
Wolfenstein 2 a perfect representation of how Nu-males see their lives.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's not actually white he's jewish.

He is a kike

He's a golem.
Also, just fast-forwarded through a couple of hours of "gameplay." Out of that two hours seems like you maybe have a gun in your hand and shooting for 30-45 minutes. Nearly thirty minutes of cut scenes before you actually do anything at the start. Also BJ has a "white supremacist" father who beats his mom, ties him up, and makes him kill a dog. Fuck this trash propaganda film.

why is the preggo woman fighting ?

he looks white as fuck tho

See the file name

You don't play as Blazkowicz in Wolf2?

Are you really this dim?

I played the original Wolfenstein and I never knew this, he's white as shit though, he even has blonde hair

That's how kikes see themselves while looking like pic related in reality.

In original he was Texan with Polish background.
Also looked like a normal dude, and not a parody with the physique of a fucking two-door fridge

Its a kike fantasy

stop talking about this game if you hate it, this is how viral marketing works.



In RtCW and 2009 he didn't HATE nazis, he was the best super sekrit agent OSA had who always got the job done and allowed the WWII stalemate to continue (^:

He's talking about the guy in the video.

But I want more products like this? I can't wait for black tranny superheroes and pedos fighting nazis in wolfenstein 3. This entire SJW shit in games is hilarious. How can you not want more of this?

Five hour game, majority of it is cutscenes, no multiplayer, aggressive Swedecuck political marketing. guaranteed GOTY!

Flashback cutscene served no purpose other than political bullshit.

Well you can basically consider these 3 as retconned. Nobody who have anything to do with Poland will ever fucking side with commies.

Oh I thought you were referring to the guy in the embed.


shit my bad i guess

a (((white))) dude

he was retconned into being a jew (Jewness overrides nationality), his POLISH father was an ebil antisemide who personally set on fire 160000000 gorillon Jews in Jedwabne, it was true in my mind btw. buy my next book
t. Jan T. Gross

how very subtle

This is a common jewish trick and projection. See all the Hollywood movies in where the soyboy beats the Chad and gets the beautiful blonde girl. All those movies are directed or written by cuck jews.


depends if the polish-soviet war happened in that universe

Makes me upset I enjoyed the other recent wolfenstein games, I played the new order and minus the whole nahtzees stole everything the jews made it was pretty fun this one just looks fucking autistic, at least keep politics out of it. I did replay the 2008 one recently, I used to think it was great few years back, fuck is it repetitive and boring now.

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes


>muh white complacency in the trump presidency nazi rule
This game is specifically made to be an antifa masturbatory fantasy and it's fucking hilarious to watch this shitshow.

To be fair, props to Bethesda for this one- they capture the "insane lefty" look perfectly

At least they're trying to get the liberals created realistically I guess.

It's so fucking creepy how their eyes look like that though. Almost as if they're insane. Oh, wait.

If it weren't for the webms I would have thought the screencaps were fake. It's just too fucking insane to be real, but yet here we are.

come goy, its a satire!

Yeah I'm kinda surprised they looked at that and didn't notice just how insane the sheboon looks.

She couldn't look anymore like a fucking baboon if they tried.

I don't think these people know Holla Forums very well.

Funny, given that in such a scenario the nazis would just have to toss some gibs into the oven to get the nigs to goosestep into them of their own free will.

This. They later changed him into a kike because kikes secretly don't want to be kikes.


yes that's what Wolfenstein is

Come on user

The credits scene is a commie/libtard/antifa wet dream

They really nailed the shitlib face with that guy

This how premise is fucking dumb. I don't know the Wolfenstein lore, but assuming this is right after WWII where the Axis win, one of the first things they would do is ship the niggers back to Africa and the spics back across the border.

Is there a trump-like character in the game?



This is the most Numale core game I've ever seen. Holy fuck.

RtCW and 2009 had a premise of

Sounds like the nazis are 100% justified in this game and you play as the bad guy

Oh no how could he. Lets see what Jedwabne on wiki was about.
Ok this is fuckign enough. Jedwabniki was segregated like any jewish community is or used to be but it doesn't fucking matter. You either listened to germans in WW2 or died. This is what occupation means.
It is not like it was enough for you to be polish and exist for them to kill you or anything. Or wait it was, plus they weren't jews but just random people from Poland. I wonder why Jew community speakers never mentions that they didn't really gave a fuck about you nationality or religion there.

I will also add nice part from wiki:
How unaware of how war looks like are these people?

this is just fucking wrong and goes against every instict human can have

Of course this isn't the actual Axis, the new wolfenstein games use a boogeyman version where they steal jewish tech and use it to burn niggers with mechanical hounds that shoot flames just for shits and giggles.

God I hope this social media bait game crashes and burns. Or for some talented game dev user to make an indie campaign shooter where you actually play as the good guys Germans.

I said something akin to that after the E3 reveal where it looked like they were going to accidentally make a pro-complacency aesop.

"See? If you kept your head down and didn't try to start shit, we wouldn't have to gun you uprisers and supporters in cold blood!"

Does that mean holocoaster and masturbation milking machines are finally real?

I know its video games, but this shit is dumb.


Was this bethesda's grand scheme, make the leftist out to be what they are in their vyda's? End up redpilling massive amounts of ppls? Seriously unable to tell if bethesda is cucked or are secretly Ourguys.

It's like they hired B^U as one of the writers


fucking flags every time



Isn't Trump's brother part owner of Zenimax?

Hopefully one day, we'll get a big budget shooter about taking down the globalists, kikes and Antifags.

Wow a anarchist flag, and power fist symbol :/ Seriously i honestly think bethesda made this almost as a silent redpill to make fun of lefties, because half of the webems and shit i've seen of this game is so overtop and satire i couldn't take this game seriously even if i tried.

Hmm don't know, but big if true.

No, B^U at least knows how to write in a convenient abortion.

If those were implemented then you could maybe argue that the games story was made with irony that has gone off the rails, but shit like this is evidence that they are pretty much playing the whole thing straight.

Do you even ask? Its obvious that Bethesda™ are /ourguys/

Now show your support for that great company and buy Fallout™ 4




Goylem please it's her body and her choice.

Wait a fucking second, this pic cant be real

This has to be a joke. I refuse to believe that this is what videogames have turned into.


oy gevalt.

Goylem is how you pronounce גולם, goy.

Honestly the thing that disgusts me the most in that vid is the fact that they put a heavily pregnant women on the very frontlines of action.

What the fuck were they thinking?

what's fucked up is when you realize these people's definition of "Nazi" is just a conservative. This is what they get off to and what they want.


Yeah sure but i just doubt that they would go as far as giving a jewish character in game a line that tells "golem" or "goy" openly
Its just too obvious

I'm not sure what makes me more angry, the main antagonist dying with a single button prompt, or that god-awful Twisted Sister cover.

Neck yourself.

Not just conservatives. It's literally anyone that doesn't agree with them. So centrists, classical leftists or hell just non-far leftists are nazis to them.

He wasn't a kike in the wolf3d era.

Beat me to the punch, Holla Forums would never bear a child with a kike.

She is just baked out of her skull. Every time she is not on screen she is off screen smoking a blunt.

Does someone have the antifa screencap where firemen are fascists?

This game literally looks worse then E.T.

He is a character that looks like what the player wishes they looked like (in most circumstances) and believes what the writer wants them to believe.

The New Order was ok but I won't play this one, I can't stand the Tarantino tone.

That's a new low, even for antifa.

makes you wonder what their definitions of "liberty" and "freedom" actually look like.

They openly glorify communism it's not too surprising. The golem is a story about telling how they turn goys (white people, black people, asian people) into tools to fight their their enemies and make these GOYlems into thinking they are just being good goys on the right side of history.


