Why aren't you playing the best fps of 2016 right now?
Titanfall 2
because it's shit
When did you cucks get this creative?
Fuck you
h-h-hey guys I'm totally not a leftitst faggot
l-l-look at my n-n-nazi flair and my cool sam hyde picture. I-i-m totally not a nu-male faggot that watches too much interracial porn that's turning my brain into liquid shit.
Drought of updates. I played it to death and I'd only really bother launching it again if they added more content. It had a good run, though.
I just like the flag goddamnit
And Titanfall 2 is a good game
Because It's 2017
That's not Overwatch
This. Leftypol is been raiding again, fuck them.
Because Destiny 2(tm) is better.
I've already clocked 200+ hours of it, and there are other games in my backlog I want to get to. Also I got stuck in that no man's land where I either get matched up with easy slows or sonic-speed fuckers who kill me before I even see them. It's difficult to tell if I'm even improving anymore, if at all.
Is there even the slimmest possibility that Respawn can make this available outside of Origin? It's about the only reason I've seen anyone I know cite why they refuse to pick it up (and I don't blame them in the least).
Because it's worse than the first game.
Cause I'm not gonna give EA money nor install origin.
fucking flag
fuck of fag
because its too expensive for what it is, runs like shit, and the TTK is disgustingly low, which paired with hitscan shittery ensures one of two neato parts of the game, parkour, is much less fun that it could be
it also runs on origin which is a giant toxic poz load
Reminder that if this game wasn't attached to EA and origin it would have been a success here.
Because I don't play garbage, you dumb nigger.
Go false flag somewhere else.
What a shame it isn't.
I bought a key on G2A so I played it without giving EA money since it was probably stolen.
Gunplay is bad. The fast is bad and unintuitive.
Only if EA stop being huge faggots
So, probably never
At least its not windows store
I'm not a good goy
What did he mean by this?
it sucks because EA neither owns respawn or titanfall
It's shit.
For fuck sakes you idiots, if you let the game that you like die to make a point, the point will not be to make more good games, it will be that good games do not sell and they should go back to lootboxes and sports.
Because I have a toaster and it's EA and Origin. Looks fun though
I hate Titanfall
It promotes the capitalist cancer thats ruining the world
Be like my hero Marx and don't support Titanfail 2
conversely, supporting this means that we are dumb goys who will forgive them the instant something new comes along. It's EA user, they are past any kind of salvation.
This goy- I mean fellow user speaks the truth. It is imperative that you buy Titanfall and give EA money support games made for real gamers. Now I suggest you head over to the origin store and get your copy of Titanfall 2 today!
So you'd propose leaving gaming entirely to the normalfags then?
Because it's dead. Last time I tried to play it, there was a 15 minute wait time for a match. So said fuck it and haven't touched it since. Had fun, but game is dead now.
Why the fuck are you paying for a EA game you nigger?
If your definition of "gaming" is anything that droops out of EA's asshole? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Good not gr8
I get matches in half a minute
At least europe is still pretty active
No one is falling for it.
Just got a match in 7 seconds
Its far from dead
You are a faggot
The Mozambique is fucking ballin' now, holy shit.
I did. I pirated it, played the SP and then uninstalled it, as any sane person would.
weak tbh
You niggers aren't tricking anyone, retards
Mark plays this game, though.
EA, Origin.
I think I'll afford not playing your arbitrary "best fps of the year".
you mean be like a greedy society/social/economy destroying neetkike?
How is this videogames?
Mark's taste is shit. News at 11. That guy is not a role model for anything except how to be Jewish as fuck.
That wasn't my point, but whatever.
If you're going to complain about judaism, there's threads about mobile gambling games on this very board you could be shitposting in.
why are you playing FPS at all?
i want to fuck the robots
Post BT lewds
Because Respawn never fixed the known bug with AMD graphics cards which results in random, unpreventable crashes. I got my money's worth from the game, but the stress of bluescreening four or five times every session just isn't worth it. Titanfall 2 is the best CoDlike in years (and the best shooter of 2016, easily), but the developer's refusal to fix a gamebreaking bug is just awful. AMD released some graphics drivers which were supposed to help, but they didn't do anything.
When/if Respawn gives us Titanfall 3, I hope they break away from EA and release it outside of Origin and without fucking bluescreens.
This is an awful OP. If you are sincerely interested in discussing Titanfall 2 you should kill yourself. You should kill yourself anyway for flagposting, but that's just one more reason.
I don't think there are any.
Is it specific cards that have a problem with crashing? I've had maybe 2 or 3 crashes to desktop when the game came out, but no bluescreens.
The problem seemed to be AMD graphics cards in general. There were some threads about it on the Titanfall and EA forums, and there wasn't one card in particular I saw more than others. If you didn't have the problem, I envy you; my whole experience with the game has been soured slightly because a single 2hr session will have at least two or three crashes.
Titanfall 2 is a pretty good game. Respawn seem to really care about their game and its community.