Is this shit cracked yet? I've been looking around and not found much, thanks in advance for any information
Assassins creed origins crack
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not even worth a pirate, now observe my repeating digits.
I would if they existed user.
We can do better
Ass Creed was never very good, the pirate one was enjoyable because of the sailing and colorful world but even there the main quest was horrible.
Well you certainly can't.
I always suspected the devs of these games hate white people but this game truly confirms it.
It's also the most "empowering" of all the AC games which means it has puke inducing levels of leftist corporate smugness and EmptyV fake-cool.
I'm a big fan of desert maps tbh, I also want to torrent this
All politics aside, this game appears to be competently made unlike the last two previous entries in the series, since there are no glitches and bugs at least to the same level as Unity had. However, this doesn't mean I recommend it, because there are still the matter of lootboxes in the game.
How bad is this compared to Wolfenstein?
Le stronk black womyn killing Caesar sound bad?
How about the fact the game is the same exact piece of shit as every other AssCreed game? A franchise so devoid of challenge and any reason to bother with it that I think even EA could produce a more inspired product.
I really really like this image
Heh, Black Flag was fun but that is because it tried innovate with piracy and sailing. Everytime it tried to be an AC game, it turned into shit.
Besides, I've heard this game rips off Witcher 3 of all things.
Jesus Christ.
Denuvo hired kaldaien now, you're all fucked.
This will take months or even a year to get cracked, if it ever gets cracked at all.
2000 election according to Asscreed loremasters, gentlemen.
Not to mention all gameplay trailers have shown it has no interesting new mechanics. In fact, its regressed to looking boring as hell, set in a desert with nothing in it. You go from muskets, and civil wars of america to a shitty wooden bow that has skyrim camera action when you shoot it, and seeing through the eyes of a bird while jumping on small as fuck buildings. Wow, amazing.
Why is that cat rolling?
Tactical espionage action.
It's a nice trick, I'll give you that.
But the rolling gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
Black Flag was supposed to be an independent pirate game before Ubisoft threw it into the collective shitpit that is the AC franchise.
The biggest issue with AC is that they keep throwing shit on top of the core mechanics without fixing any of it. It's always the same boring, empty word and laughably easy combat. Just hold block and spam counter, you'll win every fight.
I remember Josef Stalin used to be listed as a Templar in the AC Wiki Page, just like Hitler and Churchill, and that WW2 was just a false flag operation to further bring the world under Templar control. But last time I checked, he was not involved with them and only Hitler was actually a Templar. Take this as you will.
Oh shit, really? I thought that was the first thing Ubisoft decided to do after everyone criticized AC III except for the sailing, which seemed like the only thing everyone agreed was the best thing about that game.
It's for speed+stealth. Slower than running, faster than crawling.
The gameplay trailers make it look like the mechanics are more barebones than ever. It's just the basic stupid shit that you had in the first assassins creed, but in africa now, and with voodoo mind control of animals and shitty bows.
to play or not to play?
Step back fags
This is how a real gamer does it
Black Flag was literally "We have no idea what we're doing, but apparently people like the AC3 sailing, so let's make a game of that!" as (heiled) said.
Wait, did they officially retcon that? I felt like that was the one thing in their alt-history that I found interesting.
I'm pretty sure ubisoft cucked hard on the character design after we fucked their forum.
The main character looks much more arab ingame than he did in the trailer, just a very dark-skinned arab.
Still historically unaccurate though. The darkest egyptians at the time would be as dark as the sidekick.
i dont have any pics, dammit.
Just go watch the trailer and the (((gameplay))) videos and check it out yourself.
I can't say if this information was retconned in the actual games, I only know this from the Wikis. But sounds like leftists don't want anyone associated with communism soiling their ideology, so they made Stalin not a Templar.
This is how Bayek looks like in the game.
I don't care enough for AC to bother doing that tbh.
Aint saying you're lying or anything.
Why would you play a We wuz kangs game anyway
Just imagine what this game could have been if we lived in a timeline where all leftists and Jews ended up in mass graves. Imagine if each AssCreed game had been a completely separate entry exploring various historical periods and letting you experience a realistic (or at least as realistic as it can get) virtual world with all manner of autistic details and unique mechanics.
