FEW the game that keeps on dissapointing

That feel when hyrule warriors is much better than this shit
I can't think of a bigger garbage fire than this game

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I'm just waiting for the 3DS version to get uploaded to FreeShop so I can at least say I gave it a fair chance. Without a good Musou game, I don't want a Switch.


I'm suprised the smash characters are not in this game

Will the Musous die already..


I can't wait for the meme localization.

It's worst
All they did was just rip lines from the game and pasted them into the story

I sure loved that in Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

Can I get a source on pic 4?

not an argument


GameXplain's logo in the corner isn't a giveaway?

This game makes that look like warriors orocbu 3

I think its from Lyns reveal trailer during the swol DeDeDe direct

What am I looking at in the first one?

Look at the textures around him.

Oh, the fishtank gravel on the ground? It looks like a fucking mockup.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite still takes that crown for this year.

This is a close second place tbh

Found it.

Also fun fact Celica is a clone character
One of the two none SD, fates or awakening characters


Didn't someone find proof that all the incoming DLC is just costumes tied to new weapons of existing characters but being toted as new characters and still no Tharja?

Tharja confirmed.


And may I add a fact that boggles my mind,
How can you fuck up something as simple as that???!?!??

It's something I guess.

They did fuck it up. They make the most popular character from the game DLC so they get all that sweet waifu bucks regardless if the game bombs


Actually, i can't blame you.

Lawbreakers was just awful from the start, this and infinite are trainwrecks of fuckups where you keep thinking "how?"

Lawbreakers wasn't garbage fire. It was stillborn. MvCI is a continual trainwreck that gets worse with every update. Lawbreakers had no brand recognition other than Cliffy B. MvCI bombed with major IPs tied to the title and already had brand recognition from previous games. A throw away shooter bombing is nowhere near the same level as a high profile/heavily marketed IP bombing

Are there at least some panty shots?

Just boob jiggle

Wow, I won't even pirate this crap


I think there might be tiki up skirts

Oh right, forgot to archive, sorry.

They're already in the game as npcs btw

Surprised that inigo, severe and owain are dlc considering the girl in charge

I guess egotistical frauds that lash out at fans exist in every corner of the globe. Not even Japan is safe from this scourge, crash when?

The worst part is the sheer level of clones. The story mode villains are clones of someone or another (likely the reason they included Iago instead of someone slightly more original like Garon), Celica is a Marth clone, the OC twins are clones of each-other all Peg Knights (Cordelia, Caeda, Hinoka) are clones of each-other, Anna and Sakura are Takumi clones, Lucina is a Chrom clone, Elise is a Leo clone, and of course the obvious Double Corrin/Robins.

That means that while there are 25 characters, there are only 14 original movesets between them. Vid related.

I think Hyrule Warriors is better by a wide margin because the devs were much more passionate about it. If I recall correctly, they approached Nintendo with the idea of Hyrule Warriors because they wanted to do it so badly. And it was only greenlit because they proved it could work. FEW doesn't have that same amount of care in it.

Of course not. FEW is just the result of a niche franchise becoming popular. It's a "key franchise" now so now it's getting it's F2P mobile game, and shitty spinoff games, we'll probably see some shitty anime/manga coming in the very near future too if there isn't already.
Hyrule Warriors was made as a passion project, FEW was made to cash in on the popularity bubble before it pops.

Funny you should say that echoes is getting a manga

Oh no, who could have guessed this would happen?

In all seriousness, what in the name of fuck were they thinking not having him?

That's what players get for supporting awakening and all the crap that came after it. It just brought in more cancer. FE should have ended with the Radiance gc games.


That'll be 8 bucks for bride Lucina goym

I think for the inevitable Holla Forumsidya awards there needs to be a "blunder of the year" award just because of games like these, Lawbreakers is acceptable for this criteria just because of how spectacularly it failed, even Battleborn wasn't completely vacated within a week

All this proves is IS is fucked and anyone who seriously wants them to bring back Advance Wars is fisting themselves with the monkey's paw

I just hope Tiny Metal turns out good because the only other alternative is fucking cucklefish


It's a comedic fuck up for sure, but it's only like, the 4th biggest garbage fire this year. We need to come together and compile an official list.

This pisses me off so much. I see people making comparisons to it in reviews, comments, asking questions about it on videos… Hyrule Warriors was okay. It was an average musou at that… It was nothing more than just okay. There are a LOT better musou games out there, KT/Omega Force ones at that.
You can tell by people immediately jumping to Hyrule Warriors comparisons that they've never played any musou other than that before.

Got any examples? What are the top 3 musou games?

I thought she is the one who casualized it? She whined so much during Awakening they put in all the easy mode garbage. Or was there series headed to shit before Awakening?

Honestly? Try anything under the Warriors Orochi and Samurai Warriors line. They're a lot better than Dynasty Warriors.

Dragon Quest Heroes is actually pretty well made, too. I'd honestly rate that higher than Hyrule Warriors.

Dare I say kens rage is much better than this game

Ken's Rage at least had interesting growth mechanics and didn't skimp on the fanservice with the first game.