From what I can gather, you earn the label "Nazi" when you have an opinion that they consider morally abhorrent. For example, if you think that birth control shouldn't be payed for by the government, then you clearly don't support women and are a Nazi.

If I'm not mistaken, they haven't lowered their entrance physicals for women. That might be what they are talking about.

I'm trying to see how many Wolfenstein twitch streams I can get banned from.

Luckily australia have so now more australians will die as a result of women being too weak to carry bodies from burning buildings
Pretty sweet if you ask me


The Jew York Fire Department would like to have a word with you.

Where the screenshot is from is a troll site actually, but the sentiment that's being parodied is still true from the left.


Why not?

Fucking brain problems, man.

You'd think so, but they actually think like this.


heres your (you)

this was so silly I thought it was fake… I had to look it up and I'm still not sure if it's real.

Has anyone researched what entity is behind this propaganda?

HAHAHAH what the fuck
Its literally glorifying communist terrorists.


No reason to be annoyed at all, fam. Nothing to see here.

Der erwige swede

so are the devs trying to drop subtle red pills? or are they drinking so much socjus koolaid that they actually believe stuff like this makes feminism, forced diversity, and communism look appealing?

The devs are Swedecucks.

remember when the female leads in video games were made to be attractive? even if I had jungle fever I would think that bitch is fugly as hell.

BJ Blazkowicz has aryan characteristics for a reason,
idea is your looks dont define you etc, its a sort of silent struggle against nazi idealism


I'm having flashbacks to that original Bioshock Infinite trailer where you can intervene in commies trying to lynch a mailman. At least in Infinite both extreme ideologies are portrayed poorly.

Yeah, I can agree with you there. I liked the other one because it was just shoot people in the face but this looks like it's trying to push their shitty politics

Another way of putting it is it is trying to trick the player into identifying with the nonsense the MC stands for.

It also made for delicious irony that their biggest foe is the type of soldier they strive for. Whichever title that stated he was half-Jewish adds to the irony.

It's dumb, but let's not pretend the exact same thing hasn't been done in good games over a decade ago.

Furthermore the idea that Americans would roll over to an invading force especially in the 1940s is pure stupidity. Even in a MitHC situation where they drop a nuke on us. I still don't see us capitulating that easily.

Him being blonde haired and blue eyed is a recent thing, same as him being jewish. The swedish devs want to push the "aryan jew" meme.

So you play as a smoothskin in this new game?

I wouldn't call it exact

It's a game about killing Nazis made by numales. "White America" has to be complicit or their narrative doesn't work.

The real irony is whoever made the game didn't want the main character's phisical appearance to match the ideals they are pushing.

well even japs capitulated and they had more determination than you

If it had multiplayer, it would at least be longer than four hours.


we didn't see the boss do a hard jump while preggo belly down on a dude now did we?

she is so fucking ugly! why did they spend so much time and resources to make her ugly as shit?!

Why do people pay 60 burgershekels for this game when they could just watch an antifa purple haired soyboy masturbate for five hours without having to pay anything?

because link me up tbh

that sounds entertaining hit me up fam

IRL all black women are ugly as shit.

better chart

bitch looks like straight out of a blacksploitation flick


No, The Boss decided to protect her babby and got shot in the head as a result.

Because lots of plebs are going to see "Wolfenstien" and think it is going to be a passable game with worthwhile multiplayer.

I don't get what the percentages are supposed to represent.

shes really empowered

It's not a link, if you're a fat and ugly dude you can put on a wig, go to an antifa meeting, claim to be a tranny and demand that they masturbate to you to prove that they see you as a beautiful womyn.


i agree with you, but there are a lot of features they added to her just to make her more ugly. i don't see why they did that

The nips only capitulated because their Emperor sacrificed his own honor and pride by ordering a surrender rather than see more of his people die in a brutal invasion. The Japanese people would have fought to a man if the invasion had occurred. There were nip solders living in remote caves in the Pacific that never got the call to surrender who were still actively fighting for years after the war was over. It was lucky for the Allies that Hirohito cared so deeply for his people over his own pride because if they had been forced into a ground war on Japan it would have been extremely costly for both sides. A number of Japanese generals disagreed with the Emperor's surrender and even attempted a (failed) coup d'Ă©tat a day prior to the official broadcasted radio speech of surrender. Learn your history nigger.

Remind me of Syndrome.

that's the issue I'm having with it, no woman, no pregnant woman would risk their unborn childs life for a fully grown man or woman. these people don't understand natural instinct what so ever and that's why they always fall victim to them

make with the video you fucking jew slut

Preowned copies are going to flood Gamestops everywhere and be marked down under $20 by Christmas after people finish "playing" this cinematic experience.


Oh dear. The sjws are really stupid.

Reminder these are people who think representation = influence and acceptance.

Okay, I fucked up that last sentence, it's supposed to be

Its sounds just like you are mad that killing the game has you killing nazis, you loser neonazi edgelord


You're having an issue with my bringing up The Boss as a comparison, or you're having an issue with The Boss deciding to see combat while pregnant at all? I'm saying that it's dumb that she decided to see combat while pregnant at all. But the purpose of that plot point was that The Boss was one of the most skilled and calculating military minds in history, and maternal instinct still got the better of her.

Ugly art for ugly people. SJWs simply hate beauty and will go out of their way to make things ugly, for instance SJW Marvel artists like to draw deliberately worse than they have the ability to just to make things uglier, SJW artists will make paintings using bodily waste like urine, feces and menstrual blood because it's the ugliest thing they can think of.

is the anatomy of her lower back/butt area off or is just me having just woken up

lmao this is what kids in 2070 will have in history classes.

I'm leading towards agreeing with your point to a degree tbh

I can't, I'm way too fit and handsome to pull it off.

Sure Shlomo.

I mean, who wouldn't want to save an ugly prego chick from propagandized caractures of modern conservatives served alongside a heaping helping of Marxist thought?


give us that instead then


A loser neonazi edgelord it seems


Sieg heil, I guess.

Here is your (you)

liberalism/leftism is spiritually nihilistic. Its a reflection of the ugliness of there soul. also

I think you should report yourself for your total lack of sense of irony and humor

Thank god for those totally non-edgy neocommie's.

It was non-politically motivated though. Kojimbo just writes off the wall characters. All of the characters in this game follow the pattern of a SocJus wet dream.

He died in 1984, Rotherham didn't start until 1998.

Do the devs think I'm supposed to look at this and say "Oh wow, so cool!"?

Because of all the "horrendous" things I've seen, this has been one of the few things that has actually disturbed me.

This manages to be worse than "depressed nymphomaniac brain damaged" BJ, that mostly served to desconstruct who is supposed to fight the ebeil natzis and free the world.

Underrated post.

I had no positive expectations for this game and it still exceeds any faggotry I could have imagined.

These "people" always manage to reach new lows with every new thing they do, it's truly amazing to see really

tell me this is a skit on some comedy show and someone just shopped the FX symbol on it. PLZ tell me

No, she looks straight out of a A. Wyatt Mann illustration.

The fuck is this?

It really is the most retarded game to have been released in a long time, AssDefect; Andromeda wasn't this overt.

that would be a lie though.

Kinda like how we learn about how the lead in the water pipes drove the Romans mad?



Frankly I have one positive expectation.

Reported for not even trying.

The new man, built by Cultural Marxists, not a human anymore, but a corporate social construct that is the perfect consumer.

Nothing is sacred anymore. Even Bioshock showed how fucking savage the communist niggers were in the timeline. It wasn't glorified when they were killing all the unarmed white people screaming and begging for their lives where they manage to get armed and stage their revolution. You were made to reflect on what a serious mistake you had made to bring it about, compounded by the fact they turn on you for even suggesting that they tone it down a notch. This though. They revel in it.