Asscreed wouldn't be made in the first place.
Well, it could be great but unfortunately we have that stupid propaganda in our hands. I quit playing AssCreed games after Revelations
I gave up with 2 when the final showdown has you punching the Pope in the face and then ayys come out of the ground. I know that whatever high point the franchise had was already over.
Fucking kids
It had some good ideas with horrible execution, everything else about it was festering garbage. The story especially.
More like it wouldn't get jewed for more than 10 unnecessary sequels and had time for development.
The very first asscreed is revisionist history: the game.
Something jews and leftists do.
So I've got no idea about the lore of this series, but aren't the assassins basically muzzies fighting the templars who are christians?
Templars are basically Jews. They're even responsible for crucifying Jesus (who was using one of them ayy devices to bullshit people) and then decided to use the cross as their symbol for shit and giggles. Just pretend the lore doesn't exist because it's so retarded it puts BioWare writing to shame.
AssCreed 2 was fun, well I was 11 when I played it, i didnt really care about story tho. I loved killing guards on roofs
Good things about I, II, Revelations and Brotherhood:
Bad things about I, II, Revelations and Brotherhood:
Looks like some Saudi nigger
Have they made Trump a Templar yet?
Shameful display.
Get the clamps
That sounds pretty retarded.
I've got no intention playing any of these games. I tried the 3rd game a few years ago and it bored me to death.
This. The original creator of the AC games wanted to make a trilogy and end it on AC3, but Ubisoft fired him because they wanted an annual release. That's why everything after AC: Black Flag had no redeeming qualities: AC3's only good point was the ship combat, AC: Black Flag was AC3's Ship Combat: The Game, and then they abandoned the only good idea they had.
The Templars are quite literally a (((Marxist))) conspiracy, focused on ensuring order in the world by removing the free will of the general population through ayylmao technology. Almost literally "new world order" stuff. They also literally caused the Holocaust and created Nazi Germany in order for Churchill and Stalin to be worshipped as heroes when defeating them and to accelerate public support of Templar policies; this plan was foiled by the Assassins, who murdered Hitler and staged it to look like a suicide.
Other than the WWII plot, the Templars are all the bad guys of history, and the Assassins are all the good guys plus Machiavelli. The WWII thing is the only creative thing the series ever did, which is why I was so surprised to hear it was removed from the wikis.
I should note that although the Templars are a Marxist conspiracy, Karl Marx is portrayed as an Assassin associate in AC:Syndicate because Ubisoft has pozzed the series beyond belief.
Assassins and Templars own no allegiance to anyone except their own perspective ideologies and allow people from all races, backgrounds. There were Christian and Mongol Assassins existing at the same time as the Crusades, and the Muslim targets in the first ACI game were Templars too. What and
said is true, this analogy being stronger in Unity where the bad guys rant about capitalism is where true power comes from instead of divine right of kings. They even reference the Templar Order's downfall since they were the first (((bankers))) that were executed by some French king for refusing to pay his debts. And then comes the French Revolution and the main villain says that Jacques de Molay has been avenged after King Louis is beheaded.
I liked the lore when the first game came out, but then it got commi-fied by canacucks
Some Russian guy is saying Ubishit added another VM on top of Denuvo, so it's running a VM inside a VM and it's making the CPU usage go crazy.
Oh and apparently the game is indeed shitting the bed performance-wise due to excessive CPU usage:
denuvo is literally uncrackeable, pirates BTFO once again ;)
i swear the made his skin lighter than what we saw in the e3 trailer
Asscreed is the poster boy for open world shitshows with meaningless distractions since the second game. None of the gear matters, none of the side missions matter, none of the minigames matter.
The irony is that the game that lets you play as a Templar is regarded as the best one of the series by showing the Templars as well intentioned and the Assassins as blind instigators of doom. That one came out at the same time as Unity.
Yep. I remember he looked waaaay blacker when I saw him for the first time.
