ITT bullshit weapons in videogames
Bullshit weapons in videogames
and it's delicious
Oh man playing alien weapons only 4-player perfect dark was my jam back in the day
4-man Tranquilizer-only with the ocassional N-bomb in Fortress was hilarious.
You can't pronounce gaelic
I remember one match I had with some friends with that one meat-grinder alien gun that spins around and sprays lasers everywhere. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life
I just called it the clam sword
The Air-Taser is fucking beautiful. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing the screams of your enemy as they cook from the inside out.
This fucking horseshit. It's almost certainly a one hit kill to you, and your enemies, and on top of that it has a scope that lets you see through walls. It's basically cheating, but wait there's more. It can also shoot through walls. IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH WALLS AND LET'S YOU SEE THROUGH THE WALLS TO! Who fucking thought that was a good idea? It took me awhile to realize what was killing me. It might as well be put on an aimbot so it can kill you as soon as the level begins.
I mean, sure, in closed spaces it's manageable, but this thing is placed in open spaces more often than it should and it's annoying as fuck.
Against a gibusgeneer.
A good engineer will have another up in another place you don't see until your 60 remaining HP run out.
The best use of this stupid thing is to just run around and plop them down by enemies because they either have to shoot you or the turret and they can't hit you if all your doing is running around and jumping and if they go for the turrets you just keep dropping more until they all die. Really annoying fucking weapon for sure.
Nothing will be as fun as trying to push PD to its absolute limit with 4 player splitscreen and max number of bots.
Yeah, nah, I just saw someone doing something far worse, and I'm not sure if it's a new meme-way to play it that some streamer made popular but I then saw it 4 times in other servers.
They're NEVER near the sentry, they keep themselves near metal constantly and no matter how good you think you are, they'll always get 2 or 3 gibus soldiers rocket jumping at 40HP. And you know what that means:
This would be simply annoying (and inefective) if they removed the synergy between mini-sentries and the FJ, just leave it for ACTUAL sentries and there, problem fixed.
That's not annoying. And it's pretty easy to bait out. D.Va defense matrix eating ultis is bullshit.
And Lucio's boop is fucking retarded on some maps. He can stand still and you'll have no way to tell he's there until he boops you off a cliff. I'd replace it with a soundwave that travels on the ground and lifts people into the air, 3 sec cooldown just to fuck with their aim.
This fucking thing never hits anyone. It sucks when I run out of chaingun rounds and get stuck trying to use this piece of shit. Even a grenade launcher would be better.
It makes you practically a sitting duck, though, and you can't see if someone is about to wreck your shit. It only works if you manage to find a good hidey-hole and no one realizes what you're up to.
very fitting
also, how is it bullshit?
If this is bait, I don't understand what you're trying to get out of the replies. People are just going to tell you to git gud.
I wish pillowblaster would make a mod with ridiculous weapons that still remained challenging. His guns are fun to use, but they trivialize almost every map you can find.
The triple-barreled shotgun in AitD:TNN
gay lick owo
(or more like halfway between "gay lick" and "ger lick" really -w-)
PS20 from Deus Ex,
a fucking peashooter single shotgun
How is that bullshit? It's single-use and they're quite rare.
I remember the first time I tried to use one of those I wasn't exactly clear on what it was, and blew myself up.
shotguns in bf3-4 they are OP
you think it being rare makes it any more useful,
its single use, single one can be in the inventory, and basicly everyone can resist it ingame
That's more disappointing and useless than bullshit user.
Yep. They seemed to do nothing
Fire it a wall right next to you, and see what happens.
It's very useful. It's a third as powerful as the GEP gun and takes out Mk12 grunts with one hit. Very good for my stealth run where I didn't want to carry magazines and guns that took up space.
zero results
It's the only way to silently eliminate manderley.
Gunther is in the next room. Remember a head shot is a lethal take down.
i can understand not wanting to carry all those bullets that go into their own inventory and not your main one. Your not having played Deus Ex is showing.
And thrice as rare too.
