So it seems EA hired these NuMales and feminists that previously worked at Bioware Montreal.
It looks like Star Wars Battlefront 2 will just be Mass Effect: Andromeda 2.0
Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have the useless employees that destroyed Mass Effect: Andromeda
I didn't need another reason to not buy it, but alright.
why did you make a thread about this useless shit? did you really think battlefront 2 would be good?
go away retard
The poo who won't go in the loo too?
Hi Holla Forums
EA doesn't care about how useless they are.
American police should take a lesson from Indian police: when a currynigger starts bitching, beat the tar out of him. It's the only way to shut them up.
I guess we were right then. EA is reaping what they sowed and can't shutdown Bioware or get rid of its employees without getting in legal hot water. Hopefully the NFL outrage is affecting Madden as well, since sports games are what keeps EA alive.
They're only human after all.
Battlefront 2 was released in 2005. Referring to the reboot by its name aids EA's effort to erase the original games.
If you have to talk about this piece of shit, do it in such a way that reminds people of the existence of the real Battlefront 2.
do you wanna teach others not to buy games from EA?
Just call it "Nufront 2" – an emasculated, impotent mockery of the real thing, just like the faggots who taped it together.
Battlefront 2 was NEVER good
I bet if she wasn't the MC and was actually meant to be autismo on purpose Holla Forums would have wanted to protect her smile.
They deserve nothing less for killing Lucasarts for no reason
Nice meme
You can attach "Nu" to almost every reboot in the past few years, and it would be appropriate. I can't think of a single decent reboot these last few years.
DOOM was good despite the faggots on here whining because it wasn't literally the same game.
Resident Evil reboot as well.
Joke's on them I never expected anything but disappointment
Neck yourself, retard.
Because Andromeda surely didn't bomb due to pushing SJW shit instead of focusing on making a good game
Fuck these people, they are never satisfied
Focusing on making a good game wouldn't really make a difference if they don't know how to make a good game in the first place. We should be glad they pushed SJW shit if only because it opened up the normalfags' eyes.
SJW shit was just part of it, them scrapping the game half way through was probably a much bigger contributor. If the game didn't look and play like shit, with a shit plot, normalfags would have still bought the game.
Also any movie reboot/remake as well. We really have reached the point where those with the most money to throw about have exhausted whatever creative talent they had left. Seems like reboots, remasters, remakes, and sequels are the only things that companies care to put out. It's such a cynical commentary on the current state of our world, seeing that entertainment has largely devolved from creative expression in the pursuit of having fun into full-scale, iterated shekel mining.
The box level design and the pace-killing glory kills are HUGE minuses in my books.
So salty shitskin is pulling the race-card again? Who would've thought that…
One of the design goals of the game was "always moving", which I think forced the "box level" design. In the original game it was possible for you to basically kill everything in an area and end up hunting around for the key you missed earlier. I'd argue that's kinda boring
I dunno, I thought they were fun, though I definitely think they should have been able to be turned off / not incorporated into the the main gameplay as they get repetitive after a while, I still initially thought they were fun.
I agree, best fps in the last 10 years.
It's a bold strategy Cotton.
How do we know this isn't a case of the problem thinking he isn't the problem and blaming others for being the problem when he's left on the curb and the ones who weren't the problem are kept?
They didn't exhaust them user they were fired for wanting to be paid more than some street shitter from India who doesn't know how to make video games.
Funny, wasn't he claiming not long ago that he left voluntarily to go indie? Because that's not what this sounds like. It sounds more like his brown ass got fired because even EA realized that screeching on Twitter about ebil whitey doesn't make people buy your game.
More like EA is running themselves into the ground in the hopes that Disney or some other bigger entity buys them out and the top brass can leave with a hefty retirement package. This happens all the time in the Silicon Valley space.
EA seems to be desperately trying to make Disney take the exclusive Star Wars deal away from them. I mean, aside from the fact they make shit games, have EA really gotten so incompetent all they can do with a money printing exclusivity deal is to make two shitty Battlefield knock-offs that nobody plays two months after release?
