Is DARPA forcing diversity in games and developers got together to signal to us that they think it's a joke and that...

Is DARPA forcing diversity in games and developers got together to signal to us that they think it's a joke and that they have no choice but to obey yet they found a way to let us all know that they think it's a bullshit joke?

Surely that is the only explanation of how different developers all decided to make a sassy black afro woman character in their games all at the same time?

Other urls found in this thread:



Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.

Just play Nippon vidya like the rest of lads and forget about the pozz.


I want to colonize the one on the far right


Call them what they are, Reddit.


Bro–remember the gamergate rabbit hole?

"We" followed game developer funders and we found DARPA on the lists.

And then GG lost their balls and parroted "it's about ethics in vidya gaem!". Talk about an anticlimactic ending.

I dropped it around the whole "not your shield" bullshit. Either way it's jews all the way up.

GG chose the bad end. That's all. You can always start a new game tho and do it right.

It's true though. Omni-projecting closeted racists virtue signaling about how totally bad racism is, all end up drawing on the same blaxploitation stereotypes without even a hint of self-awareness.

It's like pottery.


That GG didn't turn into MediaGate is the saddest thing of this decade and I can only assume (((they))) did what they do best and subverted and pacified it.
Could have been amazing, having niggers and faggots stand up and tell the kikes they will be puppets no longer. Too bad they went with PRfaggotry instead and snuffed out any voices with real conviction.


More than half of gg was redditors and twitterfags, what did you think was gonna happen?
Not sure why everyone is always so negative about gg, it brought a bit of awareness to random internet people regarding subversion, a lot of people were directed to Holla Forums etc. We made sjw a dirty word(so much that many leftwingers now claim it's a term we made up and they never used on themselves) and it's a first of people actually not completely backing down as their hobby got invaded.
Sure it could've went better, but don't let this become a blackpill, guys, rather let's see it as one battle in the wareffort.
In any case it brought me to Holla Forums, so I can't help but think it wasn't totally in vain.

Here's the thing though–you think it's coincidence–OP asserts it's deliberate.

It has to be.

And who is listening now? Nobody that isn't already aware of the bullshit. When GG was blowing up, lots of people were listening and trying to find truth. That's when "woke niggers" needed to be heard. Instead PRfaggots took center stage and kept GG on the fence despite everyone on a certain side of the political spectrum being against them.

There is a young black woman who found herself on the "wrong side" of Literally Who and who's eyes got opened to the whole fucking thing. "Red Pill Black" or Candace Owens apparently got personally called by Literally Who and that Who cried about how she was going to "ruin everything" with her proposal to make an easy way to dox people who harass you online.
Apparently, the professional harassment victims don't like the idea of having their harassers doxxed.
Really activates the almonds, doesn't it?

Here is her interview with Rubin on it.

Don't get it twisted, the normalfags are more and more distrusting media. They don't give a shit about game's media but they are distrusting CNN and the like.

I think GG sparked something that has persisted beyond the journalism in a shitty little kids hobby.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a black pill at all. It's more lamenting that we got a 7/10 score instead of a perfect 10. A seven is respectable but it's no perfect run.

I had no idea kikewheels was such a good Christian brother, though I guess that explains why the Christian board is so popular aside from there just being a counterbalance to all the sinning going on.

Thinking isn't proof, especially with normalfaggots ruining a shitty little kids hobby and making it worse.

It does my heart good to see this many people together in Christian fellowship. We really need to have more processions like this in America, to help save this lost and wayward country and return this nation to the path of righteousness.

So that's where the klan got the hood idea from. Imagine people seeing those videos without context.

It's a good thing she has big tits cause damn she's ugly.

Even in-context, it would be a huge shitstorm. Remember, Cuphead is racist because it reminds people of "racist cartoons" which themselves aren't even racist, because they don't usually endorse racist views - they just play with exaggerated stereotypes kind of like Punch Out does today so it's just as vile as if it were expressing racist sentiments itself.

Hundreds of years of history and tradition and meaning are invalid in the presence of my ignorant parochial and emotionally charged opinions.

Though I would like to see one of those processions marching down the streets of a major American city (like Seattle… just for extra laughs) during holy week. Just to fuck with people and see how the news media reacts. We just need a willing Spanishfag to play the culturally unaware but well meaning patsy to play it straight and put the event together in the name of Christian brotherhood and cultural exchange.

And it must have the drums from the second vid. That part is absolutely vital.

No, its all the same character. She's so much of an independent stronk womyn, that she stars in multiple titles. They keep changing her name for some reason.

I'd love to see that happen, the butthurt would be amazing. Are there any countries that have stuff that would offend SJWs like that?

Was there a shitstorm when the christian army in hellsing showed up?

What's malicious about it?
People are rightfully sick and tired of blacks.

Sort of, that I remember. Hellsing is too niche to get the masses buttblasted, and still it's popular enough that whenever someone starts mentioning the KKK - the Hellsing Internet Defense Force quickly sets them straight. Still, yeah, seems like every time someone new discovers the series and comes upon those scenes - they always get on the internet and ask why Hirano thought it would be a good idea to align the KKK with the Vatican or ask if he's racist.

The community could pretty easily manage the influx of retardation. That's not going to happen in the mass media at a good BEST Friday procession - especially if the actual content and dress of the parade was kept a secret or not publicized beforehand… and especially if Antifa could be goaded into showing up and clashing with them.

Hirano is an actual right winger too.

His solution to refugee crisis? Told them to go back and fight back for the homeland.

