jesus christ, why is the 'gaming industry' so fucking bad now? when did (((they))) get their claws into it, and make it the new hollywood? is there anyway to fix the problem, or is it already dead?
DLC that is done before the fucking game even releases
It's full of bugmen who will buy anything.
Maybe if you weren't such a massive fucking newfaggot you'd know.
These ones can be done alright, assuming that the bonuses are cosmetic in nature. That being said, they're generally a gateway to bonuses the fuck the player over.
Where have you been for the past decade
nigger, no, refer a friend bonus are always like 3x XP and gold or whatever the fuck the in game currency is.
not paying attention to all the terrible fucking games coming out.
Jokes on you, I play games in order to pay developers money. It's my one goal in life.
should change your profession to producer of games, then you're actually paying devs instead of paying the producer and assuming the dev gets some cut like some warehouse profit sharing shit
>(((reviewers))) shout about how you NEED to buy it or else every singleplayer game will have lootboxes and multiplayer
Wolfenstein II in a nutshell.
Just call it Early Access for what it fucking is. There's no point in buying a game on release when it will only receive the last of the major content releases after a year, after which it's also on sale and cheaper to afford.The worst part this happw
Just wait until ((they)) rebuild the ((temple)) and ((he)) shows up, they'll definitely tear down your barns to take your possessions and then force you to take the mark to keep your steam games.
I wonder what being swallowed alive like that would feel like…
What's a better Pokemon than Lugia?
vorefags are the fucking worst
I didn't mention vore, I just asked what one was better
I don't actually like vore or pokemon. The superior choice is vanilla digimon.
hands down best game on Windows 3.11
I think one aspect that gets overlooked is how it coincided with the broadening of access to high speed internet. None of these dirty "games-as-a-service" money grabbing techniques would be possible without web 2.0 technology.
I'm still wondering why sharing fetishes with people, even if you think you're user, is ever acceptable in some people's minds.
Why the fuck can't people just masturbate on their own?
Usually it goes
Sick fags that have weird fetishes make those fetishes an important part of their identity as such they think that everyone are into them. Sometimes they are just low functional autist or real aspies though
It's just a grab for attention, don't read too much into it. I don't see why else people like pic related would get so vocal, even with autism.
I actually had a friend of mine refuse to buy kof 14 because, "what's the point in buying a complete game without dlc on launch".
I honestly had no idea how to respond.
kill him
I actually understand that logic but not because DLC is a good thing but rather because if you wait a year you will likely have the GOTY edition for half price with all the DLC. In the mean time keep playing KOF '98 or Garou because its just better then any nu shit.
Are we really playing the "define what words mean" game now? You know full well what is being refered to.
It's been that way to various degrees for years. PA did a comic on all the shit you're complaining about back in 2001.
i mean look, if you are a dick sucking faggot you could have just said so.
that dragon girl is p cute fam
He is also the kind of person who never buys single player games because "what am i supposed to do after i beat it once?".
kill the subhuman, suffer not the cancer to live
pal, trust me, this is not a man you call friend.
Weren't expansions packs just the same though? Sure, I'd take them over whatever the fuck we have today but the same ideas applied to them. Sometimes even essential bug fixes were included with the expansion.
Except industry never was this good before.
Keep crying over shit you don't like I guess.
Ruiner is absolute trash though.
Fucking worst of the saga (worse than DS2 because at least they had the excuse of being developed by their B-team)
Also the DLC was stupid, specially AoA
Expansion packs served a different purpose. DLC is money extraction, expansion packs are exactly what's on the cover, they serve to expand the game with new levels, enemies, weapons, and so on. Expansion pack development is exactly like developing a new game, only you already have the mechanics and an engine.
Expansion packs gave a huge amount of new content, even giving the base game more game mechanics. DLC is cut content that should have been included since the start.
Take Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, the expansions packs were water parks and the other zoo parks, with new coasters, buildings, props, campaigns, you name it.
And now look at Denuvo Coaster, they are charging $11 for a few "spooky themed" buildings and props.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
I'd tell you to fuck yourself too, but I'll give you benefit of the doubt and explain how DS3 is bad.
nigger, i'm excusing DS2 from the others because it was made by another team
an excuse that DS3 can't use, it doubled down on the issues people had with DS2 instead of learning from it
Whole souls series is shit and people playing it are teenage twitch streamers that stream it for le maymay reactions and SUPER HARD NO ROLL NO DAMAGE RUNS, which are equivalent of 360 no scope shooting children. Its a first action-rpg created specially for dudebros. Its a fantasy call of duty.
I'd tell you to go back to cuckchan for being a filthy refugee, but in respect of those dubs I'll tell you why Dark Souls 3 is utter fucking garbage compared to its predecessors first.