He's a jew, that makes it even funnier.

I bet that ape smells like monkey.

Can't wait for Far Cry.

I don't understand him.

I wonder ✡who✡ made this image…

Reviews are in.
Shock of all shocks, these (((people))) love it.

Ever notice how these lists are primarily made up of sites that no one has ever heard of?

Don't care about the reviews, I'm excited to see the sales numbers

They all loved it of course, it's 3 hours of shooting and 2 hours of cutscenes, and no multiplayer where they can get their asses kicked by a meme-spouting kid playing on the Nazi Team.

Now imagine that every country's IGN representative writes a review on a site that matters.


Remember when a burly aryan man could go around shooting nazis and mecha-Hitler without it being called leftist mental illness, and he also didn't have to have a crew of degenerates to haul around, and the games never gave a shit about the jews, and it was fun?

user, we've entered the $current_year, where every game has to be political. The age where Mario Odyssey has to be turned into a feminist statement and killing nazis has to be anti-white and pro-commie.
Fuck this industry.

Mafia 3, where the PC is a nigger in New Orleans. It was shit.

It's cause its my boyfriend
He always posts that flag when he posts the gif
Just ignore him tbh

The most disgusting thing is that he steals the ring of a dead body to propose to his blacked pregnant wife.

Stealing from corpses before any proper disposal is worse than anything the nazi did.

Why would they? they already had Hitler and nazi bits who weirdly looks like Hillary.

The memory is a little hazy but i remember bits of it…. it was a magical time when game creators created games because they had a idea and they wanted to see it come to life, not to fistfuck a corporate whore of a game with cringy facebook political grievances, DLC and micro-transactions.

Why is Trump in it?


playstation lifestyle

power unlimited

app trigger




End my suffering.

Reminder that the reason why she is pregnant is because they're going to reboot Commander Keen in a couple of years, but make it really dark and gritty.

No you fucking don't
Don't you even dare joke about that, Commander Keen should be allowed to die with dignity.

Did you even look at the thread, (you) retarded faggot?

I'm not seeing any of these reviews mention its length…

"Politically incorrect"? Who are you kidding?

I want a game where the "Villains" open the "heroine" belly to remove her child and place it on an artificial womb because the bitch is too crazy to be pregnant and she is a danger for anything alive.

No, I don't. Are you 15?

You noticed that too? i think he is trying to say;
"How do you do fellow kids, i'm pretty politically incorrect myself"

Finally, a game where you play as the bad guys.

The kikes are not that smart user. Everything they ever did backed fired hard.

That's every WWII game though

Play Red Orchestra 2 as the Germans and you're playing as the good guys.

Maybe, in this situation, she thought that the only way to protect her baby was to kill nazis, as running away wouldn't have worked. Then again, she should have been somewhere safe in the first place.
I remember that Aerie in Baldur's Gate 2 gets pregrant, but as it's a sprite based game, her belly doesn't grow and she just carries the baby in her backpack after giving birth.

Problem with the eyes is that you can see the white area under the pupils. It's a telltale sign of psycho. Adam Lanza eyes!

I remember reading a review on CoD: World at War and the author flat out stated that he kind of got bored with shooting nazis and wanted something from the other side like liberating some lebensraum or putting jews in the ovens

yeah thats what I thought but then I saw her again in other video in the tv studio

Or the age where a Mario game got an easy mode 2 games actually

Just port and mod Cooking Mama

He's not shooting nazis, he's shooting White America.

I suspect that I'm going to regret this, but explain.

It's the giant gaps of white space on either side of her eyes, making them look larger than they should, the deep, excessive wrinkles on all sides of her eyes and the discoloration that make her look like a strung-out crackwhore. The deep angular lines around her mouth and cheeks doesn't help either. Then you got her jutting she-boon mouth, and the whole thing is wrapped in a combination of bad lighting, bad texturing, and bad shaders that make her look like an uncanny valley claymation monster.

>my boyfriend

Probably a anti-trump Easter egg

Leftists are typically in favor of gun control, saying only the government should have guns. A right-wing counter-argument is that the population having gun is necessary to oppose a tyranical government, which the left disagrees with. The entire plot of the game is a group of rebels using guns against the tyranical government. One of the character even says right-wing stuff like "They ask you to sell your liberty to purchase your safety" How did this even get in the game? Selling your liberty for safety is what the left do all the time. I don't think the devs did it on purpose but it's like they accidently put bits of right-wing idealogy in the heroes.

The aesthetic of the airship and enemies, but that was a really lame fight at the end. The characters aren't likeable in the slightest, and I wouldn't want the ring of a dead woman if someone proposed to me. That was also an absolutely awful cover of Twisted Sisters, too. It just felt like an edgefest.

In the ending for Mario Odyssey, Mario spergs and starts proposing to Peach alongside Bowser, and she turns both of them down. Some said that it's a Broadway trope, and there's a lot of references to Broadway in the game itself, but review outlets were already hyping the game up as a pro-feminist game, saying that Peach "finally has a bigger role in this game".

But Hitler loosened gun restrictions (except for kikes and commies).

Jesus Fucking Christ
This is what Tesla meant by man-made horrors beyond our comprehension. I never could've imagined this.

Do you really think those halfwits would be able to find any easter egg? No brother! There will be a so big and blatant anti-trump reference it will literally blind you. Thats how Hines and his cock-sluts roll!

You sure it isn't a status quo thing? Also, last time Peach and Bowser got married, the multiverse nearly ended.

It's called 'assist mode' in Mario Odyssey and you get a tanuki suit in super mario 3d world if you die too many times.

I believe they had to put one out in response to Lazio fans making stickers out of Anne Frank and mocking (((A.S. Roma))) supporters as being kike slaves. The poz'd Serie A (major Italian soccer league) went full good goiym and read passages from her fictional diary, with some stadiums observing a minute of silence and others profoundly indignant. Even goddamn soccerdrones are waking up.
At least there's still hope left in pastakind

Yes, girls are shit at games, but that’s not the point he was making.

Why else?

Is the gaming industry salvageable if twitter/facebook/tumblr collapsed in terms of SJW…or does everything just need to burn?

Remember, NoA gets to influence the development process now.

But user, that almost happened IRL. Probably would've if the ENIGMA code wasn't cracked.

No it didn't, Britain had plans to turn it into a chemical war if the Germans ever got a foothold on Britain

I like to keep my faith in humanity at the bare minimum, thank you very much.

NoA are infested with sjws, can't imagine the japs will be happy if they find out they caused their games to get censored


Go to >>>/polarchive/ and read the material.

What the fuck are they even censoring? Pixels?

What a shocker!

Wow, look at that shock value nudity that totally wasn't made so that an article would be written about it. Totally aren't trying to bait pearl clutchers into giving them free advertising by having a topless pregnant womyn covered in blood firing two assault rifles.

This whole video is just wrong. Even the small amount of combat shown is bland as fuck and looks boring.

Some of this stuff is embarrassing to look at but that's a dangerous road

user you're just being ridiculous.

Time to crack open the ol' Genki I and II then.

Swimsuits, if Fire Emblem Fates and that Fatal Frame game are any indication. Makes me wonder if the supposed rise of those "underage panty quests" or whatever niche JRPGs are derided as isn't out of sheer spite.


It's meant to be symbolism, you know a new race birthed in the blood of the white man.

if they're actual children in swimsuits I could understand, especially if the graphics are realistic but fire emblem isn't exactly unreal engine 4 iirc.

Jesus, that's pathetic. They're adult looking too. What the fuck is the point, just label it as an adult game if you're so scared of some barely sexualised content.