I forget, didn't Greil lose that fight on purpose?

The problem isn't that IS and TK are incapable of making a good FEW game. It was thrown at them at the last minute and most of the roster is pushed by one woman who never cared for the series except for her games. The quality of the game shows how rushed it was. The roster being her favorite characters shows. The fact that people wanted to quit if they couldn't get at least some representations shows people were actually passionate about making this a quality game. And the on disc DLC definitely shows the greed of people who have no business with this game.

Not exactly sure it counts as a Musou but Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi.

DQH was pretty fun once the game actually got difficult. Before that it was pretty boring. I like the variety of bosses though.

Sengoku Basara certainly counts as a Musou, although it leans towards "character action" instead of the light strategy that Musou games employ to varying degrees.

Sort of? FE12 introduced casual mode and self insert who gets fawned over. In terms of story and writing it's almost worse than Awakening because it's tainting FE3, which wasn't amazing with it's writing, but was miles better even if you're reading a barebones translation.
The gameplay shit though? That's all on Awakening.

I think the Hyrule Warriors comparisons tend to come up because the HW roster has an amazing amount of representation for different Zelda games. Compare that to fucking FEW that gets most of it's characters out of Fates and Awakening even though it has so many more games to pull from.

To play retard gook's activist for a second, her favorite's are Severa and Inigo.

There's also not that many zelda characters to begin with, most are recurring so it would be pretty easy to get good representation to be fair

Why would you want that shitty awakening character in this? Fuck off.

Yes and no. Greil couldn't live with being the butcher he was for the empire when he was using that sword, and when he left their order, he cut the tendons in his right arm in certain places so he couldn't use the sword right. The sword was basically the only thing that could break through the sacred armor and he fought him knowing he couldn't win without using the sword, a sword which he couldn't use anymore, but he fought him to buy Ike time to escape and possibly to instill a strong hubris into the black knight so he'd underestimate Ike when the time came for the two to clash.


And he still held back against Ike in the PoR. But he at least god rid of his armor's blessings which made it so anything could kill him. Not that anyone could kill him besides a select few characters. Still, beating him to death with a hammer almost felt like cheating.

Literally all they had to do was to take these polls and go with it, but that would make too much sense. Seriously, how the fuck is Ike not in this game?

Wew lad even the people defending before are calling out this shit

They've been casualizing the shitty series since they kicked the main guy off after the last SNES game.

Hell they should of had their own poll but fuck they decided to go with what they thought would be more money

I remember those polls. The Ike they made for that game's pretty cool.

I love how these charts show exactly what's wrong with the recent explosion of the series popularity. The problem of course being waifufags who only got into the series at Awakening.
The male favorites chart only has 2 Awakening and 2 fates characters and only Chrom is in the top 5. But then you look at the female favorites chart and suddenly there's only 3 non-awakening/fates characters. Threadly reminder that waifufaggotry is what killed this series.
At least best waifu Lyn is at the top so we can preserve some modicum of taste for this series

What did you expect from a Musou?

What the fuck.

Should specify that I'm referring to the top ten of both charts

That female MC and Camilla sound like the only girls worth shit from Fire Emblem Fates. Am I guessing correctly?

Lynfags have always been a plague, yes.


Oh good, someone posted it already.
This game could have revolutionized and revitalized the Musou genre. It wouldve been the perfect opportunity to find a process that truly blends strategy and beat em up action (something Koei should actually have a grasp on already consodering their RotTK and NA franchises). But theres no doubt that meddling from all parties involved was the cause of this fire. Ninentdo demanding one kind of catering, that worthless ingrate from IS demanding her own, and then Koei having to play balance with all that and their own teams. If Koei was left to their own devices, we wouldve gotten EXACTLY what we wanted from this. Diverse cast in regards to the franchise AND movesets (Koeis proven there can be 20 fucking swords in a game and they can all operate differently), properly integrated FE elements and mechanics, and no damn clones. Fucking CLONES, Koei?! Really? I thought DW9 would be the first and last victim of that disease, but it seems its just as infectious as it used to be.
It shouldve been Hyrule Warriors of Fire Emblem. I suppose for that tho, ill just have to stick to my ideaguy idea of a strategic musou.

The MCs female or not are complete garbage, they are insufferable
Camilla is pretty good though, yes

Isn't it sad a F2P app is much better than a triple A game for a current gen console

… I say, as I'm playing Digimon Links right now.

Isn't Coffin/Kamui the only one who actually bitches about fighting and war?

That thing is awful and I'm an asshole who has only played Awakening.

All they do is bitch and be perfect so everyone can suck them off, self inserts were a mistake

Dynasty Warriors 6 says hi.

Why does the road texture look like a photo of rotting potatoes?

First and last after 7, considering 8 had none.

Because its a stock image of pebbles.

I liked the One Piece musou, tbqh.

Awakening's the only nu-FE I want to try.

Its sound, aesthetics and presentation are charming to me and being able to pair up all kinds of characters for powerful new units is fascinating and too appealing. I can maybe get that poor Kellam guy no one pays attention to a 10/10 loving piece of ass and recruit the result of them canonically fucking.