Neofag pls.
As a direct descendant of a templar knight, this just rustles my jimmies.
Read the page on Henry Ford if you feel like getting extra assblasted.
Got a torrent for it? Never played
As someone who has enjoyed many of the prior AC titles, how is this one? I'm sad to see that they went RPG-lite instead of refocusing on the actual assassination stuff like Unity was trying to do. But I was looking up some gameplay and it actually seemed pretty good
I don't have a torrent with me, but I still recommend it though. Its like Black Flag without the stupid tailing missions, the story is too short, but still good for what it is and the main protagonist is genuinely likable.
Gameplay appears to be completely fucking alright, but the story is garbage (I don't think many people were going crazy over this game's story like say Wolfenstein). Also this game is filled with lootboxes like Shadow of War, so do not buy it.
This shit game gets more attention here for having a nigger than a good game does for just doing its job.
I want it on launch
We mostly talk about bad shit in this board. What good game did we miss?
user, what the fuck?
Assassin's Creed "lore" might be the shittiest backstory of any video game series.
>After Vladimir Lenin's death, and under the regime of Stalin, the state's approach to communism became corrupted.
Keep in mind this is the series that had Marx show up to say that violence and destruction of property are unconscionable and the revolution must be democratic.
Why? Did your wife's boyfriend recommend it?
Is that from the game?
Burn the coal
Even in the rapid current political climate change that is on a fast track to the day of the rope they still double down on their race mixing propaganda and falsification of history.
And even disregarding that, their company is on the verge of bankruptcy, so they are shooting both of their feet at the same time with stuff like this by ensuring that no one but the densest of normalfags will buy it. I have to commend them for their tenacity if nothing else.
Is it really or are you just saying that?
For the past two years a company called Vivendi has been attempting a buyout by steadily purchasing the increasing number of public shares that Ubisoft had to release to get some more cash because their games were not selling after people stopped caring about annual asscreed releases. This is why they put up so much shit last E3 in a desperate gamble to stay afloat, even digging up old ass IP's to assrape sell.
So what happens when this big paris company takes over? Does it become more cucked? Why the fuck would they want Jewbisoft in the first place? It hasn't released a good game since.. since I don't know how fucking long.
Ubisoft Montreal(the devs for origin) is the most offensive studio under Ubisoft. So I say they're half way there already.
Aren't they one of the companies that would have technically been in the red for the last decade if not for Canuckistan government handouts?
Black fetishists are weird and fairly douchy.
Weak men subscribe to cuckoldry. More news at 11.
That color contrast (like in my burmese wickerworks) between men and women was common in both Roman and Greek art. Unless you want to pretend interracial was a common fetish in the antique world, this just shows being tanned wasn't considered attractive for women.
Easily offended, too. If you want an easy laugh, go make a thread on halfchan /gif/ and specify that you don't want nigger porn, or post anything making fun of blacks in a YLYL thread. Even back in 2014 they would sperg out over it and dump cuck porn. Usually while talking about "mad white boys" or what have you.
Of course it wasn't because it was a fetish back then. Just like Bethesda putting interracial porn in Wolfenstein, this is the same thing. They want as many white kids watching interracial porn as possible.
So the devs shouldn't have aimed for authenticity in this particular aspect of the game, because seeing pale women have sex with tanned men makes you think about interracial porn?
You are thinking of Bioware user, an honest mistake since Quebecucks speak french as well, but regular frenchmen are only 70% pozzed as opposed to canadian frenchmen's 100% which can be seen by a rise of nationalistic movements in France and the existence of aesthetically pleasing female characters in their cartoons and comics.
Get me a list of the employees involved with the project, HR department, etc. and I can guarantee you 3/5 of their staff will have leftist crusading propaganda on their social media posted by themselves.
The images are clearly black men. And asscreed games have always been cucked to hell. Look at Black Flag, the game has an obscene amount of white guilt virtue signaling.
But I'm sure you have relevant historical examples that can back up your claims, correct?
Using whites and blacks, yes. Using white and brown fleshtones, no. That is clearly a depiction of an arab or a lightskinned african, not a common stylistic piece of ancient Greek/Roman art.
