The Mummy Demastered

Wayforward just released a new game, it looks pretty good, like Ãliens: Infestation pretty good.

Other urls found in this thread:

that looks pretty fucking good.
torrent? I like wayforward but I always try before I buy.

Wayforward has never made a good game.

This thing has no business being a mummy game. Looks good tho

Certainly looks better than the movie.
Op is still a faggit though.

I'm still curious as to if the movie was actually bad or if it was people just hating the actors. Didn't look even as good as the sequel of the last films, but I never thought it looked particularly bad.

looks garbage and plays so as well




Reminds me that I should go back and finish up Scurge: The Hive.

As a game on its own it looks good, but the big sell wil be if it's soundtrack is good or not, because if it's all that chiptuney 'RETRO' shit like what was in the trailer I'm fucking out. Also kind of distressing to see Wayforward doing fucking Universal Tie IN games to help build hype for their shitty DARK UNIVERSE shit but I guess they need to pay to keep hte lights on somehow, I just hope if they do milk runs like this they can make more games they actually care about.

Fuck, that looks cool.

Don't cum in mummies user, they were very carefully preserved and sticking your dick in them would defile them.

Wayforward has been doing tie-ins since DAY ONE.

Mummy cummie has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Fuck it, you know what?
Small game shilling general
This just came out as well, cheap as fuck and 2 hours long, but looks pretty fun.

Fucking hell user thereslike a thousand fucking public trackers out there.
Heres the fucking spoon before the shills accusations come in
And heres the magnet for High Hell

Looks neat, how does it play?

Whats stopping you from making one?

thank you user!

downloading that too.

Shut your faggot mouth.

Aside from Contra 4 which was just mediocre compared to 3 they have done nothing above average.


How optimized is the game? Minimum requirements put it as needing a Quad Core and GTS 450 GPU. It doesn't look like it should hqve too much trouble running on a toaster.

Shantae was technically impressive but far from good.


It looks pretty gud. I like wayfoward gaymes, but hell, I will have to pirate this one. I refuse to fund universal holywood cucks.

It stars neither though, just like posts are neither technically impressive or good

Tell me what was so great gameplay-wise about Shantae.

Her tits bouncing around along with her ass when she ducks.

I said gameplay.



but that is part of the gameplay!


I have no say in what my dick wants.

Aliens: Infestation had good ideas and manages to keep you interested until you beat it.
I'm never ever replaying it though.

Contra 4 was enjoyable. I even had fun playing the challenges. The only thing that creeped me out was the part where you entered into a giant alien anus.
Compare it with Contra ReBirth, which was embarrasing.

Mummy cunny sounds better.

It's a shame it has to be cursed by its attachment to that awful movie. Had they been honest and named it "Contravania", people would be feeling a lot more hype.

Also second on the music being underwhelming. There's no reason for the grating pseudo-chiptune music here.

Infestation would have been perfect if only they'd randomized the aliens' appearances a bit more. It made the xenos a lot less frightening when you could predict exactly where they would appear and you know one will pop up at THIS point in THIS hallway every time you go through it. That was not a good combination with all the backtracking you had to do.

It's still a better Metroid game than anything post-Fusion, though.

The double screen design was fucking dogshit and everything felt cramped as fuck.


Everything about this makes me think Universal just bought a game Wayforward were already making.

I didn't think anyone would make a thread but I'v already Webm'd me playing the fist boss.

It's pretty good so far, for a game based on a flop movie.

looks good

It made double its budget though

Oh guess I just assumed a movie like this would flop. I'm guessing most of those bucks came from China like with the
more recent Transformers movies.

Fukken awesome

Latest Transformers did indeed flop
Much less than expected
This is a franchise that would make 1 and a half Billion and now its short of 700 Mil.
Not even the Chinks are taking it or Disneys Pirates, the burnout is real.

Yeah It's a decent stunt, but seriously The fight was over why does Tom Cruise just launch him into those Cabinets for no reason.

The joke here is I posted two webm's

You fucking ruined it

Wasn't it a flop as far as starting the "cinematic universe" goes?

Oh god i'm so sorry.