Really, because Jews don't seem to have any problem making Alexander Hamilton a Kang or George Washington into a bloodthirsty dictator when they write those characters, and those are actual real people but they piss themselves when Russians want to build a golem. A character that's been featured in more European fantasy-based stories than I can even remember. Everything is one-way with these kikes.

Australia have even weirder rules about the video games.

Please tell me the combination of CEMU and homebrew reversed this shit.

Depends on the swimsuit. Some have issues with bikinis of all things.

It doesn't have to be gay, maybe xe is a male girl.

Do you actually believe that?

If Beck wasn't a retard who sold out his country (for free) Enigma wouldn't have been cracked as it was Poles who accomplished it.

Especially train trips (^:

It's still pretty silly though

Always makes me think of this.

But user, what if the other user is a trap?

I wasn't aware the midriff was on the same mainstream sexual level as tits and ass. God forbid these people visit the beach.Infrequent toplessness would probably make their heads explode.

isn't the chick BJ knocked up in this game though

this still has me roarin' it reads like satire. How can anyone write down "self taught intellectual" and think it sounds anything but retarded

If Enigma hadn’t been cracked, we never would have gained irrefutable proof straight from a Allied government spy source that the holocaust didn’t happen.

The proof wouldn't be needed because the bad guys wouldn't have won.

Is it safe to say that Wolf 2 is the most pozzed game released so far?

post sources

Still yet to beat Ass Defect Adrogynous, GIBS 3 and ASS:WE WUZ
But it's pretty close

That's ironically why Jews haven't gotten away with everything. It's because they're more obsessed with winning than doing anything after the victory.

Even New Order managed to have a boss fight

pushing nu-males as the ideal seems so fucking hilarious to me.

Reminder, this game is 5 hours long at least, 2 hours of gameplay, 3 hours of cutscenes. 60 dollary-doos

Because Return to Castle Wolfenstein is still one of the the best FPS ever made and Enemy Territory, in it's various mutation, is THE best game-type for a multiplayer FPS that was ever invented, Q3 = Duel/Deathmatch, Counter Strike = Team Deathmatch, Tribes = CTF, ET = Team Coop.

The fight against Mecha Scotsman/Newfag was garbage, though.

We can't just have some dude kill mechaNazis to try and kill mechaHitler, no, we just HAVE to play as le ebig andifas :DDD complete with muh diversity token people and a leader gone full communist, all of this crap packed before the game is even out, I can barely imagine the levels of indoctrination this game will feature in cutscenes and dialogue. This is a fucking FPS, you're just supposed to walk in, kill some dudes with weapons and have fun while doing it, why in the everloving fuck is a genre this simple in need of this bullshit?

its still better than walking into a room and activating the script


no, that is definitely some serious lumbar lordosis

I wouldn't say it is the most pozzed, although it sure as hell tries.

and no multiplayer.


There too many retards (or just one very fucking retarded person that keeps repeating himself) pushing this bullshit argument
to be a coincidence and not viral marketing.

They removed the traditional japanese fundoshi? This is straight up cultural imperialism.

I get a feeling that half of the staff for the game think they're making some major political statement by shooting comical nazis, and the other half are just guys trying to make a sorta oldschool shooter without ripping their hair out because the game is now 90% cutscenes

Why does every modern FPS plays and looks just like CoD?

This thead is just Holla Forums showing up pretending to be Holla Forums so they can get more recruits for their dinky club.
The game is obviously politically charged, but it isn’t anything new. Thumping nazis, the black sidekick, and the “muh capitalism” mentor is as old as dirt.

Here's a little secret for you: This whole site is Holla Forums

Almost as if a large portion of the west wants to intervene in different countries for literally no reason other than JAPAN IS A RUDE TO THE DIGITAL MINOR.

Yeah, it's retarded. I'm all for censoring 3d sexualised children as they're children but according to the average westerner an anime girl who looks 19 is a child so good luck on any nip games getting through to the west without serious dialogue and content redo's Persona 5 had that I think, not too sure

I knew this game was disgusting propaganda but goddamn i didn't think it was going to be this bad and obvious

Where do you think you are?

How pozzed r u
Go back 2 Holla Forums

I like your ironic picture. It really brings the satire out in your post.

nice try false faggot. I am the first to call out TRSodimites & LARPing but this thread is legit.

Why are they obsessed with "brown people" like if all of them shared any bond or shit?

When would they start to get shot?

Yeah right, tha's why andromeda, destiny 2 and all heavly criticized games are a financial success. Oh wait.

Shit game that you can finish under 3 hours, no multiplayer, and a padded out bullshit Season Pass.


Do you remember Kessler from RtCW?
Or even Caroline in 09'
Those were nice people, especially Kessler.

This is obviously a Holla Forums thread you fucking retard.
Source: I'm OP


Piss easy to develop

Besides the pregnant woman fighting on the front line I find the bitch-tier edgelord credits theme very offensive to good taste and human decency. That shit song is much worse than Heino who composed his music as torture instrument for use Nazi German Concentration Camps.

Also, a season pass for a singleplayer game with five hours of content? Hwat?

This shit is hilarious in the lack of subtlety, the writing and any attempt at usual subversion is drastically dropping off with these hack lefty writers.
Goddamn, the more they go off the rails the poorer their propaganda becomes.


Sad that no new funny videos came out of it.

no one remembers 09stein

This must be stealth parody

Shame, nuGoylems make it look great in comparison.

No shit. I don't see how they could get any more blatant with this shit, it's gotta seem a little strange even to normalfags.

I have to wonder why. I know Lena "Sister Fister" Dunham was involved in some way. I wonder if she only worked on the hilarious election night episode.

Its incredible how are going far worse, than CoD:MW had unleashed

Gotta pay to add more gameplay, pay to add 1hrif each DLC manage to add up to 20 mins of gameplay

That's what I thought too but then I looked the two writers up on twitter. Honestly thought it was a parody on both sides


The Bletchley Park Decryptions, user.

Enigma being cracked had nothing to do with Germany’s failure to beat the USSR, and the USSR would have still received unconstitutional lend-lease from the US as they had been receiving for years BEFORE the US’ entry into the war. Germany still wouldn’t have won.

Why did you post a selfie? Reported.

I watched American horror story for 7 years. Nothing a parody in AMS.

What if anyone but FDR was in charge?

Just because some of Holla Forums succumbed to alt-right doesn’t mean I will. Nazis are evil, that’s a fact. The only thing Holla Forums and Holla Forums share is fighting the SJW menace, which Holla Forums cleverly used to get Holla Forums to attack jews.
Also the beauty of anonymity is you aren’t obligated to agree with the pack.

Honestly. I have a feeling unlike Wolfenstien 2. far cry 5 won’t break even. But will Ubisoft cry racism if it flops?

Why does every nu-male character i see on shows and vidya talk like that? It's not charismatic at all i think their organs have turned into coals from smoking too much and have too much trouble to even make a sound.

Check out this guy

Can confirm. I've been sent here by Holla Forums to lure Holla Forums kiddies with candy so we can tie them up, give them a taste of thick, throbbing alt-right memes and turn them into Holla Forums addicted little sluts.
You're gonna want my happy merchant pics all over you, dirty litlle fagboy.

I know a guy who's parents immigrated from Poland, grew up speaking Polish, fronts being authentic Polish as his identity, and he and his girlfriend are self-identify as communists, feminist, and host "critical acceptance" sit ins or some shit. He's fairly Chad too, not nu-male. If his ancestors can look down on him they're probably mortified. I hope Poles in Poland can smell it on him when he visits.

Don't underestimate how widespread this ideology is in America or how satisfying the illusion of resistance is, or how people can be completely controlled by social validation.

it was kind of entertaining in new order. BJ constantly mumbling to himself like a lunatic. Issue is it turned out his rambles were supposed to be taken seriously.