So the only way they could have avoided what you consider a political statement would have been making the game even more ahistorical?
WHY AREN'T THE MEN BLACK? muh tans tho
Why are you not posting images with your previous claim?
Post some relevant images that are inline with the interracial sex images from the game.
At this rate, I can't even look at the wiki without having a gutdeep fire of anger, resentment, disgust, and desire to carpe diem deus vult form.
Like this? Why don't you research the subject before getting triggered?
google it fag
Those skin tones are completely different than the ones in the game. Those men are clearly tanned, while the ones in the game look like Egyptian mongrels.
Threesome from the Suburban Baths in Pompeii, depicting a sexual scenario as described also by Catullus, Carmen 56
That isn't a depiction of "tanned" men fucking women though – who were supposedly depicted as white because tans weren't as attractive.
That's some gay sex there mate. How about you do your fucking research next time, faggot?
You know full damn well that the trailer and game was a politicized fedora tip much like every other form of entertainment getting a cocain overdose of the politicization. They are the same science fags that are turning away any form of scientific evidence and discovery that shows that blacks weren't the original "we wuz kangs". but blacks are naturally the karmatic anthithesis of the hardworking whiteman.
Those skin tones are nowhere near as dark as the ones portrayed in the game.
Yes, this is the same skin tone, well within the same race.
Alright, you convinced me. Roman women got BLACKED instead of mediterranean men tanning heavily.
Do you have any brilliant pieces of research to post or do you just watch too much interracial porn on cucktube?
And (((who))) do you think caused rome's downfall?
It's not supposedly "tanned" men fucking "pale" women though; it's literal fagshit.
You're not even original user. Then again, leftist cuckolds never are.
italic/baltic/nordic/iberian/hibernian/brittanian barbarians and not african slaves.
That wall image is from a Lupanar brothel in Pompeii, which use to be near the coast before water level changed. The woman is a prostitute and the man is likely a sailor. You fucking idiot that proves nothing but that a niggers still fuck whores.
But the other anons are just saying that the devs are making it LOOK like white women are getting blacked, rather than tanned on pale. Did I follow this incorrectly or did you?
Actually the army reform did.
Removing the Auxilia system and accepting everyone in the legion was downright fucking retarded
If not seeing interracial porn everywhere makes me a leftists, it's a fine tradeoff, in my opinion.
Yeah, Romans liked watching their women fuck niggers so much they made dozens of frescoes about it. Thank you for correcting me.
Sorry we can't all have "done deep research" burmese wickerworks that teach us about roman and greek art conventions
Can we stop talking about this meme and instead focus on the devs inserting copies of frescoes taken from a brothel in Pompeii on the walls of a royal palace?
Good job using a joke for basis of an insult. You probaly feel mighty validated right now.
Too close to the non-kosher truth.
Ah Jesus Christ, this is gonna become another rottenredditor thread.
They advertised whores to their most likely clients, in this case sailors from all over the Mediterranean as it was a coastal town. If you think that has any bearing on the average Roman citizen's interests then you're so retarded because you do not understand Roman views on sex and/or are shitposting and/or are projecting your tyrone fetish onto history as much as Assassin's Creed is.
Go make some Burmese Wicker Coffins from all the women raped and chopped up by the Rohingya Muslims instead of failing at history.
Reminder that the Templars killed Jesus, who was a gay rights activist and proud owner of a fragment of Eden
Do you have any footage? Does anybody else has other sources? This shit is easy to fake, just saiyan
Good job getting butt blasted by a smug anime girl.
if I see that fucking cat one more time
I didn't know neofaggots were still on the board. Guess some stayed after their messiah was caught trying to rape women again.
Stop spamming this image everywhere.
I'm confused about how you retards are talking about this. So here's what I interpreted:
Am I retarded? Did I miss something?
I don't really have a comment, I just feel indifferent at this point.
I think the saddest thing is there are people here that actually want to play WE WUZ ASSINS AND SHEEEEEEEIT. I mean everyone can have their own taste in vidya, but for god's sake have some self-respect and standards.