Don't think that's where the Klan got the idea from, those are Catholics, whom the Klan hated, with good reason mind you.

Why can't developers just add black characters that are bearable without it being obtrusive? Why does every black character have to be a stereotype of their race or a personification of one-sided political values? Same applies to females and homosexual characters.

Burning cross is top tier aesthetics.


I think they may have done it as a mockery.

The thing that will bring all this regressive leftist shut into alignment is when you realize that most White Liberals are racist and white supremacist, they just feel bad about it. It’s all a bunch of neo-White Man’s Burden shit, with the added caveat that White Men must flagellate themselves as they condescend to the poor brownies to make it look less like condescension.
>Token Blacks in every piece of media- You know those poor little Sambo’s, their tiny minds can’t handle it if they don’t see an actor that looks exactly like them in their media. They are so emotionally underdeveloped, they can’t empathize with people that don’t look like them, and that lack of connection emotionally devastates them. So put negroes everywhere.
So on and so forth. It’s how this shit started, though admitted it’s only gotten as out of hand as it has because blacks themselves internalized the greivances mongering that was only ever meant to be felt on their behalf and started pushing the envelope farther than it was ever intended to go, because once you put your neck in a noose for someone, it’s hard to back out when they start pulling on it.

It's because they are racists, user.
They believe that nobody other than white people can achieve what white people achieve without the help of white people.

The leftists that promote this shit are super racists.

Consider that they think that nobody can have a role model in fiction if that role model doesn't conform to the racial, gender, and sexual attributes that they do.

To the leftist, it is impossible that I, a straight white man, thought of Geordi Laforge from Star Trek as an ideal to strive for when it came to engineering knowledge.

Niggers please, Gamergate's the fucking undead. We can go after them anytime, though I hope they implode in on themselves ala NeoFAG.

Either dig up something big enough to start a lawsuit over or we get Trump in on booting them out. Hell, Trump Jr. is aware of at least one of our anons here.

Why? Because the art style is reminiscent of cartoons from the 1920's. Is this what it's come to? Everything from the days before Marxists had firm control over all media is racist?


Too bad there's nothing to fight because there's no "crisis" at all. Radio is saying 36 million "refugees" are trying to escape to Europe.

Like, holy shit, escape WHAT? From WHERE? WHY? Send in the cruise missiles if it's that bad. Except that's not what's happening. There's no "crisis" and nobody will ever even venture to ask those three questions. Their homelands are just the same third-world shitholes they've always been. They're flooding into other countries because someone gave them a free train ticket, a brand new inflatable raft, and a story about free houses and Western luxury.



So basically it's just a coincidence, right? Fellow gamers.

>>>Holla Forums

Come on man, you might as well try convincing people that Star Wars is a true story. Actually for the most part it's probably easier to believe that Star Wars is a true story than the idea that the bible isn't a bunch of nonsense written by dehydrated desert dwellers high on god knows what.

Christ is what unified and directed the people of the west to the heights of civilization

I guess you can go jack off about trees or being euphoric about skydaddies whatever if you like, but when you talk about the west you're talking about Christendom

this is a christian board

lol That's my guess.

No such thing exists in the bible.

Didn't meant to sage; bump.

Is that why the west had all those wars about christianity and had to make a million different sects?

Black Culture was developed by a committee of white guys in the early 1970's.

No the idea of Christ and the unification that came with said idea did that. Just as the idea of Islam drives people to insanity we'll need your fanatic delusions to drive them out. You're our only hope, but that still doesn't change that god exists only in your heart.

GG fell victim to its own useful idiots.

Darpa has given funding to a bunch of autistic SJW bullshit that they probably think can be weaponized.

DIGRA a shit.

Who would that be? /ggrevolt/?

oh please, you pagan fags are nothing more than a new kind of weeaboo.

Romantic paganism has been a thing since the 19th century.

PRfags, the people who cut ties with Holla Forums.

useful idiots wave all kinds of banners

The Holla Forums GG threads here are pretty much a Holla Forums outpost with the rest of the GG hubs being varying degrees of Holla Forums-lite.

Although, it's been cited that Holla Forums itself has undergone constant raidings and boardwars with Holla Forums, TRS, Shareblue, cuckchan refugees following Holla Forums harbor and various other bunkers and imageboards trying to siphon users off it through small exoduses of their after supposedly questionable moderation from 8/pol/'s owner and vols.

All of that compounded by someone known as "SeattleForTruth" whose findings were rejected, which I assume is part of what you're referring to in regards to DiGRA and DARPA. Wound up in the company of the board warring /ggrevolt/ (supposedly with Holla Forums plants, endchan, and those with an axe to grind with AcidMan and Mark's moderation and input). He and the rest of the group then went for each others' throats with a few going to jail including S4T for murder, which didn't help matters at all.

Though after all of that, I wonder: Was any vector of attack or plans to take down these institutions ever made or drafted in the event that GG would focus fully on them? Can anything be done with them now, especially after the Jews and their marxist SJW pets overextended themselves and failed to stop Trump from winning?

15th, really.

Never attribute to stupidity what can be adequately explained by jewish machinations

Doesn’t change the fact that the movement is and always has been a circlejerk of Modern Era urbanite Anglos and/or mongrel-American hipsters- excuse me “artist”- commodifying historic Scandinavian and Germanic religious traditions to make edgy Anti-Christian wank-fests or bullshit an excuse to peddle (((free love.))) Not too mention how everyone that still subscribed to the movement is either a mulatto or a LGBT activist off their iodine pills trying to curse Trump with “Witchcraft.”
For fuck’s sake the Norse pantheon are a comic book superhero family now, neo-paganism is cultural appropriation, perhaps the only true case of it in the West.
Sweden is proof enough that no genuine Vikings are left in the modern era, the least you can do is stop pissing on their memory any more than their cuck descendants already do with their Muslim-rape-fetish enabling government policies.

