or games that are fun to watch someone else play. as the title says- I'm a poorfag. what's fun to just get lost in for a while?
Games that are more fun to watch than they are to play
fighting games.
Watching others play games instead of playing the games yourself is psychologically rooted in cuckoldry.
t. Holla Forums
Fighting games are not really my favorite, I'm sorry for not being more specific here. I'm thinking like something along the lines of
or maybe some other kind of game.
Yes I know user, but if you could read beyond the first line before getting your ADD triggered you would have realized I'm so poor that all I can do is watch others.
Kill yourself.
Zero effort shilling, dipshit.
Some games aren't enjoyable to play though. Nailing your own wife probably is.
Guys guys, lets not let this turn into a shit storm. we know Holla Forums is always right so lets just agree and continue on with the thread. really desperate for some help here.
I would say speedruns are worth a watch at least once. But they do get repetitive due to it really only being a time optimization of seconds between playthroughs and thus it's going to look almost the exact same. Unless Holla Forums wants to start encouraging me to take up speed running.
I have tried to watch speedruns in the past, and like fighting games they just made me feel nervous- but not even in the special way that horror games do. thing is that I can't find any good horror or otherwise themed games to watch walkthroughs of for fun because most are major shit.
I think you need to leave.
The way I see it, there are only a two specific reasons to watch someone else play vidya. 1) you want to learn something about the game through someone's demonstration (learning about glitches, learning about how to do certain moves/techniques, etc), or 2) you want to watch competitive, high-level play. What you're describing is streamerbait nonsense. Point is, from my perspective, there aren't any games that I'd rather watch than play. My best suggestion would be something very story heavy, like The Witcher. You can just sit back and watch the adventures of Geralt of Rivia without having to worry about parrying and potions and all that shit.
How about you kill yourself like I said? How fucking pathetic do you have to be to not want to play a game? We don’t want you here.
what the fuck do you not understand about "poor"? do you think I have a great computer or something dumbass?
We get it Holla Forums you're always right, you've made your point, go on, you can leave now. We admit you're right. You are completely correct. Now go away.
Resident Evil VII
Anything made by CC2 since leaving PS2.
Nigger if you can't get $600 together to make your own fucking desktop or god-forbid buy a console for $200 then video games aren't for you. Go get a 2nd job and enjoy the luxury of video games when you fucking deserve it, you scum.
I totally agree with you, I'm just really desperate for some fun watching and I'm very poor. I know that falls into a category uncanny to streamershit but I promise I'm not that type of person. if I was, I wouldn't trust or ask of the advice from Holla Forums as to what a good watch may be.
that's some desperate b8, even more desperate than I am.
I think you misunderstand, I believe they dislike Holla Forums.
Literally no argument, you fucking retard.
All I need you to do now is say the same thing about enjoying 2D porn you have no connection to whatsoever.
you must have never had money trouble before. I need food. Not going to blow 600 or even 200 on some modern cucksole when I can buy more beans and live another day.
Videogames are for anyone that can afford a used 2DS for 40 dollars.
Linear Cinematic QTE games
You're the casuals that AAA games are after. Hey, Capcom; this is what you sacrificed SFV and Mcvi for!
really curious, why are you goons/shills/trolls interested in raiding this thread to fabricate 2 sides of a false argument? you darth sideous now?
I dislike both. not trying to ask for that. promise.
That's because I'm not a certifiable retard with managing my money and time - and I budget properly.
Pretty much. Or go get a PS2 for $20 and a dozen games for another $20 at a goodwill or thrift. OP is a fag.
Who said anything about running every game in the world?
I'm sorry but replying this to you is worth the small derail. It's just the truth. unless you can find God blessed level waifu material. just being honest.
Walking simulators or garbage like ME:A, only if its someone that knows they are playing shit though. Even then it's not worth it most of the time
Shouldn't you be complaining about e-sports faggots and SJWs who want to create a family-friendly and all inclusive environment for all tourney goers, and who want to include optional "skip boss fight" buttons into games, instead of those of us who just want to see high-level play?
Literally an MGTOW fag as well. You're a straight up fucking failure at life; just end it, son.
you can be great at managing money but if you only have a few dollars after expenses to manage, you don't get very far user.
I don't drink or smoke, I don't eat out, and I don't waste money on stupid shit. trust me on this.