To start with, its boss design. Almost all of the bosses have become Big Armored Guy, with most of their attacks just being combos you must roll through. There are no real good or interesting bosses, such as the Maneaters from Demon Souls, or Thunder and Thighs from Dark Souls 1. The very few exceptions to the rule of Big Armored Guy are universally easy and rely on basically the same shit as the others.
Next, its enemies. The variety of enemies in Dark Souls 3 is piss poor. They all fight similarly, and rely on Ambushes to fight effectively, rather than smart placement or tricks. They also have infinite stamina, and fight similar to the way bosses do; Combos which you have to roll through. Positioning, Blocking, and sometimes even baiting are now pointless tactics. Fights are really shitty QTEs, for the most part.
Third, it's level design. It's extremely linear, the map lacks the flow that Dark Souls 1 (And to an extent, even 2) had. The designs in general are fairly awful, and it's more or less hallways where enemies will appear out of the scenery or ledges to ambush you over, and over, and over, and over.
Fourth, the "Story", or Lore if you prefer. It's literally all "HEY, REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1? REMEMBER? WASN'T THAT GREAT", repeated ad nauseum, right up to the final boss. There is no actual value in its doing so, it's just shitty nostalgia bait that reminds you of how much better Dark Souls 1 was.
And last, the PVP and "balance". It's a fucking mess. The #1 tactic is to spam R1 with a straightsword until you win. As long as you don't get stunlocked first, or baited through hyper armor, this is literally an unbeatable tactic. Just take a Carthus Curved Sword, level dex, and spam R1 to your hearts content. Magic is completely unviable outside of knocking people off of ledges with Force, and the only reason to use weapons bigger than straightswords is for Hyper armor, or in the case of 1 or 2 weapons such as the Paired Greatswords, locking people into unbreakable, instant death combos. 90% of the weapon arts are entirely worthless as well.
TL;DR See (Checked)
Now go back to cuckchan you filthy refugee, and don't come back.
because normalfags and hipsters don't know the difference between a good game and a bad one disguised as a good one
No, i played first one. As soon as i tried bloodborne, dark souls 2 and 3 i realized series went into wrong direction and dropped it.
You mean it's the first? If so, you're wrong. Ever heard of Oblivion?
More like diablo but for audience that needs a gamepad. Also oblivion is shit, and dark souls is overrated here, that means something.
I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say.
cuckchan confirmed
i agree with you, normalfags clinged onto it and hyped the everloving shit of the saga, bringing it to its demise by forgoing from everything that made the saga good
Dark souls ruined challenging gaming by making it special and tourneyfaggish. It also ruined action-rpgs by focusing on combat and gameplay mechanics rather than rpg related things, making it into some sort of action platfomer that can be cleared on first level. Its also a weebshit made by incompetent japs, so most of the retarded fan pandering comes from devs being japanese. Its also turning slowly into some sort of musou series or assassin's creed with its rushed releases of half finished games.
Sage and report.
Go fuck yourself, jim. Enter ≠ submit.
What does that have to do with my statement? Dark Souls isn't the first action rpg for dudebros.
Yeah the game started off ok but 20 minutes later you realize that the controls are shit, and the game is boring and uninspired.
it's not endemic of this place and it's not retarded enough to be from reddit,so that kind of narrows it down
No it is. It is exactly that.
It really fucking isn't. Oblivion predates it, though I am hesitant to say that it was the first.
Then you should realize you are retarded. Everything past Dark Souls 1 is shit, but both it and Demon Souls are perfectly fine.
Dark Souls 3 was decent overall but its DLC was absolute garbage.
there are other imageboards you know
Kill yourself, human trash.
no i don't but you certainly do
(((They))) were always there but the biggest difference now is the type of consumers they're dealing with, the large numbers of said consumers, advances in technology, and how video games are now socially acceptable.
Before, say 25 years ago, video games had a much smaller audience. These consumers wouldn't put up with a company's bullshit because there was so much other better stuff around. These publishers couldn't just patch a game later on consoles and patching a game on PC was usually done through an expansion pack later or actually sending out a CD to do so. They had to actually depend of devs to make quality games. There wasn't a true formula on how to exploit whales or grab the masses yet. Video games were still a new medium to many and weren't socially acceptable. Video games were "for children", yet people would get upset when it had more adult themes. Most of the tactics (((they))) would do was behind the scenes. Like Nintendo, Konami, and SEGA being tied to the yakuza and how SEGA of Japan loathed SEGA of America. At this time, EA was already known for being evil but only from the dev's point of view.
Fast forward to Maple Story. NEXON found a way to save their dying game by allowing people to purchase items inside their game with real money. In a week they had so much money that they stuck with this tactic from then on as it was a way to gain an absurd amount of money with little effort. Meanwhile on consoles, things wouldn't become so horrible until the rise of the 360. At this point, video games are socially acceptable to many and gaining a ton of new followers. With everyone having a PS2 in their home (seconds as a DVD players) and technology advancing, the conditions are just right for the next step.