Super Mario Odessey street date broken in Portugal
Mario Odyssey leaks coming soon get in here
Super Mario Odessey street date broken in Portugal
Mario Odyssey leaks coming soon get in here
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This can be done anywhere if you're smart. For Pokemon X, I paid some truck driver behind a target to let me take one of the games right out of the shipment. I've heard other anons who usually go to a walmart or target late at night and ask one of the older employees to let them buy a game that wasn't officially released yet. They're tired and old so they won't kick up a fuss.
Problem is that you won't be able to play it without turning your wifi off or else you'll be banned.
First hour of gameplay from the livestream.
I wonder how many times this guy will die.
The movement looks braindead and the levels look barren.
Not surprised the game is easy
Game looks okay I guess but I doubt many anons are going to play it, I know that you fags know better than owning a Switch.
probably non since the game is targeted towards basically retards who never picked up a video game in their life. which is why they put in a baby mode and also put no game overs cause they don't want their users to feel bad for being bad.
Found another stream
vk com/video453083916_456239020?=
yeah most people here would rather own a $750 mid-range GPU they just use to post on image boards with.
Please let there be spoilers we can salt party
There's no way Mario Odyssey can live up to the hype, because the hype is enormous. I'm curious how Super Lucky's Tale would compare.
Checked. Pic is awesome and cute
How the fuck do you get hype for Mario? It's been the same exact shit for three decades.
What could you possibly spoil with a Mario game? Odyssey isn't an RPG so its not particularly story driven. Or what are you going to tell people that Bowser steals Peach and Mario has to save her? Some spoilers m8
He means spoil that the game is shit because the levels are fucking tiny.
All Mare-io kingdoms leaked
lel, what difficulity? At least nintendo is consistent with making "accessible" games.
So is it closer to 64 and sunshine of being free in a stage to basically do what you want without a time limit, or is it like Galaxy where you're railroaded into doing one ting and one thing only?
Game looks way too easy. I hope it gets better near the end
Nice Hitler dubs
64 and Sunshine style design, with BK thrown in with not having to leave levels after you get a macguffin.
It looks like a mix of past games with a ridiculous amount of hand holding. It's one of the easiest looking games i've seen.
64 was challenging and sprawling in some levels. This is just sunshine physics/controls with a tiny world.
I would wait till we see later levels to make the judgement call on challenge. Modern Mario design is piss easy to finish, but brutal to 100%.
I still cant do Champions Road without powerups
A 1080 Ti, Nvidia's most powerful GPU is cheaper than that.
What are you talking about? That sort of mario game died with Mario World. Do you mean collecting all the speical coins and shit? Mary-o games stopped rewarding you with levels a long time ago. There is no point to 100% a modern mario game unless you want a new title screen.
I'm not seeing that. It looks like you reach a pathetically low top speed immediately and you turn almost instantaneously, removing any sort of twists and dives.
Super Mario Sunshine was last good mario.
Can confirm that Galaxy 2 started a trend of piss all rewards for actually doing good at the game.
It's so accessible, it allowed someone to beat ==Johnny Fucking Numbers==. They've gone too far. He was suppose to be the chosen one, not the transgender one!
How short it this fucking game?
BOTW took at least two days. This isn't even close to that.
Super Mario 64 - Now with less color.
Barely a step above brown 'n bloom.
The 2D part looked pretty good.
It just looks disappointing to me, oh look a casualized open-ish Mario game. I dunno why.
I just want to fuck her so bad
It checks out.
Looks like a shitty capture compared to the saturation of the other videos.
I wanted to mention that as well but then I would be worried that people would start to know that commies have latched on to nintendo for the last few years. Let them have that blissful ignorance.
It's been much longer than that.
not obsessed, just able to see basic patterns.
Watching Mario turn into a t-rex and thinking about the endless autistic porn it'll inspire is the only good thing about Odyssey tbh,
Stay triggered.
