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only 150k?


people still play gran turismo?

I played it a fair. It was pretty nice, but racing games get boring really fast if you're not autistic about them.

Not shown in your pic is the fact that the switch beat ps4 in hardware sales but at the same time sony software dominated the top 5 positions or more. I forgot because I read it quickly while having morning coffee but it's out there.



what ami looking at here, user?

I always liked the driving tests and first races with shit beater cars the most in GT, after you start getting good cars it gets boring.

OP said Japan


yeah weird, isn't it. I thought also that japan was actually the heaven of video games.

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be nice to our halfchan refugee, cuckchan morphed into neofag 2.0 now.

And have 90% of the board be same template text with the same shitty images?
No thanks

Its sad, really. I loved all the previous games (minus 6) to death and got pretty far in them, tried GT Sport demo and was disappointed. Its all eSports memes and there's no campaign like the previous games.

Hopefully they get their shit together with GT7 and contain the eSports memes only in Sport with updates.


I think it has its place, if you want to drive like a nigger there are plenty games for that.


Maybe we will finally get a MotorToon 3!

and it hurts twice as much when you realize its only comparable alternative was just as shit this year fuck you turn 10 you fucking kikes

your posts are more of a template that OPs

You know, a racing game does not really need a gazillion cars. It can get away with just ONE car… if it is THE car.

Or maybe a new Omega Boost. A good 3D space shootan with giant robots is always welcome.

it was never THE car
it was not even ever THE ferrari

Yeah, i know that feel. There's so many cars in initial d games, but i always choose Toyota AE86, because i need no other cars in that game. And in games where that car is available i only choose it too. Racing games are all about handling and gameplay, not about amount of cars or tracks. More to it, amount of tracks is kinda more important than amount of cars, this is how amount of cars is insignificant to serious players.
Its just if you add 700 cars, do you expect them handle differently? But in the games where only few cars to choose, the difference between them is really significant, not just ingame stats, but unscripted physics.

It's a flop.

Don't tell Yu Suzuki that. It seems he decided to make it all about the F355 because he actually owns one.


Huh, I forgot Gran Turismo even existed.

Why is the driving so lifeless?

Does GT Sport even have shitty cars? IIRC it only has cars from like 2008+, that's garbage and not GT like at all.

Fucking hell, look at this car list. if you ctrl + f "19" you'll only get a 1987 Audi rally car. Absolute garbage.

that may have worked in 2014 but not now.

150,000's quite good for Japan, right? From what I understand games there tend not to sell as well as in the west.

Isn't there only like 150 cars? Even fucking lootbox forza has at least 500+.

Large dick shaming


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Yeah, it's extremely pathetic. Went from 1k+ cars to 150 with the most boring choices possible, I'm surprised anybody wants this shit. Hopefully both Forza and GT Sport fail so it's only Polyphony left, and they're forced to get their shit together and actually make the perfect GT game for GT7.

do it

Holy fuck user my man

good taste


polyphony is too far gone for it to be redeemed, turn 10 has a better chance but seeing what they did with 7 they are both fucked and SMS managed to make a better game than both somehow with project cars 2