Try Digra
you don't realize how bad things really are

quite the opposite actually, /cuckhq/, it's lunatic BO, and the ethics cucks


Madcucks wrote about this 15~ years ago in the tech industry. Video games are just catching up to the poz.

/ggrevolt/, please leave.

Pure coincidence goyim
Never mind that all the listed games have prominent jewish designers/directors.

Wasn't there a furry by the name of Sir Wulfington on the ED Forums that kept them updated on what went on in GG for a while until he got triggered by Acid Man trying to keep the board from being overrun with shills and rapefugees like Holla Forums? That was hilarious.

They still can't let go.

Did any of them actually get arrested?
I'm surprised I haven't heard this side of gg before.


Or the obvious: it's a fuck you to white men for voting for Trump.


That black dude is pretty based. Pretty interesting to look at multiple sides that are not sperging out or are hand picked so that only the retards get shown.

I've been reading a few books on game design and programming, also sound design. I was suprised to see that many of them thank darpa for whatever reason or claim funding from darpa in the forword.

DARPA has a big hand into CGI shit as well.

If only user. But hey, at least we got the Revengeance timeline. We get cyborgs and memes instead of awesome Tatsunoko power armours and hero references from the 70s.


/ggrevolt/ was proto/leftypol/

That fucking Wolfenstein one is beyond parody

They are as shallow about others as they are themselves. A dull lense can never shine sharply.

Have you ever considered that religion does not create a type of person, but specific types of people are attracted to certain religions? Maybe intelligent western whites are just attracted to the values of Christianity because they are good and capable people to begin with, and sandniggers are attracted to Islam because they're already violently insane and it tells them what they want to hear and gives them justification for their tendencies.

The bible has natural law, Christ was considered a strong character even by Nietzsche who just hated Paul and the resurrection. Christ was so secure with himself he would wash a 3dpd woman's feet and then chastise the Pharisees for having shit waifus.


No nigger is based, you fucking NeoGAF faggot. Niggers are basically bipedal feral beasts with only the most rudimentary and primitive intelligence.

PR does work in the long run. Acting insincerely edgy didn't work for you in Charlottesville, enjoy losing your domain, your funds, your family, and job. Neogaf and Gawker got kill because we look better.

Black women are self conscious about their nappy hair. When a black girl has straight hair, they call it "good hair".
Naturally, propagandists are trying to eliminate "good hair" as part of their campaign to weaponize black insecurity. Now nappy hair is good hair.

50% "white' nigger christian babies

How is life as a drone?

Cuckchan is down the hall and to the left

Nice try shlomo.

t. trudeau

i'd rather deal with a conservative christian than a liberal left atheist - but the religion of the jew as it is practiced is just stupid and makes people weak

Remember, no videogames!

That afro-epidemid 2017 isn't games exclusive. It's everywhere for some reason.


I doubt DARPA has anything to do with it but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there are shadowy (((investors))) that help companies recoup losses in exchange for forcing diversity themes into their games

Honestly, I'd rather they embrace their afro's than doing fucking weave. Just seeing a black woman with weave makes my stomach churn.

Remember when Domino was a black woman with a white eye instead of the opposite?

Me neither.

It has to do with whole "black pride" shit. As in weaves don't show their true beauty, no nigger is beautiful so they are desperately scraping the barrel.

Ralph from the Ralph Retort was arrested for assaulting police while drunk (shortly after BroTeam Pill made fun of him on a stream, no less)

Someone by the name of Benjamin Barber better known as 'Endomorphosis' in GG circles was arrested

Then we have S4T who is probably the most creepiest and depressing out of them all; tried to present links between what was going on in the industry to Common Core/other shadowy government related entities, but came off as schizophrenic while doing so, thus his findings were largely disregarded. This led to a rift between him and Holla Forums, GG, and eventually broke off from Ayyteam/revolt figures; he snapped and killed his own father.

As for any of them being arrested directly after Acid Man reported them, no, I don't recall that, but they did freak out over it on stream and became quiet for a while. The tale of the staff behind the dedicated Gamergate boards on Holla Forums, culminating in the fights between /gamergatehq/ and /ggrevolt/ is a long and ugly one. How much and how long have you kept track on Gamergate, by the way?

I wasn't talking about IQ, I know niggers have a low one and that most can be fucking hanged. I was talking about that that black guy goes out of his way to show that the KKK or any group like that isn't just "muh natzees" and that there is actually discussion to be had with all race shit again on. That's something I can respect.

stupid meme

I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved OP.
DARPA has always been up to sketchy shenanigans. They put up smoke bombs and locked everything down and derailed threads when we tried to investigate them. Globalist propaganda in a powerful medium is most definitely likely to be an intriguing experiment for them, Wolfenstein perhaps being a very strong example of them. Look at how arrogant Bethesda has been acting. They were greedy, but I don't remember them being this politically motivated before; they're very likely getting paid under the table so that even if this is a flop, they wouldn't care too much.

You know, I never expected Beyond Good and Evil 2 to be Fourth Reich: The Game, but this is just disgusting. They should have left the franchise in the grave where it belonged.

CNN-tier, kys

It's malice AND stupidity working in concert, you dumb naive bastard.