Why would someone want to buy a shitty company? What about being terrible makes you more attractive to prospective buyers?
Access to trademarks and intellectual property.
From the big fish's perspective, it's on sale. From the smaller fish's perspective, they are getting a pay day.
That one makes no sense to me because half the time they just sit on them forever and do nothing with the IPs they spent millions on.
Why are suits so fucking stupid "Hurr this garbage covered in shit would only cost us fifty million dollars we should buy it to never use any part of it because everyone hates everything about it." what fucking looney toons kingdom do these faggots live in where any of this makes sense?
get a load of this hothead
Money spent acquiring assets, no matter how shitty, can not be taxed. It's as simple as that.
Although it can be about using the IP to try to revive it and make a profit, a lot of the time it's just about making sure their competition stays dead.
I liked roaming around looking for the key. The corpses everywhere and the music created some great downtime
Fucking Christ I'm amazed any of these people have any money when they are this retarded.
Is there anyway Disney could probably take that exclusive license away?
I guess it's different things for different people. I like it when there's less key hunting and navigation and more interesting arenas and enemy setups to fight against.
Depends on what kind of clauses are in the contract. I do think Disney is pretty fucking living with EA for wasting what was on offer. My guess is that Disney was expecting EA to go full-in and produce a dozen odd games, though I imagine they might have gotten cold feet seeing the lukewarm reception of TFA and the trainwreck Episode VIII and IX are becoming.
I bet they'll find a way to make Darth Maul even blacker.
gotta teach the newblood how not to suck dicks
especially the retards who keep on shiting-up boards with there traps
If I was EA, I'd say: fuck it, let's make games based on Expanded Universe Star Wars Legends.
Disney might be trying to bury the old stuff to replace it with their pozzed shit. I know JJ is a particularly vindicate little Jewish goblin that walked out on Star Trek because they refused to stop selling legacy merchandise.
All they're mostly doing is taking Expanded Universe storylines or lore and replacing characters with their OCs.
They're taking whatever good things are in the EU, butchering them, smearing their Marxist semen all over it and then pandering it towards woman and minorities that never had an interest in SW. Disney is run by Jews so completely stupid they gave the reins of SW to a deranged feminist cunt that has never done anything worthwhile in her entire career, and now, since she has a vagina, she is virtually untouchable and can run Star Wars into the ground and Disney can do nothing.
You think Disney cares? They own so many companies and make so much fuckin money they'd probably give the rights to SW to a crack addict in the street.
The only way they're gonna take control from someone on a project is if they go on an anti-jewish/minorities/left rant or a fuckin shooting spree.
This must be a divine gift.
It can't crash and burn painfully and kill notBattlefront shit fast enough.
Are you serious? Where did you read that?
Well, they paid one billion dollars for SW, and Kennedy is basically doing everything in her power to ensure they don't make money on the movies, on the games or on the merchandise. I guess Disney would not care since they are in the business of shoveling propaganda at the goyim, but eventually even they will have to relent and try to salvage whatever is left of Star Wars, or they'll simply bury it.
Serious about what? Jew Jew being a human cockroach?
They're doomed
I'd put DOOM as solidly 'decent'. Not great, but not utter dogshit either. It was hardly a benchmark title though.
What do you think they'll retcon this time?
Oh my summer child.
Aren't they doing something with the new movie that is basically that? Like rays mixer finds the physical manifestation of the force that is a tree or some shit
good, let it burn, ea and those fuckboys killed one of my favorite vidya series
…isn't one of the main characters from the Episode VII a black ex-Stormtrooper? How the fuck would they be white supremacist?
Listen and believe you shitlord.
You ask that question as if these people use anything resembling logic or reason.
They aren't. The Empire discriminates against Women and Non-Humans. If you are a human male, of any skin color, the Empire thinks you are the master race.
This goes back to Palpatine's distaste for the bureaucratic nature of the Republic, which was in general caused by Non-Humans. The same thing happened to the New Republic, as non-humans become more and more the majority of the government, it slowed and became less decisive.