Probably won't escape from a sequel though with no Bramdon Fraser again

Dude I made a Webm about that joke too.

Where's Brendan though?
There actually is a Brendan "The Mummy" game on PC, it's pretty bad

>Makes a remark feigning ignorance on a board full of baiting and baiting spotting professionals who still take it anyway
For fucks sake user, why did you even think that was a good idea?

Lots of retards here, but this still isn't Reddit or Youtube comments.

Aww yeah I'm about to get fuckin spooked

I was actually looking for that same exact file it but couldn't fund it since I'm an unorganized bum.
Thanks user

Man, that looks pretty cool. Gonna give this a torrent.

I'm sorry user, I'v never had an opportunity for a post like that before, I guess I choked.

At least I you got that webm off me.

Are we going back to the time when movie games had almost nothing to do with the fucking movies?
The game looks fun, the graphics are pretty and all, but it seems there's nothing in common other than the name and look of some characters.
Did they only do it to try and sell a game based or BRANDNAME™ or was it the other way around and they decided to try and push their shit movie via a fun game?

It was already established beforehand that the movie was going to tie into a cinematic universe about monsters, so most of the stakes and the twist of "now he's the mummy" were almost meaningless.

Explaining a painfully obvious joke always make chuckle because I read it in a very deadpan but somehow also apologetic/condescending voice

Yeah a lot of smaller studios are contracted out or ghostdev for tie-ins. For many of them it's their bread and butter.

The movie was specifically made for the international market. Don't think the rightsholder gives a shit about the domestic brand whatsoever and that's probably how Wayforward got a hold of it.

What happened to all those studios now that tie-ins died out in favor or phone apps?

Honestly don't mind that time, it can produce some interestingly weird stuff. I'd love to have a CPS1 era Capcom do their own take on The Hobbit movies. And the studio in charge has never seen the movie or read any of the books would be a requirement. They'd only be given the barest of descriptions to start them off.

From what i'v seen most BRANDNAME games now just go for the cheap route with a crap Phone App game.

So I guess if a Franchise owner is going to bother with having a game made for consoles and PC they may as well get competent Devs to make a real game. It happened with Transformers more then once.

You did that one too ?

Rather have that than the lore abortion that was Shadow of War.
At least Mad Max had some input from the filmakers and wasn't complete shit at handling the material.

It can also happen
But it depends on the delivery
You have to really depreciate the audience for it to work and the person reading has to not get it at all so they can laugh at themselves and at the deliverer for tricking them.

Some of them do that. A lot of those studios are often 1 or 2 man operations, some of them don't even get credit, only payment, or subcontract from another contract.

Were the people who made this game anti-GG? I don't want to give my hard earned sheckles to communist sympathizers.

Thanks to the market not being complete shit right now we're actually getting more tie ins that aren't mobileshit, especislly since competition there keeps getting fierce and mobileshit isn't the only way for whales to gamble thanks to kike devs on traditional platforms.

We're getting shit like this and a Planet of the Apes tie in as well.

Its like we're living on a bizzaro dystopian 6th Gen right now unlike 7th gen which was just a dystopia after 2007.

Closest we got to something like this was the 2010 AVP game.

I like that reaction image, where did you get it?

Yes user, Wayforward is antiGG, don't touch their games you retard.
Don't even pirate them

Some user here requested it to another, either on a drawthread or lol thread.
I think its /cow/ related
Heres his dog

Jesus christ, what's wrong with his dog.

Not sure if this is stupid or brilliant

thanks doc

I don't know
I also don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or get sad whenever I look at it

How old are you?
Shit was console limited to hell and back and its still heaps of fucking fun.

I'll check those dubs. This was pretty much my experience with it, too, despite wanting to like it badly.

Know about zoo tycoon but never heard of operation genesis, may check it out

Its good shit nigger, even if somewhat limited .
Little unstable with widescreen resolutions but only got a single crash after 4 hours.
Also a shitton of mods for it

Yeah, I don't really mind it since it produces some good games, I just don't get why they do it.
I'm not sure if it actually raise sales or if it's just suits drinking placebo.