Quality bait you got there. I would advise you to go to neogaf but then I realize you are just a another lost cuckchan refugee.

Pence is a closet gay.

I hope he visits so i can break his hyoid bone in a perfectly legal (with new laws) self-defense situation. (^:

Gave some of the credits a swirl in Moby games. Look what came up! Half of the team reeks of köttbullar and cum.



I appreciate that alot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you its ok, but let me send you a message:

This is a blip, a temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated, but dont be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you're out of your parents basement to meet a few people that arent like you. You are afraid. We are not.

turns out he is a member of a manson family style cult that have been working to drive the woman crazy

Normans can't into Holla Forums

You're coming on a little strong with that bait, don't think it'll do too hot here. You might try it over at /r/the_Donald or something, they usually take the bait.

Truly the most horrifying sentence ever uttered on television. American Horror Story, isn't it?

It's a pasta from a TV show, dumb dumb.

I laughed so fucking hard at this


Yes, a quote from American Horror Story. We should all look to television about sadistic violence, torture, and sexual perversion for moral guidance. I know people who unironically think this.

I had a good laugh in Old Blood, "I killed your dog, Gunther."

If you're not afraid why do you feel the need to shut down any views opposing your own?

What did he meant by this?

turns out oneangrygamer were anti-gamergate all along.

you have to go back


Post the clip where the cashier puts on a MAGA hat and horror violins strike up lol

I don't think that NatSoc is right-wing. They restricted gun rights whlie granting additional rights for women.

I think there's nothing wrong them holding those views, especially if it's a ideology where the white race throws participants under the bus frequently for status or money. If you think that it's a threat, then you haven't been on the alt-right at all. A lot of backstabbing and disloyalty occurs within months or weeks from the inside or outside.

The press makes you believe that it's a mainstream malevolent force like Hitler's WWII, but it actually isn't. It's still preceding step 1. What they neglect to tell you is that "alt-right"/WN podcasts/radio shows and meetings have always existed in society, but in small numbers with minor influence like they do now. It's a hot topic ($$$) for them to talk about because of Trump's election. They're greedy people who exploit your fear to restrict the rights of others while earning a profit.

That's just fucking retarded.

its already posted in the thread

Either these people completely lack self awareness or this is reverse propaganda.

you mean "sassy" and "powerful"? that's what the kids consider it.

That being said the black woman is one of the worst character models i've seen in recent games. Her eyes are popping out of her fucking head and her lips stick out a foot past her nose. The model looks like amateur work when the rest of the cast seems somewhat competently made. If the game wasn't about fighting nazis they devs would probably get lynched for making her a "racial caricature" or some other similar drivel.


Free to play

WTF, you just copied and pasted my post from the crack thread.


Can I get some alfredo with that pasta?

Does anyone have a source of many hours of gameplay wolfenstein II has?

if you type "wolfentstein 2 full game" into youtube the first result lets plays are around the 6 hour mark. Now if that was a shooter with a decent replayability, that's an okay time but here's the kicker; if you type in "wolfenstein 2 all cutscenes" the videos that come up are 3-4 hours

Someone on gamefags said just over 5 hours (with cutscenes). Around 4 hours of actual gameplay.

I remember TNO took an outrageous amount of disk space, what about that game, did it finally exceed the 100GB cap? :^)

I haven't even gone a whole minute and I'm already disgusted.

How is paying 60 dollars for a game with 6 hours of gameplay okay? Dosent matter if it's replayable, that's a complete fucking joke.

It's free I just posted a torrent for you a few posts up.

If i had a 6 hour game that i could replay multiple times and enjoy i would consider that worth my money. Don't think that I think this game covers that though, because it's very obviosuly 50-60% cutscenes

i don't know if cutscene compilations even include moments of forced walking or other in game exposition

I hope this becomes a Battleborn/Lawbreakers tier failure

Goyim of War 4 already broke the 100 gigaboos mark, same for Lootboxes of Lore Rape.

You dont even need to be Holla Forums to know this thing about blacks if you encounter them enough irl, but watch him screeching Holla Forums if you dare to point it out to him

It might not. Look at the reviews on jewtube or hooktube, they're all praising the game and all the comments saying they're going to buy it. All reviewers now are being paid off or they can't look at the game objectively because they are a leftist faggot.

It's nice to see someone else who hasn't fallen for the ruse
You can usually pick out Holla Forums crossposters by their appeals to censorship

I'm sure they already turned a profit in pre-orders, normalfags and casuals don't know that they're getting ripped off.

But why?
Of the 3 opening minutes of the game as seen in , only 1 minute is spent in a firefight, which is an absolutely piddly amount of time if the game in question happens to be in a genre LITERALLY BUILT AROUND BEING IN A FIREFIGHT
How is walking from cutscene to cutscene with nothing to shoot or interact with fun?

Holla Forums is not actually full of nazis though, it's all a very elaborate in-joke. :^)

Because the nu-gamer dosen't want a challenge. He wants to play an interactive movie. Which is exactly what this cuckold shit fest of a game is. I'm talking about normalfags though. Communists will buy the game solely because they think it will somehow hurt whites/right wing in real life. On top of that of that the sadistic pleasure they get from the game itself.

Also, if you expand said 3 minutes to 5 minutes, there is still only that same minute of meaningfully interacting with the game.

here's something to hold on to until more videos come out with more evidence of shit gameplay/cutscene ratio

I predict moderate sales but a shit-ton of trade-ins, so in the end the Gamestop jews win.

Those are the only ones I could find as well.


more will show up over the weekend for sure, i bet the gameplay time will get cut down even further

Remember that game about the Italians and their restaurant business?

It's weird that you're complaining about it now as it's been the standard of AAA shooters for over a decade. Shooters turned into >$60 pixar films with visuals that will look mediocre after a few months. Bethesda is just banking on the "fight against rise of the right-wing" marketing gimmick.

Fucking shlomos.

I think its that they're going to use the political pretense to wash away any criticism of the game when really its just another half baked shooter.

I don't even hate TNO or NuDOOM but this looks like complete shit in comparison

Post results pls

The first games message was schizophrenic as any mad lefty, on one hand you have a white couple with the protagonist and the pregnant lady in these trailers, but theyre traitors fighting against their own. You have the kikes displayed in a positive light, with advanced technology hidden away, but they were hoarding it and could have given it freely and the Germans would have been locked in a stalemate. The resistance is portrayed as the good guys fighting against pure evil, but its a collection of nonwhites and traitors fighting against a government that unified and made the world safe, even made a fucking MOON BASE. I get the feeling bethesda still has some redpilled programmers/writes, or theyre just completely insane and cant write for shit.


Usually I can only get banned in so many streams before I get shadowbanned on the entire site for 24 hours, especially if I use multiple accounts on the same IP.

The practice of a demanding FACs for handguns was in there. Even though it was more lenient if you still had citizen rights and almost equivalent to giving you total license if your were part of the NSDAP, it has disarmed certain groups. Its interesting how you had to have your fire arm license with you if you wanted to carry your guns inside your house.


Of course we are. Its fucking shit and the story is unhinged propaganda written by hacks.

Was it Mafia III?

I can't claim that it looks like crap, but it's not inventive like it's predecessors. There's no point into focusing on a "narrative-based singleplayer experience" when you're just regurgitating the same message that films, Late Night Comedians, music, and TV already did within a smaller budget and limited deadline.

this is what made crysis dope

They have to make the NotSees a treat, although they fail miserably because they can't risk them being menacing kind cool so they end up comical, but you have to make them feel competent since how did they take over the world but we can't have them accomplish it themselves no, no, they stole their achievements. Its just a pathetic mishmash of trying to create an antagonist but can't achieve shit.
What they should have done is made them not talk or at least only scream in German, no non-action related scenes. I don't want to say this but they really should have just made them like fucking Dio - great aesthetic, no real reason to want what they want, since this still has to be propaganda, and make them feel unrelenting and menacing as fuck, they shouldn't feel stoppable. And the resistance shouldn't be fucking kikes and nogs but literal aryan style action heroes/ liberty screaming eagle type of motherfuckers.

