What are some Horror games I can enjoy that don't have any jumpscares or any cheap scares?
Tfw too much of a pussy to play horror games
all the good ones
You can always watch the games being played if you're that scared. I think Penumbra doesn't have jumpscares per se, though I might be wrong
Boy, am I glad I'll never be as much of a fucking faggot as OP.
the real horror is life, video games don't even come close
Hello Kitty?
Waking up on your 30th birthday with no marketable skills, no friends, no family, no partner, no job, your disability payments cancelled for bullshit reasons, no savings, and rent is due
Being a neet isn't a disability. It's just being lazy.
I was going to sleep tonight mate
Horror movies are what you're looking for. A little creepy, maybe disturbing, but not on the same level dread as an interactive medium like games.
I know I watched the shining a few years ago with friends and thought it was a good movie. I wasn't scared of it, I was curious to see what would happen next.
Just play a game that isn't horror but has horror elements.
This tbh. Jumpscares are necessary in good horror games, they just have to be executed well. This "terror" bullshit isn't horror.
Alternatively, this.
You get objectively better games with this route because pure horror anything will always be inferior.
I know this feeling all too well.
Shit that game was amazing.
cjecl em
Inferior taste detected
but you didn't agree with me
at most "jumpscares" should be false alarms like a piece of wood falling, if it's a spoogy monster then you've successfully become retarded
He prefers diablo 3
Please kill yourself
Silent Hill 1-3
No, Hellfire is objectively worse than vanilla in every way.
Its a "zany" piece of shit that wasn't even made by the original devs
Good shit
If you can't man up and bear with it that's really the only alternative left
I hate this stupid boomer meme.
There's nothing in real life that's as frighting as what is contained behind the barrier of fiction. (But thanks to modern science that will change)
Being a lazy piece of shit isn't a disability, faggot.
Most old horror game don't have jumpscares as we know them today.
The loud noise, camera shake- formula is not really scary anyway.
Reminder that lovecraft actually wrote about niggers.
kill yourself faggot.
I don't know user. Are the fantasies of the mentally deranged fictional, even when they're taking steps to enacting them? Are the heinous crimes found in such books as The 120 Days of Sodom totally and utterly impossible?
*even when they're taking steps to enact upon them
wew lad, no wonder you enjoy hellfire. With shitposts like these you probably also liked Path of Exile and titan's quests
I believe it comes from the fact that you can find comfort in knowing something is fiction, and you can actually ignore it if you wish. You can't really escape reality, so it's understandable people would be more afraid of that which directly concerns them
Never played them but with your omission of torchlight you must have a constant hard on for wrenches.
Torchlight 2 was so fucking bad that I didn't want to mention it.
I fell for the Holla Forums meme and actually bought it when I was a retarded buyfag. Only blew 4$ on it and regretted it ever since, its the worst out of every "Diablo 2 clone but better xDDD" ever.
Are there any games that give you the helpless soulcrushing fuck this reality feeling ala Junji Ito?
Read, it shouldn't make the monsters OOGABOOGA you in the face and should instead let the player assess them and be naturally fearful at their threat. Good games do that, like Silent Hill and REmake. "Oh shit" moments are good, though.
alright so everything's quiet as you're walking down this hallway and then LOUD NOISE
and then you kill the psycho and it wasn't actually scary at all, you were just startled a little bit
This is what I hate most about horror games, mostly because I've always hated loud noises.
Letting you assess too much can take away the fear element. I agree for the most part, but sometimes its just good to build up horror with music and a foreboding area just to throw a monster at you and force you to run.
I don't have much of an opinion on Amnesia as its too much of an "atmospheric" game, but there is one portion of the game worth a damn. In the sewer area there is this absolutely horrifying chase sequence guaranteed to spook and scream the living daylights out of all but the most seasoned motherfuckers. I like those moments user.
I don't have much of an
What about Alone in the Dark user?
In what universe does this post have any bearing to what I just said user.
Torchlight 2 sucks. Path of Exile sucks. Titan's quest eats shit.
The only hack n' slash I've found that's actually decent outside of Diablo that I've played is Van Helsing 1+2. It doesn't give horror themes, but it doesn't feel like I'm playing a cartoony piece of shit somehow. Maybe its the character design and level aesthetic.
I haven't tried Grim Dawn, so maybe that's actually worth a damn.
that sounds alright
that's the key to a good horror game tbh, otherwise it just turns into pew pew survival horror
You bitch about hellfire but you defend the linear alone in the dark piece of shit games? Have you considered suicide? Seriously It's down the road not across the street.
Oh god what the fuck is that
Ghouls and Ghost for Genesis (or MAME) & Super Ghouls and Ghost.
Suicide bomb a synagogue. Take out as many of them as you can. Do at least ONE good thing in your life.
You know user, you might be autistic. Learn to handle some bantz and come back.