All Mario games from 64 onward don't require you to beat the whole thing before reaching the final boss. IIRC Galaxy 1 lets you fight Bowser extremely early on in the game with a negligible amount of stars.
2:20 is a good show of just how bad the physics are. Look how he immediately stops dead in his tracks right after crouching on the edge of that hill there. In 64 or Sunshine, he'd slide instead.
The less a game can be like Mario 64, the better.
stop lying todd.
So, do we already know how many Worlds there are in the game?
Mario gets rejected at the end
Manlets. When will they learn.
Also, is Peach playable in the post-game? The Edge reviewer said she had a bigger role in the game instead of being a typical damsel in distress.
God, tell me about it. What's with collectaton and shit rewards for beating them?
Mario Vs Donkey Kong gives you a crown on your file for tediously perfecting every level. It doesn't get much more pathetic than that.
Are there any collectaton platformers that give you cool 100% bonuses? Like, SA2 gives you 3D Green Hill Zone as a stage which is super fun but it hardly counts as a pure platformer type thing.
Feels good
It looks quite average actually
Seems to be another BOTW case
Guess we'll have to wait for Mark to buy it and see
Better in grammar though apparently.
So good I don't even know who all of these faggots are.
You BRmonkeys should try out a Portuguese invention by the name of lobotomy though.
Not a chance, have some IRL Casca
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
uma delicia
Yeah, but we don't exactly want another Galaxy either.
No burgers think of portugal at all, actually. 100+ IQs don't think of you at all and the shambling apes don't know you exist.
wow it's like real castles aren't filled with preschool primary colors
I agree, the mario series really needs to embrace more realistic visuals.
Between 11 and 13 deaths, i say.
looks fine to me
What a buzzkill.
There should still be at least 1 more kingdom/world we don't know about yet on top of the list in pic related, due to cappy's line in other pic related
Also note that cloud and ruined kingdom are basically just boss arenas
What is Lake Kingdom? Have we seen it already?
How hard does the game look?
Also, is there a post game? Like in Mario 3D World, after you complete the game, all the levels get harder, is there something like that here?
A tiny bit less braindead than the last few Marios but not by much. We haven't seen some of the unlockable worlds though, so I expect it to do the usual optional super-hard level like they've done since Galaxy 2.
I'm not sure it was seen before the stream/leak, but it's basically a mermaid esque thing. I'd compare it to the Zora areas in zelda games in theme.
After you beat the moon area you get Mushroom Kingdom and mysterious space monoliths in the levels turn into new challenge areas, and there are paintings in peach's castle that are to re-play bosses, which might have changed elements/be "hard modes", i'm not sure
Also, as the image shows, cappy implies there's a second postgame kingdom in addition to mushroom once you get all the moons
Thanks, I assume Lost Kingdom is the one from the recente trailers where you can control de chicken-dinosaur, right?
Bowser's Kingdom is amazing, but it looks too short. Lake Kingdom looks really nice also, dam the visuals of the Kingdoms are amazing, but they feel quite short and sometimes a little empty (like Moon Kingdom). Every single one of those Kingdoms has a story boss and na Extra Boss, right?
She rejected both Mario and Bowser.
I'm assuming Treehouse had some (and by some, I mean lots of) influence in the development of this.
Oh yeah, Nintendo, one of the most conservative developers in the world, would definitely let some random guys at Tree House (who have no experience developing games) have a lot of influence in one of their flagship titles, no, their biggest ever title and mascot.
The SJWs at Tree House might have some say when it comes to translating, because NoJ probably don't even care about it unless the backlash is huge, but to say they had any involvement with the development of the game is a stretch.
stopped reading right there
Except they do, eat shit.
But they are, Miyamoto is really conservative with his employees, he didn't even let they put a female Link in BotW and said Link will always be a male, their current president seems also very conservative.
This is regarding translations, fucking moron, not having influence in the ending of the story of your flagship title and mascot. Are you people honestly deluded? Do you really want to believe NoA or Tree House have any influence on NoJ decisions?
