Why do all the 3D Castlevania games suck so much?
Why do all the 3D Castlevania games suck so much?
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bcumz castlevania was never meant to be played in 3d. platform only
I liked Curse of Darkness and Lament of Innocence. I know this isn't a popular opinion but I have never courted popularity.
Legacy of Darkness was good, fuck you.
They were well-polished, but ultimately boring, like all of IGA's games really. Metroidvania was a mistake.
The second N64 one is fine. The PS2 ones seem fine.
They all control like shit and are very boring.
If you removed "the 3D Castlevania" from your post, your question would be much better.
Because it's not supposed to be fucking 3D.
are very boring*
nigga, what are you doing?
Curse was alright. Lament was too easy though
I think I've played all of them and they seemed to suffer from the 'empty space' problem. 2D, you just slap a sexy background on the game and everything else is pure sex. 3D, if they had rendered the levels like REmake style, it might have been better. But you often have these just barren rooms and hallways, routinely even devoid of even monsters. that leaves large gaps in the gameplay, leading to boredom compared to the action packed, yet simpler, 2D ones.
The combat doesn't convert well to 3D either, the PS2 titles were pretty lackluster and archaic compared to other 3D action titles from that era. At least the N64 games can use the "first attempt at 3D" excuse.
I'm playing Curse of Darkness right now and enjoying it somewhat but it takes forever to get anywhere.
That's not it. Just because they're not devil may cry 3 doesn't mean they're "archaic". I mean, the camera sucks hard but it's still manageable.
The real problem is that they're just way too fucking long, especially curse of darkness. The same amount of enemy variety with pointless rooms removed, and pointless RPG shit removed would make a much better game.
The dodging system kind of blows.
Seriously. They could've shrunk the maps by well over half and you'd lose nothing.
They just do?
Dark Souls is 3D castlevania done right.
Too bad DS lacks the aesthetics or amazing music.
It doesn't?
Well music is arguable, but it sure as hell does look like castlevania.
Not really, Castlevania is more anime-esque while DS is more like an european painting.
Not all Castlevania games are anime-esque. Look at Castlevania 4.
I haven't played anything prior to SOTN.
Even that's not quite anime. Portrait of Ruin, sure.
user come on, do you think that MGS is western too?
Define western. The games are all made in Japan, obviously. I don't think this art style is overly anime. though maybe a little in the faces.
Lament of Innocence was OK, not ideal but way better than Curse of Darkness when it came to speed.
Maybe because we don't need one?
Legacy of Darkness is still better than any of Igarashi's trash.
Excuse me?
Might as well ask here, is Simon's Quest worth playing? I'm considering playing the nes/16-bit games, and I've heard it's pretty shit.
I kinda like it. It's flawed for sure. I hear there's an improved rom floating around.
I've heard of the improved version, but I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to first playthroughs. Do you have any heads-ups for a first timer?
Get the power. Nintendo power.
No seriously, the game's localization was gimped to sell Nintendo Power copies.
This. It's so poorly translated that you'll never figure it out without a walkthrough. This is one of those cases where there's no shame in cheating a few times.
You might want to just use a walkthrough for some of the more cryptic shit.
That sounds like shit, but I'll go for it anyway. If only to knock it off my list.
Was the genesis one fun? I never hear about it.
The game is fucking bullshit. Not like Zelda 2, which everyone says is impossible without a guide but in reality all you need to do is talk to townspeople and do basic exploration, but CV2 is literally fucking bullshit.
The engrish is the biggest problem. The imprecise wording leaves meaning unclear, not always on purpose, and probably the worst thing about the localisation is the "help" offered by townspeople. In the original JAP, everyone lied. In the western release, some of the townspeople lied, some offered real hints. So it became difficult to know what to try and what not.
There are sections that basically say "pray at the dead end" (or something like that, it's been years) but what it means you have to do is go to a dead end (of which there are many) and crouch for so many seconds (as if kneeling in prayer) and then a thing will happen.
Complete fucking nonsense. 100% rustled.
This ROM changes the translation to be more like the Japanese, and adds a map feature. If you're going to do a blind run, I'd recommend this one or learn to speak atomic-bomb-ese.
Also OP is a faggot because Legacy of Darkness is legit good.
Have some classic uncensored CV art.
Bloodlines is great. Play that shit.
Well shit, that just sounds like an unpleasant time all around.
I guess I'll just use the fixed one then, thanks for the advice, have a gondola.
Legacy of Darkness is fucking dogshit, get your nostalgia goggles off retards.
Pick one