That don't actually take up space? Are you retarded?
Man fuck that shit that one challenge is hard as fuck.
absolutely disgusting
somewhat less disgusting, but faggy class anyway.
Also fuck c4 jeeps when they hadn't patched the c4 acceleration glitch
SCROLL WHEEL acceleration glitch, fuck it I'm going to bed.
Meet Juan Deag.
get gud
Any game, at all, where you can use a double barrel shotgun and, for whatever upgraded reason, not have to reload, vid showcases what I'm talking about.
Shit singlehandedly made Call of Juarez Gunslinger one of my favorite FPS and singlehandedly made me sad they constantly shat up Payday 2 as hard as they did.
No clue how they thought this was a good idea, i mean weapon is still good because its a working shotgun, but shadow warrior already had a good version of similar shotgun, they just made it worse deleting single fire mode and increasing magazine so u waste more ammo when you shoot.
And mcree/sombra/ana canceling ults is fair? ffs
Also about lucio, what is enviromental awareness nigger, git gud
I have no clue how they thought the game was a good idea.
A load of horseshit weapon.
IIRC that thing originally was supposed to be a laser/plasma weapon and they changed it in the last fucking minute to fire bullets instead.
holy shit fuck the CG
Why was it bullshit?
Classic BioWare
That's actually a clone of the weapon in the OP. I recognize that gun vaguely but it's been too long, I can't remember what it's from.
This weapon is bullshit specifically because the weapon works on a very primitive tracer system that can be exploited to make it about a million times more effective than it should be, especially in deathmatch. As a result everyone exploits the fuck out of the weapon if you're anywhere near competent at the game.
Your theory is supported by virtually all the console Duke games coming out afterwards having a laser gatling gun. Probably a recycled concept.
Good times
Is that why it makes a pew pew sound instead of a proper machine gun ratatatat or brrrrrrt when fired? Interdasting.
Thanks for reminding me user. I wish I would have played the multiplayer on that game more, but I spent those years playing TFC, Quake, and various crazy Half Life mods.
DN64 replaced the minigun with shitty "uzis" that somehow managed to feel even worse and I never understood why. They didn't even delete the minigun sound from off the enemies.
I actually liked the dual SMGs, mostly because I thought the Ripper was pretty fucking underwhelming anyway with its weird as fuck design (even as a 7 year old I could discern this) and puny ass firing sound. The dual SMGs were at least a little novel at the time and made more sense to me since the weapon was never that powerful to start with. I was pretty sour over the DM levels exclusive to the N64 version
Whoops, I meant novel to me specifically.
It used to have a pretty massive kill radius, combined with the destructive environment which made it a hugely obnoxious infantry killer. Though the real monster in Bad Company 2 was the pre-nerf M60.
I'm not against instagib or anything, but when said instagib is wallhack instagib that shit can go fuck itself.
good not great
I choose FIST
This and Biggoron's Sword.
It's OP, but man is it satisfying to use.
The best thing though is becoming Fierce Deity and just drowning the final boss in fuck-you hadouken spam. I've never even fought him a different way. Even better is the glitch that lets you be Fierce Deity anywhere.
What's not to like?
Still manageable
I can't count how many times i killed a demonigger at melee range since he was too retarded to actually not use it
In 1.6 and source, its OP
in GOy its fucking useless
I love that thing.
fucking casuals
My nigger.
Hey, that's Irish. It's spelled wrong, though. It should be Claíomh Solais or if you want to spell it a more traditional way, Claidheamh Soluis.
What game is this from?
wouldn't know about the balance of the shotguns in the multiplayer, but the scarcity of shotgun shells in the singleplayer and the sheer DPS of the akimbo shotguns really made the moment you got to pull them out and unleash them on the ayy lmao horde feel like you are only now getting serious
Fucking John Romero, most weapons in that fucking game had to have a stupid fucking quirk and hurt you for no good reason.
When I realized the enemies were going to have these on a regular basis is when I stopped playing Red Faction's campaign. There was a weapon in Timesplitters Future perfect that could also shoot through walls but it wasn't instant kill.