Everyone worth a damn came here and started focusing on pedowood tbh.

acid helped to kill gg. wake up.


she fine in bw2 tho

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is beyond fucking bizarre. The protagonist in the first game was already ambiguously brown, the bad guys were all white men (at least the ones without the helmet) and it was set on a diverse planet full of anthropomorphic humans. The sequel is announced and we're presented with a ghetto crackwhore and her pet chimp, both proudly displaying their nigger behavior. I mean, both characters are genuinely repulsive. It's like they are daring people to point out what they're doing.

I just remember laughing when it got announced and the guy came out and acted all emotional. Then they acted like this was the game people waited for and paraded around its diversity as a selling point. Ubisofts jewery is so blatant it's genuinely funny.

I don't think it's so much that as that what they want to promote is general niggerish behavior - not just black people in general, but that very particular kind of black person: low IQ, impulsive, angry, arrogant, needlessly violent, base. Controlled by urges instead of controlling them. They want to promote this kind of behavior, this kind of persona, as being desirable - not just for blacks, but for everyone. They're pairing Afrocentrism with youthful rebellion and moral goodness to infect people with the memetics of the blackest "blackness."

we've had the accidental redpill once in a while, its not completely uncommon. i'm curious how they will justify their actions from the trailer though. even the most leftist normalfag on the planet will find it hard to see anything heroic in these characters - they were shown as smug criminals. maybe the asian pig guy is an even worse being or being criminal is good in an edgy kind of way.

the engine demo looked nice as far as i remember.

This man is a physical manifestation of a Stormcloak nigger

Good point. I've seen a few ads where I live, usually aimed at kids, full of children dressed in nigger clothes, twerking and rapping. It was frankly disgusting to see.

No one on the left will dare criticize it for fear of being called racist.

It is when the only "safe" badass black woman they can recognize is the same muse for them


It's not like these cunts harass themselves 90% of the time, or anything

You have my condolences

Loving the color correction on those last three pictures.
Can’t have blacks actually looking black, lord no. Make ‘em as light as you possibly can.

FUCKING YES. This was one of the biggest things to come out of GamerGate. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and DiGRA/DARPA were all funding the ultra-leftist indie clique pushing and normalizing Marxism in video games. This was being done at the same time as video games being brought violently into the mainstream (Gamers are dead) and pushing the notion that games are the education tools of the future.

Yeah, them racial stereotypes be really horrible. Them crackers should be ashamed of theyselves.


What can be done about either Pedowood or DiGRA/DARPA by anons besides dropping redpills, noting and documrnting their presence? The current situation with Harvey Weinstein and Tyler Malka was brought about by their own hands, though I suspect Trump's victory may have played a part in applying pressure to get their misdeeds further out in the open.

Popes drained the blood of juveniles to inject it into themselves.

Your argument is invalid.

user, that's what they call "acting white".

Kek, and it doesn't have anything to do with what's in the bible either

If you are arguing for protestants then you are the source of all problems.

All the degeneracy of today's age is the fault of a german jew being unhappy of being a monk and protest like a faggot. Also comes from a degenerate english king who just wanted to break the sacred union of marriage.

Fuck off jew.

Yes, moishe. I’m sure that popes sure did what kikes have been proven to do for millennia when the latter group is known for projection of their own crimes onto others. That’s certainly what happened.

You can't honestly be this retarded?

You can't honestly be such a jew you have to defend the ones that made it much worse than anything the catholic church did.

Don't try to fool yourself and believe Martin Luther and Henry the 8th weren't as degenerate as the others mentioned, if not MUCH worse.

Listen buddy, you can believe all the retardation you want. I don't really care. But if you think that the catholic church has a moral high ground over anyone in history, you're a fucking joke and a loser.

Just arguing they have a moral highground against protestants.

And that grecoromans were superior to any jew tricks.

They're both shit, Pagans were gay, we need to invent a new religion that unequivocally tells its followers to hang leftists, coalburners, pedophiles, trannies, faggots, minorities, Jews and anything else that comes out of the fecal post-futurist boiling pot.

That's why they still exist today, right?
Last off-topic post for the thread for me


But user.

This is a Decoy Octopus thread.

Daily dose

Syria's not so great but most of the "refugees" aren't even coming from there. They're "economic refugees" which is newspeak for leeches coming to Europe for gibs.


too bad they didnt listen to Holla Forums

Anyone got DARPA funding redpills that I can check out? I lost all my sauce a while back and wanted to jog my memory.


Because if you make a black character who acts like a human being and not a hilarious caricature of a black person, these people think you're making them internally white or some bullshit.

Apart from Black Baron. He's fantastic.


These are the exact two images I was looking for, thanks user.

I see you had the lovely opportunity to witness the cancer that is r/asatru. Trust me, I don't know what pagans you've met, but most of the guys i've met keep the shit on the down low. Its only the ones that ramble on about it are those who are either faggots on reddit or pretentious white supremacists. You've got a point about the anti-christian rhetoric though, but lets be honest with ourselves, religious politics is all about hating everyone else. At least pagans have a foot to stand on, some fucking sand nigger from the middle east has no business anywhere outside the fertile crescent.

Iceland keeps the tradition alive, THEY are the last holdout.

Because being a nigger, gay or a feminist is a trait they add to their characters as a crutch to shield all criticism of their poor writing. You can't criticize Beyond Good and Evil 2's protagonists because they're both black African Americans, even though they have nothing to do with BG&E1 and one of them is not even human. They'll strawman your arguments into being arguments against niggers.