Is there any confirmation that this game has other modes or unlockables? TNO boasted its 1999 mode and super-extreme modes and had a bunch of useless shit you could collect. NUdoom had a genuinely fun arcade mode that even strips out almost all exposition.

You actually posted? 95% of Holla Forums is just bots, user. Copying, pasting, collating, amalgamating and pretending to carry on an endless cacophony of fake conversations with themselves.
I'm also a robot.

There's a easteregg version of Wolfenstein 3D called "Wolfenstone" where you play as a Nazi Soldier who kills resistance members and BJ.

But this would make their audience insecure about their lack of masculinity.
Thats what this should had being, instead of a marxist/antifa masturbatory fantasy for numales that vidya to be movies.


Don't forget, jews in the camps modify the concrete ingredients so it's prone to fungus, crumbling AND CAUSES CANCER TO INNOCENT PEOPLE

Thats a fascist slogan

still those mechanazis look cool.

I think they just can't write for shit. The tell is how they can't keep any consistency between games, expansions, and even plot points. It's like how Bioware would contradict themselves in the same story and DLC (organics vs. synthetics, reaper origins). Not only did they fuck up going from sequel to sequel, but they couldn't keep things straight in a single story. Fallout 3 & 4 can't keep their shit straight in a single locale, let alone through an entire game.

Lighten up people

Kek that made me laugh. CRPGs in a nutshell.
Probably not an intentional statement considering how little Japan cares for what we think.

What a pile of shit this game is. Of course reviewers talkinng about politics is just a minor (((coincidence))).

Dude, characters in this game are killing occupants. It's a gommie propaganda.

I don't think you quite understand the anonymity thing.


They're not.
There is no occupation because the war ended.
You are commiting acts of terror against the government.

I'm of the opinion that after the Scalise shooting we should declare open season on their asses.

i was hoping for that as well.

Why is it that leftists cannot write rule of cool stuff? I think all other political ideologies figured out how to write rule of cool stuff, all of them, libertarians, centrists, moderate right wingers, national socialists, monarchists, etc. All of them figured out how to write stuff for the sake of it being cool expect for fucking lefties.

Fuck not only that but all the other ideologies would probably know how to do it while keeping in line with their ideollogies. Monarchists would just have to use knights doing cool stuff, authoritarians have only to create a stylish militaristic faction, libertarians can do it by portraying freedom fighters fighting against impossible odds even centrists can do it without seeming fucking retarded and yet the only people who cannot for the love of God figure out how to write stuff to be cool are the fucking lefties. Their works are the anti-thesis of cool, they do everything wrong and it always comes out as fucking shit.

Yeah, nah. I like all the "iron aesthetic" they have, but that last sequence looked painfully boring.
Cue family in a living room wondering "why is this nigger talking to us?".

I haven't played this game, but judging from the webms shared here I gather that it's something that tries to take itself seriously. Having a blood-soaked pregnant woman kill off a squad of nazis with a grenade lands in the "this is parody/camp" spot rather than the "lets be serious" spot. That baby died around ten in all the bullshit she pulled.

Because all they've done is watch movies instead of live life. So they think they can just copy-paste movie tropes and shove their ideology into it without a second though, or a thought as to why those tropes exist and how they've been built over centuries and millennia.

Leftism, in general, doesn't seem to have any cool things attached to them.

It's rather cold in gulags.

Full over the top commie dystopia could be fun, but leftists are too retard to make something like that

Soviet Russians were cool.

Good one user

Don't Starve? (^:

Don't Starve Together

That's the real crime

The vast majority of all media is left (games,movies, comics etc.), so i dunno wtf you're talking about.

Now look at all the things you listed and tell me whats their current state.

They're more centrist by todays standards

Yeah and we what great shape those things are in.

pozzed, but suggesting people on the left can't create anything is stupid. The "left" is a huge amount of the country. Progressives on the other hand, have no history of creating anything.

Makes sense

So they threw a few perfectly reasonable character traits for the sake of making him a Jew? It doesn't change anything storywise, it's not like he has no reasons to hate Nazis when being Polish.

if you take away the political aspect the devs were just hung up on this idea of being "EXTREEEEEME" and turning up the camp. If you remember the E3 reveal they touted "LOOK A PREGNANT WOMAN KILLS A NAZI WHILE A GUY IS ON DRUGS" You can't really mix camp and politics at all it just comes out like this, really hamfisted

What a peace of shit game, i dont know about any other game that makes you commit parricide but its fucking disgusting

Time it happens: 1:43:56

That's my main gripe with the series. In the original, the resistance they offered was whimsical at best. I mean, they make quips at you and have replay features for killing Mecha Hitler. They should have just made a dumb explanation as to why the Germans won to go with the dumb plot.
They're trying to portray their ideal libshit fantasy, obviously it's gonna be populated by empowered women instead of actual Jews. The partisans who fought Nazi occupation are probably spinning in their graves at the thought of being empowered like this.

Communism definitely has a good basis for a dystopia

Not really, I wouldn't call starving your own people and then raping all the women of slav land cool but that's ok.

I was talking about leftism in general not having anything cool to do with it, communist dystopia could be cool so could a 1984 scenario. Anything you can list that would be cool from a leftist ideology? thats right you cant

They can't, every media is pulled up by its non-leftist aspects. Games are extremely non-leftist since they are based around competition at their very core. And heres a fun fact, much of the modern world is more leftist than the Soviets themselves. Because Cultural Marxism had its implications there but wasn't a realized and thought out idea, at least to my knowledge.

oy gevalt, don't forget that Poles did pogroms on their jewish neighbors and got medals from the nazis for it!
Btw. buy my book

Underrated post.
The typical SJW "writer" is a hipster who spends all day on tvtropes and thinks that makes them a writing savant.

Your talk about camp made me remember rewatching the 60s Batman series a while back and I realized I want heroes to come back. I want and idealistic and maybe naive person to stand up to the circumstances and fight evil while saving teh innocent, willing to sacrifice everything for it. I'm sick to shit of this antihero bullshit.
Sage for unrelated, I just felt like saying it

I just like the russian hats and the russian coats.

man vs father isn't exactly a new concept

Glorifying it is, however

Well, he does pull a gun on him. But that's some shitty writing that he says he tried his best, but then decides he's gonna murder him. Fathers don't do that shit. Not that the writers know. They were likely raised by single mothers.

You know what's killing me more? How incredibly, stupidly easy this whole section feels. Guns have no hmpf to them, enemies are spraynpray or just trying to ram into you.

Did you know that even if you exclude abortion, mother's are responsible for 70% filicide?
With abortion it's 99%

Meanwhile, 16 years ago

Fucking disgusting.

Not real socialism.

Just a coincidence, right?

She din du nuffin.


I swear this has to be subtle redpill, I refuse to believe the stupidity.

All AAA games are shit. All comics by the big two are shit. All movies are shit. There is almost nothing Hollywood makes money on for the last 10 years except super hero movies. Everything is shit. So are most TV series except a handful. So are almost all recent novels. So is all mainstream Sci-Fi and Fantasy. So are all news site. So is all sportsball. You see; Everything the left touches turns to shit.

But she didn't do nuffin…

hoop earrings were a style of the time so that isn't exactly a huge red flag as some other aspects of her character are. Let's also not forget that the last game was able to make a black character that wasn't just good-boy points and was kinda fun

Same, their clothing and music are actually cool

Look at the pic in game and the pic from jewpedia i posted

It's not terrorism if you call them "rebels" which si cool and like star wars!