I guess.
At least with this devs have an excuse. "We wanted to reinvent the game, so we changed enough to fuck it up but not enough for it to be original" is completely lazy and shit.

Looks like a racemix between Metroid and Contra while Brendan Fraser looked at the window, after paying 50K
The Mummy thing is just a theme, so it doesnt look generic.


Looks a hundred times better than that Dark Universe movie shit.

Well at least something good came out of that shitty mummy movie.

Thanks for sharing your shit opinions.

No, they're not.

Restarted after dying backtracking after finishing the first boss. Didn't know it counted deaths until obviously I died so just going to have to play better. Lucky for me I wasn't an hour deep so not really a loss of time. Good fun so far I wonder how fast I'll beat it.

Apparently there is a mechanic where if you die you need to go and kill your previous self now zombified in order to get some of your equipment back.

Why would they license a dead movie franchise instead of just making an original game?

Its an original IP with a movie license attached to it.

Oh really okay that makes dying something more than a terrible horrible miserable blight on my pretty little game file that no one will ever see. Maybe I won't be a faggot about it then. Thank you for the heads up

Okay but what's the point? I imagine most people are turned off by licensed games since they are usually shit.

I really like this game so far.

well if you bought the game there is an Achivo for beating the game with no deaths.

A dinosaur theme park is kinda like what leftists think of communism. The previous dino park didn't work because that wasn't a REAL dino theme park with proper management and safety oversight. Basically they will keep trying because they think the previous attempt wasn't the correct implementation of it.

No handhelds. No Vita or even 3DS release. Why? It's the perfect game for handhelds.

The Mummy game is on the switch, which is kinda a handheld?

They can stick it up their asses, let's ignore that PC players funded one of their games…

Why didn't you buy it?
they barely shilled it though

At the end of the trailer it says Steam right there.

Cash from Universal, I would assume.

… do you get more than one weapon? More to the point, is there a public SDK release?

I'm so mixed on this game. It looks really pretty, but it also looks like it's running in slow motion. Can't they just make it faster?

I think a female artist of theirs spoke favorably of GG actually, or at least against people like Anita.

It would be hard for me to believe that Devs who make actually good games and put cute girls in them would be Anti-GG.

It's not hard to believe, just look at Skullgirls.

Though I guess they only have the cute girls part.

Point taken, I'm not that big on fighting games so Skullgirls slipped my mind.

as long as its a good game, who gives a fuck?

i hope you can turn her into a loving housewife and eternal companion it will never happen

Found this floating around. I dig how the soldiers have DOOM style poses.

Here's a hot tip matey : The term "x presents" means a better known company or dude endorses the product of someone completely unrelated. In this case the actual dev is the name that shows up first, Last Dimension.


you do eventually unlock a high jump

neo-retro as fuck

That's fine, I just like how it subverted my expectations.

Please make webbum, don't have access to PC right now and I'm going to sleep anyway.

That reminds me, Axiom Verge did nothing but subvert expectations, as in almost none of its upgrades were the traditional stuff, and I think it suffered for it in the long run. Novelty is good as long as it doesn't overpower every other design logic.

Only thing i didn't liked about the game until now is that it deals with death the dark souls way, you die you have to go back to where you died to kill your zombie unit brother and get your weapons and life expansions, but then you get them empty and you have to fill your health back manually (at least I've yet to find a health charge station as the weapon charge ones don't heal you up nor does the save).
It feels like i'm playing Metroid 1 again, and that was the worst part of metroid 1, having to refill your health manually all the time.
Also, I've would preferred if instead of a high jump you got a mantling move like the power grip combined with the platform climbing of ninja gaiden 3.

Aside from that the game is pretty cool.

Nope. No idea about a level editor. It wasn't anything special, don't think the collectibles even do anything.

I was thinking the same thing, They clearly made the health like Metroid 1 so it's more likely to die, otherwise people might never actually see that the Zombie thing is in the game.


Did not see the reboot movie, but I would be interested in seeing an animated feature of this instead. Give Brandon a VA part in it too for fuck sakes, he deserves some JUSTice after all.