I'm not trying to look like a fanboy here, when there was that whole backlash on Neogaf (RIP) about Aonuma's comments on female Link, I was ready to never buy anything from this company again if they gave in to their demands, but based Miyamoto BTFOed them. I'm just really trying to look at this from a realistic perspective, there's no way they'd let Tree House members make changes to a Mario game.
Good job ignoring my post and the link;
They have the power to change actual portions of the games. Stop trying to justify your retarded support of a shit company.
That's what they did to Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Remember the first Japanese preview was less censored than the actual game?
Oh shit
Stream of a guy who already beat the gamegoing through and trying to get more moons to unlock the hidden area cappy mentioned in the first image of
Regardless if it's supposed to be feministshit or not, it sucks.
Instead of "you did it!, everything's cake and happy for mario, the end" it just gives you a sour "hmph!, the end btw"
You're retarded. Xenoblade and TMS doesn't even get 1/10th of Mario's sales, they're not as big as Mario. I don't think you understand how traditional and big Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash Bros., Mario Kart etc are, they're not your typical JRPG games that struggle to reach 1 million sales worldwide.
Now what you are suggesting to me is that Tree House literally created an ending for a Mario main game? You honestly expect me to believe that they got in a room with Miyamoto, Koizumi and the director of the game and decided for them what the ending of the story would be like? What do you think they were talking about in that room? SJW localizer: "Hey Koizumi, let's make an ending where we can show that womyn are stronk and don't need no man", *everyone agrees and decide it's the best course of action?
Am I the blind fanboy here or are you the one who can't see how absurd the thought that Tree House have influence in Mario games is?
But anyway, believe what you want…
How am I the one baiting? The one who created a bait was the guy who criticised the ending of the game as being an SJW message made by TreeHouse.
That guy has a legitimate admission from Nintendo themselves NoA is now influencing game content itself, while you have just shitposting. Mario may not get fucked with on the scale of FE, but to deny their influence will be felt is burying your head in the sand. We've spent years watching every company with western influences in Japan do stupid shit, so its not unreasonable to expect the same. Another fact is that Iwata didn't trust Kimishima to run NoA as CEO, so Iwata pulled fucking double duty until he died. Kimishima is now head of Nintendo. Glass door reviews of NoA tell us the culture is be part of Reggies circle or leave. NoA had people like Alison Rapp and Cammie Runaway working for them. There is no reason to trust Nintendo at this point when too much shit is against them. They run a tighter ship to keep BS leaking out than Bioware for example, but don't pretend a west coast tech business isn't filled to the brim with progressives.
Hello newfriend!
I have the bundle preordered. I hope it's good. Why can't anything be good anymore?
Because people like you pre order.
cancel your order before it ships, get a refund
there is no reason to buy a switch at this point. How many major title games do you have? From what I've seen, there is only BOTW (quality arguable), and odyssey. Wait until the first price drop, user. Hopefully, by then, there will be more than one and a half games available for the switch
How am I going to play the game without a console smart guy?
I bought it mostly for xenoblade 2 and before I bought it I counted 10 games on it that I wanted to play on the switch more than on pc. 10 games is usually my criteria, although I've never bought a console new before.
What eshop titles are there? I can only think of puyo tetris, but that is more of a singleplayer/local game. I personally would wait til after a price drop and metroid prime 4
I'm gonna pick one up down the line, most likely, since Kirby's always great and there'll probably be a new Animal Crossing. I just really wish for something more to come out, since most the indies look like trash and right now it's mostly supported by western devs.
There's Kamiko and VOEZ and probably other stuff from FlyHighWorks. Metroid Prime 4 is honestly a gamble so far, we don't know the devs who will make it, nor what they'll introduce in it, they could very well fuck up somehow.
I really fucking hope that, since Retro's not making it, they're making a DKC, Freeze Dong was one of the best games that year.
