So what does Holla Forums think?
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I'll just wait for the actual SC3 by TFB to come out.
I've always liked Stardock tech vids, but honestly the game looks a bit too Spore-y to me right now.
I'm hyped to see what fan made Aliens players made.
Hyped, but cautious. The last thing I want is to be *frumpled* by a shitty game.
None of the aliens they showed in that image really look alien enough. They're all vaguely humaniod just with different proportions and limb counts, and the voices all sound fairly human too. Star Control aliens should be fucking weird.
Can't wait to see tons of posers pretend to be "lifetime fans" of Star Control despite not even knowing what it was a month ago.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
you call THAT problem hair?
But white isn't part of the Rainbow user
the Rainbow is white however
Its all good
Like how expressive the fat slug looks at least.
here is a wemb for all the bad goys out there
Damn I suck.
So, whats the gist of this game?
I'll buy it just because Stardock are anti SJW and make actually good niche games, but I'd like to know more about it.
So it's less of a SC reboot and more of trying to be the game spore's final part should have been.
One to keep an eye on, but I'm still waiting for a remake or something based more on the original star control. turn-based strategy is more fun when you have real-time space dogfights mixed in.
Early game is hell for just looking around because of those fucking Slylandro. I forget who gives you the hint to figure out how to solve that problem (I think it's the Melnorme) but get that done fast or get really good at blowing them up, they drop a ton of resources
I'll see when it comes out. I played Starcontrol 1&2 from DOS era so I'm wary of the hype.
she looks cute, would remove xenos with her
A classic
Thanks for reminding me
Why is the quality so shit at the beginning of the video though?
Please tell me that's at least a girl.
How the fuck do you not know about spore, that EA, maxis, Evolution simulators that everyone was hyped up for, but was a huge let down.
stop jumping at shadows. The ceo isn't likely to or even allow politics to be stuffed in his games.
Maybe i over state his involvement in the project, but he's got his own battle wounds from from area of the net.
It looks like a modern remake of StarCrontrol 2. It's now free ware, listed as Urquan masters. Basically, you have a moderular ship from *insert random, ancient, all power but dead race*, you go running around the solar system, and even galaxy collecting resources to improve the ship. There is some badie, and you have to make allies to help fight them off.
Not only is this combination shit, but the highlights make her look like she is 50.
Thanks for the info
Sounds comfy
It has also been ported to pretty much everything.
Lets be glad the 3DO had a port. From that, we got likely the best sound ever, along with voice acting.
Honestly, i don't know how well the game play holds up, and that's my number one worry. I think the lander section does, which sadly looks like the thing they did the most changes to. I suggest you look some videos up, or even try to original. As i said, it's freeware under urquan masters and looks like it's more the same, but 3D
The combat is still pretty fun and unlike anything out there. I still play multiplayer from time to time.
The Zoq-Fot-Pik definitely tell you where to go but it's lost among the frungy talk so you don't know how important that lead is. I think the Arilou might mention it as well.
Did anyone catch the fucking
at the end of the video?
What does that mean?
There might be a crossover with Galactic Civilizations.
Disgusting art style and Spore gameplay? This isn't Star Control.
You could just pretend she's piebald.
It looks like some first year students were asked to make a game for iPad and they chose to make a sequel to Spore. I can't wait to see how mad this makes me.
All aliens I've seen so far are closer to human than in the other games we've had so far. Anyone?
I am expecting at least ONE alien that looks like they're really something else, like the Orz and Kzer-Za were.
I think that Stardock said that they wouldn't use any of the original races. The other SC in the works by the original devs should have the classics back as well as new actually alien looking ones.
Hrm. That might explain the Drengin showing up in the reveal trailer.
Wallace & Gromit the game?
i guess you never watched the anime
Which is the other SC in the works?
I'd watch it.
You forgot that Wallace is also a freshmen girl who has to choose between the nice guy who is a human version of shaun the sheep or the bad boy who is a human version of the penguin.
Also she is always late for school and runs there with a cracker in her mouth.
Only if it takes place in Japan, but Wallace is still English as fuck for some reason.
Yeah, I'm getting this
"Eito..cheezu, gorumeido, CHEEZU!"
Well sheeeit. That's kinda interesting.
If its Stardock, I'll be there
I can't understand how Stardock has any loyalists left after leaving SoaSE half finished and then releasing nothing but shovelware for almost a decade straight. Wardell's pathetic email begging for people to buy Ashes of the Singularity is just icing on the cake.
Through some advanced Jewery they ended up with the rights to the Star Control name but not the rights to use the aliens.
Thank god so we can safely discard this shit along with SC3 and wait for the real deal, i'm somewhat hopeful for that but also afraid to check Fred Ford's twitter.
From what I've gathered I thought both Stardock and TFB, or at least the two creators, have agreed to not use the canon aliens for origins because they still had ideas for the SC2 cast, and if so wanted to use them when needed on their own accord, to which Stardock agreed with that plan.
wait, so they were actually ok with that?
thats not possible
i need a source
i really want this to be good, but i can see the spore… i can feel it…
I can't find it but I read an article where they agreed to not use the original so the original creators can for their SC sequel.
What did he ever see in that cunt (Yoko Ono)?
I actually liked the artstyle of the old SC games. Don't know how I feel about these shitty 3D graphics. Unless they're taking advantage of 3D space, I see no reason for 3D models.
Most of it looked fairly close gameplay wise. Seems like it has about the same tone as SC2 but more saturday morning cartoon like. I'm not seeing much to be upset about so far.
I would have liked great 2D art more when talking to aliens.
I would have been fine with that too, they're probably burning a lot of just creating assets this way.
of time on just
I'm give to understand that Yoko was actually big in the underground retarded hipster art circles, and that people in that community would sing the praises of her but not know who John Lennon was. Doesn't mean he wasn't an idiot, mind you, but i can't imagine what else he might see in her.
well i be damn, stardock does give a fuck about space vidya
I don't play it, but considering Sin of a solar empire is still profitable for them, that suggest it's not half finished. Maybe it's a Civ5 situation where you have to buy the expansions before it's worth it.
I'm with you.
I can say, for the lander sections, it looks like their using physics engine, so… maybe.
That said, would this be any better in 2d from Stardock who has the staff that regularly do 3D, not 2D?
Very little info, indeed.
I don't really care what's profitable for them. All I know is that even before launch we were promised an actual campaign that they never delivered on. Come release it was still absent but they promised that it was going to be part of the third planned expansion. This obviously never happened. We did get some weak cash milking micro DLC though.
What the fug? Really?
So you're complaint is "They didn't add a campaign, therefore half finished."
Half of me gets the complaint, but half me is going "really, are you that spiteful".
No, actually. The complaint is that they sold the game on features that they never included and that, despite multiple opportunities to make good on their promises, never did. That's called "lying."
They're pretty based
I am too old for this.
this game looks too happy and cartoony, i don't think it fits very well
Oh dear that'll go well.
I found biggest problem to be lack of some sort of Captain's Log when I tried Ur-Quan Masters. Anyone trying it out may want to go full retro with pen and paper to write down important co-ordinates unless I missed something. I mean big races seem to appear as spheres but if somebody tells you co-ordinates to some planet I don't think they're logged anywhere.
Not everyone is nintendo. Some creators actually gives a shit about the IPs.
It's the Citizen Kane Dark Souls Cuphead La Mulana of space games. You're definitely expected to be taking notes.
It's called Yellow Fever, I would know I have it myself.
I need the story on this.
if you don't know, hes probably a guy
Why is anyone excited for this? Stardocks make the most soulless games in the industry.
I wonder if they're using the GalCiv engine.