Probably. I only died because i chimped out in the second boss and ate 90% of the fireballs it fired at me.


fuck it i'll play it
any magnets?
how much is it on steam?

There's just something so badass about the masked Soilder/Warrior, Who's just really fucking good at fighting.


The thing is WayForward Tie-ins are usually really good if they're given sufficient creative freedom.


That seems small…

If you like retrowave or synth you'll like it a lot. So far I like it a lot.

I'm also gonna give the movie a watch tomorrow and see if it's really bad. A lot of people shit on it but out of all the people who I've talked to who hated it none of them have actually watched it.

it'll probably be shit, but I figure I'll see for myself. Might be a fun popcorn flick with super powers and mummies.

can confirm that's the size of it.

You know if you like this game there's this one you should definitely check out, it's called Skyrim™️

What a time to be alive.

it's a small game

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Shit like that always gave me a stiffy the original Killing Floor mod and Paranoia still give me the best feeling.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R comes close but it less grindhouse action than those two.

My dream RE game would be one where Hunk and rest of the team are stuck on the Hive and have to make their way up while the complex goes to shit similarly to the Cabin in the Woods.

Fuckoff Grant, true Jurassic Park has never been tried

Don't forget Never Ever came out

Never Ever is dead

Stalker is less "Badass kickin' monster ass" and more innawoods survival horror.

The music seems really good.

Reminds me of that guy who is shit at vidya


I'm just reminded on how 2017's equivelent of that day, neogaf dying was the day /bane/ and /just/ came together

Wow I can't believe it's been over 10 years since Contra 4 and they're still doing that rotoscoping shit for movement animation. Do they still not understand how janky that looks?

What a pity. Well I hope they go fuck themselves I guess. Shame.

One of the best games in the series was "just embarrassing"? Do you even play Contra faggot?

So does this game have those shitty RPG level-up mechanics that Castlevania loves or is this is an actual proper Metroid-like for once?

You could just use the megalink and avoid that part.

Nice work.







Found a list here. Seems like a mix as far as Wayforward's concerned.

It'll be fun to see the tears flow when Indivisible is either a dud or straight up bomb. They needed to whore themselves out to their clique buddies to get the final stretch of their kikestarter funded in the last days of their campaign. Part of me wanted Neogaf to last long enough to react to that since they already bitched about our aryan edits of the poo-in-loo game's protagonist.

Is that even still happening? Last time I heard of it was when (((someone))) was shilling the kickstarter here.

They also got an extension of time, if I remember right. Which totally defeats the purpose of kickstarter.


what the fuck

If you like that sort of shit you might enjoy The Lecarde Chronicles 2, no level ups, but the stats are based purely on weapons you can buy/find.

Have you been living under a rock?

why would someone make a bot forum for 8ch though?

How new are you?

Why not?
Maybe we're the bots


Am I a bot

If Alex Ahad wasn't such a limp wristed chinese indian mongrel, he'd probably be on our side instead of being bullied by KikeZ.


That vampire girl was the best.

It very likely will. I played the demo. It's not great. They should of just made it a brawler RPG like LoM or just a straight up brawler.

Holy fuck, how'd they know my name is Adrian Thompson?

Jesus Christ.

Fanart of the Frankenstein's monster girl is pretty nice too, but yeah, the vampire was always the best.

Well That's not the most unheard of thing in the world.

Protip: If you're about to die, quit game and reload your save.

If you die, you have to beat your fully kitted self as a no-gear scrub to get your shit back. Right pain in the ass.


Man if that really was your main objective this would be game of the year easy.

So this game kinda has the same respawn mechanic as ZombiU.

A Contra meets Metroid game with spooky aesthetic sounds great, but is it worth $20?

That sounds pretty fucking neat.
You disgusting fucking casual.

Pretty much
It still has the asthetics
I really wouldn't mind something like Paranoia but with SWAT 4 tier design operatin and even more gritty slav tier atmosphere , fucking killing terrorists and mutants alike

Well I'm enjoying the game and I want to support Way forward for making good games, but you could just pirate it first and see if you think it's good enough to be worth paying for.