The old games I want to try would be whatever looks and sounds interesting on GBA and DS, maybe those Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn games for Wii, though I heard they're especially cruel with how easy your units die.

Dont play Awakening on anything lower than Hard. Nightmare can be an actualy nightmare where one wrong RNG will screw an entire battle no matter what, but Normal is simply too fucking easy. ESPECIALLY if you make the mistake of grinding.

I guess FEW will play this game.

Thank you, user. Will do.

That was brilliant.


What was the FE part of that game? I mean, the SMT was clearly more of a Persona thingy with idols but the modern setting puzzles me as to how FE goes into the mix.

I love how even fucking Japan itself didn't like it. Everyone probably just saved money for better games and good porn.

Only if you're a spineless fujo who have shit taste or in the same league as that Nami twat dev. Avoid the game.

Awakening is an okay game to play for a few rounds, and the MC you play as is somewhat decent in comparison to Kamui/Corrin. Though downside is 8-4 botched the thing, and the option of playing a mute myunit is gone because of them. Pirate it, give it a try out on Hard mode, and enjoy playing matchmaker.

You weren't Carlos posting, so you can have this (you)

The FE characters were the Personas and bosses (with Tiki as a vocaloid and apparently a cameo by Illyana somewhere as the only non Awakening/Marth-era character). That's about it.

Don't worry, I have zero interest in Fates. The concept sounded interesting, but the retardation I found out about on top of what I heard about the story and protagonist in general completely killed it.

Sucks missing out on those fucking dragon powers. Almost makes me want to be a good goy and get Corrin for Tr4sh 3DS (at least that can be argued as a good game) and just never use the whiny faggot sounding male.

That happened to me too. I was sold on the idea of rebelling and your choices on the battlefield can have consequences, but that was proven to be false.
Pirating is always the option, and Nohr is the route to choose if you want the challenge or middle route if you really want almost everyone to be together. Aside from changing the voice for Kamui, the other customization options for the character is disappointing. Unlike Awakening where you have 3 different body types (ex. Buff, average, and shota), in Fates you get 3 types of the same beta.

Oh, no, I'm just interested in the neat dragon design and powers, which is why I brought up SSB. I knew just from watching a direct or something that it was overpowered as fuck from a story and naturally gameplay standpoint (especially late game with whatever insane abilities and buffs you get by then) and would basically mop everything.

I really have no motivation now to try out Fates even if Nohr is meant to be a challenging installment, but these days almost certainly isn't.

Not even Corrin?

Now if you were talking about pirating DLCshit somehow, I'd be absolutely onboard.

user, please fucking call it Super Smash Bros or at least SSB for short, not "Smash" like it's suddenly obnoxiously become since 4 with normalfags, tourneyfag autists and cancer 3rd party roster wishlist retardation.

That's literally all I hear. It just screams millennial faggots that didn't grow up with proper games, shows or values.

I'd be laughing if I wasn't so upset that a game I've wanted for half my life turned out so bad. This is some monkey paw bullshit.

I could literally trick the monkey's paw if I wanted to.

Are you the same nigger who keeps shilling this shit in every FE thread?

I curse Awakening with my every breath, but if you have to try it, then go for it.
If you're looking for the shipping mechanic, FE4 handles it a lot better.


Trick it into making a FE Musou with characters in it that people actually want. Having seen the whole roster, the only character I'm sort of interested in is Lyn. Even that is soured by not having Hector in the game. YOU HAVE THREE FUCKING AXE USERS IN THE BASE GAME, TWO OF THEM AREN'T EVEN ASSOCIATED WITH AXES IN THEIR ORIGINAL GAME, AND YOU DIDN'T PUT FUCKING HECTOR IN. WHY IS HECTOR NOT IN YOU FUCKING NIGGERS?

It seems like I see this nigger on every single website, and he's doesn't just white knight Nintendo, he seems to white knight as many shitty developers as possible.

No shit? I don't normally use Reddit but I had a feeling he would be there after I saw him caping for Nintendo on Serenes. I don't understand the compulsion to defend a fucking company no matter what. Especially not a huge one like Nintendo that could not give less of a shit about your individual business.

Just checked his GameFAQs profile.
I can't even be surprised.

Just look at the fucking name.

I actually might start using GameFAQS just to blow out retards and tell people both what they need and want to hear in the exact attitude and wording.


Your wording will probably still be hampered assuming they still use the fucking gay moderation system where it won't let you post certain words and will automatically flag other borderline words for hotpocket review.

Nah I haven't been on Holla Forums much lately

Fun fact about the poll, they were so sure that Lucina was gonna win that they started working on the choose your legends shit pre-maturely.
It's probably because the poll was international for once that she won at all. Every nip-only poll ever goes

I would probably get banned pretty quick. I've had my account for a long time but I don't really use the site outside of when I'm looking something up. I don't think I can fit in on that sort of site anymore.

