So, the Animal Crossing mobile game finally got announced. What do you guys think? Honestly I think it looks pretty comfy.
Also, Animal Crossing General I guess
So, the Animal Crossing mobile game finally got announced. What do you guys think? Honestly I think it looks pretty comfy.
Also, Animal Crossing General I guess
I'll stick it on the wife's phone.
It seems fun but it means we won't get a switch AC.
it's trash but that doesn't mean I'm not going to play it.
I think those cheap cocksuckers had better put the classic games back into Animal Crossing if they expect me to autistically fill their fucking museum again.
I don't think it means that, this isn't a fully fledged Animal Crossing game. A Switch version could still be on the way.
Really makes you think.png.jpg.gif.exe
It's fucking nothing
Is this the beginning of dating?
Which villager would u fug, Holla Forums?
I want the goddamn game console mini games from the gamecube version back
Furfags fuck off
I'd consentually date fang no homo
Digby, Rover.
I have their Amiibos
Maybe Bob
decent choice
gas the gays
Rolf, Bob, Mina, or Marche.
Super Mario Run had terrible reception from normalfags for its kikery and Miitomo died as soon as it came out. I don't expect anything from this.
I expect even less and I'll still be disappointed
Great news! You don't need to dig for those NES games anymore, user - just buy them from the Nintendo eShop!
only choice
fags not welcome
Her kid will probably like it.
To be fair, AC was basically a mobile game before they existed. Everything comes back the next day and the whole point is to log in every day and get the dailies. I'll download just to see how it is.
Except that you will have to pay for everything on this one
I'll be mad if they pull that slots bullshit, but buying bells or rushing things in game I don't care about. Besides I don't have any time waster mobile games to play when bored anymore, and I'm not gonna play granblue.
You underestimate just how jewish Nintendo's micro transactions are.
This is that one animation by the BR who deletes everything every 5 seconds
Here are the things I like
The deal breaker for me is if I can't make custom designs.
Custom designs are integral to me giving a shit about animal crossing and if it doesn't have that then there isn't a whole lot there for me.
Try korean, and he is a self inserting narcissist.
I'm sure at least custom design clothes will be in the game through QRs.
Magician's Quest already has dating in it.
Who cares these are microtransactions in single player games.
They aren't p2w but they are still turning your grindfest into waitfest. They should be killed.
And you are retard for throwing p2w like that.
Hell even gaf discord dedicated to gacha games already hates its idea.
fuck off cuckchan
Oh no nvm they are gaf alright. They already went from "I hate it" to "I will still play it".
I'm pretty fat, yes.
Sorry, would you perfer the term pay2notwait?
Yes in fact I would prefer to use term p2w for games that makes it able to have larger chances on winning using real world currency.
I mean the term still applies, you can't really win in animal crossing so this is functionally paying to "win"
Just say it is full of microtransactions while describing the problem of the game. In this case it will be effectively slot machine with a lot waiting and microtransactions and not a lot of gameplay. Instead of using premade terms to shit on it.
Leave Pay 2 Win for when it describes the problem. By "win" it doesn't just means a win but the win in competitive match. Don't stretch it.
Or just say it will be free mobile game. Nothing good ever came out of it.
Why? Recognize any pic? You've probably gone there yourself faggot
I hate games like these.
They force you to start the game multiple times throughout the day and you have to grind stupid bullshit just for some ingame items
not fun at all
post rooms
How long until 'press start' is replaced by 'press [buy currency]' on title screens?
Alright I'll ask here because it's ac
Is it too late to get into New Leaf? It looks comfy.
get away from my cat
Since animal crossing has always been a handheld game why is this one called pocket camp?
"Insert coin"
nah go ahead, they updated the game recently that comes with a re-release
Are you forgetting the Gamecube and Wii games?
You have to fix the URL by putting a media. before the part.
Chodemonkey is that much of an idiot.
They're called arcades and they were awesome. But they actually had content (most of them) since players would quickly find out which games were fun and which were just quarter-munchers (like the original Gauntlet, which was pure P2W).
It started on the 64.
Fuck yes, that is the most comfy thing about AC to me. Just collecting fish and bugs and digging fossils, filling up the museum. It's the best. House decorating can suck my dick. I'll live in a fucking tent.