Too much atmosphere and too little horror and it turns more into "spooky art piece" over an actual terror game. Look at how much garbage has made it unto Steam thanks to that mentality. (like that one literal "art" horror game)
Why bother Isis will just claim you are one of theirs. At least make it a mosque.
You should stick to make your own adventure books if you like the linear shit. That way you can go back to the previous page if it tells you that you failed.
user, you've gone completely insane.
What kind of CYOA horror books have you read where picking a choice other than the "right one" always leads to a bad end?
You're insane
You're reading shit choose your own's, man.
Not always the bad end but always the wrong end.
really proving your point about the linearity with this statement aren't ya
Any ending other than the correct ending is the wrong ending. Correct vs wrong. Two choices. The details are irrelevant.
No but the government using your tax dollars to import gorrilion uneducated third worlders who are more than happy to kill you & dump them onto your neigborhood is.
user if you wanted to prove a point about linearity you could've just said a regular fucking horror novel where there is literally only 1 ending
I've also read some horror stories with multiple good, not-good and tons of bad ends. Often-times the adventure can be completely different straight from the start of the book.
You're not very good at this
I don't understand how people can be afraid of horror games
OP, just play old horror games where the horror was in the panic caused by a tense encounter with an enemy that could totally buttfuck you if you fuck up, modern horror games are bad and should feel bad
a line made up of multiple points is still a line.
user, can you read?
This is going to be my last (you) to you unless you can answer that question.
This is an outright shitpost at this point and we've already shat this thread up enough.
You can get entirely different endings, there oftentimes are multiple good endings and bad endings in CYOA horror books, usually because there's a "core" branching that often occurs near the beginning of the book that determines where and how your adventure goes.
But user shit threads are never shat up enough.
You must really enjoy telltale games don't you? All those choices you get to make, the character developments. The incredible storyline, all leading to the same point.
telling your woes on the internet wont make your life any better faggot
Then again if you wanted to play a real non linear game you would play undertale. streaming it right now. you should watch and learn faggot.
I can see VR adding to the tension, but anything else from the modern day times isn't very scary at all outside of panic forced on you because NO U CANT USE WEPON BECUZ HORROR
you could start e-begging, but you'll have to cut your dick off to get attention.
behind you faggor
behind you faggot
That is, in fact, literally the DEFINITION of a line. A line, however, is also, BY DEFINITION, not a two dimensional object. If multiple lines can be drawn with the same starting and ending points, for the purposes of a narrative OR video game it is still definitionally linear.
Kill yourself, yid. This isn’t about personal recognition.
Ok abdul
multiple lines. 2 points. You must be one of those tumblr faggots who think there are more than two genders.
Hi, yid. We’re still blowing up synagogues. Nothing you say will stop us.
Nigger you fucking what. Learn how to read.
try Yomawari or the sequel Yomawaru : Midnight shadows
they are kinda comfy/spooky
Quick, which dead space is better, 1 or 2?
behind you gayboi
A line is the shortest route between two points faggot.
No curves or anything. In other words, there are no other options. There is only one direct route between two points..
The combat system is repetitive and it comes dangerously close to a cinematic experience, but it's the only horror-themed game i've ever enjoyed. The story also has a bit of wit to it.
Real life
One, although 2 is still worth a playthrough just to finish the story.
Dead Space 3 never happened
Cool, gonna go with one then
A lot of people say 1 is the better horror game but it's debatable. As far as game overall DS2 is by far superior, but for horror specifically… eh. DS2 was certainly more action-packed but I felt it was also less lazy with things like constantly spawning enemies behind the player.
I think Mandalore covered DS1's problem pretty well and that's that while it has fantastic creepy quiet sections the combat is just a shitshow and it feels like two different games.
DS2 may not have as much of the creepy quiet sections but at least the quieter parts it does have feel like the same game as the combat parts, and the combat's much better.
Eternal Darkness only has one jump scare, and it's optional if you see it or not. Game's more psychological horror than survival horror though, emphasis on seeing and hearing odd things as the cast's sanity drops, the emphasis more on the feeling of unsettling dread than survival.
See if you can cast a low level fire ball, assuming you haven't let a succubus absorb your mana. Being a fucking wizard should prove lucrative.
I've played through Corpse Party 3DS as of recent, it doesn't really have any jumpscares I can think of. The only time I jumped a bit was when I was playing as Yuka running away from Morishige in Chapter 3 and I ran into him at the stairs.
Not a big fan of horror games myself, but Resident Evil 4 to whatever came before 7 are not scary at all.
Alan Wake is themed like a piece of horror, but it's not particularly scary. It mostly focuses on atmosphere. I pretty much never play horror games, but I still liked it.
Animal Crossing
Cookie Clicker
Get a fucking Job! I post a lot here on Holla Forums and play vidya but I still have a job.
