Outcast Second Contact

Ah shit son, its looking good, wish something akin to this would be done to Citizen kabuto too, they really nailed the art design.

Literally what even is this?
Shill shill go away.

If its not technological improvement over our current gen - its not a real sequel.

Remake of Outcast
My CPU is shit and rendering webbums is ass
You this retarded you can't even use a search engine?
Who are you talking to?

Fair enough, but finding a technological improvement on Open World games nowadays is like finding an investor for RTS games.

A remake of the best game of 1999.


it is a strange game to remake, did Outcast make much of a impact on the gaming scene?


Paved the way for 3D Open World before GTA 3 streamlined and standartized it.

paved that way by using technology no one ever revisited lol

Reminder to filter and report

Played it a while ago. It has some really neat stuff that games don't these days. For example, the NPCs move around all over their farms and villages. If you need to find someone you can ask another NPC and they'll point you in the direction of where the NPC is now. Right at the start there's a guy that goes and grabs a wooden log and throws it on a fire, and the log actually stays in the fire instead of just disappearing into it. Lots of cool TECHNOLOGY details. Of course, it's also rather buggy and the controls are, if memory serves me right, sort of loose. I think I ran into some bug and either had to just chose to stop playing.

It actually feels like a real world instead of background noise.
Few games achieve that, especially since the basis for any Open World game nowadays is GTA, why many people here hate them.
Not that GTA is bad, its just that it started a cancerous trend thats barely improved upon.

OP if you are going to shill, do it right.

This looks like shit.

How so?

I'm a nostalgiafag for the old game, but this just reminds me of the Xbox Indiana Jones and Pitfall games, looks good so I'll probably keep an eye out.

It looks janky as fuck and gunplay seems pretty ass.
He shoots them a shitton but they dont die or react to being shot at all.

I'm getting Elex vibes all over.

I agree with the user, the shooting looks pretty janky. Otherwise I'll keep it in mind

Thats a good thing if you're not a fucking casual

it's trying really hard to be serious sam but failing miserably.


hey faggot shill, you're projecting so much your spaguetti is all over the floor


shit, how is this coming along, been waiting forever for the reboot
literally have the old version installed and waiting to give it a second go
and glad it seems they're using all original audio assets

it was literally one of the best games ever, still today
its a open world rpg shooter alike, 3d world when there wasn't 3d
story kind of like stargate meeting weird ancient civ aliens

with regards to webm
let me share a tip with ya, nowadays you don't even need to convert anything, just use youtube-dl and pick the formats which size fits
youtuba now standards with vp9 and opus, and generally they quality/compression rate is top notch

when is this shit coming out?

I discovered Outcast in those 1 week, 1 vidya threads and I really enjoyed it. I didn't suspect that a game like that would exist on PC. Despite being old as fuck and the technology used not looking impressive at all nowadays it still did plenty of interesting stuff. It's also pretty light hearted fun overall so it's a nice change of pace from humor behind 7 layers of irony or epin 9gag memes.

From the VA it sounds like they just reused all the original dialog files so maybe no content was cut ? There was a couple of stuff in the game that would trigger snowflakes but I think the developpers are Belgian so I don't think they give a shit. So far it only looks like a graphical update and maybe a few changes regarding weapons/gunfights.


Your lack of comprehension and knowledge of this old gem brings you great shame.


Now I'm convinced its a terrible game if you like elex and you're shilling this piece of crap here.

Just because the frist might have been doesnt mean this will.

you twelvies need to leave