Shit that's worse than the furry art in Thi4f.
Are you retarded, being deliberately obtuse or just that neofaggot switching I.Ps?
1: It's an ubisoft game where you play as a nigger killing whites
2: The pictures have been deliberately darkened to look black and the girls left white and pale. That's not accidental. You'd have to be a retard to not know what you're doing.
3: Ubisoft is ridiculously progressive like in the last AC, where the main protag girl gets with the arab, and you get to help Karl Marx.
4: The user defending those interracial pics actually used "triggered".
5: Another user pointed out the paintings are from a brothel on the coast, most likely to showcase a whore, who would fuck pirates, many of whom would be black or arab
6: The interracial user talked about how he had extensive experience "researching" the totally not interracial paintings, which another user pointed out were interracial, and were used as product placement for their whore to entice sailors.
Now, do you understand, or should I get the crayon and use smaller words for you.
The what now?
What? When did that happen?
It's one of the collectibles. Clearly this is the best remake ever.
I dunno, seems historically accurate to me.
Well that's not so ba-
Fucking really?
Are you retarded?
I mean, shit like that was done by people in history as a means of entertainment.
Pic related, it's what happens when an english monk living in a fort in the middle of buttfuck nowhere England that has had no human interaction with anyone but other monks in over a year gets bored.
Yeah it was. And more.
Have fun with your incest and pedophilia then, faggot.
That's anthropomorphic. Furry shit is more cartoony related
Yeah and the in-game description of that set is that the artist was in an insane asylum.
Forgive my ignorance. It's still faggy.
No but you are. It's a pretty fucking common knowledge and even if it eluded you for some wild reason, it takes precisely 10 seconds to find corroboration online.
If you ever bought a single ass creed game, this one is on you, and you alone.
You know who you are.
That doesn't bother me given the other, far worse inaccuracies in the game. There are mooks walking around in Late Roman armour and carrying voulges (which were invented about 13 centuries later, in France no less) in the time of Cleopatra. Not to mention the fact that you can use a khopesh, which is about 1300 years out of date by the time of the game's setting.
It's like the devs just put 'history' into Google images and threw in a bunch of things they thought were cool without any rhyme or reason.
Well I've been on for more than 10 seconds and I've found that no, the methods used by Ancient Egyptians and Arabs didn't allow you to get an erection. In fact all references I've seen so no for Ancient methods. Modern methods will allow it because they're not crushing your cock and balls with a heavy rock, or cutting sausage and meatballs off entirely. But ancient methods were a lot more fun (for the cutters).
Ancient Egyptian method was either the penis itself was removed so that there is no penis to be made erect anymore, or the testes are removed/crushed and they're no longer able to make the schlongus elongus as a result. Or both.
Also, I'm pretty sure your character can use some kind of kite shield, or a knight shield.
It seems to me that you simply don't know what "eunuch" word means and didn't do any searching, and now simply elaborating on your assumptions and misconceptions about it.
Eunuchs had their balls twisted off like a horse or bull, the dick remained intact leaving them functionally sexually but unable to reproduce. For this reason they were used as harem slaves.
My source is "Revue d'Histoire des Sciences", an article called "L'Eunuque dans l'Égypte Pharaonique", by Frans Jonckheere:
>In a preliminary report entitled "Quelque données paléoégyptiennes sur la castration" ["Some Ancient Egyptian Data on Castration"], we demonstrated that this form of sexual mutilation had been mentioned in a number of Pharaonic texts, providing confirmation that the Egyptians were familiar with the three surgical modes of performing this operation: amputation of the penis alone, removal of the testicular apparatus, and total emasculation.
What, in your 10 seconds of searching, did you find? What did you search, if at all? "How To Be Fucking Wrong" by Some Wrongfucker?
Fuck off.
Eunuch: Noun
"A man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals"
Another definition is as follows:
"A CASTRATED man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace"
emphasis added
Kek. Women in the antiquity were barely above slaves (often bellow), their only job was pop out heirs and take care of kids.