This will seem odd, but Conkers Bad Fur Day had an excellent horror chapter, IMO.
Just wear diapers you big baby.
I want this to be a game.
Amnesia. There's a reason it became so popular, and it's because it's one of the best horror games period. There's no "jumpscares" as far as I recall, maybe some startle where someone suddenly bangs on a door from the other side or something like that.
This game popularised the loud noise/startle kind of "horror" like no other game.
Do you know what a jumpscare is?
But I'm sure your superior definition will convince me otherwise.
A loud sound does not a jumpscare make.
nope, I can attest to other user, Amnesia reinvented the survival horror genre (along with their previous game)
the horror revolves much around ambience rather than "in your face" jumpscares
there were a lot of scripted events though, and the occasional "run for your life", which made the game even better
Prey (2006) had good ambiance although not really horror; tbh it's a better Doom3 in that regard
2 feels much better in both gameplay and in spooks. Play one first so you can appreciate the improvements in 2.
I honestly hated those because they were extremely obvious.
Fuck, was hyped to fight him.
I'm like you user. I tried to play Alien Isolation but I hate the cheap scares so I can only play it in small sequences.
I decided to try the first Dead Space game, I really like the art style and I'm starting to learn the way they script their scares to I'm having fun killing those disgusting necromorphs.
Darkwood, there is even a torrent and devs would rather you pirate rather than get ripped off.
Play Silent Hill 1-4 if you haven't already. Very minimal, if any, jump-scares. If you aren't ready for creeping dread either, just don't open the image.
To be honest OP, I think you would love horror literature. Let me explain: For some reason I cannot play horror games anymore. I get too stressed by the impending jump scares. Years back feeling scared in games was a nice exciting feeling, now it just stresses me the fuck out. But being a huge horror fan, now I mostly just watch movies and read books. At least for me, books and movies still give the same horror feel.
Somehow the immersion found only in games is now too much for me. You might have the same "problem". So play the ones that are more atmosphere and no jump scares, or go read a book.
>No family. I feel you, but I'm still going to say this, because it's important, sorry.
Whining in Catalonian Oppression Boards might not be the place to start working things out to make yourself a better future. I have only one tip: Get help. There is no shame in that, if you have driven yourself, or if you have been driven, to a corner. Get help, learn marketable skills through education or by getting a shitty job. Learn discipline through that job. Having a shitty job and a clear mind makes you push onwards to get something better. Same for education. If you have addiction/motivation/medical problems, same thing: Get help.
And most important of all: Try to look at the bright sides of life. Watch comedy movies, drink a little on the weekends, buy cheap stupid shit just for you. Get a hobby that involves other people. And do everything in strict moderation.
There is not a single horror movie or game that is genuinely scary, that does not use jump scares.
That's not a horror game that's a comedy because you've failed at life and thought your life would just be like that neet vs bluecollar comparison image game.
For (you)? Or do you have any other explanation why people get scared by things you don't? I bet you only get scared by existential stuff, like how your whole life is completely forgotten after two to three generations. You will be "remembered" in writing only - as a name. Everything you ever cared about, and worked for, is going to be forgotten - even faster than you think.
user you're talking to a nihilist. None of that bothers me at all. I'm perfectly content with eating great food, playing great vidya, and then ceasing to exist whenever that time may be.
I think the best jump scares come out of nowhere, and confer a deadly threat. Cat scares are a waste of time, and building up to a jump/cat scare is even worse. If you're a horror fan, you can probably call most jump scares right before they happen because it's obvious, and when it's obvious, it's not scary. But when it's not scary at the moment, and there is no anticipation of danger, that would be the prime time for a good jump scare, and then following through with whatever caused said jump scare being a significant threat to either the character in the movie, or the character in the game. Obviously these must be used sparingly, and with no build-up, because if a player or viewer can anticipate your jump scare, you fucked up,
The only jumpscares in bloodborne are enemies that you can easily fight back. Try that one, it's really empowering to be a hunter.
Yes, it made it into a low-quality genre were you as a developer didn't even had to think out levels and shit, just throw in whatever dumb shallow things to try and scare the player, there's no obstacles too hard to overcome in these games.
And that's the major problem. Compare it to Silent Hill which not only has enemies but tedious fucking puzzle which forces you to run around in this living nightmare hoping you won't get killed while solving the puzzles.
It's amazing how games actually went backwards as the years went on.
Nice. True nihilists are a dying breed.
So true. I think, in video games, the scares should come from players actions, not sudden jump scares. And never by a random flashing gore screen.
Example from a fictional game: You are exploring an old mansion. Atmosphere is just some general spooky house, BG-ambient, no music. NPC dies and falls to the ground with silent *thumph*, nothing else happens. 1-2min pass and the killed NPC jumps up, and starts to strangle the PC. Nothing like this has happened before in the game, and still there is no action sequence music or anything. Just silence, and your PC being strangled by a deadly wounded NPC.