Follower of Jesus' teachings != Lover of the Church of Nice sponsored by (((Our Greatest Ally))) be sure to watch (((Kingsman))) written by (((Jane Goldman)))
Literally JC, who himself was a Jew, taught the rest of the world, Jews included, to hate everything Judaism stood for and to stand up against who might oppress you, not turning the other cheek like a fucking faggot. They took all the important life-lessons of the Bibble and reversed them into being commie propaganda.

We became Holla Forums. Those that remained were too far gone to save.

It's odd how that works out, since every once in a great while, one of them do something that seems almost human - and it kind of makes you wonder whether they actually can be domesticated or if they're just parroting human behavior and we're just misguidedly anthropomorphizing them.

Though I guess that kind of thinking is what got us into this mess to begin with.

Stupidity (and incompetence) are the most convenient shield possible for malicious actors because those explanations can cover up for almost any action. It is universally preferable to be viewed by some as incompetent or stupid (which oftentimes lack any real consequences past you possibly not being elected if you're a politician) than to be viewed an accessory to a murder, a fraud, or a thief. Such a specious meme only provides cover for malicious actors.

These similar looking black women characters are more than a bit reminiscent of the "Gamers are Dead" articles that kicked off Gamergate, which does suggest the possibility of GamesJournoPro style collusion on the development end. There easily could be some kind of connection between DARPA and this, but I'd have to see evidence linking them to at least two of the developers to be anything more than agnostic on the subject.

It is also possible that these examples are just a culmination of trends that have been in the gaming industry for the past decade as well as the current political climate. First off, publishers like to manufacture controversy. For examples of this, consider the case of Dante's Inferno where E.A. (laughably) played actors to play the part of Christian fundamentalist protestors outside E3 to promote their game. Politics is heavily saturating every aspect of the modern environment, so it's an easy source of cheap controversy to go to. This wouldn't be the first time entertainment companies tried to bait out racist responses to promote their product. If you recall the first trailer for Star Wars episode 7 it opens with a calm shot of the sand dunes of a desert planet with whispered dialogue and quiet music then a trombone horn bursts through the quiet as John Boyega's face rises upward from the center of the screen. The trailer was formatted exactly like a screamer, but Disney made hay out of the reactions of (correctly) shocked theater-goers, allowing their proxies to misconstrue a directly intended response as a sign that everyone is a racist. Race-baiting is in vogue, so it's unsurprising that would be the source of manufactured controversies in current year gaming.

This is also because of the current political climate. Black Lives Matter dominated the news cycle in the closing years of Obama's term as POTUS and politics of representation arose to the forefront for neo-liberals and the coalition who supports them. The environment has changed such that any depiction of any race (or absence thereof) is construed as a political statement, especially in the case of blacks. At the same time, Anita Sarkeesian managed to controversy-bait idiots into giving her ammunition to become a professional e-beggar. Her whining about every variant of female representation resulted in a lot of bad press for gaming companies with people that wouldn't have played their games in the first place. In response, marketing departments probably upped the pressure to appeal to whatever standards she holds, most clearly by signaling that they're politically aligned. Appealing to the broadest possible representational overlap by going for "strong" black women seems like it would probably be a pretty safe shield from criticism from the Left for this purpose.

Lastly, Black Dynamite and other ironic blaxploitation has also been in vogue (likely because of BLM), so that influence would also explain the aesthetics of going with the same exact Foxy Cleopatra look.

tl;dr: I wouldn't rule out collusion, but it could just be that these developers are functioning in the same environment and facing the same pressures, which may force this outcome.

I fail to see the connection here.

Oh my god. We actually live in 1984. Like, the world is an actual dystopian nightmare where china, russia, and US are playing round rosie wargames and we are being crushed underfoot. This is all together too much.

Degeneracy didn't start with the reformation you mong, it was always there. It's just that penance had to be paid to the Church, and by the time the merchant families bought the throne of St. Peter, nobody gave much of a fuck unless they could use it to slander another family. The Holy See was filled to the brim with harlots, merchants, and sodomites… which is what pushed people like Savonarola and Luther to break away.

Of course, once they broke away, and sin became even more of a personal responsibility - people gave even less of a fuck about their own sinning, and started seeing it as a personal responsibility to punish others for their sins.

nah its the 70s setting
and afro is super "empowering"

Soooo like any religion? Even atheism is close minded like that moron, stop being a edgyfag

Shouldnt need a religion to push DOTR, chill out

How deep does this go?

Said the offended sheep

To the top. Gaming is the perfect engineering tool. The brain absorbs so much more information when playing a game than through reading a book or being lectured by someone. There is a deeper connection as you yourself are playing out the events on the screen, you become more attached opposed to films and TV where you're just a passenger. They were very upset with GG and Holla Forums as we blew the thing open and damaged their image for years to come. The culture war we're seeing today has been playing out for decades, but it came to a head with GG and all the leftist vermin being exposed.

this thread is blatant shilling.

Read the whole post my man, he wasnt implying theres nothing happening.
He was saying that theres no actual crisis that they're "escaping" from, they're just coming here to freeload becausee they know they can and thats because someone told them so.
Prob the people who profit from shipping them here / lefties.

She's okay. Not a raging cunt either last I checked, which is a huge bonus.


Funny way to say "co-opted by obvious plants like Yiannopolous, assorted e-celeb detritus and false flags masquerading as Holla Forums all in a concerted effort to guide things away from investigating the worst things GG uncovered".