Oh no user we get 2 corrins
Everyone likes corrin right
Remember that self inserts important and smart choices

I see that guy mentioned in the comments on the gameXplain video too

Either he's dedicated to baiting and the character or he's the Nintendrone to end all nintendrones

Are there any Musou fans in this thread? I just got a PS3 and I want to play some Musou games. What do you recommend? The only ones I've played are 3, 4 and Ken's Rage 1 and 2.
4 is one of the greatest games I have ever played and I wish it was on the PSN store. I played 4 till the disc died from overuse.

It's like you niggers have never seen Nintendrones before.

FE12's writing was better than FE3's. FE12 doesn't have Marth only being taught the founding legend of his country after he has ruled it for 2 years. The story of Anri wasn't even portrayed as a secret or anything short of common knowledge either.

You might as well talk to Neofaggots.

Wow, its almost like letting your game turn to waifushit makes it terrible.

No you fucking faggot, this happened because of you. Because you can't buy anything that doesn't have googoo eyes and a big pair of titties on it. They know you'll eat this shit up because it has all your favorite desu waifus in it, and that's why they gave it zero effort. Fuck every single one of you people who still buy Japanese games and have been for about the last ten years. You're the problem. You are.

God, I hate GameFAQs. The worst thing about it when I was there was that if someone disagreed with you they would use completely irrelevant shit from your post history to prove their point. So you could be having a conversation about character balance in a fighting game and then some fag jumps in with "YEAH BUT YOU HAD THIS UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT A DIFFERENT GAME IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GENRE 5 YEARS AGO SO WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW? CHECKMATE ATHEISTS". That sort of business is why I don't use regular forums anymore. It's a cancer. Everybody looking to "gotcha" someone so they can be "the cool guy" on the board or whatever. normalfags were a mistake.

Dynasty warriors 8 is pretty good
Empires are a great series as well they allow you to make custom characters so it's about the closest you'll get to having hector or Ephraim in a warriors game

Who the fuck are you even talking to? No one here was talking about translations.

I was just pre-empting the tired ass excuses that weeb faggots always use when you point out to them that Japanese games were never good. They want to blame everybody but the Japanese for it, and themselves for encouraging it. FEW is completely and entirely the fault of the consumers.

I think the fact that they introduced the self insert character kinda helps that department because I think it was jagen telling Kris said legend

I really should play 12.Got distracted by ither games last time I tried.

Even when Nintendo has called it Smash in their character reveal trailers? (Doc Louis saying Smash ain't no joke in the Little Mac trailer and Corrin "Choosing to Smash" could be where it originated from. There might be other instances but those are the two I can find quickly).

Thanks user, never thought I would see that post of mine screen capped, I feel like in hindsight Nami should have been mentioned in it because it's hard to say how much influence she has compared to the rest of Intelligent Systems staff.

Nice, how the fuck was that not noticed sooner?

Rip seeing jaffar or Llyod or Linus or Ursula
Also aside from echoes the villains in the series have taken a big hit I've noticed
I mean we really don't see good villains like the fe4 era or hell even the black knight or Lyon

Oh yeah didn't KT and IT confirmed ninjas or dagger users won't be in this game
Because you think big titty ninja Kagero would of been a shoe in and they could of made her play like Xu Shu from FE8

You're preaching to a quire here, we're all aware that Fates' was a dumpster fire regardless of translation.
The only people who would try to defend it the way you say they would are people that would have their shit kicked in anyway for liking Fates
FEW is the fault of corporate meddling.



You just sound like a retarded generalizing hipster faggot using a franchise going down a bad road to shit on everything out of Japan in the last 10 years and it makes you look unintelligent and fucking pathetic.

I think this game is trying to milk awakening and fates long after the novelty worn off and the hype for it is now died
Even those who started with awakening are sick of seeing the same characters
Heroes really opened Pandoras box on the classic characters to the new fans that they are interested in the older games

I mean say you started with awakening what would you rather have
Be introduced to older games you haven t played and see new characters or see the same old Chrom, lucinia and robin in the exact same setting with the exact same story told to you

Kingdom's Under Fire, user. The first game is just an RTS, but the ones on the Xbox and the MMO I think have the RTS combined with Musou stuff going on. The first Xbox game can be run on the 360, but not the second and Xbox emulation is still moving at a snails pace, so that sucks. I never tried the MMO or even checked to see if it was completed.

Just stop responding, the derailing twat brigade is here

The thing is, even if they had just stuck to the three games (Fates Awakening and Mystery), the roster could have been salvageable.
Vaike? Lon'qu? Cherche? Virion? Fuck even Donnel? Nope, you get fucking Tharja DLC, pay up goy.
This was an image someone made when the game got announced, it would have been infinitely better than what we got.

It just feels like there's this kind of divide between 64, Melee, Brawl and 4.

Something's changed. And not for the better. It pisses me off I can't figure out what it is. By all logic 4 is better than Brawl in almost every way. But something feels like it's missing. Almost as if 4 has no actual soul and is just a horrible amalgation of lukewarm tourneyfaggotry, shitty shilling, microtransaction shit and stagnation.

Almost as if Sakurai is some shitty vidya George Lucas and everyone in the past that gave life and clever surprise to the series is gone and he's somehow entirely responsible for all the shit we've complained about.

