Gone Home forever.
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d-d-don't worry! there's some good parts of the western industry! It's not an incestuous clique celebrating everything disgusting possible! The Japanese industry is just as bad, I sware!
Destiny et. al. would be bad, but not as bad as what will actually happen: This new award is more or less solely meant to honor games which push political propaganda; the less gameplay the "game" in question has, the better.
Shit, I skipped over this part
the eternal anglo
That's a funny way of spelling pinko commie sucm.
weren't those kikes who said that from now on, you won't get the prize if you don't shove (((diversity))) into your medium?
fuck them!
Britons are probably the weakest link in the western world.
BAFTA really went to shit after 2009.
Stop with your implying implications, back then there wasn't shit like Gone Homo or Xir Story in the award categories, now last april, after Overwatch won multiple awards, that retard dev thank a bunch of feminists in South Korea for using for their mascot, it was better days before this whole culture invasion by a bunch of normalfags with an agenda.
I repeat
Innovative in ways to profit off your dying child?
Here's to how shit the Vidya Awards for this year will be.
And promptly forgotten afterwards.
Isn't it just a text or multiple choice adventure? How is it meant to be innovative?
muh feels - I guess.
Oh boy. I can't wait for more cinematic and thought-provoking experiences that challenge my world-view and sell like shit
can't wait to see a cringy right wing award show led by you with pepe banners hanging everywhere
"and now the game most likely to piss of cuck feminists!"
Well sorry for bringing in politics, the right wing game shows are just as shitty as the left wing-
Oh wait there are no right wing game shows, for some reason all game shows just happen to be left wing. What a coincidence.
fucking reality with its leftist slant!
The Holla ForumsGAs ended with Reddit coming in and influencing votes. I think ultimately game awards are just promotional events.
they always have been but at some point just dropped the ruse and went full on advertising
Thanks for outing yourself as an outsider, faggot.
Reminder: The BAFTA's gave fucking Destiny an award for its "story".
That's a long list, considering they hate real video games. I'd be interested in the results.
That was fucking satisfying. Must have felt amazing for the guy. Have any more videos like that?
So nothing about gameplay then? just experience that made nu-male and feminists feel something, because they're uncultured swine who've never read a book beside harry potter, while also promoting games as art due to their need of attention and validation; they want to be recognized as game conoisseurs
He's right. You can't have an award show that isn't shit unless the entire thing is a joke, especially video games.
pick related
Nah, I would say the poles are the weakest link. Brits can channel their aryan roots and do some amazing things when they are not bound by the eternal yid. Poles are just easily lead retards that fall for basic jewish tricks.
these are same hacks who imposed that beginning this year, if you're movie/game doesn't include at least a crippled albino black muslim tranny they would revoke your qualification no matter the quality.
Souless corporate advertising awards is preferable to leftist walking sims getting recongnition.
It's 2017, games dont need to have gameplay anymore :^)
Stop replying to obvious derailers you shits, it's not like you are going to change his mind if he is serious
so which game is going to win the BAFTA award for vidya in current year plus two?
The new game from those gone home fucks
Oh shit I meant "game"
What is it about?
Stay mad britbong.
If only they did this to a shitload of """games""" so we could easily turn the award into a metric for shit movies.
I wish people would stop suggesting that the eastern europeans are resisting because they are mentally stronger or some shit, when in reality ussr rule just wasn't half as destructive as american hyperconsumerism and unchecked gramcianism.
More people need to see gayniggers from outer space, too absurd to miss out on.
That's a funny way of saying first to fall for jew tricks and drag the world into a fucking proxy war for the kikes.
Yeah, the BAFTAS are shit.
I forgot to mention, the awards are for Life is Strange.
I guess truly Life Is Strangeā¢
Someone should just submit a movie and see how many awards they can win that way.
Like getting JEWED by literall street shitters who lie on traintracks so you don't run them over
or fucking over your entire empire because a guy who read The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma decided it'd be great if that was his biography
How's London life?
Is terrorism still part and parcel of daily life in big city?
Now i know what Tokyo and Seoul were lacking during my stay there.
The only thing you can channel is more niggers to outbreed you.
Face the facts, poles are history's biggest dupes.
They're not the ones getting replaced by the human equivalent of garbage, without even putting a fight even.
Keep crying, doesn't change the fact that Pole's lands were used as ground zero of the kike plague we are currently facing. They are the biggest dupes in history, simple as that. Even the chinks and nips told the yids to fuck off. Why do you think they are on the kike's shit list?
"The Jew Cries Out in Pain as He Strikes You."
- Polish proverb
so they are admiting that the game isn't entertaining
someone should let them know that a game that isn't entertaining is like food that isn't tasty
Citation, nigger.
Besides, plenty of nations warned of the yids in the past. Poland was just the first to forget the teachings of the past.
Do you have a fact, a historical event or anything whatsoever aside from your hateboner to back that up?
are you for real?
Not as bad as being responsible for establishing the state of Israel and basically being the best goy among the goys.
Fuck off germany nobody likes you
The stage was set by that point. You can blame the burgers and the brits in tandem if you are looking for someone to blame about that. However that doesn't change that the kikes gained their foothold on the modern era due to their plans while poland was the host of those parasites.
Not german either, keep swinging. :^)
Read Hitlers War and figure it out for yourself.
Turns out I was wrong, Destiny didn't win best story, it won GOTY.
The best story award was actually given to fucking DLC for TLoU.
This alone is fucking retarded. Games are entertainment, same as paintings, films, ect. Don't try to pretend something stops being entertainment just because you really like it and think it has deep meanings.
I had a pimple like that on my ass, just above my leg, so I kept grinding against it while sitting or walking. It got really fucking irritated after a few days, incredibly painful when it popped
But user, ruining entertainment by having deep meanings is the whole point of (((postmodernism))).
It's short for 'The Last of Us'. You know, that 3 hour long walking dead movie that "game journalist" and sonyggers kept jizzing themselves over.
How do you even get a pimple like that?
By not checking your skin daily and squeezing any small pimples that have been found before they get big
Good. Once people realize they are full of shit with vidya, they will start to suspect they are full of shit with everything else too.