They instakill bobs without purple (x3) shields even at mid range. Most of the m-maps don't even have those shields meanwhile ALL the maps have plenty of shotguns and shells to go around, plus they respawn ammo just as soon as you fire them. You can shoot BOTH of them at the same time to kill even x3fags at said range, too.
This is why i call you casual.
user Marathon hasn't been Mac Exclusive for like 17 years. Bungie released the source code to it decades ago
Talons win every time
It's the Farsight XR-20 from Perfect Dark.
if there was ever any proof that people designing the first FPS for consoles did not know a god damn thing about good game design, look no further than any FPS game on the N64. Everything about them was wrong, and I have no idea why people consider them "classics" today. They sucked back in the day, they suck even worse now, and even at the time, much better options existed on the PC. The only thing those games did well was muh grafix, and even then that's completely ruined by the horrid framerates they had.
Shit, is there a server that is only the revolver or something? That sounds fun.
You didn't need to. The gun was so broken on release literally everyone and their mothers bought the 850$ gun that could kill someone on a body shot where a 4300$ gun couldn't kill on a headshot. Ranked, unranked, messing around servers, you name it.
This got removed, right? CS is literally a game that is balanced around "the only instakill guns with no headshot are the most expensive in the game".
Nerfed into oblivion, but not before people spent money on crate$ for $kins. To this day nobody has any fucking clue what the fuck Valve was thinking. A weapon like the R8 could only work as either completely broken (one-shot kills) or be useless (doesn't one-shot kill) because of the very slow rate of fire it had.
Actually, I don't remember many Raildriver users in the campaign. Maybe a few, tops. Some Sniper Rifle users though, and in the hands of an AI that thing was almost as bad. In deathmatches though, Raildriver was stupidly imbalanced and at least one map was pretty much made for Raildriver camping.
Anons that played the Wolfenstein Enemy Territory night will remember this one.
I tried them immediatly everytime I got one so I could get rid of them.
Never killed anything with them.
This one was cool but you literally get it after you complete the last dungeon, when you should have 98% of the game done.
Ugly and stupid.
Yeah, a bit of a shame really. You can get Biggoron's sword early and it makes the game a cakewalk even on master quest, but MM, nope.
The Fun Killer
I had an immense amount of fun playing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with my brother and friends on N64 back in the day. Hundreds if not thousands of hours of enjoyment there. Using a Gameshark to unlock full Facility and dueling with rocket launchers and unlimited ammo was insanely fun even with the buggy draw distance. In retrospect it's easy to say the games sucked, but during the time when they were all we had, they were fucking glorious.
So the problem was it was actually just a real Carl Gustav.
I have mixed feelings, because nerfed rocket launchers/recoilless rifles for balance reasons are my pet peeve.
The mine spam was almost as bad.
Aria of Sorrow on the GBA and Dawn of Sorrow on the DS both had it as the strongest two-hand sword.
It depressed the hell out of me when Payday 2 nerfed that shit just to introduce overpowered DLC weapons anyway.
any weapon and izuna drop really.
but first pic related made the next few levels easier
pillow talk is so overpowered that it often cuts your combo down because enemies die too quick but it does have it's uses in wicked weave alfheims. But so does sharuba
Marathon wasn't an exclusive game for long. Also Aleph One is a thing.
It’s fucking stupid as fuck, it’s supposed to be a rocket launcher, how does a rocket land right by your feet but doesn’t blow you up. In GTAV you can destroy a fucking PLANE in one hit with a rocket launcher but in tf2 it’s fucking gay and doesn’t do shit.
How is that NOT fun?
This glitch to be exact.
Munroe effect, dum-dum.
It was nerfed like the next fucking day. It was only the patch day that everyone and their mother was only using the R8, after the quickfix got thrown in no one ever uses it.
I would believe people are retarded enough to throw money at boxes day 1 of the new box that released with the R8, but I highly doubt it was the driving factor to put the R8 into the game.