They better un-nerf Blathers and Resetti too. Blathers sperging out on a new fossil and actually blathering was wonderful, and the new opt-in safe-space Resetti is a fucking travesty.
I hope they add some dinosaur villagers. And a couple of mythical beasts as well, like Griffins.
Nook is surpringly lax for someone you take out a loan from.
Consider the fact you can go years without ever paying off an expansion loan. He knows he'll get money.
This seems like a pretty low effort game to make. Most of the assets are ripped straight from New Leaf. After playing it, I feel like we're still gonna get a Switch game relatively soon.
Good choice nigga
only one choice
They realized the gold they struck with Fire Emblem Mobel and will do it again.
They put waifus in crates and it'll happen again, this time with furries. Top tier villagers like Whitney, Ankha, Apollo, or Bob will be ultra rare drops from $1.99 loot crates. Friendship with Isabelle to take her to the beach in a swimsuit will be so time gated you lratically have to spend money to get it.
This game will feed on the depressed and impulsive just as hard as FE did.
By the way where does one download this?
And there's no one as depressed as furfags, just think about all the dosh they could make considering how much they spend on commissions.
Super Mario Run failed because it wasn't fun or fit for mobile devices but Animal Crossing with its play a little every day style of gameplay seems like a freaking match made in heaven. This is probably the smartest move Nintendo has made in years.
My son is too young for Animal Crossing, I let him play Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze at 16 months - he loved the swimming. Keep it wholesome you little shit, I'm a family man.
more like which villager i WOULDN'T fuck. i'd have a buffet of fluffy pussy & dick every day.
im more concerned about the microtransactions, as if the userbase of this game wasn't garbage enough, now more casuals, normalfags, underages, and women will play it in their phones. nintendo will further shit on the pool of videogames while making a killer profit like they always do.
no u
which Able sister would you fuck the ever loving shit out of romance?
only 0.99$ in Nintendo™ FriendshipTokens™ goy :^)
Looks like fucking shit.
I liked my Animal Crossing before micro-transactions
Fucking hell you stop walking and the "game" even advertises at you?
Everything about this "game" revolves around taking money from people with addictions to seeing flashing lights on screen telling you you're a good boy for spending money in a fucking trap.
Shit taste, fam.
you need to purchase additional Canadough
This game is too much of a fucking jew grab for even Redd to show up in.
Posts more girls.
Well I can enjoy this.
Don't you have a stream to run, Vinny?
translation on first pic?
This is going to make Nintendo tons of money and New Leaf will be the last proper console Animal Crossing. Any resources potentially working on a Switch AC will get shifted to supporting the mobile brand.
What are the chances of Nintendo banning people over this?
Arcades were:
I feel like I'm heard someone in the gaming industry try to compare F2P mobile with arcades but there's a massive difference in terms of fun and quality between the two.
would not dl but i'd say 0
they are famous for two things:
1)shutting down fan projects
2)let piracy run rampant
Just don't log in with your Nintendo account, and delete the app before downloading the official one when it releases, and you'll be A-OK
Color me surprised, the one on the left is actually entirely fuckable. Hell, downright cute, even.
Fuck’s sake, Nintendo.
It's almost like you can't make actual games without a real control scheme.
Zero imagination. This is why you’ll never be a designer.
You can play the DS games with just the touch screen, but it's not very intuitive. And that's on a resistive touch screen, capacitive touch screens are much less accurate.
I have yet to see anyone make an fps, 3d platformer, or any type of game that requires precise inputs that feels good on mobile.
fuck off vinny
So you just dedicate a third of the screen to a touchpad for movement and buttons.
New leaf was shit anyway. All the dialog that had made the series fun since the very beginning was completely scrapped.
As expected, the women politicians are whores.
Why do you think your precious mobile has no games?
Of which Animal Crossing is neither.
Are you speaking out of your ass?
The human villager
new leaf wasn't really fun.
Caoacative is more responsive but less accurate for precision. Resistive is good for precision but less responsive. The best combination is a digitizer and a pen but that's expensive to produce.
Paula, Pinky, or Grizzly.
I'd cross the animals.
I want to be Ankha's servant.
fuck off fag
Fuck off
Checking those
That's what you get for being gay.
literally kill yourself, faggot.
at this point the song alone gives me a massive erection. fucking -8
How can you like some shitty poorly drawn furry animation? Get some standards faggot.