Didn't sack of fries say he wanted out, but then Ninty announced it before telling him because they're all jews?

Depending on where you live
Its Friday and that means its release day
Today we will see how it does

I don't even know what to call this. It's not waifufaggotry specifically, it's this obnoxious pushing of "the new" over everyone else. Like some kind of Lightning/Lucario entourage they won't stop trying to shove down your throat because not everyone hates it.

If I heard correctly, yes.

Wow that person's worst fears is a dream compared to what we got

One thing I can say about 4 is that it's the only SSB to possibly suffer from it's "double" release.
Most of us played the 3DS version, went through that usual process of unlocking characters and other content, then repeated that process AGAIN just 2-3 months later with the Wii U version and we got overexposed to SSB.
I think even mashed potato samurai was slightly aware of this and considered having the Wii U versions roster unlocked from the start.

Could it be that we're just getting old and nothing feels as good as it should be? 4 could be said to be like refined Brawl content, while trying to aim for Melee gameplay speed, while gameplay wise the only major new addition is customize moves, which weren't as original or distinctive as people thought they would be (except for being Palutena's gimmick or Mii's), those moves also had to be unlocked (a slow process) and weren't even used the by tourney community due to their set up Then finally the DLC characters didn't even have then.

Hype is another factor, sometimes I feel like the excitement and speculation discussion of a new SSB (Brawl, 4) seems bigger than the game itself. Also people will never get 100% of what characters they want playable, Character selection is important because fans are aware that SSB seems to keep some series alive like EarthBound/F-Zero and until recently Metroid. It seems to be part of the reason for Golden Sun character requests. Other factors are no clones or Final Smashes not being copy pasted (Mario/Dr Mario, Fox/Falco, etc) which lead to more fan resentment. The fans know what they want fixed or changed but it doesn't happen like why is Goldeen not Magikarp?, why is the Ray Gun item not the NES Zapper? I'll admit the latter may never happen now with the Duck Hunt Dog Smash Attacks.


Another factor that could be mentioned is Project M. That COULD listen to the fan input and put in things like different character skins such as classic Pit resign or making Wario less WarioWare related and more based off his Wario Land version. Even having new features like a mode where you become a different character when you respawn, a feature that is technically possible in 4 but only in the final battle of whatever characters you managed to collect in that Smash Tour board game mode.

It's hamfisting.

I want interesting secondary, somewhat mature and more complicated characters that have a pair of big tits and the ability to blush and get flustered by lewd, faggot.

I've only ever heard that term used for embarrassingly bad tryhard humor or overly dramatic dialogue with bad acting.

My bad, I meant shoehorned.

Ah, alright.

My friends and I have always called it "Smash" since melee.


What are the chances that account was made in 2010 or 2011?

Y-you too user?

As for Dragonage2ftw and saner / Xenosaga123, these are well known shills across the board with the same tactics but not always for the same games. They are especially notorious on gamefaqs. The worse thing is the Nu-Emblem babies or the Musou defenders who think "Basara is dead lololololol" or can't aknowledge which of KT's are good to save their damn lives.

From KT alone : Gundam Warriors 3 & Reborn, Dynasty Warriors 5, Samurai Warriors 1, Warriors Orochi 1, One Piece Pirate Warriors 1 or 3(I'd say go for 1 if it's fanservice you want), Ken's Rage 1, HW of course. While the Dragon Quest games aren't labeled as "Musous" the first one is definitely worth it.

As for non-KT Musou games? Look no further than either Sengoku Basara 3 Utage or SB4 Sumeragi, Saint Seiya Senki / Saint Seiya Sanctuary for top Saint Seiya, Ninety Nine Nights II and Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis. Extella is kind of interesting but the difficulty, the A.I. and in general the frames aren't that good but the game shows a lot of promise given that it's the devs first time and the sequel seems promising.

That's because they are neofaggots. When the gamergate thing, the Gfaqers and the normals were pretty much seprated as "cazuls-elitists" which was another retarded thing going on with that site but with GG…neofaggot, plebbit and even the cuckchan summerfags and tripfags infested the place and you see how things went down.


Wow just wow

Learning Japanese was the best thing I ever did. Fuck these localizers.

As expected the final boss is shit

For shame they don't even remember Sacred Stones or any other goddamn game. A fight against Foomortis, a big evil demon, or Nergal wailing down on you with dark magic, or Ashnard mounted on Rajaion after touching the medallion would've been amazing.

first time in years that i'm mad at how shit a game turned out to be

FE musou should have been the easiest thing in the world to get right.

Maybe they fucked it up on purpose to not become cursed into making nothing but Nintendo spinoffs.

Yeah I have no idea why people are comparing the Nintendo fanservice musou to the other Nintendo fanservice musou.

This game would've turned out so much better if they just took the three or so most major characters from each game, or even continent, save the inevitable nuemblem whoring for dlc and have the super special ocs be villains that can be recruited later. More diversity in characters and weapons while satisfying everyone.

Mia looks like an asskicking qt.

Sana BTFO edit still the best.

