading your ids this whole time, I still say you're same fagging as you never reply at the same time and type in the same retarded way. But to be clear, I was replying to him, just mentioning your hilarious statement.
I'd tell you to fuckoff to NeoGaf but thats impossible to I'll tell you to fuckoff back to cuckchan or Gematsu instead.
was the fx6300 in laptops at all?
Waiting for the synced up reply now. Don't let me down Agent Smith.
looks like a GTA5 mod. the bridge pieces fall apart and disapear before hitting the ground… EDF looks better. is there a specific part of this thats supposed to look better than the 3 second clip of uncharted? im not trying to be a dick, jc3 had decent graphics, but it cant compare to u4. which is expected for an openworld vs linear game.
send me a hooktube link and tell me where to watch if youre having trouble finding quality footage.
did you just reply to the wrong person? while trying to claim to know how IDs work? … youre embarrassing yourself user, stop it.
I'm sorry, I just felt this comment was important to bring up to you again. It's such a good quote. Seriously, I will make this in to a wonderful meme. Thanks for sharing your brilliance.
I think you might be missing what he's actually saying, are you ESL? perhaps shitskin?
Oh yes, this Sonyshill does it all the time, hes done it countless times in countless threads
Oh then please, clarify for me not-samefag, What is he saying with that?
It's really obvious. Honestly you'd think he'd be better by now.
I didn't specify nigger, I was leaning more towards BR since you are such a PC gaming fan. You've been exceptionally honest.
So where did you come from before that then?
Go fellate Japan somewhere else
Good shit
What are you even talking about here? What conversation do you think you're having? I wasn't asking where you think I'm from. Learn to fucking read and comprehend shit. I was asking you what I had apparently missed in what he was saying, and giving you a chance to clarify since your understanding of the language is clearly so much better.
Fuck NeoFAG, at least keep up.
crysis still looks pretty decent with a good TOD mod, what a shame you need to use the 60fps multiplayer which looks notably worse so the integrated GPU tier system in the PS4 can keep up.
it is a lot better, thank you for understanding.
wonder where that Sakamoto avatarfag went to?
Nigger, what color of brown is your skin? I know it is so don't lie. You're one of those weeb niggers aren't you?
the rocks in the background of crysis look worse than the rocks right behind uncharted and his dad
find me something that looks this good instead of cherrypicking low res pictures.
not being able to differentiate quality posts and shitposts is a symptom of autism.
I've been here since 2014. So, let me ask again, newfag, where do you come from? I'm betting on Reddit.
his name is drake fortune
you were funnier when you accused others of id hopping with nujack pictures while you id hopped redditgaffer
Reminder that normalfags play this shit like they're watching a movie.
Reminder that they gather in groups and waste hours on garbage like this an TLoUs like they're on the cinema
Reminder that Uncharted 4 looking good is a normalfag/SonyGaf meme
Reminder that no matter how much detail you put into Uncharted 4 it will never look good thanks to shit like this.
still looks better than any other game sadly, what a shame an integrated gpu used in laptops is outputting better gwaficks than a titan xp
been here since /ebola/ was above pol and v, and long before /wx/ and /hebe/ got shoa'd. can you tell me what "summer" that was newfriend?
Nah, it looks just like it plays
Mediocre and plain
Nah, nice ED information though. You're a newfag who doesn't even use images.
If I didn't see the video title I'd have mistaken rise of the tomb raider (brought to you by microsoft) for call of duty tbh
you're a self-admitted nigger, you don't even know what meta means. go back to reddit, they miss you there.
Show me where I said anything about being a nigger? I'm whiter than you and I can bank on that.
You can't go back to some place you've never been. Since you're so obsessed with it and post images from it maybe you should go back there? You might feel more at home there, plenty of brainwashed console reta- er- users there.
I know what you mean, the same happens to me with TLoU, Uncharted and Life is Strange.
those images are too far away to notice any detail. got anything from gameplay? anyone can make still frames of a game look good. these are from uncharted 4 for example.
erectile dysfunction information? or information for you to steal and repeat so you can try to convince others youre not a newfriend.
he keeps going
Must be nice to samefag and not have to worry about post count. Almost 50 posts until this thread goes to auto-sage. :^)
are you going to go for the high score user kun?
So is this
Lets see how it compares to a 207 game
You are new aren't you?
cmon nigger, step it up. the picutres i posted look way better than any of the 4 you posted.
>being this homo
take your pills user
Good first step but your passionate defense of Sony still makes you stick out like a sore thumb.
Ok here
those arent bullshots. theyre from the "photo" mode of the game. theres tons more like it. "the order 1488" has the same shit. hence why i said post videos, since pics mean little.
whatever you tell yourself to make you feel better about being buttblasted by newfriends on the internet
2013 game
Damn that looks terrible. GTAV looks better than than that shit.
and graphical technology barely developed over those years it seems.
Only because it was supported far longer than the Wii or 360. The ps3 had the worst launch but because it was supported for 4 years longer than the other 2 it got the most in the end.
but the argument was some of the "best" current shit was being developed for ps4.
which kinda nulls the argument that consoles are holding back PC graphics, which makes little/no sense when you realize consoles have the best looking current shit made for them. not that we'll be able to see it until it comes out on PC or remastered on PS5.
But how many PC only AAA games are there even? I can't think of any.
well, the big PC games are garbage like LOL, DOTA, WOW, and some RTS/SIM games. everything else is a multiplat. but i just think its interesting that the best looking games currently in the industry are developed for a low powered console.
people blame consoles for holding back PC graphics, but i think the average PC gamer theyre considering before making a pc game and those average pc gamers play minecraft, candy crush, farmville, and the above mentioned and probably on low powered hardware. why would they bother pushing the PC envelope? last pc game to try to do that was crysis, and the game became a joke because nobody could run it… except myself at the time until they did the dx10 upgrade that made it so i couldnt set anything to "ultra"
oh youre back. gonna try for that high score? maybe try calling everyone a samefag again? or talk about how much of an old faggot you are? gonna try to explain how you abuse your colon? maybe go back to pretending to not be a massive casual? maybe pretend you arent angry and buttblasted?
oh no, youre going to quietly sage and not reply to anyone you were arguing with and hope nobody bullys you again
Have an RTT faggot
I didn't call everyone a samefag, just you, samefag. Also:
Consolefags are the definition of casual champ.
Much of the foliage and background textures look fucking poop tbh. To the point where later versions of NMS do better proc gen foliage kek. Heard a lot about uncharted but those screens are not impressing.
You wat?
Exactly, and you still don't think that consoles are holding graphics back?
Because those are the games with the money being poured into them, and all those games while struggling on console look better run better on PC granted that you might need a monster pc because most games coming out nowadays are unoptimized pieces of shit
I don't defend shit tier practises and pretend like consoles don't hold tech and graphical power back because AAA shit publishers want only the normalfag audience and cut corners everywhere anyway.
Heres how a a PC focused game made by 50 turkroaches with a shit tier budget and no publisher looks like.
And neither do I.
Holy shit, sonyfags.
This exactly. CG was supposed to help special effects, not make them worse.
Also, do you guys remember robocop's theme song?
Good times