Muh dik

last I checked, the only negative review on the steam page was knocking that feature and crying about the difficulty. It's sad these people get an opinion.

Does he read Polygon?

step it up senpai!
fuck, it would be a fucking GOTY

my vanilla loving friends.

This game is going to flop, its the Mummy curse.


Did it once, now the bastard's going to have a flamethrower? Fuck that noise.

So Metroid.



Oh dear I want to do lewd things with that mummy. Does that make me a necrophile?

Not even a mummy, she is cursed with immortality and she was mummified alive for it.
She gets decursed and becomes a mommy.

Contra ReBirth was amazing you fucking faggot


That is a picture of somebody zipping up their pants. Unzipping would have the other hand above the zipper if anywhere. You only hold below the zipper when zipping up.

I fucking love it. I got myself pretty fucked in some vertical area and had undead me toss a grenade right in my fucking mouth. I think they even keep your health increases.

Same, I died in the area with the acid pools and the bonethrowers. Shit's infuriating because those bugs keep popping up as well and I keep adding more zombies by dying, but the idea is really cool.


It's always kill / destroy with these game designers. Just because she is "evil" that means she doesn't want to find true love? Why couldn't there be a different way? Maybe let the player choose. Those with a pure heart would free her from her chains rather than try to kill her, obviously after she's accepted your proposal. It would also be nice if you could choose to purify her or keep her in her sexy mummy state somehow.

Nice but you didn't include the secret symbol that I can see.

Fucking legit.

We need to try one more, it will work this time.

Are there any games that let you save the world by Romancing the Villain?
Because there really should be.

That would improve the Shantae games considerably. What about FEAR? It ends up being a kind of romance.

what secret symbol?

there is one with the loli witch in stellar glow in the 3DS, i also think in rune factory you can marry the antagonist girl.

well, it wasnt rape.

Should I ever bother pirating the Com Truise movie? I liked the original two due to how campy they were and because Fraser genuinely carried them.
Loving this game so far, though not marking doors on minimap is pure cancer. Literally the first Metroidvania since Super Metroid over 20 fucking years ago to not have doors marked on its minimap.

The only good part of FEAR 2 was the fact that Alma wanted you. but that was more like some kind of super ghost lust, rather then true love.

It may not be rape from us as the players perspective, but in FEAR 3 the character you played as in Fear 2 considered it rape.

I'd say FEAR 2 was still good, even if flawed. It's FEAR3 where it all went to shit since it abandoned all pretense of horror and became co-op Call of Duty with zombies.

Well to me it's just the fact that FEAR 1's gameplay is so goddamn good that FEAR 2 just feels like a chore to play afterward. If a sequel is not straight up better in at least 1 significant way then I consider it a failure. I'm defiantly going to replay FEAR 1 but i'm never touching FEAR 2 again since it's just an inferior game.


Thing is I wouldn't call it inferior, it had some legitimately great spooks that were better than many of FEAR1 spooks. The whole section with the school and then in that prison/base where shit hits there fan were straight up great.

I don't want my ghost loli mum lusting after me, thank you very much. Thank god, I never touched that game.

You don't play as the same character as in FEAR 1 FYI.

You don't play as Pointman in FEAR2 and Alma isn't a loli anymore.

My brother watched the movie and ranted about 2nd Webm related

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are in the movie and played by Russell Crowe, Tom cruse injects him with the antidote for MR Hyde or what ever and then throws him into a fucking cabinet for no reason.
I think it's the only part of the movie anyone need to see.

Still, I'm emotionally conflicted about this.

But it sounds interesting.

You don't?
Why not?

FEAR2 is worth 1 playthrough at least, it's FEAR3 that doesn't even deserve pirating.

I've said too much.

That could be part of the game. You find a bunch of artifacts and jewellery and so on. The more secrets the discover the closer you get to the good end. If you're lazy then she tries to kill you. But if you do well she accepts your proposal and you live happily ever after.

She forces you so that won't matter. Just let it happen user. Shhh, shhh, it's okay.

girls cant rape men, user

tell me!