See how muslims treat theirs? That's the standard of the day.
The idea that "muh women of power" existed in that time save a few select individual (literal royalty, it's not "the 1%" it's 0,00000000001%) is feminist academia drivel.
That's also why fucking boys (not getting fucked by) was tolerated (again, still the case for muslims), because even for pleasure sex (outside reproduction) women were considered worst than men.
Why would you even want to pirated it in the first place? It's made by Ubisoft so you know it's going to be garbage.
the Ass Cream games have some not-bad gameplay, it's everything else that's super bad.
Although sex drive is decreased, eunuchs can still achieve erections.
Or am I mistaken in what you guys are arguing about?
Get out of here, jew.
At least they know their audience
Castration is removal of testicles, not penis, you dickweed.
Why do they do this?
Yeah they're pretty good games :^)
Oh fuck me it's also arranged to be Loss.
lol, not even jewlywood can pull off inserting so many niggers in their propaganda.
They turned half of egypt into niggers you nigger.
Amusingly enough they showed the gameplay that proved this for the first time within a week of the DNA evidence being revealed that proved the ancient egyptians were white.
the modern idea of castration yes, but back in the good old days they'd just chop whatever they wanted off. Sometimes it was the balls, sometimes it was the bat.
and circumcision is a mark of slavery
there's an appeal to the production value/ridiculously overblown budget of those titles. voice acting, textures, models, mocap etc. all that shit alone is for some people worth at least a pirate, even if it's a fucking snorefest after an hour or two of that
WHAT THE FUCK? Is that legit?!
Someone got the footage for that game?
Kill yourself if you actually want to play this turd of a game.
Hey this thread got a sudden burst of comments last time I checked I wonder…
Holy fuck.
…You know, ancient art tended to depict men in dark colors while women as white (such as Minoan culture), but knowing Ubisoft, they obviously had ulterior motives behind putting this in the game.
Now when did that happen? I know he owned a fragment of Eden - in his case a Shroud.
Show me some, then.
Remember when a shopping network was selling furry porn, and didn't know it?
Assassin's Creed is really getting with the times.
Don't pay and don't play this nigger game, you're literally supporting shit like sjw's paying and playing this game.
Sadly, it's fake.
just fucking kill me
How the fuck did it get so bad ?
No, You're off by Fore!
Yes. The entire series is anti-white propaganda designed to retroactively niggerfy European and American history. Do not listen to those paid to muddy the waters.
I just woke up. No need to be a faggot about it. It just seemed like a really stupid conversation to me.
and no i'm not him
That's exactly the case, the skin colour is way too dark to be a replica of historical art:
The worst part about this is that AC:O isn't bombing nearly as hard as Colossus is.
no fucking way
Assassin's Creed Origins sales are the same as Assassin's Creed Syndicate was, and Syndicate was noted for bad sales due to how shit Assassin's Creed Unity was. So it's not bombing hard, but it isn't enough to save it the series from its decline.
Does the game take place after the Arab conquests and Islamization? Otherwise this makes no sense. Did ancient Egyptians look Arab?
t. knows lots of arabs
embed related
If ancient egyptians look anything like their present mongrel makeup, the greeks and romans would be entire wrong for their description. Loads of greeks settled from north africa to egypt back before the classical period went full swing.
So they were neither Kangs nor Ahmed. Wew lad.
In Steam, some of the Ubi-Devs want their fans to report ANY problems. They made a "Known issues" thread:
Pure damaged controlling and trying to repair things as far as they can go.
they should have just cast Rami Malek, but I guess he's not Egyptian enough
Oh my fucking god my sides are nuclear.
Not yet, user. I was lurking in r/crackwatch for news and according to one of them, a crack will take week, month, or a year. This will take a very long while. Plus, there were a few groups, who knows how to hack/crack both VMProtect and Denuvo.
The only news I was able to gather was that Ubisoft was using VMProtect as a shield to protect Denuvo, normally we'd hear -2 release cracks, Denuvo being deader than dead, and such by now. If it wasn't for VMProtect. Guess Ubisoft got mad about these day one cracks and that Denuvo can't do it's job properly.