The irony is the PRcucks were right in one respect. If the effort had remained laser-focused on uncovering unethical bullshit at all levels of the media and entertainment industry, that would have caused real trouble. Instead the entire enterprise ended up like a dog chasing its tail to avoid being branded "ebil nadzees" by actually falling for the bait.

This was how it started
It was always about ethics

second exodus revisionists at it again


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don't rule out malice

Even if they are pushing forced diversity (which I am starting to believe they are) the best way to sanction them for this is not buying their games. If the push is especially egregious there's always the option of a boycott.

Although, the more I think on this, video games, as most things we do, are influenced by the culture. So I don't think I'm in error when positing that: what we are seeing now is a generation of designers and coders (but mostly designers) with left leaning biases coming to the forefront and trying to push their ideology through their product. Which is okay by me, but I've never met a lefty codder that was also competent.
The competent ones are either agnostic to politics or are libertarian/conservative leaning.

Or another more outlandish theory, this is a reaction to Gamergate and these companies and studios are telling us to take or leave it, because these are the games they wish to make.
To which my response is, let the market sort it out. In the end it tells the execs what games to make.


just call them jews

This push anonymously for high-fidelity memetic warfare, where the elite is busy trying to ensure the integrity of the top, so focused on ensuring there is no blunt take over of their apparatus in open confrontation, has left their lower resources wide open for infiltration. The ranks of their security apparatus can be easily filled with anons who are even moderately intelligent. They are probably desperate for intelligent anons to keep their apparatus under control.

After a generation or more, they'll be faced with having to purge their own security infrastructure if they don't import non-partisans from outside the state to fill their ranks. They are desperate to keep out white Americans from security positions because they are more likely to turn on them.

However, they also need white American intelligence in order to compete with the whites who are fed up with their being siphoned off of by both the poor and the rich at the same time.

There is a vacuum of substance behind everything they're pushing and it's starting to run on hot air alone, with a lot of huffing and puffing from the top to make their structure seem a lot more robust than it really is. They're willing to collapse the whole USA before they get cucked out of it. They will defect to other states and they will be accepted because of their wealth.

This is the problem with corporations for a state body: there's no great ability for them to prevent defections and transfers of wealth. The kikes are freaking out about the increasing marketshare of America only because they're also losing their influence there. If they were secured as the only influencers in America as they were previously, they would be fine with the market rising. However, the injection of capital into American following Trump is legitimizing him and making people start to reconsider their opinion. The lemmings like economic comfort over social comfort.

Of course, the control of interest rates is how the money-handlers decide how much goes to (((them))) and no one else. The question is how much the population can tolerate and as the market rises, they increase their usury rates in return.

Negative interest rates are a sign that the (((bankers))) aren't making money, and their wealth and power are supposed to be guaranteed through the interest-rate mechanism and debt/money creation. The owners of large banks do not do anything but play games of moving around money for the sake of increasing their own power. All the hard work like crunching numbers, etc. are done by plebs for their sake.

The owners are not satisfied with just owning nearly half the world, they need to own it all, as a way to prevent not only being in a weakened position but also from the resentful lynchings that will take place by the people they've fucked over for the maintenance of their wealth.

They were never committed nationally to any nation. They are an international cabal that siphons off the youth and productivity of all nations. They do this through holding the majority of capital/wealth and then using that capital/wealth to manipulate the market at large. It's the same thing Soros did with the British pound. This is the very core of their method and ability. Save up capital and then use it to create more capital without doing any work except the smart movement of money and the influencing of opinion.

The issue with this is it requires them to keep people ignorant. It requires them to keep a constant newscycle where people easily let go of the past and accept their new reality where they make the most money. Right now there's an attempt to make white people as a whole give up their whole past and history 'as if it never existed' because that past does not conform to their profits. At the end of the day, they will say they were doing nothing illegal and that, no matter how subversive and disgusting and genocidal they were, that it was all for money and that (((everyone should understand that))).

All the worlds finance/banks, political leaders throughout the world, all the media, and israel just to name a few.

you can substituent bourgeoisie for jews and it still works.

that's because Jews are the bourgeoisie

such a shame GG never reached its full potential, it could have been glorious.

#NotYourShield and their "based" faggots, niggers and kikesses.

Yep, the whole "it's actually about ethics" was complete BS and the first sign of subversion, GG was always about politics and people sick of marxist garbage.
>Hello fellow GG, i hate SJWs as much as you do, but please stop being so racist and homophobic, if we want to win this battle we need to be more (((inclusive)))
And the rest is history.


You're agreeing with him.


Doesn't the female nig in Far Cry 5 also have an afro?

in what fucking world?

That third one is taken out of context.

they misspelled terrorists.


Holla Forums approved of #Notyourshield from the onset and Holla Forums was angry about gaming click bait tabloids before it reached a climax with GG. The "Ethics" mantra being paraded around did not mean that the politics behind those journo faggots went unnoticed or buried.

Considering the 'such diversity' angle so many devs push it's nice to see that they're being honest and showing that it's impossible to make black characters without them being murderous destructive criminals.

Dat Dozel style.

The sad part is that I'm currently trying to go out with a black girl that is cute as hell. Why do they have to make characters ugly when they can make them cute? Sticking tits and an afro on an ugly man is not how you make brown qts.

I know it's because this thing is a piece of shit and does it for everything over a certain pixel height, but come on



I'm half Chinese. There is no reason to care about race at this point.