So FEW sold 60k it's first week then 3k its following week and it's been dropping
Since its release day what's the prediction for the American sales

I would of even taken slim garon swinging his axe around

How much did it cost you user?

Why is it so empty
Like enemies are so spaced out and few between
It feels like dead rising for the wii


"Project started on New 3DS, upscaled to Switch later" is the main reason for technical problems like that, like the textures in

I wasn't going to play it anyway but still

10k at most

No wonder it looks so empty

looks like a bunch of weeaboos LARPing with foam swords


this sucks, but feh is a good game you guys
I promise

start playing it

I can't tell if you're a genuine or ironic shill, but either way, no thank you.

Tfw dead rising for the wii had more enemies on screen than this

Wew lad

This game looks like SHIT

The ps2 warrior games are looking much better than this
It looks like those previous gen Naruto or dbz games

Holy shit I think I found the funniest comment of someone artistically screeching

It's like a fucking bot who spews random Nintendick rider buzzwords.

This is "F-Zero GX Story Mode chapter 7" copypasta tier.

I hope it does become a copypasta

People who tell other people not to complain about shit are the worst fucking people. Also that guy sounds like he is about to cry because people are saying the game he is supposed to like is bad. Also I find it funny that he doesn't realize most fans of old Fire Emblem actually would have preferred the series to end at awakening if not earlier.

Not to mentioned even those who only played awakening and fates hate this game as well


That award goes to the "Why r people shitting on this?" crowd

Well he isn't wrong in that regard

Can someone copy and paste this comment please
I'm on mobile

3 words
On disc dlc

Samurai Warriors 3 on the wii had more enemies on screen.

Anyone know if Echoes was actually good? I heard that what's her face wasn't involved in it so it might actually be a good game. However I could not get past the terrible writing.

Solid game and best 3ds fire emblem game in the series
The villains are much better than the 3ds ones especially fates

That's really fucking pathetic.

Hm I really wish the translation wasn't such a pile of shit.

Pic related gets ntr'd by what's her face, and even if the former gets together with someone she's never gets over it. Aside from that, the game is alright.

This is the first I'm hearing of the translation being shit. What do you mean?

I think someone at ISIS has some serious issues, this is the third game in a row where someone is getting cucked. Sage for dp.

Maybe it was just the beginning but I started it and all the chracters were saying stupid tumblr shit.

Probably the tumblr bitch.

So this game is just Waifu Warriors then?

not even

Then what was the point of this game?

That crossover could have been a really cool srpg in a medieval world where humanity would be at war with SMT Demons borrowing story elements from both franchises. That game is not and will never truly be FE X SMT, it's just Persona: Idols.

To insult the fans

But the fans were already insulted when they turned the game into a waifufest.

Series, I mean.

Yeah but it created a whole bunch of new fans to disappoint. That is what this game is for.

I once believed the whole bullshit you get in awakening where you can get cucked by chrom was just an oversight, but after fates and echoes, this is becoming to be concerning.
Have a feeling it's that nami dev.



I still believe that if she has big tits like Camilla and tharja she would of been liked and given a pass like those two are

Hey elitists. We get it. The newer games are shit because of waifus and waifus only and you hate that they shafted the newer games in Warriors because they were successful.
I may like the new games and i respect you're opinion. But don't bring other people who are excited for this game down just because you wish the newer games weren't a thing. Crying about it won't help. I know people and you wanted Hector, Ike, Roy, ect…, but screaming at Nintendo and Koei and TN won't help. It isn't YOUR franchise. Nintendo does what they want and if you aren't happy with what they give you, then respectively say it than just…
Because that make you look like a shitheaded elitist that no one would ever want to meet in real life.
But whatever, im not putting a gun to your head and saying to repent your hate on the newer games and this game. Im just saying that if you're and old fan and are upset with this game, respectively say it and move on. And don't bring down the people who ARE excited for this game, including me. Because that's THEIR choise. Not yours to say for them.
This series belongs to everyone, not just you older and diehard fans that wish fanservice and good sales didn't make its way into FE.
I know the games roster doesn't have everyone in the series. But did you expect anything else? The newer games did well and they still want to promote it.
But saying that this game is a cash grab and that no one should buy it is a little too far. If you don't like the game, thats fine. But again, don't discourage the people who like this game. Its not helping glue the divide in the series. If you go to these videos just to comment that this game sucks, get out. Let people have thier fun.
Just be happy that FE is getting this attention. The series could have ended at Awakening, but we're getting an abundance of games. Heroes, Warriors, and soon FE Switch. And no, im not saying Awakening saved the series, im just saying that this series you love COULD have ended there. So appreciate this attention to the series, even if it has a bunch of fanservice you don't like.

Thats all I wanted to say. If you don't like this game, don't pay any attention to it. Save your disappointment for FE Switch if it turns out not to your liking.

Not even Hyrule Warriors' bosses were this much of a damage sponge. It makes me almost miss having to wait around for weak point opportunities.

I'd rather it died before Awakening, nu-emblem fans need gassed.

I hope it becomes the equivalent of the "to be fair You have to have a high IQ" equivalent of a copy pasta

How could this have happened, user? A musou game based on a series with a metric ass-ton of cool characters they could have used, and this is the end result. Pic related.