Never liked Metroid or Pokemon so next year looks to be even more empty than this year
FTFY. They already confirmed retro isnt involved, so then it just leaves the internal dev teams. More than likely, sakamoto is going to direct this one and bring us Other M: Volume 2
Kamiko looks like a game i could easily pirate or find on gog. Not worth paying, imo. VOEZ looks like a very shallow rhythm game, which is a shame because older systems got some of the best rhythm games during the last few gens. Still is a waste of money ordering a switch at this time. Nintendo needs to pleaseunderstand that they aren't making smart business decisions. Kimishima is driving the company into the ground at record pace.
But why
There's more I'm forgetting but I'm interested in the portability factor mostly and emulation later on.
Price drop seems unlikely for a while too based on the rate they are selling them.
Peach turns them down, packs up from the castle, and moves in with Luigi, and soon starts a new family with him. Mario gets invited to the birth, with Pauline in tow. They told us what happens after with galaxy and mario land, this is just a chapter between 3d world and that.
so many variants exist, why play it on the non touch handheld?
R is OKAY, but not retail good. Maybe ten dollars max
You can play this on PC
i hope you don't take public transit, lad. groids will spot that thing from miles away
come on
I went and looked at the ending and it's not really that bad.
So no it's not really that much of a "they turned Mario into a cuck" as OP is trying to make it out to be.I still find it cute that Mario had a flaw in being too intimate in the moment but in a dorky way.
I'm talking about jailbreaking not paycucking.
I'm talking about the rhythm game.
Shit lore.
If only.
To add to the list, Voez is a pretty neat rhythm game. It's on mobile too but that version has microtransactions.
Super Bomberman R is good if you can get it cheap. It's not worth full retail price but it's a decent bomberman, and the patches have fixed a lot of the launch issues.
The Switch is only portable if you carry a messenger bag or have cargo pants, and if you want emulation you'd be better off with something smaller, like the n3DS or PSP Go. I only bring my Switch out when I'm going on a trip with friends, for entertainment along the way.
At 250 moons you unlock the Dark Side of the Moon Kingdom.
Something else is unlocked at 500.
>he isnt familiar with the ebin backstory of lightning as explained in galaxy
Better bone up on your lore, kiddo
Jailbreaking isnt gonna happen that quick, and there really won't be any hardware differences between revisions for piracy/jailbreaking's sake.
The part with them leaving does nothing for me. I still say it has an overall negative mood to it that doesn't suit a mario game ending.
Xonic is what I was thinking of. It's coming soon.
God this faggot streaming the Dark Side sucks.
You can unlock a low polygon 64 Mario model as a skin on Odyssey?
inb4 everyone makes pink floyd references
Yes. In fact, it's the unique Mushroom Kingdom costume you get by spending Mushroom Kingdom coinsâ„¢. Each Kingdom has one moon being blocked by a little faggot that won't let you by unlock you have that Kingdom's unique costume on.
You can turn into a skellington for 9999 coins.
Why would you willingly want to willingly spoil the game for themselves?
His stream works fine, your internet is just shit.
It's his gameplay that's so infuriating.
Because if it's fun, we'll have fun regardless of it being spoiled or not.
why would i want to go in blind on modern day nintendo, and probably waste a lot of money?
youre not from around here, are you?
I honestly can no longer tell if the game is actually hard or if this faggot is just incredibly slow.
Thank fuck that the game sends you back to the beginning of the tower, at least it's trying to be punishing.
It him. He seems to have completely missde the fact that you have a powerful spinning hat throw that can clear your surroundings and collect coins.
The player is shit. They failed to see the first boss' hat pattern as a big sign reading, "USE THE FUCKING SPIN ATTACK!"
Seemed obvious from the ricochet and speed of them.
Other streams are wroking just fine.
Might be because VK's a russian site and I'm a slavfag. Unless those other streams are also on VK in which case I have no bloody answer.
Feels trippy seeing 64 Mario in something that ISN'T a hack.
If he beat the broodals to get that king's outfit, I missed it. What happened?
This upsets me in so many ways.
They were. I watched some Russian Pirates of the Caribbean while I waited for his shit stream to never load.