Depends. Rebels there are fighting to restore a Republic. This game they are fighting to implement communist rule.

Communist rule can still be republican you know

It is HORRENDOUSLY executed, just fucking look at it. I get that you're attached to the concept but that doesn't mean you have to shovel shit in your mouth.

If that means just copying and pasting instead of just taking a minute to write up your own shit, I guess not

is it explicitly saying they want to topple the nazis and replace it with GOMMUNISM or is that just because the devs are lefty as fuck. oh who am i kidding there is no love for country or scrap of patriotism in this game

She has sanpaku eyes

Seems so, Mr Robut

The funny thing to me is that black people in America will die out thanks to this and abortion if society continues on its current path

not so long as welfare queens get enabled by getting free money for every niglet they pump out


>Meanwhile any&all sandniggers get a free pass despite their entire culture got fucked by a Middle Eastern supremacist religion that was founded by a warmongering pedo that got a visit by an (((angel))) (Fun Fact: Satan use to be an angel & he can shapeshift into other angels)

they don't think people in unfortunate circumstances can be bad people.

Dont forget that he is a mental ill psycopath that gets his dick erect when he brutally murders people that are clearly just doing their job and dont care about any of the political shit going on.

Not even NotImportant was that fucked up.

Because they are not told to. What, you thought leftists had any real morals?

Leftism is fundamentally about ending western civilization and they see mudslimes as allies, or enemies of an enemy.

Feminism is destroying that culture though. Black females are, by a stupidly large margin, the top customers for abortion. I think welfare queens will die out

Behold, the mind of the bugman

Truly a master of critique then again that is about how long the game is

What exactly do you call a "leftist" who doesn't agree with any of this shit?

Holla Forums pretending its not SJW

Abortions are still immoral, because if you really wanted to get rid of nigs you'd sterilize them with "vaccination" and not promote child murder that not every sheeboon will actually commit.

There nobody will steal your OC comment!

Oh no, abortion is awful. I just think that combined with feminism is going to wreak some havoc on the black populace. Not as effective as sterilizing everyone, but hey when you live in a federal republic subverted by nasally gifted individuals you take what you can get.


meant for

They seem happier than you, and it's not like they can reproduce either also like you

There's more than just Holla Forums and sjws (even though they're different sides of the same coin)

Nigger I'm currently listening to the Monster Musume Op I couldn't be happier.

Kill yourself horseshitter.

I said awful, not inexcusable. The cultural push towards abortion is disgusting, but hey if you get raped by Jamal on the way home from work what are you gonna do?

Oh I didn't want to cherrypick, I just wanted to point out that its still necessary Im some situations.

or if you have absolutely no means to give the child a good life or will indefinitely be born crippled.

The real answer here is for Jamal to never be allowed to be there.

In a normal world the rape wouldn't happen because the nig would be dead from being shot in self-defense or not existed anymore

>>>Holla Forums


this is what happens when you let Swedes to make videogames you only got yourselves to blame for buying AAA shit

fucking hell, they practically have antifaggots in the end title

Killing low quality babies is not only a good thing, it's a very indo-europian thing.

Oh, thought it's impossible, but it's unlikely.
Then sterilize retards i guess.

Friendly reminder that one of the devs said that at the end of the game you will be ready to go out on the streets and start a revolution 2:39

More so there is no point.
Normal marriage and what not can still end up with a retard, you retard.

nice backpedalling, shame you weren't aborted.
better murder a child because you're a filthy fucking animal and talmud was right

fuck sake sweden, keep out doing themselves, I hope no one buys this game

no one is buying it kike, fuck off

>forget you ARE NOT 6'4 parody of a man with the physique of a fridge

What the fuck are you talking about you stupid nigger?
Basically being a cuck because someone couldn't/didn't want to take care of their offspring
Human rights shitters need to hang.

First you say about providing for children in general then you backpedal and only meant murdering retards, start with yourself, best tips are here >>>/suicide/
I know I shouldn't expect human cattle to know how to sterilize themselves or not produce shitty children but i keep making that mistake.
How hard is it for you to use contraceptives, sterilize yourself, or the hardest of all, not be fucking animals and control your instincts?

oh yeah throw the kid into some jew house right? No one adopts domestically they just get foreign babies all the time.


user, that's a fat, trangendered hillery supporter playing a trump supporter… don't assume her identity YOU FACIST FUCK!!!!!!

Incoherent nigger. What providing for children in general are you babbling about?

Filtered for being a fucking kike.


Go back to cuckchan you illiterate nigger.

dude's missing an 'I' to properly describe this "game"


Please tell me these are random people and not you fags.

This sequel must have been made by different developers, or mostly completed by a different team before these guys stepped in, the difference between each game is fucking night and day. The original had so much more going on, even if you hated it, it was at least a better game than this pile of shit.

It was 'cinematic' but there were long stretches of gameplay where you'd do nothing but fight, navigate, and kill while the plot would either go on while you played or bookend the level. The levels were a bit more open than usual and had some fun gimmicks/secrets to discover, and the nazis while still evil were not depicted as wholly irredeemable, as the average grunts were often depicted as just regular guys you had to kill.

BJ was an American idealist who'd been put through the wringer to such a degree that all the endless fighting and killing had taken it's toll, he was tired, and desperately wanted to take back the American dream of backyard BBQs, a loving wife, and a son. He was an ubermensch killing machine who was confident, and nowhere near the pushover he is here. When the black guy tries to scold him on his white privelege he snatches him up by the neck and tells him to shut the fuck up, because he's done more for the war effort than any fucking nigger ever has.

None of the side characters were placed above him, and even the black supporting cast were all given a few shades to make them more compelling. Now, they spout BLM propaganda and are all stronk. BJ's girflriend is doing piledrivers while pregnant and doing all the actual hard work. The kid you saved was desperately trying to step up and be the resistance leader everyone wanted him to be, but kept buckling under the weight of the command, and ultimately realizes that BJ probably should have saved the other guy because of how much more experienced he was as a soldier and how much better he could have lead the resistance.

The Resistance itself also shown to be morally questionable.

What the fuck happened?

What's next? Squatopia and Squater's rights?

My GAME theory is that both Bethesda and Machine Games agreed to rushed the sequel as quickly as humanly possible just to trick the AntifaFags, SJWs, NuMales, & Holla Forumsacks of the world to buy their game just to capitalized on the current political climate that's going on in Burgerland.

If I were to hazard a guess user, I would say that all that happened was the first game was successful. As you point out, the first game had some quality to it, and while there were trace amounts of SJ nonsense detectable in the water, it didn't set off too many alarms. Since it was quite popular and got good reviews, I suspect the devs have just become emboldened by their own success and feel more comfortable inserting their huge, throbbing psychosis right in this time around, which is why everything is so fucking blatant and in your face.

Either that or the developers were all fresh faced when they made the first one, but its popularity got them in with the SJ and Game Journo cabal and they were infected then. It hardly matters how it happened though, the result is the same, we have this pants-on-head retarded leftist wet dream full of frontline battling third trimester carrying female soldiers, stronk wymin and white guilt propaganda (about something that didnt even happen). Lets put it in the trash where it belongs.

I feel like they replaced most of their development team. The New Order was better gameplay-wise and less overtly political than the main title, so something must have happened to reverse that course.

possibly tied to the success of DOOM which was pretty over the top as well. of course in doom it worked in tone because the original doom was a heavy metal fueled kill-to-the-goal game and its hard to fit politics into a game about fighting hellspawn. Much to my surprise in both the new doom and both new wolfensteins is that the predominant villain is a woman

Damn… That nigger even uglier up close like that.

