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Holla Forums-cosplay
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SFV Chun Li
Fuck all of these, where's 2B?
2D can't cosplay
2D is gay
In the garbage can.
Fuck you and fuck your slut.
2B is great.
Look at those small guys
oh they can, look here
You just trade one animu sameface for another
Pretty funny. Good taste in costumes but the model is pretty bad.
get this normalfag outta here
bitch it aint my fault this example included typical moeblob face
And Chun-Li also has a typical moeblob face, right?
That just looks straight up awful.
Allright, i guess that was overreaction. I'm just getting pissed how everything is moe nowdays. Seeing some moefuck cosplaying characters from before moe was a thing makes me angry
2B? more like 2 THICC
best cosplay
squishy clang worst clang
Don't use niggerspeak.
at this point she's just fat
Too fat.
It´s a man.
too fat
Have you even played the fucking game you little nigger?
i recognise that mouth
Is there a name for this?
I don`t understand, are you talking about a pelvic fetish?
I think he's asking if there's a name for the gap between the panties and thighs.
If not, it's all yours. Choose wisely.
I want 14 year olds to leave.
I too have that fetish, fellow user. And the only site I've seen to try and identify it, to quite a success if I may add, was danbooru, with the tag "partially visible vulva".
Basically it will give you pics of panties that don't quite cover the entire crotch area. No pics because work computer won't let me get to porn sites.
alas poor boner, I knew him well
I call it - the cocktease
It just hit me - Samus is the female Doom Guy
I have been summoned.
That's a decent starting point. I'd probably add rating:q and panties though because most of the images are too much. Thanks! Also you're dicing with danger by browsing here. Especially a thread like this.
That's what makes it so hot.
Let's add some.
I want to fuck girls
gay, I bet you kiss em too faggot.
You gay son?
I love those guys.
Can we get some actual cosplay and not just teenbait.
I don't know if I can do that
stop posting this obongo mutt
Who's this fluid marauder?
If what you meant is the thread is full of sluts I agree
That's some dedication, staying true to the in-game model.
While I still love seeing that 5th image again and agree with the image name, I would love to see someone attempt it again complete with their man chins and facial hair sticking out of the fake PPG heads like in the actual episode.
The 2nd image make the text on her ass actually say "ass effect."
Daily reminder that none of these bitches will EVER be interested in you.
That's her costume. 2B's outfit has puffy shoulders.
Cosplay and cons are cancer.
If you want tits, go watch porn.
not Holla Forums but
vivian doesn't deserve this
Still fucking disgusting.
Can you make an mp4?
I'm curious to see Slav cons, is it mostly witcher and STALKER? Is it less cancerous than western shit? Are they weeb subhumans?
Are cons in Japan less shit than the west, or worse?
I made that ages ago and lost the source file.
Vivian was a fucking mistake. GG was a clusterfuck that brought in redditors. The only thing worse (recently) was kek (muh kekistan, fuck Sargon I hope he loses in some supposed lawsuit) and muh 45D underwater chessmaster Trump, even when fucking you in the ass, it's all a ruse to btfo the guys who would do exactly what Trump is doing.
That doesn't make Vivian any less terrible.
Yotsuba is cuter anyway.
Don't you have a Kotaku article to write?
Ok, I probably wouldn't find a source vid, but are Russian cons as shit as western ones appear to be? I'm not a muh Russia bastion of western virtue type, I just imagine they bully people more, so don't have shit like furries or autistic Naruto fans. Also poverty = less land whales.
Should get back home to where Yotsuba resides, and if the reddit infection is terminal, there's always 4chan.
Nah, sorry you're cancer, it's why GG has its own containment board. You fucks couldn't even hold shit together and ended up like OWS, after pushing cunts to the top like Sargon and Milo. GG was cancer.
I got you. I'm drunk as shit dude so I can't answer shit else
Alright it was hard but I think I figured out how to successfully masturbate to all this garbage, you have to pretend really hard that they're all nonjudgemental robots or sex dolls instead of lecherous conniving vaginafags.
There is constant general here and every time something more significant comes up there is a separate thread. Keep crying.
4chan is fucked now thanks to Moot and Hiro, especially the mods.
Last I heard Jim sold 2ch to some corporation. Everywhere is fucked. 8/a/ is probably the best place, but unfortunately not vidya.
You had your say, now hurry up along and get back to cuckchan.
That's some really shit taste they have, also the autism is consistent.
I thought Russia would ban DAI for some weird gay propaganda law they have?
Literally the worst (successful) thing my country has ever produced. Why the fuck is it popular? I figured the language barrier would restrict it to anglo countries.
user, aside from some third world shitter everyone get fed American media.
Dr who is British, Bioware is Canadian.
Go back to cuckchan with this normalfag shit.
Anglos, same shit.
Truly a classic. Shame they won't cosplay again like that.
what happened?
Fukkin kek
9S is better
Hot damn. I'm not even a Marvelfag or anything, but nothing sells a cosplay like a face that works with the character.
I wish there were more and bigger pics of those 2 Cammy cosplayers.
"cosplay", it's in the title, what did you expect faggot
I do have more pics and webmsof them. But I can't be fucked getting up and going to my main pc to post that shit
Do marvelfags sperg out over normalfags thinking the movie version of a character is the official one, i.e. white nick fury vs samuel l. nigger, or does that get overlooked with sjw shitting on everything?
You do know that there was a black Nick Fury in the comics before the movies right?