Mario sperged and acted like Bowser at the last second.
He really did get the Kings outfit.
All I can tell right now is that he's repeated failing some small "challenge" level.
Pretty much, he repeatedly can't into going fast.
She wants Luigi's Luigi
(Turn on annotations)
we need an inside man/men who is good at vidya to leak these games
Because they've never played a hard fucking video game. They're the type of people who thought Cuphead was "too hard", the type of people who could never beat Castlevania or Mega man despite countless attempts because they do the same thing over and over without even attempting to change their strategies. And god forbid they touched an actually challenging game.
Because they're not skilled gamers, they're social casuals. That's how they manage to get the games early. Social connections.
The Virgin Plumber and The CHAD golden Koopa
It says he's mulitstreaming. Where the fuck are the other streams? Maybe one is less shit.
Really makes me think.
Nintendo has Retard Mode in this game for a reason.
The only variant I've found to be decent was this one
Your next line is (((reddit spacing)))
fuck off cuckchanner
did you flew here because of the sticky over at cuckchan? god you're pathetic
You can't even use the Hebrew brackets correctly you fucking idiot. Either integrate or fuck off.
Woah, i bet this is going to become a national holyday on Poortugal
And yet you're the one outing yourself. Fuck off.
p-please refresh the t-thread
No wonder he sucks at fucking Mario.
Man that ending was lame.
Seconded. Bowser didn't even have second form for Christ's sake.
Oh hey there Mark
Uh oh a puzzle.
Streamer's gonna be stuck here for an hour.
daisy rarely gets in put into anything mario mate just give it up its rosalina's time to sunshine 2
Anyone else notice the shop snails are fucking Jews? Also, you can buy a Waluigi suit.
Stars are actually moons
Childrens coloring books would be too hard for a cuckchan faggot.
Nuke halfcuck twice.
Where do you think all the good Portuguese went, nigger
Why do you think half of the country wants to secede from where the Nigerian niggers were located
Really though, they couldn't have been bothered to come up with fun names for these places? Literally Sand Kingdom?
Reminder that damsels in distress are all shit women
I've been meaning to ask, since I know that ancient statues had color to them, was this Dio Brando palette the original coat of paint on it?
So is this the one part in the timeline split where Mario is unable to throw the Rabbids out of the Mushroom Kingdom so they form an alliance with Bowser?
I blame Treehouse
These are evil rabbits, not rabbidsâ„¢.
This used to be a trope back in the 30s and 40s. Besides, Mario has Pauline.
oh wow fucking 20 year old jingles, nostalgia guise.
fuck this.
Can't tell if you took an image out of context. Also Peach got Wario'd and Luigi was just watching
God damn it, it's Retarded Super Mario all over again.
Stream is down. Did he get 500 moons? What did he get for getting them?
From Gamefaqs
Oh man, they are going hard with the nostalgia pandering.
Well, at least we know she got KOOPED.COM
I think it's a testament to the old Nintendo ways that the new models look like crap compared to how they made Mario 64 with their technical limitations. Physics in this game are worse than any of the other three major titles combined, and Galaxy had the excuse of having people getting accustomed to the shifting gravity.
Kill yourselves.
Christ, I hope it isn't Brawl all over again.
I have never cared less about a Mario game than this Sonic Mario edition game.
How about you go back to tumblr where people will actually believe your lies?
pls no bully
Game has a lot in common with Sonic Unleashed when you think about it. I mean it has the same "travel the world" theme. Difference is Sonic is given the chance to get the girl.
Man, Japanese VAs sure aren't nowhere as annoying as the US ones. SA1-2 is probably the only VAs that are superior in the US versions of the games.
Here's the ending
I'm guessing too many fucktards casualfags don't get a 100% file so they never think to add it in
Reminds me of when I played New SMB on Wii and got full 100% without the luigi tutorial showing up in the game and all I got was that the 5 stars on the file select screen gently sparkle.