I'll be laughing when VMProtect gets busted and Denuvo gets cracked when the pirates/crackers/hackers, and the others manages to figure it out.
Stay there.
Faggot, you have to step outside of Holla Forums sometimes. Where do you think the people who post those crack threads get their info? They are part of the crack team?
But not to reddit. Never to reddit.
even if you have to you should never admit it openly, always refer to it with disdain and shame as well. Its like admitting you were dumpster diving.
You just think some things can't be real, but ubisoft putting interracial mosaics in one of their games? Yep, that's on them.
I'll concede those points, but even so if you Google something chances are one of the first few results will often be a reddit post about it. It's hard to avoid.
canacuck here, can confirm that montreal is basically where everything bad comes from. they have contributed exactly three things of any note, ever:
1: poutine is pretty good
2: their strip clubs are on a totally different level than any others i've ever seen
3: the montreal canadiens were a pretty good hockey team for awhile
Your trips won't save you from the day of the rake leaf.
Goddamn user there are plenty of other search engines; you have no excuse there. And yes, it is hard to avoid. Spoiler that shit when you talk about it and never direct-link it.
At least, AC: Origins has gameplay. All I heard about Wolfenstien was that the gameplay is short, but the cutscenes are long. Plus, there's probably left over Denuvo in the game, which is causing some problems. A mixed result launch.
I didn't expect one of Bethesda's branches to fail, guess being in Sweden does that.
well lets fucking review bomb it then:
Google was just an example. And I never condoned direct linking cause IIRC reddit can tell where it's been linked. My point was that you shouldn't get so up in arms over citing a source, new information here has to come from somewhere else, and every news type thread we have comes from some other source.
You need more shame in your life user.
No, I really don't.
please annex us. i am dead serious. canada is cucking itself to death and if america would take me i would leave, but i don't have enough money or any qualifications that would make me eligible for a green card or even a working visa.
The reviews are becoming negative, kek
That escalated rather quickly.
I hope it folds. EA sucks. NHL 99 was the last good thing out of there.
I think you're confused user, Ubisoft is the one undergoing a hostile takeover by Vivendi.
Its not cracked yet, apparently ubishit added some other protection on top of debungo.
Read the thread:
All this makes me want to do is pick up my game dev pace and make a game set in ancient Egypt, and hopefully it's good enough for these faggots to realize maybe Egyptians should be the ones to make games set in kangzland.
Children of the Nile is a good city builder.
Meant a non sim, non strategy type of game.
Must be the Euro influence since strippers over here go full nude all the time.
Holy shit you're a colossal faggot.
There was a Myst like series, set in ancient Egypt, on the PSX and maybe even PC.
Apparently there was also a DOOM clone as well.
Its probably some retarded bande dessinee but still, sauce?
Played it. Not the Myst-like series though. I think I've looked that series up before but I've forgotten the name.
Fresh from the oven
The guy behind the recent turok releases ported the far superior ps1 version of this title to pc a while back, it supports modern computer standards and is actually really fun to play.
He took down the project but its still floating around.
Why Egypt, the earliest fucking Assassin were at the time, if you believe it, Cain and Abel, where Cain was the Templar, Abel was the Assassin, or maybe even China at the time of the first Emperor. Fucking shit retcons
They were more exotic looking than standard Europeans but not really dark-skinned. At least if we're talking before the Ancient Egyptians got raped to hell and back by everyone from the Romans to the Muslims.
Toppest lel
feel free to make additions
Never finished Ass Creed 1 because it's kind of meh. Skipped 2 and 3 because it looks like the same thing. I love 4 mainly due to the sailing aspect. I'm not interested about the rest because no pirating involved.
And by god I hate tailing mission. What is up with the people in the ass creed universe? It's like they'll suffer terminal disease if they don't walk while talking about important stuff. You know how I talk to my friend about important issue, we god damn sit on chairs! We don't walk in a crowded city. For god's sake, you don't talk about super secret important stuff in the open, you and your guests go to a location, sit on chairs and talk!