This thread is cancer
Every AC thread devolves into cancer. This one has actually been less gay than usual, believe it or not.
Overwatch is a better game than fucking Furfag Crossing Mobile Trash.
to be fair it was like 2 guys gaying it up with their fucking erp every thread
I'm gay for these double trips
nice numbers
it was mainly the bobfag
yeah but the AC waifus are better
Which waifus? Some chibi animals with generic personalities?
yep. you gotta admit it, its better than anything blizzard can come up with.
well yeah obviously
Or download them, because fuck those guys.
It runs on my rooted phone so I'll give it a try. Unless they change that detail after release, then they can fuck off.
AC is comfy until you forget to login 1 day, then it becomes a nightmare of guilt so large that I just refuse to ever play it again if I miss another one.
Top tier taste
0 taste
i like bob too
2nd pic is new to me
Love his ass
Ass ass ass
same, bob is hot. i'd fuck him while jerking him off.
Oh joy, the fag squad has arrived
Both sides are cancer.
maybe if either side posted new lewds we'd get somewhere, all we get in gay erp and "i'd fuck the cat" every thread
Do you mean imply that "ass ass ass" is any better?
this made me laugh hard.
it is though
Lack of self-awareness here is shocking.
I'll wait for someone to crack it for max money and store credits.
Most of the Bunnies and Cats for sure… and Hazel…
Can we at least agree that Gracie's designs look fantastic?
Mate the file name is from cuckchan
the gay community
We'll never get the sequels
I'll just wait until Lucky Patcher works with it.
You can play the entirety of Wild World with the touchscreen, with Drastic on Android.
Bob is best girl.
Also is anyone else getting past the connection error? This is Pokemon Go all over again.
Why do Animal Crossing threads always attract furfags? Can't I discuss a cute game with talking animals without you fuckers showing up?
Tom Nook is a TaNooki
Holy shit, learn how to read.
Because you’re lying through your teeth, probably.
Not according to any study ever done.
Oh master of mobile games, enlighten me about all these great games coming out on mobile. Surely they are microtransaction free, with great graphics, controls, and gameplay.
It takes a fucking lifetime to download a measly 84MB
Oh hey, these are models from New Leaf and they didn't even bother making some high-res textures, instead you get crappy filtered 3DS textures. We are off to a good start
tell my villagers to stop moving out when I miss playing the game for a day you dumb yellow bitch and I might come back
Seriously, the lack of a "vacation" mode was the biggest fault of that game.
Okay, ugly dogface is asking me some shit now
You take that back!
So you travel with your camper around to collect resources and help different camping animals. The inane bland drivel from earlier entries is back.
the kairosoft games, especially game dev story, are actually really fun
I'll have to wait no less than 3 hours to get more apples from this tree.
There's no option to tell her it looks fucking horrible
Have you ever played AC before?
Yes, I played countless hours of the Wii and DS releases.
Micro-transactions bullshitery shows up!
You clearly haven't if you complain about apples taking 2 hours to respawn. they take way longer in the games.
I'm not here to prove anything to anyone.
This is turning into another mobage thread on Holla Forums. Hurray!
Cancer is an all or nothing affair. Either no mobile or let mobile run free.
Same fucking neighbours for everyone so far, are they handing them out like season passes?
Lookin' good
What is it about Bob that makes him such an irresistible lady?
Thanks for the kek.
Isn’t that technicality an improvement over the other games taking a full day for them to grow back?
You can pay for fertilizer to grow them back instantly here.
Animal Crossing didn't lock progress off behind apples though, (((pocket camp))) does.
It downloaded in less that a minute for me.
It works fine on mine. :^)
But I've not been able to successfully connect all day.
How are white people supposed to propagate their race when the prevailing meme is "marriage is for cucks"?
I smell a kike plot to discredit wholesome christian values.
This game is jewy as fuck
Rate my sweet set up.
Is Nook at least an uncompassionate capitalist again, or an utter niggerfaggot like in New Leaf?
You have to pay 20 leaf tickets to play this minigame or have 5 friends agree to join you.
He doesn't show up too often and doesn't seem to play any major role here, he only pays random visits as special community events, instead you get Timmy with some random shit. Ah, did I forget to add that there are seemingly NO options for cloth designing?