At first I thought "hey cool may be it might get a empires spin off" but now I just dont even know how they could fuck it up so bad

How did you fuck up the word "choir" so badly?

How could they fuck it up if Fire Emblem was inserted in different genres? Come up with bad scenarios.


Least the 3DS version has them compressed so hard they don't stick out as much.

The delusion is strong in this one

I want to fucking hang anyone who defends costume DLC, even worse because it's "business". They would have business if they released a good product, but because of all the flaws people have pointed out, there's bad business.
Whatever happened to unlocking costumes because you finished a stage without being hit once, or clearing the game in a time record, or because you found an item well-hidden somewhere?

And this is how everything gets worse over time, fucking retards.

Post ideal rosters that would've been much better than the ass-heap they chose if I had to pick from each game.

Anna, Marth, Tiki, Caeda

Alm, Celica, Zeke/Camus

Sigurd, Arvis

Eliwood or Roy, Lyn, Hector

Ephraim, Erika, Innes, Lyon

Ike, Soren, Titania, Micaiah

Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Robin

Marx, Ryoma, Aqua, Kamui

Plus two OCs and dlc handling the rest. Didn't post Thracia 776 cast cause I don't know dick about it.

reposting from the last thread
Eliwood (On horse)
Innes & Eirika as one character to reference their support
Black Knight
Robin (Male)
Corrin (Female)


I need to sleep

Fucking awful list

More precisely, Greil crippled his sword arm because he went berserk from touching the fire emblem and killed many people including his wife. Also during the battle with the black knight, he probably didn't know about the armor being blessed so he likely didn't intend to lose

Fucking abysmal.

Hope you have enough rope to hang entire forums user, the retardation out there is extraordinary, especially with turbo shills that frequent plebbit and three forums at the same time.



They're selling broken armor as dlc

I like how before this game came out the arguments defending it were
But as dlc for the first 3 months were revealed now its

The cult classic we needed in Smash.

I'm kinda glad they're keeping the scope of Smash limited now because I don't think I could stand to see another flood of secondary scum.

This game isn't bad. Sure it's not the best musou out there, nor does it top Dragon Quest Heroes in terms of game related spinoff, but it's far from a bad game.

If I had to make complaints, it would certainly be some of the roster clearly being held back for DLC when they're already in the story. But the graphics aren't bad, especially when compared to other musou games.
People complain about the lack of roster variety… I don't know if it's just how I play, but in musou games I'll usually just stick to a set character or two anyway. I don't like when weapons are added for the sake of it, they usually feel awkward and not entertaining… Then again I've stuck with swords for pretty much every musou I play anyway.

I've seen some complains about the soundtrack, and I'm questioning if those people actually even played the game. Sure there were some boring tracks, but some of the remixes in there are fantastic.
I've seen a couple of complaints about difficulty circulate. Yes, the story mode is easy regardless of difficulty but the level 60 and 80 history mode maps do offer some challenge… To an extent, that is. Musou games are never really that challenging.

The draw distance is awful, and I've had two instances of the game crashing during history mode while performing a YYYYYX combo with Rowan, before immediately going into a dodge.
But lack of enemies on the screen is a flat out lie, and people complaining about the points spaced out? It's no different to any other musou I've played, if anything it's better in FEW because you can just order an ally to move to a base, then swap between characters instantly to control multiple battles. At least, that's how you're actually meant to play the game.
Sure the game slows down when you've completed everything on the map and are looking for enemies to slay so you can get 2000 kills for an S rank. Hyrule Warriors also had problems similar to that, and it's something I was hoping they'd learn from but clearly didn't.

I don't know why people are making a crusade over this game. It isn't perfect by a long shot and it does have its fair share of faults, but it doesn't deserve half the hate it's getting here.

Shoo, shill, shoo.

Fuck off, I'm allowed to provide an objective look at this game without having my views instantly being dismissed for "shilling".

Shoo, shill, shoo.

God damn I wish Nintendo would stop trying to make Fire Emblem If/Fates a thing.
It was a shit game with a shit translation with even worse characters.
First they shoved Kamui/Corrin into Smash 4, a character no one wanted to advertise the game to Smashfags. Then this.
Awakening is a masterpiece of a SRPG compared to If/Fates Though I may be biased because I love Lucina

All they had to do was make Hyrule Warriors but for Fire Emblem - something to appease every fan out there. Instead we get this shit.
I want Fire Emblem to die already. A part of me wishes it ended with Awakening. At least go out with a mild bang instead of this shit.

Looks like baby's first Unity game

FUCK she looks so cute in that wedding dress, however, Lucina may be able to save her future, but she can't save this game

That's not a good way to start
That doesn't make them good. Musou graphics have always been mediocre to bad, but that doesn't mean KT can just be lazy and make the game look unappealing
I shouldn't even explain what is wrong with this line of thinking
Entirely subjective
There's the problem. You keep cutting the game slack because it's a musou

And even the musou fanboys aren't cutting the game slack.

why do people just make up lies

Your dubs killed neogaf

I thought nintendo quality control wasn't a meme, but a real thing?