I'm still mad at that stupid mission where you follow your target while hidden, you got found out anyway by the magic power of cutscene, and had to kill him in the most unassassiny possible way.
well, that's good news. it looks like the people cucked enough to keep buying this shit after Unity are fortunately a stagnant audience.
also on top of everything else bad about this game, it looks like (from youtube) that the combat is the same as usual only FLASHING GIANT DAMAGE NUMBERS FOR YOUR IMMERSION, lol.
Nice false dichotomy there.
Do burger nigs ever learn where they came from?
Haha nah
Shut up and play Children of the Nile anyway.
No. They didn't have family records, so in place of that they think 'African' meant 'anywhere in Africa' so they found what was nice and appropriated it to make themselves feel better for being nolineage.
Shit-tier niggers literally coming from a shit-tier place in Africa, no surprise there really.
"On 5 January 1918, Ford announced his company would pay its workers $5 per day, however, the supposed pay rise was actually a paycut: Ford used the Fourth Apple to convince his workers otherwise"
Also if you look up Lenin's page, you will see the same dick sucking there. He is written to not be an Assassin himself but very heavily supported by them, while Stalin has the exact same thing with the Templars.
>They even reference the Templar Order's downfall since they were the first (((bankers))) that were executed by some French king for refusing to pay his debts
No, kikes were first, Knight Templar's did a metric shitton of financial management and offered their services to Christians after their military arm got essentially destroyed, and they ended up in a situation where they had a metric shitton of assets all over europe but not much of anything to spend it on as no one wanted to go for a happy crusade to middle east anymore. Probably the reason that said French king, king Philip IV went after Knight's Templars was because he went full retard regarding economics, or because he trusted Jews with economic matters. Either way, crown was in deep shit economically and the monetary reforms king did ended up doubling living expenses over night for everyone in the kingdom. So seizing Knight Templar assets was one way of solving or helping to solve that problem.
Funny thing is that the nigs that stayed behind in places like Ghana, Burkina Faso, Senegal are generally better educated and more civilized than the East-African mudslimes and Nigerian Super Niggers.
Why are kikes so fucking ugly. They look non-human.
because jews are none-human
I few too many typos, don't know if they were intentional or not. I rate ten wews out of ten lads.
They don't, but to be fair it would be hard to accomplish anyway since the African slave traders sold the people from all over the continent to the Europeans, not only West Africans.
Awesome, the We Waz Kangz editions. Kek.
Most slave traders were unironically jewish
They don't stop at Egypt, Is there a single culture they haven't claimed they WAZ?
I was referring to the ones that were from Africa, hence African slave traders. They were mostly warlords who sold off members of defeated enemy tribes.
Very nice book to delve into that topic, and one of the most aptly named books ever.
Imagine being such a KANG shitposter IRL that you manage to piss off Mexicans who historically had nothing to do with you.
So does the Asscreed page say anything about Ford actually going to court because he wanted to use profits to pay his workers more, but another automobile company said profits should benefit stackholders, not workers? Was that another Templar mindtrick? Was that company that wanted to only benefit stockholders actually a company of Assassins?
The triangle trade slave traders were mainly jews
This is what happens when a subhuman parasitic species has no accomplishments. They turn to this.
Why don't they blow up every fucking nigger for that?
Reposting a classic.
I think he was saying that "unironically jewish" is stupid to say, because it implies that somebody can ironically be Jewish.
The only reason they wouldn't claim dey wuz somewon would be if they hadn't heard of them
Requesting those images and edits, please.
When they live in luxury they become even more of apes, asking for even more safe space and gratification of their existence. Like domesticated animals who are disappointed in their pussy owners, and start biting them like a prey.
I propose a compromise, let's drop off the nogs at a point equidistant between Africa and America.
Never mind, found them elsewhere in the thread.
Citizen of Azores island will hate you, user.
Very nice
Just like how they steal TVs and car radios, niggers also steal culture and heritage.
wheres frolo when you need him
Maybe I've misjudged them.
Some are slowly getting redpilled. It's a tiny improvement, I'll say.