Remind me how long it would take for someone using the name "Coon hunter or some shit" to be banned?

Rather long, as i saw plenty commies, ukrop nationalists, "3 K's a day, keeps the Jamal at bay" furfags and such.

Oh, then if that's the standard then is fine to me.

*Meant to say Old Blood instead of New Order

These fuckers aren't even subtle. Why are they free?

Because founding fathers didn't suspect that someone would use freedom of speech as a platform to destroy the entire country so it's a loophole bolsheviks abuse.

Even the US has laws against trying to incite mob violence.

Does it?
I mean domestic terrorist org like UCLA thinks that extortion and voice phishing fall under freedom of speech

Remember CNN threatening to dox someone over the wrestling gif?

oh boy I cant wait to play more games that evangelize communism until they succeed in convincing some dipshit into trying it out and this awful world can finally meet it's end.

well metro for what it's worth didn't speak highly of nazis or commies, and commies give you more consistent grief in both games

There's "Angry Goy".
Appearently the creator is making another game but I haven't heard about it anymore.

Nice try, FBI.

But user, we'll get to do it in real life in the coming years.

I haven't played. Was it really a honeypot in the end?
It wouldn't be good for the movement anyways.

You actually just made me realize user, over the last 5-6 years we had a nice string of older FPS properties being rebooted as strange hybrid New/old school shooters. We had The Shadow Warrior Reboot, the Wolfenstein reboot and then the DOOM reboot. They all had their flaws but I was kinda hopeful because of them, since there were still a lot more entertaining than neverending river of shit that the FPS genre became post COD 4,
I was hoping it meant we could look forward to better shooters in the future. Looking at the trend now though; Shadow Warrior 2 became a shitty Borderlands knock off and Wolfenstein TNC is pozzed out the fucking wazoo. Now the only thing I wonder about is what way they'll ruin the sequel to NuDoom. Granted, I know a lot of Anons fucking hated that game, but however bad you thought it was, it would have been a lot worse if it was packed to the brim with social justice propaganda.

I didn't hate nudoom at all, it gave you a bunch of guns to play with, bunch of things to shoot and didn't bog itself down too much, arcade mode was a good touch too i woulda liked to see in more games. For all it's faults it was still a genuine game that felt like a game at least

I had fun with it too


Metacritc sorts reviewer score by highest first for some retarded reason, so that's not a big surprise.

NuDoom was fun but it didn't do anything ground braking all it did was not do a few things that most Modder FPS games all do.
it didn't limit how many weapons you can have at once, and it didn't have regenerating health. That alone made normal fags think it was game of the year which isn't saying much now a days when really it was just "pretty good" at best.

I just noticed something about the game.
>(((BJ))) gives metal jew puzzle to jew scientist
Do you think this was a writing error, or did they set the game up for DLC they'll never make?

The game has a season pass doesn't it?

It does, but as far as I can tell, they involve three different characters with seemingly little to tie them to the main story. Who knows, maybe Nigger Billy and Black Mamba are going to figure out the mystery of the Yid Cube.

this character is aggressively unpleasent

Wasn't J in TNO spouting how wypipo are bad as well?

Oh wait, sorry, my reading comprehension is awful today.

Holy fuck, I hope you're all just larping, you can't be this much deluded. YOUR ENTIRE HOBBY IS KIKERY FUCKING RETARDS. In any decent traditionalist ethnostate there wouldn't be any video games, because it is subhuman level of entertaining. It doesn't matter if games are made by white nerds, the japanese or kikes, it's all fucking garbage. The hobby that turns men into fat, mentally ill, addicted manchildren has more kike influence now, boo fucking hoo.

Time to grow up people. Stop spending so much time on the internet, get fit, find productive hobbies and have children.

Videogames were invented by whites, along with all other technology.
And the vast majority of modern white nationalists are people who play videogames and go on the computer all day. That's how almost all modern white nationalists came to realize the existence of leftist conditioning in our lives, is by being a nerd who spends too much time on the computer.

You really think that videogames cause mental illness, and cause men to become fat/manchildren/etc.? Are you an environmental determinist? In reality, only a man who is worthless and mentally ill in the first place would let videogames (or anything else) take over their life to such a degree. This is the same argument as fat people blaming McDonald's for making them fat and wanting to sue them, when they're the one who voluntarily went there in the first place, and ordered an excessive amount of food.
You can't blame videogames for the existence of fat manchildren, those fucks would be equally useless even if they had no technology at all.

I thought you wanted us not to get fat, mentally ill, or addicted. If getting justed is your idea of a productive hobby, go ahead and get justed.

So you've heard of me.

It's because of video games that I woke up to this propaganda to begin with you stupid fucking faggot, once SJWs started attacking video games in the mainstream media much in the same way they attack republicans, I stopped being left leaning because I was finally able to see their bullshit lies for what they were.

Thread's dying down now but this shit is ridiculous imgur.com/gallery/9jTBP
No subtlety at all, definitely not by happenstance or a mistake as some were saying.

Lmao, imagine shilling something you don't know the basics of.
You're literally on a quest to discover and then stop an occult-archaeological project that will turn the tide of war.

Fair point, but i think those people wouldn't have become as much of disgusting failures they are if social engineering wasn't in place to encourage it.

Marx made literally only 1 correct observation, >it's not fun when you live in a dumpster and was evicted from home by people like Ken Lewis

I don't know why you'd NOT have imgur (((community))) filtered and use that dumpsterfire only as a storage of low-value pictures, reaction images and such with private visibility.

A liar.


Oh yeah, he really saved a lot of British lives.

Apparently, Hitler killed Blondi when he was testing the cyanide pills that he planned to use on himself.

Socialists are worried that their movement is going to be seen as a joke by everyone, so they're trying to get the "revolution" going early. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are either retarded or total faggots. Also keep in mind that they've been infecting public education for decades now and their entry into videogames was going to happen sooner or later and especially given how pozzed silicon valley and other tech meccas are.

It all needs to collapse. It's too far gone. The sjws have been allowed to take over western gaming and they've been trying to take over Japan as well. It would be best for them to collapse before they can fully accomplish that.

Hitler was an Army man and a total retard when it came to anything Navy. He got saved by his generals and would hinder them as well. He couldn't even squash the British Navy when he had the opportunity to do so and decided to wage a second campaign against the Soviets. There was zero chance Hitler would have gone to America.

Muslims are generally anti-Christian and that's good enough for the left.

A false-flagging commie.

Pajeet please. Learn to use the loo first.

The main purpose of the game was to get you to go play ET instead.

That's commie speak. The Hammer and Sickle is their go-to and it's all they know. It reminds me of those false-flagging retards who couldn't even draw the Swastika right.

Videogames have been pure kike trash for a number of years yes but

You couldn't even hold to Holla Forums or the resurgence of traditional ideas without spreading your buttcheeks to "manly" faggots and kike plants parroting braindead talking points like "I am everything you hate and everything that has destroyed civilization but I'm hwhite and I really honestly (not lying at all) I support your desire to end me" only to gain some stupid sense of progress and traction towards anything.

You are as dead as the morons you are criticizing bud, ethnicity won't save you, just go to fucking cascadia or any 90% white place, it's nothing but a bunch of weak minded cosmopolitan faggots gargling whatever stupid bullshit kikes order them to parrot despite their supposedly superior european minds.
Ethnostates are full of SWPL's, the goodest goys ever and can't be further away from a real traditional enviroment, hell, just look at yourself, you are trying to talk about tradition and morals in the board where people come to dump pornography and bitch about fictional meaningless cartoon bullshit, it's a noble intention, don't get me wrong, but it also is the perfect representation of what you are vouching for , ecumenism with degenerates and reprobates TO END DEGENERATES AND REPROBATES.