They picked the two most popular games and dropped SS in as well cause it was the last console Zelda one to come out at the time.

They didn't really start branching out until the DLC.

Look at it this way OP, high quality Lyn model for R34 vids.

Awakening is trash, but it's less trash than Fates. They are both very broken, unbalanced games. They both have stupid stories and are dumbed down and way too easy. But Awakening is broken in a way that makes it fun, because you basically just slowly create supersoldiers and watch them destroy everything. Fates is broken in that most of the units aren't viable without babying and the dev team obviously had no idea what they were doing with unit balance in the third route. In case anybody here doesn't know, in the third route, you get a batch of characters all at once after spending a few chapters with only a few characters. The problem is that the only useful one out of that batch is the healer. Literally everyone else you get in that batch is worthless right from the get go because they do scratch damage at best to the enemies in that level. And this scenario repeats over and over for the whole route.
It really is a shitshow.

Awakening's plot is dumb but in a mostly harmless way and its gameplay is dumb but has the fun of letting you break the balance over your knee. Fates' plot is… the set-up has a lot of potential to it, there was a good story in there somewhere, but it was completely sidetracked by even worse stupid anime cliches than Awakening had. And waifus.

I hate how some of the worst anime and manga have really good set-ups that are wasted on cliches.

I'll put it this way : the way things go, the complaints I've been hearing when it comes to performance mode(though that could be a Switch problem), the visuals etc seem as if the thing was a N3DS game that got upscaled to Switch because Nnty wanted shekels for their new crappy device.

As for the rest, changes in the dev team and not good ones at that(not gonna sperge here as well about that), god awful and contradictory PR through every interview and stream that was made + plus scuzzy DLC tactics of pay-4-clones and the heavy hints that the game was never meant to be a one-off deal but proably more and we just got the appetizer of the series before the good stuff. Except unlike Gundam, this one has shit PR, horrible DLCs and thinly veiled promised about favourite units held hostage while botching a lot of aspects that made HWL good, morons see the HWL aspects and assets and think it's th greatest improvement ever because they only played HW on WiiU or worse, on the O3DS like morons. They horribly botched the essence and certain key aspects of Fire Emblem, made a mess of the balance, removed a lot of the actual good things HW/HWL did that were part of Musou but not Zelda(so they could be used in other games) and left the worst parts of HW/HWL and chose to focus on them. And finally, nobody aknowledges the drama behind the scenes of FEW, nor how that affected the game.

That's why people are making a crusade. It's cumulative poison at this point. And it only got worse when multi-forum fags and youtube morons swooped in to quell possible dissenters because "da gaem iz fan, bettur dan HW".

Stop giving people hope dude. The molester being arrested doesn't seem to destroy anything unfortunately.

If that's the case for Awakening, why arent people giving utter shit to Sacred Stones as well? Or do they just hold Ephraim alone on a pedastal and they trash the rest of it? And I'm just the only one who's slept through the whole controversy?

I'm a fucking retard but thank fuck I was wrong. I woke up when I posted that and looking at the situation now, it's beyond glorious.

Back when Sacred Stones was new, they did. It's been thirteen years since its release, though, and hardly anyone is going to talk about it at all.

It was a multiple project thing all along unlike the one-off deal that Zelda was supposed to be.

And about the inclusion of the siblings but not say… Azura

The whole thing about adding characters was a mess like it was discussed in the previous topic but here, removing characters was supposedly "impossible" :

Guess that's why Niles, Oboro, Navarre and Owain are DLC, huh?

But another thing that tingles anybody's Fire Emblem jimmies autism :

What a mess. At this point, it's possible that the DLC additions will be worked at the same time as the new game is and the characters will indeed receive new movesets / slightly altered movesets and go full-on unique or proper by FEW2. I wouldn't be surprised if the game was bumrushed in 2 years tops(I'm being generous) that started as a N3DS game and was semi-ported to Switch later while a yearly / year and a half release schedule of sequels was and still is being planned.

Sauce : nintendoeverything.com/fire-emblem-warriors-devs-on-characters-and-handling-of-reveals-designs-story-systems-modes/


SS (and FE9) are given a ton of shit for being easy modo, they just have enough going for them that they aren't dumpster fires.
You mean Eirika

Can't say I noticed that about PoR, because I never tried it more than once due to it being annoying more than anything else when it came to its gameplay.

Really, Eirika? I must have slept through the whole thing concerning Sacred Stones pretty soundly.

There wasn't some huge thing about it.
Eirikafags are second to Lynfags when it comes to bragging about shit characters. They keep to themselves though, only coming out when subject comes up.











Well shit. Kinda glad I didn't dabble in the FE community then. As for spacing, I forget how to chan occasionally. Been away for a long time and returned last year, only lurking.

i'm not one to fuss about rosters in a game, but musous are an exception where the roster is probably the second most important thing next to core gameplay. these fucks actually failed at it with a franchise like fire emblem.

I wonder how cuck Chan is doing since Holla Forums mods had ties to Neogaf and banned discussion on Holla Forums