Going to pour in real cash, user?
Cocaine isn't a terrible harmful substance when it's actually pure. The only real issue is that it increases your sex drive and kills your social inhibitions. On a completely unrelated note, there appears to be a black male in the background of the photograph.
Hell no, at least not until I can buy Cookie somehow.
I'd already guessed as much, otherwise they wouldn't be able to Jew money out of people for a mere texture.
It also cranks up your heart rate and blood pressure and causes arrhythmia. Most cocaine deaths are heart attacks, which are caused by the cocaine itself.
Notice that by clothes crafting they don't actually mean making your own clothes but instead crafting pre-designed stuff. You can also pay big bucks to expand your slots, this is such a poor imitation of a real AC only that it's not an imitation.
And dropped
Alcohol kills you if you drink to much of it as once as well. If you take so much cocaine at once that it gives you a heart attack then you deserve to be dead.
What did Bob mean by this?
he means for you to fuck him balls deep
You can sell items for other players to buy, like this rare blowfish.
It says coming soon.
As others have said, a QR reader on a cellphone seems like the most no-brainer shit considering the last game.
My problem is that there is seemingly no pattern tab of any kind and that should exist separate of cloths.
If I can't import all the crops I did of Paul Robertson sprites I'll be really disappointed.
Beyond that is that there doesn't seem to be any kind of basic pedometer rewarding mechanic for walking around with your phone.
That too seems like a highly missed opportunity.
Of course.
I doubt that they will allow people to share swastikas and dick textures just like that.
They did on all the other games.
Yeah but those games weren't available on the (((Google Play Store))) besides if they end up adding anything like clothes designing, you can bet your ass that they will seek a way to profit as much as possible out of it, probably with a moderated designs market.
Pretty sure they're just making fun of "you" for begging for money.
look at this lame shit
Deep as his balls? My balls? Is he fucking me
I dont get it please explain
How's that working out for you?
Let me see, i'm having a moderate amount of fun, I dunno when these new characters are going to show up and everything costs your right arm
No user, you're the balls.
I want to be inside Bob's balls
Nvm I figured it out
Anyone want to share IDs?
mine is 7858 4150 712
bobfags and ankhafags need not apply
Added you for bully
so what can i pirate this on android?
Also add my retarded ass 2954 3467 676
And I want to fuck this Ness dude
Is it not for applefags?
That's gay, user
There's also a difference between responsible consumption and railing 5 grams up your nose in 3 hours.
If you're not spending any money then you're not a whale. You're just a dumbass playing a shit game.
videogames are dead. in 5 years, every new release will be a freemium microtransaction shitfest.
A cute grill added me or should I say "girl"
Even playing this game gives them a grey area to say "Atleast we're not doing any harm!"
If you play this "game" you're cancer.
Oh shucks, at least i'm not doing any harm since i'm not paying for anything. :^)
i'd fuck her until she stopped being such a bitch
The basic goal appears to be to unlock every camper and get their friendship to max while also leveling up your character by becoming better friends with each camper.
There are 40 campers.
Seemingly 10 of each style: Natural, Sporty, Cute and Cool.
This is done by meeting their requirements.
The requirements include reaching a specific friendship level with them and also crafting and placing specific furniture in your campground.
Furniture crafting requires materials you get from helping the campers get fruit, fish and bugs.
Occasionally you can talk to them for a bit of friendship exp.
You also get rewards for leveling up your friendship level with them and leveling up your character.
Another way to get rewards is from daily/stretch goals.
Probably the last way to get rewards is by the daily log in reward.
You can trade items with other players for bells.
Crafting timers start out small and then get longer to greater ween the player off of playing for free and get them to pay real money for "leaf tickets" as they essentially give you a lot you can unlock up front and even have stretch goals that reward you with tickets for using tickers.
That to me is the most disgusting shit I have ever fucking seen in a mobile game.
With the tickets you can buy more crafting slots since they only give you 1.
You can use them to buy more inventory space.
You can use them to immediately craft something.
You campground can hold 8 campers of your choosing once you unlock them and you can switch them out when you want.
Specific things like crafting particular anemities increase your friendship limit with particular animals based on their style.
It also increases every animal's friendship level in your campground by 5.