In Star Wars, Humans and a handful of other races are considered the most 'decisive'. The rest have a bad habit of getting bogged down in beuracracy and political intrigue. Thats why the rebellion was started and mostly supported by Humans. Mon Calamari are likewise fairly decisive, hence the large numbers of Starship Officers of that race.
I dont know bro, that all sounds very not canon :^)
I see why the Empire failed.
Gotta love HR.
I only regret that I can not buy it just once.
He's only human after all. Don't put the blame on him.
The only thing the HR guy has to do at my workplace is reprimand people when someone gets butthurt, and fix schedules when the auto-schedule-writing computer fucks up. Fucking guy gets paid more than everyone except management, goddamn dream job.
Bad damage control.
Where do you work, Auschwitz?
He's a fat gay if that makes you feel better.
It doesn't make me feel better but it at least makes sense.
nuWars is The Legend of Korra.
There's a Force tree and Rey Mixer is the chosen one.
As for the other retcons, since TFA and Rogue One, they've done all they could to downplay Luke's actions in the OT.
What's wrong with her face
She has to stand next to a nigger
she is british
In some way, SJW shit was the source of ALL the problems, from the inserts to character backgrounds to the personal politics of the employees that spoke publicly about development.
I think the constant news coverage it was getting certainly wasn't helpful either - because all of it was bad. We knew from the beginning that it was given a $40M budget and 5 years in development, end to end. And for that entire time, the devs and animators and marketing hacks just couldn't keep shit to themselves. Every single second of gameplay or cutscene just got absolutely trashed in every medium from gaming journos to youtube reviews. The "my face is tired" meme and the like going as viral as it did, as fast as it did didn't help. And when you have fresh out of college casting couch tier femishits running entire departments and brown Hitlers whining all over twitter about why the game isn't being warmly received the entire godddamned time, you aren't helping matters.
The game was literally so bad that upon release it was rebranded as "Early Access", all DLC and post launch support was scrapped, the studio got shuttered, the franchise got shelved indefinitely and it was in clearance bins by the end of its first week on shelves. In video gaming that fuckup is staggering. So staggering that future fuckups will be measured on the Andromeda Standard.
Prolonged exposure to MKULTRA trauma-based mental programming.
Thanks for letting us know, Todd. The Evil Within isn't exactly a Resident Evil reboot, though.
tfw no bf
It's tired.
Sup Holla Forums and it's a normal thing to shit on EAware and EA in general here.
Not even that
The Old Republic was before they signed a deal with the Mouse.
TOR was 2011, the deal was 2013
… TOR was six years ago?
DmC was first unveiled six years ago as well.
Why does a Canadian care about Trump
The american president has influence over the entire world so it's important to care about that, in this case though it's just the usual media fearmongering.
A lot of canadians have self esteem issues due to the near complete destruction of their culture. So they often obsess about america instead, probably on account of america being their sibling, and their massive inferiority complex, as well as living so close as to be actual neighbors.
I never understood the hate for Doom myself. I love the originals but this was a very good fps with a unique play style. And there wasn't any faggy leftist pandering, either. The villain was a greedy turbodyke for fucks sake.
worse, his entire character is taken from a much better SW character.
Look up Kyle Katarn
She looks like a fuck xenomorph.
color me shocked
7 actually.
Weren't there plenty of female Stormtroopers but ots obviously due to the armor you can't tell the difference. I know under The Emperor they had a very pro-Human stance. You could somewhat get by it as an alien as long as you looked human and were very useful. There really weren't alien Stormtroopers till after the Empire lost alot of power and were desperate.
How the fuck does someone like that even get hired? If a man had a demo reel saying "I hate woman" they would never get hired.
There should be a rule among studios that every auditioning actor should be required to do a take without a British accent, even if they are from the UK. If their actors appear to be noticably "better" with the accent on, don't hire them. She looks like she's about to attack everyone rather than trying to get someone's help too.
Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer? It’s a waste of time and space.