You do know that wasn't the main universe, right? And that Sam L. Fury was so popular they shoehorned him into main later right?
and the movies are based more in the ultimates universe than they are in 616. Which explains why cap has the stats that he does in the movies.
except ultimates everyone is just an underperforming/failed govt supersoldier project even mutants
I bet you fap to Momokun too you disgusting slime.
ultimates was largely garbage, of course they tried to reuse it to make it worth the money they spent on it
True but it still doesn't change the fact that they based it on ultimates.
except its mostly 616 + extra sliding timescale fuckery with little bits of ultimates thrown in
no way. I don't see much of 616 because the power scale is totally off. Thor, Cap, Nick Fury, and loki are more ultimate than anything.
Power scale is the wrong way to judge that though since in all cape media the power level of a character is always what the plot needs it to be.
meant for
Shouldn't you be jerking off to some gay interracial porn posted by Sargon?
True in a sense. But its not just the power scale. It is also all the costumes.
that nonsummerjack makes my peenus so confused
With a face like that, it's probably a wise move on her part to take such good care of her body.
It takes a western [[current year]] game to make a 3DPD more appealing than 2D.
I hate when they ruin cosplay by adding stupid platform shoes or completely inaccurate shoes in general.
We can't help that losers think we're cool.
I have just what you are looking for
tee hee
Jesus christ, go the fuck back to cuckchan
Among a sea of sluts I manage to find something neat at last. Pretty accurate setup but the granite maul is out of place
Yeah, but that's because Jackson is an actual baddass instead of due to SJW bullshit.
I know the guy that cosplays Misty IRL. He's a huge SJW and enables cosplay whore behaviour. Also hangs out with a bunch of SJW cosplayers.
Lewd cosplay is best cosplay.
try and step it up man
How ugly is her face tho
This is a woman you'd fuck raw doggystyle then leave her.
Thicc?? Fat?? I dont care.
Her face actually looks nice compared to the rest of her. Sadly the thicc meme has made her decide that she doesn't need to lose any of that disgusting blubber on her.
Nevermind just 2b
Nice face but stupid thick.
Is that Takashiro from Bible Black? Got any more?
wasn't she meant to be part of some kickstarter game? Did that ever happen?
samoyed best dog
Salty isn't a flavor, it's a taste.
the game was meh as fuck tho.
Go back to neogaf, oh wait.
How does it feel to have standards that are bad?
I also assume you have super high expectations for women you date while being a fat shutin and having a shit paying job.
He's right, though. Tattoos are fucking garbage.
Did I hit a nerve?
Yes, anime is terrible and fucks your standards of women.
only if you let it, my taste remained unchanged
This doesn't really count but I like it.
Here's some real stuff
Women's standards have gone to shit, men have to pick up the slack.
how does it feel to be this much of a virgin?
Goons fuck off.
This is what 3DPD threads attract.
Dirty normalfaggotry.
w e w
At least keep your cool, this is man's site, hun.
Great, it can be a bit hard sometimes when female co-workers hit on you, it's really hard for men to say no to women but I cannot complain, it's really great that I still possess the involuntary reactions that would make me love a girl fully without having to put a speck of work into it unlike the homos out there who destroyed their ability to love for no reason other than social pressure (aka emperor Palpatine saying "do it" exactly once) and now they are doomed to live the rest of their lives as homosexuals, lacking the involuntary natural reactions that make life work by itself. Imagine if you hated eating food, eating would become work instead of refreshment, that's what you set yourself to be, all work and no refreshments.
The fuck is a goon?
What the fuck is this sentence?
This reads like a markov generation, thank you.
So how many tattoos do you have sweetheart? I don't see why you would be getting so triggered otherwise.
I am sorry I am not gay so can you please refrain from hitting on me as I feel it would only result in heartbreak.
I have 3 tattoos actually, unsure how making a single post (without even a reaction image!) makes me "triggered".
let the butthurt of your poor life choices influenced by media and peer pressure flow through you as every user with standards they are unwilling to compromise vomits on their keyboard.
Just kill yourself.
It is like a bunch of sentances and words thrown together at random that vaguely makes sense but when read all together just leaves you confused.
Much like a markov bot
I would rather not, shitposting on 4chan ripoffs brings me too much joy.
I apologize you could not come up with a reply and instead used a anime reaction image. Maybe if you had some actual creativity you would not be so shit at arguing ;^3
Ah, a redditor. That explains much.
Reddit is pretty bad, lack of any real global moderation means shitty pedo boards and even shittier people. Per board moderation is bad too.
The entire system is shit with its upvote system that means only the same dumb shit gets shown all the time. It is like a assbackwards BBS/forum and the community is terrible.
Still, some reddit boards can be good for super niche shit. I can only think of the one I occasionally look at honestly
Also Holla Forums is pretty close to reddit, the only thing missing is an upvote mechanic (mostly fulfilled by reply links that instead of nesting the replies just fucking shoves all of them right next to the post) and indenting replies. Both would most likely easy to implement.
When are anime artists going to learn how to draw faces that do not look like peeled coconuts with downs syndrome?
Patterns that are not understood can be understood as random, don't be pedantic and ask what concept you do not understand when you get confused. Although I'll be gone for 2 hours so don't expect a response from me.
Please explain how I am dumb and wrong and you random internet person is so much more enlightened because he is a freshman in college.
Well it has been 2 hours, where the fuck are you to update me on how wrong I am?
First tell me what you do not understand about my previous post.
How about now, user?
You are answering my question with another question. Poor form.
This was and still is not a question : tell me what you do not understand exactly.
sorry this shit took so long user. hope you see it before the thread anheros
Thank you user. It's a shame that most of their pics are in 600x800
Yeah, that's the highest res i could find. I'm glad you got to see the shit
she couldn't have bought an airshit p90?