Are you the one that can't stand losing to another player? Fighting, fps, RTS, speed-run whatever
Just got to be the better than your rivals.
How competitive are you?
Delete this cuckchan nigger thread
I love fighting games and stuff like UT, but I've learned to be more leaned back about that kind of thing, if I let it get to me it stops being fun.
not to mention it's fun to be smug at others getting mad
I find that I play better when I'm not corcerned about the result. heh.
I actually hate competition in any formal sense, however I am compelled by self-improvement to always excel to the highest of skill tiers in all the games I really like.
Self Improvement is always something you should be doing when trying to become better at something. It shows progress and development, and can make you better at the things you strive to become good at.
>Want to learn PvP in Xenoverse 2 PC
One-sided losses really don't teach me anything other than that it's a bad idea to even try if I'm not top tier from day 1.
I'm pretty competitive. Not too crazily but its satisfying to be on the upper echelons. I know I don't have the time or money to climb to the absolute top without screwing up my life so I stop there, but its satisfying to be actually good at video games. It also fucking sucks to lose obviously.
You are no longer playing the game user.
The game is playing you.
I like versus play in puzzle games.
I hate losing to someone, but I will never stop playing because I lost, it makes the victory a lot more sweeter, and by victory I mean consistent wins.
Fite me.
I don't get mad if I lose or if someone keeps crushing me, it just motivates me to get better.
I do enjoy competitive games, but because of that i know that at one point i pretty much reach my own skill ceiling, i can't simply get better without devoting my entire existence to the game, there is always someone better and they either live off the game tournaments / streaming money, do play nothing else, or just have been into it for years before me.
The feeling of being impotent against these people when i play the game makes me wish i had never touched it, because now i know i will never be the best without losing my soul.
I am competitive only when it comes to shooters.
Don't seem to care about anything else.
No idea how to play panepon so you'll probably just run circles around me, but yeah sure.
every time
Yeah, it's a real shame.
I really like fightans but god damn my internet is shit so I can't seriously play with anyone.
In the end I don't even play with AI or check out new games anymore.
I'd still buy Samsho5 if they release it on steam.
I try to win but if I don't it's not a big deal, I just try to learn and adapt if possible, I never try to make the other person have a bad time or feel bad for losing themselves. The ultimate goal is to have fun passing time and testing skill with other people in a fair and sports-like manner. Respect the game, the players, and most of all the technique.
I get really into fighting games if I'm against another person though I don't really play them. I just remember getting to into skullgirls when trying to beat my mate who was good at it.
Not at all
most of the time I have to curb my skills so my friends don't feel bad and will usually throw games, especially with fighting vidya.
only multiplayer game that's ever seemed to make me mad is Splatoon 2. I don't know what it is about it because I never got mad with Splatoon 1.
Well, at least you know that they lost their souls. Also, when you reach your skill ceiling you can already defeat some of the people devoting their lives to it.
Get on my level.
I love competition, but the other way around.
I like punching a weight class above me, and losing is just learning for me
Good mentality. I salute you, good sir.
Playing games competitively sure
Any competitive "Scene" is objectively shit regardless of who's playing what.
I don't care about winning or losing, all that matters is getting better, throwing bantz and having fun.
tried to get into fightan games but i'm just horrible at timing there
only played age of empires 2 seriously and i wasn't amazing there. i wasn't horrible either but i definitely wasn't good enough
I play arena fps, people quit a lot, and I wish more people had your mentality.
Confirmed for never having fun in his life by going to a tournament.
Well, yeah, tournaments aren't fun. They're full of whiny assholes.
Losing means your an inferior piece of shit cuckold. Don't try and act all high and mighty you disgusting, pathetic excuse of a person.
.t angry metagamer
What is your thought on 'low tier heroes'? vid somewhat related
It's a party game, there are no tiers.
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I don't mind losing in like fighting games/racing games/et. When I lose to people in casual games with a lot of rng I get mad. Fucking hearthstone.
Still infuriated that they ruined AC+R with Steam cancer. I really want to move on from #Reload already.
I have very little experience with real fighting games so it's entirely possible if I'm way off the mark. But yeah, it's pretty neat if the player genuinely likes the character they play but then it seems way too easy to use it to shield your ego if you're bad or just mediocre. If you lose you can go "well I lost because I played a bad character" but if you win you have twice the opportunity to gloat even if you were playing against a bad player because you were playing with a bad character. It just seems like the mindset can get very cancerous very easily.
mfw my third world hell hole internet doesnt allow me to play, every connection is 0 and red. and now i have i have a collection of single player figthans.
Every scene sucks if you suck and on top of that act like a fucking retard.
I play for fun and I hate competitiveness. While this sounds like it excludes skill from the equation - it doesn't.
