Have you met someone who really gets "triggered" when you tell them that game they just bought "on sale" was actually pretty bad? how was their reaction? any good stories?
Have you met someone who really gets "triggered" when you tell them that game they just bought "on sale" was actually pretty bad? how was their reaction? any good stories?
No, but I did tell my big fat autistic friend that he should consider suicide after he bought Overwatch for full price.
He still gets asshurt whenever I mention it. The way I judge from his reactions, he low-key knows I was right all along and he regrets wasting $60 on it.
>looking for cheap vidya to steal buy
I know several "friends" who buy games just because they're popular or because their other "friends" play it. It really pisses me off because they ignore whatever game suggestions I give them in favor of the games that are 'in' at the moment. They also never play singleplayer games, or on the rare occasions that they do, they play it 'with' someone through discord so that it feels like they aren't alone. These friends I mentioned are all beta losers, mind you. God, it's so pathetic.
60$ isn't even the full price, he paid for the goy edition. Make sure to keep rubbing it in, user.
And then everyone clapped
You do need to play the games yourself to understand how truly bad they are though. He's right in that regard.
It just looks and seems so bad that I wouldn't waste my storage space and time to bother seeing if that's true or not though.
Good work, tacoanon.
I bought OW and I certainly keep playing only because after all this time I can't say the game has given my money's worth, stopped playing as often as I used to and I can admit the game is just getting worse.
On the other hand there was this Megaman Legacy Collection on a Steam sale, bought it, checked it and decided to refund, Anniversary Collections and Complete Works have way more content, not to mention for a PC game it doesn't even have graphic and sound options.
I didn't need to play it, just had to look at some LP around there and other reviews to see how bad it is, not to mention I am playing the first Mass Effect and it certainly tops Andromeda in the writing department.
If you didn't even pick up on the fact Andromeda was made by a newbie studio named Bioware by EA for the free brand power, you don't deserve to feel smart.
The sad thing is, the guy is actually not like that, he has tons of good games and all, but when it comes to questioning his tastes here and there he just can't stand anyone telling him he is wasting his money.
Goddamn life is good, though my little brother is a bit of a blizzdrone and I can't blame him too much for that considering how important of a role they played in our childhood fun.
For my friends who do have shit taste and are beta cucks, I just let them wallow and laugh at their vidya tastes behind their backs. I didn't become friends with them because of their stances on corporations so it doesn't affect how I treat them, but goddamn some of them are so fucking cucked. One of them defends No Man's Sky and swears its not a bad game (despite never playing it), and calls the gaming community entitled and shit.
Hello friends, where did you get these pictures from?
Who cares how many good games he has, the question is how many bad games he likes.
Well, surprise surprise, he didn't like DmC, not sure about other bad games since those two cases of openly saying "gonna buy this game" are the only ones I know, what made me cringe was the whole "so if these games don't sell there won't be more but you tell me to not buy them?" as if I was stopping him from supporting a good game developer or something.
Let's plays and reviews only tell you so much user
IGN's review of God Hand was horrific, and looking at the gameplay for it on YouTube is incredibly boring, but actually playing it is is worlds apart.
I won't argue with you on Andromeda not being worth playing, but you generally can't get a true idea of how bad something is without playing it. You can get a decent idea off youtubers, LPs and reviews, but again those only go so far.
It's his money, after a certain point you have to let him burn his own hands on the stove to know what consequences are. If he doesn't learn, then I dunno go seduce his mom or some shit.
Those filenames seem oddly at halves wouldn't you say
Good job outing yourself as a newfag, 8ch used to have these filenames until a year ago or so. One of them even has -3 at the end, suggesting that it comes from a multi-image post, which to my knowledge wasn't possible on halfchan. Not to mention its size is tailored to be the same as thumbnail size with the default theme here.
I recommend that you keep lurking for a bit longer if you want to be walking around trying to anonymously impress anonymous strangers online like that
Kill yourself cuckchanner
Only cuckchanner here is you, bud. Your kind ain't welcome here, fuck off.
Kill yourself cuckchanner or I will report you for probably being a pedo and a cuck xd.
Oh please, Holla Forumsirgins get triggered at a number of words. Even just mentioning dark souls sends teens into a virtue signaling fit. Weabs and Dude Sex fans are so complexed they go off at any passing opinion challenging their reddit top 10 favorites.
Seriously: it's become impossible to bring up dark souls, it triggers kids into a shouting match to show they're the leet uns. Fuck it, I used to play a game and now I'm forced into its social side activities I never wanted.
That picture is perfect for this thread
Every time I say that all RPGs are shit on Holla Forums, people say I'm baiting. But I'm not baiting, I'm trying to get them to stop playing shitty games.
That's like trying to get a crackhead off the stuff
user, I don't need to sniff, feel and taste a piece of shit to know that it is, in fact, shit. It's perfectly sufficient to look at it. Maybe if I'm not certain, I'll look closer, but that's all that's really needed.
where are you from?
Exactly, that's how I feel about most modern japanese games.
get the fuck out of here nigger. (you) don't fit in and I doubt you ever will.
please fucking die normalfag subhuman
I don't go around telling people that the games they buy are shit. I hide my power level. I'll recommend better games if they ask, but if they don't listen I don't mind.
What surprises me is how I would expect him to know any better, he is not the kind of person who eats every AAA game out there, he has even gone as far as to make a few videos pointing out stuff like Capcom's downfall and the like.
Did I hurt your feefees?
No… but I did recently have an exchange with a Sony-Faggot about the "deals" he was bragging about getting with his PS+ subscription. I told him how that "extra 10% off" that PS+ "saved" him was just bringing the price down to the original publisher's price. Told him that Sony purposely marked up the sale price by 10%, just so they could then take it away if you subscribe to their monthly service, so they're not really saving you anything… they're just stroking your balls to keep you paying your monthly tithe, while also gouging non-subscribing customers for the extra cash they aren't paying monthly.
I then showed him the Witcher 3: GOTY sale going on now - with Steam and GOG both being at the same sale price as the PS+ discount - and how the non-plus price was $5 more. Then I showed him the same game on Xbox Live which… again, had the same price as everyone else so long as you subbed to XBL - but if you didn't, MS cut you out of the sale altogether, charging full retail price.
They're not negotiating any special deals, they're giving you any discount, they're just paywalling you because fuck you give me money. Pay attention to the sale prices across multiple platforms, and this shit plays out the same way - almost every fucking time.
All he could come up with was, "Well, I'm STILL saving money than if I didn't have PS+". Nigger, that's like paying somebody to not punch you in the face, and then bragging because "At least I'm not getting punched in the face". How fucking stupid are you?
I didn't even bother bring up the point of piracy to the poor hyper-consumer son of a bitch.