SA2 is about the best I can even think of with a whole crafted retro level, but also unlockable bonus outfits for all the characters. Other than that, I can't think of many platformers, much less collectathons, that give you… ANYTHING for getting 100% other than some assy "thank you".
I'd fucking LOVE it if you 100% odyssey and then, for no reason whatsoever, you get to play the game as Wario and slap his mug on everything.
I thought Mario Galaxy's star festival level with everyone coming back as NPCs was a really nice closure.
Well, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror lets you pick and choose the powerups if you complete it. Wouldn't be great to 100% a game and then find humorous exploits with those?
The american VAs only got annoying around when Colors came out, especially when Roger replaced Jason in that time.
Todd has nothing to sell to PC gamers. We've pirated his shit games and deleted them already.
DKC2 was nice.
Cranked up final boss fight, lost world levels, and a small ending cutscene.
I watched the live stream yesterday and I'm still fucking pissed that Bowser or has has one fucking stage.
Will this game include PU warping and half an A press tutorials in a future update?
how come it's not in spanish?
Christ I'm out of it. "only has*"
Roger is good at being a sarcastic Sonic so he's great in Sonic boom. Problem is that when games like Colors and after try to be funny they just aren't. If the games had better writers then he probably wouldn't be so annoying in them. We'll just have to see if how Forces ends up.
It's amazing how I thought I was gonna hate Sticks, but the voice acting and design made even the annoying bits like the conspiracy theorist archetype come off as charming.
I want to fuck that. And that was before I read the image.
Sticks is a QT
Does this 4cuck still suck at the game?
And how the fuck do I stop the fucking emoji from flying across the screen?
in mario odyssey, the Mario you play as is actually a body double for the real Mario who is busy building his castle fortress in the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach becomes your support very early on and is very overpowered but useful. The mario you play as in the game is supposed to represent YOU the player, Shigeru Miyamoto left us with the message that we are all Mario
it is an overhyped underwhelming experience that all the critics are giving 10/10s to
I was going to say "what's this Hideo Kokima shit" But I'm pretty sure this post is an MGSV joke.
Are all the shopkeepers Jewish hand wringers?
I've actually begun to enjoy watching him fail.
The console has a worth of $300 + stupid shit so it doesn't have to break.
Horsehit! What about the Blue Mario from Mario tennis.
I fucking swear you better be able to unlock it. It actually being one of the very last things you unlock and letting Mario fly would be cash.
Who the fuck cares?
Aw Yeah This Is Happening is a beautiful line and I hope no one will ever remake the game
All the new VAs are perfect for being sarcastic. Pollock was fucking threatening but still had that charmy cheese kind of thing going on. You know, he's got actual world domination plans but sometimes he would screech for no apparent reason.
Mario Mario is just a stage performer for Mario Jumpman. Jumpman retired from saving New Donk City and made a killing as an amateur golfer. He later got so renown in the sports biz that he got a degree in being a ref and was henceforth called back to New Donk City (where he oversaw the World Video Boxing Association matches that saw the rise of Little Mac, himself a New Donkian) and later on at a charity tennis tournament disputed in the Mushroom Kingdom by the stage players themselves. His last actual adventure was in SMB1, where he defeated King Koopa and freed the Toad People from his oppressive regime. The liberated Princess Toadstool, which you might notice is a redhead, not a blondie, decided to celebrate Mario Jumpman's tales by having troupes of stage actors (the characters we've come to love throughout the years) reenact them for the public of the entire world. Jumpman was so impressed by how detailed the opening spectacle was (The Lost Levels) that he dreamt of being in yet another adventure with his brother, the princess (still a redhead) and one of her assistants. SMB3 was the theatrical release of SMB1. The public started loving it so much that it branched off in spin off after spin off, it became the in-universe equivalent of The Simpsons, people could just not live without more Mario, so they kept recreating the tale over and over again with increasingly more outlandish scenarios.
oh yeah also he serven in 'nam
I played the gamestop demo. It's actually alot more fun than it looks.