That's like calling people who play Doom DOS faggots who can't get with unified driver support.
Perfect Dark was the best sleepover multiplayer game. Very few games put that much love into local multiplayer and co-op. If a gun is bullshit, like the N-bomb, don't use it. Or use it and have fun in a shit fest, like slow-mo and poison knives that make the screen blurry until you feel motion sick.
I'm with you user. The game was a blast to play with friends.
It was pretty much superior to the RPG7 in every way. In fact, it was so good they had to nerf it twice.
Don't forget the 1911. Someone crunched the numbers and it had a quicker time-to-kill than most of the primary weapons.
this was probably bait
Against infantry, yes. The CG was (in the game) specifically meant to kill infantry, and if it can do it in one hit then there is no reason not to use it. RPG 7 did more damage to vehicles.
I don't know..the regular Wrench, the Eureka Effect or the Jag is OK enough. Mini Sentries doesn't really suit my style.
Guessing you're one of those who never aims his launcher..yet somehow score kills. As in you aim for the roof…yet you still manage to hit
This fucking thing
The PKM was more bullshit, pre-nerf it was like a full auto sniper rifle. After that it only use was to dolphin dive with it at point blank.
Confirmed for never having played FPS multiplayer. e.g. In Quake it was almost always better to aim for the floor at an enemy's feet or the ceiling if it was low rather than try for a direct hit
Because I never use splash weapon in FPS…I just like gunning folks with shotguns.
ME:A in its entirety, smacks of a group of people who didn't give a shit, doing a half assed job and not giving a fuck anyway, that ethos has apparently carried over into patches too. I now support the idea of EA retroactively taking their wages from them for producing such an abortion.
The award rifle and award pistol in Battlefront II. Once you have both of those and all of the buffs you're basically an unstoppable killing machine; basically a guaranteed way to start fights and/or lose friends playing splitscreen.
The guy who made it was buttmad about the AWP getting nerfed so he literally just slapped the old AWP stat block into a handgun. No, really. When it first dropped, the R8 was the best sniper rifle in the game.
nowadays half the roster has ways to ruin your day if you dare to pick up a hammer, and youre lucky if the head doesnt fly off the handle.
Sounds like TF2 isn't realistic enough for you. Come back when you can separate a game's abstraction from reality.
game is actually decent with unofficial patch that gets rid of companions and fixes bugs, but fuck, weapons are goofy, and 3/4 of them are useless after you get the katana
That just looked like everyone he was playing against sucked. The weapon is powerful, but only against people who can't aim, or not pay attention.
If you're bad, then yea.
Does Turok on the N64 even qualify as an FPS? Try playing any modern game with that FOV and draw distance, I dare you. You probably won't be able to set either of them low enough.
At least yours tries to pretend it's an SMG.
My bae's.
Classic valve.
are the people at valve morons? you want a crisp, short pull like a single action if you want to hit accurately, the lengthy and heavy double action will mess up your aim as you're pulling the trigger all the way back.
It says "more accurate at the expense of a lengthy trigger pull", you illiterate nigger. The gun's been nerfed to oblivion anyways, so it doesnt matter.
nothing i said contradicts what the image says you double nigger.
You were implying that Valve's logic was the gun is more accurate because of the double-action trigger. I'm telling you that Valve is slightly less retarded than that.
In vanilla it barely does any damage and I think even a basic NSF soldier can take a hit from it but most mods give it the proper damage that it should have, being a concealable one-shot spy weapon and all.
Gunslinger is the perfect definition of a good budget game. That game was fun to the end, the only problem is that you can see where the story is going and it's not as much fun playing as a sad old revenge crazed murder machine that only lives because nobody is good enough to kill him.
fuck i just want more cowboy games
my reaction image folder in this meme game of a board
please tell me this happend to you
Just play Deus Vult 2 or some other shitty slaughtermap if you want "challenge" with meme weapons.
You're bad.
This with Frontier Justice.
you can shoot his stickies and live