Have you seen nuStar wars? the bitch can't act at all and she only has one facial expression where she looks like a very surprised crack addict, imagine a lead character whose face looks like this :O for the entire movie.
My guess is she sucked the entire board of Disney off to get that role.
Wasn't Strange Brew/GWN created because the CBC was shitting bricks over how all they were airing was American shows, and that they had nothing showing off "Canadian Culture". They pressured Dave and Rick to make a "Canadian" show, but they didn't know what the fuck that even meant, so they threw out a bunch of Canadian stereotypes to take the piss out of the whole situation - and the producers ended up loving it.
So Canadians are basically like Northern Niggers.
When did the western game industry get so bad?
As soon as they were stricken with the curse of Hollywood, so some time during the early 90s FMV game craze. Just like Hollywood though, it took a while before the bad started really showing itself.
Also, i want to remind everyone of the fact that so far we had three nuSW movies made, and exactly ONE game between them.
No racing games, no fighting games, no rpgs, no games at all, just a reskinned Battlefield and a lego game if you count those.
My favorite Star Wars games were the side-scroller on SNES, those were the shit
That's because they would need to use legacy characters to make the games popular since no one likes the cunt, the nigger and the spicjew, and they ruined any cool factor the First Order might have had by turning them into an incompetent clown troupe.
Holla Forums is hipster central, as much as it denies it. Member when GTA IV came out? It was the worst horse shit in the universe, not even fit to lick the sweaty ballsack of San Andreas. And now that GTA V is out? It's the worst shit ever, not like the super classic and realistic and awesome GTA IV. Same shit with Oblivion and Skyrim. Same shit with a lot of the it games. Holla Forums hates for the sake of hate.
I live in rural northern NY and the border with Quebec is like 15 minutes from my house. All the shitstains from Montreal come down every weekend to shop at stores that Murrica has and Canada doesn't. I've been calling them snowniggers for years, or filthy fucking queebs. But Quebec is so bad that even the rest of Canada wants them gone. Montreal/Quebec is like Canada's Sanfran/California. The Bob & Doug Mckenzie thing is more a parody of THE REST of Canada.
What exactly is Canadian culture? Acting like the British and pretending they're not?
thats something
Quebec- wishing they were french, wanting to secede and telling everyone about it and then not having the balls when given the choice, having entire sections of their cities dominated by cultures and languages that are neither english nor french
The rest- farmers and hockey and more large wildlife than humans
you forgot ontario, shitlibs without a grasp of reality that think paying half their income in taxes for their shoddy healthcare is better than paying a little for insurance
I have family in Canada. My female cousin got dumped by her boyfriend's boyfriend, and that's how she figured out she had been dating a faggot for the better part of fours years. Also, she's rabidly defensive of trannies for whatever reason. The West does weird shit to people.
that webm, were is it from?
Nothing, she's just a strong independent womyn :^)
I friggen bypassed le opressr xddddd
Niggers cause crime. Canadians aren't violent.
They killed LucasArts for this shit?
I was with this guy up until he blamed whitey.
It's a tranny.
Not even trying, Hollywood.
Canadians aren’t people, all of canada should be nuked because it deserves to be.
If she were a tranny in the current year there's no way she wouldn't be flaunting it for social justice points. You have a girl with a medical history involving severe problems with her female reproductive organs and hormones and most likely infertile, and you're shocked she doesn't display typical traits.
I don't see the connection. Katarn should have been Rogue One though. You had the Dark Forces game for the script ready to go, for fucks sake.
Hormones can't change bones, fag.
I'm not certain you understand how anything works really.
You think so small young padawan
shill detected
That would stunt bone growth, not give you bones similar to the opposite gender.
she needs to learn how to breath trough her nose
That’s a pasta, you fag
My repeated getting of dubs seem to indicate you're full of shit and don't understand anything relating to puberty
user that already happened and it's no longer canon
Jesus that made me fucking jump.
>i hate men
>odds are nobody actually watched the video and judged the book by its cover