It should be noted friendship levels take longer and longer to increase with each level.
Tents seem to have 3 levels to them.
By the by the game is a lot of timers.
There are consumables you seem to get almost at random or only from stretch goals and can't even buy???
You can get fertilizer which removes a trees timer.
You can get a request card that forces a camper to make up a request for you???
You can use a calling card while outside your camp to summon a camper you want to try and increase your friendship level with.
Game isn't out yet so I imagine now many will not even be contributing to some "most downloaded" accolade.
Anyway I accidentally purchased and put on a skirt and I can't take it off because the default shorts don't technically exist and there were no shorts for sale.
Having the sable sisters and kicks switch out every so often is annoying.
Don't forget that you can complete almost every single Stretch Goal in a few hours.
>I accidentally purchased and put on a skirt
Whatever you say champ
I came here to call you a faggot, faggot.
Thanks for the write up. Sounds filthy infested with micro transactions.
Good wall of text. I haven't played too much of the game since I know I'll just lose my progress when the official app launches, but now I'm doubting I'll even play it when it releases. Didn't know the microtransaction bullshit was this bad, didn't seem so bad from the direct.
Switch game fucking WHEN
The only fucking reason people liked the NES games in AC (even post Wii VC releases in 2006) was for simple reason of them being free. No one wants to buy the simple and short NES titles like Tennis, DK Math, Pinball, etc but when you could access them for FREE in AC, people liked that as a reward despite their gameplay length.
What I find strange is why they haven't tried putting in any sort of retro replacement like using Game & Watch games instead. No ones probably buying the DSiWare remade versions of those you can get on eShop, so why not throw them in Animal Crossing instead? They even put G&W Chef in the DS title Personal Trainer Cooking/Shaberu! DS Oryōri Navi.
yeah just like the still hip with the kidz miitomo app right?
It's in the webm thread, but it has a dick. It would've been real good shit without one, but sadly we can't have nice things in life anymore.
I'm the only person n Holla Forums that loves Katt?
Yeah, I think so
Please don't bully the cat, she a cute
Please don't bully ugly cats.
I need more ankha porn. I want to be her slave.
Ankha isn't obese
but your double dubs are
Only if best girl is in it.
If only it was Digby
Is there more?
You won't lose progress if you change the regional settings of your Nintendo account beforehand.
Just got Butch, I love him.
That's a man, baby.
Oh shit, should I craft the Tom Nook or K.K Slider chair? They will hang out at my camp as long as I have either of them. Really expensive stuff.
Holy shit
Is the dialog in this game as New Leaf generic as all these screenshots are making it look?
Sadly yes, it's an E rated game after all.
yes, but you will either hate it or love it to orgasm
What the fuck
Argento is such a faggot for doing this shit.
I wasn't going to post, but god almighty this is awful.
Oh god no
normies get the fuck out
Kill yourself fagola.
Hello reddit
Just like how pokemon go was the last pokemon game right?
times change
That image was always wrong, Holla Forums never discusses anything in a civilized manner.
Dubs confirm.
fuck you nigger
No fuck you leather head
I love this place
i'll show you who's the boss of this board
I'm the boss of this gym
Please stop derailing the Animal Crossing thread
No faggot, you are the cuckchan.
More accurate.
so what are you saying i should dump more porn?
because thats all these threads ever were, are, and will be.
I love it.
Please go away with your furfag shit, there are entire boards dedicated to that yet you decide to shit up this thread.
A dead game coming back as a cash grab. And you faggots are all over it.
Do you have no self respect?
But it's not?
are other anons just quietly fapping?
its OK when nintendo does it
Also it's weird seeing him stand up.
fuck nintendo
Here are all the villagers in Pocket Camp right now. Chances are that your favorite villager isn't in the game.
I'd uninstall if the game weren't so small
Actually Butch is my fave and he is there
my dick would be rock solid right now if it wasn't a freemium piece of shit.
Cherry asks for a lot of expensive stuff if you want her at your campsite.
im not playing this shit, but still, go figure. she is a total whore.
What a fucking cutie.
Fucking hell, forget it then.
too many holes
I want to crossdress with himmm
pretty sure he doesn't want to crossdress with you. or anyone in this thread for that matter.
Wow rude
realist. not rude.