FEAR 2 had better horror, WAY better level variety (FEAR 1 was just a blur of office buildings), enemy variety, faster movement speed, allowed you to carry more weapons, limited health packs to 3 to prevent spamming them, made all grenade types super useful, more immersive player animations, nifty dynamic cover and lacked the bug in the original that fucks your framerate to sub 30 when playing with Logitech/HID devices. The AI felt on par with the original for the most part aside from it being more aggressive which ended up being both good and bad.

Don't tell that to me tell that to the writers.

It's not too bad if you get them on something besides a platform. They have a pretty slow tell before they fire so you can just hop and shoot them in the back. The grenade though was unexpected.

Now I need a hack with Justman.

F.E.A.R 2 is fucking garbage
Its a dumbed down F.E.A.R 2 floaty shitty game with poor pacing, even F.E.A.R 3 is better despite not having anything to do with the franchise.

2 is a fucking blur to me and I can barely rememember anything about it, 3 at least had memorable moments and had some neat shit like being able to play as Fettel, play it coop and using 2 kinds of Mechs while having some actual enemy variety and guns that didn't feel like fucking water guns to shoot

2 tries to be something its not and completely fucks up and rapes everything 1 brought to the table.
3 does its own thing and while pretty generic it still manages to outdo the cancer that was 2.
3 has teleporting Giant enemy bosses and lets you teleport inside enemies to kill them akin to E.Y.E, possess them as well.
Its a much better game

Fight me


FEAR2 has objectively better horror elements and level design. You can carry more weapons which is more enjoyable.
Also the fact you defend the cancer that is literally a reskin of CoD modern warfare aka FEAR3 means you should unironically get cancer and die.

FEAR 2&3 are shit

Not an argument
F.E.A.R 2 is anal sewage

Elaborate or fuckoff, it never surpassed the top tier lighting effects and seeing Alma for seconds that the first did.
Not even the school section that retards love to fellate that creates tension and then completely kills it with shit tier enemies.
Oh yeah, top tier level design that completely kills the gameplay and A.I pathfinding found on the first.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The first F.E.A.R has a 3 weapon limit
You have never played F.E.A.R 3, its miles ahead of it and/or the sewage that is F.E.A.R 2.
Its like comparing Bad Company 2 to Battlefield 3.
The first does its own thing and turns out decent even if not faithful to the first ones, the second is a shitty mix of both that tries to bring back the glory of the first ones and turns out ist nothing but a shitty ripoff with better visuals and downgraded gameplay.

I'm glad we could reach a consensus

the second and third games are both equally bad, they completely missed the point of the original game and expansions. the only redeeming quality of F3AR is the co-op, and even then it's shallow as fuck

Which FEAR games should I play and in which order? I've got a bunch of them on Steam.
FEAR: Extraction Point
FEAR: Perseus Mandate
FEAR 2: Project Origin
IIRC the original developer said they don't consider the expansions canon and didn't take them in to account when making 2. Are they worth playing at all?

When is this ever not "In order of release, you stupid fuck?"

The expansions are better than the Sequels
Everything by Warner Bros is cancer
Play the OG and the expansions Perseus is meh and ignore the rest.

play FEAR, then play FEAR2 and never finish it because it sucks in comparison

Whenever you're taking in to account shit that is not canon and when I only want to play games that are actually good?
e.g. skipping Clear Sky when playing through STALKER.

The expansions are fun.
CS is shit, but I like the levels in the second half of the game.

The only good thing about CS are the completely borked Faction Wars and the non recycled maps though

Everything up to 2 and its DLC.
The expansions to Fear 1 aren't canon but they're still great.

I want to fuck princess Ahmed.

That depends


I just played it for about an hour. I'm liking it so far. Despite being a tie-in for a crap movie you can tell that the devs wanted to make a good game, damn it.
Mega link is here for anyone who missed it

Yes. If you fuck it up and don't find all the bling then it's eternal alimony…

user, you need to play ALL of it, no skipping!

This, CS deserves at least one playthrough with all the updates. Its a transition, in tech and feature, between SoC and CoP.

sauce for the webm?

Fucking Egyptian Alimony

I don't know sorry.