After playing it I pre-ordered the bundle with the red joycons.
Is it just me or is the N64 model still the best one? I find Odyssey Mario to be way too cartoony and over animated.
Why isn't there a Bowser focused 3d platformer/beat em up?
Seeing the ending sequence made me realize that's not a thing yet.
Why the fuck did the Bowser fight not have multiple stages?
Galaxy 1 let you replay the whole game as Luigi with unique movements and I already mentioned it
Kirby Squeak Squad also allowed that including the "final boss only" item that you could take anywhere… In fact, that game also included the Ghost power up which let Kirby possess all non-boss monsters and attack others, even performing their special attacks and such, which gave a shitload of replayability even in a 100% file.
Because the idea of Bowser being a good guy is against Miyamoto's dated idea.
Exactly! Villains can be good guys too.
Dry Bowser is the original Bowser.
Current Bowser is his son, and Bowser Jr. is his grandson.
Stream is dead. Last I checked, he was around 630 moons. Who wants to bet you get jack shit at 750 moons and a very shitty reward for 100% moons? I didn't see him do Darker Side, but considering someone this bad at the game completed it, and they only made it worth one moon instead of a grand moon of three, it can't be that hard. Still no wing cap, one of Mario's most iconic non-standard hats.
Sorry but no, King Koopa is dead
After seeing so many woke faggots jerking off to how empowered Nintendo made Peach at the ending I hope at 100% she blows him on the moon the second she's free.
Elaborate. How is the word ending confusing to you? The game has a story ending after you complete the last story boss..
i haven't been following this.
is luigi in the game?
I'm not sure. I've only seen toads, Toadette, the explorer toad, and Peach.
The street date was broken in Portugal and some Asian country. I watched the Portugal stream since he was farther in the game, did not suck as bad as the other guy, and was not constantly talking in Mandarin with his face in the corner. I have seen a significant portion of the game. I'd give it 7-8. Here are the negative points.
Only enemy I saw that relates the marker to the enemy, making it somewhat less shitty, is a dragon boss that has where some of its breath attacks will hit marked by flat flamy purple glow.
Mainly I saw Cap Kingdom, Cascade Kingdom, and Moon Kingdom.
You bascially just run foward while pressing B to smash, then run forward in 2D while pressing B to smash, then smash four pillars, then smash a cube, and that's it. There's some jumping but not platforming really, just going up steps. Very anticlimactic.
Couldn't make much out with the crumbling cave noises, but I think it's something that was licensed, not even made for the game.
Streamer was at 630-ish moons with no sign of wing cap, updated or low-poly.
Did not see it, but considering a cuckchan faggot that sucked at the game completed, I'm going to say it's less challenging than many of the moons I've watched him repeatedly fail to get in the game.
Post got long, so I'm putting it in the Mare-Eh-Oh thread instead. Did I miss anything?
I swear Holla Forums's full of counter-marketers, who do you work for? SONY? MS?
Shitpost harder.
You're right, I'm probably overestimating consolewar shitposters too much,
I don't think he was even aware there is a spin attack.
I said harder faggot.
There literally isn't though.
What if you like video games?
Then you're incentivized to not buy it and convince other to so Nintendo will crash, stop making shitty games, and leave the small possibility that something better will fill the void in the market before the Sony and Microkike do. That or Nintendo is forced to make better games due to downsizing.
That doesn't sound right
Oh, no. He's retarded.
Typo. convince others not* to so Nintendo will crash
I'm pretty sure your whole life is the typo
That's better. Shitposting is what you were born to do nigger.
Then I'd buy a system that actually has video games, of course.
ey russki do you have any smaller resolution of it?
Here, have some.
its good now blyat))
2 options here
Either you are retarded
Or humanity is a lost cause.
It would be the best and cement Bowser as the ultimate badass.
Any idea if it's breaking street date in New York today? Like I went to JnL and they told me to wait till 12:30
I think Amazon broke the street date.
Blue Tennis referee is just a stunt double?