Honestly, I like muscle on a girl, but westerners always make men with tits or just ugly tranny-looking whores. I'd like to introduce them to this girl so they can see what a brown qt looks like, and she even has the curly hair like a real black girl. None of that perm, try to look white shit. I want to feel it. Probably feels like a shaggy dog, but better.

Got a point, I mean it's the most racist stereotypical depiction of a negress short of african oogabooga platelips

DARPA likely had S4T framed for the murder of his father just to cover up this truth.

Carry on then I guess.
Alternatively, you could always take one for the team.

I honestly don't give a shit. I've fucked white girls and Hispanic girls. Don't really like Asian girls, and I look more white than anything and have a normal cock. Elliot was an autistic faggot that never got a gf because he never tried. Ironically women wanted to fuck him after he an heroed. I love women, and my cock doesn't discriminate. I'm afraid I'm never going to be a supreme gentleman.

But seriously, I have some jungle fever when it comes to this girl. Like, have you ever met a girl that just acts cute all the time? She's like that, and that makes my cock harder than any physical feature. She's also kind of flat but has a small waist and a good ass. I also really want to know what it's like to have thick lips around my cock.

Shoo shoo, Jew

Hey, I didn't say you have to fuck her. In fact, I prefer no competition. I'm just saying I want to fuck a black girl at school, not that I'm into black girls or you should be into them. I'm also not Jewish, as evidenced by the fact that I'm fucking broke right now and don't have the urge to settle on Palestinian land.

Way to prove his point

My only concern for the human race is that we don't destroy the only planet we can survive on. All this jews and niggers stuff can continue. Just don't fuck with the animals let them deal with their own shit. They don't have the minds to comprehend and I think it's for the best they don't. Imagine smart animals breeding with our women. God damn.

There's no way all this forced nigger shit is just a coincidence.


God damn. Do you hapas have degeneracy stamped into you genetic code? Every hapa I've seen has either been a gigantic degenerate or a self-hating loser.

This is why you don't race mix, you create disgusting cretins like this. Shame Monette Moio didn't vex you too, then maybe you would have killed yourself.

Of course they do.

You did say you wanted a nigger so that's what you get.

Don't procreate.

Hahahahaha holy shit I'm going to start using this, though "paganboo" or "pagaboo" doesn't roll off the tongue very well now does it.

The reason why jap black girls look so much better is BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REALLY BLACK.

Decoy Octopus, look it up you gay.

true, but niggers cant tell the difference. Dark skin = from Africa.

Ain't seeing an issue here.

In addition to this post. It is imperative that we discover exactly what our mental and physical limitations are as a species before we can further any agenda. Once we know our limitations we can easily exploit them for whatever cause we desire. Maybe 'They' figured it out first and are using it against us.


I'm not posting images of your mother though.

Had this been any other character than Domino I'd be excited to see a poofy haired delicious brown… But Fuck them for taking away a role for a qt pale girl


I've always wondered why since Christianity isn't Jewish they jerk off the tanachkks so much.

lol naw

spoiler that shit


I used to live in Africa. Those aren't refugees. Refugees wear hole filled LEGO shirts donated by green peace or red cross or some shit 20 years ago. Just the shirt. No pants, no underwear.

You incel faggots are retarded.
I'm sorry I have a normal college life while you have to stay on Holla Forums and will never, ever graduate from imageboards, loser.

No, I think I'll do what I want. Faggots like you are just jealous.

Holy shit, underrated.

Weird face. No wonder why its black and white.

Wasn't the whole deal with luther about banding with lesser nobles to steal church property

jesus christ


I've fucked a black girl. Ask me anything.

How bad is your AIDS?

AIDS free. Wrap it before you tap it, though. This applies to all unkown women (or boipussy, you faggots).



Like why do you even care, you faggot? Or are you just a virgin with rage?


Hey, I've more or less graduated from complete loser status. I've fucked three girls since starting school, have good grades and work out daily. The only reason I still hang out on imageboards is because it's a habit. The only problem that poster seems to have with me is that I want to fuck a black girl. Literally "stop liking what I don't like". And it's not even like he can be mad about the white race or whatever stupid shit he's obsessed with. I'm not even white enough to do that. He is a loser, but not because he posts here. He's a fucking loser because he's probably a virgin and instead of bettering himself, he's trying to get other people to be just as retarded as him.

u just sound like a huge fag lmao

talk about being butthurt.
you are a nigger fucker and a mongrel abomination yourself, any insult to you would be superfluous and redundant.
stay mad faggot.

Well, Blazkocwitz actually dies by getting decapitated by the nazi bitch. They save his head from dropping into the fire and he actually lives in a fishbowl like tube ala Futurama. You get to choose what tech to use to enhance your new body that your head will be transfered too.

The thing is, I don't think there's anything wrong with being mixed or fucking black chicks. So that's never going to be a source of shame. Maybe it is for you, but this is like insulting someone for having brown eyes. Most people don't think there's anything wrong with that. Also, this pretty much confirms you are a virgin, and the reason is because you're a fucking loser. That's never going to change because you have the mentality of a loser.

now this is what i call LARPing
how can i join?

Why even live?

Instead of bitching like a faggot and using petty, grade school-level insults like an autist, why don't go back to reddit or tumblr?
You surely find those shitholes more welcoming to retards like yourself.

>Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don't rule out malice
Always you niggers with the intentional quote butchering. If you're gonna use a cliched quote, at least say the full thing.

Not yet. :^)

Honestly, I don't want to spend time on Holla Forums. My main board was Holla Forums anyway, and I have studies and work to focus on.

