This push anonymously for high-fidelity memetic warfare, where the elite is busy trying to ensure the integrity of the top, so focused on ensuring there is no blunt take over of their apparatus in open confrontation, has left their lower resources wide open for infiltration. The ranks of their security apparatus can be easily filled with anons who are even moderately intelligent. They are probably desperate for intelligent anons to keep their apparatus under control.
After a generation or more, they'll be faced with having to purge their own security infrastructure if they don't import non-partisans from outside the state to fill their ranks. They are desperate to keep out white Americans from security positions because they are more likely to turn on them.
However, they also need white American intelligence in order to compete with the whites who are fed up with their being siphoned off of by both the poor and the rich at the same time.
There is a vacuum of substance behind everything they're pushing and it's starting to run on hot air alone, with a lot of huffing and puffing from the top to make their structure seem a lot more robust than it really is. They're willing to collapse the whole USA before they get cucked out of it. They will defect to other states and they will be accepted because of their wealth.
This is the problem with corporations for a state body: there's no great ability for them to prevent defections and transfers of wealth. The kikes are freaking out about the increasing marketshare of America only because they're also losing their influence there. If they were secured as the only influencers in America as they were previously, they would be fine with the market rising. However, the injection of capital into American following Trump is legitimizing him and making people start to reconsider their opinion. The lemmings like economic comfort over social comfort.
Of course, the control of interest rates is how the money-handlers decide how much goes to (((them))) and no one else. The question is how much the population can tolerate and as the market rises, they increase their usury rates in return.
Negative interest rates are a sign that the (((bankers))) aren't making money, and their wealth and power are supposed to be guaranteed through the interest-rate mechanism and debt/money creation. The owners of large banks do not do anything but play games of moving around money for the sake of increasing their own power. All the hard work like crunching numbers, etc. are done by plebs for their sake.
The owners are not satisfied with just owning nearly half the world, they need to own it all, as a way to prevent not only being in a weakened position but also from the resentful lynchings that will take place by the people they've fucked over for the maintenance of their wealth.
They were never committed nationally to any nation. They are an international cabal that siphons off the youth and productivity of all nations. They do this through holding the majority of capital/wealth and then using that capital/wealth to manipulate the market at large. It's the same thing Soros did with the British pound. This is the very core of their method and ability. Save up capital and then use it to create more capital without doing any work except the smart movement of money and the influencing of opinion.
The issue with this is it requires them to keep people ignorant. It requires them to keep a constant newscycle where people easily let go of the past and accept their new reality where they make the most money. Right now there's an attempt to make white people as a whole give up their whole past and history 'as if it never existed' because that past does not conform to their profits. At the end of the day, they will say they were doing nothing illegal and that, no matter how subversive and disgusting and genocidal they were, that it was all for money and that (((everyone should understand that))).