To me this would not be scarier than any BOO!, did I get you? - games, but I would remember it, and I would think about it many times after finishing the game. Because it was not a jump scare with a loud noise, it was something that actually happened to my character, not something that was directed to me, to scare me, the player. Fuck horror games, it's too meta genre for most modern devs
You're a failure, end yourself.
Can you read Japanese?
It doesn't compare to Silent Hill though, I'll admit that.
But goddamn if Silent Hill's puzzles weren't an actual headache. The tediousness was actually enough to piss me off
Just play Dead Space.
I'd love to see more horror games take risks like that. Instead, we'd probably get a loud scare cue, a brightly flashing QTE prompt, and some pulsating red post-processing ringing the screen.
You nailed it. AAA cannot into horror.
As far as vidya movies go, I thoroughly enjoyed how unabashedly silly and over the top it was.
i bet you don't even sell cocaine and child sex slaves fgt
Instead of jumpscares, we need a game with trumpscares
How many articles has CNN written on that image saying that Trump will surely get impeached for drawing it?
Whats the deal with the picture?
nigga, shut the fuck up, obviously you been watching too much pewdiepie
go back to school kid, just because people made a ridiculous number of dumb jump scare custom stories, and because youtubers used them as dumb view bait, it doesn't the actual game was like that
Hitler was an artist. Trump is an artist. Trump is Hitler.
he did and it's filled with retards
only a couple of anons actually know what they're talking about, but they're drowned out by a flood of Top 10 Jumpsacres by WatchMojo!
OP, if you don't want any AAA scares, how about you try a shitty indie horror game? There you just have to deal with a different kind of bullshit. Usually the retro pixel art kind.
Why not pick up something like Distraint, or Lone Survivor. The Count Lucanor. Bulb Boy. They Breathe. Knock-Knock.
Actually, definitely play Knock-Knock.
Well… it could have been a good thread.
That's pretty much the internet now. Except that now people have very few unique thoughts for some reason. And everyone types the same sentences over and over again. I feel like some people are just artificial constructs made to look and act human, but they are not. I have met a lot of great creative people and ten times more soulless drones. And I have never spied a "drone" to have a creative exchange of ideas with another "drone". I know it's just scary stories, but can you tell who are the soulless and who are not?
Feeling like an outsider or every/most of people seem wierd to you, is a normal reaction to people who are imaginative and creative, but don't want to socialize. Get over it, no one cares. Go hermit mode and do what you want.
silent hill had the best monsters
Get the fuck out. We’re talking about an analogy that is clearly beyond your comprehension. The game is linear.
Subnautica's pretty good for it as there's no jump scares but being in open ocean where your sight is limited triggers a lot of phobias.
Holy shit were would you even put your dick?
I'm gonna frow up
You can't do that in Outlast.
just pick whichever fold of fat you like the most
outlast is shit though
Because you can't shoot them?
it's a walking sim tbh you're not there to play a game the game is there to play at you
Oxenfree, maybe its my fear of radios but that game had me freaking out at every turn. Just the fair warning for the only jumpscares in the game: Its within the last 20 minutes
Agreed. Play a game where the horror is in the setting, not in the jumpscare.
actually we talked about this in the saturday horror threads but horror is elements, the atmosphere, the pacing, the style that kinda thing
I like it when it's constantly deranged and scary (resident evil 4) or it has predictable down time and upsets (dead space). But with those two games, I like it when I can kill a lot of enemies, but more comedic games with horror elements like house of the dead/typing of the dead or dead rising, fits the bill.
stop posting that guy. I think he's trying to stalk me tbh
Sorry, I tried. It's too much to expect that people in horror threads actually play and enjoy horror games though, so I'm not really surprised.
so, this is from that new Silent Hill : SanFran ?
I think you're the only person actually posting it as well tbh
That's very clearly an insane cancer.
Man what do you have against Frankie user? He's just a harmless autistic weatherman.
he was in a discord with me and I told him some things which I believe lead him on so now every now and again I get fucking invites from him out of the blue
shame on you
isn't my fault someone gets the wrong idea tbh
It sorta is when the person you're dealing with is incredibly autistic. It behooves you to think before you speak when dealing with such an individual. They literally cannot take social cues or make inferences based on tone or tenor. Poor old Frankie thinks he has a shot to get all up in your ass now.
it's more a case of not realizing until it's too late
I bet you're running pretty low on ammo right about now.
I remember this weak horror weeb game being pretty fun and tickling my spooky bone just enough.
Never see anyone mentioning this game anywhere though.
SOMA is pretty cool too.
Ending was pretty lame though. Fucking tokyo tower? Such a clichee.
Great game btw, apart from some grind here and there.
Spoiler is best waifu.