Wasn’t there a third person shooter on PS2?


Here you go, bitch.

No Brendan Fraser, No Buy.

I want to play a Metroidvania game starring Brendan Fraser attempting to hunt down the various Hollywood figures who fucked him over so he can reclaim his former glory. Instead of a health bar, you have a timer in the form of your bank account, which is constantly dropping due to the curse of the alimony put on you by the evil succubus Afton. If it runs out, you get thrown in jail and it's game over. You increase your bank account by taking money from enemies you defeat and completing subquests in the form of two-bit acting roles. Your default weapon would be the gun he uses in The Mummy, but you can also obtain additional ones based off his other roles, like a vine that acts as a grappling hook and bullwhip from George of the Jungle, a fireaxe from The Passion of Darkly Noon, and a skunk bomb from Furry Vengeance.

You fucking

(nice digits)
You know what they say, third time's the charm!
Or alternatively, how about no carnivores this time? They appear to be the one's causing the guests to get killed and devoured.

Ayo hol up, how's the leveling system?
I'm tired of all these "metroidvanias" being flat out super metroid rip offs without adding what made Iagavanias good - levels, stats and gear.
Does this shit have that?

Weapons, increased ammo, increased health, increased movement abilities

There is no exp leveling system, It's far more on the Metroid side, on the Metroidvania chart.
The only thing that i'v seen that is from the Castlevania side is that there are helicopters that act the same as the warp rooms.

well that and the enemies are all horror themed so that feels like Castlevania too.

I really miss the weapon variety from the Igavanias. Particularly in DoS and PoR. Even Curse of Darkness is a guilty pleasure for me because of the sheer amount of weapons and the effort that went in to making them feel unique.


There's a clock tower as well. This game is like Castlevania setting, with Metroid style progression and Contra style movement. It's pretty fuckign good if a bit content-thin. Hopefully they can make a sequel because it's a good start.

Well when they made this new Mummy movie the plan was to set up the "Dark universe", Basically the avengers but for rebooted Universal monsters. That;s why Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde is in the movie even though it's about The Mummy.

I don't know how well these Movies would go but it would be cool and funny if each mediocre movie also had a tie game as good as this one. That way you could just play the games and ignore the movies completely and the Dark Universe is a better experience that way.

Can't reach a single ammo cache in this place


Explore more, user, and git gud at the platforming. There's some rather rewarding chain dash jumps.

Since it hasn't been posted yet, here's most of the map. Anybody got more?

The meme comes back from the grave with a vengeance

Once you beat all the bosses, the final stage opens up in the center of the map. It's a legislative building and you have to fight to the inner courtroom where you face off against Afton, in a battle to end the alimony once and for all.

Your bank account drains at three times its normal rate and taking hits from Afton adds extra drain. You have little room for mistakes, because the stunlock from getting hit can make it impossible to beat her within the time limit if you get hit too much.

If you do manage to win, the game pretends to glitch out, deletes your save file completely, and changes Brendan's face on the start screen from his normal face to the standard JUST face and haircut. JUST FUCK MY SAVE UP, JUST FUCK IT ALL UP

This is what I have.
After beating the boss and escaping, I end up with 99%, so I'm still missing a room somewhere.

what do I do with the relics? I accidentally skipped that textbox

how the fuck did I miss those?

The most important question of all though: Do you save the world by fuggin her?

No you save the world by hugging her at least I wish you could

I thought it was mediocre at best

the shin megami tensei metroidvania was way more original with the weakness/null mechanic and swapping characters, and it was more fun to play than the clunky metroidvania with stale enemy design and enemy placement

Then what's the fucking point?

I can't find this fucking shotgun

Found it.

Was that actually good?

Sooo good. Shame we just got the two games.

Kek wills it.

God, I hate the horror element of those games. Why make a fast pace action game, with addictive combat only to yank you away and force you to enduring The Ring-inspired spooky bullshit? Fuck FEAR 1, 2, and 3.

The shotty is shit anyway. The flamer does the same job far better.