You have to think. I'm actually building a career, will eventually have kids, and be all around well-adjusted. Meanwhile the race-obsessed faggots ITT dream of doing just that and instead of doing it, shitpost about muh niggers on Holla Forums. There is literally nothing stopping you from making it other than yourselves.

I've been on imageboards ever since I found my older brother browsing /g/. Also, those things I said are likely true, and they matter far more than accusations of being from reddit or some other place. No, I'm from irl now. The internet is nothing but a game, and you think it's real.



You laugh, but I've been spending less and less time on imageboards. I spent all of highschool online, and never got laid or did interesting things, and the worst part is that if I had been trying to do those things, I wouldn't have missed anything. Nothing worth of note is happening here. No history books will have these posts in them. This is meaningless.


t.brainlet that used this site as his version of facebook and social media

You aren't there yet, kiddo. You are citing accomplishments that aren't even yours. Take Satan's advice

Maybe not to the world, but certainly to my family, and who knows, I might do something interesting. Stranger things have happened.

Yeah, the difference is that I'm actually working toward those things instead of just bitching that someone I don't know is doing something I don't like. Unless I die very soon, I am going to go on to have a good job and a good degree. The chances of my success are vastly higher than some NEET loser on the internet.

Good for you honestly.
I've been trying give this up for a long time.
I hope you don't relapse though.

The way you are acting you better be careful.
Like you still think what people say to you here matters.
You're never gonna get out if you can't walk away.

Yeah, but right now I'm so tired, that this is the only activity I can do without feeling terrible. You're right though. It's been enough. I'm going to sleep for the day. Goodnight, user.



If you can't cope with being an outsider and above normal people in terms of general understaing i'd guess it's bad

If they're trying to force afro'd black women into everything, they could at least bring back some 70's-style blaxploitation. I would play the fuck out of a Dolemite game.

Why do hapas love to derail everything?

That's racist user. But making the same black woman with an afro in every game is ok because the only black people SJWs have seen are in 70s blaxploitation movies.

Welacome newfag!
Remember Digra?
that Thinktank that spawned poz all over the place?
even the LW came from that shithole
that kikery was funded by Darpa


I wonder where the delusions of grandeur is coming from, The white half, or the Asian half?

Money is on the Asian half.

Oh shit, he's actually responding to each post, insisting he isn't a loser.

Do hapas get off on blatantly lying on the internet?

Shit always gets fucky when these organizations get brought up


There's a few other threads with similar information concerning Silverstring Media, The Guardian, and GDC, ESA, ESRB, etc. Question is, what can be done about them? To whom exactly must they be reported to, if it all?

the autism of that stream where they all sulk and worry about jail time still makes me laugh

Hello shitskin

Ashkenazi jews, you dumb nigger.

Because all blacks do act that way, all homosexuals act that way and all women act that way. Not in every aspect, but there is always a common thread.

Every war fought between christian nations was for land and power, religious differences was just an excuse, just as "spreading democracy" is the excuse in this century.

You insecure little shit, first you start blabbing about how you want to fuck a negress for some reason, and then you start "bragging" about fucking three girls and working out daily? In response to some webms? bro get some perspective lmao

While your at it post face pics so bullying can commence eurasiantiger




People who brag on the internet have mental issues. I've seen it before, you make a nigger joke or poke fun and they go off on how great their life is, and how superior they are to you. This guy reeks of having an r/hapas mindset. It's fookin creepy smh tbh fam

i be blessed famalam

Quads confirm that even Kek doesn't like hapas.

Back on topic, yeah, the US govt being an arm of ZOG will always be used in a way which pushes the normalization of race mixing and degeneracy. If they are involved in this shitty industry, who knows? What I do know is that there are subversive forces at work in games, much like in every other entertainment industry.



just sudoku yourself. I'm actually a bit embarrassed for you.

funny innit

You're a disgrace to all hapas.
Please end yourself or only fuck Asian women like I do.


-t. diversity officer

Yeah it's just lame. I have to say, if you're going to make a character a criminal do it like Sly Cooper or some shit, where it has style and grace to it. Not nigger BS

meanwhile in elex

You’re a degenerate piece of shit contributing to the destruction of society.

The solution is obvious, what we need is Wolfenstein: Soul Sister edition.

is elex actually enjoyable? all videos i've seen make the gameplay look jank as fuck

how about nazi soul plane?

Elex fucking sucks. There's a million great games out there, don't waste your time on this shit.

Ah, the son of an Israeli weapons dealer. What happened to him after he was cucked by Van Valkenburg?

We're just going to see another crash in the coming years. As more and more of these games come out with protags and stories based around "muh diversity," we'll see a pretty steady stream of the near same story coming out every year, just with names swapped and events marginally altered. After another cycle of the same thing, and I'm going to guess that even some of the more fringe facebook chads will start to notice a pattern

Well, there are some strong womyn narrative going on. Its nu-german after all.

thanks. i'll watch some more videos just to confirm, but I always thought it looked like jank mess that had to rely on word of mouth as its marketing. I'm pretty sure that tactic only works if your product is worth mentioning.

when did ign start rating asses?

Nah Piranha Bytes is just stuck in the 90s, they are power women of the Lara Croft type not contemporary strong womyn.

Elex is just Scifi Risen, you either like that type of game or you hate it.


I would play that, and unironically enjoy it.

so long as the gameplay is good

There are some scary parallels here to Japanese, US, and European Capcom boxarts.

It's clear that she doesn't have the features of the other ones, but then what is she?


Halloween is perfect for th