Oh, your right. I'm just going to get a 2ds and deny myself the enjoyement of experiencing any other game in existance because you're really smart. you helped me so much! you helped me realize you're a retard.
that's true. if they are aware of the fact that what they are playing is fucking trash then it's much more fun. but I won't watch cuck effect andromeda even if someone payed me.
I'm not sure they are mad just because of spectators user.
Ummm. So why not just play some gba or ds roms? Surely your computer can handle that?
Play some fire emblem on the gba-emulator(you can't tell me your fucking computer can't handle that) or if possible play some comfy hotel dusk.
Or watch someone play stalker. Obviously way more fun to play yourself, but still enjoyable I guess.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
op here, if anything to avoid confusion
last fun game I watched was cry of fear walkthrough done by robbaz on youtube before he became a pedo-joke making cuck who constantly denounces God.
you are what is wrong with me
Go back to cuckchan faggot, I was trying to be nice with you y'know?
Anyone who is living pay-check to paycheck for more than 3 months is doing it by choice, plain and simple. They are not doing enough to improve their situation. Anyone can move out to the fucking countryside where income tax is 2% and work manual labor for cash thats more than minimum wage living in a place that costs $100 per month. After 90 days, they wouldn't be poor anymore. But that's too hard for me and not what I want to do! that's life, faggot.
Yeah. Shirk real women for muh 2d waifu. You're MGTOW all the fucking way.
I wish your father had been smart and knew how to avoid bad shit, it's clear you were a mistake from the beginning.
That the swedish mod about some kids getting murdered and there is enemies floating around in hospital beds? Also, why don't you want to emulate stuff? Do you dislike older games? Honest question.
thanks I'll keep that in mind. do you know any games that are worth a watch that do not originate on a small hand held console. I'm looking to just make some food and relax watching some friendly person play a fun game, without too much annoying commentary. I really dislike others who do what I'm essentially doing right now but my life is such a thing right now.
n i c e b a i t
I want cuckchan to leave
The South Park RPG's come to mind.
I second this suggestion. Also suggest PS1 games.
I can not go back from where I did not originate and you were ice man. not nice.
First post always accurate. This is what I came here to say. Particularly Tekken. Shit is stupid to play, but fun as fuck to watch
man this is some good trolling. I hope you can sleep at night knowing that someone out there has suffered alot due to your expert trolling skills. I mean damn, that is some hardcore fucking trolling. If I was stupid I would be crying with rage right now. holy shit, the blackness that must be your soul. good thing I'm poor, I have the experience. I have seen some shit.
I wasn't a mistake, otherwise how could I have been here to disagree with you?
Yea that's the one. with the glitchy mess of a multiplayer and the giants. hilarious if you're new to it. otherwise very boring.
I don't like very old games but I also don't like very new games.
It's like i'm talking with Borat
Stalker is not handheld, my man.
I like this lp: youtube.com
Aside from that: Maybe horror games like fatal frame or silent hill? I mean it's all not as much fun as playing yourself, but I guess it'll do if you're starved for entertainment.
that's just wrong man.
Hey there's one thing that's for sure, you weren't very nice.
You're a child. You never grew up. You never had a single difficulty in your life and then you became an adult and your parents tossed your loser ass. ughhh its too hard adultinggg and work xd Grow a pair and work for a living like the rest of us, then you wouldn't have to beg complete strangers for advice online. Also god forbid you are working 3 part time jobs and only have 60 hours off per week, then you're retarded and know how to manage money as well as the common nigger and deserve to be poor. Smart people are never poor because they know how to get along. You're either retarded or lazy and that's a fact.
that is some of the best trolling I have ever seen. and double doubles.
thanks user. stalker was always special in my heart.
I read the thread and holy shit your a cuckchan faggo supreme.
Btw. i still think you should look into emulating hotel dusk and last window at some point, my man. They are both fucking comfy and have a really nostalgic vibe to them(and they're not that old). It sounds like you're having a shit time and those are two games that always bring a smile to my face. Anyway, hope things get better for you.
thanks God bless you angel user
I hope you built that computer all by yourself from the transistors up, you cucking cuck cuckold cucker cuckafuck.
Lol, false equivalence. A better one would have been football.
worst list ever
you're confusing nationalism with anti-capitalist libertarianism.
There's a reason PUBG is so popular on Twitch.
Kill yourself. No one wants to watch games. Go back to tumblr.
Anything involving RNG bullshit.