I'd much rather cum on the male villager's face.
no homo
Realistically, Bob is a crossdressing sissy faggot that likes to play VIDEOGAMES.
this one is still my favorite
I found some familiar faces but since I'm not that into AC the very small list of villagers in the game doesn't bother me
Fuck the cats
if there isn't gay fanfiction next thread I'm going to be disappointed because it's not like this game's doing much to actually entertain.
does anybody have that comic about fanfiction.
you know which one… i cant find it in my fuck HUGE image folder.
Involving who?
Ankha and Marco Neko
Anything but
bob and punchy
Rubbing ass to ass is not VIDEOGAMES
but its pretty lewd
Do you think Bob would eat Punchy's ass? Or would it be the other way around?
i'd eat his ass.
This probably isn't what Bob had in mind when Punchy said he'd hang out and play VIDEOGAMES with him
he'd still get the ass eating highscore.
Not if I could help it~
How did Punchy get so creamy anyways?
thats not punchy though.
this is.
Whoops, that was Rover.
Guess I need more practice eating ass until I can tell them apart
they look very similar. Hell i mistake them all the time.
It's hard to tell them apart if you're buried nose deep, though
user why's it always gotta be anuses and dicks why can't you just spend some quality time with a good bro
Fine go fishing, bonding is nice too
you could bond really well while sucking your recently deposited cum out of his asshole, maybe with a blunt or two inbetween.
But why is he looking for a cactus?
who knows
Could be fatter
a thicc curvy punchy with a footlong and apple sized nuts would be the best.
I'd eat his apples and breadsticks
Then I'd ask him to fill me again and again
Also you're not even spoilering it
Do you want everyone to look at your husbando's unlicked asshole or something?
stop erping losers
we're on page 12 and we're bumplocked, i think its safe. and also i forgot to tick the box in that post.
also thats not what ERP looks like. discussing what you'd like isn't ERP, pretending to be the characters is ERP. the more you know
would you Bob though?
I think I'd like it if Bob bent be over for a few hours while I played VIDEOGAMES. After that, he can force me to wear one of his dresses, which would be kind of fun, and then him and Punchy can sit on me and treat me like a couch
why would Bob have fucking dresses lying around are you implying you wouldn't show up already wearing a dress, you fag
Sounds great to be honest
Why would you wear a dress but go barefoot? That doesn't seem like a very ladylike way to introduce yourself
if it's good enough for the lady animals it's good enough for me.
I still want to wear his clothes
ain't nothing wrong with wanting to wear a bro's shirt home after a night spent playing vidya and eating pizza
i want to wear bob like a cocksock
It's on Page 13
well, you need a videogame console to play some games. maybe nook can get you one…. for a price.
nigga this slut black footed black handed slut wanted it
It's only 1,000 bells off, he's not actually getting any money
It's 1000 bells that he doesn't need to pay later, Nook doesn't charge interest so it's still 1000 bells saved, not 1000 bells off™
mods delete my post because i used the chad walk meme but these gay shit-taste porn dump posts are just fine.
1000 bells was for bending over. he probably got paid a lot more for, well, the rest.
you would be using that money to pay the debt anyway.
The Virgin Rulecuck / The Chad Porn Dump
what with it?
It's from a fun thread where OP asked if the GameCube was the best console to beat an intruder with.
I want to try to beat him
you should have a snack before games & fuck.
does games & fuck mean games during fuck, games after fuck, fuck after games, winner gets to top loser, or winner gets to sub loser?
Looks like he's offering two snacks to eat
all of those
Tell me how in 100 or more words.
see pic
not even i am enough of a faggot to purchase these.
But then how can you hotglue them?
print out a picture and jizz on that for cheaper or make a modern art exibit and say the semen is in reference to trumps america and make mad dosh
dunno, commission a doll of them, sew an onahole inside it and go to town?
amiboos are cancer. at least with this you wouldn't be contributing to the death of your hobby.
I just wanted to drown my husbandos in semen
this is why the jew cannot be trusted, they abuse innocent animalfucking anons
Who husbando cat has the best cock?
Jesus christ I'm tired
cats are gay tbh
I know that's why I want to take turns stuffing it into eachother's assholes until we're both sweating and exhausted
why would you want to do something so utterly gay
Not gay enough
Okay, off I go to rub one out to Bob's wonderful ass