Dont' trigger Mario's ptsd
You mean umpire? Uncultured swine.
Thats Bowser's inside story in a nutshell
On the Mariowiki it says that he is a referee.
To be fair I don't remember 64, Sunshine and Galaxy 1 giving any real second form either. Galaxy 2 is the only one that comes to mind that actually gave you a completely different second fight (albeit a poor one). That said I do agreed in general that final bosses only having one form is generally lame.
Both Bowser and Peach acted how I would expect them to. It's Mario that makes the ending kind of a bummer, he almost acted uncharacteristically and seemed like he was sperging out just for a trope.
I wonder how normalfags are going to take this, so many of them actually thought that Mario and Peach would get hitched
> I wonder how normalfags are going to take this, so many of them actually thought that Mario and Peach would get hitched
I'm not surprised Nintendo did it that way. Miyamoto has said before he considers the cast of Mario to be actors who take on different roles as the game or story demands it, in his own words similar to how Popeye and Bluto would fight over Olive Oil and in one episode Bluto would be a butcher, in another a captain or a pirate or whatever, and quite often at the end Popeye and Bluto would end up being so in to fighting each other that Olive Oil would get bored of their nonsense and storm off.
Miyamoto actually made the Popeye game for arcade and Atari, and Donkey Kong would have been a Popeye game too but they couldn't get the rights to it at the time.
Basically, to understand Mario you have to understand that Miyamoto really fucking likes Popeye.
That's an awesome Peach BTW. Got any more?
Shit Peach.
According to Odyssey, SMB3 actually happened
sage >:(
does an easier game exist?
Pretty solid game but too easy, even the "darker side of the moon" final challenge gauntlet only took a few tries and the invisibility suit reward is pointless (unless I'm missing some hidden ability)
Is it better than Galaxy 2?
Can we all agree that Sunshine was the best platform mario game?
And they haven't even done a proper sequel to it? Spraying shit was so oddly fun and chill the levels were chill af
No, Sunshine was boring and gimmicky.
The moons are ridiculously easy to get so they padded the game by putting in 800+ of them. I got 8 in a 15-minute break at work. Last night my Switch gave me a warning it was gonna shut off because the battery was at 1% or something, and I still got 3 more moons before it went into sleep mode.
I guess you don't remember those Mario games.
(get me on the court and I'm trouble)
It's better that she rejected them both. The most they could have hoped for in a marriage would have been awkward scenarios. I don't think Bowser would be the type to kidnap a married woman from her home and ask for her hand in marriage (I don't think Bowser ever actually forced himself on her). Not to mention it would shift the games from more carefree adventures to more adult territory especially with how Peach only acts inconvenienced by the kidnappings (in order to keep things lighthearted in tone). The relationship between the three is good enough and serves it's purpose. It's kinda a running gag of sorts that serves as a backdrop for Mario games.
How the fuck did everyone play it already?
Better than Sunshine?
It's short as fuck with most moons being duplicated minigames to pad out time. Like
Why would they make the tiara the hat ghost's sister?
Why would he want to fuck his sister?
I honestly wished the ending was just more traditional. Despite my feelings for Galaxy 1 and 2, what they got 100% right was the closure. This one tried a bit too hard for a gag though it's understandable. Also the artist is grey impact on twitter, but don't expect much from this peach set, it's just continuous breast expansion.
yeah piercings suck, how about this peach?
Why didn't you like Galaxy? I thought it was pretty fun.
Shit opinion.
Any decent reviews up for it?
What makes you think he's asking?
Please let that shitty dobson tier pron meme die. How can anyone aside from dobson himself, or living bicycle pumps, enjoy this?
I enjoy it when it's not taken to ridiculous levels. Also, you're confusing breast expansion wth general inflation, which is disgusting.
Yeah the image set just makes her tits bigger and bigger (with enlarged areola), it's not actual inflation, I still find it shit though which is why I didn't post it.
Music is here!
spoilers =/= exclusively story spoilers
Nintendo did it better