It's top fun sitting right next to your bro throwing a rage fit over his strongest soldier getting one shit by randomly spawned super mob at the end of 1+ hour mission in Xcom2.
Chess with commentary
Movie games
Top row, faggot.
It's more fun to watch how bad shit games get than suffer through them yourself.
Nice false equivalency, faggot.
In what way, cuck?
What are you, 12?
Overwatch. My friend does nothing but piss and moan the whole time and I shit talk him relentlessly while he does it. Meanwhile I haven't touched anything Blizzard's done since 2007 and couldn't be happier.
You don't buy the game you watch
It'd be more fitting an analogy that you're watching porn.
I hope not, she should find a better man if that's the case.
walking sims and linear games with lots of spectacle
watch those uncharted movies that are around on youtuve, it's all the cutscens + a few bits of relevant gameplay to make it all flow like an actual movie or at least try
Fighting games are also an option but it's better if you know the moves and combos
i love guilty gear and blazzblue but i suck at both wich is why i enjoy watching tournaments of better players than me to learn a few new tricks
any good movie games that aren't AAA pieces of shit?
forgot to mention I watched a playthrough of outlast 2 and thought it was quite the pain in the ass for the person trying to play it. I'm not saying it was amazing but it was alot better than other horror games. that being said, it was quite stupid, but fun to watch.
You take that back! The 30 minutes of gameplay in MGS4 is top notch.
Lets face it, MGS:Survival has much better gameplay. Getting rid of kojima is just what the series needed.
None of the MGS games have good gameplay aside from V and that game has tons of problems of its own. This coming from a former Metal Gear fanboy.
Research Indicates' LP of Jurassic Park: Trespasser. Great Let's Play of a broken game. Classic.
Holla Forums proving once again that their memes are utter shit
Maybe an RPG? Lets you see what character they make or just in general are, and lets you skip the pain in the ass parts that are always in RPGs. For example I just played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, I really liked it but some people hat the combat and large chunks of that game so maybe it would be better to watch someone and see how they role-play in it (though that would ruin the twists in the plot). Mind you, I only watch lets plays to watch people fuck up and laugh at their failures, and that's through montages of them fucking up. I could never just sit there watching someone play a game with the only exception being early access games where there is no fleshed out tutorial and watching a let's player could act as that. And if you're a poorfag just pirate shit, no shame if you're poor (hell, no shame if you're not poor tbh).
MGS is just a less functional MG2, MGS2 is a rehash of MGS and MGS3 has a horrible camera (Snake Eater at least), awkward controls and a half assed survival system.
hey thats great! have this deep impending ominous feeling that I'm going to be laughing very very hard very very soon! fucking excited!
VMBL = fun old game. or at least feels like a fun old game. one of those not very well known, low budget games that came out half awesome/half broken
I really loved watching someone do a full light side walkthrough of knights of the old republic 1 as female revan. that force ASS
terminator redemption was kind of fun, remember playing that years ago.
And you have the fucking gall to call me fabricating a false "argument".
Because I'm not interested in any kind of relationships, let alone the effort it would take managing them.
lots of trolls trolling trolls. I say planned
Telltale games
t. neocon
this ended up being a fun thread.
Dota 2, if you know the game well the pro matches are actually pretty great to watch when they're close but the game isn't too fun to actually play.
alright OP, saw your situation.
Definitely second what
said. I would recommend "Fire Emblem" (that's its name in english version, sometimes with "Blazing Sword" before it) for that.
There's also definitely some solid flash games you can play as well. I haven't played them in forever but I think they still hold up pretty well today. It might be worth asking for some .swfs
I don't have any to provide unfortunately
JRPGs and RPG Maker games are also great as well in your situation. Give Yume Nikki and Shut up and Jam Gaiden, A Blurred Line, Aveyond (obviously /scurv/ any paid ones) and some others.
Oh, and give us your specs OP. You should be able to run shit like Diablo 1, Doom, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 2 and 3, Jagged Alliance 2, and other good, old PC shit with ease even on most toasters.
thanks m8. I've played around with some of those on old friends computers in the past. I don't know if I want to keep playing them since I'm so burnt out on what I could get my hands on. my setup is kind of like a potato that dreams of being a toaster.
Cuphead. That said, any millenial playing a hard game and squirming in suffering. Yes, I'm sadistic.
Somewhat on the topic, I feel interested watching people playing games I already beat, it's entertaining to see how they act in contrast to how I reacted in that moment.