If the enemy player isn't on par with me (be it because he is too bad or too good) it's not fun. If getting better requires learning stale meta and then repeating it over and over until it's muscle memory then I don't do that either. If another party insists on setting up a stage with arbitrary rules that would define a winner, instead of just playing the game indefinitely, then I either refuse or smack the shit out of them depending on how confident I feel.
Winning in competitions does nothing for me and the ones that could bring something, like money, require skill that takes an unimaginable amount of dedication that I don't hold for any game I've played. Same thing applies to speedruns, it's just not fun to continue playing games that you've lost interest in, even if you are trying to show that you are the best.
Never minded winning or losing, and back when I had friends, I'd play multiplayer stuff with them, but nowadays, I haven't had any interest. Every multiplayer community that I've seen, at least, screeches constantly about how this should be nerfed and that should be buffed, and once that happens, then something else needs to be buffed and nerfed. It just seems like people who are really into multiplayer are never happy. Even something more casual, like Splatoon, all I hear is about how X stage is bad and Y weapon is overpowered. It's a damn shame.
I can't be competitive because whenever I put any actual effort into video games I have to ask myself why I'm not putting effort into improving my own life instead.
It really kills one's motivation to get better at a game where my years of practice are pale in comparison to someone who mastered a game in a matter of weeks.
I call cucks who take games seriously cucks and I purposefully treat them like children, refer to them in a patronizing way until they get ultra buttmad and rage with the power of 1000 autists.
I like competitive games. I don't mind losing as it just means I have more to learn and I'm playing to do that in the first place.
Worst feeling is losing to a bad connection. When I lose, I just learn from it and continue playing. But losing to a bad connection? You learn nothing and it just sours my mood.
I don't play TF2 competitively because the competitive community (6v6 atleast) seems to be the most no-fun subcommunity in all of tf2, but i mostly dominate pubs so that i usually don't play as good as i could. Most of the time i meet a 'pro' scout that runs around meatshotting everyone, at those times i'll be a happy lad because i finally met someone who's going to be a threat in 1v1 confrontations, and so i always go for them first if i meet one. For those who don't play TF2, 1v1 confrontations are always dominated by Soldiers, Scouts and demomen, those 3 are powerhouse offense classes with each of them having a good balance of firepower flexibility and movement.
Either way i long for a pub match where all of the players are above-average players, most of the time the players are goddamn retarded they fell for the same trick 3 times.
fighting games are sort of a dick size contest in a way, niggers gonna nig anyway, also that is why asian try so fucking hard
They're okay except for if it's a team of randoms. You have no idea of their skill level and it's a lottery of frustration in a bad matchmaking mode. That's why I hate mobas and Ogoywatch with a passion while I think fighting games and rts is superior since all your successes and failures are your own, so leaning from defeat is easier and victory feels better.
I'm pretty decent at any vidya, not great in anything. The only games I lose in more than I win are normalfag shit like FIFA, NHL and Rocket League.
I once beat a friend for two hours straight in Soul Caliber on PS2 (like 31 wins in a row?) while relishing his anger. I've broken a mouse over getting my ass kicked SC2.
Some games are competitive for the wrong reasons. Some games have such retarded controls that the competition comes from fighting with the controls rather than your opponent. Pretty much all RTS games are a good example.
Because normalfags like sports. I got a lardass at work who claims that his "2nd job is watching sports"
I like to play fighting and racing games with friends and online but I'm used to lose a lot online.
I didn't even knew Xenoverse had some sort of competitive play. I'm hype for FighterZ tho.
Back in the day when we played UT, Quake or HL in internet cafes I would always be in first 3. I was always shit in CS however. Also didn't do much better in MW and MW2 either, I wonder why
I wish those three games were still popular honestly. HL still has shitload of players, but not the other two
I used to be really competitive in video games but I kinda grew out of it, now I don't even want to interact with people at all and mostly play single player weeb games. I started FFXIV for its story only to get sucked into dungeon shit with other people is ruining it for me, they act like faggots even when you're new and don't manage to know every single dungeon mechanic your first time.
This is gay both ways. If you win, you're still gay for having a faggot suck your cock. If you lose, you still can't unsuck a cock. Why did you agree to that wager?
I used to hate it, but I've gotten into fighting games, recently, and I love it.
It's just you, and the opponent. Yeah nobody is coming to save you, but nobody is holding you back as well.
So as you're learning, it leads to some really great feeling moments, like learning how to handle a certain matchup that used to give you a lot of shit.
What did it taste like?
Did you swallow?
Did he enjoy it?
I have a lot of fun in playing and competing in fighting games, but I don't feel like I have that competitive edge that makes you want to win no matter what the cost.
False sense of security.
Not answering any of that shit. Fuck off.
Does getting 100% completion count as competitive? Haha