While it's not as great of a Star Wars game as ones like Kotor or Jedi academy, It was made by the same devs as The two Lord of the Rings games so it's still a fun beat em up, gameplay wise it's basically a sequel to them.

I just beat the game. It's alright.
Your image is missing a weapon.

scripts behind you
you take that back

You can carry 4 in FEAR 2.

All of them aside from 3, which is just CoD with spooky shit slapped on it. I would say go 1, 2, then the expansions for the first.

Where do you find the underwater movement upgrade anyways? I know there is one.

If you haven't already got it, it's a mandatory upgrade after a boss you can't miss it.

Webm the clock tower boss. Man This is a good video game.

what fucking year is this?

It's the current year+2 user.

god damn

Just found out you can ShineSpark which is badass, though I don't think it deals any damage.

Yeah no, This game is bad ass, It's a shame that most people will probably pass on it for being a movie tie in.

The game looks fucking great, but it's fucking Steam only. I just want to buy a DRM-Free copy, for fucks sake.
I'll pirate it though, got to see if it just works on Loonix

No son, its the Modern Day.

Whatever you say dad.

I came back from testing the pirated copy from the MEGA link and I can say the game just werks on my Dell Latitude E5430 with Intel HD 4000 Graphics using Wine 2.19 Staging.
I'll send Wayforward a mail asking them to publish their games on DRM-Free platforms (and making Linux ports. WINE wrappers should be fucking easy to make). I really liked Aliens Infestation, Contra 4 and Batman The Brave and The Bold for the NDS, so I hope they keep making stuff like this,


Simply perfect

Set this post aflame light it up, are you ready?

I never thought this thread would last long enough to hit the bump limit, but it looks like it's going to soon. I'm gonna go to sleep but before that I just want to say this was a really fun thread.
You guys are the best, so don't forget to beware the alimony.

Wayforward do have Shantae games on GOG. In this case it might be a licence/publisher issue, with Universal requiring the DRM.

They actually replied to the mail I sent them, and guess what? You're actually right. They seem receptive enough to fan feedback, so If any of you anons want DRM-Free and/or Loonix ports of their games, you could make your voice heard. Their contact mail is [email protected]

I saw this game on Switch eShop. So it isn't Steam only anymore.

Thanks for the info, Sebastian, I will send an email asking for a DRM-Free option.


How the fuck do i open the steel doors so i can fight the boss

You need to go the long way around to find an upgrade.

Good to know, user.
Thanks a lot

Because everybody wants to roleplay as a spic, right?

Man, that is some quality spritework and animations that aren't to overdone with new-fangled faux-retro bullshit.

beat the game
it was alright
never found the remaining 4 upgrades though, but honestly, the game was ok at best. I don't feel like 100% it
unless there's a secret boss i don't think it's worth the time
Last boss was too easy

Flamethrower/ Assault Rifle were the most versatile.

Honestly, the most remarkable thing about the game is that it's as good as it is despite being a spin-off from a shitty movie. It's fun and unremarkable, as it was probably intended to be.
I like the soundtrack though.

I had more fun with the Ladybug dev games who did the Konosuba megaman game and the SMT metroidvania

but it was definitely worth one playthrough. This game is 100 times better than the movie. It has no business being a movie spin-off.
Wished it had at least 3 more areas and upgrades, and 2 more weapons. Perhaps then it would've been something to recommend. but i think the content is too scarce, the gameplay a little too clunky, and the enemy variety very little.

But hey, it held my attention. It was a pleasant surprise. Most games in 2017 are shit so it was definitely something cool. Not worth 20 bucks though. 10 bucks at most.

F.E.A.R., Extraction Point, Perseus Mandate (optional, but recommended), F.E.A.R. 2 if you hate yourself or dream about Alma raping you, then F.3.A.R. since you've already played F.E.A.R. 2 and you may as well cap off the series.

Back the fuck up when did this happen?

Anyone have a download for the OST?
Hurry up and download it because it's only up until december 24th

has it been translated yet?
I finished konosuba but i stopped playing the SMT metroidvania because it was still jap

suit yourself

Just 100%'d the game
It was fun.

Why is the mummy princess booty dancing in a threatening manner?