Clearly you've never been married.
You gus are self aware enough to realize this, right?
hell no
Dark Souls, because of Schadenfreude
user, do you have a PC? Like, not even ebin gaymin rig, a basic bitch HP will do.
Go Emulate 8-bit and 16 bit games.
So bad video games thread? Why don't you go to the cinema and enjoy a nice film?
Is that first picture supposed to be ironic or is Holla Forums seriously that stupid?
seem apt to me. could have also just did one frame of a chicken with a nazi band going "CUCK"
well we got a doctor here
Jumping off a building is free too. People will come watch as well.
Jesus christ, piracy existed pretty much since the beginning what the fuck is holding you from playing games or jumping?
Maybe you are just retarded.
They are neither fun to watch nor play.
wew. Sorry for making it so difficult to get a resetera account :^)
very accurate
In what world is this even a concept? How could you ever possibly have more fun by NOT doing something? If I don't like a game/genre enough to play it, how could I justify spending time watching instead of just playing a game that I do like?
Shit games.
Wasn't he found when they checked his face and name? Or are you intentionally trying to be dishonest
Just how shit is your computer? Do even have a computer? Surely you can at least play some freeware like Cave Story or emulate some SNES games or some shit. Watching people play games is just sad.
Watching games is essentially cuckolding.
Holy shit Holla Forums has a lot of trash it needs to take out.
You dumb nigger, watching someone else play a videogame isn't equivalent to watching a movie. Watching a videogame is a level of abstraction that takes away from the original act.
It'd be like instead of watching a movie, watching a review for the movie on youtube instead.
It'd be like eating out all the time because you don't know how to cook.
It'd be like paying someone build your computer for you, because you're too much of a dumbfuck to put the pieces together.
By saying playing a videogame is like making your own movie, you're effectively saying that watching a videogame is the default. And on top of that what the fuck is wrong with making your own entertainment? You say that like it's a bad thing to make anything original. The fucking mental gymnastics it must take to say something so totally idiotic just to defend watching people play videogames completely astounds me, what the fuck is wrong with you people
It's like Schrodinger's Rapist for cowards instead of self-flagellating guilt addicts. I'm not saying there aren't snakes in the outside world, but not everyone's out to ruin your life and bleed you dry ffs.
well women are cable of scratching eyes out and kicking testicles, so maybe they should keep a distance from me.
These people have no self-awareness
Oh, the Essential example is the Dragon's Lair series. Don Bluthe is even going so far to try and crowdsource a movie.
It's always projection with these faggots, ALWAYS. This fat fuck apparently has to control his urges to assault a woman in the elevator.
I usually play a game only once. So if a game has multiple endings I might want to watch that. Like Undertale genocide ending.
It's very easy to say that when it hasn't happened to you. I had to fight for years in court and did some prison time until they finally found me innocent
You have no idea what it's like to go into a court room and have everyone judging you before the trial even starts, their glaring saying that they already found you guilty before the trial even began.
You don't know what it's like having everyone manipulated beforehand because the bitch had the guy she's been sleeping with behind your back give her bruises and shit beforehand.
You don't know what it's like going to prison for that conviction. I still sleep with something sharp in my bed frame.
The only thing that saved me after two years of hell was a receipt from a diner my friend found proving I was in a whole other state the event happened. Then they went through her Facebook and found all the DMs.
Even after I was found innocent after the fact the town I lived in still thought I was guilty and I couldn't get any work in anything.
I had to change my name and move to a different state but that shit will still follow you, it's just a matter of time.
Why does everyone insist that MGSV's gameplay is the best in the series when it's such complete and utter shit even without comparing it to its predecessors?
MGSV's gameplay fucking sucks.
Why would you watch someone play video games when you could be playing video games yourself?
>(((user))) still triggered
Infinite Heaven is essential installation.
This is essential installation.
the levels were bad. the only redeeming part of the gameplay for me was the fuckton of guns
You dont have to like scat porn to have found the video either then.
How elitist do you have to be to compare watching video games to letting another man fuck your wife? How desperate are you to feel better than another person that you'll jump on this, of all things?
There's literally nothing wrong with watching someone play video games. You could be tired and not have the mental energy to actually play a game, but still want to enjoy it. You could want to see how other people play and gain a new perspective on the game. You could enjoy a stream's community and let watching the game be secondary. You could like the person playing, either a streamer/commentator you like or just watching a friend, and/or their playstyle.
At its core, cuckoldry is pathetic because you get off to letting someone have something that's meant to be just for you. But nothing is "just for you" about playing a video game. It's something that literally anyone can pick up and do. A streamer isn't taking anything away from you or defacing anything of yours. Just because he's playing a game doesn't mean you can't go and play it whenever you want, and it doesn't make your experience playing the game any different.
Except there's exclusivity in a relationship - if you're married, you're supposed to only have sex with each other. But there's no exclusivity to playing a game; you're not married to the fucking game. If it's cuckoldry to watch someone play a game, it might as well be cuckoldry to watch any sort of media - why are you watching people have these experiences instead of going out and having them yourself? Guess watching any grounded in reality slice-of-life media that could actually happen to you is cucked. Hell, you could even consider playing games to be cuckoldry! Why play a war game when you can just enlist, you fucking cuck? Why watch any depiction of any experience instead of just going out and having it yourself?
Calling every little thing cuckoldry is the most narcissistic shit on the planet. It doesn't show self-respect, it shows a total inability to cope with the notion that anyone has something that you currently don't. Watching porn is cucked because you're watching someone else have sex instead of having sex yourself. Watching people play games is cucked because you're just watching someone else enjoy the game instead of enjoying it yourself. Enjoying someone else's enjoyment of anything is cucked because you're watching them enjoy it instead of enjoying it yourself. No, it fucking isn't. Watching a person play a game has zero bearing on your ability to play and enjoy it. Grow up and learn to live with the fact that other people have things that you don't, and that it's okay to be okay with that.
There are so many free good or emulated games that any toaster could run. Stop being a faggot.
I'll keep that and that link handy in case I ever decide to reinstall it, thanks user.
Why is Holla Forums so obsessed with watching big black cocks penetrate their wives and girlfriends? What is the appeal?
The comparason is that you are watching someone do something that you could and should be doing yourself and would be much more pleasurable if you did. You're basically wasting your life watching someone else enjoy theirs. This is without the implications professional streamers bring.
I agree with the sentiment, partially. Part of the reason western countries of so fat and get ran over with no resistance by politicians is because everyone rather let someone else do everything.
GTFO with your political drama
I'm fucking depressed and angry now.
Invading FOBs would have also been fun if the bases where actually cutsomizable and less barren.
You can reverse image search the face and see people who look like him. This is like how you guys spam cuckporn on Holla Forums and then go. "Look t how much they love it.". The again this is par the course with people who follow the teachings of a jew with a clinically estimated IQ of 85 and whose several thousand page magnum opus was mostly falsified
Not to mention you don't have to actively consume this type of shit considering what site were on. It;s easy to just run into it. really don't get the left's obsession with trying to label there opponents as hypocrites who secretly love what they detest. It's like the tired old "Of you don't approve of homosexuality you're a closeted fag" bullshit argument. I'm guessing that quack Freud has something to do with it. Kike Marxists have used his methods heavy handedly.
Unless it's Reginald, I don't think so.
You remember when you went to your richkid friend's place to play video games except he was an only child and only had single player games and only one controller and never actually let you play the game? "Heh after I die. That death didn't count" Remember how hard he laughed and how little he shared and how obviously incapable of making friends he was? Remember how distinctly not fun that was?
This is all the same. Unless the streamer has set up a server you can join them in, it's just some fag playing video games with no intention of you playing.
Well, you got me to respond. GG.
I usually watch videos while eating my dinner
Playing games while eating is unpleasant
There are a couple valid answers
Also watching people who know their shit playing a game that requires any sort of "meta" or specific strategies is useful to learn them.
thanks I'll keep that in mind. do you know any games that are worth a watch that do not originate on a small hand held console. I'm looking to just make some food and relax watching some friendly person play a fun game, without too much annoying commentary. I really dislike others who do what I'm essentially doing right now but my life is such a thing right now.
Is this trying to be a woman? Is there something I am not getting?
Oh, I guess I was specifically talking about how a rocket launcher is the best loadout for defense. I do FOB retaliations any time someone gets caught coming to my base. The worst thing about the system is the fact that people use trainers to make themselves invincible and super fast (so you can’t even put them to sleep to fulton), and most of the time they also turn on perfect stealth so that you’re never even notified.
Its the truth nigger, lets play kikes are the cancer spreading AIDS like the disease infested nigger faggots that they are killing gaming with casual scum and mormalfags